
Friday, January 17, 2014

Por siempre mi amor #32 1/17/14: Of Rekindling and Kindling

Directo a Lo Nuevo
At the creepy hospital
Sonia overhears the doctors talking about Feo's change in appearance. Admitted as Fernando Córdoba discharged as Javier Castillo de la Fuente. It's pretty obvious to the head Chief Doc that the guy on the table has run afoul of the law and that's why he wants to change his appearance. He thinks they can milk the patient for a little more when the anesthesia wears off. Assistant Docs suggest complications during surgery or maybe the work was more complicated than expected might be a good cover stories. Chief Doc is pleased with his minions' ambition, but So-not has heard it all so we'll see if the Docs get their payday.

El Departamento de Andy y Mau

Andy wants to talk to Meanie about the video game incident. Neither she nor Mau think that Meanie should have talked to Angel the way she did, but in turn Angel had no right to speak to Meanie the way he did. Meanie begins to sniffle "Angel is right. Around here I am just an arrimada (moocher.) Woe is me *sniffle* *sniffle*" Andy assures her mother she's not a burden and Angel will offer an apology. Meanie does not want a forced apology. Andy asks her not to be so harsh with Angel and please not make trouble with Mau. Meanie is a little miffed. Andy didn't used to have a spine when they lived in Dumpsville. What is it to Mau anyway? They aren't even his kids by blood. They just carry his name. In true novela fashion, little pitchers with big ears can be seen peeking in the door way. Angelito hears it all, but doesn't fully understand. He later asks himself what his abuela meant by not "carrying Mau's blood only his last name." 

La Casa de La Riva

Isa and Art check out the cuna (crib.) Isa loves it. Gabino explains that Eugenia asked him to pack it up nice and safe so Ara could one day use it for her child. Isa thinks in that case they should ask Ara for permission. Dumb Art doesn't think that's necessary, but he finally gets it and says he'll ask Ara later. Isa wants Ara to be as much a part of this as possible. Isa 1 Art 0. Fun fact: the crib was Art's when he was a bebe. Small talk and jokes about age. The baby will not be named after Art or Ozzie. Gabino suggests consulting the calendar like they do in his pueblo. Art asks Gabino to give the crib a good scrubbing and take it up to the nursery.

Ara comes to talk to Isa about Este's dad dying in the cárcel and wants to know if Este's dad and Isa's ex are the same. Isa is open about everything and blabbity blabs (basically a recap of episodes 1-10ish.) She says Feo is the most vile guy on earth. Ara shows her nice side and is worried about how Este must be doing. She tells Isa he had to find out from the newspaper. Ara leaves and Isa laments that without meaning to Feo has united Este and Aranza. He has touched all their lives. (This is one of those "I understand the words but I don't kind of moments for me....I mean, all the adults knew Ara was dating Feo's bio son, right? Isa knows Andrea and therefore knows Esteban is her son with Feo. Esteban knew Isa was his benefactress at school right? So I assume Art knew about the scholarship as well; so wouldn't that mean Art knew Este was Feo's son. HALP!)

La Casa de Tita
Tita, Bruno and Ally talk about Mexican artesanías. Ally mentions the loud and nearby moto that she heard (has she never heard one before?...and seriously, how do you go from "oh, I'd love to see the local artisans" to "hey I heard a moto today?") Ally then asks about the carpenter. Bruno gets his quizzical face on and Tita explains she's getting her closet done. She changes the subjet: He and Ally should take a trip to Puebla or Morelos. Tita says she has to get ready for her date with Ozzie and tells Bruno she and Ozzie are novios. Bruno is all "Qué?????" Ally is the brains of the marriage and she wisely shuffles Bruno out the door.  Tita gives us a CEO (caigamos en oración...which I have lost track of, J desde NYC. It's pretty much at least one per episode and even Bruno CEOed during an episode.)


Art and Isa eat ice cream. She says nothing about the conversation with Ara. The next morning Art heads for work. No, he hasn't talked to Ara about the crib. Today is Isa's baby shower. Art is going to dinner with Nick. He's back from Spain! (Yay! Viewerville gets two lispers!)  All those years and he and Bruno lost track of him. 

Casa Arte
Gaby is still hung up on Bruno. Nick comes to visit. With flowers. And Iberian charm. He and Gaby catch up. He's now divorced. Gaby hopes it didn't turn him off to love and make him bitter (are you listening to yourself, Gaby-baby?) He wants to take her to dinner. She accepts and seems a little more enthused than she was the last time they had dinner together. 

The Lumberyard La Casa de La Riva

Gabino and Isa discover that the crib has been converted to kindling. Isa Poirot de la Marple deduces the work had to be done by Aranza. (How many times has she said this in the last decade? I'm willing to bet Ara continued the sabotage she started at the wedding.) Isa launches into a monologue...
Why has she done this to me? Please don't tell me Ara is jealous of her brother that is about to be born. It's a baby. I'm five months pregnant. She's had plenty of time to get used to the idea that she's not going to be the only child! And besides, she's not a little girl. And you know what? This aggression is directly aimed against me. Ara destroyed the crib that was hers and and her dad's to bother me; to hurt me; to remind me that she still doesn't accept me, neither as a friend or as su segunda madre.
Lucha and Isa talk about the kindling crib. Lucha can't believe there is so much bad in Aranza. Uh...What? Isa laments that Ara still hasn't accepted the marriage or that Isa is pregnant. Uh...What? I am flummoxed as to how this marriage has lasted 10 years. Has Isa put up with this crap all this time? Why is she punishing herself? Lucha wants to know why Isa has always chosen to llevar la fiesta en paz (keep the peace/avoid conflict.) This time Ara has crossed the line and Art needs to be told. Isa balks at telling Art. Uh....What? Lucha says there's no way Isa can tapar el sol con un dedo (deny there is a problem) any longer. Tita arrives for the baby shower and agreed with Lucha.  Isa probably wouldn't have said a word if Lucha hadn't said that Tita would hacer las manitas de puerco (twist her arm) until she talked. Thank goodness Tita called Art and filled him in. Someone had to put a stop to the brat.  (Aside: There was talk about "how could Aranza have done this?" and Isa even said "I thought we were a happy family." Uh...What? BLIND!! EVERYONE IS BLIND!!)

En la Parroquia
Padre and Cuca get a clue 10 18 too years late. Cuca thinks Mari deserves to live near Don Gil since she is So-not's child, but apparently Cuca doesn't think she deserves to live near him AS THE ACKNOWLEDGED GRANDCHILD.  Cuca thinks Mari should work as part of the house staff. (Let 'er rip, Vivi.) Cuca argues they will need someone anyway now that Mari's uncle Dan is back. She even thinks there will be a "llamado de la sangre" and that abuelo and nieta will be together like they should be. Padre reminds her that the famous call of the blood only happens in the novelas, but he does eventually agree to the plan. Cuca fervently hopes the child comes to live where she deserves to be. There is just all kinds of "wrong" with this. I'm glad Mari paid a well-timed (practically miraculous *eyeroll*) visit to the parroquia and pretty much nixed the idea. (Yeah, they'll talk her into it next week, but for now I like her spunk.) 

Art's Office
Bruno whines about his mom going out with Ozzie. Art counsels him to get over it. Tita has a right to a life. Bruno was busy in Spain. They conjecture about whether Tita and Ozzie will marry. Bruno will have to adjust to Tita's new life and even Gaby's if she decides to move on. Bruno muses that if he had known there was still a chance with Gaby...Whoa! Art interjects. There was no chance. Neither of them tried to contact each other. Besides, doesn't Bruno lerve Ally? Bruno was a little taken aback when he saw Gaby at the airport. All his feelings came flooding back. Art asks him to imagine what Gaby felt when she saw him with Almudena. Art thinks it best that each of them go on with their lives and that Bruno let Tita live hers, too. Tita's call interrupts their talk. How does Art take the news? Man if he didn't have this dinner with Nick, he would really give Ara a piece of his mind. Uh....What? Ara, it seems that Isa isn't the only one more important than you. He calls Ara and tells her to be home by 5. Ara hangs up and figures Isa must have gone running to tell Art about the crib. Uh...What? Did you think you wouldn't be caught? The little psychopath promises to do something Isa will never forget.

Pre-Baby Shower
A cute, beribboned box has arrived with no card. Andy asks the desk clerk to put it with the other gifts.

Other stuff

  • Mari and Dan are moony for each other.
  • Dan doesn't like the major his dad chose.
  • Ara spills the beans about Feo/Isa/Este to So-not. She is flabbergasted "Can you imagine that as a father-in-law? And what could he possibly have been doing to get himself killed in jail?" So-not claims she really didn't know any of it. She may have heard some talk when Art started dating Isa. Ara leaves and So-not muses that el mundo es un pañuelo (it's a small world....Oh c'mon!! So-not can't be surprised by this?)
  • Meanie is meets up with Gisela at the Bingo Palace
  • Fresa Wars: Ileana is Team Isa. Dafne is Team Isa (when it's convenient. We all know she is really Team Dafne.)
  • Methuselah delivers Feo's ....digo Javier's new papers. As soon as he's not purple, Feovier is going to get his pics made for his driver's license and, most importantly, his passport (I love a man with cotton shoved up his nose.) Methuselah reminds him all is possible with money. Feovier assures him he will make the bank transfer tonight. 
  • Feovier is discharged, but he will have to wear a mask to protect his delicate schnoz. Rodolfo el Ruco is on vacay. Feovier can stay with So-not.
  • Art, Bruno and Nick  toast with tequila. Nick offers a toast for Bruno's wedding...which he found out about from Gaby. She was practically the first stop he made. Nick is quite happy that Gaby is single and free. Bruno is nonplussed.
  • That blue box has something scary in it.
  • The masked Feovier meets Aranza.


    1. If I were Isa, I'd be downright afraid for my baby!!

    2. Isabel should be afraid. Very afraid. When that box gets opened we will undoubtedly debate who sent it. My guess is that it was Sonia but that Aranza will be blamed for it.

      This novela has characters who refuse to grow up: Sonia, Aranza, Bruno. Sonia depended first on her stepfather then on a Sugar Daddy; she has never made an honest living. Bruno can't face the idea of his mother getting romantically involved, and Aranza is still 10 years old emotionally over her father's marriage.

      Bruno isn't a bad person but will be supremely irritating because he's such a mama's boy. The other two are vipers.

      Art and Isabel haven't quite grown up either because they are delusional about how they have handled the Aranza issue. Art should have gotten her into grief counseling when Eugenia died. He should not have introduced Isabel to her so soon and should have taken that a little more slowly.

      He should also have taken out a restraining order against Sonia long before the incident with Aranza running away to her. Even right after that might not have been too late.

      We are asked to suspend a lot of disbelief at the idea that Aranza and her evil mentor have been able to talk on the phone every Sunday at 7PM for 10 years without somebody -- andybody -- finding out.

      The destruction of the crib would be more than enough for me to put her into a convent school. OK, she's not menor de edad but that wouldn't have stopped many a novela parent.

    3. Sara, this snappy, succinct recap sizzled. You always get to the heart of the matter(s) quickly, thoroughly and with style. "Feo came out of his surgery alive. Darn" and "little psychopath in training" were great.

      Color me disgusted with the padre and Cuca. ITA that getting her together with Don Gil after all this time is too little (as serving staff) too late (a decade). What's alarming is that they think they are doing the "right" thing, that this plan really has some sort of merit.

      Ara is deeply disturbed. She is sliding down the slippery slope of evil. Unless something happens to stop her free fall, I fear she may be lost.

      Isa needs to admit the truth to herself and to Art. Ara's barely concealed disdain has been apparant for years and her violent acts - cutting clothes, destroying the crib are a cry for help. Now another layer of evil will be added as Feo and Sonia are concocting some hideous retribution behind the scenes.

      Ara's latest act should have triggered a warning and careful thought as to whether or not Isa and her unborn baby are in any danger. I would hate to think Ara would intentionally do anything but the fact is she is aggressively acting out and she has shown she cannnot be trusted.

      On a lighter note, I was mesmerized by Nicolas' yellow sweater which somehow worked with the blue shirts he sported. It will be interesting to see how his relationship with Gabi will go although I suspect (no spoiler) he is strictly second string.

      Thanks Sara, looking forward to reading more later.


    4. Sara- If you don't get around to doing a full recap, don't worry. You hit all the main points, and wonderfully.

      Ara really hit a low with that crib destruction. At first, I was all behind the idea of getting her permission to use the crib. But then when Art revealed it had been his crib, I really didn't see the need for it, although a nice gesture. The crib was Art's crib--- meaning, any and all of his children have the right to use it. By the time Ara is ready to have kids, it would be available to her. She needs to grow up.

      You knew how much Cuca and Padre's idea of Mari working as a MAID, in the house where she should be the senorita and beloved granddaughter, would tick me off. Really?! How is this fair or right? Diana- it is more than 10 years too late. They have known who she was from the day she was abandoned as a baby, so it's more like 18 years too late.

      I see Meanie is using the money Mau and Andy give her for doctors visits and medication (for her knee, yeah right) to gamble. And she badmouths Mau behind his back to Andy. She's a two-faced hypocrite. Andy and Mau should just go ahead and tell Angelito that Mau is not his bio-dad. Now he's heard a conversation he shouldn't have heard, through Meanie's negative filter.

    5. PS Doris and UA-I am really afraid for Isa, too.

    6. Just read the recap. Great work, Sara.

      Isa was crazy to keep all this Ara stuff to herself all these years, instead of letting Art know what a monster his daughter has become.

      Sonia was pretending not to know all the stuff about Fer, of course. But she never knew that the boy Ara was dating is Fer's son, until now.

      Not sure what Isa meant by her comment. Except, I guess she would have never met Andy and put Esteban in the same school as Ara, had it not been for their connection to Fer. So yes, Ara and Este likely would have never met had Fer not tied Andy and Isa together.

    7. Thanks, Sara,for an excellent recap of a show that is going down a slippery, depressing slope of negativity.

      I got a big kick out of hearing the strains of "Sunshine of Your Love, by Cream during the convo between Tita, Bruno, and Ally..."it's getting near dawn,..dum dum dum da da dum" ... but I think that Steppenwolf's "Born to Be Wild" would have been a more apropos reference to Tita being a motorcycle mama.

      I am confused. Is Feo supposed to emerge from this quickie nose surgery looking like a whole new dude? QUE??? Lots of people get nose jobs and just look like themselves..with different noses. Wouldn't he need many different surgeries to assume a completely new new hair color and style ?

    8. Sara---Thank you, loved the recap.
      The Lumberyard La Casita De La Riva was beyond great.

      Isa still doesn't want to tell Art
      after ten years, she still thinks that she can work it out with Aranza---What!!!

      Urban---Bruno a mama's boy? He was away for ten years and for all we know, didn't communicate.

      What is the "terrible" gift? my guess is that it's a baby doll covered in blood. Isa, you've been asleep or have tried to play nice for ten years---time to wake up.

      Aranza had an agreement to call So-not on Sundays at 7PM but by now, Aranza must have her own phone and can call whenever she wants.

      Can't wait for Monday. Does Feo show up at the party/shower with So-not? Must see TV.

      If threats are made against the soon to be born baby, I wonder how Dafne will take it? Will Dafne still stand by her friend Aranza?
      the gringo

    9. Gringo- Dafne would stand by Aranza in front of Ara, and stand with Isa in front of Isa. Dafne is on Dafne's side, as Sara and Ileana pointed out.

      I think the Bruno jealousy over Tita having a boyfriend is just meant for comedic relief, not to be taken seriously. Just like the stereotypical father/brother/son not wanting anyone to date their daughter/sister/mother. I don't see it as a mama's by thing.

    10. Susanlynn---Feo is supposed to change his looks with a nose job.
      It's a novela.
      the gringo

    11. Jennifer Grey's nose job really did change her looks a lot.

    12. awesome Sara, bout peed my pants with your (I love a man with cotton shoved up his nose.)

      Oh, Well. Can't say I was surprised at all when nearly everyone is a raving Narcissist and Aranza the reigning Princess.

      Aranza - bitch. In ten more years you too will murder an innocent and in ten more be paramour to a raisin

      Esteban - know it will be a test of your will, but don't let the bitterness consume you when your princess turns on you

      lleana - honey, are all the guys on campus blind or something? You are smart, pretty, polite and tactfully but directly speak the truth. I think you could talk Esteban back from the ledge

      Isabel - limp rag

      Art - ooooooohhhh, you, you butthole

      Padre - no respect dude

      Mari - you ain't dumb. Don't let Padre & Cuca reel you in wait a little for Tita

      Meanie - so on one hand he is a stand up guy but on the other Not The Father. We'll see who has to bail you out when you stay on a losing streak. My guess Mau will have to pay his wife's ex husband

      Diablo & Hell Hound - ya know, in all your evil splendor you make a cute couple

      Daphne - two faced isn't your only issue dear

      Gabi - I thought when you met him and especially now that Nicholas the better match. Don't let crybaby whine at your door when the big dog comes round

      Bruno - crybaby

      Tita - glad you are including Ally and think she would be cool with the motorcycle mama thingie. Oh, get cracking to get Mari off the street and out of hazardous traffic

    13. agree Sara, Jennifer Grey looks like two different women

    14. Sara:

      Thanks for this marvelous recap, so snappy, it sizzles, I agree!

      Vivi and Urban:

      I agree with everything you said about this epi as far as Ara goes. I am very afraid for Isa's bebe. I too wish that Isa had spilled the frijoles to Art a long time ago. Lucha and her hubby could back her up along with Tita. They've all been hearing it from Isa all these years. Poor Isa has deluded herself. I feel so bad for her, but still, every time Ara did something like this, she should have told Art. She didn't/isn't doing Ara any favors.


      I didn't get a chance to comment again about the actor that plays Feo. I think he's hot, the actor that is, not the character. What draws me to this actor is his eyes, he has a smidge of a wicked twinkle in them ; )

      I am so liking Tita. She is full of vim and vigor, and I have to hand it to Ally, when Bruno was all perturbed about Tita and Ozzie, I like what Ally said to Bruno. He does need to grow up already.

      Thanks again Sara for this brilliant recap, and thanks to TJ to for her marvelous one on Thursday, I wasn't able to comment : )

    15. I just looked up Hector Suarez Gomis (Feo.) WOW. He isn't bad looking at all. Why does he look so icky here?

      I've been sort of ruminating on this show. It is a slower pace. And there is a lot of dark/depressing story line. I could be way off base, but it's almost as if we are watching one segment of one year of a US soap. Out of context: a show that runs for decades with tons more story lines it is very concentrated evil and a bit slower paced. I still like it tremendously, though. I feel like the FPS, redemptions and karmegeddons will be epic.

    16. Sara:

      I agree with you about the pace of this TN, and by the way, I think someone mentioned these writers were the same as the "Refugio" writers, and if that is the case the karmageddons will be epic!

    17. Sara: Just read the recap which was stellar. Your conversation translations and embedded vocabulary were excellent and everything you said about Isa's monologue and comments on Ara were spot on. Marvelous job.

      "Ally is the brains of the marriage and she wisely shuffles Bruno out the door" was great and I laughed at "(I love a man with cotton shoved up his nose.)"

      gringo, I'm not really sure how to define Bruno's relationsip with Tita. It did indeed seem as though he was somewhat tied to her very closely early in the story but yes, his virtual non-communication while away was puzzling, expecially keeping his marriage a secret, paricularly from his mother. Yet, he obviously seems to resent his mother's relationship with Ozzie. This is hard to pigeon hole (for me). :)

      Sara, thanks again!


    18. Thanks for this great recap, Sara. I'm with everyone on this--time for Isa to take off the earrings with Ara. She needs to sit Ara and Art down in a room with a priest/counselor -Mariano from Mentir would be great and get this resentment Ara has sorted out. She needs to tell Art about the wedding dress damage, the clothing damage, with Lucha, Gabino andTita in the room. Burning the crib is pyschotic and she needs to be called out for it.

    19. Bruno was tied to mama's apron strings for so long he had to make a complete break. That was the only thing he could do to become independent but it hasn't entirely been effective if he can't deal with the idea of his mother having a love life.

      I can't wait to see his face when he finds out about his mama being a biker babe!

    20. This was so much fun Sara! Aranza has gone over the edge. She needs more than just a talking to by Art or a priest, she needs an exorcist. Destroying the crib was just sick. If I were Isabel I would move out or insist that Aranza move out. The girl is dangerous.

      What's in the blue box? If it's from Sonia, my guess is it's a box of ashes with a card saying "This is what's left of your ex-husband."

      Meanie is another one who should be kicked out. Get her a small apartment in a nearby building and visit on Sunday. Enough is enough.

      Good thing this show has Tita. Everybody else is either dumb as a stump or evil.

    21. Excellent recap, Sara, thank you. The bulleted points were enough for me.
      CEO, I love it. Caigamos en oracion
      The lumberyard crossed out to Casa de la Riva- so appropriate. Tofie- I love your lists, they are very entertining and dead on.
      I am so glad that Tita told Art what happened, but as usual Art takes that laissez faire attitude and doesn't address Ara immediately. She definitely needs a change of scenery. Ara is beyond sick and I hope that she can be helped.
      Add me to the camp that is terrified for Isa and her baby.

    22. Kathy--SEAHAWKS!!!! Are Boomer and Remington excited?

    23. Right on Tofie---Tita needs to get Mari off streets pronto.

      In the last novela, Maricruz was so stupid/naïve that she wouldn't believe that a friend would seal from her. In this novela Isa is so
      stupid/naïve that after ten years
      she still thinks that Aranza can be reasoned with. Where are all of the people that were angry that the writers turned Maricruz from a smart business women to someone who couldn't think straight towards the end? Here we have a smart business woman that can't think straight either but little outrage against her. QUE???
      the gringo

    24. Xlnt---Did you give Boomer and Remington a special treat after the Seahawks win tonight?
      the gringo

    25. Gringo - I called Isabel a limp rag and was being kind. Most of my fury has been directed at Art. But will digress a little on our Isa.
      Successful professionally, yes. Seems at a reasonably young age she can buy nice clothes, do some interior design, go away on spring break and meet a guy, have a nice apartment and shop at Home Depot. Oh, by the way she should be kissing Mau's feet or she would be living in the hood with Mari & the kids.
      Insecure, yes. Seen dozens of pretty women who rock a bikini that fall for any man that throws a little flattery her way. I am totally convinced she would have gone down with the company ship defending her relationship with Fernando(and her decision choosing him)and the only thing that really made her angry was that he had another wife and two sons with his name.
      Manipulative, yes. Now being manipulative doesn't always assure success. Damage control - Isa makes Andy indebted to her and uses her as a tool to punish Fernando for making her look stupid and to make her appear to all the wronged saintly virgin. We all know why Isabel has kept things from Art when Aranza lashes out.
      Naive, no.
      Denial, hell yes. And her denial is why most of us do it. To protect our ego, however there are always causalities.
      The reality for Isabel is she is not as smart as she thinks, nor wise and sure as hell not over Fernando. I guarantee she looks at mousy Andy and wonders why he (Diablo) would ever crawl on that.

    26. Wow, Tofie. You really think Isa is a that horrible a person?

      I did not see her desire to help Andy as being manipulative at all. It came from her heart. We've never seen her hold that over Andy and her kids.

      I fault Isa with desiring love so much that she overlooks red flags and she tries to push the bad stuff under the carpet-- letting people take advantage of her. That happened with Fer, and it's happening with Ara. That's her pattern.

      Even though she fell for Art very quickly, I think her instincts about how to approach the relationship and trying to be cautious and taking things slowly, was on target. We can argue about whether or not they moved too quickly, but overall, I see nothing wrong with her falling in love with Art.

      Perhaps her desire to hold on to love, at the cost of being taken advantage of, comes from the fact that she lost both her parents at a young age and has been on her own for a long time.

      In any case, Gringo, we will happily criticize Isa and this tn, when it's deserved. This is no way near the level of stupidity that CI and its heroine reached-- YET. Our level of criticism will adjust accordingly. Don't worry. I'm sure there will be plenty of commenters ready to rake our characters over the coals for their stupid actions. :)

    27. Vivi, I completely agree with you. Isabel's problem is her need for love and what denial she goes through in its name.

      Tofie, why do you want to think Isabel is a bad person? Was it Susanna Gonzales' role in LQNPA?

      Just in case you're going to tell us you're kidding, I think we need a statement on the home page for the benefit of newbies about how to properly express humor and sarcasm.

    28. ViviDC. I do not think Isa horrible but passive and sweet in her manipulations and though many things noble are done for selfish reasons or born out of her insecurity.

      Look at Meanie and it clearly looks to us she manipulated Andy and Mau but with a good outcome however since she is more rough around the edges we put her in the evil camp.

    29. UA, what I am saying is that in this TN at least the actions and decisions are resembling real life and innocents hurt. Those decisions are for selfish reasons with an intended outcome or out of stupidity from someone that believes themselves clever. I really want to like Isabel (I did) and really wanted to like Art (I did) but their actions will have long term impact on people teetering on the edge of good and evil. We still have not seen the fallout from Art, Isabel, Andy and Mau's decision to keep from their children the fact they are all connected. And they took a trip to Disney Land together too.

    30. Manipulation means moving people into place to gain something from it. Meanie gained a free nice home with servants, and easy money to gamble with, by manipulating Mau and Andy. If Isa manipulated Andy-- for what purpose and to gain what? I haven't seen any evidence of this.

    31. ViviDC. Isabel wanted to punish Fernando and needed Andy's support to do so. She gives her a job and sends her son to a private school

    32. So you think Andy only sent Fer to prison because Isa helped her? I think she did it because he tried to beat the tar out of her in front of her kids. I don't think it had anything to do with being grateful to Isa.

    33. She didn't need Andy to send Fer to jail. She had plenty of evidence of the fraud/robbery all on her own. And since his marriage to Andy was on record, she really didn't even need Andy to testify to accuse him of bigamy. She could also do that heself. Having Andy add to the bigamy charge, and including her assault charge was just the cherry on top, but not needed.

    34. ViviDC. Not at all and if I had been Andy kicked his sorry butt out of her life long before. I get she was still kinda mooning over him since she was 16 and needed support.

      I do think Isabel's offer (and delivery) of assistance helped get her over the initial resistance (from fear I'm certain)

    35. ViviDC. I do think Isabel needed Andy and it wasn't all from a legal standpoint. It was for emotional support

    36. WOW!!! I didn't mean to start a family--novela squabble. Tofie and Vivi, you have both made some good points about our current story. I was just angry that literally everyone came down on sweet Maricruz. Mari lost her parents early in her life. She was destined to find her father and become rich but because of bad decisions, lost everything. But---she still had a good heart. She tried to help the poor, even so her life seemed to spin in a downward cycle. Because of her bad decisions, people really turned against her. Isa is making bad decisions also. I hated to see
      Maricruz crucified daily in the novela blog. Isa is making bad decisions also, not on the level that Maricruz did but still---little outrage against her. Where
      are all of the novela bloggers now?
      the gringo

    37. gringo the peace maker

      As well documented my anger about Mari Cruz was her insistence to punish herself and stay in prison, thereby a de facto abandonment of her daughter. What had everyone scratching their heads was why.

      I see commonalities. Both Isa and MC are beautiful and they both make decisions that are on one hand noble but frequently destructive to themselves and others.

      What I like but also creates angst for me with this TN is that most of the relationships and motivations resemble life and are grey not black and white.

    38. Normally I prefer my shows to be very escapist and obvious (good bad black white no gray) but I like this show because of the gray. It's more human I guess.

      Vivi-I've been watching the Sunday morning re-airing of PVAA and that one is a bit of a downer of a show, too. (IMO) I would love to hear your thoughts on PSMA compared to PVAA (I concede that PVAA is still better quality acting.)

    39. I've seen some old clips of Mi Segunda Madre back in the day, and it appears they're trending toward the same storylines.

      I'm sadly predicting Isabel will likely lose her baby because of spoiled Aranza, whose deep seeded hatred will spill over so bad, it will dramatic impact the remainder of this telenovela.

      You could put Peyton Manning in this show and Aranza would hate his guts too.
