
Thursday, April 04, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of April 1, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Primer Amor a 1000 x hora

10-12 PM: Abrazame Muy Fuerte (Unimas)

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Cuando me Enamoro  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos N Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)



    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of yesterday morning's episode:

    *The fallout from Psycho Fina attacking Connie continues as we see Connie's family & friends gathering at the hospital.

    *Surgeons operating on Connie inside the operating room while Honorio & Adriana praying for speedy recovery.

    *Questioning & arguing between Gonzalo & Psycho Fina at the Monterrubio Mansion continues: Fast Forward.

    *Gullible Regina falling into Psycho Fina's trap: OMG: Maury Povich needs to reveal that Renata IS Regina's biological daughter ASAP.

    *Renata also arrives at the hospital....with Scumbag Augie. We see the hostile stares between Jeronimo & Scumbag Augie.

    *More lovely talk between Lazaro & Karina: Awwww.

    *Inside the hospital room, Connie struggles to talk & becomes upset when Honorio & Adriana ask what she's trying to say to them. Obviously Connie wants to tell them that Psycho Fina & Pepa are the same person, etc.,

    *Renata & Adriana bonding at the waiting room of the hospital.

    *Chema talks with Inez about his migraines (Uh-Oh). Not looking good for Chema at all.

    *Carlos explains to Jeronimo about the upcoming double wedding between Lazaro/Karina & Carlos/Matilde. I don't think Carlos & Matilde's relationship will last due to an upcoming roadblock as of Carlos' ex-girlfriend heading her way to bust them up (via courtesy of Carlos' Buji Parents).

    *Jeronimo & Dr. Marina kissing at the end of the double episode.

  2. Vivir de amor

    Liz, just to let you know, you are not the only one who would prefer walls around my bed, most especially when there's a "reconciliation" going on.

    I also am enjoying the always snooping Mauricio, but I would be on the fence as to whether he is shameful or shameless. Maybe both? Is that possible?


  3. VIVIR #31 Part 1

    I was purposely vague as most of the dialogue was above my understanding. Kindly fill in and/or correct where you can.

    After Mau’s blackmail attempt, Monica calls him a dog and sneers, bug eyed as he smirks delightedly.

    Romina is in full panic mode looking for JE. He isn’t there but Sebastian says she can talk to him. Just at that moment, Agent Corral and Misael show up. I believe the gist of this is that Misael claims Romina is Gabriela’s accomplice. Romina receives a pair of steel cuffed bracelets as JE steps in and confronts her as she wild eyed stares.
    Finally, a distraught Romina is led away as JE seems to be trying to put the pieces together.

    In a random scene out of nowhere, Loli is accosted by two thugs who steal her food. A sweet young caballero shows up who threatens to introduce them to his dog, up close and personal.

    Viewerville preens watching Monica taking the walk of shame, forced against her will to sell her majority shares in the restaurant to Angel! Santiago is smiling and gloating in the background as the transaction is completed. Angel gives her a little bit of well-deserved lip as Monica stands and tries to leave with a shred of dignity. Elena stands, hugging her “two hijos”.

    Brayan is crawling around the hospital on his belly, just missing Lupe and Luis who are in the corridor seemingly getting encouraging news from the doctor on Lucas’ condition.

    Rebeca is in the kitchen bellowing as to where Angel is as Renato doesn’t even bother to look up from what he is doing! Angel moves gracefully into view and Rebeca berates her for being tardy. To emphasize her point, Rebeca picks up a bowl of sauce and throws it on the floor demanding Angel do her job. Conveniently, there is a worker with a bucket and mop right there. When the worker moves to clean up the mess, Angel takes the mop from her. Angel, not missing a beat, smiles sweetly and tells Rebeca of her reversal of fortune, and that SHE is in charge! She then hands Rebeca the mop but Rebeca pushes it away with disdain and leaves, muttering under her breath. As Rebeca stalks out, the entire kitchen erupts in applause.

    Brayan slithers into Lucas’ hospital room and grabs his face laughing. As he threatens him, Mati walks in asking what he is doing there.

    Fatima catches up with Luciano and with passion and great emotion, says how sorry she is that she broke up with him; she loves him with all her heart…They hug and kiss and it seems all is right with their world.

    Be calm, Brayan advises Mati, winking at Lucas as he leaves. When Mati asks who he is, Lucas explains Brayan runs the barrio. After, it is all smiles, and they talk as she lovingly lays her head on his chest.

    Don Emilio closes Mau’s mouth for him and makes it clear he is on thin ice. When Mau starts his pathetic coughing, I think Don suggests the family practitioner take a look at him. He speaks logically and honestly about Mau’s past transgressions which finally wipes the smirk from Mau’s face. Not being one to take any criticism kindly, Mau thought bubbles about what he knows from his perpetual snooping.

    JE makes an emotional speech to Cris and I believe he tells her he won’t be able to forgive Mau as he wipes away his tears..

    Adolfo has something in his hand (the invitation?) as he pulls some object out of a box. Can anyone identify what it was?

    Rebeca is at a lawyer’s; does she hand him the divorce decree to review or is it something else?


  4. VIVIR #31 Part 2 of 2

    Jimena congratulates her friend as her son arrives. Angel asks about the separation and Jimena tells her about Doris coming to the restaurant. I only wish she had been able to see Doris embarrass and humiliate herself and Icky. Jimena (prematurely) congratulates Angel on her reconciliation with JE (perhaps she should have waited a few hours). She hands Angel her white blazer as Angel roots through the empty pockets.

    Rebeca is having a very bad day and it gets worse with Brayan’s appearance. He promises to keep quiet about something and puckers his lips as she recoils.

    Conversely, Angel is having a wonderful day (for the moment) as the workers at the fabrica celebrate how well things are going.

    Finally, Cris’ long-awaited birthday celebration arrives. We see her welcoming guests, looking lovely. Unfortunately, a dark shadow (namely Mau) is glued to her side. Rebeca comes in looking as though she rooted through the Goodwill rejection box, wearing THE hideous, far too shiny, far too tight “gown.” After a few warm words, to viewerville’s utter dismay and disbelief, Cris hands her a jewelry box! Although we don’t see a closeup, it is earrings which she promptly puts on. Fatima watches from the sidelines, hurt shining from her eyes. JE is there with Fatima and we see Javier and Mati are there as well. Mati makes nice with Fatima under Don Emilio’s approving and watchful eye. Fatima stands up and takes her hands and all is well if only for a moment. Somewhat surprisingly it is obvious that word of Romina’s arrest has not yet made the rounds.

    Bruno and Misael hover in the corner, watching maliciously. Mau approaches and in obvious enjoyment of toying with his prey, tells them about the documents; JE is innocent but Misael is guilty. Bruno looks thunderstruck but then starts laughing saying he is crazy. Then, the slow dawning of the gravity of their situation finally hits home.

    Adolfo gives his congratulations to Cris as Mau walks up to ruin the moment. After Chris leaves, a steely eyed Adolfo asks what Mau’s intentions toward Cris are. Mau takes great umbrage and bites his head off!

    Monica and Rebeca sit on the sofa and indulge in catty chat. Rebeca says JE and Angel are divorced and at that precise moment, Angel and JE walk hand in hand. I’m confused Monica says to JE, I thought you are divorced. Rather than contradict Monica verbally, he kisses Angel as they smile, their happiness palpable as it radiates throughout the room.

    This all too brief idyllic moment is shattered mere seconds later. Without preamble, Rebeca stands up and announces she is pregnant. With JE’s child. JE stares in utter disbelief, Angel looks crushed and Misael, confused. Others’ faces reflect their sheer shock. Angel immediately leaves with JE in hot pursuit. Angel says repeatedly that Rebeca is pregnant with your child. JE is upset and desperate. He tries to change her mind but she is unyielding.

    Monica smirks as Rebeca has a little chat with the family’s inner circle. Mau is also thoroughly enjoying himself. Misael sits deep in thought and Don Emilio is clearly distraught.

    JE is still pleading with Angel but she silences him and it is clear she has made her decision. She firmly tells him that as of this moment, we are over. Adios. Adios forever. She leaves the room and rounds the corner, wishing her family a good evening. JE continues to evaporate in tears.


  5. Vivir

    Dear Diana, thank you for reporting every detail of this episode that turned joy into pain in seconds .

    That guess dress did not disappoint ..Guess what looked like a bag of puppies. Tacky tacky tacky.

    Mau is the one person who looks absolutely pleaser as punch to be in the middle of this family drama. I do love him taunting the baddies .

    The little boy with the dog was in " Vuelve a mi." He was also in some novelas recently on Univision.

    Wonder if that paper Refrida took to the guy was the divorce document or whatever she took that was delivered to the restaurant while she was the hostess with the mostess evil intent.

    I wonder if that one night of pond passion has resulted in Angel also being pregnant. I hope so.


  6. Vivir. Another excellent recap, Diana! "crawling around on his belly" Great! And I loved the restaurant workers' applause when Rebeca left. The theme of this episode should be DNA anyone? I'd be willing to bet that Misael is Mauricio's child and JE Adolfo's. Also, Angelli wonders why Rebeca hates her? The simplest dna test would tell her. Angelli is way too willing to believe that Rebeca's baby is JE's and way too quick to dismiss the dna testing that JE proposes. Loved that scene with the big dog going after the young thugs who were trying to rob Loli. Mati and Lucas are very sweet together. I wonder if she'll be the one to figure out how to protect him. I do wonder whether there's any hospital security. With Mauricio blackmailing dangerous people like Misael, I wonder how long he is for the world. I do hope this novela doesn't turn ot to be a lengthy one.

  7. VIVIR

    Susan, thank you...

    "Mau is the one person who looks absolutely pleased as punch to be in the middle of this family drama. I do love him taunting the baddies". I readily admit I did enjoy his glee in delivering what he discovered to Misael and Bruno!!

    "I wonder if that one night of pond passion has resulted in Angel also being pregnant". I hadn't thought of that, but it would certainly add to the pot already boiling at full steam. :)


  8. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thanks so much. I always love your insights...

    "The theme of this episode should be DNA anyone? I'd be willing to bet that Misael is Mauricio's child and JE Adolfo's". Now wouldn't that just blow the lid off everything??!!

    I didn't discern that JE proposed DNA testing (amidst all his tears) so thank you for noting that! I think Angel was so wounded by JE's "affair" she immediately jumped to the conclusion he is the father. Hopefully, she will agree that testing is a good course of action down the road. Provided of course there is no tampering with the pregnancy results which seems to be a TN staple.

    I purposely did not check ahead to see if I could find out how many episodes there are. I knew if it was a high number I wouldn't have started recapping. I would love it if there were 60 but I'm sure it's longer.



    *Jeronimo making plans with Dr. Marina: I do NOT see this lasting longer since we're now in Season 2.

    *Roberta entering the house & looking through the box of memories during her time with the late Rafael, etc.,

    *Alfonsina having an attack of stomach cramps: Uh-oh. Gut feeling Scumbag Augie is behind it somehow.

    *Jeronimo FINALLY seeing Scumbag Alvaro, who warns him that not only does Scumbag Augie want Renata, Augie wants your lands & your family's vines, etc.,

    *Gullible Carina has no idea of the dreading chaos heading her way while she's shopping for wedding dresses: NOT looking good.

    *More drinking from Slacker Berta: Fast Forward: Go away you EVIL woman.

    *Lazaro, Jeronimo, Carlos discussing the theft, embezzlement of the vine cutting, etc.,

    *Cruz de Amor: Scumbag Augie threatens Zeke & demands he stay on top of this "work" & don't back out ever. Gut feeling Zeke will NOT be around among the living.

    *Renata in her jammies: LOL.

    *Dream sequences: OMG: Super Fast Forward.

    *Gullible Regina thinking about going alone to meet with Pepa/Psycho Fina: OMG.

    *Matilde flashing her engagement ring: Poor girl has no idea that Carlos' ex-girlfriend is coming to take him back.

    *Slacker Berta helping Mommy Dearest with faking the DNA tests, etc.,

    *Adriana & Honorio are at Connie's bedside at the hospital, but Connie silently talking inside her head hoping that Psycho Fina won't target Honorio & Adriana, sadly Connie cannot warn them.

  10. Vivir #31

    Good work, Diana.

    There seems to be open season on children in recent novelas now with these young thugs going after Loli. I don't remember how old Lucas is, but he's now in serious danger. The two primetime series have evil adults doing worse than stealing.

    Romina is getting it over the fraud and she should suffer for what she's done to her children. What is bothering me now is that Refrida should know that she was not deliberately abandoned by her parents but is continually convincing herself that she was. Just when a DNA test would solve it all.

    I hope Angeli isn't pregnant; I am so sick of this stock plot point. It seems to reinforce the outdated notion that all good women want or should have children.

    This series feels like it will be 80-90 episodes due to the number of characters.

    Fashion Review:

    Jimena (Ep 29):
    Orange and pink should never be worn together.

    Fatima (Ep 30): The green dress with the flesh-toned midriff looked ridiculous.

    Refrida (Ep 31): The off-the-shoulder grey dress looked ridiculous with the Guess decal.

    Monica (Ep 31): Vulgar display of the girls in that wine dress with the deeply plunging neckline.

  11. Vivir de amor

    Diana, I enjoyed your recap much more than the show itself, which is sometimes a bit hard to watch.
    As in why would those two young reprobates want to steal from a little girl? Very annoying, but the kid calling his dog also seemed a bit silly somehow.

    Brayan visits Lucas to intimidate him. Meh. But Santiago does appear to be shaping up nicely, and helped get the restaurant back in del Olmo hands.
    Elena, Angel, and he seem quite a team and happy. But when, oh when, oh when oh, is he going to tell everybody what happened that night when Dulce was killed?

    Let's see, Gabriela is framed and in jail; Romina is framed and in jail. What's the matter with Agente Corral and the rest of the police? One look at Misael's sneering face should tell them who the real guilty party is.

    I was a bit let down when Jimena said she would take Icky back if he asked. OK, Doris should get away from the creep anyway, even though she is no saint herself. But I was thinking maybe Renato and Jimena might get together. Well, we will see. For better or for worse this novela is far from finished. Sorry, SpanProf.

    Rebeca at Cristina's party, well, she didn't look that bad except for the tacky "Guess" on the too-tight dress. But perhaps it was appropriate. Guess who the baby daddy is!
    Anyway, not fashionable I'm sure, but definitely eye-catching. "A bag of puppies", thanks, Susan. Cute puppies at that. Thanks also for "pond passion"!

    Who will be next to go to jail or get killed? So many possibilities.


  12. Vivir

    Diana, I read that this show has 60 episodes.

    I love Angel's wardrobe. I would happily wear it. The guess dress...thanks but no thanks.

    Andy, I am glad you liked the puppies and pond passion . I find Refrida's grim determination, full blown malice, and stony confidence intriguing.


  13. VIVIR

    Urban, thanks!

    Yes, it appears kids are fair game which of course they aren't and shouldn't be.

    "Refrida should know that she was not deliberately abandoned by her parents" is exactly right! But it seems it makes no difference, does it?

    I wonder when Romina's family is going to be told where she is?

    I agree with your list of fashion faux pas with the possible exception of Jimena's orange and pink outfit which I didn't notice. I think she is attractive and looks good in anything.


  14. VIVIR

    Andy, I appreciate your kind words.

    "Let's see, Gabriela is framed and in jail; Romina is framed and in jail. What's the matter with Agente Corral and the rest of the police? One look at Misael's sneering face should tell them who the real guilty party is'. Amen to that! I keep waiting for a detective with razor sharp instincts to show up and solve things quickly and efficiently. I had high hopes for Agent Corral but she's let me down.

    "I was a bit let down when Jimena said she would take Icky back if he asked". OMG Andy, I hadn't understood that. I cannot believe it! Whyever would she lower herself?? I am going to remain on the Renato/Jimena bandwagon until it breaks down. :)


  15. VIVIR

    Susan, thank you for the episode update. I feel much better!

    "I find Refrida's grim determination, full blown malice, and stony confidence intriguing" is an excellent descriptor. I was drawn to "grim" and "stony" as they definitely describe Refrida who seems not to have a drop of joy in her entire being.


  16. vivir

    Thanks again, Diana. Excellent job on the recap, as always!

    Agent Corral, the only cop in town. She investigates business fraud and also murder cases. They don't waste much of the budget on hiring actors for minor characters, do they?

    Lucas really told Mati everything about what life is like in his barrio. IIRC he also told her his parents' lives were threatened.

    I LOVED Don Emilio's dressing down of Mauricio. For once there were no signs of his mental problems. He said that Mau needed to come up with some cash to contribute to the household expenses or hit the bricks. And he didn't buy the cough for a minute. I loved Mau's face when he started to dial the family doctor to examine him.

    The most I've liked J.E. this whole novela was that conversation with his mother where he listed all the reasons why he was never going to accept Mauricio as his father.

    What Refrida did was to take the request for divorce that Angelli initiated and J.E. signed in his moment of saying he was doing it because he loved her, that she had the power to finish their marriage or accept his desire for forgiveness. Refrida told the lawyer that Angelli asked her to bring it over.

    The factory workers were excited because whatever dessert was prepared with their jelly resulted in lots of calls to buy some from the ricos.

    I was furious to see Mauricio standing there almost beside Cris, playing the host. He kept putting his hands on her shoulders. A day or so ago she shrugged him off, but she didn't do that this time, just let him act like he's one of the family. Grrrr!

    Refrida actually asked Cris if the earrings were real gold.

    Mauricio threatened to tell everyone about the fraud if Misael doesn't cough up $20,0000,000, or 40% of the stolen money.

    Fatima was the one who said there'd be a DNA test after the birth. She doesn't believe a word out of Refrida's mouth.

    Amen, Andy Banda. Why doesn't Santiago just tell everyone that Misael shot Dulce?

    Misael looked like a thundercloud listening to Refrida's announcement that she's pregnant.

  17. VIVIR

    Thank you so much Novelera.

    You added so much, especially expanding on Lucas' admission to Mati and what Don Emilio said to Mau. Don Emilio has Mau's number and knows exactly how to handle him! Now if he could only pry him off Cris' back...

    So Refrida brought the papers to the lawyer to get the divorce in motion...I wish everyone were as suspicious of her as Fatima is!

    Misael now has 20 million reasons to contemplate ordering another murder...


  18. Vivir

    Thanks, Diana. Another master class in recapping and storytelling.

    My favorite line of the night surprisingly came from Rebecca. After dropping the baby bombshell, she boldly exclaimed, “I too have my dignity!” THIS coming from a woman in an ill-fitting GUASS! (sic) dress who just fast-tracked a divorce and is carrying Misaell’s baby.

    I had to rewind the episode, and I wish I could post photos. Rebecca really borrowed a GUASS! dress (complete with iron on decal) from Doris’ House of Knockoffs and wore it to Cris’ party. Wow! That’s not a typo. More fashion notes later.

    The little dog whisperer in the most random scene of the year also played Benjamín in Mi Fortuna es Amarte. There he suffered severe emotional abuse at the hand of the main villain. What a horrible trend (child abuse) in today’s novelas.

    Earlier I called Mónica “The Joker” on account of her garish makeup, but she’s deserving that moniker for her fierce quips of late. After returning the restaurant to its rightful owners, she graciously stated, “I wish you every failure in the world!” What a sweetheart!

    Adolfo was looking at a keepsake from JE’s baptism. He is JE’s godfather, but all signs are pointing to their real relationship.

    Since everyone was gussied up for Cris’ party, here are some more fashion notes:
    •Misael may have the worst hairdo (male) in the history of telenovelas, but I really liked his olive green suit.
    •Mauricio’s garb may have come from Chess King or Miller’s Outpost (re: 8Os), but it perfectly complemented his smirking and hamming it up all evening.
    •JE may have flaws for days, but his clothes are always on point. Emmanuel Palomares is a great actor and no doubt super model.
    •I was late to the patio on this one. Have Rebecca’s tattoos been addressed? I hope they are for this role because they certainly accentuate her horrible choices in life.
    •I liked Joker’s open sleeves. I’m not a fashionista, and I don’t know what they’re called.

    This was Episode 31, and I believe Adolfo has said, “Por favor, Mónica, guarda tus comentarios” at least 7x since it began.

  19. VIVIR

    O.S., you are so kind. Thank you.

    You left no precious gem behind.

    "After dropping the baby bombshell, she boldly exclaimed, “I too have my dignity!” THIS coming from a woman in an ill-fitting GUASS! (sic) dress who just fast-tracked a divorce and is carrying Misaell’s baby". OMG - perfect.

    So Adolfo was looking at something from childhood. Likely J.E.'s!! Hmmmm.

    I remember Benja from Mi Fortuna well (what a sweetheart) but I didn't realize he was the actor here. What an eye you have. I wish TNs would (permanently) veer away from these terrible child abuse plots. Basta!

    Your fashion notes were sublime especially "JE may have flaws for days, but his clothes are always on point". Very true.

    I am off and running...I will be back just in time to watch and recap today's epi.

    Thank you patio for all your marvelous insights! Till then.


  20. Vivir

    Thanks, Diana, I enjoyed reading the recap. Did the reconciliation last 24 hours? Cris might be the only one pleased with Rebeca. I’m wondering if she’ll keep the gold earrings or pawn them.

    Misael has to be realizing the baby is his. But I don’t know if he’s aware Rebeca never slept with JE.

    Santiago holds all the answers and is keeping his mouth shut. I wonder if he’ll ever realize he needs to come forward.

    Andy, nice to see someone who shares some of my thoughts. Mauricio also must suspect who’s the daddy of Rebeca’s baby, as he saw them together. I hope he doesn’t get killed, but I don’t think he knows that his nephew is also a murderer.

    JE will think Angel brought the divorce papers to the lawyer. She could end up pregnant too. All their talk about a baby needing a father, and both of them growing up without fathers. I hope JE doesn’t marry Rebeca. He can be an active father without marriage.


  21. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana. I love the way you dish this tale. Maybe we'll never see Loli's friend again, but this made me smile: A sweet young caballero shows up who threatens to introduce them to his dog, up close and personal.

    I'm nodding in agreement with all patio comments. Mauricio is a thorn in the other baddies' side, so I sure hope he doesn't get killed.

  22. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana, for another fun jaunt down crazy lane! LOL This show is something! I almost like it and then they do something else nonsensical and it takes the shine off.

    Framing Romina for the fraud was ridiculous!!! The fraud happened BEFORE she got the job!!! Misael even suggested that maybe Gabriela is innocent and Romina framed Gabi and it really is ONLY Romina behind the fraud, which JE leaped at!!! Dude, really??? I know novela law is notorious for bad policing, but if they can't figure out in 5 mins that there is no possible way Romina could be the originator of this fraud.... I just don't even have words for that level of stupidity.

    When I saw that little boy with the dog my first thought was 'MONITO!!!!' and then I realized that was the wrong novela!! LOL Either way, thugs messing with a lil girl who looks about six is too much! Is anything sacred?? Pick on someone your own size!!! But I guess the dog took care of it, too funny.

    I agree about Mau it's a crook and a con-man but he's more self-interested than evil and his marks are the baddies so let's keep him!!! Cris shouldn't be trying to beg her grown kids to give daddy a chance. Maybe if they were young or children, I could see intervening, because from her POV Mau is repentant; but there's no need to intervene to an adult on behalf of an adult! They are grown, let them work it out!! And step away from your son's would-be sidepiece! I don't care if she did 'save' you, it's just plain odd to bring the woman threatening your son's marriage into your home for a birthday party!

    I don't know if Mau is Misael's dad, it seems possible since he was conspiring with Monica to separate Aldolfo and Cris, he could have fathered the child she passed off as Al's. But I'd bet mucho dinero that JE is Aldolfo's!!! No spoiler, just speculation. But when JE was telling Cris how horrible Mau was and how Al was the one who did all the fatherly stuff for him growing up, JE said for the second time that he wished Al was his father instead. Cris looked way too uncomfortable and guilty at that!!! My crockpot theory is that Cris learned she was pregnant AFTER finding out Al 'cheated' on her with Monica and she saved her pride by claiming the baby was Mau's.

    Just a theory, but if that's what happened and JE, Angel and Refrida really are the repeat of the of Aldolfo, Cris and Monica then Angel being pregnant could very well be where they go next.

    I'm all for the baby needs his daddy! I 100% believe that kids do need their dads, but it doesn't have to be in the form of an horrible marriage between mommy and daddy because they have no love for each other and made a baby. Kids don't need a front row seat to 'How to have an unhappy marriage away from the one you love!' Kids need to be taught how to be happy and healthy and make life work despite that fact that human beings make mistakes and bad choices from time to time!!! Daddy gets the happy marriage and the child, and everyone learns how to make that healthy for everyone especially the child! I mean assuming it is your child, which of course Rebeca's baby isn't JE's. This shotgun marriage idea needs to die!!! Just like the child abuse plots need to die!!

  23. VIVIR

    Thank you so much Liz, Niecie and Darcy!

    I appreciate your generosity, thoughtful remarks and as always amazing observations.

    Normally, I would have responded to each of you individually but I just got home and it's almost show time...

    "Misael has to be realizing the baby is his. But I don’t know if he’s aware Rebeca never slept with JE". Interesting Liz, and I think you are right...Misael may think Rebeca and JE had a torrid affair! As if :)

    Niecie, "Mauricio is a thorn in the other baddies' side, so I sure hope he doesn't get killed" - perfectly stated! ITA. He is annoying but as long as he is doing it to our loathsome characters, I'm all for it.

    "...when JE was telling Cris how horrible Mau was and how Al was the one who did all the fatherly stuff for him growing up, JE said for the second time that he wished Al was his father instead. Cris looked way too uncomfortable and guilty at that!!!" Darcy, I hadn't been able to follow that conversation. I believe you've just made your case!

    So much drama. What is going to happen next??


  24. VIVIR #32 Part 1

    What an episode! Even if had understood most of this (which I assuredly did not), I would not have been able to keep up. Everything was far too fast and it seemed something important occurred in every scene!

    We open with a repeat of Angel still reaming JE out. Angel is clear and direct telling him that as of this moment, we are finished! Adios. Adios para siempre. She leaves and peers into the living room and bids her family goodbye. Cris and Don Emilio look concerned and alarmed. JE wipes his face with his hand in utter frustration.

    Angel and Fatima have coffee talk. Fatima brings up Rebeca and it is clear she is not a fan. I’m not quite clear on what has aroused Angel’s suspicions about Brayan but Angel recalls Rebeca stopping the ‘wayward” motorcycle from hitting Elena and Angel when she and her dark shadow first appeared in town. She mentions coincidences and is thinking hard…

    Misael tells Monica it is his child and then actually asks Monica what she is going to do about the baby; is she going to make it disappear like she did with the other baby?? Viewerville realizes this situation must have arisen sometime in the past?! The plot thickens. Next, he tells Monica Mau is demanding he pay up.

    Don Emilio and Cris have THE talk with JE. They ask what happened with Rebeca. JE vents his frustration but to no avail. Basically, I believe Don says that if Rebeca is carrying JE’s child, he needs to do the right thing. Cris asks if he is going to abandon the baby as JE looks aghast.

    Mau accosts Rebeca from behind a tree. He has deduced (and correctly too) that Rebeca hasn’t really “slept” with JE and that the baby is Misael’s. Rebeca doesn’t want to hear it and turns to leave he grabs her arm. He puts his arm out seemingly to grab her newly gifted earrings. He wants money of course and wants it tonight. He makes the quiet sign with his finger. I would have returned his gesture with one of my own. With another finger.

    Rebeca goes up to Brayan and as opposed to spitting in his face, gives him a hug. She needs him to get rid of someone causing her problems.

    Elena (finally) gets rather stern with JE, defending her child Angel.

    Angel goes into the fabrica flanked by Gi and Lupe. A seemingly positive announcement was made.

    Lupe tells Angel she is worried about her. As soon as Rebeca’s name come up, Lupe piles on. They discuss Brayan who is also making Lucas’ life miserable.

    Rebeca tells Misael Mau wants money. Speaking of the devil, Mau calls her as Misael gawks.

    Romina (finally) calls Luciano from jail. The kids are on the bed listening with poor Javier quietly saying that his mother is in jail.

    Brayan and his gang receive a visit from Angel. She comes right out and asks him if he tried to run her and her mother down lo those many months ago!


  25. VIVIR #32 Part 2 of 2

    Rebeca is waiting in the dark as Mau drives up. Where is my money he says. He gets out of the car and the two wrestle; she hits him and he falls down. Her thoughts racing, she moves quickly, getting in the car. She starts the car and runs him over!!! Problem solved???

    Leaning over his body, Rebeca calls Mau an imbecile and proceeds to pick his pockets. I couldn’t tell if she found anything.

    JE is trying to reach Angel but gets voicemail. Sebastian gives JE the signed divorce papers and JE looks even more inconsolable.

    Angel and Brayan talk. I couldn’t get the gist of it but I think Brayan denies it (?) and asks his goons to escort her to her car.

    JE shows up at Alma’s asking to see Rebeca who is now rubbing her prints off from inside the car. She is walking and we see her slip and fall.

    The police are at the accident scene, lights flashing…Brayan shows up. He talks with a woman there, did she see anything?

    Misael drives to the rescue and picks Rebeca up.

    Alma offers JE coffee but he declines and leaves.

    Rebeca is now home and hobbles off as Misael follows her assuring he knows the baby is his. Just at that moment, JE arrives, staring at Misael asking why he is there. Just then, Rebeca swoons and starts to fall…

    Angel talks with Elena trying to make sense of everything going on with Rebeca. Kindly add details if you can.

    Sandy tells Fatima and the kids are not there. Fatima calls Mati but Mati won’t answer. They are sitting at jail.

    Brayan is with a small child obviously trying to get him to do something for him, promising him tacos…Lucas comes up and nicely shoos the kid away. Brayan starts in on Lucas but then Doris shows up and chases Brayan away (as he does backflips in the background).

    Luciano goes to see Romina in her cell. Romina tries to explain and begs him that as the mother of his children to help. Romina flashes back to Misael grabbing her and threatening her children’s lives. Looking alarmed, did she backtrack? I couldn’t make out what she said to Luciano.

    Loli and Marisa are with Lupe discussing JE and Angel...

    The family is gathered (less JE and Angel). They discuss Mau as an ex-con so I don’t believe they are aware of his “accident” yet. Misael comes in and says JE has brought Rebeca to the hospital. Everyone leans forward, shocked.

    JE is carrying Rebeca down the hospital corridor. A stretcher is brought and he lays her down on it. As she is wheeled away, Rebeca begs JE to take care of her baby! Oh, and to marry her too if she survives.


  26. Vivir. Another excellent recap, Diana! Oops! It looks as if we are rid of Mauricio. There are difficulties with that, as others have observed, but I loved that older woman who actually witnessed his murder but isn't saying anything because she figures he was probably abusing the young woman (Rebeca) and had it coming. And it's interesting that Misael and Rebeca evidently conspired to kill Mauricio. I was amazed at how courteously Brayan treated Angelli. Is it a social class thing? (not to mention that Angelli is young and beautiful). Sweet how Renato admits he's in love with Angelli. Wonder how that will work out. At the very least, I hope he finds someone nice. I loved how generous Angelli was with the coop ladies--a novela sign that she's a very good person. And will Rebeca miscarry or not? Could go either way and I can't say I'm that excited about it. Either possibility (baby dies or survives) is a novela cliche. Angelli is onto something. How long before she figures out that the Rebeca "rescues" were frauds?

  27. VIVIR

    Thanks so much SpanProf.

    I so appreciate your relating what the "accident" witness told Misael. So she did see it but mistakenly thinks Rebeca was abused...I hadn't realized Misael and Rebeca decided to "off" Mau either. I guess running him over was as effective a scenario as anything else they might have hatched.

    I have a feeling JE is going to cave and marry Rebeca. If so, I see her revealing her identity shortly thereafter. She wants to totally devastate Angel.That should do it.



    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of this morning's episode.

    *More scheming & plotting from the usual courtesy list of Antagonists: Psycho Fina, Slacker Berta & Co.,

    *Scumbag Augie getting really pissed off wjen he becomes enraged at the wine production, etc., he goes off on Zeke, who tells him about Jeronimo, Carlos & Lazaro's plan of saving the wine production, etc.,

    *Over at Adriana's: Connie desperately tries to tell Gonzalo, Regina & Honorio about the truth about Fina's crimes, but cannot seem to get the words out.

    *Gonzalo & Honorio leave the room to figure things out.

    *Regina calming Connie down. We hear Connie's voice instead.

    *Adriana gets awkward once Matias & Cari show up at the penthouse apartment. Renata introduced herself to Cari. We see Adriana looking down at her food while Honorio & Renata are eating.

    The 2-HR episode ends with Jeronimo punching Scumbag Augie in the face. This comes once Scumbag Augie barged into the hacienda interrupting the moment between Jeronimo & Dr. Marina.

  29. "VIVIR":

    SpanProf: Thank you very much for your hardworking efforts in keeping us informed of today's episode. The title should've been called "Angel's No Good, Dreadful, Pathetic, Uphill, Terrible, Horrible Bad Day!"

    Diana: Rebecca sure loved to twist the knife on Big Sister. Karma will get her sooner or later!

  30. Vivir
    Diana, thank you for another wonderful retelling. This episode had some surprises . Mau and his confident,amused smirk didn't last long . I am disappointed because I enjoyed watching him harass all the baddies .

    I have no idea where the writers are taking us .

    The little street urchin seems to be in a lot of shows recently. He was in " Amarte es mi Camino(?)" On Univision and " Vuelve A mi" on Telemundo .

    I noticed that Kim can bring some heat to her righteous indignation because of her many roles as the villaina.


  31. VIVIR

    Thank you Susan!

    I agree, Mau will be missed. I so enjoyed he was getting under everyone's skin. Well, everyone who deserved it. He met a far earlier demise than I expected.

    Angel is well, an Angel. But I like that she has been going back at JE with quite a bit of fire. Good for her.


  32. Vivir

    Thanks so much Diane, that was great. So disappointed that Mauricio was killed. Keep hoping he wasn’t really dead and will recover in a hospital. I loved him going around to all the bad guys trying to get money. But now Rebeca is officially a murderer.

    When will Elena realize Rebeca is just plain bad and Angel is right about her. I’m glad Angel and Fatima realize the coincidences were both carefully planned out by Rebeca. Surely Angel is too smart to believe Brayan. Plus, he did rob their restaurant.

    Rebeca had the money, is it in the bag JE is holding? I would just as soon see him stuck with Rebeca. If she loses the baby he is free again. How many times would Angel forgive him?

    Steve, loved your expanding on Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day book!


  33. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Liz.

    "But now Rebeca is officially a murderer". And now, I believe, irredeemable.

    Yes, I'm glad Angel and Fatima are figuring things out. I can't figure out why Elena hasn't defended Angel more staunchly than she has where Rebeca is concerned though. I'm really worried about what will happen when Elena learns Rebeca is Frida.

    Thank you for reminding me about the money! Not sure it's in the bag JE has but I will keep my eye on it!


  34. vivir

    Great recap, Diana. I really appreciate all you're doing for the patio.

    From what Misael said to "the Joker" aka Monica, it seems like she fixed something to do with another sperm donation he'd made 8 years ago.

    Mau, the former jewel thief, was able to price the earrings Cris gave Rebeca and thus ask for that to keep quiet about the bun in the oven being Misael's.

    Elena, pfft! I think this is the way the DNA sorted out in the del Olmo family. Angelli and Frida got their father's brain cells. And Santiago got his mother's. I'm so tired of her not seeing Rebeca for who she is and trying to steer Angelli away from the truth.

    Brayan surprised me being gallant with Angelli.

    Brayan was in the process of giving the little kid some food as part of recruitment for his gang. The child is very young, but Brayan is playing the long game. Lucas put a stop to it.

    Refrida took Mau's stuff saying she'd make it appear like a burglary.

    JE, of course, thinks it was Angelli who filed the divorce document.

    Romina lied and told Luciano she didn't know where the money to start the mystery business came from. This is because Misael threatened to kill her children. But she did admit to wiring the money to Swiss banks. I wasn't that clear before what caused her to appear guilty.

    I don't feel the same as some others here. I couldn't stand Mau and am glad he's out of the picture. He had a loathsome grin, with too many teeth for the size of his mouth.

    My fingers and toes are crossed that Refrida loses the baby, but I don't believe it will happen. They did emphasize her slipping and then grimacing afterwards. They also seemed to show something on the inside of her thigh, supposed to be blood I suppose.

  35. VIVIR

    Thank you so much Novelera.

    "I'm so tired of her (Elena) not seeing Rebeca for who she is" mirrored my thoughts exactly.

    I appreciate all the details you clarified so well especially "Mau, the former jewel thief, was able to price the earrings Cris gave Rebeca and thus ask for that to keep quiet.."

    Brayan using food to lure an innocent child into a gang was sickening.

    Romina clammed up quickly but I didn't understand she admitted wiring the money...

    Thank you for reminding us about that scene with Rebeca where the camera panned to her leg. I didn't catch what we were supposed to be seeing but it could have been blood as you noted, signaling a possible miscarriage.


  36. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you again for another great and fun recap. I don't know how you have managed so far without pulling your hair out over this show.
    I pretty much agree with Darcy, "This show is something! I almost like it and then they do something else nonsensical and it takes the shine off."

    And thanks for the reminder that Romina was not with the firm when the fraud took place. I had forgotten that. I do remember that don Emilio knew Misael had committed the fraud, but now does not remember after his stroke. He gets better and sharper every day. He will remember soon enough.

    I actually do like this show sometimes, but it is also quite crazy and depressing at times. Is that little boy on his own and hungry? Brayan trying to recruit him with tacos?
    They live in a poor neighborhood, but it's not that poor. Shades of Charles Dickens!

    One other thing before I go for now, more tomorrow. I'm not excusing anything Rebeca does, but we do know from Alma that Rebeca has had "mental problems" since early childhood.


  37. Vivir

    Thank you Diana! Your recaps are a bright light in my days and weeks! Especially lately with all the problems at work I am dealing with, it’s nice to escape to the patio and read your compassionate recounts of all the drama! I haven’t watched the episode yet and I have a busy day so it will probably be this evening before I get a chance to but I wanted to check in this morning and say thanks! Hope you have a wonderful Saturday!

  38. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Andy.

    The frustration all of us feel for the storyline at (most) times, :) is offset for me by the kind, insightful and generous patio's comments...

    ITA that this "is also quite crazy and depressing at times", your example of Brayan trying to ply the too young child wiht food was verry sad. "Shades of Charles Dickens" was perfect.

    Does Rebeca's troubled nature stem SOLELY from her psychological issues or is it a mixture of mental illness and evil? It is a rhetorical question but I feel a valid one. Is her damaged psyche SOLELY responsible for the murder she committed? Regardless, she has crossed the line; I think the looming question is if she is completely culpable by virtue of insanity.


  39. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for your sweet words...

    I'm sorry your work issues are continuing and I hope things improve quickly!

    As always, I am looking forward to seeing your wise and wonderful comments on what transpired last night...

    You enjoy your day as well...


  40. VIVIR

    Patio, please check your programming guide.

    My Comcast guide show VIVIR being preempted Monday (with a special on the eclipse following).

    It looks like we have a day off!!


  41. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana. Super job.

    We didn't see Mauricio covered with a sheet, so I'm hoping he survives to continue rattling the bad guys. Plus, I would love a doctor to tell Cris there's nothing ailing her ex but getting run over.

    Will JE become the dumbest galan ever and actually marry Rebeca? He can be a father to Misael's kid without marrying a woman he doesn't want.

    Kudos to Angel putting 2 and 2 together. But I was afraid for her going alone to question Bryan with his gang. Now will Bryan tell Rebeca?

    I believe "the call of the blood" is what's making Elena soft on the woman who went after her daughter's husband. Elena sure had no problems telling JE off.

  42. Vivir

    Dear Diana, thank you so much for soldiering on and reporting every dastardly detail as things go from bad to worse.

    Yes, that was blood running down Refrida's thigh , so perhaps , she is having a miscarriage . However, there can be a bit of blood without a miscarriage happening .

    Andy, yes, " shades of Charles Dickens" in this show . We could rename it " Lowered Expectations. "

    Darcy, sorry you are dealing with technical difficulties . I am hopelessly lost about technology . I agree that Diana's snappy recaps are bright spots in the day no matter what is happening in your own real life telenovela at the moment . You can say , " Well, at least , I dont have Mau in my house smirking and snooping ,and I don't have to wash lipstick off all the glasses and cups that Monica uses or look at Refrida's stony face as she throws sauce on my kitchen floor for me to mop up. "

  43. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you so much...

    "I would love a doctor to tell Cris there's nothing ailing her ex but getting run over" made me laugh out loud! I hadn't considered Mau might still be among the living. I assumed an ambulance would have been called if there were any possibility of Mau surviving, but I shouldn't assume anything!

    You are exactly right in that JE shouldn't get married to someone he doesn't love (or even like). I'm just speculating but from the brief scene we saw, I think Don Emilio and Cris are going to put the pressure on but...

    I like that Angel is thinking things through, logically. She and Fatima make a great team.


  44. VIVIR

    Susan, thank you.

    Appreciate the extra details you added!

    "...I don't have to wash lipstick off all the glasses and cups that Monica uses"...:)


  45. Vivir #32

    Gracias, > Just caught up.

    I am a bit disappointed with Mauricio's exit; ReFrida needs an adversary to shake her up, someone smarter than she is. I guess he wasn't it. I just did a google search that said it will have 125 episodes, so we are only 26% through it. We have a long way to go and anything can happen yet.

    Predicting that she is not having a miscarriage and JE will end up marrying her. As you said above, she is now officially irredeemable. This is going to do a serious number on Elena when Karmageddon hits no matter how ReFrida gets punished. She will blame herself for not noticing the abuse ReFrida doled out to Angeli... who should not forgive her but most likely will.

    ReFrida has likely made an enemy of Brayan for hitting him with the bottle, which could have caused him to bleed to death. She also shares responsibility for Ramiro's death because of that stupid tattoo.

  46. VIVIR

    Urban, thanks.

    You are right that finding out what Refrida is like "is going to do a serious number on Elena".

    And yes, she is partially responsible for Ramiro's death...

    I am still reeling that there are going to be 125 EPISODES. I'll address this on Monday.


  47. Vivir de amor

    Diana, I believe you are right. The Univision site also says no show Monday because of the eclipse.

    Could this novela really run on for 125 episodes???

    Wow, I really don't have enough fingers and toes but I think that leaves ONLY about 93 to go.

    That sound I hear, is that Diana searching for a parachute?

    Another 93 episodes of this novela would put anyone in the hospital. How many people do they have working on the scripts? Are they ever sober?

    At least I now understand why so many people in this show put away so much booze.

    I don't think I could recap a single episode of this novela, let alone a lot of them.


  48. Vivir

    I finally got home and watched the episode, but it was a mistake because I was too tired to play close attention. I missed a lot of things, like the blood on Rebeca's leg, but Misael did tell the gathered family that JE had taken Rebeca to the hospital because she was bleeding. I noticed he didn't go with them, I guess that says something about how much he cares about his child. He did seem annoyed though with the fact that mommy got rid of the one 8 years ago. Monica had to tell him to think about the present and not the past.

    At the co-op everyone was excited because it was finally payday! Remember they had had to defer their own paychecks for awhile to get things up and running? Well, it was time to get paid!

    I can't believe that's the same kid from Vuelve a Mi and Mi Camino, he looks younger here than he did on either of those shows!!! But it could be because he was all dirty and slouching. But Susan is right, that kid is everywhere!

    Elena actually annoyed me in her conversation with Angel for more reasons than just her refusal to see Rebeca's true nature! She also told Angel it's time to get over JE for good and move on. She even suggested Angel was obsessing by looking for reasons to suspect Rebeca. This novela cliche bugs me, Elena was actually congratulating Angel and encouraging her to reconcile with JE YESTERDAY!! And now, today she needs to get over it and stop obsessing?? Angel found out last night that her husband supposedly impregnated another woman, and today Mommy is like 'why aren't you over this yet? More lazy writing from writers who might be drunk like Andy suggested!!!

    I too am sad Mau won't be around to provide comedic relief...

    125 episodes!!! Yikes!!! I'd offer to help with recapping, but since I'm not able to watch until the day after it airs and then I wouldn't be able to write up a recap until after I got off work the day after, it really wouldn't be workable.

  49. VIVIR

    Darcy, you noted you didn't pay close attention but I beg to differ! 😊

    "Misael did tell the gathered family that JE had taken Rebeca to the hospital because she was bleeding. I noticed he didn't go with them, I guess that says something about how much he cares about his child". I hadn't realized he told the family she was bleeding. Oh dear. I also agree that if he truly cared about the baby nothing could have kept him from going with Rebeca.

    "She also told Angel it's time to get over JE for good and move on. She even suggested Angel was obsessing by looking for reasons to suspect Rebeca" has me even more irked with Elena than I was before!! Elena has been through terrible loss and grief, you would think and expect her to have a heart and be far more supportive. I agree with you and Andy that the writers must be drinking on the job as this makes no sense at all!!

    Darcy, I know you would help with recapping if you could but realize it's not feasible. But your sharing all that you see so vividly and clearly is of immeasurable help! Thank you!


  50. VIVIR

    Andy, I thought I responded but I don't see it...

    "At least I now understand why so many people in this show put away so much booze". Thanks, I needed that!

    I had thought this novela was moving fast and can't imagine what is going to fill the screen for another 90 plus episodes. Perhaps they didn't want to offend any of the writers and are therefore putting all of their ideas in.

    "That sound I hear, is that Diana searching for a parachute?" had me smiling away.

    More tomorrow on this...

