
Thursday, April 04, 2024

El amor no tiene receta, #25, "The Devil is in the little, handwritten, details"

Paz and Mireya talk on the phone, with Ginebra and Mauro listening. Mauro shows himself to Mireya and grabs her arm. Is she spying on him, what does she truly want?

He manhandles her a little, she admits she has been following him because she suspects… he’s married and is only playing with her.

I’m impressed, this woman can think on her feet!

She plans to leave, but he grabs her again. She starts talking about her ex cheating and then abandoning her, no other man will ever do that to her. His strange phone calls, he never wants to share details about his life, she needs to know he isn’t hiding anything. Mauro says he’s a free man, but what he finds odd is the fact that she’d be so curious about his life. Mireya says it’s because she likes him and she can’t stop thinking about him. And she goes in for a passionate, “my life is depending on it” kiss. Which is great, because her life is actually depending on her managing to fool Mauro.

After they make out for a while, they are both shake by their kiss. He didn’t see this coming, she thinks they shouldn’t move so fast (kind of late for that, Miss “I spy with my little eye”). She asks what is he doing in this place.

Mauro actually says the truth (sort of), he got a tip about a little girl with his niece’s features being taken out of a hospital, and he came to check it out around here because he heard abandoned kids live here. If this is common knowledge, why don’t all parents who lost their kids come by to visit, it could be like a lost kids market, find yours, get a second one for free.

Anyway, Mauro is desperate to find Samara (Monito is hiding behind a tree, listening), but he can’t tell Ginebra, it would cause her too much pain. He apologizes for getting violent, this is such a hard time, he feels like he can’t trust anyone. Some guy arrives to say they didn’t find any child. Mireya says out loud that she will try to trust him. Mauro will do the same.

After Mireya was discovered by Mauro and hung up, Paz tries to call her back in a panic, then wants to leave the kitchen, but Ginebra shows up.

Whatever is the matter, I heard you on the phone, you sounded worried, is everything OK with your sister? Paz looks scared. Gin heard her mention a little girl, who was she talking about? Come on, you know you can trust me, she adds, we share the same pain, we both lost children yada yada yada.

This gives Paz a way out, she rambles that her sister was telling her the women group found a little girl and her ex-husband got excited thinking it could have be the little girl they lost.

Of course Gin realizes Paz is lying, because she very well knows Vermin could not get excited over anything, since he knows where his daughter is. But she plays along, asking Paz if her husband is dangerous, because she heard her mention danger on the phone. Yes, Paz admits, he used to hit her when they were together, he can get very violent.

It’s interesting to see them try to fool one another, but Gin has the upper hand, because of her connection to Vermin.

Ginebra expresses how sorry she feels for Paz’ situation, goes as far as touching her shoulder to show her “sympathy”, but they get interrupted by Esteban. He’s surprised to find Gin at his house (wonder why, she practically leaves there now). She says she was waiting for him to say good-bye, Paz was telling her about almost finding her daughter. Esteban had no clue, Paz has to lie to him, too, saying it all proved to be a false alarm, like so many times before. Ginebra understands this so well, she is going through the same thing and drowning in desperation because of it.

Pepa and Bosco start their tutoring lesson. He notices some of Bosco’s art, says he also loves, he and Bosco almost bond over using art to express themselves. Then Pepa compares fencing to math, how angles are important when attacking. This seems to be working out pretty well. Color me surprised.

Lupita is planning to go sell her coffee and Luna would like to go with her since she’s bored at home, but she can’t come outside. Poor kid. Salomon offers to spend time with her, while fixing the fridge. Lupita plans to talk with Gema and her aunt, fix the restaurant problems.

Alone with Salo, Luna says she feels like they are her family.

Gala is in her room when Esteban arrives, wanting to talk about his father hating him. Gala tries to cheer him up, Esteban actually tells her grandpa used his rifle to make him leave.

Luna is on the front steps of the house, playing “outside, inside” with Cobija, asks Salomon to take them out for a little bit. He says they can’t for now, but they can go on the rooftop to watch the clouds.

Gala calls Salo, overhears Luna speak, he says it was just some girl on the street. Gala wants another fake date, this time at her house. Salo is game, it will just take him a while to get there.

Luna asks Sal if he’s in love, he’s not, love takes time.

Lupita is selling her coffee jars. She then goes to talk to Gema’s aunt, they need to open their restaurant. The aunt says they need to follow the law, Lupita accuses her of punishing them because of what happened between Gema and Salomon.

Gala is throwing away some tea bags and then drinks the potion she created. Nobody can make her feel less then, she says to her mirror image. I wish she actually believed it.

Her friend tells her Bosco asked her out on a date.

Paz and Esteban are in the kitchen, he spoke to people working for his dad and they told him his father is doing better, but he’s still worried.

He’d like to focus his energy on something else, though, he wants to talk to Rubio again. Paz wants to do the same.

Bosco and Pepa arrive to say their lesson was OK, at the very least they didn’t kill one another.

Ginebra (who still hasn’t left the house) tells Elvira she felt uncomfortable with Esteban’s interdiction to have Gala and Bosco confront Rubio. They are no longer kids, what if they took Bosco to see the guy behind Esteban’s back? Elvira has the decency to look shocked.

Flashback to a pregnant Ginebra telling Mauro how she’s setting up her plan to kill Berenice who is on vacation at the beach. She found out she is diabetic, she will use that. She’d love to kill Bere herself, since her sister had everything that she lacked, but she could get noticed, especially in her condition. There is a man with them, we don’t see his face, but Gin gives him very precise instructions: film everything, especially Elvira’s pain when she finds out her beloved daughter is dead; leave a suicide letter; kill Berenice when she is alone, make sure that she’s really dead; tell her it’s her sister ordering her killing right before she dies.

Back to present time, she asks Elvira about the small box that she’s carrying. Elvira shows Ginebra the gold baby rattle, the only thing she has from her first baby. She held onto it, wanting to give it to her daughter and explain why they were not together. Elvira remembers playing with her baby in the past, while Ginebra tells her that she hopes she will one day have the chance to see her daughter. And she plays with the rattle.

Mireya is home and would like to ask Luna about Monito. Luna starts describing him, Mireya thinks she knows where he is. Luna begs to be taken to see him, but that can’t be done, especially not while Paz is not around. Salo says Luna is bored, Mireya refuses to take Luna can’t go back to that place. Lupita points out that place is dangerous for everyone, not only for a child. Luna begs them to go back for Monito, tell him she’s still her friend.

Esteban and Paz arrive to see Rubio. She asks about her baby, he says he has no clue what she’s talking about. I must have missed some scenes, but I’m wondering, when did they decide that Rubio took her baby, too? All he did was ruin her baby shower. And have they established a timeline? There were a lot of witnesses of Rubio being in the barrio at the party around the same time he supposedly killed Berenice.

Esteban asks about Berenice, Rubio proudly admits he did kill her. Esteban asks how many insulin shots he used, he says he doesn’t remember. Nor does he remember what she was wearing. What about the suicide note? Why did you write it in YOUR handwriting? Rubio says he wanted people to know that she was killed.

Esteban is startled, this was a trap, because the letter was written by Berenice (flashback of Ginebra’s goon forcing Berenice to write a suicide letter). He now knows Rubio is lying. He asks him how could he fake his wife’s handwriting? He never trusted in her suicide, Rubio’s just an infeliz who dumped the letter on her body. Yeah, Rubio says, he wanted the whole thing to be more dramatic. Another trap, since the letter was found on the bed (and another flashback of Berenice).

Esteban insists someone paid Rubio to kill his wife, who was it? Rubio denies everything.

Finally home Ginebra tells Mauro she’s certain Elvira will confess soon enough she is her daughter. She needs to get closer to her before that arrives, get to Esteban and get more control over the company. Elvira needs to leave the entire fortune to her.

Ginebra is giddy to say she always fantasized  about Berenice’s fear when she realized she was going to die.

Flashback to Berenice being forced to write her suicide note and then being threatened with a gun while she begs for her life. The mysterious man injects her the insulin.

In the present Mauro says that was the moment Ginebra really took things too far, but she’s not impressed, since that was not even the first time she’d killed someone. Mauro insists this was her sister, it’s different. Yeah, but she hates the fact that they share the same blood, she will never get over the fact that her sister lived in luxury, while she was in the street, eating trash. Does Mauro remember what they were forced to do by their adoptive parents? He does. Then let her be happy with other people’s suffering, Berenice was to happy with her kids and family, she needed to put an end to that.

Mauro is done with this conversation, he needs to go see Rubio. Ginebra will see him soon enough, better be prepared.

Nandy and Kenzo are at the company, she’s learning how to work on the tablet. He apologizes for Felipa’s behavior, she says he’s always defended her, no need to apologize. She tries to stay professional, keep the distance. He’d like to know when she realized she was a woman.

She says it happened gradually, she liked dresses, wearing make-up, she didn’t know what was happening, she felt guilty. And her family was completely against it, it was so hard to defend her way of being.

Kenzo admires her so much for defending herself, and he will be by her side from now on. Does she want to legally change her name also?

Since he won’t talk about her baby, Paz asks Rubio about Ginebra’s daughter, she wants to help her. Did he organize the kidnapping and killed Gin’s husband? Esteban asks him where he is keeping the child, is she alive? Then he gets mad, Rubio is taken away while Esteban get more furious. Paz promises him Samara is alive and nobody will hurt her.

When they leave the prison Paz is disappointed, thinks they wasted their time confronting Rubio, but Esteban tells her he proved Rubio is lying, he contradicted himself. Bere did write that letter and it was found on the bed. Rubio wasn’t there when Berenice was killed. There was another thing. When he and Ginebra were attacked, she said she saw one of the guys who killed her husband, Rubio is definitely covering for someone else.

As Mauro notices them hug but is too far to hear them, Esteban adds that someone is plotting against all of them. Mauro takes a picture of the hug.

Felipa has an idea about how to use the money and she tells Ginebra they could go into real estate, move the money around. Ginebra guesses that Felipa is looking for a gain for herself. They are at Felipa’s home, and Ginebra is impressed with all the equipment Jeronimo has. They could use his followers, swindle money out of them. But Jeronimo can never find out. Felipa doesn’t say no.

She then receives a photo of the hug from Mauro, the proof she needed something is going on between Esteban and the estupida cocinera. Felipa points out that she is friends with the estupida gata, why don’t they mess with them?

Ginebra says she won’t mess with Paz, she will eliminate her. A lady who knows what she wants… Yikes!


  1. Dear Adriana, thank you very much for your recap of last night's episode. You did it so well. Special thanks to Blue for her recap of Tuesday's episode; I was too busy with my surprise and couldn't comment.

    Gin is definitely a deranged individual. Her horrible childhood doesn't justify what she's doing. Killing her sister because Bere was happy and she was not? Dude. Bere didn't even know about Gin. Going against El is one thing (still doesn't justify anything) but killing her own sister just because she had a better life is sick.

    I'm glad Mir is a quick thinker. This whole plotline is getting weirder. If I had a sister and she told me to hit on some man to spy on him I'd be concerned. So Mir just risks leaving her children orphaned? I'm with Lupe on this.

    Esteban actually set a trap for Rubio! It's refreshing to see that our galán doesn't have 3 brain cells for a change.

    Got to know, be back later.

  2. Adriana, thanks. I so enjoyed your recap.

    I never thought Mireya would be able to talk herself out of that situation with Mauro so that was a pleasant surprise.

    I love when they let us know what Ginebra is thinking.

    Ginebra so enjoys torturing her mother. Not a spoiler: Would Ginebra ever tell Elvira she is her long lost daughter and then kill her? That would be very “Ginebra”.

    It was good seeing exactly how Berenice met her end at Ginebra’s direction.

    Yes, Weirdo, I agree that it was refreshing seeing a galán having “more than 3 brain cells.”

    How much longer are they going to leave Monito living in that old bus?

    Finally, I thought that Rubio’s braided beard was a telenovela hairdressers’s creation until I saw a man in public with a beard braided just like that last
    weekend. The beard craze cannot end soon enough.

  3. Thanks, Adriana; what a delight! "The Lost Kids Market" -- I laughed and laughed. Gotta get back onto that sidebar.

    I wonder if Gin will use Paz's info about Fermin hitting her to frame him for some "random" attack. It's just the kind of thing she would do -- and they can't blame everything on Rubio while he's locked up.

    So the tribal-tattoo guy WAS significant -- and the reason for his lingering outside was to document Elvira's anguish. I didn't notice him filming, but I think I was too fascinated by his elbows. I love that they're not showing his face. Have they even decided who he is yet? Maybe it's Esteban's nefarious primo! Let's see if he rolls up his sleeves...

    Jarifa, that beard thing is a pseudo-Viking adaptation. I think they've been watching too much BBC.

  4. BlueLass, thanks for the info and laugh. ; )

  5. Adriana,

    Thank you for your exceptional recap that perfectly conveyed what transpired.

    So many wonderful lines with "she thinks they shouldn’t move so fast (kind of late for that, Miss “I spy with my little eye” being one of my favorites.

    I was shocked that Mir was able to fast talk her way out of her dire situation with Mauro too Jarifa. She hit him in his most vulnerable spot, ego. Of course he would buy her love and jealousy! Well done Mir...

    So refreshing to see a galan actually capable of thinking clearly. Esteban finally gets a clue.

    Yes, Gin seems to have taken up residence at Esteban's and is taking advantage of every opportunity to eavesdrop. I hope Paz has now learned her lesson.

    It was very hard watching the flashbacks of Berenice and how she suffered.

    Ginebra's mind is always processing at full speed. A clever idea to use Felipa's son for her next criminal venture. As monstrous as Ginebra is, she continues to achieve a level of unparalled evilness.

    I'm starting a bring Monito home protest.

    Just wonderful Adriana. Thank you!


  6. Cher Adriana,merci for another excellent review as the characters twist and turn .

    I find it interesting that these folks can meet with supposed murderer Rubio. Could that happen in real life ?

    Blue Lass, thanks for identifying where I've seen the scraggly beard beads before . Vikings. Yes.

    I still am confused about Gin's new bff , the scary Felipa. I thought Gin must have met her at the company when Gin was installed in an office there and immediately made herself large and in charge . However, Kenzo stated that Felipa didn't work there when Felipa was playing bathroom monitor . So ....why did Gin so quickly decide that Felipa would be a good crime partner . Where's my beanie ?

    The dynamic between Esteban and Gin is interestibg . He was initially pretty solicitous to her when she first rode into town. Then, she got a little too eager agressivo , kissy ,and handsy, and Esteban strikes me as a guy who prefers a shy , laidback Paz type . Now, as Gin is showing up all the time at his house, he definitely seems to be taking a step back and giving her some strange looks. I hope he doesn't fall for her charms. Gin looks like she is doubling down about getting Esteban , so I wonder what her strategy is now. Gala and Eder are crazy about gentle Paz , so Bosco is probably her way to Esteban somehow.


  7. Great work, Blue Lass, and thanks.

    I wasn't quite expecting the flashback to Berenice's murder but it is very revealing of so much. It showed what really happened, which is easily the most sadistic scenario short of prolonged physical torture; that may have happened if time had not been of the essence. The video shot by the thug was obviously done so Ginebra could enjoy it vicariously. I suspect that she is still in possession of it and it could become evidence against her at the end.

    The thug's voice is not that of Rubio and he is taller and in better shape. It's not Mauro either, but likely to have been part of the murder squad that stopped Elias' car and later went to wipe out all the homeless children.

    I would love to know about how Ginebra found out that Elvira is her egg donor. For now I speculate that there was something in the orphanage records that at least provided a clue, as Elvira did not personally surrender her. The orphanage burned down and all the records with it. Did any people survive that fire? Ginebra was born in 1987, so no internet entries of records could have been done for another 8 years at minimum. She and Mauro were adopted by bad people, but when did that happen?

  8. Thanks so much Adriana, that was great. So Mauro fell for Mireya’s story. But I’m worried about Paz and what Ginebra heard. But since she’s planning to have her killed i guess the conversation isn’t important.

    I loved how Esteban played detective and figured out Rubio didn’t kill his wife. He’s a true galán.

    I wish they’d rescue Monito. They’re always so close to finding him. But then they’d be hiding 2 kids in their house.

    I was surprised that Bosco and Pepa got along. Hoping that will help Bosco. Not sure why Ginebra wants him to face his mother’s killer. But we know it’s not to help him.


  9. Adriana, this was great. I laughed out loud at ´get yours, get another one for free.'
    I kept thinking how horrifying it must have been for Berenice. They told her'your life in exchange for your family's lives'.' Ginevra's desire to enjoy the pain of someone who had nothing to do with this is just so...When she said to Elvira she hopes Elvira would be able to find her daughter one day, I kept wondering what she was thinking at that moment. How can she make sense of what Elvira says and the story she had already created in her own head?
    Paz is in danger. How long will it be before Gin strikes?
    Gin is really pushing it with her suggestion they take Bosco to see Rubio behind Esteban's back. Didn't it seem risky to her? What does she want to accomplish with this?
    Felipa is willing to use her own kid for fraud. I struggle to believe this. Didn't she do something with his money before? I can't remember what it was but someone mentioned it recently.

  10. Ginebra probably knows just enough about Bosco to know that meeting with Rubio would totally destroy him, possibly killing himself.

    As for Felipa, she doesn't love her children any more than Ginebra would have loved the baby that died. Remember that she didn't shed a single tear when that happened; she declared that the pregnancy had been a wasted effort and sent Mauro out to get a newborn baby girl whose tears didn't move her one whit.

    I doubt that Felipa is as cold as Ginebra -- who could probably live on Pluto -- so she will likely have a breaking point.

  11. Thanks so much, Adriana, for your terrific recap.

    How long can they keep up the Mauro/Mireya dance? I can't believe the writers are going to actually have her go to bed with a man who had some qualms in his past but has now said he plans to kill a 6 year old.

    Paz didn't get the "think fast on your feet" genes in her DNA like her sister did. She looked like a deer in the headlights when Gin came around the corner. Gin is a predator and can feel fear.

    I think they'll eventually show a reformed Bosco. Sweetheart Pepa will help break through his loathing of Paz and her family.

    I thought Salo was delightful with Luna. He may be a bit of a Don Juan, but he sure knows how to be an affectionate older brother with a child.

    Gin seems to have singled out Bosco as the weak link in her "take over the family and their money" plan.

    That scene with Berenice was truly awful. The guy who injected her said he'd run to the beach and kill her children if she resisted. And Gin wanted it filmed? I can't think of a punishment bad enough for her.

    Only Elvira would have a gold rattle.

    Unless we're TN rookies, we just sneer when the female villain says she's going to have our female protagonist killed. Paz is safer than a puppy in a padded box.

  12. Thanks, Adriana, for your wry as always delight of a recap! I enjoyed every word. I'm really late to the party and I still haven't watched the episode but I actually want to watch after reading your recap!!

    As soon as I read, 'there's a man there, we don't see his face' my mind produced a suspect! The thought came out of nowhere and since I haven't seen the episode, I won't name the suspicion - I want to see if the visual of what we can see of the person matches what my mind wanted to create. I'm probably wrong anyway, I tend to come up with complicated theories and novela writers tend to go with the more obvious - some nameless thug we are seeing for the first time.

    I too am glad Este is thinking of his feet, or thinking at all! Nice trait in a galan! :)

  13. Novelera, loved your puppy in a padded box reference. I'm anxiously awaiting last night's recap, think it is the first time I watched in real time. OT, how many on this patio are watching Vivir. I started watching this and Vivir at the same time, but decided to concentrate on Receta while binge watching an old Novela with the help of the Caray blog(Mi marido tiene familia which I'm half through). I'm on #6 of Vivir but not positive I want to continue, but joining these discussions is fun so perhaps I'll persevere.

  14. OT

    Kat, most of those on this patio are watching Vivir as well. I count six people who commented on this page that are also watching Vivir. The Vivir patio is humming, but I definitely understand concerns about time constraints!! I have my own concerns and still keep watching both! I always wanted to watch Mi Marido tiene Familia - I love the actor who plays the lead in that, Daniel Arenas! :) But I am intimidated by the sheer number of episodes in that! I think I don't have time now, that has 269 episodes if you watch both seasons. Talk about a time commitment!
