
Thursday, May 09, 2024

Daytime TNs.... Y Mas (#2), Week of May 6, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Abrazame Muy Fuerte (Unimas)

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Cuando me Enamoro  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)

** Cuando me Enamoro, Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo and Nadie Como Tu will be pre-empted on Thursday!!


  1. VIVIR #50 Part 1

    Don Emilio tells Agent Corral that Lucas was trying to set Brayan up. She concedes they have been trying to catch Brayan for a long time but he always gets away.

    Speaking of, Brayan is tumblin’ away and is confronted by Pedrito and Loli. Pedrito puts on his most menacing face, telling him he has to confess he forced Lucas to steal!! Brayan, smirking with amusement, pushes them gently away and backflips off to his next destination.

    JE and Don Emilio continue to tell Agent Corral Lucas is innocent, pleading his case.

    Sadly, the next scene is a very ugly exchange between Lupe and Luis. He screams at her but she yells back that he of all people should understand his son! She will protect him and not tell ANYONE where he is! She storms out as he calls after her banging his hand on the counter in frustration.

    Lucas reflects back on Pedrito’s wise advice to listen to what Mati has to say.

    Mati and Javier meet with and hug Gabriel as Sandy watches, dropping her tray.

    Sandy (why is she being called Anna now??) presents Romina with a basket of fruit, telling her Romina has returned. High arched eye roll from Romina.

    Adolfo tells JE if he stays with Rebeca he will be in a living hell (he oughta know); he will never forget the woman he truly loves. He admits he lost the love of his life and accepted he had to live without her. He tells JE that Rebeca is manipulative and is using the baby to control him! JE says as soon as he has the baby in his arms, Rebeca will never see him or the baby again!

    Doris and Rebeca are going through her clothes packing them in cardboard boxes. She in her semi midriff top, Rebeca starts throwing out ideas on how to get a baby! Doris stares.

    Marisa tells Angel Alma is responding; she will have to see how she can take care of her. Angel shares she is going to be renting a small house in Marisa’s neighborhood.

    Romina lies through her teeth telling Fatima Luciano won’t show up as they’re back together. When she tries to warn her off, Fatima smartly says she is the owner and can be anywhere on the property she chooses; further she better not mess with anyone in her family.

    Cris meets Rebeca at the restaurant flourishing a baby gift bag containing a cute yellow outfit. Rebeca tells Cris she is happy that she will be living with JE. Gi comes up to frostily note she can’t believe Rebeca appeared only to split up the family!

    Elena sits in her chair in her office crying and shaking her head about Angel. They all realize that Angel is the one who ran the restaurant. Gi will try and convince Angel to come back.

    Cris calls JE and asks if Angel is there with him. He says no and she tells him Angel has left the restaurant and moved out!

    We see Angel telling the realtor she is taking the house.

    Renato shows up with his welcome wagon as well as provisions and painting clothing. He and Angel paint wearing fun paper hats and are having a great time as she gives him a sip of water. Low key paint spattering occurs and a bit of dancing.


  2. VIVIR #50 Part 2 of 2

    ALMA! “Tia” Lupe says warmly as she enters her aunt’s room. Alma looks completely out of it…

    Armando Shows up at Doris’s stall. He keeps staring and she starts hitting him with her wares as he tries to calm her down by stuffing lots of her “fashions” into a brown shopping bag. Gi looks through the market aisle a bit worriedly.

    The nurse tells Lupe Alma can’t talk and recovery will be slow. If she recovers…

    Angel carefully waters her red flowering plant as she tells Jimena she won’t suffer for JE anymore. Jimena says it’s so unfair Rebeca won everything. Angel plans to move forward without JE, the restaurant and without living at home. JE calls and says Angel can live in the apartment he bought for her. Gee, thanks but no thanks! As they are talking he hears Renato’s voice in the background. She doesn’t have to explain anything to him! JE does a Sergio Sendel phone toss.

    JE calls Fatima and tells her Angel has left home and he is worried. He asks that she find out from Jimena where Angel is living.

    Angel and Renato are still playing housework and they start to dance in the kitchen as he gives her a twirl. He tells her how much he admires her and starts to ask her for a chance when all of the sudden the door opens and JE is standing there telling Renato he has no chance!? Why are you here in my house Angel asks. She proceeds to shut him down, despite his pleas, telling him he is with her SISTER. Renato folds his arms looking on as Angel wholeheartedly claims, “I’m not interested!” JE says scathingly Renato will not be able to get Angel to fall in love with him! But much to his chagrin, she turns to Renato, tells him she is giving him a chance and kiss him!! JE has to pick his chin off the floor.

    After JE leaves, Angel’s eyes widen as she hugs Renato. He is thrilled for the chance of course as her as the theme music swells. She wonders if she is doing the right thing.

    Rebeca is calling JE who ignores her, hitting the steering wheel in utter frustration. He puts his head down and drives as she calls him estupido! Next she calls Sebastian who rightly thinks she has quite the attitude..

    Alma is desperately trying to talk to Lupe, saying Rebeca’s name but that is all she can manage. Unwitting Lupe tells her Rebeca should return soon but the nurse informs her Rebeca has NOT come or even called.

    Fatima finds Luciano bailing hay. She asks why his wife is accusing her family of fraud. Luciano tells her Romina sent JE evidence (true enough) but he has done nothing!!. She thinks Romia may be lying but Luciano defends her as Fatima walks off.

    Oh noes!! Lupe calls Rebeca to tell her Lupe is in the hospital, calling her an ingrate. Lupe wants to see her. Why Rebeca hisses, leaning forward.

    Fatima calls JE who of course has no idea what papers she is talking about. He tells her he lost Angel and about her kiss with Renato. Wise Fatima defends Angel and tells him Angel loves him.

    At that point, Rebeca walks up to JE, demanding to know who is talking to. She coos thanking him for going with her to see Lupe.

    Icky and Sebastian talk as Misael comes up. He learns JE is looking for a house for Rebeca and his son. Misael thinks his son!

    Angel wanders into a church with a magnificent mural. She kneels in a pew and fervently prays that she do the right thing.

    At the hospital of horrors, “Mamita” Rebeca purrs as she walks over to Alma, murmuring how much she loves her. Alas, the lightning strike we pray for doesn’t occur… Alma looks very frightened and it is clear that she would be hyperventilating. If she could. Seeing Alma curling her lip, JE seems to realize something is amiss and asks Alma if she is all right. Rebeca stares and she and we wait on tenterhooks for what will happen next…


  3. Superb recap as usual, Diana! I see your snark is closer to the end this time, but all the more amusing for having to wait for it: "Rebeca hissed" (yes, she is rather snakelike); "Alas, the lightning strike we pray for doesn't occur." I was surprised Brayan wasn't mean to Pedrito and Loli. Maybe he sees them as future recruits? And I was amazed that Rebeca is considering buying a baby. That would be even more a case of DNA anyone? than her and Misael's baby. Renato is such a kind, helpful man! (and originally from India?) At least he realizes that although Angelli is willing to have him as a novio, she doesn't love him deeply. Maybe that way he's less likely to get his heart broken. Oh oh! Dramatic irony again! Lupe thinks Alma mentions Rebeca's name because she wants to see her, but she is indeed terrified. I loved seeing Renato and Angelli dancing and thought JE got what he deserved when Angelli kissed Renato.

  4. Vivir
    We had some severe storms here in SC overnight. Lots of downed trees. No power or Internet since 2 a.m. so watching this episode will have to wait. I imagine Alma is saying Rebecca's name because she knows that is who poisoned her, not that she wants to see her. Diana you did such a a good job I feel I don't even have to watch it!

  5. Vivir

    Dear Diana, thank you for this wonderful recap of all the drama now that we were finally able to see this episode .

    Renato is smitten with angelic Angel and always prepared to be right by her side to support and help her . What a great friend who obviously wants more than her friendship. The painting scene was sweet and carefree, something Angel needed .

    Wow, Rebecca had a sweater with " LOVE" written on it in white .... awful . It reminded me of those Halloween skeleton costumes .

    Will Rebecca try to kill Alma..again? Will Alma end up recuperating at Angel's new house? I'll bet Angel is pregnant ! Where does Rebecca plan to get a bebe , and has she shopped for various sized pillows to have on hand for her pretend pregnancy ?

  6. Vivir
    First, Diana, I’m wondering if you used to be an English teacher! You recognized my writing and I had forgotten to sign my name!

    The recap was great. Reading a recap right after watching is neat, something I can’t do with the nighttime shows.

    If Alma could get out part of Rebeca’s name couldn’t she get out a “no”. At least JE was there so we knew she’d survive this visit.

    I loved JE walking in on Angela and Renato dancing. And really, he pushed her to say yes and kiss Renato. How many times should she open herself up only to be hurt by him.

    Adolfo should have had that talk with JE a long time ago, it might have solved some of the problems. Now he’ll be a dad to some kid Rebeca buys! What could go wrong there. I can’t see Rebeca loving her own child, how would she do with a stranger’s child.

    JE bumped into a man when he left Angel’s. I wonder if he’s going to end up reappearing.

    I loved Fatima telling Romina off. When will Luciano realize his wife lies.

    Interesting that Angel was the one that ran the restaurant. Didn’t Renato help them once before. If he buys it he can fire Rebeca and hire Angel. Can’t wait for Elena to get her credit card bill!


  7. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thanks for another great recap. I truly enjoy what you write, I think I would enjoy reading your recaps even if I never watched the novela.
    Maybe more... this particular novela sometimes annoys me. Well, a lot of them do, which is why I don't usually watch more than one, and often enough just take a novela holiday.

    I haven't yet had a chance to watch today's airing, but I will later. Probably I will mute the sound or close my eyes for the scene with Rebeca and Alma. I don't do well with horror movies either, unless Mel Brooks is in them. Or perhaps The Fearless Vampire Killers.



  8. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you for your lovely words.

    I couldn't really find a good place to add snark until the end so thank goodness for that!

    "Oh oh! Dramatic irony again! Lupe thinks Alma mentions Rebeca's name because she wants to see her, but she is indeed terrified"!!! Perfect! yes, Alma's horror clearly radiated and Lupe unsurprisingly unilluminated had no idea. I really hope Alma survives and in one piece!

    I am sure that not too deep in his soul, Renato realizes Angel will never love him as she loves JE. More's the pity, right??

    Yup, beg, borrow or steal, Beca is all in on getting a baby. I cannot see Doris going along with this..

    "JE got what he deserved when Angelli kissed Renato". Exactly!!


  9. VIVIR

    Thank you Kat. I'm sorry you experienced such bad weather! I hope everyone there is safe and that you didn't sustain any damage. Being without power is so difficult; I hope yours is restored shortly.

    Yes, I felt for Lupe misreading what Alma was attempting to say, that her not so dear Rebeca is NOT whom she wishes to see. I was thinking that JE accompanying Beca may have saved Alma's life. At least for now!


  10. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Susan!

    Yes, it was high time we saw a happy Angel, if only briefly!!

    I so enjoyed your questions! "Will Rebecca try to kill Alma..again? Will Alma end up recuperating at Angel's new house? I'll bet Angel is pregnant ! Where does Rebecca plan to get a bebe..."

    Tentative answers are: Yes, she will absolutely try to kill Alma again. Oooh, I hadn't thought of Alma ending up at Angel's!! That would be interesting...You and I have both been thinking Angel is preganant for a while now; perhaps?? So, as far as the baby, isn't Beca jumping the gun? As you noted, pillows first. I can't imagine she is too far along??


  11. VIVIR

    Hi Liz! No I never taught but I recognized your fine writing style!

    "If Alma could get out part of Rebeca’s name couldn’t she get out a “no” was a great point. I can't imagine what she is feeling with Rebeca hovering over her feigning caring and compassion.

    "I can’t see Rebeca loving her own child, how would she do with a stranger’s child" is a very sobering thought.

    Think there is any any pending charge on Beca's card from 1-800-buyababe?? 😊


  12. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana. A delight to relive the highs (Angel telling JE to "git!") and even the lows (anything with Rebeca) through your recap.

    How remarkable that Angel is empowering herself to move on and even takes a place in Rebeca's old neighborhood. She's not whining about material things and actually having fun painting with Renato. I love that JE caught her having a good time with Renato, but she really needs to lock her door.

    Liz, I also wonder if the guy JE bumped into will figure in this tale. I guess JE didn't get his pocket picked at least.

    Cris bugged me telling JE that Angel left the restaurant and home. Everybody needs to give the girl some space.

    Doris didn't seem onboard with Rebeca buying some random baby.

    I don't see why Alma can't return to wiggling a finger to answer yes-no questions. Who will be the first to notice Rebeca's presence only agitates her?

    Lupe has always been the brains in her marriage. Luis is normally a good guy, but in my view he's taking it out on his wife that he feels helpless and clueless with Lucas, so why not start a fight with Lupe. It's dumb but I've seen it done.

  13. VIVIR

    I'm so appreciative of your nice words Andy.

    I have to say that at least one thing (or multipe things) actually happen every episode. At least thus far.

    I think you're going to enjoy this. But good idea to "...mute the sound or close my eyes for the scene with Rebeca and Alma".

    "I don't do well with horror movies either, unless Mel Brooks is in them. Or perhaps The Fearless Vampire Killers". Excellent 😊


  14. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you so much...

    Adding to the long list of things I wish I'd said: "How remarkable that Angel is empowering herself to move on and even takes a place in Rebeca's old neighborhood". Perfect and so fitting.

    I must have been typing and didn't see JE bumping into anyone as he left Angel's. Thanks to you and Liz, I will keep my eyes peeled.

    Luis is definitely taking his frustration on Lucas' situation out on Lupe. I was so glad she stalked out and told him off. Realistically, tragedy should bond people, not rip them apart. But as in real life, that all too often isn't the case.

    No, Doris did not seem at all enthralled with the steal a baby suggestion.

    "I don't see why Alma can't return to wiggling a finger to answer yes-no questions" was a fine suggestion which would have made perfect sense. So much for continuity. ☹


  15. Diana, thanks for your well wishes. Lots of downed limbs and still without internet/cable until who knows when but power returned around 8 p.m. I can catch up tomorrow when I'm at my daughter's babysitting my granddaughter. Her nap time usually coincides with Vivir but I was watching Mi Marido Tiene Mas Familia on my phone today instead...a bit of comedy is preferable to me personally.

  16. Vivir de amor

    "Armando Shows up at Doris’s stall. He keeps staring and she starts hitting him with her wares as he tries to calm her down by stuffing lots of her “fashions” into a brown shopping bag. Gi looks through the market aisle a bit worriedly."

    At first I thought Armando was making goo-goo eyes at Doris (understandable), but perhaps something else.
    OK, Gi is the "other blonde" whose name is somewhat like Jimena's. I don't know or remember what her relationship is with Armando, if any. But seeing she was concerned...?

    I really should have started a spreadsheet with all the characters and their relationships way back early days of this novela. Now I know about half of them, and am fairly clueless about the other half. And we have to be more than half way through this novela.

    "JE says scathingly Renato will not be able to get Angel to fall in love with him! But much to his chagrin, she turns to Renato, tells him she is giving him a chance and kiss him!!"

    Yeah, but I felt sorry for poor Renato, and I hope he doesn't believe that. Better to go for Jimena, I don't really believe Angel is in his future. And he better be careful, too. If he makes too much of a big deal about Angel, Jimena might look elsewhere. And people generally don't like being someone's second choice unless it's a relationship from some time ago.

    To me, JE's bumping into that other man was just JE being extremely upset and not watching where he was going, but he was certainly impolite about it.

    Rebeca can be very scary sometimes, but I keep thinking of her in the credits roll, usually near the end, where she is crying into her pillow. A different Rebeca.
    It makes me wonder.


  17. VIVIR

    Andy, I initially thought Gi and Jimena were the same person. It took me a while to distinguish between the two and yes, as you noted, even the names are similar!!

    Gi is married to Armando. He seemed to start buying the clothes when his flirting offended Doris. When they showed Gi in the background, I sensed it was for a reason and as she seemed to have a concerned look on her face, I couldn't tell if she saw what was going on or if she was just standing there and I read too much into it.

    As much as Renato might want to believe Angel, he knows full well she loves JE. As much as I hate to agree with JE, Renato really doesn't have a chance. Jimena is a prize and hopefully she will dump Icky permanently and she and Renato will find their way to each other.

    There are so many characters to keep track of...I consistently reference Lupe when I mean Alma. ☹ Well, I try...

    To be honest, I'm typing away through the credits, I think the only time I really looked at them was the first episode. I will have to try and catch the scene with Rebeca that you mentioned.


  18. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks, Diana! What a triumphant return to our show coverage. I hope you enjoyed your time away from the daily grind.

    How refreshing was it to see Angel and Renato having a good time? Finally! The shows of late have had so much evil and darkness in control. The good guys have been overdue for a sweet moment.

    How random that Renato’s Renovations were learned and perfected in India(!). Brava to Angel for telling JE about himself and moving forward. Based on the Laws of Novela Credits, it most likely won’t last, but that’s ok as we want Renato with Jimena.

    We also got a glimpse of Stockholm Doris standing up to Rebecca for a change. She was hardly amused by her plan for buying a baby and did not appreciate the shade Rebecca threw at the barrio’s pregnant and desperate population.

    Fátima also outdid herself - standing up to Matilde Sr. and reminding her who’s in charge. I’m glad the writers are getting back to the evidence (in JE’s room) plot. Meanwhile, they aren’t doing Luis any favors by giving him JE’s jerk crown. Why is he spontaneously so daft and unlikeable? Character continuity: none.

    This enjoyable episode was also helped by the absence of our cartoon villains Mónica, Mau, and Bruno. On the other hand, it was hard to watch Catatonic Alma. The other plot they abandoned (or Looneyvision snipped) was Rebecca’s coverup of the rat poisoning (by staging the poison in old bottles).

    Agent Corral needs to stop sitting pretty (figuratively), and bust some crimes!!!

  19. VIVIR

    Thank you so much O.S.

    It was "refereshing" and relieving to have a bit of lightheartedness, however brief.

    "Renato's Renovations", "Laws of Novela Credits" and "Stockholm Doris" were all inspired.

    The time for Doris to pick a definitive side is imminent. "She was hardly amused by her plan for buying a baby and did not appreciate the shade Rebecca threw at the barrio’s pregnant and desperate population" (excellent). Let's hope she chooses wisely.

    I didn't miss any of our bad buffoons either!

    Alma has now survived a second attempt on her life. I believe she has paid her share of penance and hope she has another chance (egads, do I sound like JE? The horror.)


  20. Vivir #50

    Bien hecho, Diana.

    Not sure if Rebecca will be buying a baby; that would be very expensive and beyond her means for the foreseeable future. What is more likely is something that is also nothing new:

    If Angeli is pregnant Rebecca will somehow steal her baby.*

    If the conception dates aren't too far apart and Angeli has an early labor this could be what Rebecca does. She is also vile enough to become what Candace DeLong calls a Womb Raider.

    This is nothing new in the real world but I don't recall seeing this in novelas yet. If this series is the 125 episodes I read about a few weeks ago it would be a viable choice by the writers. Rebecca would see this as appropriate revenge against Angeli and Elena and would laugh all the way through this.

    Alma needs protection. I hope someone sees that ASAP.

    Nice painting party but I can't stand the color pink, especially that one. It looked like Pepto Bismol on those walls. Ivory or pale cream, please!

    *Previous Mejia example is Mariana de la Noche

  21. VIVIR #51 Part 1

    Dramatic city scape screen shot.

    Adolfo visits Cris in her office. She has something delicate to discuss with him. Misael. She suspects he is guilty of committing the fraud.

    Meanwhile, Misael is angrily trying to reach Rebeca as he snarls. Adolfo gently tells Cris Mau will surely hurt her again. He goes on to tell her that she has always been important to her as Gabriela interrupts. Cris smoothly excuses her appearance by saying her conversation with Adolfo has ended. She tells Gabriela Sebas has called a meeting as he knows who authorized the transfers Bruno made.

    In the hospital corridor, (drat no Alma today!) Rebeca is showing JE pictures on her phone of pricey homes. JE looks incredulous and says they are far too grand. She caresses his face although it is evident she is disappointed. That black and white “love” shirt is getting on my nerves.

    Then Sebastian calls and JE tells an irritated Rebeca he has to go back to the office.

    Lupe talks to Angel about Lucas explaining she will need to be with him more so won’t be able to work as much.

    Lucas is talking with Pedrito in his concrete, open-air hideout. Lucas (SO well versed in ways of love 😊) tells his young friend that when he finds love, he will fight for it.

    Gabriel is leading Mati and Javier into the woods to show them a beautiful bird that flies backward which he almost manages to capture in his hand. He leans forward and gives Mati a kiss on the mouth as Javier shields his eyes. Mati walks away quickly…

    Sebastian tells JE he knows who approved the transfers. Monica shares the news with Misael.

    The boardroom meeting convenes. All are in person save Fatima who is joining via video. To JE’s surprise, Bruno slinks into the room late just as the meeting begins, Shockingly, Sebastian says all the signatures verifying the transfers were Don Emilio’s.

    Lupe tells Angel Alma is awake but seems very nervous (and can you blame her??? Of course not viewerville huffs).

    Elena has her arm around Santiago as they discuss the tattoo situation when Rebeca arrives, taking over the conversation, saying she and Santi should go out and have some fun. Karaoke perhaps? She hugs him.


  22. VIVIR #51 Part 2

    Fatima highly doubts Don Emilio signed the documents and Cris seconds that emotion. Monica tells them her father wasn’t in his right mind when he signed the transfers. JE argues that since Don Emilio became ill, he hadn’t been making decisions. But do his words fall on deaf ears?? Sadly so. Misael calls for a vote to call the main person involved – Don Emilio. Ack. At least JE thinks to ask Bruno why he ran. Bruno said he was afraid! After all, Gabriela had already been arrested. But now that Don Emilio has been identified he decided to come forward (out of your hidey hole you meant to say right, Bruno??) Bruno states it wasn’t his place to question Don Emilio’s actions.

    Don Emilio talks with Cris and JE. He’s been worried all day since he learned they were in a meeting. Cris hesitatingly tells Don Emilio there is no fraud. JE asks if he remembers authorizing large transfers as Don Emilio sits down, dazed, and confused. He says he used to take care of everyone and now everyone is taking care of him. Cris whispers to her father not to worry and kisses him on the head telling him she loves him.

    Renato and Jimena are having a meal in the kitchen and having a grand old time. Jimena is happy for her friends as they toast. Renato wants to make it work.

    Gi and Angel embrace as she enters Angel’s new digs as JE peeks around the corner. Angel laments about her mother bringing Rebeca into the restaurant but acknowledges there is now nothing she can do. She hopes that she, Jimena and Santiago can combat whatever damage Rebeca inflicts.

    OMG! We collectively cringe seeing Rebeca has taken Santiago to a casino! He panics and says he doesn’t want to go in and she literally has to push him. He reluctantly takes a seat, taking out a card and charging chips.

    Shocker (NOT) Santi is losing more than his shirt. Misael showed up and has her pressed against a wall as she says they were supposed to be discreet. Misael sneers he will see her whenever he wants or he will tell JE she lost the baby. She counters that she is doing everything for him, daddy (as my stomach roils). She manages to sweet talk him and a make out session ensues.

    Romina has managed to make a nice meal as she announces Luciano has given her another chance. At that moment, Fatima knocks on the door. It is Romina she wishes to speak to. She asks Romina about the papers she supposedly sent. Romina says the documents were signed for by someone in her family. If she wants to know anything else, she will have to find out on her own. Luciano runs after her but she tells him to go back to his happy family.

    Angel and Gi say goodnight. As JE lurks in the shadows Renato shows up!!

    Misael followed Rebeca to the casino to talk about killing Mau. He plans to incriminate Cris. She agrees as she hates Cris. She asks what the plan is. and Reb’s make out session ends as they talk about Mau.

    Mau is playing with something that looks like an hourglass (like the sands thought the hourglass so are the “limited” days of our lives?) He is on the phone with someone asking for a first-class flight; he almost has the money and deserves it after serving jail time.

    Jimena is happy for Angela and Renato. Not everyone is so lucky she says sadly. Icky is coming home late again and wants her to quit. Angel asks her what SHE wants. Jimena wants to work and will try and schedule things better so Icky won’t complain. Angel gets emotional about JE and cries that she left JE and has now lost him forever. Jimena tells her it was for the best as he is having a baby, with her SISTER. Jimena enumerates Renato’s qualities saying he is so in love with her! Angel agrees but he isn’t JE. (Thank God I murmur) …

    Pedrito shows up at Marisa’s/Alma’s. He just had a bath and wants some help with ironing because he has an important meeting!


  23. VIVIR #51 Part 3 of 3

    Pedrito looking like a handsome little man he is shows up at work as Gabriela stares although kindly. All of a sudden, Misael and Monica appear and Misael roughly grabs Pedrito by the scruff of the neck! JE rushes out just in time and he and Misael almost come to blows. JE does ask if Monica sent him any documents! Then, Monica walks out saying she can’t believe JE is defending that snotty kid. JE kneels asking Pedrito if he is all right and little man Pedrito blows it off and fixes his coif. JE takes him by the hand and they set out. What a charmer Pedrito is.

    Angel is still sniffling about JE. Jimena tells her it is normal but she should focus on Renato. Ahhh, amor impossible. Angel still loves JE and cries as Jimena strokes her back.

    Pedrito and JE walk the hall, two proud peacocks. Ped reminds JE he is there as he is supposed to enroll him in school. JE agrees and they do an elaborate handshake.

    Misael, Monica, and Bruno strategize celebrating they were able to pin everything on Don Emilio. Monica does warn them saying JE, Cris and Adolfo won’t give up. Misael stresses they need to solve the “other problem” They need to find the evidence Mau has against them.

    Oh no Rebeca is snooping around JE’s house and is almost discovered by the housekeeper. She is wearing gloves; this cannot be good! I don’t know what she might have done in the bedroom; could she have been planting evidence against Cris??

    Mau has a blue folder and talks about being a multi-millionaire. He is expecting a windfall and will pay for the tickets. Monica calls him, lying through her veneers he will get the money. She wants to set up a meeting. Mau says HE will tell her what he wants and will text her the instructions. Misael suggests that Monica knows the safe combination and that they will get the money from there and steal all the family jewels. Monica says her sister’s story will repeat itself and Misael adds this time, the outcome will be different. (I thank my friend for providing these and other details for this recap that were far over my head). Monica gives a toothy grin chugging from a flask as Misael makes the motion of shooting someone with a gun.

    Cris laments to Adolfo that Don Emilio’s signature was on the transfers. He says he will continue to investigate.

    Rebeca continues her prowling, trying to find evidence that JE is still seeing Angel. She is pacing around the room, rummaging through the drawers. Oh no!! She comes up to the same stuck dresser drawer JE came upon yesterday. When she tries to free it, this time, the drawer falls on the floor. Naturally, she hits pay dirt finding the envelope with the incriminating evidence Mau had taped to the drawer. She stares as she thinks to herself she now has Misael just where she wants him!


  24. Vivir. Another first rate recap, Diana! Once again, clever snarky comments: "out of your hidey hole you meant to say, right Bruno?"; "like the sands through the hourglass so are the 'limited' days of our lives" [at least Mauricio's apparently, but we'll see. The writers have played with us before] A very busy episode! Cristina should have trusted her instincts about Misael being responsible for the fraud. It probably isn't that difficult to forge or alter documents. Some cute scenes, as when Javi is disgusted when Gabriel kisses Mati, or when the love expert (this time) Lucas advises Pedrito about love. What is Rebeca's motivation for taking Santiago to a casino, where she must know he'll gamble away his school money? Que? JE, Sebastian, Cristina, etc. actually believe that d. Emilio took the money? Have these people no brains at all? Of course, it stalls the plot, so that maybe this novela will have 125 episodes after all. Fatima and Gabriela trust their instincts and are right on. The 3 disgusting, smarmy vicious malevolents Monica, Misael and Bruno, gather together to congratulate themselves on a scam gone well and to plot Mauricio's death and Cristina's framing. The creepiest scene in this whole episode. Wonder how (or if) they will be thwarted. It's also disgusting how nasty Monica and Misael are to Pedrito. It will be satisfying to see how Rebeca uses those genuine fraud papers against Misael.

  25. Vida #51

    Good stuff, Diana,

    No way did Don Emilio take the money. Rebecca will probably blackmail Misael into doing something dastardly [how apt for a latter-day Snidely Whiplash] that he won't want to do.

    She only had one glove on when opening that envelope, just in case it means anything.

    Monica and Misael will go into shock if we are right that Pedrito is his son. However, that will come only after the ridiculous stuff is over and done with.

    Fashion Review

    The ridiculous printed pants with the red flowers all over her Braziliand ass are too tacky

    Rebecca: The total villiana in her ugly black top (She really doesn't care, does she?), snake-themed earrings, and black nail polish.

    EPISODES #146/#147:

    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super super-short recap of this morning's double episodes.

    *Karina & Lazaro getting their happily ever after. At least they're the only ones neing happy in this chaotic Telenovela.

    *Where is Arely AKA SpareGirl ? With 35 episodes left, I've got a gut feeling she'll be back soon.

    *Ezekiel saying his final goodbyes to Alfonsina's daughter, the music foreboding something horrible things happening.

    *Scumbag Augie skypying with Slacker Berta on how to use damming information about Ezeq by destroying him. Ezeq knows too much & we all know what happens to those, who know too much......

    *Renata & Jeronimo horse riding until they find Ezeq hanging on the trees in broad daylight of all times. Lazaro, Carlos, Matilde & Manuela are notified about the so-called 'suicide' of Ezeq.

    *Scumbag Augie smiling as he's driving to the scene of the crime. He puts on the Oscar-worthy acting performance ever as he fakes shock about Ezeq's death in front of Carlos, Matilde, Manuela & Lazaro. Lazaro is suspicious about Scumbag Augie; We also see Allison & Anibal meeting face-to-face for the first time. PS: Allison is Manuela's granddaughter. Karina, Alfonsina & Co., get the news of Ezeq's death. Just wait until Alfonsina finds out about her late husband was banging Slacker Berta! Guarantee Alfonsina will become unhinged.

  27. Vivir

    Dear Diana, thank you for capturing all the scheming evil.

    It looked like Reb took a gun and some kind of black clothing and put them in her bag when she was snooping in the bedrooms . That Love sweater is hideous ...and completely mislabels the wearer.

    It was awful that Reb took gullible Santi to the casino. I guess that is part of her revenge plan to ruin the whole family.

    The little boy playing Pedrito has been in several recent novelas. He played a major role in " Vuelve A mi" on Telemundo. He is talented and charming . I hope that he isn't working too much to enjoy being a child.

    Did Luciano really tell Romina that he would give their marriage a chance, or was Romina lying to Fatima? Hey, you left your husband and children , so you don't just get to pick up what you threw away.

    I get such a kick out of Campy Hot Lips Monica. She must go through a lot of red lipstick.

  28. Vivir de amor

    I haven't finished watching this episode yet, but:

    Lucas is talking with Pedrito in his concrete, open-air hideout. Lucas (SO well versed in ways of love in ways of love ��)
    Ah, yes indeed.

    And more young love :-)
    "Gabriel is leading Mati and Javier into the woods to show them a beautiful bird that flies backward which he almost manages to capture in his hand." Yeah, but not up to the standards of Hollywood special effects; a little bit goofy, I thought.
    "He leans forward and gives Mati a kiss on the mouth as Javier shields his eyes. Mati walks away quickly…" But she didn't reprimand him. Lucas, our young love expert, better get his tail out to the ranch pretty soon.

    Interesting that Bruno should show up at the big reveal meeting. And also be the person least surprised that it was don Emilio who had signed all the authorizations.
    I wonder why that was :-)

    "Renato and Jimena are having a meal in the kitchen and having a grand old time. Jimena is happy for her friends as they toast." This was interesting. No sign of disappointment or jealousy from Jimena, just good friends happy about the situation.

    Rebeca is a very bad Mean Girl, but is she ever good at manipulating dumb people. Poor Santiago. And even though he's a rat, I also feel for Misael. She has done everything except put a collar on him and take him to the vet to have a chip implanted in his ear in case he ever gets lost. Not that she would really care, but maybe there's some insurance she could collect.

    And I'm scaring myself with this, but Rebeca is my telenovia of the week. Nevermind the evil, the goofy clothes, the madness, etc., the woman is really good-looking. At least as far as I'm concerned she looks so much better than she did in La mexicana y el güero.

    This week's runner up, Jimena.

    Susan, "I get such a kick out of Campy Hot Lips Monica..." You and me both! And I'm waiting for her to burst a seam or two :-)


  29. VIVIR

    Urban, thank you for both your comments.

    "If Angeli is pregnant Rebecca will somehow steal her baby.*...If the conception dates aren't too far apart and Angeli has an early labor this could be what Rebecca does" sent a shiver down my spine. I hadn't thought that far ahead but that might indeed be possible. Heaven forbid!

    I agree Alma needs protection but fear no one realizes how precarious her situation is.

    "Rebecca: The total villiana in her ugly black top (She really doesn't care, does she?)" Nopis, she certainly doesn't seem to. :)


  30. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you for your very uplifting words.

    "The 3 disgusting, smarmy vicious malevolents Monica, Misael and Bruno, gather together to congratulate themselves on a scam gone well and to plot Mauricio's death and Cristina's framing. The creepiest scene in this whole episode" was exactly right! Very well expressed.

    Excellent question as to why Rebeca brought Santi to the casino. I can only think that Rebeca loathes and wants to destroy her entire family; she cares nothing about or for Santiago and she will revel in his pain. Just tragic.

    "Have these people no brains at all?" is another thoughtful inquiry. If they do, they certainly aren't using them are they?? As Misael and Bruno have weasled out of looking guilty, it seems JE et al now believe that Don Emilio has lost possession of his faculties. It was horrible watching Don Emilio crumbling taking all the blame upon himself.

    Well now matters rest in Rebeca's grubby little hands...what a nightmare.


  31. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Susan.

    Beca wasted no time trying to ruin Santiago's life did she? Just as he was seemingly starting to get things together too. Except of course for telling exactly what happened with Misael and Dulce. Yup, that pesky little detail remains.

    "Did Luciano really tell Romina that he would give their marriage a chance, or was Romina lying to Fatima?" If I remember correctly, Romina had just made that announcement at dinner right before Fatima came to the door. While Mati and Javier were ecstatic I don't believe Luciano said anything to the contrary. He may not have agreed to it beforehand, but he wasn't disputing it. At least then and there.

    "I get such a kick out of Campy Hot Lips Monica. She must go through a lot of red lipstick". She certainly must! She surely loses quite a bit of it sucking on those flasks. Not good for lipstick longevity. 😊


  32. VIVIR

    I so enjoyed your witty observations Andy.

    On Misael and Rebeca: "She has done everything except put a collar on him and take him to the vet to have a chip implanted in his ear in case he ever gets lost" was inspired. I laughed out loud...

    You are so right in that after Gabriel's kiss Mati left quite quickly "But she didn't reprimand him. Lucas, our young love expert, better get his tail out to the ranch pretty soon". You are exactly right of course. Gabriel is advancing and Lucas better come back and stem the tide.

    Camraderie and pure friendship vibes were radiating from both Renato and Jimena. But sometimes that is how the truest love develop. Let's hope that is the case here.

    Rebeca now is showcasing Gala Montes' stunning looks. I'm glad the writers got rid of her frumpy clothes and messy hair although she is still committing a few crimes of fashion here and there.


  33. vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana. You got an action-packed episode and did it justice!

    I think that "Love" blouse Rebeca is sporting is noticeably not tucked in. She certainly doesn't want anyone noticing there's been no increase in her waist size. When can we expect the foam padded belly? I saw a Turkish dizi where someone had a whole closet full of gradually increasing in size foam bellies.

    Ha! Rebeca wanted a mansion, supposedly so the baby/child could play freely outdoors. Glad to see JE shut that down ASAP.

    What in the hell is wrong with Monica? I guess she and Rebeca are very much alike. Despite growing up with loving parents, both have no regard for anyone but themselves. Monica has repeatedly said nasty things about her kind father and today called him senile.

    Well, Cris is the loving daughter. However, she headed off JE's questions about possible transactions. Maybe, just maybe, if Don Emilio were aware of what he's accused of, it could trigger a memory of what went down with Misael.

    Cris has been nothing but kind to Rebeca, and she's more than willing to incriminate her. Just a complete sociopath.

    Maybe Mau's hourglass thingy was to show the passing of the 3 days he gave them to pay him off. Seems like the plan is to kill him with Cristina's gun and have whatever piece of clothing Rebeca took be found at the crime scene. Speaking of Mau, he was asking about countries without extradition agreements with Mexico. Mau seems to have 9 lives. Hard to say if Monica/Misael/Rebeca can pull off getting rid of him.

    Oh boy. Misael roughed up his own child (Pedrito, Viewerville thinks). Hope this bites him in the hindquarters before this is over.

  34. VIVIR

    Thank you for your (always) nice words Novelera.

    "Cris has been nothing but kind to Rebeca, and she's more than willing to incriminate her. Just a complete sociopath" is exactly right! Every (great) once in a while I feel a tinge of sympathy but watching her lie and steamroll everyone in her path with such greed and malice, makes it very fleeting.

    Monica is just loathsome.

    "Misael roughed up his own child". That was really hard to watch. At the beginning of this, Misael seemed to have part of his heart and soul intact. The last pieces seem to be pulling apart...


  35. OT...Novelera, ha...I remember that Turkish dizi with the villain and her drawer full of pillows . The galan reminded me of Thor. I can never remember titles after the shows end.


  36. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana. Super job. My fave snark: "Mau is playing with something that looks like an hourglass (like the sands through the hourglass so are the “limited” days of our lives?) - lol!

    Team Evil racked up a big win this epi, so I'm hoping evil Mau, working solo (or maybe not - we don't know who he was talking to on the phone) escapes their trap.

    Kids are not welcome at Rivero Cuéllar headquarters? Or was that what "evil" Call of the Blood looks like? Anyway, I got a kick out of Pedrito brushing off the foul behavior of (presumably) his pop and grandma.

  37. Vivir

    Thank you Diana, your recaps are fabulous! Witty, warm and wonderful! I am finally home and have watched Thursday's episode but haven't watched Friday yet, I did read the recap though!

    I liked that Brayan wasn't mean to the kids, a little teasing but not cruel.... I'm tired of the novela trend where all villains have to be cruel even to children, of course Monica and Misael came in the next episode and took up the slack, sadly. But I think (or at least hope) that it's more common that people can be petty crooks, or $50M fraud embezzlers without feeling the need to also pick on children.

    I rolled my eyes at everyone crying, worrying and going crazy that Angel moved out of mommy's house; like she was 15 and ran away from home instead of a grown woman who rented a house across town!!! Calm down people!!

    Why does Angel have to give Renato a chance? Why does a woman have to be in a relationship in order to have 'a chance to be happy'?? We know Angel is a novela watcher, she should know how this one ends!!! Seriously, it drives me crazy that every novela chick has to give guy #2 a chance when they are still head over heels for guy #1. Take some time ALONE!!! Heal your heart! Don't jump from relationship to relationship!!! It's annoying and unhealthy. And then you have moron #2 always so thrilled to be given a chance to fail miserably at happily ever after....

    Misael's one redeeming quality in the beginning of this was that he seemed to genuinely love his family despite his crimes. Now he's framing grandpa, planning uncle (daddy?)'s death and planning to frame auntie for that!!!

    Gala is very beautiful and doing a wonderful job as the villain. Kim is very warm and sweet as the protag, but I miss her scheming and lying as a bad girl - she is very very good at being bad!!! Angel just seems so vanilla in comparison.

  38. Vivir
    Diana, incredible job keeping it going and sparking all the fun and insightful comments!

    Back from a few weeks in Mexico where Vivir is holding down the 4:30 pm slot. As SpanProf has noted, Mexico is about a month ahead. Tuesday May 7 was episode #72.
    No spoilers, but things are chugging along and I saw no signs of its winding down anytime soon!

  39. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Niecie!

    Misael's reaction: "Or was that what "evil" Call of the Blood looks like?" was perfect! Misael was a beast, pure and simple. Pedrito has spirit doesn't he? He is amazing, nothing dampens his enthusiasm. "Adults" take note!

    As we are still less than halfway through this, it would make sense if Mau is able to elude death at the hands of the evil ones, at least for a while.


  40. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for your kind words. I hope your time away went well; I'm sure you are happy to be back home. We are delighted you are back!

    I can see that you are roaring right out of the gate today! I laughed out loud at "And then you have moron #2 always so thrilled to be given a chance to fail miserably at happily ever after...." And there you have it!!

    "I rolled my eyes at everyone crying, worrying and going crazy that Angel moved out of mommy's house...instead of a grown woman who rented a house across town!!! Calm down people!! 😊

    "Why does a woman have to be in a relationship in order to have 'a chance to be happy'??" Excellent question and the answer is she doesn't.

    Brayan does seem to have some humanity left in him but as you smartly noted, Misael has lost whatever he possessed, framing his family and abusing children he doesn't even know. Of course he is still loyal to mama. Sadly.


  41. VIVIR

    Clara, so glad to see your post!

    I hope you had a wonderful time in Mexico; a heartfelt welcome home and welcome back...

    Even though the plot keeps percolating, there is still much still up in the air. It does seem this is going to go up to or even over 120 episodes.

    In the meantime, nothing is lagging and something does happen every episode, which is good! As long as it's moving...


  42. Vivir

    Just a quick thanks for your detailed, action packed episode. Loved JE’s interaction with his maybe cousin, Pedrito. Maybe he’ll take him in when dad and Granma end up in jail.

    Luciano had a shocked look when Romina made her announcement. He really needs to shut her up. I thought she was rude to Fatima. She could have told her she gave it to the maid.

    I had to shake my head at Rebeca telling Misael she’s doing it for him! And he bought it.

    How will Santiago cover up the missing money. Or will he tell Elena Rebeca made him gamble. I guess it’s too early for Elena to discover any truths about her dear daughter.


  43. OT

    Happy Mother's Day to all, including fur baby mothers.


  44. VIVIR

    Thanks Liz!

    I expect Pedrito will end up with family, JE and Angel in the end.

    It will be interesting to see what happens with Santi. Will he hide his losses or will they come to light immedicately?? He is so weak willed but it was cruel of Rebeca to lead him astray just as he was trying to get his life together.

    Misael is a dope. :)


  45. O/T

    Thanks so much Andy...

    Today we celebrate all women. We all are someone's daughter. Perhaps a sister, neice, mother, aunt or friend. Love, camraderie and friendship, may it embrace you, sustain you and support you.

    Wishing you joy and happiness today.


  46. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks, Diana! Your recaps keep getting more entertaining while our show keeps the beanie industry afloat. I believe you and the patio have covered everything by now. So I’ll take this moment to say:


    May you and yours not end up like the madrecitas on our show:

    Mónica Rivero Cuellar - boozy, floozy (poor Adolfo), with a dashing son doing his damnedest to pull a doozy.
    Cristina Rivero Cuellar - worst daughter-in-law on daytime television, phantom grandson, formerly married to Snidely Whiplash, about to be framed for murder (of Señor Whiplash).
    Alma Trejo - lost 2 daughters (effectively), widowed (poor Salsero), multiple attempts on her life, police convinced she’s careless with pesticides.
    Elena Sandoval del Olmo - agonized for Satan’s spawn almost two decades, son with gambling/tattoo problems, blind [totalmente SEE-EGG-UH to her bad seeds’ (plural) machinations]. Saving grace: had the good sense to snare Ulises del Olmo (CdlC) - could be her saving grace.
    Romina Castillo - seduced by BIG business, abandoned her brood, handsome hubby (rightfully) in love with another woman. Mixed up with Dumb & Dumber. Criminal record.
    Jimena Díaz - married to philandering, waffling machista. Can’t see the answer to her love woes right under her nose. Hint: rhymes-with Ben Gato.
    Lupe - bipolar husband with anger and blame issues. Teenage son with a heart of gold making all the wrong choices (gangs, crime, acrobatics). Shaky future in marmalade futures.

  47. Vivir

    O.S. ...ha...thank you for the morning giggle with my coffee. Your analysis made me thankful that I am not one of these mujers. Yikes. Okay, time to find some marmalade.

  48. VIVIR

    These were just great O.S. Really clever. I'll limit my faves to:

    "Jimena Díaz - married to philandering, waffling machista. Can’t see the answer to her love woes right under her nose. Hint: rhymes-with Ben Gato" had me smiling away.

    "Lupe...Shaky future in marmalade futures"

    Thanks for brightening my day.


  49. Vivir

    O.S., outstanding Mother's Day lineup. What a hoot!
