
Monday, May 06, 2024

Daytime TNs...Y Mas (#1), Week of May 6, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Abrazame Muy Fuerte (Unimas)

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Cuando me Enamoro  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)

** Distilando Amor and Vivir de Amor are going to be pre-empted on both Tues and Weds by Futbol!!


  1. VIVIR Schedule

    Hola everyone.

    Vivir will air today, Monday but not this Tuesday or Wednesday!!

    It looks like it will air every scheduled day next week, but we shall see.

    Almost showtime.


  2. VIVIR #49 Part 1

    I so wish I could have understood more of the dialog! I had to be purposefully vague. Kindly add to and/or correct as needed.

    Misael questions Cris and JE about the impending investigation. Is it a problem Cris asks? Clearly it is but Misael has no choice.

    Luciano and Romina ceremoniously decide to give Mati her phone back. Luciano does not look happy with the decision so I gather Romina likely pestered him into it. Mati embraces her parents and and a clearly upset Luciano breaks away, purposely avoiding Romina’s outstretched tentacle.

    Carmelo talks to Lupe and Luis. He has contacts and says Lucas is still in danger from Brayan. In the background, we see Loli and Pedrito watching. Lupe gets up and as she stands by herself, Loli and Pedrito go up to her. They start filling her in as she asks, “where is my hijo?” They look around surreptitiously and say she is the only want they want to take and lead her away by the hand.

    Luciano is outside with the workers when Fatima shows up. He happily runs to her but she shows him her hand and tells him from now on, the relationship is strictly professional. “Pero…” Luciano starts but “Pero nada” Fatima finishes. He stares, upset and sad. A reconciliation appears to be out of the question at least for now.

    Lucas is under the bridge and when he sees his mother, jumps behind a pillar. However, when Lupe starts crying brokenheartedly, he thinks the better of it and reveals himself. She is beside herself with relief and he asks for forgiveness as she peppers his face with kisses.

    Don Emilio and JE are enjoying some delicious looking ice cream, chatting about Misael and other matters of the day.

    Elena and her children are meeting but it is far from a joyous one. Elena drops the bombshell that Rebeca is coming back to the restaurant!! Angel and Santiago stand, shocked as Rebeca tries to keep her ‘the cat that lapped the cream expression’ in check. Angel immediately says she has made a decision; she is going to resign from the restaurant. Santiago looks a bit upset but Rebeca stares stoically.

    Misael is drinking from a fine crystal glass; viewerville is relieved he is not swigging directly from the decanter. Eyes blazing, he smashes the glass against the wall and tells Monica he is under investigation. Monica says she will speak with Cris.

    Santiago seems genuinely upset, saying how important the restaurant was to their father . Rebeca starts to bring JE up; Angel shuts her down, she isn’t interested. Elena starts in again with her incessant whining that Rebeca deserves another chance. Angel wants to talk with her mother. Alone. Rebeca puts on an injured face.

    It is nighttime and Lupe is still with Lucas. Mati calls him but he doesn’t answer.

    Don Emilio and JE continue their discussion most of which I am unable to translate. He is very excited about JE’s child. JE remarks he is willing to sacrifice for his child. He is going to leave the house to live with Rebeca. Don Emilio looks like he is going to be sick. Don Emilio tells him he knows he is in love with Angel.

    Elena continues crying as Angel tries to explain her rationale; Rebeca is mentirosa. Angel loves her and wipes the tears from Elena’s face as she hugs her, closing her eyes and exhaling. Elena sits down and sobs.


  3. VIVIR #49 Part 2 of 2

    Mau and Cris are having a cup of tea served in fine china when Monica marches in, lapdog Misael right behind. She won’t permit the investigation against Misael. Mau fervently objects and says that Monica and Misael tried to kill him!

    Cris stares at him, saying you are telling me my sister and nephew tied to kill you? Monica scathingly accuses Mau of abandoning Cris and his children. Mau starts to fight back and Cris tells everyone to calm down. Misael basically tells Mau the only guilty one is him.

    Fatima is on the phone filling JE in on what transpired with Luciano, his ex, and his children. JE also shares thoughts about his child and Angel, the love of his life. Fatima is exasperated with his situation and Rebeca in particular. She assures JE that Angel loves him as he looks at the picture of him and Angel lovingly.

    Monica is still running her mouth. Misael assures Cris that Mau is the traitor. Mau asserts that if anything should befall him, they are to blame!! Cris is trying to absorb all she is hearing when Mau says something to the effect that something will be revealed in three days.

    Angel is thinking back on her conversation with her mother as she enters the restaurant kitchen. There, in the dark, is Renato. She reminisces about the magic her father was able to conjure up preparing his food. She tells him she is leaving the restaurant and confides how mentally exhausted she is.

    “I’m so happy” Rebeca (sickeningly) gushes to Elena. She starts to mention Angel but Elena stops her. She does allow things are difficult for Angel (you could have fooled me; her support has been non-existent as far as I’m concerned). Elena takes her favorite’s hand and tells her to be calm.

    ALMA!!! Finally. We see her hooked up to a monitor when all of a sudden her eyes fly open…Alas, that five second scene is all we see!!

    Angel pleads her case to Renato. He says she has been instrumental in the restaurant’s success. She makes it clear she cares about her mother and brother. They hold each other’s hands in solidarity and sympathy.

    JE is packing his bags when his dresser drawer jams. Ahhh, I believe we see something peering out – paper perhaps???

    Icky is engrossed in TV when Jimena attempts to talk to him. She is doing it all. Everything. He groans in frustration and in answer, disparages her and her career in one fell swoop.

    Lupe arrives home and Luis asks where she has been; he was so worried. She brushes him off and I believe she tells him she was with Lucas.

    Lucas and Pedrito are outside by a lit fire as he ignores a call from Mati. Who is it Pedrito asks? Mati Lucas answers. Pedrito is (rightly) confused and the smart loveable scamp tries to talk some sense into him.

    JE Is still struggling with the drawer when Cris comes in to tell him dinner is ready!! Oh noes; unfortunately he gives up and leaves the room!!

    Misael doesn’t want to go to jail. Yada, yada, yada.

    Angel is packing her bags when Santiago comes in as Rebeca listens around the corner. She will miss him but see him at the restaurant. She loves him and hugs him as Rebeca stares darkly.

    Her suitcases are wheeled down the hall as Angel carries her potted plant down the stairs. Elena seems sorry but Angel says she cannot stay. Angel says she loves her but it is clear that Elena feels that Rebeca is the victim. Seemingly the only one. Rebecca watches from the balcony as Angel turns to leave…


  4. Good work, Diana.

    Angeli needs to get away from the poisonous Refrida. This serpienta only exists to destroy her... and Elena, whom at this stage of the story deserves it. There is no family harmony to preserve because it never existed in the first place.

    I kept hoping that Santiago was smarter than he looks but I have doubts.

    I hope Alma has the opportunity to tell someone not to tell "Rebecca" she's awake. Or will she have trauma-induced amnesia?

    Three days until... did Mauricio just sign his own death warrant?

  5. Vivir

    Thanks Diana, I enjoyed your recap. I didn’t understand a lot of the dialogue either. One thing I thought I heard, when JE was rolling with his mom. Something about Pedrito reminding them, or looking like, Misael. Then JE said something about being drawn to him, and maybe that’s why. So Misael might actually see the resemblance.

    I can’t believe JE almost found the papers! Oh well, that would have ended a lot of the crazy talk with Cris Mau, Monica and Misael.

    I’ve given up on Elena. She really chose Rebeca over Angela. She’s just too stupid and I’m hoping the restaurant almost fails and Rebeca has to work harder than she ever has.

    Icky needs to be kicked out of the house. He was horrible, I hope he goes back to Doris.

    I felt sorry for Fatima and Luciano. Maybe they should have a conversation.

    Alma woke up-is this her death sentence!

  6. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Urban.

    "I hope Alma has the opportunity to tell someone not to tell "Rebecca" she's awake. Or will she have trauma-induced amnesia?" Great question! Honestly, I have no idea what is going to happen with Alma; this storyline is proceeding at a snail's pace. So frustrating!!

    I thought Monica had ordered Bruno to do a "hit" on Mau; so what happened to that?? So many loose threads left dangling.

    If Mau had an ounce of intelligence, he'd cut his losses and get lost.


  7. VIVIR

    Thanks Liz!

    Oh my. Thank you so much for the all important "...when JE was rolling with his mom. Something about Pedrito reminding them, or looking like, Misael. Then JE said something about being drawn to him, and maybe that’s why!" Ahh, the blood is calling faster than I thought!

    Elena "...really chose Rebeca over Angela" is exactly right. And yet, I'm sure Angel will be there once all is revealed and Elena needs to pick up more pieces of her shattered life.

    Sage advice for Fatima and Luciano to "have a conversation". So long overdue...


  8. Vivir. Another excellent recap, Diana! Despite what you say, I don't think you missed much. And cleverly snarky as usual. I especially liked "Romina's outstretched tentacle"--love it!; "Rebeca stares stoically": Oh, is that what it is? The only thing you may have missed (or maybe my memory is adding something) is that Carmelo makes it clear (I think) that Brayan had threatened Lupe and Luis. Rather than being a thief, Lucas had been trying to protect his parents. Some other observations: D. Emilio says that Pedrito particularly reminds him of Misael (along with his other grandchildren). Big hint! When Mauricio tells Cristina--in front of Monica and Misael--that Monica and Misael threatened his life, he says he will have proof of the attempted murder within 3 days. OMG! Does this guy have a death wish? So far, he does seem to have had 9 lives, but especially in light of the plot Misael comes up with toward the end of the episode, it looks as if this time he may really not be long for this world. Rebeca claims to Angela that she didn't cause JE's and Angelli's separation (Sure!) How soon will Alma be in the plot again, and will she somehow manage to discredit Rebeca? [Btw, someone faking a pregnancy probably shouldn't wear a shirt that shows off her midriff.]

  9. Vivir. And I could not believe how wise and mature Pedrito seemed when he was advising Lucas not to cut off his friendship with Mati.

  10. One thing that I think was said between Monica and Misael was that it would raise suspicions if both Mau and Christina were to die ( Misael's plan). Monica wants Misael to kill Mau in some way that will implicate Chris, thus ridding themselves of both threats. And he better make no mistakes this time.

  11. VIVIR

    Thank you SpanProf! You never fail to lift up my spirits; you are so kind.

    I so appreciate all the gems you unearthed!

    "D. Emilio says that Pedrito particularly reminds him of Misael (along with his other grandchildren). Big hint!" Don Emilio IS the best, isn't he? He and Pedrito could rule the world. The way things are going, perhaps they will! :)

    So what could Mau be waiting for that would take three days?? He really IS a moron.

    So Carmelo was explaining to Lupe and Luis that Brayan was threatening their lives, forcing Lucas to go along with him.

    "[Btw, someone faking a pregnancy probably shouldn't wear a shirt that shows off her midriff.]" 😊

    I don't know what will happen with Alma but my thought is that it is too early for Rebeca's murder attempts to be revealed so Alma's future looks murky to me. At best.


  12. VIVIR

    So now Misael and Mon want to try and have Cris implicated if Mis murders Mau??

    So much for Misael keeping his sullied hands from getting dirtier. Guess Bruno is still going to languish in that dive bar for the foreseeable future. 😊


  13. Vivir

    Diana, thank you so much for yet another excellent account. You are so great about giving g us every detail.

    You used the right word to describe Romina's arm clinging to Luciano as he tried to walk away...ha.." Tentacle " indeed.

    Watching Refrida's slight smirk as Angel calmly told her mother that she was letting was frustrating .

    Once again , Renato is there to listen to and comfort Angel as she and her plant move out. Well, we all know Angel and JE are endgame and Renato and Jimena seem destined to be together when Jimena finally tosses icky Icky ( a legend in his own mind) for good.

    My favorite scene was Don Emi and JE enjoying ice cream cones together. A simple pleasure that my family also enjoyed today .

    Alma awakes.

    Mau just has to stir the pot !


  14. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Susan.

    "...Renato is there to listen to and comfort Angel as she and her plant move out." :)

    Icky returned to his obnoxious, intolerable self in record time. She deserves so much better.

    Don Emilio dispensing savvy advice over sweet ice cream was the best of the day.


  15. vivir

    Thanks again, Diana. Another terrific recap. I am so glad you get some time off this week; if anyone deserves it, it's you!

    Wow. Monica declares herself willing to kill her own sister to keep her bad seed out of trouble. After she said this and embraced Misael, he had a dubious look on his face about the creature who spawned him.

    Luis overheard Loli and Pedrito tell Lupe that they knew where Lucas was to be found. Then, while she was talking with Lucas we kept hearing an amazing amount of sirens. I was sure Luis had followed, seen them together and called the cops. In addition to blaming his wife for what Lucas did, he set his jaw and said he needed to face his punishment, or words to that effect.

    Fatima not only refuses to accept Luciano back, she tells him she'll dock him a day's pay if he misses any hours of work. Sheesh! And don't get me started on Romina's manipulation of her own daughter to try to get Luciano back.

    What? What about the high-risk pregnancy? We know there's no bebe, but doesn't she want to look delicate for a while? These writers must be on drugs. Rebeca is going to work at the restaurant. She must miss treating the staff like crap.

    As always, I enjoy Eric Del Castillo. He was adorable talking about the pony he's going to buy for his great-grandchild.

    Mauricio seemed to be trying to buy himself a life insurance policy. He flat out said that, if anything happens to him in the next three days, it will have been Misael and/or Monica.

    Sigh. They show that paper in JE's room. I can't remember what paper it is. I thought Mau got the "evidence" that Romina wanted him to have about Misael and Bruno's fraud.

    Icky needs to be thrown out on his ear. He had the gall to rant about no dinner being prepared, after he was flopped on the sofa watching futbol. He wants Jemina back home so he has a 24-7 slave. Kick him to the curb, already! 

  16. VIVIR….de Midriff

    Hola, Patio.

    Holy smokes, Diana! Your wonderful recap hit the spot and will keep us satiated until Thursday. The break gives me plenty of time to start a punk band called Romina’s Outstretched Tentacle and play a few gigs. Naturally you’ll get a cut from all merch sold. Brilliant!

    During Ice Cream Hour Don Emiliio made 2 very astute observations:
    Pedrito could be a little Misael Jr.
    Don Emiliio is sad - not because JE is moving out but because he’s moving on with a woman he doesn’t love.

    I thought it was cute that JE and Fátima were supporting each other via telephone when their love lives are in shambles. We don’t get to see healthy familial bonds in this series very often.

    Elena was irredeemable this episode. Her blindness was almost as cartoonish as Mónica’s threatening to kill her sister to keep her son out of jail. Really, writers? Nevertheless, the plot to frame Cris could get interesting.

    Icky’s return to his boorish ways came out of nowhere. C’mon, Jimena. There’s a cute chef lurking in the dark at your place of employment. Grab him! End game, Jimena. End game!

    Santi’s plot twist (the chef scholarship) is percolating slowly. At least they remembered to return the Worst Tattoo on Daytime Television.

    Novelera. I believe Mau said he would hide his ill-gotten evidence in the place they’d least suspect: JE’s room.

    Darcy, I hope you’re enjoying your out-of-town adventures.

  17. VIVIR

    Novelera, thank you for your very nice words.

    I so appreciate all your very valuable input.

    "What? What about the high-risk pregnancy? We know there's no bebe, but doesn't she want to look delicate for a while? These writers must be on drugs. Rebeca is going to work at the restaurant. She must miss treating the staff like crap" was perfect.
    "Monica declares herself willing to kill her own sister to keep her bad seed out of trouble. After she said this and embraced Misael, he had a dubious look on his face about the creature who spawned him". Excellent!!

    I agree Eric Del Castillo is amazing. He "brings it" to every single scene he's in.

    Icky? Throw the bum out!!Completely agree.


  18. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you so much for your kind words.

    You shared such amazing insight.

    You had me smiling in delight with "The break gives me plenty of time to start a punk band called Romina’s Outstretched Tentacle and play a few gigs". So clever.

    Your keen, laser sharp perception misses nothing:

    "During Ice Cream Hour Don Emiliio made 2 very astute observations:
    Pedrito could be a little Misael Jr.
    Don Emiliio is sad - not because JE is moving out but because he’s moving on with a woman he doesn’t love".

    Elena continues to disappoint. It's only a scintilla of sympathy as to what lies ahead when she sees Rebeca's true (non)character that keeps me from writing her off.


  19. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you for another excellent recap which helped me greatly in understanding what went on.

    I admit that you have made me laugh a few times recently. Waterford crystal (did I get that right?); "Misael is drinking from a fine crystal glass"; "Mau and Cris are having a cup of tea served in fine china..."
    I'm a guy who only recently graduated from old jelly glass jars, from when they really were glass and not plastic. But I think I know one of your interests now.

    The film crew needs to keep a better eye on Pedrito. He looked to be wearing new shoes, he had a dirty face and then he didn't, etc. No biggie, just fun to notice.

    Icky has gotten even ickier. I see Jimena a free woman soon.
    As O.S. said re Jimena, "There’s a cute chef lurking in the dark at your place of employment. Grab him!"
    Renato's winning Angel was always a long shot, but Jimena is herself a treat. I'm not Angel's biggest fan, not that she's a bad character, but I don't see her as all that attractive.

    Liz, if that was your comment, "He[Icky] was horrible, I hope he goes back to Doris." No way! Doris is way too good for the bum.

    Luis is not being a very supportive father. Some of these guys are disappointing; I blame the writers.

    I didn't hear or understand any comment from don Emilio re Pedrito looking at all like Misael. Certainly I don't see it, but time will tell.

    Welcome back, Alma! I hope she can stay alive for a while, at least.


  20. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you for (another) stellar comment. You are so generous.

    So enjoyed that Pedrito "...looked to be wearing new shoes, he had a dirty face and then he didn't, etc. No biggie, just fun to notice". You have such a sharp eye for details.

    Thank you for "I didn't hear or understand any comment from don Emilio re Pedrito looking at all like Misael". I didn't either and feel a bit better that I wasn't the only one.

    Luis seemed like a really decent guy. Like you, I feel the writers are at fault for his sudden unpleasant personality transplant.

    I love jelly jars and Ball glass jars! A staple in my kitchen.

    "Welcome back, Alma! I hope she can stay alive for a while, at least". Amen to that. The poor woman.


  21. OT, I took notes while watching Nadie Como Tu yesterday thinking maybe I would try my hand at giving a synopsis of the episode. I have a new found respect for all you recappers! It is hard to get it all and watch the episode . So I won't be offering recap help anytime soon.
    I just finished watching Mi Marido Tiene Familia (on ViX). Whoever suggested that TN, gracias...I loved it. I found the old recaps to help me understand some things I'd miss.

  22. Vivir

    Super job, Diana.

    Bravo to Angel for doing what she's gotta do. This sweetheart has steel. I'm betting that Rebeca is livid that she won't have Angel around to rub her "victory" in Angel's face.

    I feel for Elena. Her 20-year nightmare is over and she's got stars in her eyes. Who could imagine that their child is this cruel and calculating.

    Santiago is a real idiot. He knows how much Angel and JE love each other, but yet the other day when Rebeca was clinging to JE he said something like he could see how much JE cared for Rebeca. I can buy Rebeca being blinded, but not Santiago.

    I'm hoping Mauricio is crazy like a fox. Maybe he gave the three-day deadline to draw out his enemies to make a mistake.


    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of this morning's double-episodes:
    *Scumbag Alvaro's obsession with Karina continues to escalate even further. This jackass is running from federal law enforcement, escaped prison & is a fugitive. Gut feeling he's going to abuse Karina again UGH.

    *Everyone attending the upcoming wedding of Lazaro & Karina: nobody has any clue about the BIGLY anvil heading their way yet.

    *Renata talking to herself & figuring out ways on handling the situation regarding Jeronimo, Marina & the twins that Doctor Marina is carrying.

    *Leoncio the gullible IDIOT is an accomplice to Scumbag Alvaro's sinister scheme.

    *Hernan X telling Matias that he wants to invest $$$$$$ into the company: UH-OH with the ominous music playing in the background, which means NOTHING good will be coming of it.

    *Gonzalo & Gullible Regina are still GULLIBLE because Slacker Berta is still playing Gina like the IDIOT she always has been. The entire audience knows DAMN well that Slacker Berta is still conniving with Psycho Fina & looting the Monterrubios of ALL of their $$$$$$$.

    *Karina is dressed in beautiful white AWWW: Too bad Scumbag Alvaro will ruin this moment.

    *Scumbag Augie dreaming of licking Renata's face. The handy cologne is code for RAPE DRUG.

    *Connie acknowledging Regina's uncomfortable-ness of living at Psycho Fina's mansion. Can you blame her ?

    *Adriana & Matias discussing plans including having lots of kids.

    *Right on cue: Scumbag Alvaro grabs Karina in front of everyone & starts shooting at folks. Plus, the jackass starts man-handling Karina by beating her. Karina begs Leoncio to not become an accomplice & let her go.

    *Scumbag Alvaro shoots Lazaro, who falls from the horse.

    *Next thing we know, Scumbag Alvaro shoots the Gullible IDIOT Leoncio like a dog. Y'all know what's coming next: Alvaro violently beating Karina.

  24. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you...

    "This sweetheart has steel" is exactly right! Angel is standing up for herself and taking control of her life. Good for her.

    Elena's "...20-year nightmare is over and she's got stars in her eyes". Let her enjoy her illusions until they are shattered which will be all too soon.

    Perhaps Mau is "crazy like a fox". Misael seems to bungle pretty much everything, doesn't he??


  25. OT Kat in SC, so glad that you enjoyed "Mi marido tiene familia" ( I know I recommended it to somebody/it is one of my all time favorites ) and that the recaps, many of which I wrote so many moons ago, were useful. As for recapping, it is an acquired skill for most of us, Don't give up! Recaps can be as simple as major plot points to a word for word translation. Anything you can offer to get the discussion started is appreciated. There are always plenty of readers to fill in the details.

  26. Vivir

    Thanks Diana, superb as always! I am still in Austin and commenting from my phone so I will be brief, but I finally got to watch tonight.

    One thing about Mau and his 3 days to get proof thing. I don’t think Mau is expecting to have any new proof in 3 days. I think he was just trying to make it clear that Misael and Monica have 3 days to pay him the blackmail money he has been demanding! If he doesn’t receive payment in 3 days he will show everyone the proof he already has. Which yes, is in JE’s room. The papers JE almost found!

    I want to see the actor playing Misael in a good guy role with a better hair cut!! He’s very handsome!!!


    I'll be posting the recap of yesterday morning's double episodes later this morning.

  28. Vivir

    WTH is happening to its time slot? I saw a promo last night for back-to-back talk shows from 1-3PM EST. Are they going to put this on after midnight or move it to Unimas?

  29. VIVIR

    Darcy, how kind of you to comment when you are so busy. I hope all goes well!!!

    I love Josh Gutierriz, who has been a favorite of mine since La Malquerida, those eyes are mesmerizing! He was part of an unlikely couple (Sabine Moussier) and he was even more drop dead gorgeous then (better hair too) :)

    Well, we will see where things go with Mau today!


  30. VIVIR

    Urban, I appreciate your comment on the possible time change.

    I just checked and Comcast is showing VIVIR in its 1:00 PM ET timeslot today and tomorrow and all of next so fingers crossed.

    Please post if you see anything else; I will keep checking.



    *Scumbag Alvaro flexing his inner OJ Simpson by torturing & beating Karina: Alvaro's obsession with Karina knows no bounds & he doesn't get the hint that Karina does NOT want anything to do with him.

    *Jeronimo regretting helping Alvaro: Geez YOU THINK BOZO! I mean, Alvaro wasn't going to let Karina go ever & if he couldn't have her, NOBODY would.

    *Over at the Monterrubio Mansion: We see Antonio talking with Gonzalo & explaining that he's in the seminary now; Antonio admits that he knew Psycho Fina was Pepa, then explains he became Fina's ally in plotting to destroy both Gonzalo & Regina. Of course, Gonzalo is shocked by the revelations.

    *Ezeqiuel gets scolded by Scumbag Augie by demanding to know why is Alvaro still breathing. Ezequiel gets more nervous by Augie's ranting & raving; Augie notices the fear in Ezequiel & brings up Alfonsina's sex escapade with Alvaro.

    *Inez, Regina, Connie discuss Chema & about Inez's foundation 'Aqui Nadie Se Rinde'.

    *Over at La Bonita: Matidle (AKA Little Miss Big Mouth), Manuela, Herminia are in the kitchen discussing the day's chaotic events including what's going on with Karina & Lazaro.

    *Jeronimo pampering Marina OMG: Fast Forward: Give me a bloody break LOL.

    *Manuela brings Marina breakfast in bed. Marina compliments Manuela's food & Manuela offers to help out Marina during the pregnancy.

    *Karina tries tying up Alvaro: She wasn't a Girl Scout back in the day wasn't she ? When Alvaro was about to wake up, Karina hits him with a bottle to the head.

    *Lazaro & Carlos both looking for Karina. In the meantime, Jeronimo is pissed off & arguing with the police captain about the incompetence of law enforcement agencies capturing Alvaro, etc.,

    *Speaking of the lovebirds: We see Karina & Lazaro in a loving embrace, but not before Alvaro fires shots at them: both get hit & the law enforcement authorities FINALLY arrest Alvaro, who's screaming about revenge. At least Lazaro & Karina are back together for good YEESSSS.
