
Monday, May 06, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Tu Vida Es Mi Vida, EL Gallo de Oro, & Mujer - Week of May 6, 2024

Coming Soon: 1) El Gallo de Oro will start May 8th at 9PM! Only 20 episodes and we will be graced with Jarifa’s fantabulous notes from the couch!

2) Golpe de Suerte with  Big Ed Yanez and Mayrin Villanueva coming May 28th at 8PM!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! Mini-recaps/highlights are being provided for Tu Vida Es Mi Vida….and there is a nice little patio to tune in to. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Tu Vida Es Mi Vida: Ep. 77-79 (Últimas Semanas!!)

9-10 PM – Mujer: Season 3 (Gran Final on Tuesday!!)

9-10 PM – El Gallo de Oro (Gran Estreno on Wednesday!!)

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Minas”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. VIDA Ep. 77 Part 1

    After the group hug, Emi and diego thank Pepe for being there.

    Alex apologizes to Gracia; he didn't mean to pressure her...he thought she felt the same way he did. Gracia explains that she and Isa have been friends for a long time and it would make her feel like she is betraying Isa. Alex reminds her that he and Isa are over and Isa is now with Lor. He asks if she doesn't think they should have an opportunity to find happiness. Gracia knows that Alex still loves Isa....she needs time. Alex understands and assures that he will always be there for her whatever she decides...their friendship will remain intact.

    Rafa dares MAL to repeat all the lies she said about ZaiSo. Shakin' in her boots, MAL feigns ignorance--she was only repeating what ZaiSo confessed to her. ZaiSo tells her "enough" she should take off that mask since she has already cleared things up with Rafa. ZaiSo reproaches that because of MAL's lies, she spent 15 YEARS away from the people she loved. After MAL reminds her that she committed a crime, Rafa brings up all the lies MAL told him. ZaiSo reminds MAL that after the man raped her, she went to her because she trusted her. ZaiSO asks why Mal invented all those lies...and assumes it was jealousy because MAL wanted all the love she could get. When MAL argues that she killed the man, ZiaSO counters that yes she did, but MAL put the knife in her hand, thus converting all her pain into a weapon and making her commit the crime. MAL points out that she did give her the knife but she didn't force ZaisSo to kill anyone. After MAL tells Rafa that she just wanted to protect ZaiSo, ZaiSo asks where she was all those years while she was in prison...where was her friend when she needed her?! Rafa relates how he trusted MAL...he regrets hurting his brother for a woman who is worthless! She doesn't deserve forgiveness or compassion! Just then, your friendly lawyer who puts her big warty nose in everything pops in; and MAL tells them that if they have something to address, they need to do it with Gnat!

    Pepe has a heart to heart with Emi and DIego. He knows that they all are going through a hard time with Paula's o=illness and dealing with their own personal problems. He explains to Diego that if his mother suggested therapy, it was not because she thinks there is something wrong with him, it is because they are all swimming in unknown waters and they all need the tools to deal with everything and understand their feelings. Emi concedes that he would benefit from therapy, but Diego isn't sure and needs some time to think about it. Pepe assures tah they are just trying to help him and suggests that Diego go to his mother so she can clarify things...his mother needs him right now.

    Diego apologizes to Paula for the way he reacted and for yelling at her. Paula also apologizes for not approaching the subject in a better way. She will never forgive Rol for what he did; she went straight to Rol to tell him not to get involved with Diego anymore, She promises never to let Rol get close to him or his siblings. Paula then recalls how Diego would go to her when he was younger...he wanted to feel safe in her arms. Diego then explains that he still feels alot of anger...and he is also afraid that the hug he will give her will be the last one; and he doesn't want to lose her.

    Gnat tells Rafa that she has missed him alot. She makes it known that she and Rafa shook the sheets and wonders if ZaiSo is next. When Rafa tells her that they need to talk, Gnat tells him she is very busy,,,and no one has stolen from him; the deal is still on the table and it won't be finalized until Lor sits with her to negotiate.

    Paula thanks Pepe for talking to the boys like the father they need.

  2. VIDA Ep. 77 Part 2

    MAL asks Gnat if Teresa accepted the money. After Gnat confirms that yes she did, MAL asks about the letter; so Gnat tells her she is keeping it because if MAL betrays her or doesn't do as she says, she will use it! MAL tries to be intimidating but Gnat reminds her that she was Rol's accomplice and could spend muchos years in prison. Gnat tells her not to worry...she thinks they will be great allies.

    Rol sneaks to Susy's window and tries to turn her against Pepe. He tells her that Pepe just wants her mother's money. He also tells her not to tell anyone what they have talked about.

    Rafa feels like an idiot (yep! we won't disagree!). He should have been the one to buy the restaurant. ZaiSo agrees that he is an idiot, but he still has time to save the restaurant,,,he needs to approach Lor so they can find a way so that Gnat doesn't get what she wants.

    Now nighttime, Marcos is singing to Marcos (definitely not lip syncing). He tries to woo Gracia and asks why she can't love him. She replies that her heart belongs to someone else. When Marcos cries, Gracia apologizes for being so blunt, Marcos then thinks she is lying, but then figures out that it is Alex. When Gracia admits that she fell in love with Alex, Isa overhears and confronts her.

    Paula goes into Suzy's bedroom and sees her hide something under the sheets. Suzy tells her that it is her phone and she was texting with Teo, but Paula clearly sees that the text came from Rol and gets upset.

    Rol goes to see Pepe. Antler bashing ensues as they discuss Paula. Rol wants Pepe to stay away from Paula...he will not let Paula go so Pepe can be with her! Just then, Paula calls Rol and demands to know why he is talking to Susy squeals in the background asking Paula not to yell at or be upset with her godfather! As Paula questions Rol. Suzy continues squealing and Rol remains irritatingly calm. When Rol asks to talk to Suay so that he can calm her down, Paula retorts that she will take care of Suzy!

    After Isa reproaches Gracia, Gracia asks that they speak alone. Isa just wants to have a calm, sincere talk with Gracia who admits that she fell in love with Alex.

    Rafa speaks to Lor and tells him that Gnat told him that she wants to negotiate with him. Rafa worries that his parents will find out that it was he who gave the money to Gnat; so Lor assures that they won't find out and instructs Rafa to tell Gnat that he (Lor) gave him (Rafa) the money so that he (Rafa) could give it to her. Lor defends his reason for helping Rafa; and as he is leaving so things won't get too tense, Alex enters..

  3. VIDA Ep. 77 Part 3

    Paula explains to Suzy that Rol is not the godfather she came to know...he has changed a lot. Suzy defends Rol ...she feels bad because her godfather is alone. Pepe calls Paula and tells Rolando was there withhimand asks if Suzy is okay. Paula assures that is is well and she will talk to him tomorrow.

    Lor thanks Alex for what he did for Paula (singing). Once Lor leaves, Alex questions what answer Rafa has to give Lor. Rafa deflects and tells him that Lor wants to buy the restaurant to give it to him.

    Isa and Gracia have a heart-to-heart. Gracia explains how she came to fall in love with Alex without realizing it..but her love will remain in her heart. She feels bad telling Isa because she feels disloyal. Isa is grateful that Gracia is being honest; and Gracia assures that she will be loyal to her even though Alex asked her to give him a chance.

    Alex is upset about Lor's offer, so Rafa tells him that Lor just wants to do things to get close to him...but Alex will always be his father. Rafa then asks how things went with Gracia.

    Gracia tells Isa that Alex accepts that Isa is with Lor now and wants to let her go to be happy with Lor. After Isa cries that this is not easy, Gracia tells her that Alex wants a companion. Isa won't object if Gracia wants to give Alex a chance.

    Paula is trying to read long-faced Suzy a story. Suzy tells Paula that she doesn't want her to keep her away from her godfather.

    ZaiSo talks to Emi who admits that he sometimes can't control his drinking.

    Andi tells Diego that she is downloading an app for him so he can find a novio. Sh explains that she knows that deep down he wants a relationship like then she has with Art. Andi then sees that Diego already has a message. After Diego responds, we see that it is ROL who sent the message!! OH NOES!!! He spews tha Paula will now see that Pepe won't be a good father to their children.

    Gnat goes to see Paula and torments her with the situation at the company and with the foundation after her interview hit the stands....everything is going downhill. Paula's employees are saying that she deserves her tumor...and they are celebrating her journey to her tomb.  Gnat continues that this is Paula's karma; Paula will die and her kids will live in misery!!

  4. VIDA

    Oops!! And that was the end!! Scenes were combined, may be out of order, and some may be missing. I was tired and my brain was excuse typos and any thing important that may be missing. :-/

  5. VIDA

    Rgv Chick, as waves of denial and despair threaten to ruin love and life, you stemmed the tide with your masterful wordsmithing that flowed seamlessly yet powerfully. Such a thoughtful, insightful summary.

    "Paula's employees are saying that she deserves her tumor...and they are celebrating her journey to her tomb" was just sickening. Your lighthearted "Just then, your friendly lawyer who puts her big warty nose in everything pops in" had me laughing out loud; the perfect antidote to Gnat's relentless cruelty.

    "Shakin' in her boots, MAL feigns ignorance" had me shaking my head. So many lies, so much treachery. I think (and hope) Rafa finally sees her for what she truly is. She did seem ticked when Gnat announced she and Rafa "shook the sheets" (love it). In urging him to seek out Lor, ZaiSo is already proving herself to be a very smart woman.

    "Isa won't object if Gracia wants to give Alex a chance". How magnanimous. And tiresome.

    Rol taking advantage of Susi, poisoning her mind with his lies was another cringeworthy moment. While grateful Paula was able to ascertain what happened quickly, I fear the damage has been done and Susi's support of Rol has not been dampened. Poor Diego just can't escape his clutches.

    That said, I had to smile at Rol's absurd faking his end of the conversation with Paula. Here she is reaming him out as he smiles away, lying through his teeth. Pepe completely understood exactly what was going on.


  6. vida
    Thanks, rgv chick. This was great.
    Malena must be a compulsive liar or something. I've heard pathological lying isn't a recognized illness as such and if it's true, it's a pity. I had a classmate who lied for no reason at all and I sometimes wonder if she keeps doing this even now. Hers were childish lies, but still. Malena won't admit anything even when everyone knows she is lying. It's so strange to see this. I'm curious what goes through her head in these moments.
    Rolando must be very desperate if he resorts to turning Suzie against Pepe. It's such a pathetic thing to do.
    'Magnanimous' is exactly the kind of adjective I needed! Thanks, Diana. I'd like to know what it is that Isa finds difficult. I know this won't happen, but I'd love it if both Lorenzo and Alex would just leave her alone. She just spends all her time being distressed and complaining to Gracia about how she can't make up her mind.
    Just how much money does Nat want? Is she going to pester them untill they have nothing left?
    Rolando had that stupid moment that is usually reserved for the good guys. He comes and threatens Pepe, but it's not like Pepe will do as he says. Come back when you have something interesting to say, Rol.
    Malena will regret asking Nat for help. Nat is way too clever for her. I had to laugh at Mal when she asked if Nat had destroyed the letter. She is a lawyer, Mal, which unfortunately means she won't destroy things she can use. For someone who is so awful, Mal is way too stupid. I wonder what Nat will ask her to do.

  7. Vida

    Thanks, Rgv Chick, that was great. Loved reading all the details I miss.

    I thought Marcos was the comedy relief at the beginning of this series, but last night I just found him obnoxious. He just doesn’t get the No means No concept.

    Rol is stooping to new lows, even for him. Trying to get Susie on his side was horrible. Paula needs to remind Susie of how mean Rol had gotten. Sometimes Paula is too nice. And Roll pretending to be a teenage boy on a dating app. I hope that turns on him, that’s got to be against the law.

    So now MAL is under Nat’s rule. It will be interesting to see what Nat expects of her. MAL was out of her league from the very beginning. She needs to stick to people like Rafa, that she can control and manipulate.

    I am lost on this money/land thing. I figured it was over and Rafa had lost the money. But apparently Nat wants to keep the fun going.

    I still wonder if Isabela and Alex will end up back together!


  8. VIDA

    Thank you for your recap, Rgv Chick. You helped clear up my confusion about that conversation regarding Rafa/Lorenzo buying the restaurant land. I think. lol

    Natalia has caught another victim in her web: Malena, who absolutely deserves it.

    Liz - I'm with you. Wouldn't surprise me at all if Isa and Alex end up reunited.

    I'm not sure who deserves the biggest anvil: Rolando, Natalia, or Malena.

  9. Vida #77

    Great work, RGV Chick.

    We're in the home stretch now so it's time for the evil-doers to escalate their rushes toward destruction. I will have the Karmageddon post ready for this weekend.

    Andrea should not have posted Diego's photo or profile irrespective of her intentions (or delusions). This is intrusive and Diego had every right to get upset about this. However this is nowhere near the level of Rolando's taking him to a conversion camp. BTW those are illegal in Mexico City and there is a bill to ban them nationwide.

    Rolando now matches Gnat for cruelty in his gaslighting not just of Paula but Susy, who is only 7.

    Gnat's intended statement to leave Paula's kids destitute is cruelty beyond the pale.

    Malena is still evil. She couldn't fake being a loving parent for her entire marriage to Pepe. I just feel bad for Teo because he will someday realized -- like Lucia -- that she never loved him.

    Nothing new to say about the adult love quadrangle. I just want Lorenzo to help his daughter.

    And why should anyone have to buy back what Gnat stole?

  10. Vivir

    Chickie, Thank you for a great read of another frustrating episode .

    Gnat keeps getting more and more evil genius. She is so hateful to Paula about her dying that I am sure that gnat is the one who will die. She wants to control everyone , and MAL is small potatoes next to gnat's greed, envy, and malice . Perhaps gnat and Rol will do a favor and erase each other . Will MAL survive ?

    Rafa sleeps with everyone . ugh. What an unthinking ox. Why is Lor pampering and protecting this big crybaby?

    Maybe Alex, Gracia, Isa, and Lor could all just live together in an old hippie paradise. They are very, very boring at this point .

    Let's move on ...NEXT.


  11. VIDA

    Thank your everyone! I love reading the comments!! Everyone always expresses my thoughts and opinions in such diverse ways :-)

    Diana, ""Isa won't object if Gracia wants to give Alex a chance". How magnanimous. And tiresome." I feel your eye roll LOL Like Isa's opinion counts for anything! Yet dedicated Gracia is living up to her name.

    Waterlily, regarding Isa, "I'd love it if both Lorenzo and Alex would just leave her alone. " Oh if only! It has been previously questioned what Lor and Alex sees in this woman; and it hasn't been questioned enough! Lor needs to wake up and see reality. I cringe whenever he gets close to her.

    Liz, "Rol is stooping to new lows, even for him. Trying to get Susie on his side was horrible. Paula needs to remind Susie of how mean Rol had gotten. " yep, he's gotten as low as he can get, I hope. why ever would Paula think that this demented creep would stay away from her kids. And Paula did remind Susy about how Rol had changed, but Suzy just brushed it off saying that he did it all because he was all alone.

    Doris, "You helped clear up my confusion about that conversation regarding Rafa/Lorenzo buying the restaurant land. I think." LOL Actually, I'm probably as confused as you are! That property has changed so many times that it's hard to keep up with who has paid what. All I am sure of is that the property belongs to Gnat and she wants to get the most out of whoever wants it.

    Urban, "Andrea should not have posted Diego's photo or profile irrespective of her intentions (or delusions)." ITA!! Andrea is becoming a busybody and relentless when it comes to Art; she can't even see how cold he is toward her and how he gets all wishy washy when it comes to DIego. I really thought she was smarter, but once again the writers have changed a character into someone with no brains who is blind to what's really going on.

    Susan, "Maybe Alex, Gracia, Isa, and Lor could all just live together in an old hippie paradise." That provoked a good belly laugh LOL I was just watching "Kelly and Mark" and they were discussing nudist colonies...maybe it could be a nudist hippie paradise??? LOL


    Last night they announced that the Gran Estreno for "El Gallo de Oro" will be on May 28th at 8PM; so I'm assuming it will replace VIDA. I had read that VIDA has 95 episodes; and based on my count, only 92 episodes will be aired--unless they double up on some nights OR they combine a couple of episodes into one ARGGHH! Either way, I'm not looking forward to recapping whichever the case BUT I am looking forward to the POR FIN!

  13. EL GALLO DE ORO (The Golden Rooster)

    Yes, I find myself happily back on my couch sooner than anticipated to provide some notes for this novela de época (period piece).

    "El Gallo de Oro" will debut tomorrow evening in the 9:00 EST slot on Univision. It is currently being shown on the premium level of the Univision/Televisa streaming service VIX. It is listed as a mini-series and has two seasons with a total of only TWENTY episodes.

    The action takes place in 1940's-1950's rural Mexico and is based on a "long" short story of the same name written by Mexican author Juan Rulfo.

    It stars José Ron and Lucero. José Ron plays Dionisio Pinzón a poor traumatized town crier and Lucero is Bernarda Cutiño (AKA "La Caponera") a local singer with dreams of fame. It is a dramatic tale of luck, romance, hope and revenge in a world of music, fighting, gambling, cockfighting and, of course, tequila! What more could I ask for? ; )

  14. Vida

    This is to advise that -- barring official objection -- the Karmageddon discussion will be its own individual post. This usually gets more replies and will allow for mug shots and revisions when more sins are added to the rap sheets.

  15. TU VIDA #78 Part 1/2

    This is brief. It’s late and I’m out the door in the morning on grandmother babysitting duty all day.
    Scenes combined, a few omitted on purpose. Plz add to conversation as you like and ignore errors and typos.

    PAULA AND NAT – argue. Natalia says Paula’s tumor is karma, divine justice. Her business will be a mere shadow of what is once was. Rosa overhears this and jumps all over Nat, asking how can she be so cruel? Rosa and Nat argue outside. Nat says she’s leaving this third-rate country and if you want to go with me, you can but you can’t say a word to anyone; that is your test of loyalty to me.

    DIEGO rebuffs Arturo trying to be friends with him.
    Later, Arturo rebuffs Andi who’s hanging all over him.

    RENI and Rol are plotting and Rol assure her everything will return to their status quo.

    ZAI/SO has a counseling session with Emiliano. In a nutshell, she tells Emi that he has to get sober for himself. Not to get Lucia back, not for his mom, but for himself. It’s important that he face his fears. ZaiSo can give him tools to work though that.

    RAFA & PEPE talk about ZaiSo. Rafa feels he owes her after abandoning her all these past 15 years. (duh!) Saint Pepe cannot believe Malena lied about the murder. (oh good grief) Rafa tells Pepe that Mal always knew the truth and abandoned ZaiSo. Mal gave Zai the knife. Pepe just can’t believe this…asks Rafa if he’s sure? (oh good grief, this guy is so naïve!) Rafa says Mal has always been like this. Pepe says all we can do is look ahead to the future and not dwell on the past; you and ZaiSo deserve a second chance. Rafa says he will if Zaiso will give him that chance. Then Rafa tells Pepe that Lor is buying the land and will give the restaurant to Rafa.

    SNAKE IN THE GRASS – Rolando is telling Susy that he blames Pepe for all the things he’s having to do to Pepe. Rol sucks up to Susy and asks her help to get him back into the house. Playing on her sympathies, he tells her that Pepe only wants Paula’s money and Rolando wants to protect them all. Rol asks Susy to help him and Susy agrees.

    GRACIA & ALEX - Gracia tells Alex that Isa now knows that she’s in love with him. Alex is surprised---you’re in love with me? Yep. But gracia is telling him out of honesty and transparency. She tells Alex that he’s looking for a woman, a friend, not a wife. Alex says he chooses Graca, but she says no because he doesn’t feel the same for her. She nows he still loves Isa. Alex says let’s give this a try and …. beso!!!

    Gracia freaks out about the kiss. She doesn’t want to be the rebound babe. And Isa is her friend so she won’t betray her. Mucho drama….

  16. TU VIDA # 78 Part 2/2

    LUCI & EMILIANO – Luci is excited that Emi is getting counseling and she takes him back. They kiss. Reni sees them and takes pics of the beso, saying to herself that Emi won’t have Luci.

    Later, Reni shows the pics to Mal. Reni is going ballistic because Mal’s daughter is stealing Emi from her. Patio, Malena doesn’t give a Flying Fajita what Reni thinks and tells her to find herself a different boyfriend. Reni tells Mal that both she and Luci are a couple of man-eaters. This is not well received by Mal, who grabs a handful of Reni’s hair, smacks her in the face and demands she show some respect. (That was fun to watch.)

    LOR & ISA are kissing in Isa’s house when Alex walks in and interrupts. (Don’t these people ever knock? or lock their doors? Gah!) There is some verbal tennis over Alex coming over without calling first, especially since he doesn’t live there anymore. Whatevs. Lor leaves and Isa doesn’t waste any time asking Alex if he’s in love with Gracia and he says “no.” Isa says she won’t stand in their way. Alex replies that she’s got her idyllic life with Lor and He’s all left by himself. Poor me, poor me.

    Lorenzo tells Alex he’s going to buy the land for Rafa and Alex lets him know that Rafa already told him. Alex says--- first you got my wife and now you’re buying my son’s affection; you’re the worst thing that ever happened to my family. Lorenzo says he’s not trying to buy anyone; when will you understand that I cannot lose two children at the same time? Alex admits it must be the worst to lose a child to cancer. Alex says he hopes Paula will get well but reminds Lor that they are not friends with each other.

    PAULA has a terrible headache, the worst ever, and she barely is able to call her doctor and ask him to come to her house. After Rosa finds her, Paula falls on the floor in convulsions. Paula can’t take this pain anymore, it’s the worst. The doctor says the convulsions are due to the tumor and recommends she go to hospital for X-rays and an MRI, then they’ll decide the next step. Paula wants to know if she’s running out of time and the doc says let’s look at the test results first, but he’s not optimistic. Pepe says they’ll fight this together. Pepe lines. Paula lines. Schmoopie - schmoopies.

    Diego arrives as Paula is leaving with Pepe to go to the hospital. He freaks out and asks her to promise she’ll come back home. The doctor tries to reassure him. They all realize that nobody knows where Susy is. Paula CAN NOT go to the hospital without knowing where is Susy? And we end there.


  17. VIDA

    Doris, you did an incredible job with yet another sad and frustrating episode.

    Loved "Schmoopie - schmoopies".

    "PAULA has a terrible headache, the worst ever...Paula falls on the floor in convulsions. Paula can’t take this pain anymore, it’s the worst" captured these sad scenes perfectly. I could barely stand to watch Paula writhing in agony.

    Rafa has realized and repented his terrible treatment and abandonment of ZaiSo who seems to be a remarkable woman. But their failure to tell Andi the truth a catastrophic miscalculation.

    Isa and Alex were together for decades and Lor is being thoughtful in carefully and slowly wooing her. While their rather tentative, gentle kisses are sweet, the absence of a longing, pent up passion is nowhere to be seen.

    I can't blame Gracia for treading softly. Isa is acting so ridiculously fragile at the thought of "her" Alex wanting to move on when she made her choice. You can't have everyting you want. And Gracia is not a consolation prize or "rebound babe"; she deserves to receive as much love as she is willing to give.

    Rol using Susi is just disgraceful. What was with Ratty Ren continually putting her hand on Rol's leg? So inappropriate and frankly, disturbing.

    Poor Rosa!

    Pepe is a wonderful man but as you cleverly noted "(oh good grief, this guy is so naïve!)."

    Let the miracle cure begin. Please.


  18. Vida

    Thanks so much Doris, you plow through these disturbing episodes telling us all of the events.

    I would say the only enjoyable thing in this episode was Renata going to MAL for help. And then MAL slapping her and pulling her hair.

    Rol is just creepy. He must have gotten Susy from school and everyone assumes someone else picked her up. She needs a good talking to. She’s young but it’s better she know the truth than get filled with Rol’s lies. He and Renata were another creepy pair. Too bad there wasn’t anyone with a camera around to capture that.

    Nat was horrible. She must have worked hard to keep her true self hidden from Paula.

    Poor Andi. She just doesn’t see that Arturo is just not that into her. Guess she’s blinded by love.

    I wonder how Rol will explain him having Susy.


  19. Vida

    Doris, thank you for bringing us all the depressing drama. I have had it with all these people. There is no forward motion .They all just keep going around and around .

    I have to surf in and out because I cannot stand watching Paula in pain and suffering .

    I dont think that Rol or gnat will survive in the end . That evil has to be extinguished .

    The 4 seniors are wasting valuable time by being so indecisive . Maybe they should all be single and take up new hobbies solo. I have had enough of them. Basta. How old are they supposed to be since they have adult ( crasy) children? Geez...time flies. Carpe diem, fools. Nobody is being proactive.

    Odd that the sanest, most logical person is the one who just got out of serving years in prison.

  20. MUJER
    Is today the day to comment on Mujer? I haven’t been checking Caray often, but it seemed to me that Saturday was the day for Mujer comments. But it finished up late night! I have thoughts!! And I’m sure eager to hear what others thought.

  21. Mujer

    You can comment at any time . That was quite a finale !!!

  22. MUJER
    I had two predictions going into the finale - that Ardo would say Mama and that Sirin, having read Bajar's book, would repent and make a tear-soaked apology.

    Well, Ardo spoke - miraculous, and not very believable, but still fun.

    Hooray, Sirin didn't apologize! I thought they'd go for the sentimental resolution for her character which would have fried my bacon. I think Sirin is my favorite antagonista ever. Every telenovela needs its baddie and the writers have to come up with some reason why a person would be so awful - money, power, jealousy, bad childhood - and often the baddies come off as not very believable, though they're the fun part of a show.

    I was very impressed with the creation of the Sirin character because psychopaths actually exist. They do not experience the emotions of guilt or shame and they are unable to feel compassion and empathy. It's a source of entertainment for them to lie and manipulate and mess people around. Fun! The Sirin actress was brilliant, and her happy smile after she'd created havoc in someone's life captured that exactly.

    I was sorry in the last episodes that they made her nutsy - speaking of spirits telling her what to do, and rolling her eyes around. But otherwise, a great antigonista. I wonder if one of the writers actually knew a true psychopath. It seems like it.

    And why did Sirin wear a wig in season 3? Did she cut off her curly locks during the break, or dye them blonde?

  23. MUJER
    Somebody tell me about Cem! I missed that part of the show.

    When season 3 started up it was a huge shock to see that the characters were suddenly behaving completely differently. And such ridiculous story lines! I was crushed that our excellent production dropped in quality so precipitously. I watched a bit and then sadly gave up.

    After many many weeks, I had to peek at it again. Oh joy! Bajar was no longer romping through the daisies and laughing. She was back to being the strong and serious Bajar of before. Ember was no longer talking to the departed Hatice. Sirin was back to being Sirin. The music had quieted down. So I started watching again, but I missed the whole Cem storyline. Was he a baddie that went good? Why did they leave the country at the end?

    Another question: This is my first Turkish telenovela. Are they always so chaste? I think Arif and Bajar had only one kiss. I really thought the lack of bedroom scenes and make-out scenes was a huge plus. We got instead very small gestures and small looks and that turned out to be much more powerful.  

  24. Thanks so much, Doris. Your recap made me realise how annoying Alex is. I somehow didn't get this while watching the episode.
    He and Isa deserve each other then. He for being so terrified of being alone that he pretty much just looks for the best candidate and she must say yes. Gracia deserves much better. He is so mad Lorenzo 'stole' everything from him that he should have the sense tostayaway from relationships in general. Isabea is no better. I liked Susan's hippy camp idea yesterday, but now I just want to lock Isa up in a convent where they have to keep quiet throughout the day just so I don't have to listen to her anymore. Alex can go to Spain or something because I can't think of a punishment for him. How do you punish a character that pisses you off?
    Can someone help Pepe get off his pink cloud? I thought surely he'd have fallen off by now but no! Malena can't be evil...Sure and Rolando will start handing out sweets any minute now.
    Why did Lucia get back with Emi so immediately? I don't like this because of how insistent he was. He doesn't take no. Maybe that's why he and Renata got on so well at the start. They both just refuse to see you can't get what you want. How long will it be before Renata shows up and Emi runs after her for some stupid reason?
    Does Roza not know her own daughter? She does know Nat is envious of Paula so surely it can't be a surprise to her that Nat insults Paula.
    We have another mulbery bush here. I thought the one we had in Minas was enough. Round and round...

  25. Mujer

    Maggie, the Turkish dizis do not show sex, and even kissing is limited.

    The Cem story did evolve. He and Kismet were a couple who got involved with a criminal organization. When they became pregnant, they tried to leave the gang. The boss ordered Kismet to be beaten severely so that she lost the baby. I infer that she also couldn’t children after the beating. So, they unhappily continued to work for the organization but their relationship did not survive, leaving Kismet able to be with Emre for awhile. Cem and Kismet did take action at the end to help the good guys using a violent beating to get Arda’s dad to sign off. They then escaped abroad. Kismet left her car and house to her brother Arif. Perhaps this targeted violence against Arda’s awful family is “ok” as it was done for a good cause, and I had the feeling Cem & Kismet were able to escape their awful past and find some happiness together.

    I liked the finale. I loved Arda saying “madre” and the double wedding! It was fun watching Fazilet and Raif fall in love with Ceyda!

    Sirin was a masterful portayal. I can’t think of another antagonist that was so well done.

    I had only watched a few episodes here and there. I got really involved recently and finally went back to watch all of it. It was interesting to see it through the whole three year arc in a few months, but intense!

    My favorite characters were the four kids, Arif, Ceyda, Enver, and Sirin. Bahar was very inspiring in how she never gave up and raised her kids so well in such chaos. I believe this is based on a true story from Japan, I think. I wonder if the additional seasons were mostly a Turkish addition.


  26. Oh thank you for the Cem story explanation, Babchita!

    I too loved the wedding. It was really beautiful. The kids were wonderful throughout, as you say. Such excellent actors for so young. Well, all the acting in this show was stellar.

    I'm sorry they didn't keep up with the storyline of whether she would pick Sarp or Arif, but I was team Arif anyway so I was very happy Bajar ended up with him. And isn't she beautiful when she's all done up?

    I believe this was based on a Japanese telenovela, but it could be that it was based on a true story. Too bad we can't read Turkish magazines - we would know!

    Something else I'd like to know is why they got the show pretty much back on track. A decision at the studio? Complaints from the viewers? Complaints from the actors? I would think for the actors it would be a bummer to spend two seasons creating nuanced, complicated characters, and then have to suddenly go all Disney cute. Well, the Ceyda character stayed in that vein, cute and comic after having been a street-smart tough cookie who found warmth in Bahar's family and melted into an excellent friend. But the actress sure has a strong adorableness factor so that was fun too.

  27. TU VIDA

    Thank you everyone for your comments! They add so much more flavor to the Patio of Lowered Expectations conversation and viewing experience, especially when we all are of the same opinions. ;-)

    I have new respect for Gracia for having the good sense to not want to be the rebound girlfriend. I am still appalled over how easily Alex is ready to move on. Grrrrr... And how easily Lucía went back with Emi.

    Seeing Mal smack Reni and telling her to get a new boyfriend was so worth the whole viewing experience. LOL

    I'm sick to death of Isa and agree, send her off to a convent, and one where they have a vow of silence!

    I want to take Nerf bats to Isa, Alex, and Lucia. Also, Pepe. NOT Paula because she has enough suffering right now.

    New Crockpot Theory® --- telenovela writers make their characters into complete idiots so we viewers feel very intelligent. Or at least, more intelligent than the characters. :-D

    I'm hoping for a Hail Mary Pass in Paula's case. Does this show come on right after Rosa de Guadalupe? Maybe they could combine episodes for a telenovela magic cure. Some days, I just want to smack her with my old rosary. Caray!

    I'm counting down the days to the Por Fin of this turkey. May 27 (MEMORIAL DAY???) Or May 25? I can't wait to stick a fork in it and be done. Maybe I'll cook some Stove-top Stuffing to serve on gran Por Fin day!!!

  28. Mujer

    Loved the finale . Lots of good folks got a HEA.

    Maggie, I love the Turkish telenovelas ( dizis). My favorite is " Fatmagul " which Dondi recommended . I also watched " Amor Eterna" which was sad but starred the beautiful Burak Ocivit . I also watched him in three other shows on YouTube .


  29. Mujer/OT

    I agree with Susan about Amor eterno and Fatmagul. Black money love is also good. But I agree that Fatmagul is best of the best. They are all so well done, and I include Mujer in that!


  30. VIDA Ep. 79 Part 1 (Same disclaimer--scenes combined..."scute the typos)

    On her way out, Paula asks Diego to bring Susy so she can kiss her good-bye. Diego is surprised that Susy is not there since she was not at school when he went to pick her up. Paula panics and refuses to go to the hospital without knowing where her daughter is. Rosa suggests that they call the school since they should be able to tell them who picked up Susy. Chaos ensues until Rosa comes back and tells them that it was Rol who took Susy out of the school.

    Rol and Susy are at a park playing.

    Marcos tells Gracia that she left his heart in shreds and asks her what Alex has that he doesn't.

    Paula is furious since she told Rol not to get near her children! After Pepe assures that he will go get Susy, Paula is taken to the hospital. As she is rolled out Diego cries that he doesn't want to lose his mother; and Lor arrives so Pepe tells him that Paula needs to be taken to the hospital immediately. Pep tells him that he is going to go get Susy from Rol so Lor should go with Paula.

    Gracia tellS Marcos that she now understands him; one does everything to get away from an impossible she is leaving town FOREVER!

    Emi and Lucia are making out, but Lucia quickly stops because she needs to go study. She gets upset when Emi grabs her and touches her boobie! Just then Emi gets a message from Diego about his mother.

    Diego worries about what will happen to them if his mother dies. Susy is very young and Emi has a drinking problem. He tells Rosa that he hasn't given his mother a hug and is afraid that he will never get to hug her.

    Gracia thinks karma has come to her for all the damage she did to her daughter. Marcos suggests that they both leave to Yucatan...maybe they could make a life there together.

    Pepe goes to Rol's house to get Susy. Rol tells him HE is the guardian and Pepe is NOTHING to the kid!

    Art goes to see Diego who tells him that his mother is not improving. Art gives him a consoling hug. When Diego asks how things are going, Art tells him things are good, but he misses Diego. Diego tells him that things can't be as they were. When Art adds that he doesn't want to lose what they had, Diego questions him about the vibes he got from Art. art tells him he was just confused.

    Pepe and Rol continue their antler bashing until Rol hisses that Paula already smells like death which earns him a fist in his face!

    Emi questions Rosa whio tells him about Paula's seizure. Suzy overhears that her mother is in hte hospital and asks EMi what is happening.

    At the hospital, Lor and Pepe discuss the dilemma with Rol being guardian. Lor tells Pepe that his lawyer is working on it but it will be very difficult for Pual to get guardianship back since Rol has given the judge all of Paula's medical information plus videos he took of Paula having compromising episodes including screaming in anguish from the balcony. The doctor comes out and tells Lor and Pepe that the tumor is is time that they prepare themselves and to start saying good-bye. Lor asks for other options but the doctor insists that Paula should be kept comfortable and close to her loved ones. Paula possibly has 1-2 weeks left!

  31. VIDA Ep. 79 Part 2

    Squeaky Susy wants to go with her mother and is talked out of it. When she asks who will read her a story, Rol volunteers but Emi quickly tells him that he (Emi) will read the story to Susy. Rol then asks for Diego so Rosa tells him that Diego is in his room with a friend.

    In Diego's room. Art tells Diego that he can't be the person Diego wants him to be. WHen Diego tells him to leave and confesses that he is in love with him, Art gets very close to Diego...almost kissing him when Rol dashes in and physically attacks Art warning him to stay away from his son!!

    In her hospital room, Paula starts breathing heavily and the monitors start going off! The nurse goes to tell the doctor that Paula's blood pressure is elevating rapidly. The doctor tells the nurses that they need to prepare Paula for surgery because they need to relieve the pressure the tumor is causing.

    Rol runs off Art...he is going to talk to Art's parents so that they can know what a degenerate Art is! Diego defends Art and tells Rol that he is the one that should leave, but Rol yells louder and mightier. After Art leaves, they continue their shouting match until Diego tells Rol that he would prefer Pepe as a father after which Rol raises his fist to strike Diego, but stops himself when Diego dares him to hit him! When Rol tells him he just wants to help him, Diego tells him that he can help by leaving...and letting his mother live in peace with Pepe.

    Paula goes to surgery and the doc instructs the staff to prepare for situations that may arise. The nurse goes to tell Lor and Pepe about the surgery...which could be fatal. Emi calls Lor who tells hiim about the surgery. Emi goes to Diego and Rol to tell them about Paula going into surgery and that they should prepare themselves for anything. Rol rushes off to the hospital.

    Isa talks to Ansi who suggests that she may be going to live with her father. Isa is very happy especially now with he returns f her...Isa stops herself and Andi wonders who she is talking about. Isa fudges and adds that now that anti's father has returned to going out with other women. Isa then mentions that the house is too big for her now, maybe she should leave before Gnat runs her off. Lucia arrives and asks to talk to Andi.

    Rafa has ZaiSo over for dinner...and he has bought ZaiSo's favorite flowers. Rafa wants to talk and ZaiSO starts talking about how they need to tell Andi the truth. Rafa wants to talk about being together as a family...after so much time, he wants them to have the opportunity to be the family they should have been.

    EMi and Diego cry together. Emi tells Diego that they need to be strong so that Suzy won't see that they are scared. Diego then tells Emi about Rol entering when Art was there and hitting him (Art). Diego also shares how he told Art tha he is in love with him, but Art will never accept that he is gay. Roaa then enters so Emi tells her about Paula.

    Lucia tells Andi about Emi touching her. Andi is dismayed tha Lucia worries about Emi touching her, yet Art has not made any moves on her. Andi would like more intense kisses. Lucia suggests that if Art is taking his time, it mist be that he respects her. We then get a PSA about not being pressured to have sex.

    Emi and Diego read Suzy a story as Rosa watches.

    Teo talks to Pepe on the phone telling about the badly prepared dinner his mother made. Pepe then talks to MAL and tells her about Paula being in surgery. After MAL feigns concern, she hangs up and hopes that the stupid one who is wasting their time should die already!

    Doc is performing surgery on Paula when the monitors go they try to revive her, Rosa prays for Paula and offers her life in exchange for Paula's...

    And so this ends...but we know it's too soon for Paula's life to end,,,if at all!

  32. VIDA-Ep 78

    Doris, I hadn't had time to read your recap until now. LOVED all the sides!! These characters are becoming more frustrating as we get closer to the end.

    It's odd, but Gracia has become my favorite character..and Rosa. They are the only ones who seem to be sensible and believable.

    I still can't get used to seeing Lor and Isa together their relationship just seems uncomfortable to me.

  33. TU VIDA

    Rgv Chick - another great recap! Thank you. This one had a lot of heavy scenes.

    Marcos just doesn't give up, does he?

    I wanted to throw something at my TV screen when Rolando was evil-doing to Susy and Diego. His comment about Paula already smelling like death was just so cruel and uncalled for. Then I remember, "It's just a story! It's just a story!" The actor truly deserves an award for best male antagonist.

    Rosa is one of my favorite characters. I hope the writers don't kill her off. She's so kind!

  34. VIDA

    Rgv Chick, thank you for your sensitive and thoughtful reflection on all of the sorrow and turmoil Paula's beloved family is experiencing as her health as she waivers on the precipe...

    "Pepe and Rol continue their antler bashing until Rol hisses that Paula already smells like death which earns him a fist in his face!" showed the worst of human nature.

    "Diego worries about what will happen to them if his mother dies...He tells Rosa that he hasn't given his mother a hug and is afraid that he will never get to hug her". Such a hard, cold heart from Paula's middle child.

    I so agree with your astute comments that Lor and Isa "seem uncomfotable". I couldn't agree more!

    I believe Paula will have a happy ending. Miracles do exist and hope springs eternal.

    When there is nothing else, there is hope. Sometimes hope is all we have.

    Thank you for all of your time, care and effort on this.


  35. EL GALLO DE ORO #1 Univision Edit Part 1

    Notes from the couch . . .

    1. We start with Dionisio looking longfully at a beautiful gold colored rooster as Bernarda Cutiño aka La Caponera narrates. She thinks that it is impossible to know how a rooster (a person?) is going to fight in advance. It all comes down to what kind of talent they have inside. If one is courageous, you will only find out when it has to be. Only time will tell if you have a real fighter on your hands who will take the blows or a runner, one who gives up before it is even released.

    2. At a fair in San Marcos, Justina introduces the musical group "Los Vargos del Bajío" and its popular vocalist: La Caponera. La Crooner continues her narrations. She thinks that to be happy you not only need courage but also love. She has always been brave but has had a problem finding a man who would love her for who she was not because of the LUCK she could bring him. She didn't realize that it takes a lot more than courage to be yourself. La Caponera performs and works the crowd and sit s on old Bartolomés lap. He cheers her on and leaves her a generous tip.

    3. After the performance, Bart comes by to invite her to first a mezcal. She thanks him and politely refuses. He then tries to sweeten the deal with dinner. He reminds her how generous he was at her performance and will not take no for an answer. He gets handsy and asks her how much her services cost. She calls him a bastard and tells him she is singer not a whore. He cannot see the difference. He grabs her around the waist and tells her what he wants to do to her and she slaps him. He steps back in shock and then starts to pull his gun on her and Justina. She and Justina back him down daring him to use it on them.

    4. At the same time, Dionisio is doing his job as the town crier. it seems that Tomasa Leñero age 14 has run away with Miguel Tizcareno and her parents want them found. He makes his way to the fair.

    5. Bart files a complaint with the police because La Caponera slapped him (he says she hit him with a bottle) and she is arrested. She doesn't understand why she was arrested because Bart was at fault not her. The police chief tells her to shut up. He reminds her taht she cracked his head open. She says she only slapped him because he was groping her. He blames her for leading him on. She is jailed. He is not jailing Bart who only wanted a good time in his estimation. As she asks if he would say the same about his wife, he tells her to shut up before he finds a couple of drunks to keep her company in her cell. In her cell, she thinks it is better to just go along because she is a woman and a nobody. If anything bad happens to a woman they always say she was looking for it.

  36. EL GALLO Part 2

    6. Dionisio sees a street urchin being slapped around by some men. They accuse the boy of having stolen money from them. The boy says the money was on the ground when he found it and that he gave it back. They still want to teach the kid a lesson. Dionisio tires to talk them out of it and the men turn on him and the boy escapes. They knock Dioniso to the ground where he lies tumbling and whimpering as they steal the money he has saved. He cries and begs them not to touch him. A crowd watches. In a flashback, we see Dionio's mother being beaten by his father. He has a rifle in his hands and shoot his father dead.

    7. Lorenzo is gambling and has just lost a card game. Yesterday he lost at roulette. He is on a losing streak and owes a lot of money. His cousin Remigio wants him to quit gambling but Lorenzo doses't know what else to do. A man give Lorenzo a message. It seems that La Caponera has been found. That could be a sign that his LUCK is changing. He is going to go find her in San Marcos.

    8. Dionisio goes home where his sickly mother awaits him. She asks who bloodied his head but he won't say. She doesn't understand why they insist on picking on him in town. He says it doesn't matter. In a flashback, he remembers his mother covered in his father's blood reaching out to him. In the present, his mother wants him to heal and leave his guilt behind. Dioniso gives his mother a bowl of beans to eat but she knows he hasn't eaten for a while so after a couple spoonfuls, she gives him the bowl to eat. He promises to get her out of there some day so they can live in a better place She answers that in the meantime they have no reason to be sad since they have food and a roof over their heads.

    9. Lorenzo and his cousin Remigio are on the road driving to San Marcos. Remigio asks him if he really believes what the old man told him what La Caponera could do. Lorenzo doesn't know but he is willing to give it a try. it is his last hope and he is keeping his fingers crossed.

    10. Dioniso is on the street and hears La Caponera singing from her jail cell. He stops and listens. He then goes to see the police chief to press charges against Pedro for stealing his money. The chief tells him that isn't happening. Pedro is the mayor's son. Nobody would believe him. He tells Dionisio to forget about it. Dionisio asks who is singing. The chief says it is a drunk.

    11. Justina and Feliciano pay La Caponera's bail and she is freed. Dionisio watches from the sidelines.

    12. Bart's guys tell him that La Caponera is a free woman. He is shocked and not pleased.

    13. Dioniso goes to see the rooster he was planning on buying. He runs into Secundino one of the rooster handlers. He asks if he knows anything about the singer who he saw in jail. Secundino tells him her names La Caponera. Secundino says Horacio told him that he was going to buy that rooster. Dioniso says that was the idea. Secundino doesn't see him as a cockfighter. To be that you need LUCK and money. Dionisio inisists he knows more about roosters than many others. He tells Secundino that the rooster he is holding isn't able to fight any more. Secundino brushes him off but notices that he was right after checking the rooster's leg.

  37. EL GALLO Part 3

    14. La Caponera changes and puts on her locket which has a picture of a woman inside. She grabs her shawl and starts to walk back to the fair. She is accosted by Bart and his men. He slaps her hard and knocks her out. They throw her in the back of a wagon and take off.

    15. The street Urchin sees the men grab La Caponera and the locket and shawl on the ground. He takes them. In town, he sees Dionisio and thanks him for sticking up for him. Dionisio recognizes the locket and shawl. The boy gives them to him. He tells Dionisio that some bandits got her and went off towards El Requesón.

    16. La Caponera comes to and finds that she is tied up. She starts to scream for help . Bart comes back to terrorize her with a broken bottle and ends up knocking her out again. he sets the barn on fire and leaves. Dionisio sees it burn and tries to save her but cannot drag her out. He manages to flag down Lorenzo and his cousin who are able to rescue her. They put her in the car and drive away. They eventually stop and she comes to again. Lorenzo finds out that the woman he just rescued is La Caponera.

    17. La Caponera continues her narration. She says that the Cutiños have never been lucky in love. Some say it is because they are rude and behave badly. Others say it is the gift they have of bringing LUCK to the men they are with. Others say it is because they never choose the right man. She thinks all three are correct.

    18. La Caponera is back safe and sound in San Marcos. She tells us that as a girl she learned that everything wasn't fun and games. She herself saw what happened to women who wanted to be different. There are always two choices. The first is to become what they want you to be. The second is to keep on doing what you want to do. As we see her hide a knife secured with a garter on her leg, she adds that then you have to take precautions.

    19. Remigio tells Lorenzo that he still cannot believe that La Caponera could get him out of debt so easily. Lorenzo tells him about the guy who told him about Bernarda and how it didn't matter what cards he had or what he did with them. He always won but when she left him, he lost his money and his life. he and another guy who had the same experience with Bernarda's mother. Their stories were very much the same but he never lost his money. When he found out that Bernarda's mother was going to leave him, he killed her and never bet again.

    20. La Caponera doubts the law if doing much to apprehend Bart and his men. She finds out from Justina that is not the case because Lorenzo has filed charges against Bart himself. La Caponera says something will happen because he is a man. Justina doesn't agree. The fact is he has big bucks. He even offered a reward for his apprehension. He is also a cock fighter.

    21. Lorenzo comes over to see La Caponera hoping that she has recovered from the scare she had. She tells him that she has heard that he is offering a reward for Bart's apprehension. If he is doing it for her, she doesn't need it. She knows how to defend herself by herself. He makes it clear he did not do it for her. She is happy to hear that because she likes to be direct to avoid miscommunication. He loves people who are direct. She smiles. She asks if he saw her necklace with the locket when he rescued her. he says no. She asks if he has seen the man who flagged him down. He says a couple of times. He works as the town crier.

  38. EL GALLO Part 4

    22. Dionisio is looking at the locket. His mother thought he wold have returned it by now.He says he will. She has no confidence in the character of a singer at the fair. Dionisio says this one is different. His mother thinks that the woman owes him because he was very brave. That is not how Dionisio sees himself. He only ran and yelled. He couldn't get her out of there on his own because he COULD NOT TOUCH her.

    23. La Caponera and Justina are late to join the rest of the band and find out that their spot has been ceded to another band. La Caponera crashes the other performance and the crowd gets and unexpected duet.

    24. Dionisio runs into La Caponera and is ready to return her shawl and locket. He recognized her shawl from seeing her at the police station. He explains a kid found her things after she was grabbed. He gives her her locket. it turns out that the picture on the inside is of her mother. He remarks how much they look alike. He goes to give it to her but only after he is sure she won't come into contact with him. He tells her that he doesn't like to be TOUCHED. She asks if he was the one who found her and notified teh others who got her out. He nods. She asks why he wasn't there when she awakened. Before he can answer, he excuses himself to talk to some cockfighters.

    25. There is a cockfight done very artistically, if I do say. (At the end of the novela it did say that no animals were injured in this production.) One of the roosters is the one that Dionisio had his eye on and it loses the match. It is to be killed on the spot. Dioniso asks the owner to give it to him rather than kill it. He thinks it can recover. The owner refuses until La Caponera enters the discussion and asks the cockfighter to save the rooster for Dionisio as a personal favor to her. He agrees. She wraps the bird in her shawl and puts it on the ground for Dionisio to pick up. He thanks her and she thanks him for having saved her. He insists that he didn't save her. She disagrees saying if he had not gone for help, she would have died. He gave her a second chance. She believes the rooster will be crowing again. Dionisio smiles and leaves.

    26. Lorenzo gets a call from a Mr. Arriag who has noticed that Lorenzo has traveled quite far and is wondering if he is running away. Lorenzo insists that he has no reason to do anything like that. Mr. Arriaga presumes he must have what is owed him then. Lorenzo says he is involved in exactly that. Mr. Arriaga tells him to put a move on because his brother is not as patient as he is. He reminds him that his father is alone at his hacienda and it would be too bad if something happened to him. Lorenzo says to leave him alone. His father has no idea of what is going on. Mr. Arriaga tells him to calm down. Nothing will happen to the old man if he pays his debt.

    27. Dionisio brings the rooster home to take care of it. He explains to his mother it will not deplete their food because it eats only seeds. He digs a hole and buries the rooster's body so only its head is out. She is not happy that he is getting into cockfighting. She reminds him what betting did to their family. He insists they deserve more and it is time for them to get their due.

    28. Lorenzo tells his cousin that he doesn't think that his father knows what is going on yet but that could all change. Remigio says if he thinks that La Caponera can affect the LUCK of somebody she loves, then he is taking too much time winning her heart. Lorenzo doesn't know how to handle it so she doesn't became suspicious.

  39. EL GALLO part 5

    29. It looks like the father has found his missing daughter and the boy she ran away with. He fires a warning shot at the boy and tells him he will blow his **** off with the next shot if he doesn't get out of there. His daughter tries to talk him down and he ends up calling her a slut, a whore. La Caponera gets involved telling him he cannot talk to his daughter like that. The disagreement continues and he points the rifle at her. Remigio points his gun at the father's head. Lorenzo comes to the rescue assuring the father that if his daughter and novio get married he will gift them a cow so they will not be a financial burden on his family. Everyone is pleased with the outcome. The wedding takes place. La Caponera says at this point she had already begun to turn her back on her dreams especially on the one of finding a man who would accept her as she was and wouldn't want to change her. It isn't easy to live with hope when nothing good happens and life knocks you down over and over again.

    30. Dionisio removes the box he had over the planted rooster's head and it is alive. Dionisio's mother says considering everything, it hasn't been all that bad. They never lacked love. He agrees they never did. She makes him promise that when she dies he is going to put forth the effort to create a new life for himself. She doesn't want to see him alone but first he must make peace with himself. She says that he is not responsible for what happened. He goes to buy some beans and puts her in charge of his rooster.

    31. Lorenzo is with La Caponera. It turns out he is a widower. She asks if he loved his wife a lot. He admits that he did love her a lot. He says there is something about this town that makes him feel lighter with less worries. Reconsidering, he concludes maybe it isn't the town but maybe the fair sort of. He notices she is closer and suddenly they are kissing. Dionisio passes them on the street. La Caponera tells us that she blames it all on the town where the paths of the three of them crossed. Even though they thought they knew which path to follow, they would realize that they were all very wrong.

    32. As Dionisio's mother sits with her rosary in her hand waiting for him, she dies and the rosary drops to the ground. At the same time, the rooster emerges from his hole in the dirt healthy and full of life as it shakes the dirt off its wings.


  40. GALLO

    Well, this was quite the adventure. The original series has 20 episodes. The Univision edit did episodes 1, 2, and the beginning of 3 all in one night. Too bad they felt like they had to slice and dice from the very beginning. I do not understand why everything has to move at break neck speed.

    Sorry for any typos.

  41. GALLO

    Jarifa, thank you so much for this detailed recap! You even had everyone's name - my hat's off to you! I was pretty lost so I was very grateful to read your posts.

    Too bad that they're cutting already!

    I was interested in the cure for the rooster. Usually if you have open wounds, they say to clean them, but the cure here was to pack the chicken in dirt. Ha!

    Also, if you just have a few beans to eat, wouldn't a chicken look pretty tempting?

    I wonder why our heroine suddenly cozied up to Lorenzo. Next thing we know, they're smooching! What's up with that?


    Now that Susan has taught me the word dizi, I have hit the web to learn more. Fatmagul apparently is considered one of the best of all time. I'm bummed I missed it!

    I have resisted watching Turkish shows because my goal is to learn Spanish, and also to learn the culture. What's for dinner? What do the streets look like? How is Christmas celebrated? Etc. I do love seeing TV and films from all over the world, and it occurs to me that I've been watching the Spanish-language telenovelas for some years now, so time to branch out!

  43. vida
    Thanks so much rgv chick.
    I know Rolando has entered the crazy state, but it's still baffling to me he treats Diego horribly and then gets angry Diego would pick Pepe as his father.
    It was so weird that Lucia only talked about Emi touching her when his mum is in hospital. Did they cut a scene or what? I'm starting to see why he and Renata got along so well. He is pretty forceful and I have a feeling he actually doesn't think it's completely wrong. So it's wrong to force someone to have sex, but how about pressuring them to get back together with you when you have issues? Renata is still a problem. If they are doing Sas, they could at least do all of them.
    Can you bargain with God? I didn't think Mexicans do this.
    Did Paula honestly think Rolando would listen to her?
    Rafa is another one who pisses me off. Why did they make such a smart woman get back with him when all he said is that he wants this?Did he find a bottle and release a genie? Is he on his third wish already?Stuff is just handed out to him without him having to lift a finger.Flowers after 15 years of abandonment? They can't be serious.

  44. Turkish Dizis

    welcome to our party!

    Vix,com has Fatmagul and other dizis dubbed in Spanish. It also has Brazilian novelas en espanol and lots of Mexican classics. Most content is free except for recent novelas and original series.

  45. Vida

    Thanks Rgv Chick, a great recap of a maddening episode. Although I guess if everyone acted the way we think they should it would be very short and boring!

    Rol is going way to far with kids that aren’t even his. I think he’s forgotten that fact. Paula should have told the school that Rol cannot get Suzy. And Arturo’s parents should file assault charges. Although I don’t think he wants them to know about it. Diego gets mad at Arturo but I think Arturo is just discovering who he is. I’m sure Diego didn’t wake up one morning and just realize and accept he was gay.

    Marcos is another one getting on my nerves. She doesn’t love you and has told you this. Move on with your life!

    Pepe is blind about MAL. What will it take for him to realize what she’s like. He knows she sleeps around and doesn’t take care of the kids. Then he expresses gratitude when she actually takes care of one of them.

    I wish they hadn’t told Rol Paula was in the hospital. What havoc will he bring? I’m hoping whatever they do to Paula will somehow save her. I wish Rosa could be saved too.


  46. Vida #78

    Great work, RGV Chick,

    I get angrier every day with Rolando and his hypocrisies. He knows nothing about children, is planning to steal their inheritances, and not only doesn't love their mother but had planned to off her when her illness became too inconvenient. His blatant cruelty toward Diego is beyond unforgivable.

    Andi needs a reality check. She's good at giving them out but can she handle getting them?

    Marco creeps me out and I think Gracia agrees with me.

    Since Paula's marriage to Rolando was never consummated Rolando's claim to authority over her children is challengeable. Lorenzo needs to get on the ball about that.

  47. Vida

    Dear Chickke, thank you for soldiering on and wading through this sea of misery to bring us an excellent replay . Uff.

    Liz, "maddening "is an appropriate adjective to describe this story of swirling evil.

    I think that gnat and Rol must die. What they wish for Paula will befall them both , and Paula will be the one to survive. The writers will sacrifice another innocent...Rosa.

    I dont care about the Marcos -Gracia-Alex-Isa-Lor Pentagon ( its not a triangle...I've done the math ) .

    I am not happy that it looks like crybaby manchild Rafa will probably get an undeserved HEA with ZaidaSofia and Andi . ugh ..good things sometimes happen to bad people.

    Art and Diego will get a HEA.

    Saint Peoe and long suffering Paula will get a HEA.

    What will happen to amoral, selfish , uncaring , love less MAL?

    What was the point of Emi getting impatient and handsy with Lucia at this point?

    I am sorry I ever started watching this death march . I want it to end and forget I ever watched . NEXT

  48. OT..Maggie, I have watched some wild Venezuelan novelas. I had a secretary from Brazil who told me that Brazilian novelas are good, but I have never watched one. I love the Turkish dizis. " Fatmagul " replaced the Mexican " Alborado" historical fiction novela as my favorite show of all . Great acting . Interesting story. I loved the peek inside Turkish culture and family life . Burak Oscivit has also been in several excellent historical fiction dizis . He is amazing .


  49. VIDA

    Thank you, everyone! I think we all need a good supply nerf balls and bats because there's A LOT to give nerfazos about!

    Doris, nopis, Marcos doesn't give up! But then Gracia isn't doing a good job a dissuading him if she keeps running to him to tell him her troubles.

    Waterlily, ITA with you and others that Rolando has entered the crazy state...gone of the deep end...juarever! The guy plays crazy really well. I keep asking why someone doesn't record all his fits and threats!

    Liz, since ROL has guardianship of the kids. Paula can't do anything to stop him from seeing the kids. The school wouldn't;t be albeit honor her request that Suzy not be released to Rol.

    Urban, "Since Paula's marriage to Rolando was never consummated Rolando's claim to authority over her children is challengeable." This is true in the US, but I have no idea if this holds true in Mexico. Based on this TN, it seems that Rol has as much rights to the kids as a bio-dad has!

  50. VIDA

    Thanks, Susan! Yes, I'm anxiously awaiting the end of this misery too!

    "I dont care about the Marcos -Gracia-Alex-Isa-Lor Pentagon ( its not a triangle...I've done the math )." Another belly laugh LOL I don't care either!!

  51. VIDA

    "I dont care about the Marcos -Gracia-Alex-Isa-Lor Pentagon ( its not a triangle...I've done the math ) ."

    LOL!!!! THIS is sidebar worthy.

  52. GALLO

    Jarifa, I'm totally impressed with your notes from the couch! Thank you! I cannot believe that Univision is already taking this to the chopping block...but it did show. so much that I was getting whiplash!

    I love the singing, but the violence (against women) may be too much for me. Although...with all the chopping, this may be over by the time I make up my mind LOL

  53. GALLO

    I am enjoying this being so different from what is usually on UNI.

    Although it isn’t the old west, it sure seemed that way except for the appearance of Lorenzo’s car.

    That scene with the rooster emerging from its hole all healed, on its feet and crowing was the best and probably be my lasting image of this novela.

    I never realized roosters could be that beautiful.

    Maggie, you’re welcome. I am glad the recap filled in some info for you. Funny you mention how tasty that rooster could have been when all you eat is beans. I was thinking the same thing. It looks like it is time for some romance. I wonder if La Caponera will be more than a good luck charm for Lorenzo.

    RgvChick, thanks. I am sure you can understand my surprise when I had the recap for #1 all done (I had seen this on VIX already) and as I was watching UNI, I noticed that multiple scenes were missing and #2 was starting at 8:25. Yes, the cuts made it choppy along with cuts for inappropriate language. Then UNI uses this as a commercial for what you can find on VIX? Okay . . . But Hey, we could be down to only 17 left after tonight if they keep up this chopping pace. Here is hoping yhey slow down.

  54. GALLO

    Jarifa , thank you for That amazing recap. I have never watched a novela like this one .In a word...YIKES . So far it is a pretty gruesome portrayal of a dusty Rural Mexican town 80? Years in the past...A brutal existence for people and roosters. Uff. When death released the old woman from her harsh life and rooster suddenly arose, I defintely got a cross deal Guadalupe vibe. Susan

  55. GALLO

    P.s. I have always been afraid of roosters .I live in a rural community on a farm, and we raised chickens for awhile . Someone I went to school with lost an eye to a rooster when she was a toddler. Cockfighting is scary.


  56. Gallo

    Thanks so much Jarifa, that was impressive. You even know everyone’s name. I didn’t recognize Jose Ron. I’m assuming he will be the romantic lead but I don’t see how! I was so confused I couldn’t figure out why he didn’t just lift her up and get her out of the fire. By the end of the show I realized he didn’t like to be touched.

    I use to love westerns on TV and thought it would be a neat time to live. But seeing how life was even though this is in the 20th century makes me rethink my thoughts. Of course no washing machines, dirt floors and weekly baths made me rethink it a long time ago.

    I felt the rooster rising when the mom died was symbolic. Maybe this rooster is blessed. He is beautiful.

    I won’t have to worry about getting the plot lines mixed up with the other shows!


  57. VIX

    How do you guys watch VIX? I'd really like to watch it, but I haven't figured out how to get it on my smart TV. I want to watch it there not only because it's comfy but also because my hearing is not great and I gotta have the closed captioning. Are there any other platforms that have captions?

  58. GALLO

    Thanks, everyone, for stopping by the patio.

    Susan, yes, it is nice to have a different kind of story once in a while even if it elicits a “Yikes”. What a gallo horror story you told! Somehow it goes right along with this tale. I don’t like to be around anything that can fly and also peck, bite or sting.

    Liz, I had to research those names on several lists and now have them all on a chart I hope. I am not good with names. For Dionisio’s sake, I hope the gallo is blessed. He needs something to make him into the good looking guy now hidden under the grime.

    OT Maggie, I do not have a smart TV but can access VIX via my Roku on my tv, via the VIX app on my tablet/phone and on my computer. Hope that helps.

  59. O/T Vix

    Maggie, I have a Vix app that i was able to put on my smart tv using the “available apps.”

    You can also get Vix Premium for a fee with no commercials. I have that in my Amazon Prime app.

    I am not tech savvy, but maybe that will help.

    Another good court/crime procedural dizi was recently on Telemundo and is on its app. It is called Secretos de Sangre (Yargi in Turkish).

