
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

El amor no tiene receta, #74, "Recipe for love"

Elvira and Fobo are dancing to the music box and are about to kiss when Ginebra interrupts with her call. Elvira seems disturbed by what she hears, but who wouldn’t be since Gin is on the other line.

Paz and Esteban explain to Gala they have to wait before they can expose Ginebra, she’s being very cautious, there are no witnesses to her threats. Elvira arrives to ask Esteban about Gin. Gala and Paz leave and El wonders if he knew something about his wife having an unexpected trip. Esteban had no clue, Gin does whatever she wants. Elvira doesn’t get what kind of marriage this is (the bad kind, El, the very bad kind).

Gala can’t keep a secret to save her life (literally), because she goes and spills all the very important information she just found out to boyfriend Salo.

While Paz and Esteban talk about telling Gala only half the truth because she already has enough to deal with and they need evidence against Ginebra, Gala and Salo interrupt to announce that Salo is aware of things now, and together they have a plan. What might that be, you ask? Some brilliant scheme to get rid of Gin?

No, we’re not in ultimos Capitulos yet. They want Paz and Esteban to take advantage of the fact that Gin is away to spend some time together alone. Both adults say no, this is not the right time, but the teens insist, they even offer to look after Eder while they are gone. When the cat’s away, can the mice play?

Pepa is drawing Eder, who looks much better. There is some talk about him going away to study and Mireya and Lupita suggest he postpones for a year. Pepa doesn’t want to do it

As soon as Paz and Esteban agree to the quick getaway, the rest of the Roble family goes to the vecindad and they look like they are about to decorate the house, preparing a surprise for the couple. How do these poor people always have these boxes ready to throw impromptu parties and sexy getaways for their family? In the meantime, Gala and Salo spend time with the young kids.

Kenzo and Nandy are at his place, wearing comfy pajamas and getting ready for their sleepover. They order pizza and have a great time together, laughing and talking. At one point Nandy decides it’s time to discuss more serious things, since they’re both adults and they need to decide what spending the night together really means for them. Kenzo says he feels incredible with her, loves her company and the way she makes him feel. Nandy says she will wait for him to be ready, in the meantime she enjoys just spending time with him, eating together and talking, building their friendship.

On a dark alley, Rubio is threatening Vermin. I didn’t catch what he’s supposed to do, but he’s already taken a good beating. Once Rubio leaves, Vermin goes to his car and looks at the video Sam filmed asking for people to help Paz find Maria. He cries and cries and I have to give some credit to the actor here because he manages to make scum Vermin NOT scum for a second or two. He says out loud that he needs to tell Paz the truth.

The family has decorated the entire street with lights hanging up above (because, again, they just had those laying around while they’re all in full blown crisis). Paz is amazed, Esteban is overjoyed and in the very next scene they are already in the house, Esteban half naked&fabulous and ready to go, go, go! But Paz remembers she is the virtuous prota who could never sleep with a married man, so she pushes him away, saying that being together is not right while he’s still legally married. He makes a feeble attempt to convince her to go for it, since Gin is a monster, but Paz has to stand by her principles, this doesn’t feel right for her! Since he’s a virtuous galan, too, he agrees to wait and have I mentioned recently how I’d love for these people to be less moral and more “action”?

They go up on the roof, to look at the stars, talk about Maria and cuddle on some blankets and pillows. Esteban tells Paz he managed to secure her an interview, she can talk about Maria, maybe that will help. She is very happy, she plans to also mention how so many other parents suffer the same tragedy.

At the same time, Sam is also looking at the sky, thinking of Paz. She tells Gala she is sad because her mom left without even saying goodbye, sometimes she feels like she doesn’t even love her. Gala comforts her, the kids are getting ready for bed.

Back to Paz and Esteban, she says that she dreams of having a big family. And when Gin and Mauro eventually pay for all their crimes, she’d like to adopt both Sam and Monito, give them the love and protection they deserve. Esteban loves the idea! He remembers how he once asked for Berenice’s guidance and protection and that is when Paz called him for the first time, agreeing to work for him.

A few very mushy declarations and flashbacks later, they are back in the house, baking a cake for the family, as a thank you for helping them have this moment alone. And they are kissing and cooking, and kissing and mixing ingredients, snuggling and giggling. At one point Esteban is even using a mixer while kissing Paz – now that takes expertise! They come up with a recipe for love (apparently there is one, after all). In order for a couple to thrive, they need to have respect, empathy for one another, help each other and always communicate.

With all the declarations, smooching and general frolicking, it’s a miracle they actually manage to bake that cake, but they do. Paz says she’d like to continue her culinary studies. She loves their little restaurant, but her dream is to one day be a Chef in a place designed to create special moments for couples and for families. Esteban would love to help, he even plans for them to prepare a special meal for their family when they solve all their problems (I guess we just got a spoiler for the last scene of the novela).

Gala and Salo talk about their future. Gala has decided to study a career in human rights. She thinks it will be hard, but Salo supports her 100%.

Elvira doesn’t understand what Gin is doing taking a trip close to the frontier. With the risk of turning her against him, Fobo decides to warn Elvira about Gin. Is she sure about adding her and Mauro to her will? Could she not show the same prudence in her relations with Ginebra that she shows with everyone else? He’s certain Ginebra is lying, hiding things, he has to warn Elvira because he loves her and wants to protect her. Elvira gets mad, demands that Fobo shut up if he doesn’t have any proof. Poor guy, back to the doghouse, I guess.

The next day Porfirio and Lupita walk around the neighborhood. He says they are no longer kids, maybe it’s time he confessed: he likes her. Wanna go steady? Lupita smiles.

Paz is starting her interview, which is more like a plea for help. She gets very emotional as she tells her audience about how she lost her baby Maria and how she never stopped searching for her. She’s only been half living for all these years, she begs anyone who might have information about her daughter, to come forward. Elvira and the kids watch the transmission from home, Vermin is also following the video on his phone and Esteban, Mireya and Lupita are with Paz, ready to support her. When the filmed segment is over, Paz is overwhelmed with emotion, Esteban hugs her tight.

Ginebra, Mauro, Abdul and some other goon are waiting for Mystery Man in a container yard. They are heavily armed. Two cars approach, but it’s not the big boss meeting them, it’s one of his lackeys, which Ginebra doesn’t like, since she doesn’t negotiate with intermediaries. She won’t cave or give up on the territory she has won, no man will ever tell her what to do and she is more than ready to go to war with Mystery Man.

Go girl! Uhh, I mean… woman empowerment, am I right?


  1. Very entertaining episode but your recap was even more so, Adriana. Thanks.
    Your commentary was spot on. Excellent point about how all of the party/decorating/lighting (?!) supplies appear out of nowhere from the households of people who supposedly have no money.

    As for Fermín and El Rubio, that was as clear as mud. El Rubio told him he had one day to pay up (for/with what??? I must have missed something or a lot) or his family would be the ones to pay.

    Being the criminal scum that he is, will Vermin tell Paz the truth, any time soon,about selling their daughter like a dog?

    I wonder if we will ever see who the Mystery Man is. I wish he would give Ginebra a run for the money, put her out of business and six feet under.

  2. Jarifa: Vermin will NEVER tell Paz the truth about selling their daughter like an unwanted dog. NEVER!

    Adriana: AWESOME job on the recap of last night's episode 👍.

  3. Great work, Adriana.

    The decorations could be neighborhood property and/or purchased during better times. And didn't one of the boys recently say they were doing well?

    I was gritting my teeth when Gala told Salomon what she knew. A good thing was then telling Paz and Esteban and the talk they had about this. It was better not to tell all at the point.

    Anyone want to make a bet on whether Elvira ever gets her cougar fulfillment? There have been at least three obstacles so far. BTW, the actors have an 18-year age difference off-camera.

    Pepa should follow his artistic dreams. To prevent that would be selfish on his family's part.

    Vermin is finally developing a conscience. That is progress.

    There is just enough time left for war between Ginebra and her competition, but this is nothing to cheer anyone on. Human trafficking is a major global issue and after drugs the second most lucrative crime estimated at $32 billion per year.

    That's scary stuff. There should be a James Bond film about it.

  4. Adriana Noel, this was a delicious dessert with just a dash of spice. Wonderful.

    I was watching the Celtics clinch their title so will have to watch this today.

    "Gala can’t keep a secret to save her life (literally)" was inspired.

    Cannot wait to see "Esteban half naked&fabulous and ready to go, go, go!" Oh my.

    It sounds as though Vermin is finally ready to crack. I have a feeling it will be sooner rather than later.

    I agree with you Urban; I don't understand why Pepa is being held back. He is so talented and needs the chance for open space, to spread his wings and fly.

    Elvira is going to be decimated when she learns the truth. I am not exactly buying into her and Fobo but if he cushions the blow, so be it.

    I love the actor but Porfirio not so much. He's narrow minded and has been so cold and unsupportive to Esteban, I want Lupe with someone far better; warmer and kinder.

    "And when Gin and Mauro eventually pay for all their crimes, she’d like to adopt both Sam and Monito, give them the love and protection they deserve". THAT'S the happy ending I want to see.


  5. Adriana, querida, thanks for making a delightful meal out of what was mostly grungy leftovers and sickly sweet treacle. I laughed out loud at “apparently there IS a recipe!” (Although I wouldn’t go near that cake. An entire TABLESPOON of vanilla, unhulled strawberries, and no doubt plenty of Paz’s hair…)

    Rubio told Fermin he had exactly one day to come up with the information, which I assume is whatever is in the safe deposit box. I hope he meant it, because I’m ready for that conversation to be over.

    I was sorely disappointed to get Mr. Small when I was expecting Mr. Big.

  6. I am betting that they key to Vermin's safe deposit box is somewhere in the house and somebody will find it.

    Mr Big in Ginebra's underworld should turn up before the end of this week. The fall of this superlatively evil villana probably requires a longer preparation than usual. This producer doesn't have a track record of ambiguous or unjust endings so we can probably expect something spectacular. Whatever the case I predict that Altair Jarabo will win the Best Villana trophy at the next award event.

  7. Thank you, Urban; that’s reassuring. I’m sure we’ll have the usual complement of dangling loose ends, but I look forward to a nice wrap-up.

  8. Cher Adriana, merci, for a great recap of an episode that gave us some romance and positive vibes while Gin is on a risky bizness trip. Yay .

    I couldn't understand why Esteban and Paz left Eder and the other kids to do some canoodling , so your recap cleared that up. Gala and Salo offered to babysit so they could have a "datenight. " I was confused when Esteban was suddenly shirtless in the house somewhere and the all wound up. Then, instead of making love, they made a cake. Esteban is going to have to take more cold plunges .

    So...Mr.Big didn't show up at the meet and greet. Now what??? Susan


    Pepa putting the kids to bed telling them it is late and if they don’t get enough sleep they will wake up with “cara de chango”: monkey faces. Monito pops up with that he has a cara de “monito” already.

    As for Mireya and Lupe wanting Pepa to stay put, I think they are doing this because they are experiencing the normal growing pains in a family especially when a parent realizes their job is done and are not ready for it to be. Also in this case, the family has been through some very traumatic times recently and are in no way up for another loss as they would see Pepa’s leaving. It isn’t right but a very human reaction.

  10. Thanks so much, Adriana, I enjoyed your recap. It was a nice show with very little drama. But now I see why we get hooked on them. For all the drama! The edge of your seat excitement, and waiting for the next show to see what happens next.

    Paz’s ending is exactly what I’m hoping for. They also need to have a child together! Paz got cheated out of the fun years of cuddling an infant and then a toddler.

    I can’t picture Vermin telling Paz the truth unless he’s on his deathbed. Which could happen. What is in the box(safety deposit I’m assuming). I doubt he has any dirt on them but maybe he does. He didn’t get a bill of sale when he sold Sam. At first I thought it might be Sam’s birth documents but they’re ready to kill for what’s in the box


  11. Jarifa, I think you are right about the family's reaction to Pepa leaving home . After years of raising and loving a child, it's hard to watch them fly away out of the nest plus this family has had so many problems and worries that still continue.

    Liz, yes, I want Paz to have her HEA with Esteban and all the kids and a baby to love and cuddle. Susan

  12. Thanks so much for the excellent, thorough recap, Adriana Noel.

    Maybe I'm just cynical, but the loooong canoodling scenes with Paz and Esteban, the endless declarations of undying love just gave me a toothache. Too dern sweet by far and more appropriate for a couple of teenagers.

    I was POSITIVE Vermin was going to show up at Casa Roble, see Paz and Esteban cuddling on that rooftop patio, and then...not tell Paz about Maria/Sam out of jealousy.

    Yes, that big meeting with Gin and the big baddie was a letdown. So she stands there with Mauro, Abdul, and some random buy and spouts defiance? Lots of hints leading to the big bad finishing her off, but I want her locked up in a cell, maybe in the U.S. for international trafficking. From some of the narconovelas that have been aired, the very worst that can happen to Mexican bad guys is extradition. It was definitely Pablo Escobar's worst fear. And it finally happened to El Chapo. Apparently the prison staff are too easily bribed and/or threatened with harm to their families in Latin America.

  13. Just to let you all know that #75 is taking time because of the juicy dialogue.

    As for Ginebra, I want her dead. She is too dangerous alive -- even in prison -- unless they put her in solitary confinement and pay double salary to the guards in that section.

  14. Oh, yum! Looking forward to the juicy dialogue!

    Thanks for the value-added on extradition, Novelera. I’ve been wondering why they’ve been making such a big deal over the baddies assembling “on the border” — maybe that’s it.

    And yes, definitely a baby for Paz & Esteban, because 5 kids and a dog is not enough. 😆

  15. It's mostly the big confrontation we've all been waiting for.
