
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Daytime TNs.... Y Mas (#2) Week of Sept. 16, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas) 

10 -12 PM: Cuando Llega el Amor (Unimas)  

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas)  *** Not airing Thursday

1-2 PM: El Angel de Aurora (Univision)

2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)  *** Not airing Thursday

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)  *** Not airing Thursday

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)  


  1. El Angel de Aurora #9

    Antonio arrived at the office.

    Aurora asked Jezabel if she was nuts. She had no right to do this without speaking with her. JC said he could do nothing without Aurora's input and work.

    Helena told Demon his attitude was difficult to deal with. He tried to gaslight her into thinking that she was too emotional to make decisions. He finally asked her if she was in love with anyone else.

    JC tried to prevent the deal with Antonio, knowing the history. Jezabel brought up the worst of the past about Antonio (as in her version of the story).

    Demon made one more sneaky pitch to Helena.

    Jezabel insulted Aurora's intelligence both about her business sense and sanity. She also blamed her for recent losses.

    Demon and Edgar talked as they went down to the lobby to find Angel who was waiting for his paycheck. Demon tried to start an argument with him over the dance. Both were clenching their fists during this.

    Cassandra reported this to Jezabel as Antonio prepared to leave.

    Demon and Edgar tried making fun of Angel. Everyone else showed up. Demon dismissed everyone and told Cassandra to take care of this.

    JC talked with Antonio and learned that Antonio wanted to be near Aurora.

    Angel was sent to Briana's office to sign some documents. Helena entered. [It looked like another sibling rivalry situation will happen with these two stepsisters].

    JC told Antonio he would always be on Aurora's side. This could have become an argument except for Jezabel's arrival. They continued to talk civilly about this with JC finally telling Antonio that he loved Aurora. Jezabel told him he would have to somehow negotiate this situation.

    Angel found out that Helena and Briana were “sisters.”

    Demon and Edgar talked about the situation in an outside café as Fabrizio – Demon's father – approached. Demon was not pleased.

    Helena handed Angel an envelope and he invited her to his sister's fùtbol game. She declined as Antonio arrived and introduced them. Angel hugged Antonio and complimented his fortune at having such pretty daughters.

    There almost was a fight in the café as we find out that Fabrizio left the scene when Demon was five years old.

    Helena declined the invitation because of Demon. Angel suggested they go as “friends.” Helena demurred. Antonio admitted that he felt something strange in the embrace with Angel.

    JC suggested to Aurora that she look for closure but she is not in the right place for that. She said her heart was in pieces. JC said he loved her [but can we be sure of that?] He told her she should confront her past as he needed to face his own losses. Aurora did not feel confident about the possible outcome. She was also not ready for a new relationship. JC was willing to be patient.

    Antonio went to Helena's office to tell her about being a socio. She was not sure this would be a good idea, as she was sure Aurora still loved him.

    JC also knew this and decided to intervene. Aurora wanted a different socio.

    Helena asked Antonio if he wanted to get Aurora back. He is honest with her about his love for Aurora. His love for her mother was different and his love for Patricia died of torture. He then asked her if Demon would fight for her and he said he was sure Angel would. She told him that Demon was the love of her life [If that is true, she's an idiot].

    Demon and Edgar talked about Fabrizio, questioning why he returned. Demon asked Edgar about Esperanza. They said something about control. Demon wants Esperanza's help with something.

    Vicki and Pascual talked again about Angel's origin. Pascual burned the newspaper clipping.

    Helena brought the campaign folder to Aurora who reminded her that she was not in favor of her and her father's involvement. However when she opened the folder and saw Angel's photo she asked about him.

  2. Angel

    Urban, about to go walk our dogs but wanted to say I thought the folder was of different male models ( I rewound it and I'm not sure they are Angel), and Aurora asked why did she make the change. More later.

    UA: Awesome job with the recap of this afternoon's episode.

    Kat in SC: Jezebel is despicable & evil to the core.

  4. Angel

    Thanks Urban, that was great. And I hope you’re feeling better too.

    So JC is in love with Aurora. I thought he was interested in her but he had two big loses within two years so didn’t know if he was ready to love again. He seems decent, but we shall see.

    Let’s hope Fabrizio is one of the good guys. If Jezebel threw him out he might be! Hope he makes life tough for Demon

    I looked at the ending several times. I thought Aurora asked why she changed models. Pretty sure she’ll want Angel hired back!

    Antonio said something like, I felt like I knew him his whole life, when Angel hugged him. I really think he’s the dad. But I couldn’t catch, or read the subtitles fast enough when Jezebel told Antonio and Aurora’s story. I’m assuming she told the one Aurora is aware of. She was raped, had baby and was left at altar. I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t say all she told Antonio way back then. I’m sure she didn’t use Antonio for the DNA test, so why would he believe it?


  5. El Angel de Aurora #9

    I strongly doubt that Jezabel submitted either Antonio's or Juventino's hair for that DNA test. So we don't know whose sperm won the race to the egg. I have been wondering whether Helena is really Antonio's bio child. We have not seen even a photo of her mother. Angel has the vertical dimples, like Antonio's.

    I am annoyed with Pascual not wanting to be honest with Angel about him being adopted. This is not somerhing to hide.

  6. Angel

    I'm still pretty certain the company commissioning the ads wants Angel as the model. So rather than the family company being a fashion house, maybe they are an advertising company.

    Has anyone discovered what Edgar was trying to accomplish for Demon by using Cassandra. And why in the world does Demon want Esperanza won over.

    Urban, Pasquel is afraid they will go to jail for "adopting" Angel. How has he managed for 29 years to not need a birth certificate? I guess schools in Mexico aren't as strict as the US.

  7. Angel / Aurora #9

    I think that these two jerks still believe that women gossip all the time and know enough personal stuff about everyone that can be used against them. This is about control. Esperanza looks like she has some authority and Demon may be overestimating his ability to manipulate her.

    BTW, the actor playing Demon was in Pasion y Poder, He is now 33 and is already a little grey in the temples.

  8. El angel
    Urban, thank you for the recap.

    Looks like both Aurora and Antonio are getting the call of the blood and feeling a pull toward the smiling, charming Angel .

    Demon and his weasly sidekick Edgar (?) Are icky. I wonder how Fabrizio suddenly appearing is going to stir the pot. Susan

  9. Angel / Aurora #10

    I need to view this again as soon as it's posted before I can complete the recap, so it can't be posted before tomorrow. My apologies.

  10. Angel/Aurora

    No problem Urban. I had a lot of scenes that confused me today so I look forward to your recap

  11. Angel. Obviously the writers will have to find some way for Helena and Angel not to be half siblings so that they can be a couple. Otherwise, they'll have to introduce at least 1 more romantic interest character into the story.

  12. Angel / Aurora

    I don't think we will have a third guy. We have the following possibilities:

    -- Angel is the son of Antonio and Helena was conceived in adultery
    -- Angel is the son of Juventino/Pintas and Helena is the daughter of Antonio
    -- Angel is the son of Antonio and Helena had been switched at birth with another baby. Remember thay we have not seen a photo of her mother. Her hair looks natural so her mother should have been a natural blonde.

    The recap is in progress and will be done before the dinner hour. Thisepisode has too many important points that is taking longer than I thought

  13. Angel/Aurora

    Another possibility is Helena is the adopted daughter of Antonio. Her mother may have already had her when they got married. He is loving to Briana so he has demonstrated the admirable trait of loving non bio children.

  14. El Angel de Aurora #10
    Part 1 of 3

    Helena and Aurora talked about model situation. Helena explained what happened with Demon, making it sound like a personality clash, Aurora had the impression that Angel is a good guy and thus wanted Angel in the ads. As Helena rose to leave Aurora asked about the info on Angel, starting with his age. Helena told her he was 29.

    Esperanza and the uniformed office staff were out to lunch. Esperanza brought up the issue is respectful behavior toward management, saying Jezabel was not a witch, which almost made the guys laugh. However. Helena's name caused a denial reaction from Maggie.

    Patricia was in JC's office regarding the divorce and the retraction of the slander against Aurora. She said she would delete the video. She did not want trouble with the press for wanting people “to know who Aurora Campero really is.” [spoken like a true narcissist]. She changed the subject to the divorce and JC explained that she would get the house and some other properties. However, she demanded half his business, claiming that her former fame helped him grow his company. Therefore, she did not sign the divorce papers. JC's expression was of some annoyance, as Antonio had this company prior to the marriage.

    Esperanza, Casandra, and the boys talked about Luis, then mentioned Carlos. Casandra then told them about Carlos giving a gift to Jezabel.

    JC warned Patricia that this could end badly and she could end up with nothing. Patricia said that Antonio had no idea what he was facing. That her fame and popularity would work in her favor. She did not care about video cameras. She was very sure of herself being able to win the case. JC was not.

    When Angel came home and called to his parents they took the metal box and the burnt remains of the article and put it under the bed. Pascual fanned the air before they left their bedroom. Angel showed his parents the checque and told his mother he could pay for her meds. However, he smelled the smoke and asked if something had happened, like about el morro. They denied any problem, Anita came home, and they headed to the kitchen to eat.

    Antonio came home to find a blank envelope left for him and Fabrizio, who had been in a mental institution.

    Esperanza told them all to stop speculating on what happened between Carlitos and Jezabel. Aquiles knew about the music box and just as he was about to say more Helena arrived at the restaurant. Aquiles waved her over and Maggie decided to leave. She has a beef with Helena over her imaginary infidelity of Demon. Esperanza scolded her and suggested she return to the office, Helena then declined to join them, then told Maggie she was being disrespectful. Maggie got more insulting and the two glared at each other. Esperanza and the guys were a little ill at ease.

    Demon and Edgar were eating at Edgar's and talking about contactless payment and about discrediting Aurora [who does not appear as inept as Demon wants her to be].

    After another scolding and an explanation she didn't owe Helena ended up leaving.

  15. El Angel de Aurora #10
    Part 2 of 3

    Jezabel arrived unexpectedly and Edgar left the room. [Fashion note: A-line leather skirt and black stilettos]

    Angel talked about Helena and Antonio. Vicki started choking on her food at the mention of Antonio's name. Aurora called Angel.

    Luis blamed JC for the deaths of his mother and brother and for wanting to get rid of him and wanting to marry someone else. JC was shocked at this accusation and more so at Luis' threat to kill himself is he married again.

    After a few signal problems Aurora told Angel she was Helena's boss ad that she liked the ad. She asked him to come to her office. At the same time Anita left to play with Rolando and the parents went into their room and worried about all this.

    JC told Luis not to put words in his mouth. He had never said anything about marriage and only that “like you, I have the right to be happy again.” Luis felt that this was too fast but JC told him not to say again that he would commit suicide.

    Helena was unsure what to do to avoid the ill will of the others other than avoiding Angel.

    Edgar served Jezebel some tea and she complimented his home. Demon told Jezabel he and Edgar were working. After a few comments about Aurora's alleged adolescent fantasied Demon said that she did nothing and he was the only one of them who could run the company, which riled Jezabel. However she sat down next to him, saying he was her hijo pródigo. However, she said he still had much to learn. He said he could talk well for the sake of talking. He was grateful not to be cursi like the Camperos but that he inherited la Forza de los Marga, She then told him never to mention “that accursed name” again. They locked eyes for a moment. A little later she asked him if he was taking Helena on vacation but he said No, there wasn't time for it. She wanted him to spend more time with Helena away from the office, telling him he had to fight for her as he is fighting for the business. She wanted him to marry her. He suggested that she wanted to work on Aurora in his absence She held her gloved hand and started the guilt-trip move of “You don't know what I've sacrificed for you” and stated trash-talking about Fabrizio, Demon then suggested that she was just as obsessed with the past as Aurora.

    Fabrizio and Antonio ate. Fabrizio talked about his struggles and wanted a new life and to recoup his son. [Yeah, good luck with that]. Antonio looked like he had doubts he didn't want to talk about.

    Angel fixed his hair, telling his parents he might be getting this job back. Vicki asked about Antonio and Aurora. When Angel asked them if they knew Antonio, Pascual denied knowing him.

    Fabrizio explained he learned Demon's routine and said his life was different after leaving... “just as yours after you abandoned Aurora.”

    Anita and Rolando encountered Juventino who then offered Rolando an opportunity to make money. [This sounds cringe-worthy].

  16. El Angel de Aurora #10
    Part 3 of 3

    Demon left for the office,

    Fabrizio asked him to introduce him to Patricia by a different name, knowing that she was a friend of Jezabel. Antonio told Fabrizio that things with Patricia were difficult. He was willing to introduce him to his daughters. He then explained that abandoning Aurora was a mistake and was due to things Jezabel said. Fabrizio said that was because Jezabel was in love with him; Antonio didn't by it. Fabrizio said Jezabel never loved him(self); she had only used him to conceive a son at the same time as her sister. Antonio blamed his naivete and immaturity that he fell for Jezabel's lies at the time. Patricia and Briana arrived as Fabrizio left before she could request an introduction. Antonio told Patricia nothing, only saying he was an old friend. As he attempted to leave she said that his company was not solely his. He did not take the bait and walked away.

    Jezabel stayed at Edgar's place and tried to seduce him. It was more like an intro to a master/slave game. She said she would decide when to kiss him or not, then left. [He should have been far more weirded out about his best friend's mother making a pass at him.]

    Antonio looked at the new anonymous note and its demand for 50K pesos [only about $2,575 USD] in exchange for information. He thought it fake due to the low amount. [I agree with this,].

    Juventino has the gall to tell Pascual and Vicki that he was going to make money off the secret about Angel. Vicki got angry and ordered him to leave. After he was out the door Pascual said they had to move out of the barrio.

    Aurora and Helena talked. Aurora said she liked Angel. Helena told her of the problem with Demon and they went out to lunch.

    JC was driving Luis to a hospital. The boy commented on the neighborhood changing and asked about his friends. He did not like hearing that they worked for the Camperos. The boy wanted to go to the cemetery, but JC didn't think this a good idea. However, he caved to Luis' pleadings.

    Helena and Aurora talked. Awkwardly at first, then agreeing not to talk about Demon or Antonio.

    Luis lost it at his mother's grave.

    JC called Jezabel to say he would soon be at the office but she heard Luis in the background and got more nervous.

    Aurora seemed to warn Helena about Demon's temperament and his control-freak tendencies.

    Jezabel was angry at the possibility of losing the deal with Antonio. This was why JC had to be at the office. She ended the call in anger

    Luis continued to accuse JC of having killed his mother. Despite being unable to walk normally he began hitting him but lost his balance and fell down. JC held him, looking more anguished than ever.

    Patricia snatched a document from Antonio's hand as he entered. He got it back and told her to mind her own business.

    Demon tried to tell Esperanza he only had a minor disagreement. He said that Helena needed a maternal figure like her. He implied that Angel was trying to take advantage of her. Esperanza fell for this [Someone please prepare the vomitorium.].

    Patricia told Antonio she did not sign the divorce document because the property settlement wasn't good enough. With her usual histrionics she accused him if wanting to put her out in the street,. She credited her past fame with his business success. He told her she had tried his patience too many times and she will finally lose. He then went upstairs.

    Angel arrived at the office. Demon entered and made a possessive move on Helena, specifically for show. Aurora saw it for what it was.

    Juventino confronted Jezabel in the parking lot. When she failed to recognize him he asked about her sister.

  17. Angel

    Thanks Urban, what a great detailed recap. There were conversations I wasn’t sure about, especially when everyone was at lunch! So much to wonder about, why does JC’s son blame him for the death of his mother and brother and why does JC try to hide his son, or keep him a secret.

    I’m guessing Juventino was in jail because it seems like he’s been out of their lives for a long time. Pascual and Vicki never should have told Juventino who the baby was so many years ago. Maybe he was a good friend then, but he really wants to ruin their lives with their secret now. Unless he has no intention of telling Antonio anything, but just plans to take the money.

    I wonder if the paper Patricia tried to take from Antonio was the one asking for money. Antonio better lock that paper up! I can’t believe Patricia wants part of Antonio’s business. I hope JC is a good lawyer. Also, I wonder if Briana loves Antonio as a father.

    Aurora’s nephew is too much like his mother. And those are Aurora’s only relatives. I hope she’s better at business than she is with judging a person’s character.


  18. Angel/Aurora

    I thought Maggie was rude to Helena because she likes Angel, even though he doesn't reciprocate. She can sense the attraction between Angel and Helena.

    Yes, the envelope Patricia tried to grab was the "ransom" demand.

    I'm not positive how Juventude knows Angel isn't Vickie and Pasquel's, but it may be because of his age. He may have known Vickie wasn't pregnant at that time (didn't she have a miscarriage in the early episodes) so Angel couldn't be theirs.

    Liz, JC keeping his son hidden makes no sense, unless he is afraid whoever kidnapped him originally and killed his brother and put Luis in a coma, are still out there and may go after him again.

    I wonder if JC was a prosecutor in his former life and his family was targeted because of that which is why Luis blames his father. It seems he used to be a workaholic. In the flashback scene JC went into the warehouse carrying a black bag. Was it ransom money?

  19. Angel / Aurora #10

    Juventino showed up at the Santos' house shortly after they got Gabriel. Pascual told him that this was Aurora's son. That was shown in Ep #3. Yes, Vicki did have a miscarriage in the first episode.

    What she and Pascual still don't know is that Juventino raped Aurora.

    It is very possible that JC had been a prosecutor and the kidnapping and murder was revenge. He kept Luis hidden for his own safety. He has every reason to be concerned, as this happened only two years previously. Luis can't walk without the cane at this point and is therefore extremely vulnerable.

    He may know that Jezabel can't be trusted. He knows that Patricia can't be trusted and is a mental case. Birds of a feather and all that...

    Luis' accusations that JC murdered his wife and other son may be due to JC's ambition to become the next Vincent Bugliosi who had probably the highest conviction rate in California's legal history.

  20. El Angel de Aurora

    I am confused . I bought Juventino\Pintas was guy Aurora's dad handed baby Gabriel to, and he took him to Pass jam and Vicky.

    Is JC Pat's lawyer? Susan

  21. Angel / Aurora #10

    Miguel handed the baby to Pascual. Juventino is -- now was -- a friend of his. I was hoping we'd find out if they were related but I think not; we would know this by now.

    JC is Antonio's lawyer; it was Antonio who initiated the divorce. Patricia is determined to stop the divorce and hang on to Antonio but there is no chance of her getting him back. She is as much of a harpy as Jezabel, but less effective.
