
Monday, September 23, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Fugitivas, Marea de Pasiones, & Pedro el Escandaloso - Week of Sept. 23, 2024

Coming Soon: La Historia de Juana will start Monday, Sept. 30th at 9PM!!!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. FUGITIVAS has its gran estreno this week! Jarifa is leading discussions on Marea de Pasiones which has its GRAN FIN on Thursday!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Fugitivas – GRAN ESTRENO WEEK

9-10 PM – Marea de Pasiones: 63-65

10-11PM – Pedro el Escandaloso

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. MAREA

    Recap up tomorrow morning some time.

  2. Where will Las Fugitivas be discussed. Episode 1 aired at 8 p.m. last night.

    Kat, you can discuss Fugitivas right on this page.


    Refreshing new face as lead actress! Interesting setup with the mystery on who killed the guy!

  5. Fugiivos

    I haven't watched this episode yet. I only recognized one of the girls. Susan

  6. Fugitivas

    Lead actress has been in Nadie Como Tu which I have been watching and enjoying.

    That was a kangaroo court if I've ever seen one. It will take me a while to figure out names but I will try and comment on it as I have time ( i.e. when baby naps)

  7. MAREA DE PASIONES #73 Page 1


    1. María and Patricio (doctor) rescue Cris from the top of the rock pile. Patricio has given him something to calm him down. As he drinks from a bottle of water, Cris remains confused. He doesn't know who he is and only wants to go home.

    2. Ana visits Roberta. It turns out that Ana wanted Ximena to give evidence against Zaid but, as we know, that didn't happen and she blamed Ana for her rape. Roberta assures her that she knows that she did the best she could but now they have to get used to the idea that she will be sent to another country and they will never see each other again. Ana refuses to accept that.

    3. At home, Cris remains confused but allows María to care for him. He is going to continue to search for his daughter tomorrow even though he cannot remember her name. María tells Patricio that she knows that Cris is failing. She sees it in his eyes. Patricio tells her she needs to prepare herself. María wants to be there when he dies so she can tell him that somebody is going to miss him. She cries.

    4. Camila and Iñaki are at the beach. He wants her to rest more. She is bored f she is not making her videos. They both miss school and gossip about their classmates. Ximena is dating Giancarlo. Camila thinks they should warn her because he gave Camila HPV.

    5. Back in court, the judge gives total custody to Luisa not having found any evidence of child abuse of Natalia on her part. As for Zaid, he found out that he had lied in Alejandro's murder deposition and if he could lie there, he could lie anywhere. His lying also sets a bad example for his child. Luisa and Marcelo are overjoyed. Zaid goes crazy with anger and storms out of the hearing yelling that Marcelo and Luisa are going to be sorry.

    6. Santiago gets an anonymous call. He tells the silence on the line that he knows it is her: that damned crazy woman. He asks if she wants money or something else. The voice calls him a damn sexual abuser and tells him that all the money in the world could never make up for what he did to her. He says she must be one of "them." He reminds her that he already paid her but if it isn't money, what does she want? She wants to overwhelm him, just like he overwhelmed her, by making him live with that horrible paranoia of thinking that somebody is always watching him and crossing that line into his personal life without his permission. He looks nervous and tells her they can fix the situation if she wants to meet face to face. She says it is too late for that since now she only wants revenge. He warns her if she wants to play that game, he is more than ready. He rages and she hangs up on him.


    A few things (from memory) to get us started...

    Lorena (Daniela Alvarez La Mexicana and Disenando tu amor) has a cute "run in" with Ismael (Juan Martin Jauregui) vying for a taxi. He cedes it to her with smiles from both sides.

    It is her first day of work, her boss is Florencia.

    Lorena and Ismael are dating and he eventually mentions "oh btw, I'm married". He shows up at work one day and lo and behold, he is Florencia's hubby! Awkward.

    Veronica, (short blonde hair) also works there...She won't let her novio Juan Pablo out of her sight; she is obsessed!

    After a series of events and supposed "evidence" Lorena is arrested for the murder (kangaroo court is right Kat!) Her lawyer, Alejandro Castillo (Arap Bethke) apparantly either didn't do his job and/or she was simply railroaded.

    When Lorena reaches out to Ismael, he rebuffs her.

    There are scenes of Lorena in prison and she sits with two of her soon to be accomplices. We did see one of my favorite actresses, Erika Buenfil as an inmate who was playing records with everyone dancing prior to the Great Escape that didn't quite materialize.

    I'm not too sure about this but will give it another night or two.


  9. MAREA Page 2

    7. Ordóñez has come through and Marcelo shows Luisa the video he received from Simón. In the video, Simón confesses to having broken into Alejandro Grajales' home on Zaid Espino's order. He is also sure Zaid killed Alejandro. He thinks Zaid is the worst ever. He is sh**. Marcelo thinks they have the evidence needed to bring Zaid down.

    8. Isela comes home and confronts Juan. She begins by telling him to stop drinking. He asks what are they going to do with unconscious Alfonso; send him to a shelter? She tells him that Alfonso is conscious and his head is working perfectly well. He remembers what Juan wanted him to forget about what he did to Sofía 30 years ago. He remembers every second. He remembers Juan threatening him with doing the same to him that he did to Sofía.

    9. Felipe tells María that he found out about terrible things that Juan did in the past. Nothing that Juan did can disappoint her. She says he can tell her what he knows.

    10. Juan denies everything that Isela has to say blaming it on his son's sick mind. He decides to leave. She makes it clear that she is just getting started. He hasn't heard even half of what she is going to tell him. Now she understands everything. She understands now why he always was so sure that Sofía was dead, why he got rid of the only investigator that had found some clues to what happened to her and why he made her believe that Rita was Sofía. She gets it all! Juan thinks that her stay at the psych hospital didn't achieve the goal of her getting over her lost daughter. Maybe she needs to return. She gets in his face and suggests it might be better if he stopped saying such stupid things. She tells him to shut up and sit down. He is going to listen to her.

    11. Felipe tells María all about Juan leaving Sofía's supposedly dead body in the boat. María gets upset and concludes that Sofía is Helena. Felipe reminds her that Juan did a DNA test with Helena. She says that isn't important now. What is important is that he has to arrest Juan even though he is his father-in-law. Isela has been missing and looking for her daughter all of these years and poor Helena was in a living hell with that man.

  10. MAREA Page 3

    12. Isela reminds Juan that she warned him back then that if he continued gambling she was going to take control of every last cent that came into their house. She asks Juan if money was the motive. Is that why he hatched his "brilliant" plan to continue squandering their money? Spend it on garbage, bets? Did he prefer that over her daughter's life? Juan doesn't understand how she can believe that liar Alfonso. He is a drug addict. In tears. Isela recounts how Alfonso said he saw a guy grab her Sofí and cover her mouth with his hand so she could not scream. That scream could have saved her life. She was THEIR little girl. Didn't the possibility of that risky situation ever cross his rotten mind before it happened?

    13. Felipe and María debate what he should do next. He wants to tell Beatriz first since her father is so very important to her. He wants to be a good husband. María thinks that Juan should be arrested first. She thinks doing his job defending justice by arresting Juan trumps telling his wife. (Rock, paper, scissors, anyone?)

    14. Natalia, Luisa and Marcelo are all out together. Ana is with them. Natalia is happy to not be living in the hotel anymore and back with her mother. Natlia apologizes to her mother about the lies Zaid made her say. She only wanted to make him happy. Luisa tells her that she understands and was not angry with her. She will always love her. Natalia goes off with Marcelo for a surprise.

    15. Natalia shows Ana the recording from Simón. She admits she always suspected as much but it still left her in shock.

  11. MAREA Page 4

    16. Isela says that her daughter was suffocated at the hands of a savage because of Juan. Juan tell her to shut up. That is something Isela will not be doing. She demands that Juan tell her what he did with her daughter's body. She has a right to know. She calls him an SOB and adds that If she has been capable of putting up with the disgusting abomination of knowing that he kidnapped his own daughter, she is capable of hearing whatever he has to tell.
    Instead, Juan asks if he had killed Sofía, why would have he searched for her?
    She tells him that's enough already. She wants the truth. He owes it to her for all of those years of so much pain. She tells him to stop being such a damn coward for once in his rotten and miserable life. Juan gets a text and looks at it. She takes the phone out of his hand and throws it on the coffee table. She orders him to speak and adds this is his last chance. Juan says he didn't kill Sofía but admits that he was responsible for her death. He wasn't brave enough to tell her about Sofía's death because he had ordered her kidnapping. His fear and guilt made him think that it was better to make her disappear forever. We see Juan placing Sofía' body into the boat so many years ago. Juan continues saying goodbye to Sofía has been the worst pain in his life. Tears of repentance could never wash away the horrible things he did. In the past, we see Juan pushing the boat out to sea and it floating away on the water. Juan will tell Isela what happened although he feels like he is dying with each word. He says that the pain that he felt will be his punishment forever. Again in the past, we see Juan standing on the beach shouting out in pain as he watches the boat being carried away by the waves. Juan finally tells Isela what he did and how since that night he has despised his very own life. In the last scene in the past, we see Juan on the beach asking himself what had he done. Isela calls him a bastard for getting rid of their daughter like a bag of garbage and letting her search for her all those years. His excuse is that he only wanted to give her the hope of getting Sofía back some day. Isela disagrees. He did it because he is a COWARD. He asks if she is going to turn him into the police. He concludes it really doesn't matter. He says they are close to finding out at the prosecutor's office. He is only going to ask her for one thing. He wants to be the one to tell Beatriz. They have a special connection. She has sacrificed everything for him. This will destroy her but it will be less painful if he tells her himself. Isela tells hi to go ahead and do it BUT it will be the last time that he going to be near her daughter just like it will be the last time he is going to be near a member of her family. She wants him far away. She tells him to leave and that this is the last time he will set a foot in the house. He tries to remind her that she loved him once . . . There is no pity coming from Isela. She will be speaking with Luisa today to let her know that he is no longer working for the Deluxe Hotel company and that he is not to set foot there again. Isela hopes that for the rest of his life he feels the weight of his actions and guilt and that he never has even one second of peace again. She tells him to get out. Juan picks up his phone and leaves.

  12. MAREA Page 5

    17. Juan is being sad in his car when Beatriz calls him. He answers the phone but doesn't say anything.

    18. The prison doctor interrupts the "call". She tells Beatriz that she will be collaborating with Alfonso's doctor. She has news about Alfonso. She saw him yesterday. The good news: he is out of his coma. The bad news:he is paraplegic. They do not know if it is permanent. Beatriz is very upset. Alfonso will never be able to deal with that. Beatriz erupts in her own frustration. It isn't fair. It has been one thing after another for her. She doesn't deserve all of these bad things happening to her. The doctor says as a future doctor she cannot afford to be so soft-hearted. She tells Beatriz that she will be studying her brother's case along with her and looking for the best treatment for Alfonso.

    19. Prosecutor García calls Zaid. She wants to see him in her office immediately. He looks upset.

    20. Juan cals María. He needs to talk to Felipe about a crime he committed years ago. Before he is arrested, he wants the chance to tell Beatriz first. He wants to tell her in person. He won't tell María what he did. She tells him he doesn't have to try to make himself look good in front of her, because she already knows what he did. She continues telling him he has always been a despicable man.

    21. García speaks with Zaid. He says he likes to be cooperative but wants to know why he was called. She informs him that he is a suspect in the robbery of the Grajales residence and the murder of Alejandro Grajales. She plays Simón's recording for him and asks him for his opinion. Zaid asks who the clown is. García says he is Simón Chavira, a Colombian. He has a history of minor crimes in Mexico but she is sure that Zaid already knows that. Zaid laughs sarcastically. He is sure she is very good at her job so how can she believe a fifth class thief? She says she wouldn't be worrying about the thing but rather about the person who recorded the video. Somebody is trying to destroy him. The best Zaid can do is collaborate with her. He insists he is collaborating by coming in but has no confidence in an investigation based on lies. He tells her to make up her mind about what she is going to believe and storms out.

  13. MAREA Page 6

    22. Felipe shows up at the company looking for Juan. He is told that Juan left the hotel early. María calls and tells Felipe that Juan wants to meet with him at he place in an hour.If he gets there in time, he can arrest him or get him to talk to Beatriz.

    23. Luisa and Marcelo are at the boat dock. Luisa tells him that she showed Ana the video. She didn't take it well. Marcelo says he talked to the prosecutor and is concerned that Zaid could invalidate the evidence they have because of Simón's criminal history. She agrees if the crimes are serious. He thinks they could always find more evidence. She is unsure they will find anything better after all this time but maybe Ordóñez has more information. Marcelo has bad news. The prosecutor told him that Ordóñez was found dead a couple weeks ago.

    24. FLASHBACK Ordóñez had called Zaid. We see Zaid choking Ordóñez to death.

    In the present, Zaid thinks about what the prosecutor said.

    25. Zaid shows up at María's house. She tells him to go away or she will call the police. He is on private property. He approaches her and she tells him to hold on because all of her workers are there to come to her aid. He is not there to see her but her fool of a son. She says that Marcelo is with Luisa and Natalia. They are all together like they always should have been. He hopes they are very happy because their happiness will be over very soon. She remarks that he has no idea how happy she is that Luisa got custody of her daughter. She asks him why he cannot leave them alone already. She adds that Natalia never deserved to have him as her father. He has no idea about what love is or being a good person. He focuses on the fact that it made her so happy seeing her lose his daughter. Well, it made him just as happy taking her daughter from her. He smiles as he explains. He explains that he was the one who threw the ball into the sea so her daughter would go out and get it. He could have helped her but let her drown instead.

  14. MAREA Page 7

    26. Tere? ?? gets into her car and is choked by Santiago blaming her for the phone calls. He says her her little game is over.

    27. Juan walks into Alfonso's hospital room and hits him in the face. Juan reminds his damn miserable son that he told him to forget about Sofía and he didn't do it. He hits him again accusing Alfonso of selling him out. Rita confronts Juan and tells him to leave Alfonso alone.

    28. In tears, María tells Zaid he is a devil, a pig, a monster. She hopes that he ends his own life in the worst way possible so he can no longer hurt others. He has hurt so many. He tells her to shut up and reaches out to slap her but she slaps him away. He tells her again to just shut up already and he walks away. María is left sobbing outside her house.

    29. Felipe is running up the driveway to his mother and Zaid hits him as he leaves. María runs to assist him as he lies on the ground.

    30. Somewhere, Simón is asleep on the couch. He awakens to a beautiful visitor: Helena!


  15. Marea

    Jarifa, excellent again. Yay, Helena is back. I keep hoping for a miracle in Chris's condition and that he, Helena and Maria Ines get a HEA. I wondered if Helena was the person behind the camera on Simon's confession. I imagine he could have propped it up against something to record himself though.

    I figured Theresa was behind the calls to Santiago. Pretty sure Nora's storyline has played out.

    Well we knew Zaid was awful, he just keeps adding more bodies to his murder count.

  16. MAREA

    Jarifa, you wrote this beautifully and brilliantly. You captured all of the myriad of emotions, from heartbreak to hate perfectly.

    “María tells Patricio that she knows that Cris is failing. She sees it in his eyes. Patricio tells her she needs to prepare herself. María wants to be there when he dies so she can tell him that somebody is going to miss him. She cries” was heartbreaking. My heart went out to Maria and to Cris for what he is enduring. How terrible to realize you are losing yourself and how tragic to have to sit by and watch someone you love descend into a world where you cannot reach or follow, powerless.

    Thank heavens the judge did the right thing granting full custody to Luisa!

    “He insists he is collaborating by coming in but has no confidence in an investigation based on lies. He tells her to make up her mind about what she is going to believe and storms out”. Zaid has such nerve; but his heinousness was fully revealed with his torment of Maria. “Well, it made him just as happy taking her daughter from her. He smiles as he explains. He explains that he was the one who threw the ball into the sea so her daughter would go out and get it. He could have helped her but let her drown instead”. His evil is still astonishing and revolting.

    “Isela says that her daughter was suffocated at the hands of a savage because of Juan. Juan tell her to shut up. That is something Isela will not be doing”. It was hard to hear her relating Juan’s sordid deeds and watch the boat float out to sea. I did not have a scintilla of sympathy for Juan. Isela regally and royally reamed him out and he deserved every single word. She was magnificent. And what does he do? Cry tears of regret and beg forgiveness? No. He marches to the hospital and takes it out on Alfonso. All he cares about it telling Beatriz, the only person he supposedly cares about. I hope she throws him out of her life.

    Loved seeing Santiago finally shaking in his boots. I’m not convinced Tere is the one that has been threatening him though.

    Hoping Felipe is only dazed (?)

    Patricio is very nice; I sense he and Maria might come together down the road.



  17. Fugitivas

    Thanks Diana. Except for Ismael I did not remember a single name from the episode. The only actor I am at all familiar with is the woman playing Lorena.

    The lawyer (Public Defender) I had higher hopes for as he really seemed to believe in her innocence. The murder happens at a crowded party and nobody hears a gunshot? If Lorena did it she should have had gun residue in her hands or outfit, right? Maybe his role will be to appeal the conviction and do a better job of investigating the truth.

    I didn't quite catch where the gun was found which implicated her, was it in her purse, car apartment? Thrown in the water after the guy was killed,?

    Another minor question, did something happen to Lorena's parents and she is in charge of her younger sister. She, the sister, seemed to still be a teenager.

    1. They are orphans, parents died in a car accident

  18. Marea

    Thanks so much Jarifa. I enjoyed the detailed recap.

    Juan has sank so low, I can’t believe after all that he somehow decides it’s Alfonso’s fault and starts hitting him as he lies in the hospital.

    Zander has now told both Marcelo and Maria that he killed Maria’s daughter. Can’t they tell someone. And now he’s run over Felipe. He’s becoming unhinged and isn’t even trying to hide his crimes.

    I can’t believe Santiago has now killed someone. Everyone it’s getting so much worse with only a few episodes left.

    I can’t believe how quickly Chris is deteriorating. I kept hoping for a miracle. I hope he gets to meet Helena as father and daughter.

    Why can’t I remember who Simon is? It will come to me!


  19. MAREA

    Thanks everyone for your comments on another excellent episode. What a relief that Helena is back! I am sure that revenge has to be on her mind, right?

    Kat, very interesting: "I wondered if Helena was the person behind the camera on Simon's confession." I want to know more about the relationship between Helena and Simón. What has she been up to?

    Diana, the writers have truly out done themselves with this one going as far as having Simón use Colombian slang. So that was Tere. Thanks. "Loved seeing Santiago finally shaking in his boots. I’m not convinced Tere is the one that has been threatening him though." Love that idea! I hope he gets a call from his anon stalker while he is terrorizing Tere. That would be sweet!

    Liz, "Juan has sank so low, I can’t believe after all that he somehow decides it’s Alfonso’s fault and starts hitting him as he lies in the hospital." I also couldn't believe that Rita didn't call for a nurse or somebody to come to the room because of Juan's violence. Alfonso was hit twice before she sort of addressed it. I had a hard time remembering who Simón was, too. He is the guy who made the recording saying he was the thief hired by Zaid.


    Thanks, Diana, for the info. I watched this last night and couldn't believe that poor Lorena got a job, was romanced by a married man, framed, arrested, tried, sentenced and jailed all in one 42 min. episode. It could give you whiplash. I wonder if they are going to present the other "fugitivas" in the same format this week.

  21. Marea

    Liz, I'm not convinced Theresa is dead. Also, technically Zaid didn't kill Cati (Marcelo's sister) but he facilitated her death by throwing the ball in the ocean. He just didn't save her when she got in too deep.

  22. MAREA

    Kat you are kinder than I! I think Zaid threw the ball out in the ocean with the intention of getting Cati out far enough so that she would drown.

  23. Fugitivos.

    Kat and Diana, thanks for starting things off . I haven't had a chance to watch yet. I have seen Arap as a bad gut in Mujer De Nadia and a good guy in a show on Telemundo.
    I noticed the villain from the butterfly novela is in it. Susan


    Kat, you asked some great questions, none of which I can answer. :( I am murky on much of what happened last night, they really piled on the plotline for night #1, where we don't even know who everyone is yet!

    Jarifa, you said it all "It could give you whiplash" which is exactly right!

    Susan, I can't recall seeing Arap before. Interesting, he seems more like a bad guy to me....Hmmm.


  25. Fugitivos

    It was a fast moving start, but I like the storyline and the acting is great. I think the intro gives us a lot of clues as to where this is going . I see from the intro that Cesar Evora is in this, and I like Erica and have seen her in so many shows .
    The head of the company looks familiar ..a handsome silver fox Can't remember were I have seen him before.

    Arturo Carmona was the guy who helped pull that smarmy guy out of the water. I like Arturo and havent seen him in a long time. I am in for this show !!!


    The guy who was murdered was in Perdona Nuestros Pecados played Carlos but he is unrecognizable because he had a full beard on that show.

    Lorena, I've seen her also in Disenando Tu Amor (Majo, the best friend of Helena in the fashion house who got killed)

    Cesar Evora and Erika Buenfil will be paired romantically again on this after Perdona and Te Doy La Vida, those plus Fugitivas all produced by Lucero Suarez.

  27. MAREA DE PASIONES #64 Page #1


    1.Simón awakens to the arrival of Helena. He thinks she must be an angel. She reminds him she told him not to drink so much. As he tries to paw her, she also reminds him that she is interested in his story and that she wants Zaid to pay for everything that he did to her. He is ready to tell Ordóñez whatever he knows because Zaid has to pay for everything. He is willing to tell everything to make it believable because he wants to. She thinks that sounds good because she wants revenge. He tells her to come into his arms and they can have their revenge. She takes a drink. .

    2. Tere bites Santiago while he is choking her to break free and he is angry. (What a dolt!) He accuses her of calling him and harassing him. She says she never called him. She has been out of the country for two months. He can check her passport. He wonders who it could be. She reminds him that if his list of harassed women weren't so long, it would be much easier to discover who is calling him.

    3. María has her main man Hernán call for an ambulance. Felipe is conscious.

    4. As Rita tries to hold Juan back, (uh, still no other medical personnel????), Alfonso tells his father not to hit him again or he will have to strike back. Juan cannot believe that he is threatening him HIS FATHER. As he rages on, Rita tells Juan to shut up and asks him if he has not noticed that Alfonso is paralegic after his coma.

    5. Luisa, Marcelo and Natalia have a beautiful boat ride as a family.

    6. As Alfonso shirks from Juan, Juan tells him that he does not feel sorry for him. He feels nothing for him. Alfonso asks if that is because he (Juan) was guilty for what happened to Sofía and not him. He loved Juan and wanted to be like him. That is why he started drinking when he was seven years old but when he was eight he started to feel his contempt. He started drinking more and more to forget the death for his sister. Juan has no interest in his complaints. Alfonso says he is only trying to explain that when he stopped caring for him, he saw drugs as a way to escape. He turned into an addict because of him. (Thinking only of himself as usual,)Juan says if he had loved him as he says he did, he never would have betrayed him. Alfonsos thinks you cannot love somebody who despises you so he stopped loving him a long time ago. What is more, he is very pleased that Juan is going to pay for what he did. Juan tries to attack his son again and Rita stops him. Alfonso says he might stay a paraplegic but his father is gong to be in jail all by himself: ALONE. Juan reminds him he has Beatriz and that she and he love each other first and foremost. She is the only thing that is important to him. Alfonso is left crying with a bloodied mouth.

  28. MAREA Page #2

    7. The boat ride is cut short because Marcelo gets a text about Felipe being hit by a car.

    8. Ana has not given up and is still trying to get Ximena to go to the police and tell what happened.It would be a way of her getting justice for herself and getting Roberta out of jail. Ximena thinks it is great that she is paying for her
    therapy and that she has apologized but that doesn't mean that she owes her anything. As far as Roberta is concerned, she is in jail for selling drugs that were used on her and deserves everything she is going through. Ana thinks that Zaid is the one who should be in jail. He is a monster. Ximena doesn't want any other girl to got through what she did but she is letting that up to fate and doesn't want to get involved. Ana begs her again to make a statement.

    9. Marcelo arrives at the hospital with Luisa and finds out that Zaid hit Felipe with his car but everything is okay. Marcelo wants to go and take care of Zaid but his mother and Luisa get him to calm down.Luisa tells him that they are not going to give Zaid the pleasure of seeing him angry. Zaid takes pleasure in their suffering. A tearful María informs s Marcelo and Luisa that Zaid came by her house to tell her that he caused Catita's death. Marcelo doesn't believe that. He said the same thing to him. He adds there is no way to prove it. María believes that he did do it. He is the devil. Luisa tells her not to believe Zaid's lies. Marcelo adds that if he can prove he killed Catita, he will kill Zaid himself.María reminds him that ever since he was a child, Zaid was full of resentment, hatred and envy. He is a criminal. He should be in jail with a lifetime sentence. She would kill him herself if she could. The doctor comes out to tell them that they can see Felipe.

    10. Felipe tells them the doctor said he has nothing serious wrong with him and is ready to leave. Marcelo tells him that he has to be under observation for 24 hours. Felipe finally agrees. María leaves. Felipe tells Luisa and Marcelo that María knows that Juan was responsible for Sofía's disappearance. Juan planned a kidnapping to cash in on the ransom but things went badly and the girl died. Afterwards, Juan put the girl's body in a boat and put it out to sea to disappear. Felipe then adds the humdinger: according to a DNA test Helena is really Sofía. The YUCK factor kicks in as (Poor) Marcelo realizes that he had sex with his half-sister and got her pregnant.

    11. María meets with Juan. She tells him that Felipe is not coming. He had an accident and is hospitalized. It is nothing serious. She thinks this will give him more time to go see Beatriz and get he to believe what eh wants her to. María wants to talk to him first. Juan is not interested in any more rebukes. Does María want to make him feel worse??? María thinks that will not happen because he doessn't have any remorse. It may bother him that his family hates him but he will never feel sorrow because he doesn't love anybody. He only went with Isela because he wanted the comforts that she could offer him. He could have loved and chosen her but he didn't do it because he wanted to keep those comforts. He could have loved his children but he lid to them all the time. You don't do that to people you love. He especially did that to Beatriz who was the only one who felt any genuine affection for him. He insists he loves Beatriz more than anything in the world. She says that is a lie because he let her cover for him and go to jail for him. He insists that Beatriz did it to prove the immense affection she feels for him. She suggested it. María adds that he very comfortably permitted her to do it. That in itself is proof that he is not going to ever love anyone more than himself. As he pays for his crimes, he is going to be alone. NOBODY is going to love him. He asks for some pity form her for old times sake. She says that was all in the past. Now she has a man who makes her really happy. She has one more thing to tell him. His daughter Sofía didn't die in the boat as he always thought.

  29. MAREA Page #3

    12. Zaid is in his hotel room when Marcelo calls him to tell him if he messes with his mother again, he will be messing with his whole family and especially him. Zaid laughs saying that is what he wanted to do; to really provoke him. He wants to know how his mother is doing since he told her that he had something to do with the death of his little sister. Marcelo hangs up and gets in his car. He is going to the hotel.

    13. María explains to Juan that Sofía was rescued by a fisherman who ended up using her from the time she was a little and sexually abused her in her youth. Juan insists that is a lie. María disagrees. She knows it is the truth because Sofía lived under her roof and was about to get married to Marcelo. He is appalled but she tells tells him that Sofía was not his daughter. Isela had an affair with another man. Juan concludes that means that Isela didn't lie when she said she had a daughter with Cris. Sofía lived many more years and called herself Helena. He asks why is she speaking about her in the past tense. María explains that Helena couldn't take the life and the emotional damage she had ever since she was s a little girl so she took her life in the sea. Juan ask himself what did he do. He has to leave.

    14. Marcelo visits Zaid. He asks him if he had something to do with the death of his sister. Zaid asks why everything is always about him. Marcelo has always been in his own bubble never even turning to look at him with him always behind Marcelo following his shadow. Marcelo was always the orphan's (Zaid's) friend. Yes he did have something to do with the death of his sister. Marcelo gets tense and Zaid reaches for his gun in the back of his pants.

    15. Juan visits Beatriz at the jail. He tells her they have to talk. She tells him that Felipe told her he was being investigated for something that he did. She is sure that is a mistake. She has said nothing about the casino. Maybe Zaid or one of his men did. Juan tells her he is being investigated for something that happened many years ago. He is sorry for what he did. It hurts and he is ashamed. Beatriz wants to know what he did. He confesses his role in Sofía's disappearance. He didn't lose track of Sofía but paid for her to be kidnapped to get his hands on a large ransom but things went wrong. He cannot tell Beatriz that what he is saying is not true because it is. He asks for her understanding. He is a sick man: an alcoholic and a gambler. He isn't evil. Beatriz is upset thinking that he lied to them all of those years. She asks how could he have done that. He says he thought she was dead at the time but she wasn't. He explains how he decided to make her disappear in the sea so nobody would know. Now even more upset, Beatriz asks if he realizes what he is telling her. All he can do is talk about himself and how sorry he is and how he has suffered. He has had 30 years of punishment. He apologizes to her and reaches for her hand. She recoils at his touch.

  30. MAREA Page #4

    16. Marcelo sees that Zaid has made himself into the victim. He isn't going to fall for his provocations. He knows that Zaid wants him to hit him so he can shoot him. Zaid chuckles thinking that thought he had him. That is not happening. Marcelo tells him he won't be going unpunished. Zaid insists that he is calling the shots. Marcelo turns and leaves.

    17. María plays Isela a visit to tell her something that should give her a little consolation. She knows that she looked for Sofía her whole life being the mother that she was. She wasn't wrong in doing that. Sofía did not die like Juan believed. She lived in the city and had a moment of great happiness with Marcelo. When Juan put Sofía in the boat, the boat was found by a man. He took her home but she was not happy there. She looked for happiness and that is how she found Marcelo. Isela wants to know where she is. María is not making anything up but Sofía Helena died in the sea a couple of months ago. María wants her to know that she was very happy and that should be enough. Isela says that isn't. She wants to know everything. María says she can only tell her what she knows. She wanted Isela to know that her daughter was happy. Isela thanks her.

    18. Juan tells Beatriz that he is counting on her understanding and the love she feels for him. An angry Beatriz asks him how dare he ask her for that. She always defended him. She saw him as a victim of her mother's depression but he caused it. Juan looks shocked by her reaction. She asks him how could he pretend like he did. She always thought he was the perfect father. What he did was a disgusting thing. Her voice gets louder. Not only did he cause her sister's death he let his family be destroyed by Sofía's supposed disappearance. Juan says he never did it on purpose. Beatriz will never forgive him. She loved him and would give anything for him. What he did cannot be justified. She screams he is a monster in his face. She reminds him that he went as far as having her jailed in his place, locked up instead of him. He isn't worth not even one second that she has been locked up there. She informs him that she is not going to sacrifice her freedom for him anymore. He disgusts her. How she wishes he weren't her father. She hates him. Juan looks shocked. She never wants to see him again. She screams for him to leave. He doesn't know how much she hates him. Juan leaves. She is left sobbing.

    19. Santiago goes for a massage at the hotel spa. (Whoopsie!) He doesn't see the spa woman come in and take photos of him as he is relaxing almost completely naked on the massage table.

    20. María tells Felipe he is being released. He is up in a hurry because he needs to arrest Juan for being the intellectual author of Sofía's kidnapping.

  31. MAREA Page #5

    21. Natalia is happy living with Natalia and wants papá Marcelo there, too.

    22. Ximena, accompanied by Ana, goes to see Enzo and makes her statement about what happened to her at the Casino VIP.

    23. Felipe is frustrated because he cannot find Juan anywhere. He also admits to his mother that he messed things up because he told Marcelo that Helena was really Sofía. Marcelo got really upset realizing that he was having sex with his half sister. María says but that is not true. Helena is not Marcelo's sister and he has to be told that. She tries calling him but here is no answer. Felipe says he has to find Juan and put all of his cards . . . He thinks he knows where Juan is.

    24. Juan is at the casino sitting in the dark smoking and drinking. He thinks back on his life. Felipe comes in to arrest him. Juan knows he has to pay for what he has done and he will with one condition: he wants Felipe to get Beatriz to forgive him first. Felipe doesn't think he has that control over anyone and nothing is going to erase everything he has done. Juan tells him he doesn't get it. He cannot live without Beatriz's forgiveness in or out of jail. He is nothing. Felipe says that Juan lost the greatest love of a daughter for a father he has ever seen. That is Juan's real punishnent. Juan also misses Sofía but he cannot bring her back to life. Sofía is here and he will not lose her. As Felipe gets the handcuffs out, Juan goes crazy. He picks up a piece of a broken bottle from the floor and threatens to kill himself if Felipe doesn't do what he wants.He orders Felipe to call the jail and holds the cut glass to his neck.

    25. Luisa meets with Marcelo.He is still freaked out about Helena being his half-sister. (Do you mean hat Maria could not have called him again or sent him a text by now since she knows he doesn't know????) He tells Luisa that he needs some time by himself to sort it all Luisa is not happy with his decision.

    26. Helena and Simón are in a vehicle heading to Nayarit. Simón is ready to get even with Zaid for everything he did to him. Helena remembers swimming through the sea and popping up on another beach.

    27. Felipe tries to keep Juan nice and calm. He suggests they collaborate but soon finds out you cannot collaborate with a desperate man holding a piece of broken glass at his own neck. Felipe tries calling the jail but there re is no signal. Felipe wants to cuff him so they can call from outside. Juan thinks it is a lie to arrest him. Juan is not up to rotting away in jail without Beatriz's forgiveness. Felipe insists he is not lying and goes to hand him the phone so he can check it himself. Juan realizes that he has made things difficult for everyone in his family. As Juan gets more and more worked up, Felipe tries to calm him down. Juan has wonderful thoughts of Beatriz when she was a child. He knew that she would give her life for him and he for her. Felipe orders him to drop the piece of glass. Instead, Juan wants him to tell Beatriz that he wouldn't have been bothered by being in jail with her forgiveness but without it, he would go crazy. He cuts his own throat and there is nothing that Felipe can do to save him.


  32. MAREA
    Unbelievable that even in the end, Juan was blaming Beatriz for his suicide because she hadn’t forgiven him and he couldn’t deal.

    Will somebody tell Marcelo he wasn’t Helena’s half-brother so he and Luisa can find some peace together ALREADY.

    I was happy that Zaid couldn’t tempt Marcelo into a fight.

    So, who is happily harassing Santiago? The spa lady looked to be involved. Would it not be a hoot if ALL of his victims were involved?

  33. Fugitivas

    Hey guys, I'm back!
    Definitely interested in Fugitivas. I will check with my schedule to see if I can recap this (fingers crossed!)

  34. Marea

    Why didn't Zaid get arrested for the hit and run of Felipe? Also send Enzo to arrest Juan while Felipe is in the hospital. That way Felipe could break the news to Beatriz but not be the one who actually arrested her father.

    It was good that Marcelo just walked away from Zaid's goading.

  35. MAREA

    Kat, great questions! Funny how logic seems to disappear for no good reason in these novelas. I didn’t think Marcelo had it in him to not react to Zaid. Pleasant surprise.

  36. MAREA

    Jarifa, thank you for your truly masterful recap. You gave life and vibrancy to every detail; this was marvelous. Finally, our beloved (and not so beloved) characters are beginning to find their karma.

    “Main man Hernán” indeed!

    “Juan reminds him he has Beatriz and that she and he love each other first and foremost. She is the only thing that is important to him. Alfonso is left crying with a bloodied mouth” was another testament to Juan’s sick hatred. All of his children were maimed by his evil; I finally realized that Juan is as bad, if not worse than Zaid. How could any father do what he did to Sofia? How fitting that he was felled by the crushing blow from Beatriz: “He disgusts her. How she wishes he weren't her father. She hates him. Juan looks shocked. She never wants to see him again”. When he slit his throat, all I felt was finally he met his end.

    Zaid had such a sickening, repulsive look on his face when he told Marcelo he was responsible for his sister’s death. It was incredible that Marcelo held back, but kudos for doing so.

    “Will somebody tell Marcelo he wasn’t Helena’s half-brother so he and Luisa can find some peace together ALREADY”. Exactly! So frustrating. Make that call Maria!!

    I wonder if Isela and Helena will have a reunion. Isela has truly changed and I hope they will for her sake.

    “She says she never called him. She has been out of the country for two months”. Ahh, so it wasn’t Tere harassing Santi! I can’t wait to see what happens, hopefully another well-deserved anvil will fall.


  37. Thanks so much Jarifa. Another great recap. Juan took center stage as we realized how truly sick and evil he is, or was. He really only loved Beatrice. He was so cruel to Alonzo, I felt sorry for this grown man that realized that his father never loved him. I was disappointed that Juan took his own life. I would have liked him to spend a long time in jail just thinking about the hatred Beatrice now feels for him. At least she’ll get out of jail.

    How did Zaid hide his evilness from everyone for so long. Even Luisa and her family were fooled. But we all saw it right away! I’m not sure why he keeps getting away with stuff. He “hit and run”s a police officer and is still walking free.

    Marcelo is freaking out about sleeping with his half sister but can restrain himself when Zaid admits he caused his little sister’s death. I’d be creeped out about a half sibling but wouldn’t need to leave my life to sort it out. Although that’s not something i experienced so who knows what a proper reaction would be.

    Hopefully Helena will show up tonight!


  38. MAREA

    Diana, thanks. I was going to do a short recap until I actually listened to the conversations that were again so well developed.

    "I wonder if Isela and Helena will have a reunion. Isela has truly changed and I hope they will for her sake." Would it not be a great ending if Helena ends up back with Isela but, hey, this is telenovela so I am not going to hold my breath.
    " I finally realized that Juan is as bad, if not worse than Zaid." You can say that again. He was so out of touch with anybody but himself.

    Liz, thanks. "I was disappointed that Juan took his own life. I would have liked him to spend a long time in jail just thinking about the hatred Beatrice now feels for him. At least she’ll get out of jail." Yes! I NEVER expected him to commit suicide. That was a shocker. It will be interesting what Felipe tells her about her father's last moments. "How did Zaid hide his evilness from everyone for so long." That is a good question. I was surprised that he always resented Marcelo and felt overshadowed by him even when they were kids.

  39. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you for reporting every moment of this busy episode . uff. You are such a trooper .And to think that at the start of this novela, I was looking forward to lots of moments by the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea.
    Well, it looks like we are racing to the end ...Santiago is still a smarmy weasel.. No redemption there, so what will his anvil be? Juan died as he lived, a whiny, sniveling, complaining coward. Zaid must die . Jail would be too good for that evil. The galan can't kill him , so how will he meet his end . ?
    We need some HEAs. Susan

  40. Marea
    I suppose gone bit not forgotten Nora must be the one who called Santiago .

  41. MAREA

    Susan, It very well could be Nora but after that spa worker took a photo of the semi-nude Santiago, there must be more people involved?

  42. Marea

    Jarifa, the more , the merrier !! Santiago started out a weasel as a weasel and has had no growth or change . He needs a wakeup anvil. I don't see redemption for him after all this time.

  43. MAREA

    Susan , love the weasel comparison. He sort of has that look, too.

  44. Marea

    There are quite a few other secretaries and waitresses Zaid Santi has pushed around that we don't know their names. What is Luisa's secretary's name. She has been in a few scenes.


    Last night, Frida offereed Lorena some compassion, and they held hands in their respective bunk beds several times.

    After witnessing Lisset's terrible tauting and treatment of Lorena, Martha warned Lorena to be careful...

    Lisset continued to torment Lorena but when Lorena heard about Lisset's plans to escape, she wanted in saying she would keep her secret if she complied. Lorena pretended to be sick and she stole something from the infirmary (some sort of sedative I believe). I think they put it in the guards food. The Great Escape didn't materialize this time although they (and several others) made it quite far. At what appeared to be the last locked gate, were confronted by a guard and the jig was up.

    Alejandro IS a policeman and Florencia shows up to "comfort" him. It appeared he was sleeping somewhere else at one point so I'm confused on that.

    Aftermath tonight.


  46. Fugitivas

    Diana, thanks for giving the other prisoners names. I was calling one dreds (Lisette ) the other braids (Frida) and the cook Blondie in my mind....

    I did catch that Lorena's sister is Gabrielle. I'm not sure if she is now in foster care or living in their house/apartment. It seems she has a job that pays her in food and maybe money. She is still in school.

    Another name I caught was Melania. She stole Lorena's phone card I think.

    I'm thinking the drugs put into the soup were laxatives as all the guards that ate it started having cramping stomach issues, except the one who refused to eat fish soup. I don't blame her, I wouldn't eat it either.

  47. Fugitivas
    Diana, thank you for getting us started.

    Do you remember Ishmael from the,butterfly novela. He played the bad guy. I suspected he was a cop from the intro. It looked like his wife wanted him back .
    The attorney brought groceries to Lorena's sister , so I guess e is a good guy.

    I like the leading lady. I don't remember ever seeing her before.

    Looking forward to seeing Cesar Evora and Arturo Carmona. Susan


    Thanks, Diana. Yes, the drugs were laxatives. A lot of action last night which was good. How long until they successfully break out and become the fugitivas they are? I am on the fence with this one. “Pedro el escamoso” is currently must see tv for me.


    Kat, thanks for "naming" Gabrielle. Not quite sure how she will fit in with all of this - she is too young to be "on the lam" isn't she?? Provided of course the women DO eventually break out :)

    Susan, yes, Ish is usually cast as a baddie and I think he is here as well. And a coward!! So he and Flor are separated? That would make sense as to the living arrangements. YES, can't wait to see Cesar and Arturo!!!!

    Jarifa and Kat, thanks for explaining it was laxatives in the soup!

    Ordinarily, I would think getting caught trying to escape would result in a stiffer sentence and/or isolation.

    I'm still not sure if I'm going to continue to watch but I am going to give this a chance. After VIVIR, I'm not up for recapping but will post comments if folks are watching and doing the same.


  50. MAREA

    Recap for #65 will be up tomorrow afternoon.

  51. FUGITIVAS #3 Part 1

    A few sketchy basic details to start the discussion…

    The “by the skin of their teeth” escape does happen after all, in no small part due to Martha hitting the guard from behind knocking her out cold!

    Chaos ensues but Lorena and five of her “friends” manage to evade capture and “borrow” a car. They go to Lorena’s for a change of clothes and take off. Lorena cautions Gabriela to be ready to flee.

    There is some sort of celebratory party for the upper crust. Florencia, her brother Vincente and her father Arturo are there. She and Ish have PDA’s and her father looks on approvingly.

    Ahhh Cesar Evora (Patricio) appears! He meets with his policewoman daughter Amanda (who I believe was having pizza and more with Alejandro). Nicolas (Arturo Carmona) and Ish join them.

    Lissett buried money in what she thought was a safe spot but when she arrives to retrieve it, it’s gone, stolen by Erick her boyfriend. She screams in anger. They gather to watch the sunrise and joyously proclaim they are free.

    Patricio, Ish and Nic are at the jail learning the details of the breakout. Martha is there and is questioned and while I can’t translate I don’t think she is under any suspicion. The guard talks about the infirmary caper and Lorena’s name is mentioned. Ish looks alarmed.

    The girls slept in the car and then get food from a street vendor. Ish is on TV being questioned about Lorena. His FIL is watching and seems concerned.

    Amanda calls Alejandro…She later puts the photos of the escapees up and shows Ish and Nic…Veronica calls Florencia and blabs that one of the escapees is Lorena!


  52. FUGITIVAS #3 Part 2

    One of the girls calls an older gentleman and engages in a phone con as the other women laugh. Nic seems to question if Ish can be objective considering Lorena supposedly killed his best friend. I think Ish said something about weather or not he considers Lorena guilty but I couldn’t translate it.

    As the girls hang out of the (upgraded) car, Lissette confronts Erick about the missing money he pleads his mother is in the hospital. He calls her princess she says she hates him. Ahhh, true love.

    Martha is freed! She leaves and who is waiting for her but Patricio! He holds out his hand and as she cries offers her a ride.

    Lorena bids goodbye to the girls and walks off. Meanwhile, Amanda fills Ish in on Lorena and her sister…

    Ish is following Gabriela who leaves her apartment with a packed bag.

    Patricio drops Marta off and give her is business card. A man comes out and she greets him as hijo but he is contemptuous and calls her “senora”!!

    Lorena and Gabriela reunite as Ish comes up and confronts Lorena!


  53. Fugitivas

    Thanks Diana. I was confused by the guy who picked Marta up. I almost thought he was the father of Lorena's former boss. I'm sure their backstory will enfold. I was surprised she expected her home to still be hers after 18 years. I guess her son was old enough to keep it, though he only looks about 30 and didn't seem to recognize her. Wouldn't the state take it over for back taxes or something.

    34 inmates managed to escape. 6 of them with Lorena. I felt for the one girl who only had a few months left in her sentence. She should have stuck it out.

    Jarifa: I'm assuming the Gran Final of this Telenovela is either tonight or Friday ?

  55. MAREA

    YES! Steve, the Gran Final is tonight!!!

  56. Fugitivas

    Diana, thank you for the recap. I am still trying to figure out exactly how and why poor Lorena was so easily framed.

    Also, is Ish going to turn out to be a good guy or a bad guy?

    Perhaps we will see Ish and Ale vying for the beautiful Lorena.

    I wonder if that company may be under investigation.

    I did not recognize the actor who was playing the guy who was killed.He looked different without the beard. Susan


    Kat, thank you for noting the conversation between Martha and her son. So she's been jailed for 18 years? Wow. Her son has "loser" written all over him.

    Susan, thank you.

    As Ish is a cheater and a coward, I'm not a fan although he's probably not all bad. :) I can't shed any light at all on how Lorena was framed to be honest. There is a lot of this that is flying over my head...



    My comment vanished so I will just thank Kat and Susan for your comments...


  59. Fugitivas

    Diana, isn't it so annoying when comments disappear. I wanted to add the company party was a New Year's Eve party as they kept referencing a new year.....


    The ANNOTATED Edition.

    Here we go with our penultimate recap!

    Page #1

    1. We start the episode with Juan dead on the floor of the casino bar. Felipe is outside clearly shaken by the suicide but finally manages to call in prime suspect Juan's death so the body can be picked up. We get one final look at Juan lying in his own blood. (Ciao!)

    2. Sadly, Luisa agrees to give Marcelo the time that he needs even though she admits she doesn't understand what he is doing. She leaves him alone on the beach to C-O-N-T-E-M-P-L-A-T-E. (Why did they write Marcelo as such a dunderhead?)

    3. Enzo tells Ximena how very brave she has been testifying against Zaid. She can be sure that Zaid will be convicted on charges of drug and human trafficking. He will be bringing the recording to the prosecutor's office.

    4. Ana says she and Roberta do not know how to thank her for what she just did. Ximena apologizes for all of the rude things she said about Ana and Roberta's relationship. It was not her place to judge them. Ana is still feeling guilty for giving her the invitation in the place and giving in to Zaid's blackmail. over her sexual orientation. Ana wants to try to find a way to make this all up to her. Ximena assures her that her words are enough. It was never Ana's fault.
    Ana will be in debt to her for the rest of her life. The scene ends in a hug. (One more plot line completed and checked off!)

    5. As Marcelo P-O-N-D-E_R-S on the beach. He thinks back on Luisa and Helena. (They did a good job casting Margarita Muñoz as Helena. She does look like she could be Isela's (Ana Ciochetti) daughter. )

    6. Santiago wakes up on the massage table. He hears the ding! ding! of a text message and stumbles over to his phone. LO and BEHOLD!!! He sees photos of him and his naked body parts taken while he was snoozing. A spa employee stops by to check on him. He angrily demands to know who came into the room. The employee has not idea what he is talking about. She was in another room attending to a customer. He wants to know how much she was paid to allow this to happen. She has no idea what he is talking about. He tells her to get out, leave him alone and calling her a slut, adds that she is fired. (I am liking this scene with the infiltration of one of his victims)

    7. Luisa is beyond upset with Marcelo and tells Ana all about Marcelo needing time because of having had sex with Helena his half-sister. Luisa is now beginning to feel unsure herself. Ana thinks that they have a forever kind of love and Luisa needs to be patient. Luisa is thinking that maybe all relationships have an expiration date, and maybe hers with Marcelo has reached that point. (Interesting concept!)

  61. MAREA Page#2

    8. Marcelo, dramatically shot in silhouette against the sunset, sits on a rock at the beach C-O-M-P-O-S-I-N-G a "bye-bye- for now" letter to Natalia. He will explain it all later when she is old enough to understand. He needs to go take care of himself to be the father she deserves. (OOOOkay . . .)

    9. María breaks Marcelo's trance and he listens to a message from María. She needs to talk to him. It is urgent. She has something very important to tell him that can be told ONLY in person. (DA, da da!)

    10. Luisa pays Zaid a visit at work. She accuses him of getting Helena and Marcelo together knowing that they were half- siblings. She calls him sick and disgusting. Zaid denies he knew d but if he had, he would have happily incorporated that into his plan against Marcelo. If he would have known, he also would have used it in the custody case and could now. She says she has no worries about retaining custody because she has never seen a judge give custody to a parent who cannot support their child. He says he has millions that he got from the casino business and he makes a good salary working there. She reminds him that he cannot claim the casino money because it was obtained illegally. As far as his salary goes, that is why she came to see him. He is fired. She tells him to gather his things and get out. As he is in shock, she tells him she doesn't want any drama. She leaves his office. He alls out to her but she is GONE!!! (Finally, Zaid looks like he has been bludgeoned. Yay!)

    11. FINALLY, María tells Marcelo that Helena was not his half-sister so there is no reason to torture himself. Yes, Isela told her. She admits that Luisa's father was Cris and not Juan. María refuses to get into the blame game with judgmental Marcelo. She tells him he needs to talk to Luisa about this misunderstanding and fight for his family's happiness. He agrees. (This is not the first time that Marcelo has been JUDGMENTAL. He got on his high horse about Helena turning herself in for killing her stepfather or he would do it before.)

    12. Marcelo calls Luisa and gives her the good news and apologize. They are back together! Luisa also has good news. Natalia wants the three of them to live together as a family. (FINALLY!)

  62. MAREA Page #3

    13. Felipe arrives at the jail where Beatriz is visiting with her mother and sister.
    He delivers the bad news. He went to try to arrest Juan but he was very upset with everything going on and killed himself. Everyone is shocked. Isela tells her daughters to be strong. (Isela can finally relax! Yay!)

    14. Reunited and feeling oh! so good, Marcelo and Luisa are into having a romantic moment. Suddenly out of no where, Zaid appears with a gun pointing at and threatening to shoot Marcelo. He wants to see Luisa suffer. Luisa starts pleading with him to not shoot and starts bargaining. Thankfully, we do not have to listen to that very long because: DA DA DA!!! We hear a gunshot! It is HELENA to the rescue. She has shot Zaid strategically in the leg and he looks like he has been bludgeoned for the second time in this episode. (WOW! Helena is a very good shot. Nice to see her return stronger than ever.)

    Commercial break #1

    15. Rita is there to take Alfonso home from the hospital. He tells her she can leave since he had made it clear that it was better that they stay apart. She tells him that Isela asked her to pick him up because she and Camila had to go talk to the police and identify his father's body. His father killed himself. (SHOCKEROO!)

    16. As Zaid grimaces and moans in pain, Helena, Marcelo and Luisa converse.
    Marcelo thought she faked her death so she wouldn't have to go to jail. Still pointing the gun at Zaid, Helena says she disappeared for a reason. She has a video that can destroy Zaid and send him to jail FOREVER. She explains to a non-believing Marcelo, that in the video Zaid confesses to all of his murders.In the midst of his pain, Zaid tries to shut her up and discredit what she is saying.
    He cries for an ambulance . . . again. Luisa wants to see it. Helena says she is no fool. She would never bring it with her when she was exposing herself to those who might kill her or turn her into the police. She has it in a safe place. Marcelo doesn't believe her. Zaid is still calling for an ambulance and telling them not to believe that murderer. Helena tells him to shut up. She only shot him in the leg. (WONDROUS REPLY!) Helena says it is his last chance. He has to trust her. Marcelo asks how that is possible after all she did. Helena insists that she did it for a reason. If he wants a proof of her loyalty, she will tell him the whole truth. Luisa calls for an ambulance. Marcelo asks what truth??? She confesses that the baby she lost was not his. (FINALLY!)

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    17. It is late and Santiago is all by himself at the office. He gets a text message but we do not know what is says because one by one the lights in the office are turned off by some unknown hand until Santiago is in the dark. He explores and asks who is there. There is no answer and the landline is dead. In the darkness, he is surrounded by dark silhouettes of women. They knock him down hitting him with pieces of wood and start to strip him naked as he protests and apologizes. Finally, hands cover his nose and mouth to shut him up. (What a SATISFYING scene!)

    18. (Helena keeps her gun trained on Zaid for the whole scene)Marcelo cannot believe that she left him suffer when she knew that the baby wasn't his. Helena goes on to explain that the baby was Zaid's. Zaid raped her as punishment when she couldn't stop him from going to see Luisa. Luisa suddenly has abdominal pains (POOR THING remembering her own rape at Zaid's hands) and Marcelo attends to her as Zaid keeps grimacing and moaning. Helena asks if she is pregnant. Luisa answers that she and Marcelo are having a baby. Zaid says the baby is damned and will never be born. Luisa screams for him to shut up. Marcelo threatens him telling him to never say that again. We hear the ambulance arriving. Helena wants to know who called the ambulance but there is no time to wait for an answer. She asks once and for all if Marcelo wants the video or not. Marcelo says he does. She wants him to forgive her first. She begs him. She cannot go on knowing that he hates her. (Poor girl!)

    19. Suddenly, bingo bango! Zaid is on a gurney telling Luisa to remember that whatever he did, he did out of love. Nobody will ever love her like he does and away he goes into the ambulance! (I wonder what story they told the paramedics about the gunshot in the leg. Zaid couldn't really complain with the evidence that Helena has against him. Did he shoot himself in the leg? Hmmmm.)

    20. Helena asks Marcelo what his decision is. FINALLY, Marcelo forgives Helena. He knows she has suffered a great deal and has not been to blame for that. She thanks him saying he has no idea how important that is for her to hear especially coming from the man she loves. Marcelo also has a secret to tell her. He tells her she is really Sofía Marerro. (YAY!)

    Commercial break #2

    21. Marcelo tells her that her mother is Isela and her father Cris. Luisa adds that they are cousins. Helena smiles saying that she has had a family and adds a wow! She leaves telling Marcelo she will let him know where he can find the video. She congratulates Marcelo and Luisa. Marcelo gets a message from Felipe about Juan killing himself. (SHOCK and SILENCE!)

    22. It is the next day and Santiago has awakened naked on the beach. His hands are tied and a hand made sign tied over his genitals and butt reads: "I am a sexual harasser." (People can read who he is coming AND going. GENIUS!) He gets to his feet and toddles along passing other people already on the beach. (POETIC JUSTICE!!! YAY!)

  64. MAREA #5

    23. Luisa expresses her sympathies to Beatriz at the jail. Beatriz is now ready to explain everything to the authorities. Luisa asked her why she d what she did. Beatriz says it was because Zaid lied to her. He told her if she didn't go along with the plan, her father would end up in jail. Truth be told Zaid and Luisa's mother could have ended up in jail but she only found out about that later. Luisa knows her mother made a lot of mistakes but then she was sorry about them. She feels like her mother tried to make up for them and when Zaid found out, he killed her. She is sure about that. Beatriz agrees and she has proof that Zaid manipulated her to do what she did. They have the evidence at the prosecutor's office. Luisa offers to be her lawyer and Beatriz accepts. Luisa says sthey are gong to fight for a reduction in her sentence and they are going to win. (Like this fighting attitude!)

    24. Prosecutor García arrives. Luisa tells her that her client is ready to talk. Prosecutor Garcia makes it clear that a reduction in sentence will be possible only with NEW evidence beyond what they already have. She mentions that the forensic computer department still hasn't been able to open the USB drives due to their encryption. She doubts there is anything NEW contained there. Luisa acknowledges the fact that Beatriz was a co-conspirator but there is NEW evidence. Beatriz has all of the names of everyone involved in the illegal VIP casino operations, and how they operated the programs they created. It was the creation of mastermind Juan Marrero. They can find access to millions of pesos in his records. Prosecutor García now has a reason to talk to the judge about a reduction in sentence. Luisa says they will forward her the info ASAP.

    25.Marcelo tells Luisa finally got the message from Helena He is going to Hotel Ribereña to meet her.

    Commercial break #3

    26. Helena is at the hotel and gets a call from Zaid in his hospital bed. He wants to know why she was a traitor to him and shot him. He says he could turn her into the police. She knows that wouldn't do him any good since she knows so much about him. He says it won't do HER any good to go showing that video she has. She was THERE (DA DA DA!!) when he came to kill Ordóñez.

    FLASHBACK: We see Helena arguing with Ordóñez about the evidence he had. She wanted it to put Zaid in jail. Ordóñez had decided to deal with Zaid and not he. Somebody was knocking at the door.

    Helena asks Zaid if he remembers the rest. He asks how he was he supposed to know that she was there. Everything was going so perfectly!! Helena has to disagree.

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    FLASHBACK: We see Zaid attack Ordóñez. Zaid was screaming how could Ordóñez think of getting rid of him. Zaid asks if Ordóñez knows that he deserves. Zaid says he deserved to DIE and started to choke him. As eh dies, Zaid said that death was not bad. He adds that Ordóñez had the privilege of him accompanying them in his last few seconds of existence just as he did with Alejandro when he killed him, "his" Leonor, her disgusting and filthy lover and Catita who was the first person he killed and then he had that feeling. . . Zaid sighed. We see that Helena recorded it all on her phone from the other room. (YES!!)

    Zaid threatens to kill her if she gives the tape to Marcelo. She scoffs at him knowing that he has NOBODY to do his bidding. In her perkiest voice, she says she hopes he rots away in jail and suffers as much as she did because of him.

    27. Helena looks at a photo of her "family" the Marrero's. (How poignant!)

    28. (One rat calls another. Rats can use the phone!!! ) Zaid calls Santiago. He is only calling him because there is nobody else he can trust. He needs his help. Santiago, looking the worse for wear (YES!) , asks what he needs. He wants him to find Helena. He wants him to to take something that she shouldn't have away from her. In exchange, he is offering to get Santiago out of Nayarit and move him to a place where nobody knows him or about his rep as a sexual harasser. Santiago says that some women were going to kill him. Zaid knows they will keep trying until they do. That is why he wants them both out of there so they can start fresh in another place and be their own bosses. Santiago is in. He only needs to know what he is to take from Helena.

    29. Roberta surprises Ana on the beach and they have a loving reunion. Enzo let her out. She has two police with her as they try to trap Benicio. (drug dealer?) They celebrate Roberta's freedom. (Nice!)

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    30. Santiago has found Helena (How do people always find other people so easily and quickly in these novelas???) He knocks her on the bed and tells her he is there for something that doesn't belong to her. She resists and makes it clear that that she is not giving him anything. They struggle and he tells her to give him the damn recording.

    31. Luisa pays Isela a visit. She offers her condolences on Juan's death. Then, Luisa tells her that Sofía is not dead. She is Helena. She didn't drown. She was rescued and badly abused by her rescuer for years. She ended up killing him him to escape. Helena is not dead, either. She faked her own death because she was afraid of being prosecuted for killing her perpetrator. Isela smiles thinking how bright her daughter was. She is overcome by her emotions. Luisa doesn't know where she is right now. It best to let things play out. Isela is grateful for what she has told her. (YAY!)

    32. Camila comes down stairs with Iñaki. She is bleeding badly. Isela decides to get her to the hospital.The doctor will know what todo. (I could have done without this plot line.)

    33. Marcelo arrives and throws Santiago off of Helena. He falls on the floor but easily finds the phone with the recording. He runs out. Marcelo chases him.

    Commercial break #4

    Marcelo tackles Santiago on the beach. Santiago is up and threatens to throw the phone in the sea. Marcelo tells Santiago that Zaid has confessed to all of his crimes on the phone. He killed Santiago's parents. Of course, Santiago doesn't believe him. The only thing that is trues that they are dead and that the never loved him (WAH!!!) Luisa arrives. She tells him that on the phone is a video where Zaid says that he killed their parents. (DUH! Why not play the video for him??) Santiago is keeping the phone because it is his only way out. He doesn't belong there.His parents never had any confidence in him. Luisa disagrees. Their father was very intelligent and never like to just "give" them things. He gave him a strategic job at the company from where he could ascend to higher positions if he applied himself. As for their mother, she loved him more than any other person in the world. He was her favorite. She loved him with all of his soul. Santiago (FINALLY) listens to the recording. He has a total change of heart and calls himself an imbecile. (which of course he is) He is tired of being like he is. He apologizes to Luisa as Marcelo looks on. She says he isn't a bad person. He lost his way but now he can take a better path. She loves him. He is her brother and she will never ever leave him to be alone. They hug. Santiago gives Marcelo the phone and says that imbecile Zaid has to pay. Marcelo calls Felipe about the new evidence. (FINALLY! YAY!)


  67. Marea

    Jarifa. I like how you number the scenes. I may have to incorporate that style. Only one more episode and they really are nicely tying up the loose ends. I wondered in the body count if Zaid had also killed his parents. I still wonder how he became aware of Helena's past. I thought maybe he had actually killed him after Helena injured her stepfather. Zaid got a euphoric high from the death of Ordoñez. A true psychopath if we have ever seen one.

    I agree about the casting of Helena. Can you recommend any shows she has been in, I really like her acting.

  68. MAREA


    Your recap was simply sensational! You conveyed all the drama, revelations, truths and lies perfectly. This had it all - death, a shooting, assault, breakups, makeups, regret, atonement, love, hatred and revenge.

    “(One rat calls another. Rats can use the phone!!!” had me laughing out loud. Loved it!

    “I wonder what story they told the paramedics about the gunshot in the leg”. So did I Jarifa! I was expecting the steel bracelets to adorn Helena’s wrists but nopis, nada!

    “Luisa is thinking that maybe all relationships have an expiration date, and maybe hers with Marcelo has reached that point. (Interesting concept!)” I think Marcelo backing off after everything that transpired (not that I particularly blame him) was too much for Luisa to bear. How much suffering can one endure? Both her parents murdered, Marcelo’s disappearance then reappearance, learning of Zaid’s treachery and oh so much more. Thankfully, things were resolved in time.

    Loose lips may sink ships but they can also unmask vicious lies; FINALLY Maria tells Marcelo Helena is not his sister! High time I huff. 😊

    “She confesses that the baby she lost was not his. (FINALLY!)” – another relief for Marcelo.

    Luisa was on fire firing Zaid. Where has this warrior queen been hiding?? Speaking of, Helena proved herself to be intelligent, rationale and very resourceful. What might her life had been if Juan had not betrayed her in the vilest, cruelest way??

    Santiago’s tormenters payback was inspired and very well done. But I was scratching my head in that after finally seeing Santiago expressing regret, all is simply forgiven. “He is her brother and she will never ever leave him to be alone. They hug”. That’s it???

    The one storyline that seemed to go off the rails very quickly was Camila’s. That said, seeing that small girl looking (literally) like death was disturbing, distressing and very sad…

    Hopefully there will be some HEA’s…


  69. MAREA

    Kat, I got into numbering scenes in order to keep track of the action when I was writing a recap in chronological order. It gives me more of an outline feel. Yes, Zaid is about as pure of a psychopath as we have seen in novelas. He has zero empathy or sympathy. The actress playing Helena is Margarita Muñoz. I did some Wiki research and she is Colombian and it seems that she has done most of her work there as well as Telemundo. It seems this is her first novela with Televisa. Let us hope we see her again.

    Diana, glad you enjoyed my "self-indulgent" recap. Yes, "Luisa was on fire firing Zaid." but she was so wimpy with her own brother as you noted. "But I was scratching my head in that after finally seeing Santiago expressing regret, all is simply forgiven." That was more than a little hard to believe after the YEARS of torment he put her through. I am expecting HEA's all around except for Camila, Cris and Zaid. I am hoping that Isela and Helena are reunited.

  70. MAREA

    Jarifa, did Luisa ever take a test to determine paternity? A huge storyline left dangling...

    Can't wait for tonight!!


  71. Marea

    What a fantastic recap. I loved your sidebars, (da da da, yah, etc) and your added comments. This was another jam packed episode. I feel that most of them have been that way, no downtime, just action and more action.

    I loved what the women did to Santiago! How fitting! A walk of shame. But I agree, Luisa forgave him much to quickly.

    I’m happy Helena has her family again. I wonder if she’ll remember anything about that life.

    They are doing a good job of tying up everything. But I’m really looking forward to tonight! I can’t even imagine what Zaid deserves. It seems like he liked killing people. Luisa is lucky no one will love her like he does! Who kills the people your loved one loves.



    On how and why was Lorena framed for the murdered is shaping up to be a good mystery since in the first episode it just happened suddenly. I'm hoping the were able to shoot multiple "flashbacks" that they will just trinkle in as the show goes. I've read it has 80 episodes schedule to air so hopefully everything is well-planned out. And I hope it won't be as easy as someone from the rich family who owned the company as the suspect

  73. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you for every detail as the ducks get into a row. I wrote a comment , but it either didn't publish or evaporated .

    I can't imagine what Anil bas been forged for evil incarnate Zaid. He cannot live .

    Santiago got off too easily. ..poor character development . Susan

  74. MARRA

    Thanks, Liz, it was great fun recapping this episode. I agree that there has been so much action in this novela. Santiago’s “walk of shame” was something that I never would have expected but it was so appropriate and so enjoyable. Yes, what will the writers do with Zaid is the question. I cannot wait to find out!!!!

    Susan, glad you liked the recap. Yes, Santiago got off way too easy. Can’t wait until the anvil is dropped on Zaid no matter what it is. Then we will weigh it and evaluate it if it was the best or not, right? ; )

  75. OT

    Jarifa, it turns out I actually have seen Margarita Muñoz in Ninos Ricos Padres Pobres. Once you said she was Colombian I looked her up too. Those were the TNs I started on since I have a Colombian familial connection via my daughter in law. Well, after my very first fTN was a Venezuelan TN and my daughter in laws sister in law told me they were crazy and I should watch Colombian Telenovelas instead.
