
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Thursday, Sept. 25, Santos and Mauricio take advantage of civilization in different ways; Cecilia and Antonio are back together

For the time being, Federica says that she will say nothing about her 'night of passion' with Antonio. Later, she tells Josefa that she wants to make Antonio like her. Since that's probably not going to work, fake pregnancy is probably her next move.

DB decides to follow Santos to San Fernando with her most trusted men, which doesn't include BP. She gets some money out of the wall.

Luisana accuses Santos of continuing to see DB and of rushing off to San Fernando because of DB's threats. Santos doesn't deny it. He changes the subject by giving Luisana his mother's engagement ring.

Marisela is upset that Santos and Luisana are getting married. Mauricio offers her an hankerchief and a shoulder to cry on. He says no one knows what will happen in the future.

Luisana has a relapse on the boat. Santos offers the boatman money to get to San Fernando faster.

Antonio asks the terneras why Leon Mondragon is saying bad things about one of them. They don't tell him about Gervasia, though.

DB rides her horse so hard to get to San Fernando that it founders and she has to put it down. She continues on foot and later buys (at gunpoint) two horses from people she meets on the road.

Marisela discovers Mauricio's cross dressing persona: Madame Fabulé.

Surprised is inadequate to describe her reaction.

Antonio and Cecilia make up while Melesio and the terneras look on.

DB finds the hospital were Luisana is but Santos meets her accompanied by the police. He says that here in San Fernando, laws and justice exist. This isn't her territory where she can do whatever she wants. "This is civilization," he says, "This is my world."


  1. Another excellent episode. It's hard to fully enjoy Antonio and Cecilia making up knowing that the odious Federica is going to drop a bomb sometime in the future.

    DB's behavior is amazing. I vacillate between pity, admiration, and anger. You gotta hand it to a gal who has that much determination. However, her behavior at Altamira was despicable, invading the privacy of the inhabitants.

    Believe me, no spoilers here, but I am starting to wonder if Luisana is going to make it. I doubt she and Santos will really marry, unless she dies shortly thereafter. Again, no spoilers, but I believe his destiny is los llanos, not life in Paris with Luisana.

    I'm not far enough along in the book to have noticed dramatic differences between the book and the telenovela, although my Spanish teacher hints that there are some. I'm reading it so slowly because we read it aloud in class, each person in turn reading one or two paragraphs. Most of us read ahead, looking up unknown words and/or idioms so we'll better understand what's read in class. It will probably take two quarters to finish the book. Our teacher asks us questions about the themes and meanings after each portion we read

    Ch. 1 of the book is all about Santos' arrival in los llanos in the boat, encountering Melquíades, El Brujeador. At that point we don't really know that he's the last of the owners of Altamira.

    Ch. 2 tells the whole tragic tale of the Luzardo and Barquero families. The mother of Lorenzo Barquero was the sister of Jose Luzardo, thus making he and Santos cousins. The family feud was between the sister and brother after their father split the lands into El Barquereño and Altamira. In the book Jose Luzardo kills his brother-in-law over whether a particular cow has trespassed. Also, in the book, instead of shooting himself, Jose Luzardo sits motionless in his office and starves himself to death because he shot his elder son, Félix.

    Ch. 3 tells the sad story of Barbarita and her rape by the crew of the boat. In the book, she's a meztiza, product of a white father and an Indian mother, but very, very beautiful. One interesting difference is the person who rescues her after the rape is not a woman but an Indian man, named Eustaquio.

    Sorry to go on and on. But I thought some input about the source material might be of interest. I don't plan to post anything further along in time than we see on television.

  2. Thanks so much, novelera!

    I've wondered how the plot of the novel compares to that of the novela.

    Yes, DB is such an interesting character. I mostly pity her. She just doesn't know how to get what she wants without doing evil stuff but she isn't evil in the black and white novela way. It will be interesting to see how she fares in "civilized" San Fernando.

    I don't think Santos and Luisana will marry. I'm not sure if she will die or not. Maybe Mauricio will finally convince Luisana that she and Santos won't work.

    Thanks again and if you could keep us up to date on how the novel goes along, that would be great.

  3. Just a quick shout out to Jean and Novelera on this story. It's so good, I'm just barely managing to keep up with it while traveling. Muchisima gracias...

  4. Thank you Jean for your wonderful pictures and posts. I am really enjoying this show. Thanks to the rest of you too for your comments and shared recapping. I have been playing catch-up on the past two weeks of shows and I love how the plot moves right along.

    Novelera, how fun for you to be reading the novel at the same time as the show airs. I hope you keep sharing what's in the book as the TV plot unfolds.
