As we left them last time, the Reyes brothers, together with their Uncle Vicente, had gone to look for their father’s will. Juan gets excited when, after digging with their hands and some nearby sticks, he finds a rusty old lunchbox buried underneath their family tree. (Don’t even begin to ask me what that says about their roots.) He and the others are overjoyed when he opens it and realizes that the papers inside are in fact Papa JuanJo’s long lost and incredibly legible will (which, courtesy of the telenovela gods, we take as gospel that they must ‘a been written with indelible ink and then sprayed with wax for just such a pre-ordained circumstance). Juan’s ability to read has miraculously returned and he has very little problem reading that the will states they, as JuanJo’s children, were declared to be his sole legal heirs. After a bit of backslapping and cheering, Juan rides off with the will in his possession.
Nearby, meanwhile, at the Hacienda de Horrores de las Elizondo, a consternated Mama Gabriela stares angrily at Sofia and demands to know why her daughter slapped the beloved object of her perverted passions, the felonious Fernando. Sofia stares back and asks her mother if she is certain she really, really, really wants to know the gawd-awful truth. Crabi is not up for playing guessing games and tells her to get on with it. Sofia tells her that Fer won’t stop harassing her and is constantly bothering her. “He’s the one who is playing with you, Mama!” Gabi’s response is to hiss at Sofia about being a wicked daughter who is only jealous of her happiness and who wants to destroy it. Sofia tries to defend her actions saying she only wants to protect her, but Gabi won’t listen. “Nothing you tell me will set me against Fernando.”
Luisito walks in playing with his toy and draws Gabi’s attention. “What is the little whore’s son doing there?” “--Fernando brought him here.” Gabi wants Fer to explain the connection, but he is caught off guard and thinking through his next evil side-step to avoid doing exactly that. Sofia dares him to tell the truth about the little boy. “Go on, Fernando,” she challenges as we in Viewerville hold our breath to see if finally Sofia has managed to mouse trap the resident rat. However, Fer evades all too skillfully by directing Gabi into her office for a personal little “frente a frente” (face to face). Sofia watches and exhales (along with the rest of us), decidedly disappointed and frustrated BUT, totally vindicated for finally making an effort worthy of her role as our novela’s heroine. (You go, girl!)
In Gabi’s office Fer tries to convince his main cheese –er squeeze—that he was only trying to make nice with Sofia since once her bastard child is born she inherits the whole enchilada. Gabi has to admit he’s right, but she still wants to know why he got slapped. Feo skillfully blames it on nothing more than Sofia’s rebellious attitude and complains she’s only gotten more defiant since she returned home, as if everything she’s done up to now was nothing more than a lark.
Gabi agrees with Fernando and says she’s going to talk to Sofia about it now, but he stops her and does another bit of fast talking. Fer says she can’t because she might ruin everything by talking to Sofia right now and besides, she’s got to recognize that everything he does including taking all of Sofia’s guff is purely for Gabi’s benefit to maintain her control over her daughters. He “begs” her to keep this from Jimena and Sarita and asks that whatever happens not to intervene, just trust in him. Gabi says she doesn’t doubt him for a minute. He smiles at her and says she’ll see that in the end she’ll turn out to be the winner in all of this.
In Margarita’s dressing room at the Tumbao, Margarita has just told Eva that Rosario is her daughter, not Eva’s. Eva, tearfully impactada, listens as Margarita tells Eva that when she was young she committed a serious mistake when she gave away her daughter to Ofelia. “Ofelia had a bigger heart and ran off with Rosario. The proof is that, not only is Ofelia still with Rosario, but also that Rosario has a birthmark on her foot." Eva doesn’t know about any birthmark but doesn’t doubt that Margarita is telling her the truth. She cries because once more Fate has grabbed her daughter away.
At the hacienda, Sofia is out back playing with Luisito as Fernando slinks down the back stairs to gloat over his ability to persuade Gabi to believe him over Sofia. “I told her you worried me and that I needed to stick close to you and she believed me.” Sofia asks if he told her the truth about Luisito and he fakes concern over Gabi’s health. “Of course not! What? Do you want to risk your mother having a relapse?” He plays the guilt card. “If anything should happen to her you would be the one responsible.” Sofia believes him and tells him again how much she despises him. Fer quips back that the distance between hate and love is only a single step and perhaps she will even end up loving him. He swaggers away with a signature chomp of his cheroot.
Crabi walks out and sees the two of them together. As Fer walks away Gabi pleads with Sofia to stay away from Fernando (gawd, this is sick and desperate) since after Bernies’ cheating on her like he did with another woman (make that underage minor), she says she deserves some bit of happiness. Besides, (give a shout out to all members of the Church of Moral Equivalence here) everyone knows that Sofia never loved him to start with anyway. Sofia insists that Fernando not only didn’t interest her before, he doesn’t now and he won’t interest her e-v-e-r! This answer seems to satisfy Gabi and so she asks Sofia what she was getting at about Luisito. Sofia has a quick flashback to Fer’s warning that Mama could have a relapse if she finds out the truth about the boy and decides to tell her just to forget it. It was nothing, she says, and takes him to visit Augie. Raqui shows up at that point, demanding Gabi talk to her immediately if not sooner.
In the meantime, Juan has arrived in Puebla City to take his lawyer his papa JuanJo’s will. (Wait a minute here! What is with the girly midriff way Juan’s got his shirt tails tied? Shirt tails tied in a square knot and the whole thing unbuttoned to his waist? Good Lord! I wore that sort of thing in the 70’s. Looks like me and the sweet guy who dressed Juan in wardrobe were out to impress the same gender demographic….) The lawyer reads the will over and tells Juan that this shows he and his brothers are the legitimate owners of his father’s estate. (Query 1: Where did Juan “park” his horse in that mini metropolis? Query 2: Do they have pony poop ‘n scoop laws in Puebla City?) Juan races back home with the great news.
Back at the Bad Love Bar in Rosario’s dressing room, Ofelia admits the truth to Eva and tells her that Margarita despised the baby girl because she was getting in the way of Margarita’s career. Eva cries to Ofelia that now her whole world has crumbled around her and once again she’s left alone without either hopes or dreams.
At the same time all three of the Elizondo sisters are visiting Augie. Sofia tells them that each day she is more convinced that Fernando is only using their mother. She can’t forget her daddy’s letter that Oscar found. She’s certain he knew the danger they were in with Fer living under the same roof. Somehow they will have to unmask him and find a way to get him to leave the hacienda for good. On cue Rosario shows up looking for Luisito. Rosario is there to ask them to forgive Eva, but they still blame her for knowingly allowing the Reyes’ to enter the hacienda. Sarita politely tells Rosario to stay out of it. Sofia says that she’d like to forgive her since she does feel close to Eva because at one time she thought Eva might be her mother. Rosario doesn’t understand.
Back at the main house, meanwhile, Raqui tells Gabi that Ricardo’s associate never showed and she’s not been able to find any legal bill of sale for the hacienda. Raqui needs her help. Gabi doesn’t know what she can do to help since she hasn’t a legal claim to the land Raqui gave her either. Raqui says that was only because it wasn’t advisable to have anything in writing. Now though, things are different and she wants help or people will learn the truth. Gabi warns her to stop threatening her because it wouldn’t be a good idea for people to find out Raqui gave her that land in exchange for a newborn baby girl! Raqui doesn’t deny it, but she would like to clear up something: was that baby girl Eva’s daughter?
Rosario wants to know what Sofia meant about Eva being her mother and Sofia tells her that the day she fell down the staircase Gabi had told her that she and not Rosario was Eva’s daughter.
In the office at the hacienda Gabi tells Raqui she has no reason to know about the baby and then pays off Raqui with a huge check to buy another hacienda if she gets kicked off the one she’s currently living on. “Now just leave me in peace!”
A bit later in the day Tio Vic and the “boys” visit JuanJo’s grave again and pledge to fight to get their lands back.
Pedro has a heart to heart with El Jefe and tells his papa that he doesn’t want to be associated with him because of the dubious way he makes his living. Alejandro swears that he’s never killed anybody but Pedro doesn’t care. The things he does do cause a lot of pain and suffering for others. As Pedro leaves, the message to El Jefe is clear: he’s got to go straight or Pedro will have nothing more to do with him.
Back in town Rigo tells Eugenia that he loves her and that he will give her whatever time she needs. Eugenia is duly unimpressed. He kisses her but she cannot even bring herself to close her eyes. Hortensia’s grocer boyfriend sees this and makes a mental note of it.
Jimena, Sarita and Rosario are trying to cheer up Sofia and tell her that Mama was only saying things to get under her skin, that of course she’s Gabriela Elizondo’s daughter. Juan appears in the doorway at that point and gruffly asks to speak with Augie. (Ugh! Again with the goofy shirt tails. Leave it for “Oxygen” already!) The others all leave and Sofia and Juan share a meaningful, pregnant pause before leaving him alone with Grampa Augie.
Once they’re alone, Augie complains to Juan about having come to take his revenge on them for a crime they did not commit. They certainly weren’t the upstanding, forceful, intelligent and honest men he took them for back then. Juan won’t deny it. Augie says it has saddened him finding out how he and his brothers deceived him and he’s still shocked about the whole thing. Not only does he not know them he no longer even recognizes them. Augie says if he had legs to stand on he’d give them a whooping, so Juan crouches down and dares him to have at it. When Augie can’t Juan tells him that it’s so easy to condemn and to look for revenge. Sure, he felt the need for revenge after caring for his siblings so long, and he acted without knowing whether he was justified or not over Bernardo. If Augie does hit him though, it just puts him on the same level as the three of them.
Augie agrees and says he cannot forget that the same day they came to the house to kill them he also saved his life. Juan can’t forget either and admits that the three of them miss the old man. Juan gets up and leaves rather than continue arguing with him. Before Juan goes though, Augie tells him that although he has no proof he is certain that Fernando Escandon killed Bernardo. Juan growls that he isn’t interested in Elizondo family gossip and that the whole lot of them are a mess anyway. (I’ll second that!) However, one thing Augie should know is that no matter what, he still loves Sofia with all his might and will always love her. As Juan walks out the front door Augie thinks that Juan has once again proven his manliness and only wishes he’d told the truth from the beginning.
Juan hops on Capricho and rides toward the main house as Sofia and her sisters are getting ready to ride into town. He tells her that they found their parents’ grave. She says she’s genuinely happy for the three of them. Mama flits in then and tells her that she doesn’t want her daughters having anything more to do with “those contemptible men”. Juan can take a hint and gallops away.
Sofia tells Mama not to get so uptight since Juan was only on his way from visiting Gramps and he can entertain anybody he wants. Gabi changes the subject and wants to know where Rosendo is taking them. Sofia explains they’re going into town to find a spot to open an artisan’s craft shop. They want to become “financially independent.” Gabi chuckles to herself and answers that soon they’ll realize how difficult it is to earn a living. (Hubby couldn’t help but snicker “What would she know about it?”)
Back in Rosario’s dressing room Eva excuses herself for taking up so much of Ofelia’s time but she had to let it all out. Ofelia wants to tell Eva the rest of the story but Rosario comes back just then and the opportunity is lost. Rosario lets Eva know that she wasn’t able to get the Elizondo sisters to relent. They are too angry. Eva and she share a mother-daughter cry.
Across town Padre Tadeo takes Sofia and the others into town to look for a proper business location. We get a three minute PSA on the artisanry of Mexico. Sarita and Jimena tell Sofia that they found a location very near the Reyes’ bakery. They decide not to let that stop them from locating their shop there.
Hortensia finds out from her boyfriend that Eugenia wasn’t too keen on Rigo’s attempt at formalizing their relationship. Benito/Tall Tweedle has been by a few times to see Eugenia, he tells her, and it was apparent that the two had and still have a thing for each other. Mother Hen is determined to look out for her chick. She later confronts Eugenia who admits her love for Benito. Hortensia tells her to fish or cut bait. She won't stand for Rigo to be hurt that way.
Sofia visits a number of little shops with Padre Tadeo and at one little shop Sofia is shown a white lace dress that reminds her painfully of the wedding dress Juan had bought for her and she quickly deflates. Juan is just as miserable in the bakery and is daydreaming about Sofia’s smile. He tells himself that he will never be able to forget her.
Later on, Sofia tells her sisters about Mama’s snide response when she told her about their plans. Jimena says they can only expect that and more from Mama.
Gabi visits Dr. Mentiroso Matasanos for her follow-up. He tells her that her condition is much improved and figures it’s because she’s followed his instructions to the letter. (Wrong!) She says happiness has played a part: the return home of her daughters, humiliated and subdued. But she was also able to take her revenge on her worst enemy (Eva) and that was even better for her than either his instructions or his medicines. (This woman needs a psychiatrist not a cardiologist. She has no heart to treat.) The good doctor chuckles along with her then tells her to keep as calm as possible. She says no problem; with all her enemies destroyed she is happy as a clam. Nothing can upset her now. (Methinks she speaks too soon! This is a telenovela after all.)
Eladio, Rigo and Hortensia watch as Quintina comes through the stall blasting about Reyes Brothers’ bread on her bullhorn. Eladio is wondering why they haven’t’ made a trip to deliver produce to the Elizondo’s yet. Rigo teases him about being more interested in his seeing Natalia than delivering any vegetables. So Quintina offers to take him since she’s got a yen to see Augie.
In the kitchen of the hacienda Natalia gives Eladio the go ahead. Her mama walks in on them kissing, and Eladio formalizes things with her. Mama says fine, so now Rigo’s plan to keep his bro south of the border has worked. On the other hand, Quintina only gets shooed out of Augie’s place. He refuses to forgive her disloyalty.
That night Benito comforts his Aunt Raqui and tells her that if his uncle’s friend has failed to show, then nobody can complain about whatever action she takes. Raqui says she still plans to fight to keep the hacienda, but if they lose in court she has the check Gabriela gave her to use to buy another property. Benito is impactado when he gets a look at the amount Gabi has given her. (Let’s hope for Bennie’s sake that that check doesn’t bounce like flubber when she cashes it.) He asks his aunt why Doña Gabriela would write her such a large sum. Raqui answers that it was a bit of business they did together. He asks what kind of business could it be for such a large amount of money, but before she can answer the maid delivers a letter for her. It’s a summons to attend a formal hearing of the judge’s ruling the next day.
Across the way at the supposedly slumbering Elizondo’s, Sofia is about to start up the stairs to go to bed. Fernando comes out of nowhere and grabs Sofia, begging to talk to her. She breaks herself free and tells him to quit harassing her all the time, but he says he cannot stop himself. Ever since she came back home he cannot stop thinking about her. It just kills him to think that a poor rube like Juan gets her motor running and he can’t even strike the first spark. He babbles on about how he knows she’ll never forgive Juan and he wants to suggest something, but she stops him cold telling him not to compare himself to Juan. Juan’s a real man! (Gag alert here!) Fer says he’ll drop Mama in a D.F. minute if she’ll only take him back. It’s obvious Sofia cannot believe how disgusting and deluded he must be and starts to say something when Fer grabs her again and starts sticking his tongue down her throat. Sofia screams for him to let her go.
Suddenly Gabi hears the commotion and comes out of her bedroom. She stands at the top of the stairs, furious at what she’s just seen. She demands to know what’s been going on. “Just what you see with your own two eyes, Mama!” Sofia tells her. “You know he’s never interested me, and now he’s harassing me and chasing after me. He won’t leave me alone! He asked me to take him back again! --Mama! You’ve got to listen to me. You have got to open your eyes and realize he is deceiving you. You cannot marry him! The only thing he wants is your money!” “—She’s lying! Your daughter is lying! She wants to separate us,” Feo tries to defend himself. He and Sofia both start up the stairs towards Gabi.
Gabi stares daggers at both of them. She takes a few steps down and stops just in front of the two of them as they (and all of us in Viewerville, likewise holding our breath in anticipation) wonder which one will she believe –and more importantly, who’s gonna get that nasty whap upside the head from her? Thwap!! It is Fernando who's the unhappy recipient of Gabi’s wrath this time. “Swine! You damned swine!” she screams at him as he looks back at her with murder in his eyes.
Calamity Cakes thank you for the great recap! I always love your little asides!
ReplyDeleteI, too, was waiting to see who was going to get the brutal head-whacking from Crabi; she selects Rat-Boy for the smack-down. Yay!!!
And Juan's girly tied-midriff look reminded me of that Seinfeld episode with the puffy shirt. He carried it off though.
Thanks for the wonderful recap Jardinera. Your descriptions (and comments) are so vivid I always feel I've watched the episode (even if I haven't).
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see how Feo will react to his slap down!
Thanks, Cakes for the 'cap. I didn't notice Juan's trendsetting fashion setting shirt tails. Puffy shirt, really? One of my FAVORITE Seinfeld episodes...I hope that all of the atesanias that the girls sell come with a disclaimer as to the radioactive danger found in anything from Serdan...Poor Rigo- he's done and doesn't even know it. Why is this subplot even included?...At last Crabi is starting to listen to others (Slofia), and really suspecting Feo for what he is! And a right haymaker, to boot! At last Slofia is starting to take the lead as a herione by doing something positive. I knew that she had it in her. I'm hoping that the plot pace quickens, even I have been tiring of its plodding along...
ReplyDeleteI did not know that Natalia was fatima's daughter.... Two generations of servants... Natalia is hot though.
ReplyDeleteDo you think Gabi Whacking Fernando was strategic on her part and not because she really believes Sofia?
Raquel and Benito will be homeless spoon and Ricardo will come home without a hacienda.
Great recap, Jardinera. Since Crabi didn't have that heart attack when she slapped Feo, it seemed to me a good time for Slofia to add that Feo was Luisito's father just to make sure Crabi kicked his worthless rear out of the hacienda. Also aren't they nice to can to talk about Luisito in front of his face...but then, who knows what this befuddled kid comprehends.
ReplyDeleteAlso Slofia did not expand by one centimeter this curious to see if next week she'll at least have to loosen her sash or blouse a bit.
Even though, I would think the will needs to be registered to be legal, I hope the Reyes boys move into their hacienda soon where they may actually have good running water to take more showers. G in CA
Sorry for the garbled sentence. G in CA
ReplyDeleteMy son actually watched with me last night, since he was the one who got me into this. He had a great comment. After the first Sophia/Feo encounter, Feo walked off with Crabi and Sophia was rubbing the middle of her forhead. Max says, what does her scar burn? Is Feo her Voldemort? Made me laugh.
ReplyDeleteI was so glad to see Sophia get a spine, about dang time! All the girls seem a little smarter about mom.
And I hope the preview of Juan showing up in Sophia's room again isn't just another dream!
Yay G in CA, lets hope there is lots of showering in the new Hacienda!
Thanks for the recap!
ReplyDeleteWhat a payoff! The slap down that we've all been waiting for!
I didn't know what was coming...would she kick Sofia down the stairs setting off a mis-carriage, or just slap the bejeezus out of her, then Wham!...I was shouting and laughing at the TV!
I agree with the PSA's comment! Sometimes this thing feels like a promo for Mexican tourism! But would I really find this Fabled Mexidoon if I went to Puebla with handsome Charros, Dancing Horses alegria all around? (just don't let it be Mexidoom, with mysterious black SUV's and haughty violent senoras in fetching sunglasses, ready to slap down anyone who gets in the way.)
I don't know what the Rigo/Eugenia thing has to do with anything, let alone the thing with his brother who acts way too dorky for his age... but I like Rigo with those puppy dog eyes. Did anyone see "Amar Te Duele"? Jorge Luis Pena (Rigo) plays an artistic kid from a poor family who falls in love with a rich girl at the mall.
Sad Romeo and Juliet ending of course, but I liked him in this movie. The authentic Mexican teenager slang was a bit tough to follow though.
randy, seattle.
Calamity, calamity! Awesome, as usual.
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking (which can be dangerous), and during that scene a while back when the boys were passing that letter around, I didn't take it to mean Juan couldn't read. I thought that the handwriting was illegible--everyone knows it can be difficult to read other people's handwriting. My father writes with a flourish, almost like calligraphy, and I can barely make out a word of it, but my brother who writes the same way CAN read it with a little concentration. And my mother's "chicken scratch," same deal. I have to work with it. The Rey-Rob Will (which SHOULD have been damn near faded and eroded after all this time in a lunch cofre!) looked type-written in Legalese, thus he read it with no problem. Mighty Joe Juan has a "big and dumb" problem sometimes, but I'm relatively sure the man can read.
...a consternated Mama Gabriella stares angrily at Sofia... I was reading fast, so at first my brain saw a constipated Mama. (same difference when it comes to Crabby)
Yep, I loved how Snofia White kept Feo-Nando's briefs in a wedgie every time she got one over on him this episode. I agree--finally she's acting like the heroine she's supposed to be. Bravo.
"What is the little whore's son doing there?" In front of the KID, Crabby?? GAH!!
Main Cheese. ROFL
That looked like one BIG-@SS check Raqui scored. Sweet. Get thee to thy bank and cash it quick.
Rosario supposedly has a birthmark now. Can we see it, please? All this daughter-switching is giving me vertigo.
(Query 1: Where did Juan “park” his horse in that mini metropolis? Query 2: Do they have pony poop ‘n scoop laws in Puebla City?) Good questions! Wish we knew the answers. Hilarious.
Is Uni-Jefe really going straight, or just telling Pedro what he wants to hear? Hmmmm?
Loved Juan and Gramps' conversation in the cabana. Score one for Juan.
How does lightning manage NOT to strike Crabiella? Huh? She thanks God and gives him praise for helping her eff people over and cuss them out, thank you oh Lord for the idea of shoving Snofia down The Stairs of Doom so she can miscarry, she's sleeping with her son-in-law under no less than THREE HUGE CRUCIFIXES... porquethe hell doesn't it strike?
I will say for once the Battle-Axe did slam her fist into the right head. And it felt oh, SO good. (I was like, heeeeeeere it comes! And I wasn't so sure it wouldn't be Snofia, who just can't seem to stay off the damn stairs.)
Just to share with everyone...our beloved recapper CherylNewMex is safely off to Spain! She had a 5-hour layover here in Atlanta this afternoon, so as I'm only 40 minutes from the airport, I popped into Hartsfield-Jackson to finally meet her face to face and hang out until she left. I also had the pleasure of meeting Caray! commenter JB, who, come to find out, lives in my city and came to see Cheryl off too. It was a great afternoon, the three of us putting a face to the name and having a good ol' downhome chat.
Again, Calamity, nice job. Much appreciated.
Coyote Fan Club Members: Esmas ran a story and this nice photo of our hero:
ReplyDelete(Hope including a URL isn't an illegal move on this blog)
Anyway, check out his nice smile!
Thanks, Cakes. I need this show to start moving along. I switched over to ''Dona Barbara'' a couple times because I was getting frustrated with another Groundhog Day in Mexidoon. Butter Biscuit***That is so neat that you , Cheryl, and jb had the chance to meet.
ReplyDeleteWish I could watch Dona Barbara too, susanlynn... but since we switched from cable to satellite TV, I no longer have Telemundo. Waaaaaaaa!
ReplyDeleteUnivision, Azteca America, and Galavision are what I have unless we shell out $25 more bucks for an additional Hispanic package that has Telemundo and a BUNCH of channels. But I won't complain too much--Azteca A. seems to have some good stuff on, far as I can tell, and with Galavision I can watch Lucha Libre every weekend.
Thanks for the awesome recap..I had it on and couldn't tell you a thing that happened.
ReplyDeleteMexican men acting way too dorky for their ages? Ahhh would that be every male, except for the bad ones? I mean in that catagory Fer has it going on, well except for being a crazy psychopath...the Reyes slept together in the house of many rooms, shower together and in so many ways creep me out...
You simply can't apply any type of logic to any of this.
Remember the famous WTF break-up after the picnic, Juan mentions he saw Fer pinning someone against a tree...and Sofie is all no way, "Fer only loves me", Juan counters with, "Why do you care?"
Sofie breaks up and runs off to the convent. Gawd what posers, can you imagine if these people had real problems like normal people?
Creemelo, thanks for the link. He is a handsome man and he has a great voice.
ReplyDeleteMolly: Yah, I was surprised how normal he looks in that pic. But oooh, that voice, that voice...I'm back in the Fan Club!
ReplyDeleteJardinera - thank you for the great recap! (and the large font...grin)
ReplyDeleteIt did my heart good to see Crabi smack ole Fer up th'side of his head. For once, I was cheering for Gabriela. I hope to see Fer kicked to the curb and meet a slow, painful, agonizing end. He is such a scumbag!
Pedro wanting nothing to do with his father until he goes straight poses an interesting plot device. I wish I could figure it out. Pedro is a short-timer on this show. I'd like to see him reconcile with his dad. BUT .... if el Jefe cleans up his act and becomes respectable, then he can no longer terrorize Fernando. So, then, WHO WILL???
Thanks for the recap Calamity Cakes. I only caught the last 1/2 hour or so and haven't watched the first part yet. I was holding my breath to see which one she was going to smack. When she smacked Feo I was jumping up and down. My dogs thought I had gone crazy.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Coyote link. I don't usually like bald men but there is just something about him.
Great job and clever, Comadre Cakes! Wouldn't miss the recaps, though I'm totally hooked on DB now.
ReplyDeleteSo fun to meet with butter biscuit queen and Cheryl! I wish we could do that all the time, snarking in person over the stupid Juan, the Slofia and all the craziness of FELS. There was lots of talk about other fun shows and comments about our favorites, etc. It was Caray Caray in hidef with surround sound...
I, too, was wondering who was going to get it - but I wasn't know it would be a slap. The three of them were halfway up the stairs - I thought someone was going to "fall."
ReplyDeleteSo we're back on the upswing again - everyone's finished talking everything to death, and we can get back to the story. Phew.
I sure hope that slap wasn't just a momentary fit of pique. I'd really like to see Feo end up in the doghouse for a while. More than a couple of days.
I'd like to see him swimming with the fishes! :-P
ReplyDeleteWhile I loved the Feo smackdown, it seems way too early for him to be ejected from the Hacienda of Horrors. Seems as if he must be able to wiggle out of this once again. After all, surely we're going to get months of his trying to get over on Slofia. And it doesn't look like she's going back to the Panadería anytime soon.
ReplyDeleteEven if he gets kicked out of the hacienda, it's probably only temporary. But even if it's not, he can still plot all kinds of evil from a different address. He knows where everybody lives, and he knows how to mess with them!
ReplyDeleteA most masterful recap, Jardinera. Thanks for all the funnies, too.
ReplyDeleteI liked Randy/Seattle's pairing of Mexidoon and Mexidoom--the Jekyll and Hyde versions of our little community!
Doris made a good point about El Jefe not being a strong Feo-avenger if he repents and reconciles with Pedro. Surely, though, Feo is evil enough that it would still be ok to do him some serious damage and protect his potential victims.
La Paloma
LOL, jb!
ReplyDeleteCaray, Caray! in Hi-Def and surround sound indeed! :D Cute.
I can't wait to see what happens between Crabby and Feo tonight, after The Slap Heard 'Round The World.
Jefe could possibly find a way to send Feo to jail without breaking any laws. Thus, he'd ruin Feo while being honest and law-abiding at the same time. A double-win!
ReplyDeleteBut I'm sure there's a much more elaborate and time-consuming way to resolve this!
Lets not forget we still don't know the whole baby swapping story, and we keep getting teased with Ruth is coming home. Lots more to tie up and drag out.
ReplyDeleteSwimming! I want it all to include lots of swimming!
Jumping on the Molly Train! *signing swimming petition in indellible ink* :)
ReplyDeleteThanks y'all for stopping in. Glad to bring a few grins to the fore.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for the resolutions begin in full!
I like the recreational water plans, but I'm thinking showers, because you don't have all those little suspicious blobs 'n bits floating around in the water with you...and the Rey of your choice! ;o}
Is the water absolutely required?
ReplyDeleteJulie: no, not if there's a drought!