Ahoy all, I am subbing for Ferro tonight and he for me on Thursday.
From Friday:Torbi inists to Al and the sisters that Lorena simply MUST be Snorty's true granddaughter.
Zuly tells Omar that her new hire Matilde used to work for Snorty, she blathers on that Vasco gave her great references. In an awkward segue Omar pipes up that speaking of Vasco, he (Vasco) would like for them to make peace with Jaime. She says she'll never forget! Omar tells her forgiving is different from forgetting. They fight about it, she'll never forgive the jerk who helped steal her daughter. He says think about it, he loves Julian and Diana and they aren't even his blood, now compare them to their real blood Sara who doesn't deserve to be called their daughter. Zuly runs out in tears, "shut up don't touch me!"
Lor arrives home and finds Maruja all hang-dog, she's bummed because her ex refuses to give her a divorce without them paying him. Maruja says Rosi has been downhearted all day about it. She says at her bottom Rosi is in a fragile state and what her father has done to her is impardonable.
Omar and Zuly go to bed, he tries to change the subject by asking about the results of her tests. She accuses him of forgiving Jaime without talking to her first. He asks her to try to understand. She rebuts by saying he neither listens to her nor respects her feelings. Lights off and another frigid night in bed for Zuly and Omar.
Rosi meets her father who's leching over some waitress in a cafe. He gives Julian some fatherly advice, have fun now because later they really like to show their fangs (sacar las uñas = show their nails). He announces that he wants twice what he asked before.
Bruno is home poring over his accounts and complaining to himself that he has too many debts and no money. In walks Diana who needs more diapers. Bruno's mad because he just bought one box yesterday ("one box" the idiot says, I've never had kids and even I know one box won't last long) and he doesn't feel like going out to get more. When Diana announces she's going to get them he explodes and demands that she not go out and she'll do what he says! He grabs her hair, slaps her around and drags her into the next room so we can't see what he does to her. Bastard.
Rosi goes ballistic at her dad who just laughs her off and tells her pay up or else no signing the divorce papers. After he leaves Julian says what's with him will he just keep asking more and more and more? Rosi says Julian is making her tense.
Diana walks out of the room battered and crying. She mutters that Bruno is senile (crazy?) how could he do this to her? She starts to call Zuly but stops herself. Ma isn't well and will worry, and Julian will beat Bruno up again. (And why is this bad?) She cries a 7 on Ferro's ugly crying scale. She would be a 6 but she's sporting some nasty cuts and bruises.
The bells ring the next morning in St. Martin. Al and Torbi are on the search for Snorty's real nieta.
The sisters lok at pics of young Lorena and Sara. They discuss that it could be true that Lor is the real nieta and Sara could be a bad seed. It's not such a stretch, look at how the bad angel (satan) was envious of the Son of God. The saddest thing is that one was too dependent on what the other had.
Al and Torbi talk to Teresa, one of the other possible nietas. She's excited to hear who her real family could be but Torbi and Al can't say because there is another girl who could be the granddaughter. Theresa agrees to take a DNA test.
Sara finds Chalo in the library and laughs at him for thinking he'll be happy forever with Barb. She thrusts her hips at him, lays a big-mouth bass kiss on him and tells him if she wanted it he'd be hers again. He doesn't exactly push her away and they go into the commercial sucking face.
OK, he pushes her away after the commercial. Sara accuses him of being Barb's lap dog and half the man he used to be. If he's over her then why is he still taking money from her? Because I need it, he says. No, because you're as corrupt as I am, she throws it back in his face. Chalo makes a sour and unhappy face. Points for Sara on that one.
Vasco tells Barb he's still not happy about Chalo, in his bones he feels Chalo's a betrayer but he'll try to accept him for Barb's sake and they'll see. Barb smiles to herself.
Sara gives Chalo her parting shot, fine she'll take all of Snorty's inheritance and not share it with Chalo! As she stomps out of the room she nearly runs Barb over. Barb wants to know what Chalo was doing hidden away with Sara?
Lor runs into Zuly at the very cool market. Lor updates her on her new teaching gig, she saw Diana's new baby, etc. Zuly tells her that she has to go to the clinic and she's waiting for the results. The worst part is she doesn't have time to take a bag of fruit to Diana. Lor volunteers to deliver it for her.
Chalo tells Barb he and Sara were just talking and Sara was making fun of them. Barb says of course she brought up the difference in ages, oh well she's just bitter. Their love is stronger than anything. (Dum, de dum dum...) He says he loves her and they make out.
Rosi and Julian discuss the different ways of earning the money to pay her dad. Not even selling the television will do it. She looks at her engagement ring and he refuses. He says they'll figure out a way.
Zuly visits Bruno at the clinic. He has her results. Her cholestrol and triclycerides are not in good shape. She has to lose weight and change her diet or she could have a heart attack and worse. He sends her to the nutritionist. She asks about Diana and Bruto says Diana's the best mother in the world and he does everything he can do help her out. He loves being a father. Having a child changes everything. Grrrrr!
Diana's reluctant to answer the doorbell, what if it's her ma. She peeks through the hole, it's Lorena! She can't open the door. Lor wonders if she must have gone out with the baby.
Al and Tori tell the sisters that Teresa agreed to have a DNA test. Tori wants to stay for lunch but Al's in a hurry to get back. Luckily the sisters really want to feed Tori so they make him lunch to go. Mother Superior is happy about the search and hopes that God lights their way and they find the truth.
Driving home Al tells Tori that the DNA tests are kind of expensive. Basically I this is a ploy to try to endear us to Al because he says he'll bear the cost. Tori wonders how Al will try to convince Sara and Zuly. Al's not sure, maybe with a hair sample or something. Tori says Sara's hair sample will prove she's a crafty fox.
Old Alan Zimmerman is trying to put the make on Sara but she stares into space. He tells Sara she's acting cold. She tells him she's stressed at work but she thought bubbles that she's jonesing for Al's hot bod.
Jaqui and Icky are out to eat and of course she hates the restaurant. Icky is surprised to see Chalo and Barb arrive arm in arm. Is that her nephew she's with? Barb and Chalo kiss and Jaqui cracks a huge smile, "it's her boyfriend, she exhanged you for a boy". Icky recalls that Chalo was the one who kissed Sara when he took a picture with his cell phone.
Barb and Chalo energetically make out in the restaurant to the embarrassment of the waiter. Barb sashays off to the bathroom while Chalo tries to order lobster...with chiles. The waiter looks down his nose at Chalo.
Icky intercepts Barb and tells her if she's paying for boys she could do better. She tells him to bug off. He says didn't she know that her new boyfriend is Sara's lover? Barbara is commercial-impactada.
Icky convinces a shocked Barb that he's telling the truth. He saw Chalo and Sara kissing and even got a picture of it. He sneers that he's sorry Barb is so unlucky in love.
Barb's unhappiness has given Icky an appetite. Even Jaqui's snit that he was talking to Barb doesn't spoil his appetite. Barb runs out and as Chalo follows her he recognizes Icky. He has an audio flashback as he and Icky stare at each other. Jaqui wants to know why Icky's laughing so heartiliy.
Sara tries to call Al and surmises correctly that he doesn't answer because he recognizes her number. Heh heh.
Snorty practices writing. Nurse Augusta leaves the room and Snorty writes "Sara venia" (Sara came) or something like that, I'm not exactly sure. She pushes the paper to the floor as Sara slithers in. Like all stupid criminals Sara insists on spilling her guts, she tells Snorty the story of a little girl who was abandoned 22 years ago. The little girl cried for her parents but then discovered she had a grandmother. In this story the granny is a ferocious wolf. The nun who held the keys died and Sara found out the truth, but guess what, the granddaughter isn't Sara! Snorty's eyes bug out. Sara continues that she's not of Snorty's blood but she learned and now she bested the master. She hears the nurse and skedaddles. Snorty's heart races and Augusta tells her to calm down.
Back home Chalo tries to convince Barb he's not doing it with Sara. Barb demands was Chalo doing Sara yes or no? Chalos says he won't lie, don't hold a past stupidity against him. He says Sara gave him the job because she owed him for helping break Lor and Al up. Barb is shocked, he was her accomplice! She cries and he tries to convince her. He swears he loves her. She yells and runs from the room. Vasco finds her as Chalo chases her in. Barb tells Vasco that Chalo was Sara's lover. Vasco waves his finger, he warned Chalo not to shame his mother.
Big yelling match between Vasco and Chalo while Barb, acting as the Greek chorus, shrieks her unhappiness. The boys get into a fistfight. They both hold their own pretty well. Sara shows her head at the stairs and Chalo yells it's all her fault. Vasco kicks Chalo out then Vasco and Barb turn on Sara, she allowed her lover in the house. Barb shouts Chalo is her lover and her accomplice.
Augusta calls the clinic and neither Al not the other doc are available. It's an emergency so what about the other doctor, doctor Palma? Snorty pants and her eyes bug out unhappily.
Vasco, Barb and Sara yell insults at each other, the outcome being that Barb tries to attack Sara, Vasco holds her back, and Sara smiles triumpantly.
Over at the professional kitchen Ern supervises the dishes. There are a lot of cooks. Very few professional kitchens have that much kitchen staff, maybe some are student interns. Ern loves Maruja's and Lorena's dishes. He must have been reading our comments because he asks between her classes, her other job and this one isn't she a bit stretched? She says honestly she was thinking of quitting the restaurant. Uh oh.
Rosy picks up her salad and kisses Maruja so I guess they have made up.
Random conversation between Moni and the gossipy hostess. Hostess asks does Moni think about Ern anymore? Moni insists no, she's waiting for her new boyfriend. He arrives with flowers and she gives him a hard time for being late. He's cute. I think he could do better. I'm not sure where this scene is supposed to lead.
Omar was out doing something and gets back to work and finds Greta working late. She comments that he seems stressed out and she invites him out for a little tequila...or two. he refuses but has a look of stupid surprise on his face when she leaves. Was she hitting on him?
Meanwhile Zuly is home stuffing her face. Julian gets home and scolds her for eating bread and hot chocolate. She tells him she starts her diet tomorrow. She yells at him and he asks her what's up. She's pissed off because Omar wants to forive Jaime. Julian points out that the two brothers have decided to live away from their mother and Snorty is a vegetable, currently the only one who continues the bad in the family is Sara. She's the bad seed. She may have Zuly's blood but she's not her daughter. He compares Sara to Lorena, they were raised together but they are very different. Zuly cries and Julian tries to comfort her. Poor thing, I really feel sorry for her, she's had a rotten day. Just think if she knew about Diana.
Chalo approaches Sara with fire in his eyes. Thanks to her he's lost the only thing he cares about. She bares her teeth and tells him to go to the devil. He grabs her scrawny neck and squeezes until her eyes and tongue pop out. He wants to kill her but then remembers he's trying to be a better man. He throws her down and says she's not worth getting his hands dirty. He flings himself on the stairs and weeps. She tells him he's completely loco, he belongs to her, they are in this together. What was he thinking telling Barb about them? He reveals it was Ickturo who spilled the beans.
Vasco is in the middle of telling his ma I Told You So when Sara storms into the room. After she and Barb trade a few insults she gleefully tells Vasco that Barb is nobody to be calling Sara trash. Did Vasco know that when Barb was married to Vasco's father she had an affair with his right hand man Arturo? Of course she's the kind of woman to carry on with the chauffeur. Barb cries some more, Vasco is impactado and Sara is victorious.
The evil Dr. Bruto arrives and overhears the gossipy maid Joaquina telling Augusta something about Vasco being annoyed that Bruto was there. Snorty gets the bug-eyes as Bruto checks her pulse. She eyeballs the paper on the floor.
Barb makes excuses, her marriage to Jaime was a farce. Vasco can't believe she would allow her ex lover to work with her own husband! If he felt betrayed by her being with Chalo just imagine how he feels now.
When Augusta leaves Bruto threatens Snorty that thanks to her filth his life is hell, he's stuck with the imbecile Diana and her monstrosity. If she weren't a vegetable he'd swear she understands him, damn old lady. He should have asked her for the whole amount up front. This stupid wedding has cost him more than its cost her. The camera pans to Sara, "My granny paid you to marry Diana?"
Tomorrow: Al steals some of Sara's hair.
Whew...this was a nasty episode, Sylvia. Thanks for jumping in there and covering for Ferro, but you got a real stinker.
ReplyDeleteThe scene with Bruno beating Diana off-camera was awful. You kept hearing these thuds like he was hitting her all out with his fist. Awful awful awful.
And you're right, depending on the size of the package, those diapers go fast, especially for newborns when you're nursing. Seems like they make a dirty diaper every hour or so!
Diana needs to get out of there before he starts pounding on the baby as well.
Did NOT like the scene between Greta and Omar. She's coming on to him, Zully's angry and hostile at home....hmmmm, not a good setup.
Yikes, and I've got to do tomorrow night!
Thanks Sylvia...well written and funny, as always.
There was so much crying and yelling in this episode there simply wasn't room for any good stuff. Well...it was sweet that Julian wouldn't let Rossy consider pawning her ring, and Ernesto was very nice to Lorena, but I'm suspicious that their relationship got so little air time.
ReplyDeleteYellers: Zulema, Bruno, Diana, Rossy, Sara, Chalo, Vasco, Barb
Criers: Zulema, Diana, Barb (a lot), Chalo
The yelling beat the crying in terms of people, but I think the crying hugely outweighed the yelling in terms of number of incidents. I didn't count but I'm sure of it. All Barb did in the second half was cry.
Thanks for the recap Sylvia. I too am sorry you had such a rough episode (we knew Bruno/Bruto was bad but I really had hoped we would descend to physical abuse). Loved you comment about "Why it would be bad to tell Julian about this b/c J would beat up B."
ReplyDeleteMy one bit of fun was watching Chalo almost kill Sara. I alos loved your comment about how Monica's boyfriend could do better - AGREED
Well those who predicted Bruto and Sara would join forces appear to be correct (b/c we know Sara will use that as blackmail for Bruto to help her.)
Yes they are trying to redeem Al but in the words of Stephanie Mills it's "Too Much, Too Little, Too Late." I agree with Diane in MA that last week I was too harsh on wanting a bad ending for Al but in my defense people kept talking about Ern possibly dying to make way for the Lor/Al union. I really hope the writers don't go there and keep Lor with the first man she knew in the Biblical sense.
I am concern b/c Al isn't too bright Sara might get him or his Dad while their playing Sherlock and Watson.
I hope tonight isn't that bad JudyB. Though based on the preview, at least Al is getting Sara's DNA.
Sylvia: You did a wonderful recap, particularly considering the horrible abuse, grim revelations and confessions.
ReplyDeletejudyb, the scenes of Bruno beating Diana were absolutely sickening. I cried along with her (so much for being able to separate myself from this storyline).
Karen, I don't care what good deeds Alonso does from this point- he does not deserve Lorena. You are absolutely right that it's way too little, too late (loved that song).
I sincerely doubt Ernesto will die (it would be too cruel to the children and too cruel period.)But, did anyone else have a disquieting feeling watching Monica and the new boyfriend? In the scene (which I agree seemed pointless in and of itself), I didn't feel she was "really into him". So my question is, has enough time lapsed so that we can discount a possible Monica pregnancy?
I never expected the Chalo/Sara connection to come out so soon. I don't know who would be worse for a sworn enemy - Chalo or Sara? Blech. Diana in MA
Ahoy, Cap'n Sylvia^^^Thanks for that excellent recap of an episode that was just painful to watch. Sooo much angst and terror after my nice weekend at sea for my daughter's wedding. Our sea cruise and the ceremony were wonderful despite the fact that many of the guests are employed in the finance industry [speaking of angst and terror]. I am still looking at my photo taken with the scrawny pseudo pirate whenever I feel the need for a little pick-me-up. Sigh...where are our Pasion pirates RicRicRic and Mario when we need a little escape from cruel reality. This show and Fuego just seem to offer cruel UNreality... thereby offering NO escape from despair. And that Brutish Bruno...If Hubby were Bruno's father-in-law...that guy would be ..d e a d. Basta. I can't bear to see him abuse Diana. She has to get out of that situation, and I so want Julian to beat up that miserable excuse for a human being Bruno. Let's hope things start looking up for the good guys and anvils start to rain on the Evildoers. In the meantime, I have found an excellent escape from reality ..The Quarterback-Killer Sapp on Dancing with the Stars. Whataguy !!! That big guy can move !!!! His smile reminds me of Eduardo Yanez's lovely grin. ^^^Susanlynn, dancing off to a better place
ReplyDeleteI don't think Monica is pregnant. I'm not sure how much time has passed, but usually it only takes a few weeks to find out. It's been at least that long (since then he's gotten together with Lorena, taken charge of the kids, given them up to his SIL, taken charge of them again, fallen in love, etc etc etc).
ReplyDeleteSo Moni would know by now. And you KNOW there's no way she wouldn't run to Ernesto immediately and try to manipulate him with the pregnancy. I doubt that it would work, but she would try.
So, I can't even guess what that thing with her boyfriend was about, but I agree, it doesn't seem that she's very into him.
Diana's beating was pretty awful, but I almost laughed in the next scene when she looked like she had raspberry jam on her face.
Wow, so many revelations in one episode! This can't be good for the villains. Too many things are out, and they're all at cross purposes. Sara might team up with Bruno, but Chalo's not going sit idly by, and Ickturo knows all sorts of things (actually he has no one on his side now, and someone might wipe that smile off his face!)
ReplyDeleteBut Sara and Bruno are scary. Both are capable of cualquier cosa. And it wouldn't be enough for me for Bruno to be beaten up by Julian. Bruno needs to be jailed and have his medical license revoked. Just last week after hitting Diana he said he'd never do it again. He has absolutely no feelings for anyone but himself.
And I'm feeling a little sorry for Chalo. I remember he always opposed Sara's plans to kill various people, although he did mess with the brakes to try to kill Jaime. But at the time he was under Sara's spell. Of course it's no excuse, but I still feel he could be forgiven, maybe serve a lesser sentence in return for testifying against Sara, if we get a trial or something.
I'm with you, Hombre de Mistereo...who ever would have thought we'd be rooting for Chalo's redemption and "happily ever after"?! And we do need a counterweight to the new alliance between Sara and Dr. Brute.
ReplyDeleteStill, it's way too early for all of Sara's chickens to come home to roost...obviously we've got lots more nail-biting episodes to go.
And Karen, I've got a sneaky feeling I'm going to get a downer episode too. But Diana, hopefully no mommy-beating...I know you and I can't stand it and I doubt anyone else can either.
Yeah, maybe Chalo could get a plea bargain. Barb, harpy that she is, brought out the best in him; it's not much, but it's enough to remind you that he's human and deserves compassion.
ReplyDeleteContrast with Bruno and Sara, for whom there is apparently no "best" to bring out, other than their skill at tricking people.
This telenovela is interesting in that very few people have died. So far it was the Mother Superior of natural causes (possibly accelerated by Sara?) and Alonslow's leukemia patient. Anyone else? Of course there have been attempts, Chalo messing with the brakes, Sara pushing Snorty, but definitely not the body count that we saw in Duelo for example. So most of the "villains" have the possibility of redemption. Except Sara who is the bad seed, and Bruno who is a nasty old wife-beater. He pretty much sealed his fate last night. Poor Chalo made some very bad decisions and he could have killed Jaime, Vasco, even Sara, but he's showing signs of regret. I'm really interested in how it will all fall out. I think it's cool that Snorty is forced to lie still with her yap shut and watch life evolve around her. Since everyone thinks she's a vegetable they reveal their true selves to her.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Chalo sees Barb as a mother figure. I'm starting to feel a little sorry for him, too. Maybe he would have been okay if Sara hadn't gotten her claws into him. I really don't like Greta...she's turning into a real cougar. Does she know Zully and realize that Omar is her husband ??? And it must be very hard for someone who always has to be in control like Horty to be silent and helpless as life swirls around her. I hope we get some nice moments tonight...like a few romantic moments between Lorena and Chef Hottie or a large piece of medical equipment falling on Bruno or Sara's lips freezing midsnarl...something, anything positive.
ReplyDelete"Sara's lips freezing midsnarl"...THAT would completely crack me up. Especially if she was stuck like that longterm and had to go on TV that way. I thought she looked like a lamprey going in for the kill when she was leaning in to kiss Chalo open-mouthed with her teeth bared.
ReplyDeleteBig thanks Sylvia for jumping in. I feel like almost every week I'm desperately searching for help. I guess my schedule is getting crazy.
ReplyDeleteSeems like lately the revelations are coming fast and furious, aren't they? DNA testing will show Lorena as the true heir, all the other secrets are coming out. We aren't in ultimas semanas yet, so where will this all lead?
Thanks for the re-cap.
ReplyDeleteMan, that was a rough one! Just when I was relaxing and thinking that this show was kind of light entertainment as compared to Fuego (heavy), we get this horrible wife beating thing.
Kind of brought me up short. That was hard to watch, at least we know that the bad guys will get theirs right? Please??
Ugh, and the end of the happy carefree days of Barbara and Chalo. I also feel bad for Chalo, like he really wants to be better, I'll bet Hombre is right, he will get the chance to redeem himself.
randy, sea.
No worries Ferro, it worked out really well for me to swap with you this week, a godsend really. All except for having to recap Bruto's violence. Thankfully the director must know such a thing wouldn't go over too well which is why it happened behind closed doors. Still, I'll be happy when he meets his fate.
ReplyDeleteSylvia, it doesn’t matter what day of the week you recap, it’s always a hit. Man, the anvils started falling and you took the brunt of it. Thanks!
ReplyDelete“Bruno's mad because he just bought one box yesterday ("one box" the idiot says, I've never had kids and even I know one box won't last long)” Bruto is such a creep. Here’s continuing to hope they have a great demise planned for the bast**d. He was such a hypocrite talking to Zulema about what a good mother Diana is, too. Ugh.
“She cries a 7 on Ferro's ugly crying scale. She would be a 6 but she's sporting some nasty cuts and bruises.” I’d laugh at your sense of humor but it’s impossible when I’m hating Bruno so much. He really is a coward, hitting a woman who doesn’t have the strength that he does like this. About half the men in this novela are really creeps.
“Luckily the sisters really want to feed Tori so they make him lunch to go.” LOL! Toribio really has a way with women, doesn’t he? Even nuns fall all over themselves taking care of him.
“Al tells Tori that the DNA tests are kind of expensive. Basically I this is a ploy to try to endear us to Al because he says he'll bear the cost.” Yep, good call on that, Sharkbait.
“Barb and Chalo energetically make out in the restaurant” LOL! They really needed a room.
“He must have been reading our comments because he asks between her classes, her other job and this one isn't she a bit stretched?” LOL!
“finds Greta working late. She comments that he seems stressed out and she invites him out for a little tequila...or two. he refuses but has a look of stupid surprise on his face when she leaves. Was she hitting on him?” LOL—clobbering is a better word.
“He compares Sara to Lorena, they were raised together but they are very different. Zuly cries and Julian tries to comfort her. Poor thing, I really feel sorry for her, she's had a rotten day. Just think if she knew about Diana.” Zulema’s life is going to be thrown in a tizzy soon, and Diana is one piece of the puzzle. I predict Diana and the baby will be living at Zulema’s and Omar’s soon. Unless Diana has a death wish, that is.
Agreed Schoolmarm. Diana's gotta bust out of that rotten marriage for the sake of her baby, and soon. I've got to admit, it was hard to crack "jokes" about this subject. I wince whenever Bruno and Diana are together.