
Friday, September 26, 2008

QE - Thursday 9/25 - It's Hammer Time! (The implacable hammers of destiny are waiting to pound.)

From last night: Al calls himself an imbecile. Vasco absolutely refuses to talk to Sara's director of programming. She calls him an idiot.

Alonslow shows up at Lor's place to share his big news, Sara was boinking Chalo all along! Lor is justifiably insulted, duh, why didn't he believe her in the first place? Now she's not interested. She keeps waving her hands around and flashing her engagement ring. She admits it really hurt when he left but there's nothing more to say. He finally notices her big shiny ring as she wrings her hands. His stiff jaw tries to drop.

Sara attempts to insult Vasco into supporting the program. Generally this is not a good negotiating technique. Icky says there's nothing left to do because it's a lost cause. Sara is pissed but then gets a phone call from Alan and she acts sickeningly sweet.

Alonslow asks Lor if she loves Ernesto like she loved him. He's such an ass. She says it's a different love but now Ern is the love of her life. Slow asks forgiveness again and splits. Shoot, Lorena looks tortured.

Gladys brings the kids home which answers the question of where they were. I guess they get along better with their cousins when they're not living with them because Gladys says they were marvelous. Ern says his recipe for success is lots of discipline and lots of love. Gladys asks who is Lorena? Ern says his girlfriend, er his fiancee. Gladys is surprised, how things have changed with him.

Maru gets home and sees Lorena's engagement ring, lots of hugging and crying. Maru wants to make the cake.

Sara meets up with Alan, her boobs are all over the place. She says there's a small problem, her business can't sponsor the show, will he be the patron? He says he can't because he's got other things going on. He caresses her shoulder.

Lor tells Maruja that Ern trusts her and there have never been lies between them. This is Telenovela doomspeak meaning that some lies are about to pop up.

Old Alan caresses Sara and she nuzzles his neck. His phone rings and afterward he tells Sara that his wife thinks she's number one. Slimy Sara slithers toward him and tells him she'd like to be his number one, but first he has to be the patron of her program.

Torbi is logged onto and wants to meet Solecito. He slams the laptop shut when Slow gets home. He pretends to be reading the headlines, something about a big bust on some forging operation, among the documents were those having to do with an orphanage. The lightbulb goes on in Al's dim attic.

The happy Dario family is shopping or something when suddenly Jaqui and Icky show up. Pau and Jaqui have a snark-off, Paula wins and Jaqui goes ballistic. Icky has to drag her out. Gotta rewind on that one.

Toribio and Al bitch about Sara who tried anything to get Al away from Lorena. Alonslow suspects that something is seriously up with Sara, worse even than anyone thought. He thinks he might know why she doesn't really love her "parents". He's going to San Martin to investigate. "Lorena's village?" asks Torbi.

Post coital Chalo, wearing his tiny bikini undies, is unhappy that Barb hides their relationship from Vasco, she treats him like a leper or something. She asks him to have patience. He says he's sick of having patience, it's always the same for him. Eh, she says, the same? She suspects he's been with another married woman. He tells her not to change the subject, if she's ashamed of him maybe they should just end it.

Alone, Lorena admires her ring. Rosy comes into the bedroom and crabs until Lor shows her the carbon.

Bruto tosses and turns because his escuincle child is crying. He screams at it to shut up while Diana tries to calm it.

Zuly wakes up with a heart ache, headache and she can't breathe. At first I thought she was having a premonition of Diana's miserable night but I think it might be time for her bariatric surgery. Omar tries to calm her down with a cup of tea, then tells her maybe her weight is the problem. She admits she's had trouble climbing stairs.

Bruto and Diana fight about everything. He says he wants to be alone, they fight some more and the baby starts crying again. He screams at her to shut it up. He's such an asshat, of course he should help but since he refuses hasn't he at least heard of ear plugs? Not great but better than turning into a wife-beating child hater.

Next a.m. Maru has to tell Rossy something, she's going to get married. Jaime's divorce is about to be final and Rossy's father will never appear. What if he does show up, asks Rossy? That'll never happen says Maru, confirming that indeed he will, so sayeth Telenovela gospel.

Zuly tells Omar she's feeling better but she coughs pathetically and almost faints.

Ern gets the kids ready for school. Lorena shows up so that she and Ern can announce that they are engaged. Everyone is happy. For now.

Barb asks Vasco what was eating Sara yesterday, she was in a crummy mood. He says it's because he wouldn't sponsor her new show. Barb comments that's good because Sara doesn't have any talent.

Sara overhears and announces she does have talent! She whines that Vasco shouldn't talk behind her back. Fine then, I'll say it to your face, he exclaims. She says she loathes him. He tells her fine, leave, the door is plenty big for your ego to fit through. Vasco announces that NOTHING is hers and she'll be in the street. She slaps him and threatens him. After Sara leaves Barb warns him that Sara is capable of anything so be careful.

Sara stomps out in a snit and announces to chauffeur Chalo she's had it with those idiots and it's time to show them what she's made of. She offers to give Chalo half her inheritence if he kills Snorty.

Al is back at work and his new patient is Zuly. There is a bunch of medical speak but basically she has to have a lot of tests to prove she's overweight. Zuly asks how is her daughter and Al is all "I don't know we broke up months ago". Zuly shares with him how Sara just wants to forget her poor family and have nada to do with them. He says Well what do you expect, I dropped her off at your house so she could ask your pardon and you refused to forgive her. Zully says Duh, that's an absolute lie, I would never have done that, how could you even think it? He knows he's been had.

Chalo tells Sara he's not on the killer team anymore and admits it's because he wants Barb to be proud of him. She tells him Barb will never forgive him if Sara tells her he almost killed Vasco. Anyway, Snorty is practically dead already. She dangles boinkage in front of him to try to bend him to her will. He bites his lip.

Chalo storms into Barb's room. "Barbara" he says loudly, but then sees Vasco there, busted! Vasco gets kind of snotty and shoos Chalo out. He wonders why the chauffeur is coming into his mami's room and calling her by name. Barb makes some lame excuse and heaves a big sigh of relief when Vasco leaves.

Lor brings a baby gift to Diana, a precious blankie. Later they coo over the baby and Diana tells Lor she has a picture of Zuly as a child and the baby's eyes are just like hers. I guess Zuly has very distinctive eyes, so distinctive they can be seen in all her female progeny.

Chalo's pride takes over and he goes back to Barb's room, he says Vasco thinks he's a poor ignorant. They bicker. She tells him she loves him and they go into a lip-lock. Vasco walks in, sees them and is cara impactada going into commercial.

Barb admits to Vasco that she and Chalo are in love. She's a free woman and Chalo, a good and noble guy (hack hack) makes her happy. Chalo protectively hugs Barb and tells them they need to talk so he leaves. Vasco's not happy, says Chalo is an imbecile and a chauffeur. Barb is surprised that Vasco has turned into such a clasista.

Maru and Jaime are in love, two more ads (trying to locate her husband) and she's free. Maru admits that Rossy, Omar and zuly aren't happy about them, but she'll defend his love to the end.

Barb tells Vasco she feels alive thanks to Chalo. Vasco rips on her but she doesn't back down. She's happier than ever before and Chalo has changed, he's a better person. He tells her she's fifty! (Aha, so we know her age now. Doesn't sound so old to me, heh heh) She tells him not to be like his granny, always ripping on people for liking to be with "improper" people. Barb deserves bad stuff but I kind of feel sorry for her. The hammer over her head is enormous.

Al catches Bruto asleep as his desk. Bruto complains that his baby kept him up all night. Al tells him that he's going away for a couple of days and can Bruto take care of giving Zuly her high blood pressure tests?

Diana lets it slip that between the baby crying and Bruto yelling she's absolutely exhausted. Lor is surprised, why was Bruto yelling? Didn't he want to take care of his baby? Lor suggests that Diana ask Zuly to come over to help. Diana sadly says that won't work, Bruto's privacy is sacred.

Sara is getting made up at the studio and meets some oddly over-wigged and over made-up lady, wife of Alan. I'm fascinated by her face. Do you remember Bruce Campbell's character in Escape from L.A.? The overly nipped and tucked Surgeon General of Beverly Hills? She kind of looks like that. She loves Sara's work, she's so talented! "Oh very" drools Alan.

Barb tells Chalo that Vasco didn't like the idea of them together but he's going to accept it. He tells her that what she did he'll record in his soul. They hug and make out. Chalo looks over her shoulder and hopes that he can forget everything that he was.

Sara's on the air with her first episode of "Cooking with Joy" (is that how it might be translated?). Alan's mujer says Sara's good people, she even invited Scare Hair to cook with her; she's certain that her being Alan's wife has nothing to do with it. Alan licks his chops and mutters "if you only knew".

Zuly sadly watches and Julian turns the program off. He tells her not to be a masochist and right now she should only be thinking of her health.

Greta, now at work and displaying her exemplary coffee-making skills, tells Omar his last name is familiar and asks if he knows Snortensia Armendariz. They figure out that he is Jaime's brother and even though he mentions his wife Greta asks herself if perhaps this is the millionaire that Conchita saw in her cards. She grins like a barracuda.

The cooking school administrator tells Lorena that the investigation found nothing out of the ordinary, Lor is an excellent student. She warns her not to do anything to stir up bad rumors and Lor promises to be discreet. Administrator (who used to be Jacaranda in Barrera, right?) tells Lor that there are some sort of classes in the Commercial Center (poor part of town?) where they are teaching cooking. They need a teacher, the pay isn't great but the work is good and she thought of Lor. Is she interested?

Al tells Tori that he leaves at dawn. He discovered something important, another one of Sara's lies, and he's going to San Martin to investigate her past. Tori announces that Al needs a partner and he's just the man of the job. They man-pound each other's arms and smile at their comraderie.

The ex-wives club plays cards. Maru announces that she wants to get married but there's a problem. No, it's not that Jaime's still married, Maru is the one who's not legally divorced.

Over at Casa Maruja the doorbell rings. Rossy answers and some middle-aged guy walks in. Que sorpresa, it's her real papa! We didn't have to wait more than one episode to see him, this show really seems to rush things along. She recognizes him immediately and gives him a hard time for abandoning them. He says he was confused, give papa a hug! She gives him the super stink eye instead.

Greta and Paula wonder what will happen if Mr. Maruja decides to show up after all these years? Greta volunteers to go to bat and treat his head like a baseball. Paula volunteers to help.

Mr. Maruja comments to Rosi (yes, the closed captions changed the spelling of her name) on their comfortable house, much nicer than when he was around. He supposes that Maruja wants to get married and that's why she placed an ad looking for him. Rosi tells him if he really loves her he can show it by refusing to give Maru a divorce. She doesn't want him to marry that guy Jaime. Mr. Maru yanks at his scraggly moustache as he considers his options.

Bright and early the next morning Al and his pa arrive at St. Martin. They ring up the nuns.

Lor shows up for her new job. She's gazing open-mouthed at something but we never see what it is. Whatever. Doña Beatriz welcomes her. She needs someone to teach the locals how to cook simple, nutritious and inexpensive food. They have good taste but cheap pockets. Lor says she knows something of that seeing as how she was raised in an orphanage.

Over at the nunnery Al and Tori find Madre Trinidad and try to pump her for info. OK, this is weird, she used to be a happy airhead and now suddenly she's the stern Mother Superior? OK, turns out she doesn't really like Al because he bad-mouthed Lorena in the past. Al says he was wrong about Lorena and that's why he's here. She says leave Lor in peace. He says they want to investigate Sara. MT says Sara's no white dove but she's no monster either. "Oh but she is," insists Torbi. Al tells her not only is Sara after her granny's money but he suspects something much more serious. He's there to find out about Sara's origins. (And yes, that dull statement was indeed the suspense-laden finale.)

Sorry, no previews for tomorrow, Tivo recorded Ugly Betty so it must be the new season!


  1. Wow were extra-funny in this one...your quip about poor negotiating technique, a lightbulb going on in Alonso's dim attic and Sara's dangling boinkage as an inducement were stellar.

    Felt sorry for Chalo and Barb (can't believe I'm saying that)...their relationship is indeed doomed. But horrified that Rossy would advise her dad to resist the divorce. Low blow!

  2. It's weird but I keep rooting for Barb and Chalo too, however they are horrid and have to pay. Barb hasn't done anything legally bad (I don't think), she just boinked Ickturo and was a rotten wife, but Chalo almost killed Vasco while trying to kill Jaime so there is definitely a hammer out there with his name on it.

    Naughty naughty Rossy, our little dingbat has reached a new low allright.

  3. I was really shocked by Vasco's attitude towards Barb and Chalo. I can understand him objecting to the age difference, but bringing up the class difference? I wouldn't have thought he'd say something like that.

  4. Syliva, thanks for the great recap.

    Maybe the reason that Vasco said what he did about Chalo being a chauffeur was that he was angry that his mother was so against Diana, because she was not on their social level and gave them such a hard time. And didn't she say something about how her love for Chalo had changed her in that respect?

    Does Alonslow think that finding out the truth about Lorena, and not Sara, being the Armendariz baby will get Lorena to change her mind and come back to him. Between the way this character is written and the actor who plays him, it will take a great deal of suspension of disbelief for the audience to accept that Lorena would go back to him when she could be with Ernesto. Alonslow is such a jackass.

    A question: lately we haven't seen any scenes in the restaurant. Do Lorena and Ernesto still work there? And if so, how is Lorena going to be a cooking teacher, student, and prep person in the kitchen (I'm not sure what she is called as I missed the episode when she was promoted)and mother the children? I guess I forget what is was like to be in my twenties and have that kind of energy!!! NJ sue

  5. Lorena and Ernesto do still work at the restaurant. I too wonder how she can take on this new job, attend classes full-time, work at the restaurant and be mother to three and ardent lover to Ernesto. I still remember my twenties and I didn't have that kind of energy even then!

  6. Ahoy, Cap'n Sylvia---I loved the title. So Rossy's dad is the dad from Amar sin Limites. There is a special place in hades for dudes like Bruno and I hope old Bruno is welcomed there soon. Ernesto and Loreno are so sweet together. I will be muy upset if TPTB put Alonslo back with Lorena. He continues to look like he should buy a vowel or a clue or some help.

  7. Funny Syliva, thanks!

    I'm really disappointed in Rossy trying to stop the divorce. (The actor playing her father is the same one that played Gloria's long lost father on Guapos. He's going to be type-cast!)

    I can't see how it will get Lorena back for him, but I'm glad Alonslo is digging into Sara's lies. A little hope in the middle of all of Sara's continued succes in spreading unhapiness.

  8. Cap'n Sylvia: Fantastic recap with great comments. My favorite: Alonso's "stiff jaw tries to drop". Susanlynn, your comment on Alonso "...continues to look like he should buy a vowel or a clue or some help" was hysterical.

    I think and hope that Vasco's attitude toward Chalo had more to do with character (or lack of) rather than class. NJ Sue, thanks for reminding us how badly Barbara treated Diana. In view of that, Vasco was extremely generous to his mother.

    This show shows everyone (except Sara) as multidimensional characters. I love that they aren't all perfect but have flaws, use poor judgement and make mistakes (i.e. Rossy).

    It looks like Alonso is beginning to find the truth about Lorena's parentage and unfortunately, perhaps closer to getting back with her. I've said many times I hope that doesn't happen. I want Lorena to have a partner who accepts her, loves her and who will listen to and trust her.

    Ernesto, how about arranging a quick elopement? You and Lorena can have a fabulous second ceremony and party when you return. Sigh...Diana in MA

  9. Excellent recap!

    We may have forgotten that Ernesto does have a problem. He slept with Monica, when Lorena was already working at the restaurant, and I think Ern was already coming on to Lorena at that time. At some point, this is going to come out. I think Ernesto should tell Lorena now, but of course he won't, and eventually this could damage her trust in him.

    Bruno is terrible. When my children were babies, I remember walking the halls with them, hugging and consoling them in the middle of the night to get them to sleep. I was tired, but come on- I love my wife, and I love my children (now in their 20's).

  10. Bruno is terrible and also sad...but there are many Bruno's in this world. My husband could easily stay up till all hours talking about ideas but he would never dream of getting up with a baby and he is not about to with grandchildren either.

    When I read your comment, it reminded me of all that I and the children had missed. But fortunately my son-in-law really gets in there and pitches.

    So here's to you and all the other good dads in this world, Hombre de are greatly treasured!

  11. Thanks for the fun re-cap!

    Figurative hammers and anvils waiting to fall... love it!

    Though I too am rooting for Chalo and Barbara. Will Chalo's desire for self-reform be greater than his desire for "boinkage" with Sara? Let's hope so!

    To Hombre's comments about Ern sleeping with Monica: he slept with a lot of women, and Lorena knew this right? But....what if Monica shows up preggers?? Hmm bad.
    randy, sea.

  12. Hombre, although Ernesto liked Lorena, they were not seeing each other when he slept with Monica. While he probably should have told her, I agree with randy. Lorena knew the score (so to speak) about Ernesto's romantic exploits.

    The thought that Monica may be pregant is disturbing and is the only valid reason I can see for Ernesto and Lorena breaking up. Diana in MA

  13. Thanks for the great recap Sylvia. How about this for an idea that could keep Al and Lor getting together. Sara finds out that Al knows the truth and tries to kill him. But because she loves him, she botches the job. However she dies in the attempt and wounds Al leaving him horribly disfigured. I know its a stretch but (in my world) Al still has to pay for sleeping with Sara. And not getting Lorena is part of that price.

  14. Karen: There's no doubt that Alonso made many mistakes. He started by not trusting and disbelieving Lorena, followed by breaking up with Lorena without hearing her side of the story and finally by sleeping with Sara. Although he realizes now that he was wrong about anyone and everyone, I think his character is overall a good person, possesses some good qualities (acting not one of them) and I believe if he does lose Lorena in the end, that will be more than enough punishment for him. Diana in MA

  15. My baby isn't even born yet and I'm already woken up more at night. Sometimes my wife can't sleep, or there are 100 trips to the bathroom, or whatever. It hasn't ever crossed my mind to yell at her about it! Bruno's an ass. I missed out on the pregnancy/baby part of my son, he is technically my stepson and was 4 years old when I met my wife. So I'm doing all my fathering backwards, age 4-9 first, then a baby... and my wife wonders why I get confused. Anyway the point of all that is that Bruno is an ass.

  16. Ferro, you missed the terrible two's the first time! I found that the first six months were tiring, then from 6 months to 2 years was great, then from 2-4 terrible, then 4-11 great again, then the teenage years, forget it! Of course, your mileage may vary.

  17. Sylvia, how do you keep turning out these delightful, snarky recaps?? Great job! Great title!

    “She keeps waving her hands around and flashing her engagement ring. ….. He finally notices her big shiny ring as she wrings her hands. His stiff jaw tries to drop.” LOL! When he called himself an imbecile, he was so on target.

    “Sara attempts to insult Vasco into supporting the program. Generally this is not a good negotiating technique.” LOL! It’s Sara’s best shot, though. The next step is death threats and she’s probably taking the gentle way in first.

    “Slow asks forgiveness again and splits. Shoot, Lorena looks tortured.” Ugh. I hated that. It would be positively immoral of the writers to make us suffer her going back with Slow even to obey the Telenovela gods.

    “” (chuckle) I read that as “”

    “among the documents were those having to do with an orphanage. The lightbulb goes on in Al's dim attic.” LOL!

    “Pau and Jaqui have a snark-off, Paula wins and Jaqui goes ballistic. Icky has to drag her out. Gotta rewind on that one.” LOL! That was indeed a fine piece of work on Paula’s part, wasn’t it? When Jacqui worked, she lived in the real world but now she’s out in lala land and Paula was in good form. Made Jacqui looked Really Stupid. Which she actually is, but she used to hide it better.

    “his escuincle child is crying” Cute website reference—how DO you know all this stuff? Stupid Bruto—can we hope Di leaves him soon?

    “Zuly wakes up with a heart ache, headache and she can't breathe. At first I thought she was having a premonition of Diana's miserable night but I think it might be time for her bariatric surgery.” She probably needs an angioplasty first. Like right now.

    “He's such an asshat, of course he should help but since he refuses hasn't he at least heard of ear plugs?” I wanted to SHAKE him. He could get noise cancelling earphones, too.

    “Rossy's father will never appear. What if he does show up, asks Rossy? That'll never happen says Maru, confirming that indeed he will, so sayeth Telenovela gospel.” Dun-dun-dun-dun……DUN! (Horn sound with Alfred Hitchcock type doom music).

    “She's a free woman and Chalo, a good and noble guy (hack hack) makes her happy.” LOL! She actually looks like she means it!

    “Vasco's not happy, says Chalo is an imbecile and a chauffeur. Barb is surprised that Vasco has turned into such a clasista.” I thought that was such a nice touch on Barb’s part. She’s clearly changing for the better, before she would have just been defensive but agreeing with him. The “don’t be like your granny” comment hit the mark, too. AND, you are so right, 50 isn’t old at all.

    “Sara is getting made up at the studio and meets some oddly over-wigged and over made-up lady, wife of Alan.” I looked at this face, and remembered what some of you said aobut Conchita, the wacky landlady with the incense. I think this might be the same person made up with extra padding in the cheeks for jowls, etc. Just a thought. The voice made me think that, too.

    “Sara's on the air with her first episode of "Cooking with Joy" (is that how it might be translated?)” Yep. The Joy of Cooking. Or, Cooking with Delight. But I think the former, like a nod to Betty Crocker.

    “there are some sort of classes in the Commercial Center (poor part of town?) where they are teaching cooking. They need a teacher, the pay isn't great but the work is good and she thought of Lor. Is she interested?” How many hours are there in Lorena’s days? 30? 40? She’s already got a full load from what I can see.

    “Que sorpresa, it's her real papa! We didn't have to wait more than one episode to see him, this show really seems to rush things along.” I thought that, too, until I realized we’re on epi 67 or so, right? If what I read on Wikipedia is right, we have about 12 weeks left to go and that’s not so long.

    “Al and Tori find Madre Trinidad and try to pump her for info. OK, this is weird, she used to be a happy airhead and now suddenly she's the stern Mother Superior? OK, turns out she doesn't really like Al because he bad-mouthed Lorena in the past.” Madre Trinidad has ALL my respect for making her annoyance clear to Al about his behavior with Lorena.

    JudyB, I agree about Rossy. What a twit she is! How self-absorbed! And, I hope Barb and Chalo escape the anvils, but given their age difference and the Telenovela Laws, probably not.

    And don’t forget that Chalo helped falsify the birth/orphanage info. He deserves something for that, too.

    Hombre - "your mileage may vary" LOL!

    Great comments, everyone!


  18. BTW, Maricruz is in for me tonight. It's Homecoming weekend and it's showtime in 30 minutes, so I'm off to work again to crown the Queen and King, and yell at the Pep Rally. Tomorrow there are volleyball games, the football game, and the dance. Lots of opportunities for snoopervision. ;-)


  19. "Not great but better than turning into a wife-beating child hater."

    Ha, I wear earplugs everynight! Good to know their virtues!!!

    "dangles boinkage" boy if women could get that to work with heads of state imagien the state of the world!!!! :)

    Nice cap Syl!!!! Very snarky and funny, and yes, spelling of doom....
