
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Querida Enemiga #70 - Tuesday Sept. 30 '08 When The Sauce Hits The Fan

Whoa....dynamite ending tonight with Monica dropping the dime on her and Ernesto's passionate romp. But first we have lots of other skullduggery leading up to that super-impactado moment. Another tough night, for the most part, in the Querida Enemiga neighborhood.

Rehash: We revisit the icky scene of Vasco , Chalo and Barbara weeping and wailing about the various betrayals. Let's say no more about that. And then we have Sara gliding up behind Bruno while he's whining to Hortensia about the money he didn't get for marrying Diana. So now our villaness has something on Dr. Wifebeater that she can use to her advantage. Right now, I'd say Hortensia's odds of survival are quite slim. But hey, I've been wrong before.

Now a continuation of our ick scene with Vasco etc. Chalo has split and Vasco's berating mom about her affair with Arturo and how she hung onto her marriage for the money and position it gave her while taking a lover. And getting her lover work in the family firm to boot!...taking his dad's place, for God's sake (in more ways than one....sorry). Barbara weeps and wails and all but tears her clothes, shrieking You have to forgive me, I'm your mother! And you don't know just how much that bothers me, Vasco answers wearily. He storms out and Barbara has her big chewing up the scenery moment, collapsing on her bed and reaching out dramatically with her feeble hand and bright red manicure.

Now we flip back to Hortensia's sickbed (I notice the telenovela writers love to do this, dinner table to dinner table scene, bed to bed scene etc. That and the heavily cued "this is how you're supposed to feel" music gets to me sometimes) But okay, No Whining.

Nurse arrives back with the pills and huffily wants to know why Sara is there. Sara, just as huffily, says its scandalous that she's not being kept apprised of her grandmother's condition. After Sara and Bruno leave, Hortensia manages to scrawl Sara Assessina but doesn't want Nurse Ratchet to do anything about it yet. Clearly she's tired after all this effort.

Sara's trying to wind up Bruno, threatening to tell her alleged parents about the deal...or perhaps Diana herself....and Bruno begs her not to. Okay, but you owe me, she adds, and I always collect on my debts (cobrar mis deudas).

Before he leaves, Bruno runs into Vasco and manages to stick in the knife about how now that he's MARRIED and has a CHILD he's working overtime so he has to rush off now. So sorry.

And now a doctor to doctor, house call to house call switch. Alonso arrives at the lesser house in the evening and says he's there to check on Zulema's blood pressure starting with a throat swab!

Even Zully thinks it's a dumb idea but she goes along with it. Dad Toribio is waiting in the car, happy to know Alonso has the necessary for a DNA test. Alonso is twittering a bit about feeling bad for lying to Zully, but pop reminds him he DID give her a thorough checkup and besides, it's for a good cause.

Chalo slams back into his old place. Okay, says the sleepy landlord, eyeing Chalo's shiner, but no scandals this time. Now sad sentimental music plays as the scene goes back and forth between grieving Barbara and heartbroken Chalo. Vasco won't forgive her and she no longer has Chalo....whom she really really luuuuves. Traitor! she wails, How do I heal this hurt!?

Chalo's on the same depressive path, wondering how Barbara could ever forgive him.....especially when she finds out the other stuff he's done. Maybe Sara's right...maybe I am what I am and don't deserve to be happy, he mutters....even though I luuuuuve you, Barbara.

He says all this staring at his reflection in the mirror. Do people really do this? Seems to be a popular scene in movies and the like but I can't imagine anyone in real life doing it. Readers? Weigh in. I know we women don't do it 'cause we look so awful crying (well I do) that carrying like this while looking in the mirror would be twice as depressing. Collapsing on the bed and wailing, à la Barbara, would be more my style.

Now a breakup with lover scene switch (see how the writers work this?) It's Monica, managing to be incredibly nasty to her beau of a few months and the restaurant waiter. She chews out Rodolfo for being late, chews out the waiter for not wanting to rustle up a dessert in the closed kitchen. Sends the food back as galan heads for restroom, then sends the galan packing for good when the hapless, and actually hungry, fellow returns. What a woman! (I'm wondering if Hombre de Mistereo still finds her charming?)

Lorena and Ernesto are heading home after this ugly moment, all happy and chatting and arm in arm and Monica glares at them. Ooooh if looks could kill! says her friend the hostess. Monica's all in heat, muttering how she'd do anything to get Ernesto back, she'd be a slave at his feet. Where's your self-respect? asks the hostess. Back in his bedroom under the sheets is Monica's reply. (do you find yourself worrying that some poor bunny is going to end up in a pot of boiling water like that Michael Douglas film?)

A bedroom remembrance to actual bedroom switch: Diana's sinking into bed after finally calming the baby, holding her head. Do you want a pain reliever? sneers Bruno. It would take more than that, she moans. I'm paying very dearly for having a father for my baby. Leave me alone and let me sleep, he snarls, thought bubbling that he's paying a high price to get his hands on Hortensia's payoff.

Another breakup....this time between Arturo and Vasco. Vasco's firing him for obvious reasons, even though Arturo's dogpaddling madly, trying to talk him out of it. It wasn't serious, it was just a fling, I was married myself at the time. So you treated my mother like a streetwalker, hisses Vasco.

Okay, that strategy didn't work nor did the plea to not mix personal with professional. Good-bye Arturo. Sara's in her office, gloating as usual....this time over her planned menu for the next show. Arturo tries to enlist her help but she's not playing. Even when he brings up the money siphoning, she reminds him he'd be in as much trouble as she. No dice. Be more discreet next time Arturo. He slinks out.

Okay, forget the tearful breakups. For me the learning-to-drive scene was the most painful of all. Reminded me of my nightmare days learning to drive on a 1949 Hudson (think overturned brown bathtub) with a shift gear on the steering wheel, cranky clutch (this was before synchromesh) and...oh my Gawd. And my dad was a lot more patient than Ernesto. Suffice it to say there was lots of Ernesto-yelling in this uncomfortable scene and finally, Lorena wisely exits the car. Finito driving lesson. Whew!

The next scene was with Alonso. Honestly I was glad to see the aimiable doofus. Sara calls and he says "Selena?" That sets her off. He also pretends he didn't know she called him a gazillion times in Canada. But he asks her over and she ends the call with "Te quiero". "Nos vemos" he replies. He and Toribio are discussing how they'll get the hair sample. Pops is all for chloroforming her and hacking off the tresses with scissors but Alonso counsels something a little more discreet.

Switch to poor Maruja, asleep at her desk. Jaime comes in and kisses her and wonders if she's overworked with the restaurant and all. No, it's just her not-ex-marido and not being able to sleep at night. Jaime wants to pay him off. Marjua says no way. Then we'll just have to live together, concludes Jaime. Impactada look from Maruja and a great big QUE?

More marriage talk, this time between Rossy and Julian. She's figuring that even if he sells every last thread of his clothing they won't have enough to pay off her dad, and what's more there'll be nothing for their own boda. She'll have to wear a second-hand dress and have Lorena's muffins instead of a wedding cake. Julian reminds her that the important thing is they'll be MARRIED. She melts and hugs him and wonders what she could ever do without him. Indeed.

And speaking of tight budgets....Arturo is giving badmom the news that he's been fired which she just can't understand. Why he's the best executive in the firm! Things get tense when she wants to know the reason, and even more tense when shrill little Jackie arrives and yelps, Is it because of what happened in the restaurant last night?!

Now we find ourselves at Paula's apartment where Dario is sulking about the poor quality meal he's been served. Fix yourself a sandwich then, snaps Paula. I don't have time to be a stellar housewife now that I'm working.

And they're off! He wonders why she spends her time selling those creams and all that junk. She needs her own money in case another Jackie comes along and he dumps her again. You'll never forgive me will you!? and so on. It's at the point where he's wondering if he's out of place "in his own home" when they suddenly remember they have forgotten to pick up Bettina at her dance lesson. Shelve the marital battle for now and go look for kid!

Kid of course is just fine because Ivan has appeared and they're having a heart to heart chat about life and living with Uncle Ernesto and so forth. When it looks like her parents aren't coming, he invites her out for an ice cream. It's like old times for our young people.

And like old times for Jackie and Arturo who are still bickering. What bad luck to run into Barbara and Chalo at the restaurant, he says. What bad luck that you opened your big mouth (bocota) she replies. Well the good life is over, he continues, I'll have to find another job and so will you. No way! and with that, Jackie heads back to her TV and popcorn routine. (Wouldn't you think Arturo would have strangled her by now?)

Now we're at Alonso's apartment. Sara arrives and is all over Alonso like a rash (a favorite Brit expression). How are you? he asks after a slimy, Sara-initiated kiss. Suffering for you is the reply. (I'm no great shakes in the romance department but this doesn't strike me as an effective way to get back a bored beau.) Did you miss me? she adds. Blank look (Alonso does this well). No one can love you like I do! (uncomfortable semi-constipated look) Alonso wants to be "friends". Sara protests, but then brightens when he offers her coffee (doesn't take much to encourage her, I must say). He asks what's going on in her life, she simpers and wiggles, does the old squeeze-boob over table routine and tells him about her TV program. Alonso looks mildly impressed (about the TV show! c'mon!)

We switch from that table to the table at Ernesto's where Lorena is helping Gina with her homework. No sexy top for Lorena by the way, although her blouse and jeans are somewhat
less frumpy than usual. Lorena doesn't want anymore "shock and awe" driving lessons from Ernesto but he vows to never be that cranky again. Don't make promises you can't keep, she reminds him (anyone hear anvils falling?) but they kiss and make up while gap-toothed Gina looks on in glee.

Back to Alonso's and phase II of the get Sara's DNA sample maneuver. Toribio pretends to have a computer problem. Sara, an equal opportunity boob flasher, gives him a good look...and a hug... and a slimy cheek kiss and saunters off to his room to help him. Alonso dives in her purse while nervous music throbs in the background, pulls a few hairs out of her brush, sticks them in a ziplock bag and voilà! Now we'll find out who you really are, Sara! The computer problem is quickly fixed, Sara teases Toribio about being in a chat room and then back to Alonso, some more coffee and some more attempts to lure him with her cleavage and girlish charm.

While Sara's trying to sell herself, Bettina's trying to sell Ivan on taking dance lessons. It's a great way to forget your cares, she points out, and besides, she needs a partner for the dance contest. Ivan protests that he has two left feet and is a "tronco" (literally trunk, as in tree, but in this case means he's inept) She reminds him that he loves music, he must have a sense of rythym and besides, there's a 20,000 peso prize. NOW he's interested....a little. We'll see, he smiles.

Meanwhile, Sara is still all over Alonso, murmuring into his chest that if they're going to be friends, she would LOVE to have dinner with her DEAR FRIEND this evening. He pleads work. More chest murmuring that his work is her greatest rival. Well, she'll call him and maybe he'll have time for a little friendly chat later. SO GOOD seeing you again.

Off she goes and Alonso breathes a sigh of relief. So do we. Sara is still deep in her obsessions, smiling to herself that she'll get Alonso back, bump off the old lady and set him up in a nice big hospital. Gotta give this gal points for persistence. Never let go of your dream, Sara!

Bettina has finally arrived home, having apparently been ice creaming with Ivan for 5 hours. Mom is incensed and Dad is backing her up. Paula points out to him that it's the first time he's supported her. Well, if she's kicking him out, he needs to give her a position of authority as sole parent. She backpedals, saying they need to relearn how to live together. He kisses her. She looks glum. Oh well, more anvils in the offing.

At the clinic now...or "clinicucha de quinto "(third rate clinic) as Sara calls it. Bruno's asking Alonso to take over Zully's case (hard to tell your mother-in-law what to do) when he's called into Doctora Serrnano's office. She's noticed the discrepancies in the medication inventory and wants to know whassup. Particularly as it's for antidepressives which they don't use much. He obfuscates, tells her the medications were expired so he had to order lots more. She buys it but says from now on she wants to be consulted. He's relieved she didn't actually go down and physically verify the inventory. For now Bruno can continue getting away with his schemes. While all this is going on, Alonso makes a phone call to set up DNA test.

Brief scene of Toribio sprucing up, apparently dousing his sparse locks with hairspray. Turns out his internet date, Solicito, is actually Icturo's badmom....all smiley and gee whizzy and I can scarcely recognize the lady in her new date-persona. Toribio makes goofy small talk about her name, Catalina...the name of a queen! and dumb jokes about Don Alzheimer. She pretends to find it funny and says she's never known a psychoanalyst before (no kidding lady!) She also wants to make sure he's really a widower with no attachments. He wants to know the same. She assures him she's only had one husband....and he died 20 years ago. He can't believe such a beautiful lady hasn't married again. She simpers. He giggles. We have that carnival music in the background so we dense ones know this is a comedy scene.

In the meantime, Hortensia has managed to communicate with her nurse that she wants her lawyer Mendozo to come to the house. This scene actually was funny because Hortensia has developped more facial expression and she was getting really pissed off at Nurse's slowness to understand what she wanted.

When the lawyer finally arrives, he seems almost as catatonic as Hortensia, speaking very slowly, wondering why she didn't come to the office if she wanted complete privacy (duh! she's been in a coma until recently, licenciado!) When he's finally at her bedside, he rumbles How can I help? She writes something on a piece of paper, he reads it stolidly, folds it and asks if he can show it to the nurse. Yes. Nurse looks at it, opens her mouth waaaaay wide and looks very impactada. That's all we know for now.

We see Jaime on the phone, filling a big order and asking if he can send along a few samples of their new products. Vasco arrives, learns the new business is going well and wonders if Dad can fill in for him at work while he goes to Chiapas for a few days. Jaime can't understand why Arturo can't do it, nor can he understand why Arturo was fired (past mistakes, mumbles Vasco) but he agrees to fill in for Vasco, provided Maruja is okay with it.

Maruja is not okay....having opened the door to Rogelio, not-so-ex-husband, who's now decided he not only wants pesos, he wants a piece of Maruja in order to agree to the divorce. Rossy and Julian bust in while he's bent Maruja back over the couch. They fight.l Rogelio whips out a knife, slicing Julian's shirt but not Julian himself, I'm happy to say. Big slugfest. Rogelio runs out the door. Julian gives chase. More slugging. Rogelio runs off, threatening to come back but they aren't worried. And what's more, you're not getting a penny now! Julian yells.

Ernesto and Lorena arrive at the restaurant, happy and loving once again as they chat about one of her star elderly students. Monica glowers and anvils rumble in the background. Hostess friend asks her for help with a reservation. Handle it yourself! Monica snaps. Even without scary music, we know this doesn't bode well.

The gals are in the locker room of the restaurant, talking about the big Julian-Rogelio confrontation. And now on to the strangely unrushed relaxed restaurant kitchen where Ernesto has time to lay a great big sizzlin' hot off the griddle kiss on Lorena.....just as Monica walks in.

Monica goes into a sarcastic diatrible, Ernesto protests that it was just an impulse. You always give in to your "impulses" don't you Ernesto? sneers Monica. I want to talk to you alone. About what? What part of "alone" don't you understand?

They adjourn to the restaurant proper where she forcibly tries to kiss him. He can't understand why she's acting in this crazy way. She's had a boyfriend for several months after all. I canned him. It's you I want and gotta have. Dump Lorena. You're nuts, says Ernesto.

Little lamb Lorena arrives. Ernesto warns Monica to leave her out of it. No way. You can't have him Lorena. I had him first! I SLEPT WITH HIM BEFORE YOU DID!

Impactada look from Lorena . And from Ernesto, I might add. I'm feeling a bit impactada myself.
* * * * *

Hey, after all that, who wants previews? But we get 'em. Lorena's wondering if she wants someone like Ernesto for a husband. And she has to get away, think things over. Alonso is exultant because he has the DNA test and now knows Sara is not Zulema and Omar's daughter.
* * * *


caduco = expired (used in talking about medications)
clinicucha de quinto = (third rate clinic)
soy un tronco (literally, I'm a tree trunk, but means I'm this case as a dance partner)
a poco = used as an intensifier. A poco me llamaste? Really, you called me? or You really called me? What Alonso said to Sara


  1. Thanks for such a fast recap, Judy. And I love the title.

    I was kind of surprised that they used Monica to split ernesto and Lorena up. Some people speculated that Monica would be pregnant, but we breathed a sigh of relief that that didn't come to pass. someone on the blog wrote that even if Lorena found out about Monica, she would forgive Ernesto because it happened before they were together. Now with all the time being given to Alonso and his noble deed, I am afraid that we're going to be stuck with the outcome none of us wanted.

    I think that Hortensia is going to live and will get back at Sara. And so will Alonso. Unfortunately we're going to be subjected to many more horrible Sara scenes before that happens.

    I thought Toribio's date was going to be the Merry Widow of yore. I have to say that when it turned out to be Arturo's mother, I was really shocked.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what will happen with Lorena and Ernesto. I don't think it's a matter of forgiving him. It seems like it is more a matter of deciding whether he can be a faithful husband, and based on his record I can't blame her for not trusting that he will be. NJ Sue

  2. Ha...very good, I have missed huge chunks of this, I always seem to see Evil Granny with Sara's hands around her neck.

    I did see the Babs, & naco boy break-up..WTH is he really in love with her? Jest wondering.

    Lorena questions if she would want to marry a man who had a one nite stand with a little come hither hottie like what's her name? When neither one had a significant other?
    Lorena, if not that leaves really cool guys who could give you fashion tips and curl your hair, but alas there would be no marriage.

  3. Haha Beckster! Judy, thank you for this excellent recap. I loved, "She's never known a psychoanalyst before (no kidding lady!)" Maybe Toribio can give Arturo's mom the counseling she so badly needs.

    When this show started, I thought it was so predictable, but I love the way it's NOT turning out as expected. I can't believe Monica will end up with Ernesto after she's become so crazy. Good. And no one has gotten (in)conveniently pregnant yet.

    It's also impressive that the writers and actors are able to make characters like Chalo, Barbara, and Jaime varying degrees of likeable. I even feel a bit sorry for Arturo. And I hate to admit it but I kind of like Hortensia and hope she reforms to become only 50% mean. I think the actress does a great job in this role -- even paralyzed, you can tell when Hortensia is getting impatient.

  4. Ha ha! Great title. Wow I was shocked that Solecito turned out to be the wretched MIL from hell. She acted kind of nice to Tori. Que? I'm confused now.

    Another shock, Monica spilled the beans about her and Ernesto. She's nuts. What man in his right mind would want to be with that harpy? I'm afraid Lorena will buckle under to Monica's egregious plot. And where's Monica's daddy when all this is happening? Ernesto should quit his restaurant job and try to win back Lorena's love. Raimundo should fire Monica and send her off somewhere.

    Beckster you missed a most awesome neck-wringing when Chalo squeezed Sara's neck so hard her eyes and tongue popped out. It was classic. And yeah, he really loves Barb, poor kid.

    Aha, Sara asesina...makes total sense.

    Loved your recap JudyB, you were on fire tonight! I laughed all the way through.

  5. Oh no, the Beckster did get to see
    Chalo chokin Sara, and yes it was damn fine entertainment. The eye bulging and raspy after voice were great. You know I was thinking, Babs seems to be in a severe Cougar mode, first Ickturo, then Chalo. Has Babs gotten a look at Ivan yet? I can see her hanging around until 12:01 am on young Ivan's 18th birthday.

  6. Oh yes, sorry carmel...thanks for telling me that those two crazy kids; Babs & Chalo are really in love. Sometimes I get confused in TeleNovelas if it is for love or money or both.

  7. guys have me laughing a lot more than I had you laughing! And Beckster, you're going straight to Hell for even THINKING Barbara might go after Ivan next! Too funny.

    NJ Sue....I hope you're right and that Hortensia is going to Carmel, I have a guilty liking for the tough old broad in spite of her innumerable evil deeds and I would like to see her semi-rehabilitated.

    Just enough to accept Omar, Zulema and Lorena back into the fold but not enough to be really sweet. I'd hate to see that! Still want her to be tart and outspoken...but with a united family.

    Awwwwww...I know, I'm incurable on the subject of family. Oh well....

    Speaking of family...Mike and Emilia where are you? We haven't heard from you in quite some time.

  8. Oh and Sylvia...yes, I agree...Monica is totally nuts. That's why I kept thinking of that Michael Douglas movie where his spurned lover took such horrendous acts of revenge. Clearly a very large screw is loose here.

    And Carmel mentioned how the writers can make even the bad guys likeable and in addition to being shocked that Arturo's mom was Toribio's blind internet date...I even found HER "simpatica" as she smiled and joked and flirted with Tori.

    So in one sense, these writers and actors are clearly earning their money. In another sense...blecccch....I hate all the nefarious ups and downs.

    I KNOW, I's a telenovela, but....

  9. First: Capn Sylvia - delightful snark last night. You had me RFLOL as usual.

    JudyB: I was laughing at your description of the Alonso/Sara kitchen encounter. The whole apartment scene gave me one great smiling start to head out with this AM.

    beckster: I died laughing at that bit about vamp Babs waiting to pounce on Ivan at 12:01 AM.

  10. JudyB you were absolutely spot on when you mentioned the bunny in the pot. Unfortunately Monica definitely seems to be the Fatal Attraction type. If I were Ernesto I wouldn't even think about having rabbit on the menu! Way back when didn't you or someone say he should have kept his spatula in its drawer?

  11. Hey Cakes....glad you're starting out the day with a smile. Hope it goes well and that you end it with a smile too. THAT'S the hard part!

  12. Hi Sylvia...missed your comment while I was writing mine. Yep, the spatula quip was my little contribution to the Enemiga culture bank...but thank you for remembering the name of the movie!

    All I could dredge up from that black hole I call my memory was Michael's name....oooh and now I remember, Glenn Close! See, the memory is still working but retrieval is so sloooooowwwwwwww.

  13. Thanks for the recap JudyB. While there was a lot of bad, thankfully there were a few nice moments (Ivan y Bettina, Julian getting Rosi's Dad-though after a slight scare, Dr. Doufus actually getting the hair sample). It's true there are more bad shenanigans from Sara to come but the writers seem to be trying to balance things a bit more. The fact that Al will know tonight that Sara's not Zulema's daughter is huge. I'd think that might have been something that happened during the final week.

    Yes Monica is crazy and I hope this doesn't break up our couple. It does provide the writers an opportunity to try to continue to make Al seem like a viable option when Lorena contemplates what to do. But as we all say, Don't do it writers, We Want Ernesto.

    Beckster - your comment about Barb and Ivan: completely wrong and hilarious!

  14. Hi JudyB, and everyone.
    Mike and I are here. Sorry we haven't posted lately. We are watching the show and reading the recaps and comments. All the beatings have been pretty hard to take, even the ones that are deserved. They seem to come in waves, don't they?
    I too hope Hortensia is semi-rehabilitated and helps to polish off Sara.
    Loved your description of learning to drive. My parents were more than happy to leave my lessons to friends. I learned on a '62 VW. Just barely passed the driving test! The cop made me promise to go home and "Learn To Drive!!"

  15. Good morning Karen....yes, Al will know tonight that Sara is not Zulema's daughter....but will anybody else know?

    See, I'm such a pessimist that I figure something will interfere with that knowledge getting to the right people. I mean, just when you think a much-needed truth will come doesn't.

    But hey, I hope you're right. And yes, there were some happy moments last night.

    One of my smarter friends always makes a list of the good things that happen in any given day (even something as small as a smile from a stranger) in order to balance out the rest of the s....well, "sauce" that might have happened. She always sleeps like a baby.

  16. Hey Emilia...missed your comment when I was writing mine. So relieved to know you and Mike are okay. This is silly but when "regulars" drop out of the loop for a while, I worry.

    You can just imagine how crazy I drive my adult children with this tendency!

    So glad to know your driving debut was the horror mine was. I also had a tendency to think a car should just be driven and never need maintenance. Oil changes? what are those? Took me a while to learn, I'm sorry to say.

  17. Great and funny recap, Judy! So much has been going on with this novela lately! Sara...the title says it all!

    And Monica has got a screw loose for sure. I agree with NJ Sue. Why should Lorena care???

    But Toribio is gonna REGRET that he met Ikturo's mom. She will make Amalia seem like an angel in comparison. Can't wait for tonight's show!

  18. Hi Becky T. Thanks for checking in. Maybe Alonso's punishment for breaking Lorena's heart is that.....he will get Ickturo's mom for a mother-in-law!...and Ickturo for a brother-in-law....

    No, no, no that would be way too cruel. Let's hope the Toribio/Catalina (yes,this shrew actually has a lovely name) will be short-lived. I have a feeling her first husband died just to escape her.

  19. JudyB, Your excellent recap was true to form - you covered every detail with insight and humor. Dr. Wifebeater is the perfect name for Bruno/Brutus. I can't wait for Vasco to give him his comeuppance once Bruno's abusive behavior is discovered.

    So much happened last night. Personal and professional relationships are changing at lightening speed: Break-ups, firings, reconciliations, recuperations, new alliances and investigations.

    Hortensia's impatient eye rolling at the nurse is a sure sign she is on the mend. I don't think she has done anything to earn redemption, but she may have an "Ebineezer Scrooge" experience and manage to change her life around.

    The comments on last night's episode were great.

    My thoughts are always first and foremost on Lorena and Ernesto. Monica was a woman posessed. The timing of and manner in which she told Lorena she'd slept with Ernesto makes Monica deserving of an anvil. Now. NJ Sue, I was one of the people who thought Lorena would forgive Ernesto because he slept with Monica before he and Lorena got together. Was I ever wrong. This opened the infidelity door and another betrayal. I am still holding out hope that they will fight the odds (and formula telenova endings) to be together. Diana in MA

  20. Hey Diana...I especially enjoyed your paragraph starting with "so much happened last night." There was a real flow to it. Are you a writer?

    Yep, we're all on the Ernesto/Lorena bandwagon....even the guys!

    We know Lorena's capable of forgiveness (thanks to the instruction of the good nuns) but she's also cautious. So will she take a chance on Ernesto turning over a new leaf?

    Of course those clever writers have got us well and thoroughly hooked now. Will she or won't she? And will she regret whatever decision she takes.

    The good part is we should know in a few months' time...this baby is not going to drag on forever like some of the telenovelas.

  21. Very funny recap, JudyB. I have to admit I'm not so attracted to Monica anymore. And yet, there's still something about her feistiness...

    Of course Lorena should forgive Ernesto, and in some novelas, the galan has had sex at least once with some other characters known to the leading lady, and was forgiven (I'm thinking of Amor Real and Alborada). I mean, Ernesto and Lorena never had a conversation in which they said, "tell me any secrets I should know about". Well, we'll see what happens.

    I'm trying to guess what Horensia wrote on the paper. She probably wrote "take Sara out of the will". But I think she should have written "have Sara arrested, she pushed me down the stairs". Or maybe she wrote "bake for 2 hours at 350 degrees" :)

  22. Hmmm...."bake for 2 hours at 350 degrees"....I like the way your mind works, Hombre. That would certainly account for the huge impactada look of Nurse Ratchet. Actually, baking Sara for two hours at that temperature would serve her right!

    So Monica's feistiness still intrigues you, eh?....well, we can only hope some John Wayne type tames our little missy and brings her into line. I'm thinking though that a man that strong of will hasn't been invented yet. She IS a terror.

  23. JudyB: Thank you for your kind words. I was an avid reader of the Caray, Caray recaps for months before I got up the nerve to post a comment. I felt a little intimidated by how clever and encompassing the recaps were and the witty remarks by the commenters. However, now that I've started, I just can't stop! In fact, my office work is now interfering with my blogging. I'm so enjoying QE and can't decide if I like the show or the recap/comments better! Diana in MA

  24. Ah well I remember that feeling. I was thrilled to find the recaps because I was watching without closed captions and understood bupkus!

    Then I was leery of having a google/blogger identity. Would it cost money? etc. (and no it doesn't)

    Then I finally made my first comment and nobody paid any attention to it! I felt like the "new girl" in school.

    But I eventually found some helpful people. Julie taught me about "closed captions" and also how to "copy and paste" (I've never dealt with computer stuff before). And when I forgot anyway, "Paula Polvorones" taught me again. NinaK of Guapos gave me instruction on how to do links, and so on.

    And Schoolmarm and Sylvia really encouraged me to become a recapper. So there ya go...glad you're enjoying the site as much as we do.

  25. I think I know what Snorty wrote to the nurse:

    Thanks for the help. Now please stop stroking my hair and calling me "pretty lady"!

  26. Lorena knew that she was getting together with a womanizer. And she also rejected him on the night that he was with Monica. This is way more clear-cut than "we were on a break!" She hasn't got a leg to stand on.

    She's typically a very reasonable person. Hopefully she'll recover from her snit quickly.

    UNLESS Monica tells her a bunch of lies and Lorena believes them, Alonso-style. I hope we don't have to go there.

    I wouldn't wish Monica on anyone. I hope her ex-boyfriend shows up again and meets someone nice. I don't think Paty has a boyfriend yet!

  27. I agree that Lorena should just suck it up, take the high road, and not hand Ern to Monica on a silver platter. If I were Lorena I would think twice about quitting the restaurant gig now that she knows the barracuda is circling. She forgives everyone else very quickly, if she doesn't cut Ern some slack it will be out of character for her, not that that ever stopped the writers before.

    Monica is such a putz, does she really think going all Fatal Attraction will make Ern love her? Maybe she's more Play Misty For Me than Sara is.

  28. Hah Julie! "We were on a break!". If it weren't for my kids getting me to watch Friends when it was on reruns, I wouldn't have known what you were talking about. I'm trying to be optimistic about Ernesto and Lorena but it's hard. Keep sending out those good vibes, folks, maybe it will help.

    Sylvia...SURELY Ernesto will never go back to Monica no matter what happens. But then I was astonished that he slept with her in the first place. Hell's Bell's he wasn't THAT drunk or he wouldn't have been able to perform anyway. Just sayin'

    Actually, TV & Novelas (I know, it's an absolute rag, but the kid from St. Andrew's was selling subscriptions) the telenovela critic said he/she? preferred the Ernesto/ Lorena combination also. Maybe THAT will influence the writers. Sure hope so.

    But damnit, I'm feeling a wee bit sorry for old Alonso....hey, maybe she could do a Mormom/Muslim switcheroo and have two maridos!

  29. JudyB, what would we do without you? I think it must be your Bluegrass DNA that makes you so lively and insightful here!

    One thing I've wondered about starting back during Juan Querendon, continuing into QE now, is how much the writers are influenced by:
    - Catholicism, and
    - Greek and other classical playwrights.

    Some of the plots, subplots and general story lines seem to borrow much from the classics. I am grateful we haven't gotten into Oedipus, etc... Nasty enough as it is sometimes.

    I wonder if there's a Mexican edition of the Lands End catalog where Gabriel Soto will end up? I still think he's looking at cue cards over the shoulder of whoever he's talking to.

    Lorena: what will her job title be now that she's no longer a Professional Virgin?

    Sara would have been a great mistress for Uday and Qusay Hussein, playing them against one another.

    Interesting to see how Vasco's grown up.

    Definite kudos for the actress playing Hortensia - an award-eligible performance, IMO.

    Anybody know what's on the horizon after this thing wraps up?

  30. Well, after a looong day trying to teach the 12 active English verb tenses and listening to speeches about ''My Most Precious Possession'', I finally had the chance to read the recap . Judyb--you are on your game, girl. I always love your recaps and comments. So..about this episode....things are definitely moving along nicely. I enjoyed watching Julian beating the tar out of Rossy's disgraceful excuse for a dad, and I am hopeful that soon the lovely , young Julian and Vasco will be tagteaming Bruno. And my my , isn't Alonslow turning into quite the sleuth...maybe we should call him MacGiver or Monk. Sylvia : About Arturo's Badmom's sudden personality shift...two words...FIRST DATE. Let's see how long she can hold that wicked tongue of hers...My guess is ...not very long...third date..tops. And about Sara's snit concerning the nurse not informing her of her grandmother's condition ...translation ...Is she dead yet ???? Monica seems to be vying with Sara for the title of Miss Nasty 2008 . However, Monica hasn't stolen someone's identity, pushed anyone down the stairs , or talked someone into setting a fire..yet. However, Monica's attraction to Hot Chef does seem to be of the fatal variety . Does Ernie's little niece own a bunny ?...Yikes. Finally, concerning the ill-fated driving lesson. After I stalled the pickup truck about 6 times in a row at the end of our lane , my poor dad finally gave up on attempting to teach me to drive a manual transmission. A few years later, hub tried to teach luck ...he, too, gave up. I still can only drive an automatic....but I know ALL 12 active English verb tenses. One must go with one's strengths and choose one's battles carefully.

  31. Susanlynn, having the right driving teacher makes all the difference. I barely passed driver's ed in high school (and that was in an automatic), but in college my friend Richard taught me how to drive a standard transmission WITHOUT EVEN USING THE CLUTCH, WITHOUT STALLING. I don't usually do that; I just use the clutch, but I CAN (well, mostly). And congratulations on knowing all those tenses.

    JudyB, great recap. I always love your commentary.

  32. Man, that driving "lesson" scene took me back a couple of decades to when I taught my kids on a floor stick. Two different personalities, and boy it strained me to the limits, too. I felt for Ernie but I kept screaming for him to just bite his tongue and shut the hell up. I think like Monk he just couldn't he'p himself. However, points to Lore for the way she came back to the apartment and was so sensible and level-headed about it afterwards, and Ernie too.

  33. Wow...some interesting stuff got laid down here while I was teaching class.

    I'll start with Julia...I am in total awe of anybody who can shift without using the clutch. I know it's possible, especially now that we have syncromesh, but I ain't goin' there. I still drive a manual transmission because I don't want to lose that skill....and...because my adult children never want to borrow my car! But shifting without the clutch...hats off to you, girlfriend...and to Richard. (is this wonderful man still around? would he like to marry my youngest daughter?)

    Now Susanlynn...FIRST DATE...too funny! So you only think she'll last until the third date? But you know what happens on the third date don't you? (Well, these are modern mores. In my day, it was the third year)

    And Mike....yes, I imagine it's my Forks of Elkhorn/KY and Pulaski, TN DNA that makes me say the things I do. Country folks tend to be frank.

    I would say Catholicism is a big factor...don't know about the Classics although I think we are all influenced by the classic themes whether we've consciously studied them or not. In Europe, they are drilled in the Classics but I don't know about the Mexican educational system...maybe Margarita or Maricruz could help us out there.

    But Melinama once said these are morality plays and frankly, that's one of the reasons I like them. Forgiveness is such a key issue and really, pastors could preach on that every Sunday and we'd still need to hear more.

    So...Lorena's new title....I dunno...she's still a sweet thing, no longer innocent but still has that fresh, mostly trusting openness to life. But given the way things are going, perhaps she'll be another "sadder but wiser gal". Sigh.

    Sara...yes, a crafty mistress for the Husseins or in any court situation in centuries past. She could have changed the course of history. Catherine de Medicis had nothing on our Sara.

    And I totally like our Vasco...he'll make an excellent husband for Diana after fate catches up with Dr. Wifebeater.

    Hortensia is a great eyeball there's an acting job I'd like...lolling around in bed in silky pajamas and getting paid out the wazoo for a few eyeball rolls and shaky handwriting.

    And Gabriel...hey, in a still pose, I'd get the catalogue for sure. Still like those wiiiiiide shoulders. Maybe wearing sunglasses to hide the blank look in the eyes. Yep, that would do it.

  34. JudyB/Mike: I spent five years in TN and hubby lived quite a few in Scottsboro, AL. Maybe Soddy Daisy rings a bell. Curbside intersection collections on any given day may still go to remnant chapters of Pulaski's hooded white knights according to him.

  35. Alas...there is both good and bad in the South. Wonderful tight-knit families and homespun values...and then, yes, that awful strain of fear and evil in some folks.

    My dad made his way through college working as a night watchman and a rent collector and after he graduated, went on to work "up North" as a civil engineer for DuPont.

    We lived back in Lawrenceburg TN for a year, when my grandparents wanted him to go into "bidness" with two of my uncles but it was a diaster in every way and we headed back to Indiana after that.

    Still, having moved a lot and lived all over the States, I feel I know my country a little better...both good and ill. Just hope we can hold it together during these tough times! Ojala!

  36. JudyB, wow, another heavy episode and you’ve done a great job! Love that writing style—lots of lines worth backquoting and hysterically funny! Thanks!

    “Right now, I'd say Hortensia's odds of survival are quite slim. But hey, I've been wrong before.” Yeah, I’d thought similar things. Poor Snorty, will she even live long enough to be rehabilitated?

    “Now we flip back to Hortensia's sickbed (I notice the telenovela writers love to do this, dinner table to dinner table scene, bed to bed scene etc.” Wow, what a cool observation; I never thought about this at all, but you are so right!

    “Chalo's on the same depressive path, wondering how Barbara could ever forgive him.....especially when she finds out the other stuff he's done. Maybe Sara's right...maybe I am what I am and don't deserve to be happy, he mutters....even though I luuuuuve you, Barbara.” LOL! And let’s not forget that in addition to hurting Vasco while he tried to kill Jaime, he also set fire to Omar’s autobody shop and burned it to the ground. He has lots to answer for. Then there’s the forgery stuff….of course, Barbie doesn’t care about Omar’s shop or the forgery.

    “He says all this staring at his reflection in the mirror. Do people really do this? Seems to be a popular scene in movies and the like but I can't imagine anyone in real life doing it. Readers? Weigh in. I know we women don't do it 'cause we look so awful crying (well I do) that carrying like this while looking in the mirror would be twice as depressing. Collapsing on the bed and wailing, à la Barbara, would be more my style” When my father died in April, I remember wailing and then looking in the mirror to see if I was real and this was really happening (I was in a hotel in Boston, so far away from home that it didn’t seem real). Then I collapsed on the bed. The whole night still seems surreal to me. But then, Chalo hadn’t been with Barbie as long as I’d been with my Dad.

    “Monica's all in heat, muttering how she'd do anything to get Ernesto back,” LOL! Apparently, she WILL do anything. That part’s not funny, though.

    “Arturo's dogpaddling madly, trying to talk him out of it. It wasn't serious, it was just a fling, I was married myself at the time. So you treated my mother like a streetwalker, hisses Vasco…..Okay, that strategy didn't work nor did the plea to not mix personal with professional. Good-bye Arturo.” ROTFL!!! Good description of a difficult-to-watch scene, though I adored watching Arturo squirm.

    “He and Toribio are discussing how they'll get the hair sample. Pops is all for chloroforming her and hacking off the tresses with scissors but Alonso counsels something a little more discreet.” LOL! That was pretty funny—good ol’ Toribio!

    “Did you miss me? she adds. Blank look (Alonso does this well). No one can love you like I do! (uncomfortable semi-constipated look)” ROTFL! Now his acting ability (NOT) is working fine for the plot!

    “In the meantime, Hortensia has managed to communicate with her nurse that she wants her lawyer Mendozo to come to the house. This scene actually was funny because Hortensia has developped more facial expression and she was getting really pissed off at Nurse's slowness to understand what she wanted.” She actually rolled her eyes at Augusta, and I knew she’s going to get well. I loved it!

    Beckster, you are a HOOT—Ivan at 12:01!

    Monica—Fatal Atrraction?

    Loved ALL the comments!


  37. Responding to Mike's comments earlier about some telenovelas following the classic Greek style, I have often felt this while watching these shows. Certainly the character of Juan Querendon followed the archetypal hero motif exactly. The character of Lorena also displays some similarities: 1) Unusual or hardship birth circumstance , 2) Leaves her home/family for a journey of self-awareness (although ironically in QE she leaves her orphanage "family" and will find her true family), 3) Must prove herself many times while on the journey, 4) Wields a special weapon, in this case her cooking (is that too obscure?). I don't see that Lorena has supernatural help so that's a departure from the classic hero (Juan had the Santo Niño de Atocha). Anyway, just some thoughts on Mike's comment. I also think that sometimes these telenovelas have a very Shakespearean feel to them as well. I'm not too familiar with Catholicism so I can't really comment on that.

  38. Sylvia~~~Interesting comparison. As for Lorena having supernatural help, there was her meetings with the old dude a couple times [for example, when she first came to the city and when Ernie's niece wandered away] angel ??? By the way, was he Dona Juana's lawyer on Alborada ?

  39. Susanlynn you've nailed it! Yes, she absolutely had supernatural help...from Dona Juana's reincarnated lawyer.

  40. About crying and the mirror---When my younger daughter was little, I used to tell her to take a timeout in her room if she started a crying jag. When I'd peep into her room to see how she was doing, she would often be looking at herself in the mirror crying and talking to herself. Then, about 5 minutes later, she'd walk back out to the kitchen as if nothing had happened. I don't think she does that anymore....but she did cry right at the end of her toast at her sister's wedding this past weekend. I personally plan to use Sophia's line to Ferd after her vision quest whenever people ask me what I've been up to : ''crying and suffering.'' That covers lots of situations.

  41. Oh my...missed some very interesting comments when I got off the computer early last night. Feel blessed to have some interesting folks on the line. Thank you.

    Traveling mercies for another trip down to Charlotte today.

    So....I'll miss you guys...but will be back watching and reading Monday.
