
Saturday, September 13, 2008

We need "Cuidado" bloggers!

Hello all,

We're down at least two bloggers for the upcoming "Cuidado con el ángel" 8 pm.

If you've thought blogging might be fun and you have good Spanish, this might be an easy novela to start on - it looks like it has fewer actors and we have all seen this plot line many times before.

If you're interested email me at - thanks!

Melinama (blog mom)


  1. melinama --

    I just sent you an email to say I'd be available to help do recaps if you still need it.

    Jody ;)

  2. Julia - this is your moment! Give it a try!

  3. Julia, we need someone for Tuesday. I have been doing Wednesday, but I really think I am going to have to bail on this one. I would like to take a break and wait for the next one, maybe Nombre de Amor. I will enjoy reading all the new recappers.

    But even if Julia joins up, we still would need someone else for Wednesday. I could share Wednesday if necessary.

  4. I just watched the first two minutes of Cuidado on YouTube. This is not really a spoiler: where one character is listening to Fuego on the radio, and you can hear the unmistakable theme songs. Pretty funny in joke.

  5. I'm willing to give it a try, but I can't do it next week (Sept. 23). Big deadline at work. I could start after that.

  6. Hooray from me too, Julia! So I'll put you in the sidebar, and if nobody steps up to the plate for Tuesday I'll put up a headline...
