
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cuidado con el Angel, October 22, 2008

We start with a recap of JM, Stephi and Ceci talking about what happened the night before with MC and the man she claims was in her room.

JM congratulations Ed about the upcoming wedding to his cousin. Ed can't wait to establish a life with her and to start having kids. Stephi walks up to the receptionist asking for JM and comes face to face with Israel and dismisses him with a wave of her hand. Stephi walks in JM's office and sees the invitation for Ed's wedding. She then comments on how the bride must be very happy and so will she when they set the date for their wedding. JM tells her to pick a date.

Padre Anselmo is outside talking to Adrian about the incident last night at the Velares house. At that moment Isa pulls up and tells the Padre as promised she has come to talk to him.

Back in JM's office Stephi is estatic about picking a date and JM then decides to call Israel into his office to talk about the incident that happened the day before between Stephi and him.

Isa walks into Padre Anselmo's office and says that she has come to explain what happened last night. The Padre says that he is listening and will not run her off. (he's p'od about what happened and is sarcastic to her). Isa asks for his forgiveness about her behavior. She goes on to say that Patricio was in a foul mood about MC and her bad behavior which has created tension in the house. She says that MC friends are no longer permitted to visit her even the Padre. She advises the Padre to wait until MC comes to him and not to return to the house.

Mayita is upstairs in the attic with her other abuela. Abuela is telling her a story about a donkey.

JM is talking to Israel and Stephi about the incident and says it is not important? He offers Israel an apology which pisses Stephi. She apologizes to Israel and he apologizes to her. JM says that they must get along as she will be his wife. Stepi asks JM if he has a calender and as he goes to ring his secretary, she insists on retrieving it herself. She walks into reception and gets the calender then informs Israel that the only reason she apologized was for JM and that she does not like him. Israel says I don't like you either. She walks back into JM's office and is going thru the calender and asks if the 26th of next month is good for him. He says perfect and she kisses him. (Is it me or do you find her constantly calling him "mi amor" sickening and her constant affection nauseating)?

We come back from break with Isa coming into the house and Patricio looking for her to tell her that he has set a trap for MC. He then proceeds to tell her what he did and where he set the trap at. Patricio asks Isa to invent a reason for MC to go into his room. She sneaks into his bedroom and removes the money off the dresser and as an after thought takes Ceci's favorite perfume.

Stephi goes to visit Onelia and tells her that they have set the date for the wedding. Rocio and Mayita are taking a stroll in the garden. Stephi tells Mayita that she will be marrying her dad and that she will be her new mommy.

MC is in the kitchen feeding the dog and Isa asks MC to put roses in Ceci's room since she and Stephi have an arrangement and Ceci does not. MC gladly accepts the roses and rushes off. Isa goes to tell Patricio that she has sent MC into his bedroom. The trap has been set. MC walks in the bedroom singing to herself and arranging the roses in the vase when she accidentally knocks over the wallet. As she is picking it up along with some leaves, Patricio walks in and asks her what is she doing? She says you scared me and I was just arranging the roses and he asks why she had his wallet in her hands. MC response is that she knocked it off the dresser by accident and leaves. Patricio picks up his wallet and notices that money is missing.

Stephi tells Isa that the wedding date has been set. As they are walking down the hall they come across Patricio who says that MC stole money from him. Isa convinces him to set another trap just to make sure.

MC goes out to the garden to get more classes from Adrian. He asks MC if she has done what he has asked of her. He comes across JM's name written in the notebook 50 times.

Ceci is in her bedroom looking for her favorite perfume and thinks that she left it in the bathroom. Patricio tells her not to look that basically MC took it along with the money. He calls her a theif. Ceci defends MC saying you cannot accuse someone of theft without proof. He says he caught her. Stephi interupts them and tells them that she has set a wedding date.

Isa and Stephi are talking in the hallway and Isa has another trick to make MC look bad.

Padre and Cande are shucking corn and talking about what happened the night before when Padre went to visit MC.

MC says goodbye to Adrian and JM drives up. MC wants to talk to JM, but JM wants to move his car. MC insists that he leaves it and grabs his hand and they run down the lawn. MC wants to know when JM is going to teach her and he says he would like to, but does not have time. MC says that you will have less time when you marry. Have you picked a date yet? Next month answers JM. "Wow, that's quick. So are you taking me to live with you too?" asks MC.

At Elsa' house we see her sitting with her parents qho are asking her about what she wants to live. She does not care and tells her parents whatever they want. The maid comes in and informs Elsa that Nelson is here to see her.

Isa is in the dining room putting oil around the rim of the centerpiece.

JM says that you want to live with me? That cannot happen. Other things are said, but the important thing is that she is hugging him and he wraps his arms around her and as Stephi and Patricio are walking and talking in the garden they come across this scene. MC asks are you going to take me to your house? JM tells her that they will talk about it another day. Just then Patricio and Stephi walk up to them and JM stands up quickly looking very uncomfortable. MC does not notice and says that she will bring her wedding gift to them and runs to her room.

Ceci is confiding to Isa about what Patricio has said about MC and that he has set another trap. Isa asks where and Ceci tells her. MC runs in and informs them that she is getting the wedding gift for JM and Stephi and will be right back.

Nelson calls Elsa over and asks if she is really marrying Ed.

Rocio and Onelia are talking about Stephi. Rocio does not believe that Mayita is happy about Stephi being her new mommy. Onelia disagrees with her and is only happy that JM is not hooking up with MC. Rocio takes up for MC and Onelia says the only reason you like her is because of her friend (Vicente). Rocio then tells her off.

JM, Stephi and Patricio are talking about who's going to pay for the wedding. MC shows up with her gift. JM says that this is original and Stephi says that it looks expensive. JM leaves with Stephi accompanying him and Ceci says it's time for lunch and she will inform the kitchen staff. Isa says no, let MC do it. Then proceeds to accompany her. Isa tells MC to get the centerpiece off the dining table and as she picks it up, it slides out of her hands and falls to the floor. Ceci is upset and Paticio says if MC knows how expensive that centerpiece was. MC says that she will pay for it. Patricio asks with what money. The money that you stole?

Tomorrow: Another fight!!!


  1. Thanks for the recap, Gloria.

    I really despise the two witches that keep causing trouble for Marichuy. I KEEP HOPING FOR something awful to happened to the two witches. I will not be able to wait until the end or close to end of this novela for the two witches to get your punishment. This is one of the first times that I really don't like these characters in a show or movie.
    I am rooting for Marichuy and Juan Miguel, but I have some doubts about Juan Miguel even now when the novela just stated a few weeks ago. I like the main male partner of the heroine to be strong and have some backbone. We know that Juan Miguel had a bad marriage with Vivana. He supposes that she is died even though her body was never recovered. He and Onelia never even planned a memorial service for her. To me, there is no closure or ending to this chapter in his life.
    I am wondering why he is in a rush to marry someone that he just met a month or less ago. Why the rush? Does he see that he might be making a mistake. For an educated psychoanalyst, Juan Miguel is not using his brains at all. He is acting estúpido. We see that he is not into the fake Estefania. Is it because of his strong attraction to Marichuy that he is doing this?
    I just don't want Juan Miguel to marry "the witch" Estefania. If this happens soon, I think I will not continue to see this novela. I will come back to the show when Juan Miguel and Marichuy are together.
    I am hoping that Marichuy gets to leaving or move out of the judge's house soon. I think this is what the witches' and the judge's plan and that is to kick Marichuy out. Marichuy doesn't need to be where she is not wanted. The only thing that has been good there was being with her real mother Cecilia. She didn't learn anything from the judge and his household. I don't live within that house and I feel unpleasant whenever we have to see a scene involving that house and surrounding. It will be good when we don't have to go there so much.


  2. Wow, Gloria, you are quick! Thank you so much.

    This show is tough to watch because the acting is so great, the evil ones so evil, our Mari so innocent and unsuspecting. I wish there were some humorous bits.

    Well, at lest it’s a hoot how dreamily JM and Eduardo talk to each other. The dialog must be written by a woman. But if I’m wrong, male commenters please let me know if this is what men really talk like when they’re alone.

    I wonder if JM would counsel his patients to marry somebody they’d briefly met and had chatted with maybe only a week. - Maggie

  3. Thanks for the recap Gloria.

    Genevieve, one theory someone put forth on JM and his rush to marry Steph was his low self-esteem and his dark secret. He clearly feels he does not deserve love and his attraction to Mari scares him (and is inappropriate but this is an unfortunate novela convention --men falling for women who are their subordinates).

    And I'm with you on Mari leaving the witches and the idiot judge. Ceci and Dora are her only allies there and have such little power to help Mari. I also don't think Steph and JM will get to the altar. Viv may come back and change everything.

  4. Gloria: Thanks for the quick recap. Genevieve, I'm with you. Isa and Stefi get on my last nerves. I can feel my blood pressure rising every time they come on the screen. Poor clueless Patricio can't see what is right in front of him and that he's being played for a sucker by these two grifters.

    Vivi has to come back to put a monkey wrench in their evil plans. Somehow Isa has to have a comeuppance. Stefi had to eat a little dirt in JM's office - at least his staff is on to her. Physician, heal thyself. If Vivi comes back - or at least makes known that she is still alive - that would at least postpone the wedding until JM could get a divorce - if he so chooses. But, if he marries Stefi (blech), and Vivi comes back, then he'd be in a null and void marriage - and be paying for it for the rest of his life.

    The two protagonists have to be saved in this novela. Mari needs to be saved from the Queens of Mean and JM has to be saved from himself. So, how long will this novela last? I hope I can take the pain.

    Maybe our little helper, Vicente, will come through. Another comment - how does the marriage of Elsa to Eduardo figure into this story. Is it supposed to be a parallel plot, e.g., Elsa runs away with Nelson because he's her one true love, and in Novelaland that cannot be denied.

  5. Wow, I missed the part where Isa booby trapped the centerpiece. This situation is like "Gaslight," very scary.

    Stefi was wearing hair bows just like Mayita's.

  6. Genevieve, try not to worry too much about all the bad things. I've been watching Querida Enemiga, and for a while, the bad people were
    succeeding with all sorts of things. But eventually their plans
    went awry. It seemed as if the writers make things bad just to the
    point when you want to turn it off, but then, some good happens. So you
    think everything is going to be fine, but then, some more bad. It goes back and forth for a looooong time, until the happy ending.

  7. Okay..just a crazy question, but if you are a shrink..well I don't think patients are supposed to sit on your lap and squirm. Maybe I'm just being a nay-sayer, but damn every TeleNovela that has a shrink..this happens. Now then if I was said lap squirmer, I would wonder if the next little teen waif that comes along will also sit on shrinks lap and squirm. Okay so she really wasn't on his lap, it was still very not good patient/doctor relationship. Egads I have to go to the doctor this afternoon. I am going to duct tape myself to the table so I won't jump up and plant myself firmly on his lap while he scoots around on one of those little stools. FYI, mine is a primary care doctor..not a shrink. But still

  8. Thanks Gloria!

    Hombre de Misterio is right, but it definitely makes me squirm and cringe to sit through the evil witches framing our innocent, naive Marichuy.

  9. It really irks me that JUDGE Velarde doesn't realize that his "trap" doesn't prove that Marichuy is the thief. Doesn't he have a videocamera he can set up? He should have counted the money and searched Mari right then and there; then he would have realized that she didn't take it. I am so ready for a shift in this little plotline.

    I LOVED that JM made Stef apologize to Israel. I don't think they will actually get married; pretty soon he's going to realize that no amount of guilt he feels over whatever would make him deserve to be married to that slimy creepy brat.

    Could anyone tell what that gift was?

  10. I also do not think JM will marry Stef. Why? Because Abuela linda said they won't and she's always right on the money. I don't care if she's a figment of Mayita's imagination, she's cool with me.

    What a great acting job, that all of us are so worried about Marichuy. She's vulnerable yet feisty, tough without being hard. And so adorable and petite juxtaposed with Stef who seems so hulking in comparison (and I'm quite tall for a woman, myself but I'm just sayin')

    I love this show, it's so involving. I cannot wait for the anvils to fall. So far only Viviana has killed someone so I'd be happy for the rest of the villains to be humbled or banished. Someone posted that this show has been extended so I'll just have to be patient.

    For now I'm looking forward to the first kiss between JM & Mari. I can't think when the last time was that a novela couple heated up the screen this way.

    Kudos to all the actors. It's a great cast.

  11. Hombre de Misterio –

    Thanks for cheering us up. The evil in this show really is relentless and often hard to watch. I’m wondering how soon Isa will be caught, and if she’s caught first, if Stefi will kick her to the curb and feign innocence.

    How are you commenters getting your account to appear? I'm having to use "anonymous" with this new comment box we have today. - Maggie

  12. Maggie, once I was already signed in to Google (Blogger), before I typed my comment, "Julia (Google)" appeared in the "comment as:" box. I didn't have the option of typing my comment and then signing in as myself, like we could do before.

    Also, Maggie, I agree with you about the way JM and Eduardo talk to each other. One the one hand, they're both shrinks, so maybe they're just particularly comfortable with emotional stuff, but they sound so swoony it's hilarious. On the other hand, I did once overhear two regular joe sort of guys talking like that when I don't think they knew I could hear them, so it's not unthinkable...just funny. And I have another guy friend who talks that way all the time.

  13. Pasofino - could you explain how you re-did yours?

    And Julia, I have no idea how to sign in before looking at the new post...

    Oh hey, here's the old box again!

  14. Maggie: I don't know what I did - I know I had to preview to make sure my monikker was appearing correctly. Regards

  15. The novela has been extended. It started in Mexico last June and is now reported to last there until next Feb-March.

    I think we'll be seeing lots of those evil two (Stef and Isa) for awhile.

  16. Guys, I am dazed and confused by this new system and then it flipped back to the old system.

    So glad you had trouble too, Maggie. I don't want to be the only one in the slow group.

    And now I've got the old box and it's giving me "visual verification" but there's nothing in the box! Oh well.
