Lorena and Alonso sit down in the restaurant and smooch. Then they have a nauseating conversation about how a crummy little place can have the tastiest food. (Just in case anyone forgot that these two aren't fancy and materialistic.) Sara watches them kiss again and says to herself, out loud, that they'd better enjoy it while they can because it's not going to last.
Ivan asks Ern how it went last night. Ernesto tells Ivan his intel was bad - Lorena and Alonso are engaged. He admits that he lost her due to his own idiocy, and he can't top what Alonso did for her (the DNA thing). He's going to have to forget her, though he's not sure if he can. His womanizing days are over. It'll be awful hard to fill the hole that Lorena left.
Alonso catches Sara staring at them and asks Lore if she wants to leave. Lore's willing to ignore her. She doesn't want to hide, but she thinks it must really hurt Sara to see them together, because (Lorena says) the only sincere thing she ever did in her life was fall in love with Alonso. He says he'll always regret having anything to do with Sara. (She keeps looking at Sara, which is not the best way to ignore her!)
They kiss again and tuck into their breakfast. Sara comes over and says to them what she said to herself before, "enjoy your 15 minutes of glory because I don't think you'll last that long." She taunts them about all the nights she spent at his side and says that as long as she's alive, they won't be happy.
Lorena follows her out (over Alonso's protests). Their cute conversation, paraphrased:
Sara: You came here to throw your relationship in my face.
Lore: Alonso never stopped loving me, even when he was with you.
Sara: Well, let's see if you can improve on my performance between the sheets! I doubt you can make him quiver* the way I did!" (Actually the dictionary says estremecer="shudder" but that translation struck me as way too funny for this situation...)
Lore: You must be very sad, knowing that the whole time he was kissing you, the man you loved was thinking of me.
Sara: You won't be able to forget what he did to you.
Lore: That's because you don't know how to love. I'm going to marry him, and we'll make up for all the time we wasted thanks to your miserable intrigue. And I'm warning you, you're going to pay for what you did.
Sara: You got to your parents after I did; you're going to be with Alonso after me; you're just leftovers.
Lore: I feel sorry for you. I've got a family, boyfriend, job. You're just going to be bitter and lonely.
Then they trade threats, and Lorena warns that Sara's going to end up in jail.
Lore goes back into the restaurant, and Alonso expresses some more regrets and swears up and down that he loved her then and he still does. Lore says that's Sara's punishment.
Sara walks down the street, once again talking out loud (never heard of thought-bubbling?) that she's losing everything. She can't even pay for a taxi. She has to take the bus. Sweet!
Magda complains that the batteries on their Divine Light of Good Fortune are running low. She and Efrain squabble over which of them does more work. She thinks it's time to get rid of that Jacqueline; maybe have one of the spirits tell her to go on a mission to Patagonia!
Just then, Jacqui comes in beaming; she's still wearing that same pink dress. I would have spilled sooooo much food on that thing by now, but on her it still looks clean and crisp. Magda asks her if she's sure she wants to go on with them, living a life of hardship and sacrifice. J-girl is sure! She will do whatever the Divine Light of asks of her In that case, Magda tells her, she must go north on foot and find a woman named Eufrosina who just lost her husband and wants to communicate with him. She needs their help!
Magda has no advice as to how Jacqui will recognize this woman, but gives some crazy directions on how to get there. She tells Jacqui to bring the woman back when she finds her someday.
After Jacqui leaves, Magda and Efrain crack up laughing that she fell for that old trick. Efrain recalls that they tried that one on someone else three years ago, and she hasn't come back yet!
Meanwhile, Sara tries to get severance pay from the TV show. The manager reminds Sara that she doesn't deserve severance because she QUIT. Sara says they made her quit. The manager says Sara signed her resignation. Sara threatens to sue. The manager tells her she'll just waste her time and money.
Ernesto shows up to do his show, and Sara yells at him for not being man enough to keep Lorena from going back to Alonso. He tells her she's got no right to yell at him, and he knows what kind of person she is and he's not going to fall for her game. Lorena's where she wants to be. Furthermore, he doubts that Alonso would go back to Sara if she were the last woman on earth! Who would? She's a liar and a cheat. And then he walks away from her.
Lorena notes that Zulema seems nervous. She thinks it's because of the operation, but Zulema says she thinks Omar is fooling around with someone else because he's being cold and distant. Lore doesn't believe it, but Zulema says their life is boring and tedious after years of routine. Lorena suggests that Zule call him and ask him out on a date.
So Zulema calls the office, and Greta says oh! You just missed him! He's gone out with clients. Zulema cluelessly thanks her. Then Unregretful tells D'ohmar what just happened, and he loves it. He even says she was so hot at the wedding he couldn't take his eyes off of her. Blech. She's ready to start partying.
Jacqui returns to the Divine Light etc. and announces that the spirit guided her right to Eufrosina and she's going to come in tomorrow! Magda and Efrain are practically speechless. Magda says there are two more missions, but they're going to let her take a break first!
Diana puts the baby to bed, and Vasco says he's been waiting for a chance to tell her that he loves her and Saulito. She says she needs to recover from all she's been through with Bruno. He agrees to be patient.
Zulema's getting ready for bed. She's not happy about D'ohmar's "night job." Lorena wants her mother to cut him some slack and he's probably exhausted from working such long hours. Yeah, sure, THAT'S why he's so tired... Zulema agrees she's being unfair, assuming the worse. Lorena's got a date with Alonso. Zulema gets gloomy and says she hopes Lorena isn't left with nothing more than happy memories. Lorena says that when Zule gets her cute old figure back, Daddy will go nuts. (Again, focusing on the presumed cosmetic benefit of the surgery rather than the urgent need to lose weight quickly.)
Lorena and Alonso go someplace and jump up and down to music. Lorena looks for a bathroom and spots Daddy and the skank sucking face in a dark corner.
He tells Greta he feels strange - he hasn't been to a place like this in years. (Gee, if only there had been some woman in his life who would have liked to go places with him.) Greta tells him to relax and enjoy their night.
Alonso is still bouncing alone to the music when Lore comes back, crying, and wants to leave. He assumes that she saw Ernesto. As usual, instead of just explaining "I saw my dad kissing a some creepy girl" she acts all mysterious and insists that he take her home.
Betina unwraps her ankle. It looks pretty good, considering. She gets off the bed and very carefully practices her dance moves.
Finally, when Lore gets home, she tells Alonso what she saw. She cannot understand why her father would do this.
Ivan gets home and says Betina's not going to dance at the contest tomorrow, but she's still going to be there to support him. Ern supposes her family (meaning Alonso) will be there too. Ivan says he'll understand if Ern doesn't want to go. Ern says they're all going to be there for him.
Alonso says there's no excuse for what he did, but she should still listen and try to understand. She's angry. She's not sure how she's not going to yell at him, but she agrees to listen. He's sorry he can't help. She says his support helps more than he knows. She gets out of the car.
Beti calls Alonso and asks him to take her to the dance contest tomorrow. She wants to be there even if she can't compete. He's not sure it's a good idea, but he agrees to do it.
D'ohmar is surprised to find Lorena waiting up for him when he comes home. "I've been waiting for you," she says sadly. He says he was out with clients. She tells him to stop lying - she knows he has a lover, she saw them kissing at the disco. She insists that they go somewhere else to talk, because she doesn't even want to discuss this in the house.
Bruno comes home and flings something at Sara that doesn't look big enough to be food, but he says he got it from the cafeteria at the hospital. She says she's not a dog for him to throw food at. He begs to differ.
She complains about the crummy way they're living, and he tells her to get a job. That way they'll be able to rent something better. She wants to get her revenge first. He suggests that she get ready to look for a job soon, then, because the fat lady is having her operation the day after tomorrow.
Omar admits that he's been having a thing with his coworker for a few weeks. He says he loves Zulema, but Lore says that's a strange way to show it! Zulema adores him, he's the love of her life, and she's noticed his distant attitude. "I suppose you went for this woman only because of her appearance, right? Or worse yet, you're in love?" He assures Lorena that it's just a fling and his family is more important. He didn't want to hurt them.
Lorena tells him to do the right thing and break it off. He promises to end it tomorrow morning and never cheat again. They agree they don't want Zulema to be hurt by knowing about this.
Bruno assures Sara that whatever's to go wrong with Zule's operation has already been set up. She tries to reward him with sex, but he rejects her and says she's like a horny tramp (or something like that). She likes the challenge, he protests again, she slaps him, it looks like he's going to hit her, she gets even more excited, and then he says "quit talking, you know how to turn me on!"
It's a big day at the Temple of the Divine Light of Good Fortune; the seance is about to begin. Efrain wants to know what Magda's found out about Eufrosina. Apparently she wasn't very talkative and Magda wasn't able to search her bag, but the woman's husband's name was Aquino. Efrain's not worried; he'll just play it by ear.
Efrain and Magda join Jacqui, Eufrosina, and a few other people at the table. Efrain puts on some theatrics and starts calling to Eufrosina in a growly voice. She's really happy to hear from her husband - so she can ask him where the hell he hid the deed to their house! The spirit of Quino says these worldly things are nothing compared to his love for her.
E: Huh? Our parents arranged the marriage and we hated each other!
Q: Oh, I loved you, you just didn't know it.
E: You hid it really well, with all your lovers. Cut the crap, tell me where those papers are!
Q: I'll tell you, but first you must show me that you don't care about material things.
E: We're going to have tests? Okay, What's your name?
Q: Q... Quino Joaquin.
E: And what was the name of your cat?
Q: ...Bolita?
Eufrosina gets up and smacks Efrain. Her husband's full name was Aquirino and he was allergic to cats. She calls them a bunch of charlatans and storms out. Jacqui is indignant. They made a fool of her! Magda tries to blame evil forces for the seance's failure, but I guess even Jacqui has her limits. She leaves and mutters aloud to herself in the street (again, not a thought-bubbler) that she's now without friends, money, or dignity. "Now what will become of me?
At the hospital, Lore tells Alonso how it went with her father. And now here's Zulema for her final pre-op checkup. (Bruno eavesdrops.) Alonso promises a quick recovery and then she'll feel great!
Omar tells Regreta that Lore saw them. She's relieved to hear that Lore won't tell Zulema, but she sort of misses the point and think it means that they need to be more careful. He's like um, no, we're done. Getting caught opened his eyes. She tries to talk him out of it, "but I loooooove you." He picks his family over her. She says he's selfish and instead of punishing himself, he should know that he's not happy with his wife. He pushes her away and tells her to back down. She gives up and says she was really happy with him.
That evening, Omar tells Lore it's all done. Then Zule comes in, happy that she just ate a big plate of enchiladas for the last time!
Pretend that I don't throw a fit over this because it's a perfect example of how Zulema never even TRIED to control her diet; and you're especially not supposed to eat anything before an operation! The anesthesia can make you barf... Man, they make this surgery sound like it's like getting your ears pierced!
Omar says he's sad that after this operation, he won't be able to call her his little fatty anymore. She says he can call her "momia" (mummy) because she'll be all bandaged up. Alonso shows up and says Zule should be resting up for the surgery. Omar agrees and says it's not as simple as going to the dentist.
Jacqui ends up at the convent, says she's a sinner and she's led an empty life and wants to change. She wants to turn her life around and help people. The nun has mercy on her and lets her in. The convent door closes and that is probably the end of J-girl's story.
Alonso examines Beti's ankle backstage at the dance contest. "I don't know what you did, but it looks much better." He's not sure if she can dance on it or not, but he'll bandage it up tightly and she can try.
Ern shows up with the little kids and has to sit in the same row as Betina's family and Lorena and Alonso. Lore is sad she can't say hi to the kids.
Beti and Ivan dance first. We see more of the audience than we see of the kids, especially Ernesto glowering at Lorena and Alonso. The kids do fine, Beti's foot doesn't fly off, and they get a standing ovation. (Sadly, there's no sign of the Mean Girl gnashing her teeth.) They make the semifinals, but the other couple gives an anemic performance. Beti and Ivan win the trophy and 25,000 pesos ($1,824 at today's exchange rate). Their families run up to congratulate and hug them. Ernesto gives Lore a pained look over Ivan's shoulder. Gina asks who "that man" is. Alonso introduces himself as Betina's uncle.
Paula takes a picture of the whole gang. Lorena is making a miserable face while her two suitors glare at one another behind her.
Next morning, Zulema gets a good-luck call from Julian on his honeymoon and tells him not to worry. Diana gives Zule a blessing. Omar hangs around awkwardly in the background and doesn't say anything.
Now Zulema's on the table. Everyone's in sexy blue Tyvek gowns. Alonso says she's going to breathe in the anesthetic, and by the time she wakes up they'll be all done. They put the mask on her face. "Don't worry! It's going to go great!"
Sara's upset that Bruno's at home instead of at the hospital. He says he did everything yesterday, and all they have to do is wait. He put expired drugs in a fresh package. The expired drugs will cause something like an allergic reaction that will affect multiple crucial functions. She'll go into shock almost immediately. It's the worst thing that can happen to a doctor. Sara is pleased.
Indeed, Zulema's heartbeat is already speeding up and she's having trouble breathing. Alonso cancels the procedure and orders 3 cc's of some other drug.
Mexico airdate: 8 de septiembre
Next time: I'm guessing the other drug doesn't work either, because Zulema flatlines.
Thanks for the speedy recap Julie ;)
ReplyDeleteAlso thanks to Maricruz for the YouTube link - so Layevska (Lore) and Aravena (Ern) have been a couple before! You're right, it's no a spoiler as what happened in one TN doesn't foreshadow another (even in remakes sometimes), but it gave us a pretty image of what many (except for the tenacious team Alonslow) hope happens.
It also got me thinking about how some folks get into big trouble when they hop from one network to another, but others do it all the time. Here we have the guys that play Icky and Ern in a previous Televisa project, then they spent time on Telemundo (they've both recently finished projects there), and now they're back with Televisa. Maybe they freelance or something.
I'm really hoping Al can save Zuly. She's a nice character and I'd like her to be happy for a while, rather than just dying after all the pain and worry she's gone through. Maybe after the complications they decide to forego the bypass and stick to watching her diet. Just saying!
By the by Julie, I think Zuly said she WISHED she could have a plate of enchiladas, even if it was one last time (mind you, I could have heard wrong). One would hope they'd at least be faithful to the fasting part of surgery. Still, you are right about how Zuly's eating is what's doing this to her. She has tried exercise, but she doesn't stick to it, and she's never made a real effort to reduce her eating or change her diet. And yes, a big part of it is stress eating (we've all done it at some point or another) and perhaps she would do well with some psych sessions (maybe with Tori) to get that under control as well.
And here we have another coma scene. How predictable. And Alonslow is going to be blamed.... I know I should be sad, but I see trouble ahead between Lore and Slowpoke. And that may leave the door open for You Know Who. Yeaahh.
ReplyDeleteChrista, the Optimist
My favorite scene, or 'still' to be more precise, was the pic that Paula took after the contest. That was funny with the two guys glaring at each other over Lor's distressed head. heh heh
ReplyDeleteShoot, I hope Zuly doesn't die, I will be very irritated if that happens. I swear if she dies tomorrow I'm going to stick my head in the sand or some such thing. I want to see Zuly survive if for nothing else than to ruin Greta's day. Greta's hot, can't she find a single guy and leave our perfect household alone? Witch.
Thanks Julie, we're lucky to have you recapping for QE! I hope you don't mind if I plagiarize your nicknames. J-girl and D'ohmar...perfect! (Especially D'ohmar)
Thanks for the recap Julie (bless you b/c you are doing a lot of recaps this week or I'm just delirious). ITA with Sylvia, loved your new nick names.
ReplyDeleteI also don't want Zuly to die. She needs some happiness. I'm also concerned that if she lives Greta might actually tell it all. Witch.
I have to admit I hope we have not seen the last of Jackie (J-girl). Unlike other filler plotlines, this has been somewhat amusing and I want to see how the writers wrap up this storyline.
Wow....as a technologically-challenged Senior, this new way of commenting threw me last night. But it seems to be working this morning. Thanks, first of all, for that link to the "cold reading" explanation, Julie. Found it fascinating.
ReplyDeleteI got THREE phone calls last night during the show so your recap was especially appreciated. Loved the script-like recap of the Lorena/Sara fight. I too heard "estremecer" and thought hmmmmm...but never looked it up. Like your interpretation.
Maybe that's what will break Lorena and Alonso up. When he finds out his beloved virgin is no longer. Some other guy got there first!
Dread the thought of Greta going to Zulema to tell her the news. This poor lady doesn't need to hurt anymore than she already does.
And I liked the scene between Sara and Bruno where she was obviously turned on by his threat of violence...and he in turn got hot at her reaction. These two lovely people are made for each other.
Long live Jacqui...can't wait to see her in a nun's habit. Love her vacuous "divine light" look. Good actress. And you are a great recapper Jules...enjoyed it.
Thanks for a great recap Julie.
ReplyDeleteIsn't there a telenova rule stating there has to be a finite amount of suffering someone endures? I think Zulema has reached that limit and more. Hateful MIL, child abduction, cheating louse of a spouse, etc., etc. In spite of everything, we've had no indication that Alonso isn't an excellent doctor so am hoping he will save Zulema.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Although Lorena looked very uncomfortable in the picture, the longing looks she and Ernesto exhcanged left no doubt that the spark isn't gone. It ain't over til its over. Diana in MA
Cap'n Sylvia Sharkbait how do you expect Greta find a single guy when they're all out dating married women ?
ReplyDeleteThe photo with the two guys staring at each other reminded me of two bucks ready to lock antlers over a female deer.
Judy B, after reading your recaps and comments I always thought you were a nut, it takes one to know one. After you mentioned Buckeyes and Ohio I realized Columbus was Ohio,not Georgia I knew it for sure . We're practically neighbors,I'm about 132.6 miles north of you on the shores of Lake Erie.
From now on I'm going to sign on as Mark, M from Westlake is too long to type.
Julie, I love your paraphrased conversations, I don't understand Spanish
ReplyDeleteand the recaps clarify what's happening. But the dialog is really important ,thank you!
Maricruz: A heartfelt thank you for providing the link. Just watched the previous Ernesto/Lorena pairing and I'm still swooning over Ernesto. Sorry, Alonso pales in comparison - not that looks are everything (or even anything), just sayin'. History MUST repeat itself here. Diana in MA (still sighing and trying to get back to work).
ReplyDeleteGreat fun reading, Julie. My second best theory --or revised theory-- after being reminded of that longing look between ERnie and Lore was that she's running away from her true love and returning to the "safe" love with Alonso. She may recognize this eventually and dump Slow.
ReplyDeleteKeeping my fingers crossed!
Hey, Mark - M from Westlake: I have lived along the southern shores of Lake Erie as well although a while ago, so don't know if that counts, but though it was chillier than I would like it was also a marvelous sight everyday..... Small world! Always nice to find out just how large and small it really is or isn't at times and how many of us traversed the same trails.
Let's see if Omar gets fired after the Scorned Woman complains (lies) to the boss about Omar hitting on her. My guess is he's toast.
ReplyDeleteI do hope Televisa/Univision has something much lighter in store for the next telenovela. Too much evil in this one - validates the comments a few days ago about these shows being founded on the old morality plays.
This is such a classic tale, in modern life, e,g. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and others. You've got your wicked witch and those who assist her in her evil doings VS. the lovely pure and good and powerless heroine. From a psychological point of view Sara is classic Antisocial Personality. As in the fairy tale, you can be sure Sara is going to get her 'just deserts'; and Lorena must get her power back through some brave, heroic and dangerous/risky task [hero's journey]she must chose to take on, if she is going to be move to the next stage of her development.
Well put Emily. Were you a Lit major by any chance? Whatever, you have good analytical skills.
ReplyDeleteMike, I was feeling that QE is pretty tame compared to some telenovelas I've seen. In Duelo de Pasiones for example there were at least 33 deaths (some quite grisly) before they got to the final capitulo. At least in QE the body count is low. So far.
Julie, I forgot to thank you for the link. Fascinating! Excellent recap, thanks again.
Wow! This new "comments" is different!!?? Thanks for the great recap! What a lot is happening and fast. I can't wait to see if Jaqui becomes a nun!!
ReplyDeleteAnd the picture of Lorena with ERnesto and Alonslow staring each other down was hilarious!
Poor Zulema! I hope she lives, too. And then D'Ohmar will feel so guilty he will change his ways and be the perfect husband!
Looking forward to tonight's show!
Julie~~~Thanks for another excellent recap. Wow..Jackie ends up in a convent..who'da thought !! And, when she mused about being friendless, jobless, and broke and wondered what would happen to her, I thought..you've become Sara . Bluto and Sara having hot, nasty, violent hate sex..bleccch. I think it's interesting that in most telenovelas , the villains go blissfully and successfully about their dirty dealings until the final few episodes when in the final moments , they are struck down by anvils, vans, pie carts, or trapped on Crazy Doll Island. However, in this one, it's kind of refeshing that the baddies are being slowly stripped of their money, jobs, credibility, and lovers and headed down a slippery slope to their doom. Enjoyable. Now, let's hand some of that out to Regreta. She should not just sail off into the sunset looking for another OhNoOmar.
ReplyDeleteDiana~~~I agree with you that poor Zully has had more than her share of suffering. I hope that she survives , kicks OnNoYouDin't to the curb, loses weight through diet and exercise, becomes strong and healthy, and we get to see her beaming at Lornena's wedding to Ernie followed by more beaming at the birth of Lorena 's first baby. The End.
ReplyDeleteWow...lots of interesting comments today. Soooo...Mark, ya' think I'm a nut, eh?...well yes, you nailed it....and I'll be wearing red Saturday for the Penn State game. I'm vague on geography though (although I DO know where Lake Erie is)...lived in Euclid Heights, OH long long ago...anywhere near Westlake? "Eve from Cleveland" occasionally watches and comments so we're getting a little Heart of Ohio thing going on here. Hope you're learning lots of Spanish as you used the closed captions. A couple of years ago, it was selfsame Julie who told me about the closed captions and once I used those, my Spanish improved by leaps and bounds.
ReplyDeleteI hope Greta doesn't try anything. I don't know if the trash compactor can fit one more person.
ReplyDeleteLove it! I'm sure if we're careful we get get both Sara and Greta in....one at a time.
ReplyDeleteJudy B ,You lived on the east side. Westlake is about 20 miles west of Cleveland ,at the end of Cuyahoga County . I live right on the county line.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone notice little Gina when the kids won? She jumped up and down and clapped her hands like it was her real brother that won. I love when she smiles with those missing front teeth. Perhaps she could give Slo some acting lessons.
Mark, I completely agree. Gina is the sweetest thing I've ever seen and seems totally genuine. She's reason alone for Lorena to choose Ernesto! Diana in MA
ReplyDeleteI can't see Zulema dying - a coma is more likely, though. I normally hate them, with family members coming by one by one to talk to or pray for the comatose one. I mean, we already had this with Hortensia and I think with Vasco. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteI loved the family picture after the dance contest with the two guys glaring at each other.
Are Rossy and Julian now living in Maruja's house? Is she going to move in with Jaime in his apartment? Did they have (or will they have) lunas de miel? I guess none of this is important now.
Zulema better not wake up with Amnesia.
ReplyDeleteRosy and Julian are on their honeymoon. Julian called from the honeymoon to wish his mother luck before her surgery.
ReplyDeleteReally great recap, Julie, thanks!
ReplyDeleteSeeing (1)Zulema happily holding her grandchild with her daughters on either side of her (on Tuesday, I think) while Omar looked on guiltily; (2) Zulema's happiness at the wedding; (3)Zulema talking to all of her children (including Julian by phone; (4) Zulema and Omar smiling and being affectionate after all the previous tension; and (5) all the reassurance by everyone, including Alonso, that everything would go well - I'm kind of afraid Zully may not make it through. Hopefully my bad feeling is wrong!
If it is, I don't think that Zulema will ever find out about Omar & Greta. I can't imagine they would bring her through a harrowing surgery only to then reveal her husband was a rat. I don't want her to be hurt, but I also hate the idea that Omar just gets to get away with his middle-age-crazies.
The best part of the dance contest was little Gina doing the rock concert fist pump.
ReplyDeleteThis whole surgery thing is irksome. Why would the hospital even have expired medicines hanging around?
Great recap Julie, I agree that the show is puting to much emphazis to Zulema being fat and how pretty she will look after the operation.
ReplyDeleteJudyB the link I put yesterday is the alternate ending of "Las dos caras de Ana". I did not watch that novela, but it seem that they had the same dilemma as “Querida” (two galanes equaly deserving) and they ended up doing two endings and the people could watch the one they wanted.
For those that are still wondering what link we are talking about here it is again for your enjoyment (I don't know how to insert links so I'm just pasting it) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpmOwFSdDV8.
BTW I like the new set up of the comments.
Julia, I think that Bruno was in charge of disposing of expired medication; that is how he could sell the medicine without the director noticing
ReplyDeleteI agree with all of you who are entranced with our little gap-toothed Gina....she steals every scene she's in. And I liked it when she glared at Alonso, by Lorena's side, and said Who's that man!?
ReplyDeleteWow, Maricruz....two different endings for a telenovela. Did they show them on alternate days or what? That's amazing.
Here's the ending I want. For Zulema to live but never have to live with the knowledge that her beloved husband betrayed her.
Omar....step it up. If you've got "the guilties" now and need forgiveness, talk to a priest. That's what they're there for.
Greta, think about joining Jacqui at the convent. Together you two could liven things up in there.
Sara...avoid trash compactors. One has your name on it.
Bruno, avoid Sara. You're probably on her hit list, hot sex notwithstanding.
Go Team Ernesto!
Forever on Team Ernesto!
Oh and Mark...thanks for the geography orientation....actually, since you're living in WESTlake, I should have been able to figure it out, right?!
ReplyDeleteWell, like I said, geography is not my thing.
Cap'n Sylvia,
ReplyDeleteNo, not an Eng. lit. major; rather, a psychiatric nurse practitioner w/ a Jungian twist. I'll tell you though I really had to laugh when someone said something about Zul's flat-line EKG was due to expired drugs. It is VERY apparent that these writers do not consult a medical person of any persuasion or they'd know how absurd that is.