
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cuidado con el Angel, October 29, 2008

We start off with a recap of JM confessing his love for Marichuy. He leans in for a kiss and she runs off. He finds her outside and asks her to listen to him. "Do you not care for me the way I care for you?" asks JM. When Marichuy does not respond he goes on to ask "I care for you like a woman, can you understand that?". Marichuy gets all nervous and says this cannot be. She's afraid. He responds by saying that you hug me. Do I not stir fellings in you? Do you not find me attractive? (I say who the heck doesn't) She responds that everytime someone kisses her she goes all apesh(t on there ass. JM asks her last night when I kissed you, did you want to kill me? Do you want to try it again? As he leans in for a kiss, Estephania claps and says how romantic. You a proving what I have suspected that you are lovers. She gets all sarcastic and bitchy and MC runs inside. JM tries to stop her, but Estephania yells let her go.

MC runs into her room and tells the dog that they will now not be leaving the house and as she lays down on her bed, she recalls JM telling her that he loves her.

Outside Estephania tells JM that you cannot except anything good from her. Although your behavior surprises me. How can you be with her? He responds by saying that it is not what you think. "I saw you! You cannot deny it! yells Estephania. "What would Onelia say when she finds out?"

Adrian goes to see the Padre to find out if JM got thru to Marichuy and if he is winning. Padre tells him to forget about Marichuy. It ain't going to happen buddy.

Back at JM's, Estephania is all calling him "mi amor" and asks what would happen if her family found out about what was going on. She goes on to say that she is a decent woman (yeah right) from a good family and that she will forgive him, but Marichuy must leave the house first thing in the morning.

Viv and Leticia are on the couch talking and waiting for Leti's husband to come home. In walks hubby who asks her if she has taken her medication. Viv gets introduced to Leti's husband in which she then looks like she is very interested. (hoochie)

Marichuy is laying in bed talking to the dog about what JM told her. She's afraid. She likes him and possibly in love too.

Marichuy and Cande are talking in her bedroom. She tells Cande that JM says that he cares for her. Cande misunderstands and says of course he does. Marichuy says no the other way. Cande is like what other way. Marichuy says like a woman. He kissed me the other night. "Where? On the cheek? No on the mouth responds Marichuy in which Cande then faints.

JM informs Onelia that she can no longer offend Marichuy and from now she must show her some respect. When Onelia says why would she, JM tells her that he will be marrying her. Onelia says that will not happen. She will not let that happen. (who the heck does she think she is? If I was JM I would be like "She-devil do you pay rent or any bills in this house? Don't be telling me what to do)

Back in Marichuy's room, Cande asks why he kissed her. Because he says he loves me. She says some more things which I cannot understand and says that she has to leave the house. Cande is in agreement.

Back in Madrid Viv, Leti, Gustavo (Leti's man) and brother-in-law are talking. Gustavo reprimands Leti for not taking her medication on time. She defends herself by saying that with Viv coming it slipped her mind. Viv assures Gustavo that while she is here, she will make sure that Leti takes her meds on time.

Onelia calls Estephania to tell her that JM is going to marry Marichuy. Estephania looks muy impactada. Onelia will not let it happen and not to tell JM that she told her. Isa asks what is wrong when she gets off the phone and Estephania tells her that JM is going to marry Marichuy. Isa will not lie down and take this. They will figure out what to do about it.

Marichuy and Cande have packed up all her belongings and she looks at her room for the last time. Cande comes across Onelia in the hallway and Onelia asks what she is stealing. Marichuy comes up to them and asks what is going on. Cande says that Onelia is accusing her of stealing. Marichuy and Onelia start arguing. Onelia yells for them to leave and fires Onelia from laundry services. Marichuy asks who are you? Onelia responds that she is the owner and lady of the house. They keep yelling and Onelia yells "Enough! Get out!".

Estephania goes crying to her dad and tells him that JM no longer wants to marry her.

Outside in the driveway, Marichuy and Cande are talking. Marichuy remembers that she forgot something in her room and runs back to the house. As she leaves Adrian walks up to Cande.

Back at the Valares house, Estephania is saying that all the invitations have gone out and the dress is bought. Patricio asks why does he not want to marry her. Because JM and Marichuy are lovers responses Estephania. She says he cannot do this to me and asks Patricio to talk to JM.

Adrian asks Cande what is going on. Cande tells Adrian that JM brought Marichuy to live here not to help her or mentor her but for other things. "What things?"asks Adrian. Cande is like dude think about what other things mean.

Marichuy is seen pulling out a picture of JM from under her pillow. She still thinks JM will marry Estephania even after telling her he loves her.

Adrian runs into the house looking for JM. The maid informs him that JM is in the library. Adrian bursts into the library and says that he knows what JM has done to Marichuy. Adrian says how can you take advantage of an innocent? Do you not think that she has anyone to defend her? Well I will and pushes JM and yells defend yourself but JM says he will not do it. Marichuy runs up to Cande and finds out that Adrian is in the house. As she walks into the library Adrian punches JM. Marichuy asks Adrian what is going on.

Viv comes down to eat breakfast and wonders where Leti is. Although she comes down in an inapproiate gown. hoochie.

Back in the library Marichuy asks Adrian whats your beef? Adrian says that he falls in love with you and kisses you. Marichuy interrupts saying that you kiss me and told me that there is nothing wrong with that. Adrian asks "All he did was kiss you"? Cande in the background looking guilty.

Viv hitting on Gustavo.

Marichuy keeps yelling at Adrian and he turns around and asks Cande that is not what she told me. "Well in that case you can stay here Marichuy" responds Cande and hands her her belongings and leaves with Adrian. Marichuy touches JM face and asks him if he is okay. Yes he responds and then asks her why she wanted to leave. Marichuy says once Estephania comes to live here, I will have to leave. JM informs Marichuy that Estephania will not be coming to live in the castle. Because I love you and want to marry you.

JM asks Marichuy why are you so sad? (i think that is what he said) I am asking you to be my wife. Marichuy says even after I told you what happened to me? He says to try and forget about it and that he will help her to. As Marichuy protests, JM asks what do you feel for me. Do you care for me? Do you still care for Adrian? He is your boyfriend. Marichuy informs JM that Adrian never was.

More waterworks at the Valares house.

Marichuy tells JM that he only said that to protect her and to be able to see her. I think of him like a brother. JM wants to know in what way does she care for him in which she says she does not know. JM reminds Marichuy that they never got to find out last night how she would respond to his kisses. He leans in and kisses her. :)

In the hallway Patricio tells the maid to get JM. Marichuy gets nervous when she finds out that Patricio is wanting to see JM and tells him that she did nothing wrong. She runs into Patricio as she leaves the library. He gives her a dirty look and she runs up to her room. JM and Patricio go into the livingroom and Patricio asks what is going on with you and Estephania. I will not let you just discard her. JM firmly tells Patricio that he will marry Marichuy because he loves her.

Tomorrow: JM gets shot.


  1. Thanks so much for the recap Gloria. I loved your commentary throughout...we know Viv is trouble but trying to steal your friend's husband. She's a piece of work.

    Watching Stephe the wicked gnash her teeth and throw fits is so much fun. I wonder how long she and her evil Tia will keep fooling Pat and Ceci?

    General question... why does William Levy seem so compelling in this novela? I saw Pasion and to me he was just another guy (well and that novela had Fernando Colunga, Sebastian Rulli, and Marcelo Cordoba). Perhaps it was the bad wig and the fact that his character initially was weak (oooops it is here too) but I kept wondering about the hype. Now I'm beginning to see what others must have seen earlier. Go figure.

  2. :) is really the best possible comment for this episode. Not only do we get the second kiss, which I think was even better than the first - I love the lead up to it - but JM also firmly stands his ground with both Onelia and Patricio.

    Karen, I think William Levy is just getting better with each of his acting gigs. Which is very commendable. I saw some of Acorralada and he (like, to be fair, almost everyone else) was laughably bad. He was better in Pasion by a wide margin, but still not that special as you point out. Maybe he's taking on the responsibility of being the lead seriously. Again, very commendable.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks for the recap, Gloria. Yes, Viv is a hoochie. Where is she? Is she still in Madrid, and all those people came from Mexico to see her? I'm confused. Who is that other guy?

    William Levy really has made leaps ahead from Acorralada. He was pretty laughable in that, but of course very good looking. He had great chemistry with his love interest, though. He was a bit better in Pasion but really didn't have much of a part.

  5. Gloria: Good morning and thanks for the recap. I loved it.

    I'll have to get on board with William Levy. The only other novela I saw with him in it was Pasion. Vasco was not a very likeable character. In that I just thought he was a beefed-up jerk.

    But, now, I have changed my mind. He's really pulled me into this novela and has such good chemistry with Mari. Anyway, onward.

    Onelia is just awful. Right, Gloria, she needs to go get a job. Better yet - move her to the maid's quarters or some other cabana where she can stay out of JM's business.

    As far as Viv goes - isn't it about time for her to show up? That would save the day for Stefi - who cares about her anyway. I thought Leti wasn't supposed to drink either. Can't you just see a showdown between a nutty Leti and Vivi happening.

  6. Thanks for your recap and commentary, Gloria, That was fun.

    Nina, Viv is in Madrid, staying at the home of her friend, Leti, for a few weeks. Gustavo is Leti's husband and the other man is Gustavo's brother. I have the feeling Viv is going to do something with Leti's medication to get her out of the way. She's a murderous hoochie.

    JM & Marichuy really know how to kiss. Wow! Too bad Stef didn't get a chance to see what JM is like when he is really kissing rather than just standing there like a statue the way he does when she is kissing him.

    But JM, JM, JM, what am I going to do with you? Don't you think it would have better to break your engagement face to face with Stef, rather than announcing it to your ex-suegra and Patricio and then proposing to Mari first? What would Emily Post say? Plus, call the moving company and get Onelia out of your house. Pronto. She'd be right at home with Stef & Company so she can move in there.

    Really am enjoying all the comments we have been getting here. This is a good group.


  7. J.J. I have to agree with you on the kiss. They definately have good chemistry. This is the first novela I have seen William in. I think he is doing a great job. The writers have done an excellent job with this novela. They have captured me from the first moment. Cannot wait to find out what goes on tonight.

  8. Gloria, I thought William Levy was quite hunky in Pasion, but kind of wooden. Here, I feel his eyes are just so expressive. Sigh. Like you, I have been drawn into this novela from Day 1, where others take longer to engage me, if they ever do.

    But what is with JM getting shot? I didn't see that twist coming at all. Don't tell me Stef turns into that kind of scorned woman.


  9. JJ, thanks for answering my question. I get very wound up in these logistical matters, and I thought Viv was in Spain and trying to get her friends from Mexico to visit her. I guess these friends were already in Spain. I find it interesting that these friends aren't appalled that she's letting her family (including a young child) think she's still dead--or maybe they don't know.

    Back to JM and Mari: I am all for the romance going forward, and we just have to stomach the telenovela conventions that make us uncomfortable. Good riddance to Stefi.

  10. ITA with all of you that have commented on JM and Mari's chemistry. It's great watching them kiss (sigh) but its also fun watching them flirt and interact with one another. One of these days novelas will get better with these bad/uncomfortable plot points but at least they can cast well and have actors/actresses that make watching so enjoyable.

    Yes J.J. it would have been much better for JM if he had broken up with Stephe before sharing this info with his ex-MIL (seriously can JM banish her from the house forever NOW) and the idiot judge. I too am interested in who is going to shoot JM. Currently its easy to think its the crazy women but we can't forget (though I want to) Amador and poor, recently rejected Adrian.

    Also it look like JM gets shot in the shoulder area which the producers will use to great advantage when JM goes to the hospital. We all know JM won't be wearing one of those bad hospital shirts to cover him...bummer ;)

  11. Gloria, your recap was excellent. Thank you. This show seems to get better each day.

    Karen, I totally agree with you, William Levy does shine here. In Pasion, I think he was simply outshone by Colunga, but let's face it, who wasn't? Even Rulli didn't stand a chance:) Levy's smile (practiced or not) is enough to make anyone melt. I also think it helps that he has great chemistry with Marichuy.

    Diana in MA

  12. Thanks for the recap, Gloria.

    I'm with all of you on William Levy in this, quite a surprise to me after having only seen him in Pasion and barely noticing him. He's very sexy and sensitive at the same time (not two things that always go together for me). And that's despite his mysterious attacker past, violating professional ethics, letting Onelia run amuck in his home, getting engaged to Stefe and then not breaking up with her before telling someone else he was going to marry Marichuy, etc. So that's some powerful mojo he has working!

  13. I noticed that Gustavo speaks spanish with the spanish pronunciation of the c's and z's, even though the whole thing was probably filmed in Mexico.

    Tonight's question - Who shot JM?

  14. hombre, in answer to who'll shoot JM, my money is on the evil Tia (aka Zorro). Diana in MA

  15. Great recap, Gloria. That Viv--what a hoochie indeed. Taking advantage of a sick friend for free rent and trying to steal her husband. Ugh.

    I have now resolved the ethical issues. In my mind, JM was NEVER seeing Marichuy in any sort of professional capacity; he was always acting just as her friend. He was supposed to be her shrink, but they had a personal relationship first, so his trying to help her now is just his acting as a good friend and using whatever skills and resources he purportedly has to do that. Also, I have decided that he is more of an academic in psychology than a practicing therapist. There, in my Telenovela LaLaLand, all is well.

    Plus, he is dreamy.

    I can't pick just one person to shoot him. There are so many suspects.

  16. Nina, Just to clarify further. Leti and her family don't know that Viv is "presumed dead". She told them that she and her husband are having marital problems and she is taking a break to think things over. Gustavo's brother has just gotten divorced so I thought they were going to match him up with Viv.

    Hombre de misterio, I also noticed that only the brother-in-law had the Castilian accent. I guess the budget didn't allow for them to import Spanish actors to fill out these parts.

    Julia, I like your theory on JM's being more of an academic than a practicing therapist. I can just lust after him, er, I mean enjoy his performance without my pesky social work ethics annoying me at every turn. Genevieve and I have had the same problem.

    Who shot JM, indeed! I had forgotten about Amador. He'd make a good suspect. I don't think Adrian is malevolent at all. And I'm glad to see Abraham Ramos playing something other than a crazed killer.


  17. RE: Madrid. The Castilian inflections in the speech are there to convince us that Viviana's friends are Madrilenos, citizens of Spain. Even Leti speaks with the inflection. Apparently she and Viviana are old school chums.

    She has escaped to Spain after knocking off her American amante, Burny Smith. Finding herself short on money, she is now sponging off of Leti.

    I'm having a hard time following her actions, but looks like she is going to seduce Leti's husband because he is rich. Guess that also means Leti has to go!

  18. Thank you for the great recap! Hoochie, indeed!

    J.J. I agree that this is a great group of commenters. I’m loving getting everyone’s take on things. There are lots of funny comments too that I really enjoy.

    My take for today – I’ve been noticing that this novela makes me feel sort of shut in and I thought it was because Mari was always stuck in some room doing nothing, or maybe because everyone except Viv seems unhappy, or maybe that poor Cuate is never allowed to run around on his own 4 little legs.

    But I think I have it figured out: There are no side-stories in this show. All the plot lines converge on the Mari/JM storyline and there are no stories with other characters that are independent of the main story. The Elsa/Nelson thing looked like it was going that way, but it got resolved quickly. I wonder how the writers are going to keep this up for months and months…

  19. William Levy is so dreamy! I am really enjoying this telenovela.

    Has anyone else noticed that there always seems to be some cast/crew member popping popcorn on set when the filming is taking place in MC's bedroom? I found it a little annoying besides simply making it even more difficult to understand MC.

    Gustavo's brother played the lead in Nunca Te Diré Adios. I don't know his name but that telenovela was AWFUL!

    Thanks for the recap.

    Not only do I enjoy the telenovela but I appreciate the community of bloggers.


  20. I agree w/Pasofino re: William Levy--in Pasion his character was a jerk and thus not as compelling as JM in Cuidado. And Karen you're right about that terrible wig, that certainly didn't help. Although near the end when Vasco finally realized what a loser he was, Levy had some good weepy moments that made me feel sorry for Vasco (I've found his lovey-dovey and weepy scenes in Cuidado to be pretty good too). However, I have to admit I didn't pay much attention to him in Pasion--for me it was all about Ascanio, and now that we have gRita from Pasion in Cuidado as Vivana's friend, I find myself wondering, When is Marcelo Cordoba going to show up? Surely they can write him in somewhere--like, doesn't JM have more friends than just Eduardo? :)

  21. Debbie, Marcelo Cordoba is my novela husband. He is the handsomest man in novelaland, bar none. We've got to write him in somewhere and send the script change to Televisa.

    Maggie, It's funny that you mention feeling closed in. I always feel that way when Mayita shuts herself up in that cubby. I don't know too many kids who would do that, even though in her imagination she is frolicking in Cartoonland with Abuela Linda. And poor little Cuate is a really good sport, having to endure being carted around, bathed in a giant tub and stuck in Mari's room all the time.

    But you made a great point. There is one of the few novelas I've seen without side stories. It usually takes a few weeks to unscramble who is who and how they are related. I guess that will come later as other actors are being introduced.


  22. Great great recap!

    I will agree with everyone too on William Levy and his performance. This is the first novela I have seen him in and he won me over with that grin he has. Good looks and good acting is always a win in my book.

    Please can Onelia be thrown out of the house already. She is so bitter and mean. She wastes so much energy being rude and annoying that I get exhausted just listening to her.

    I love that Stefe is getting what she deserves. But what a spineless woman! Saying she would forget that she ever saw what happened then crying to daddy. Hope when the anvil does fall it falls hardest on that her head full of ribbons.

  23. Sheryl, I thought that was annoying too! I couldn't decide whether Mayita and Rocio were making popcorn, or the cavalry was riding by in the hallway. I'm not sure what the issue wasn't a street scene; you'd think they could control the sound.

  24. I think the side stories will be further developed as the novela goes on. The Elsa/Nelson story can't just end like that in my opinion. Eduardo has to end with someone too I think.

    I agree with all who have commented on William Levy. I also saw Acorralada and poor thing, he was pretty bad in it. On Cuidado, his portrayal of JM is good so far and I feel for him when he weeps. I have a feeling we'll be seeing lots of weeping from him when Marichuy finds out he's the one from her nightmares because that is bound to happen.

    Thanks for the recap!

  25. Hello there! folks. Good Job and thanks for the recap, Gloria.

    Before I go any further, I would like to say that I like your reasoning as regards to Juan Miguel and ethnical issues. I like this reasoning and will join you. ". . . In my mind, JM was NEVER seeing Marichuy in any sort of professional capacity; he was always acting just as her friend. He was supposed to be her shrink, but they had a personal relationship first, so his trying to help her now is just his acting as a good friend and using whatever skills and resources he purportedly has to do that. Also, I have decided that he is more of an academic in psychology than a practicing therapist." I can take this reasoning. I also let myself know that this is just a novela, so their storyline are WHAT the writers want to go at it. I think they might have changed from the original remake to add more episodes which I read about in one of the websites regarding news about Cuidado con el angel because it is very popular in Mexico and here in states there are receiving high ratings.

    You are right, J.J., I should just enjoy the novela without geting into code of ethnics. You and others are right about William Levy as being all dreamy, expressive eyes and those lips. And definitely he looks really gorgeous when he is just wearing a towel. I say keep those scenes coming where he bares his chest and shoulder. I am all for that.

    What is wrong with Vivana? Why could she just be a good friend and visitor instead of hurting her friend and using her? I think if she asked her friend to lend her some money or pay for flight home her friend would do it? We as viewers are getting to know how Vivana is and might have been in her marriage with Juan Miguel. No wonder he drink a lot to escape.

    Just want to say Thanks for all your comments.


  26. I wonder why Viv doesn’t go for the brother. At any rate, I don’t think her girlfriend is long for this world.

    Julia and Sheryl – I’m thinking maybe they use body mikes (mics?) because there seems to be a lot of interference with the sound when Mari is cuddling Cuate in particular.

  27. Thanks for the recap, Gloria. And thank you all for your comments and observations. I missed the episode last night, but now I have a full understanding and look forward to tonight's installment.

    Who shot JM? Holy ____! Whut?? I'm not recording this evening--I'm watching this sucker. Isab!tch gets my vote. I don't see Ornery putting a bullet in her cash cow. Of course, we have AmaLoser. And Adrian, who wouldn't mean to kill, but could let his obsession get the better of him and wave a gun about to get his point across. Was there any clue at all in the teaser? Let's hope CHUY doesn't have a nightmare and, in her delirium, get her hands on some gun.

    Viv is already starting in on Leti's husband?? Cripes! Wow. *giggle*

    Levy was pretty hot in his love scenes with the wifey on PASION (the first one, I remember damn near passing out), but now... in those special scenes with Chuy, kissing or not, I can see the heat practically rising off of him, like an egg frying on hot pavement in the summertime. I'll probably have to be defribrilated and intubated this time, after Chuy's wedding night.

    EstupidEstefy. It is enough that I say her name. Uck.

  28. Oh, the Nelson/Elsa subplot is definitely not done. Not after he gave her that "oh my god, no" look when she mentioned commitment, not even with the marriage. Nuh-uh.

    In fact, when it's all said and done, Elsa and ED just might end up together in a more mature relationship, and happy. Just sayin'.

  29. No way, Stephe, my telenovio Eduardo deserves better than Elsa, unless she really changes. He also deserves some better plotlines and a chance to show some personality, and a few trips to the pool.

  30. Who would you pair Ed with, Julia? Hmm... who'd be good for him?

    I just realized no one introduced yet is. AmaLoser's plaything is certainly too unstable. Wait a minute. What about JM's secretary? She seems to have some sense.

    You might have to just step in there and snap him up yourself! :)
