Marichuy finds the Stefania’s “stolen” emerald necklace hidden in a mask hanging on the wall in Stef’s room. Just as she makes the discovery, Stef walks into the room. MC puts one and one together and gets two. She tells Stef that it is obvious that she set her up and now MC is going to fill Pat and Cece in on all the details. Stef, unfortunately, is one step ahead of MC. She grabs Mari and starts hollering to her “parents” to come. Cece and Pat come a-running and Pat is ever so quick to jump to the wrong conclusion, much to Stef’s pleasure.
Nelson and Elsa are together and she informs him that she’s left everything behind just to be with him. Ever confident, Nelson says he knew she’d come back to him and not marry Eduardo.
Speaking of Ed, he cannot understand why he was left at the altar. He asks Juan Miguel for some input. JM says that Elsa changed once she started to hang around this bohemian crowd. Ed says, there’s got to be a reason she stood me up at the church. He asks JM if there is another man and JM tells him yes, it is some writer who’s part of that group. Ed demands to know why JM didn’t tell him before. JM says he didn’t dare (no other explanation). Ed asks if JM knows where he would be able to find Elsa, he’s got to find her.
When Mari tries to tell what really happened, Pat says she just got caught trying to return the necklace. Mari asks why they won’t believe her. Isa calls her a thief. MC calls Stef a hypocrite, saying that she wanted to be like sisters, but all the while plotting to set MC up. Mari asks why Stef hates her so and Pat gets all puffed up and yells some more at Mari, this time for insulting his “daughter”. Mari calls Stef a liar. Isa says we caught you red handed. Mari, realizing no one is really listening to her, says that one day they’ll learn how unfair they’ve been to her and that they’ll find out that people get what they deserve. Mari walks out of the room and Cece can’t make eye contact with her.
Pat asserts that no doubt Marichuy is a thief. Isa says for certain they’ll have to kick her out of the house. Pat adds the sooner the better and Cece is upset to think they’ll be throwing Mari out on the street. Pat asserts that isn’t their problem and he’s going to call JM because he’s the one who brought her into the house, he’s the one who can deal with the problem.
JM receives the call from Pat. He makes a beeline for Pat and Cece’s home. When he gets there he is shown to Pat’s office and inquires into what Mari did. Pat starts running on with a list of every perceived offense….breaking a valuable dish, being jealous of Stef, stealing a necklace and money out of his wallet, keeping them up all night with her screaming nightmares….JM is shocked to hear of her being accused of theft. Stef comes into the office to add her two cents, but JM still isn’t convinced and says he’ll go talk to her. Pat says don’t bother talking, just get her out of here. Cece insists that JM speak to Mari and she takes him to Mari’s room. On the way there, Cece admits to JM that she can hardly believe that Mari is capable of stealing, but all the evidence points to her. When JM arrives at her room, Mari runs straight into his arms and begs him to remove her from this house. JM says they need to talk.
Waiting outside the room, Cece has flashbacks on some of the more maternal moments she’s spent with Mari.
JM asks Mari to tell him the truth and she questions if he’ll believe her over Pat and Cece. JM assures her that he’ll believe her. She fills him in on what’s happened and he affirms his belief in her version of the events. She starts to cry and he asks her to look him in the eye. He gently wipes away her tears and asks her not to cry any more. He says he only wanted to hear from her lips that she was innocent, but he questions why she didn’t defend herself. She asks him to whom? Cece, who is her biggest defender in the house believes that MC is guilty of what the others are accusing her of doing. JM leaves the room and tells Cece that he believes MC took nothing and Cece says again she didn’t think MC was capable, but then there is the proof…..JM says, “Yeah, that’s what Marichuy said.” Cece looks even more depressed as she realizes she’s let MC down.
Juan Miguel returns to Pat’s office and declares that he believes Marichuy, she didn’t take the necklace. Isa states that apparently Marichuy has mastered the art of deceiving people. Stef is irate to think that JM would believe MC over her and says that if that is the case, then he must believe she, Stef, invented these things about MC. JM says he doesn’t believe that about Stef, he just has no doubt that Marichuy isn’t a thief. Pat questions what underlying motive would JM have in believing MC. JM says there is no underlying motive, but as a psychoanalyst he’s trained in reading people. Pat says the faith JM has in her is strange, but he, himself, isn’t believing it and he wants MC out of his house. JM asks Cece if she agrees. She’s conflicted and struggles to give him a definitive answer. Pat says there are two ways MC can go---to jail or out on the street. JM says neither, she’s going to come back and live with me. We can see the steam coming from Stef at this comment. Again, Pat questions why JM is going out on a limb for this ladrona. JM says he’s got a moral obligation to protect Marichuy--- she’s good, pure, and innocent.
Ed goes to the bohemian part of town and searches for Nelson and Elsa. He gets a little info out of some woman who is one of the artsy group, but not enough to track down the couple.
Pat and JM discuss the ideologies the nature of “fixing” the criminal element. JM thinks that with guidance you can lead someone in a new direction. Pat is old school and thinks that only punishment can turn someone around. JM says he’s willing to help Mari at any cost and Stef has more steam coming out of her ears. She warns JM to be careful, because MC will end up causing him a lot of problems. Hinting, I’m sure, about their relationship, however JM doesn’t pick up on this because it is obvious their relationship is pretty much at the bottom of his list of priorities. Pat adds that JM needs to be careful because he thinks MC is predestine to commit crimes, “after all, we have no idea who her parents were and they could be lowlifes, people without scruples.” JM ends the conversation by saying that MC will be leaving with him and he’ll go tell her to pack her things.
JM and Mari leave the house with her few meager belongings and Cece looks sad as they go.
Onelia is there to greet them at the castle door when they get to JM’s house. She starts harping right away and declares that she will not live under the same roof as this person and her mongrel. She also insults Cuate some more, calling him flea infested. Her final threat is that either Mari goes or she’ll go. JM says that he’s decided that MC will be staying. Onelia, sensing she’s losing, rallies for a final stand. She agrees to let MC stay, as long as she works for them. JM says nope, MC will be getting an education, not working as a domestic. MC assures them that she’s got no problem working at the house. Onelia says that the dog won’t be allowed into the house, he’ll have to sleep in the yard. Once Onelia leaves, JM tells MC that Cuate doesn’t have to sleep outside, he can remain in her room (he’s good-looking and kind to animals!!). He tells Mari that even though Onelia’s being nasty, there are plenty of people at the house who are happy to have her living there-- like Rocio, Malvina, Mayita and JM, himself. This makes Mari smile.
Stef is angry that JM has Mari moving into his house. She and Isa end up having words. Isa tells Stef it is better to lose JM than to risk losing the gravy train of Pat and Cece. Losing JM is worth it, if they’ve been successful in getting Pat and Cece’s real daughter away from them. Stef rants about how she hates Marichuy.
Viviana calls the castle and Mayita answers the phone. Viv identifies herself as Maya’s mom. Mayita tells her mother that her Abuelita Mariana said that Viv was alive. Viv doesn’t have time for this, she wants to talk to Onelia. Mayita says she’s not around and Viv ends the call. Mayita runs to her secret place and asks Abuelita Mariana about Viv and if she should tell her dad about the phone call. AM says to keep it quiet, for now.
Adrian comes to visit Mari. Pat informs him that she no longer lives there, and doesn’t tell him where she’s gone. Adrian looks seriously upset at this news.
Nelson and Elsa discuss how happy they are together. Nelson questions if she misses Ed. She says nope, she just feels bad about leaving him at the altar. She mentions a wedding in the future for her and Nelson. She’s assuming it will happen, but the look of bemused terror on his face indicates he’s not in complete agreement with that plan.
Ed calls to tell JM about his search for Elsa and Nelson. JM tells him about Marichuy moving into the castle.
Vicente invites Mari and Rocio to a party at this studio. Rocio’s not sure she should go, but Mari gets ready and on her way out gets stopped by Juan Miguel. She tells him where she’s headed and he tells her she’s mistaken if she thinks she’s going. He’s on his way out, so he tells her they’ll talk about it later, but he advises her not to leave.
Rocio decides she wants to go and she tells MC they need to get out of the house undetected by Onelia. Too bad the witch is eavesdropping on the whole conversation.
At the party……Mari talks to Nelson and Elsa. Amador makes another move on Mari, and she rejects him, once again. Rocio and Vicente dance. She learns how to smoke (ick) and they kiss. Mari dances and looks like she’s having a great time. Too bad, JM arrives and drags both women out of the party (but not in a caveman way, most likely due to the fact neither one of the women put up too much resistance). Amador leads the crowd in laughing at the women’s hasty exit.
When they arrive back at the castle, Rocio tries to convince her brother that Vicente cares for her. It falls on deaf ears, as JM thinks that group is nothing but trouble. Rocio stomps off into the house. Mari refuses to go inside. Juan Miguel follows Mari out to the bridge over the pond. He ends up apologizing for the manner in which he forced them to leave the party. Mari apologizes for not listening and questions why JM is being so nice to her. He says it is because she deserves it. He adds, that whether she believes it or not, he’s not such a bad guy. She says she knows and that’s why she cares for him. He sounds surprised and tries to get her to reaffirm that comment, “You care for me?” Mari says that she cares for him, a lot. He says “Marichuy” and they both lean in for a kiss. Their lips meet and the camera turns around them as we are treated to the first kiss in slo-mo. END OF THE EPISODE.
Thanks for the recap Cathy. Oh the primo beso. I am such a sucker for this stuff. He was so overcome that she liked him he had to kiss her.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy Steph is angry. Hey wicked schemer this is the beginning of the end. MC is in his house and now he's kissed her. I'm thinking the engagement will be over soon.
I loved JM's confrontation with idiot judge and the two witches. This makes Patricio's future revelation all the better (we don't know who her parents are indeed)
Viv and her mother are so awful to Mayita!! I just cringe when either of those two interact with that poor child. For the sake of Mayita, JM really needs to get his MIL out of his house muy pronto.
Excellent recap.
ReplyDeleteStefi and Isa: There's nothing worse than the self-righteous finger-pointing of phony schemers when they're in danger of being caught. Please, let it be soon! It looks like Stefi and JM are not going to last . . .
I really couldn't believe Vicente was showing Rocio how to smoke. We haven't seen so much smoking in a telenovela since Amar Sin Limites. I started smoking at about her age in about the same dumb way. Didn't quit till 27 years later. I hope this does not continue.
I never would have realized this, but someone on Telenovela World pointed out that Adrian had a small role on Guapos: he was Sergio, the bigamist that was trying to marry Valeria early in the show.
Hello there! folks. Thanks for the recaps in the last couple of nights. I was out, but I tape the two episode. Great job, Cathy!
ReplyDeleteI was very HAPPY that Marichuy is out of that house. I really wanted that. It was unpleasant for her there.
Another great thing that happened was the two scheming witches get her punishment. I predicted it that when they get Marichuy kicked out of the estúpido judge's house that she would end up at Juan Miguel and not at her house with Cande. I knew that this would get the over-aged Stefi steaming.
Marichuy is right when she said that they will find out how unfair they been to her and people get what they deserve. Someday, the two witches will get it. And I will be overjoyed and yelling and saying that is what you get.
Finally, Juan Miguel and Marichuy kissed. Yeah!!! He can't deny his emotions now with her in his house. Adiós!!! Estefania as a Fiancé, Adiós!!!
Cathy: Thanks for the recap.
ReplyDeleteAt last there is some punishment for Isa and Stefi. Definitely not enough, but, there is no telling what they'll be up to next. A falling out between Isa and Stefi would be good. But, it's too soon in this novela for that to happen. Little old Martirio has a slap or two coming to her also.
Somehow JM has figured out that the witches were conspiring against Mari. It seems almost pointless because if they had just kept up their grifter act, they could have gotten away with it.
The kiss! At last, we have the kiss and love that cannot be denied. Speaking of a love that has been denied, Ed keeps looking for Elsa. He wants an explanation, but isn't going to want to hear it. Nelson will probably dump Elsa at some point. That will produce multiple nervous breakdowns. Will Ed and JM be able to handle it?
One problem with the grifter act, though, is that it depends on waylaying Padre Anselmo from ever being in contact with Cecilia. That's bound to fail at some point.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the recap, Cathy.
ReplyDeleteJM thinks he is good at reading people? Ummm. Not so much.
Loved The Kiss. This couple has sizzling chemistry.
I wish JM had made Onelia leave. He knows she hates Mari so this is not the best atmosphere either. Plus Onelia and Stef could easily form an alliance against Mari for futher dirty tricks.
Poor Mayita. I wish she at least had a nanny to attend to her. Rocio is young and has her own life to live and Onelia is as cold as ice.
I also wondered about keeping the Padre and Ceci apart forever. Now that Mari is not living there, I guess the danger is less. In some novelas Padre would be on someone's hit list, but I don't Stef and Isa would go that far.
I don't understand why Isa doesn't want the Padre to see Cecilia. Does he know that Cecil is Marichuy's mother?
ReplyDeleteI like this telenovela much better then Fuego. The people act much more normal than tin that loser.
Good recap of an episode when finally some good things happened.
ReplyDeleteI'm more upset with Patricio than anyone else. He's called Marichuy names, slapped her, insulted her parents (hah!), and wants her in jail, when he really has no proof. As a judge, he should be able to judge evidence a little better.
So I want him to be punished, such as he'd have to go to jail. However, since MC is actually his daughter, she'd probably forgive him, and he'll just be humbled and apologetic, not really punished (I think).
Cathy, thanks for the wonderful recap and I am sure your reward was getting to be the one to describe the loverly first Kiss! Sigh.
ReplyDeleteHad to love your aside of "good looking and kind to animals". That is so JM, isn't it. He seems to maintain some perspective on MC's goodness while not really condemning Steph either. Too bad she won't appreciate his efforts. I am sure too this isn't over. Grifters don't give up so easily. Funny that Isa is keeping her sights on the Big prize of the Pat and Ceci fortune. She could be swept aside pretty quickly if Stephe does manage to marry her way into JM's house. But then Viv looks poised to make an appearance to thicken the plot, or sicken the plot.
I agree with H de Misterio that the judge is the worst. Pat is so prejudiced. It will be a great pleasure to see him fall, but only after the grifter girls have fleeced him of much money and all of his self-respect.
Lucky you, Cathy, getting to recap an episode with a happy ending! Great work.
ReplyDeleteWow, Stef is not pretty when she's angry. So, so satisfying to see her plan to get Marichuy out of the house backfire on her.
NinaK, I never would have recognized Adrian as Sergio. He was so oily in that role. Someone has sharp eyes.
Alice, Isabela doesn't want Padre Anselmo to meet Cecilia because she has told him that SHE herself is Cecilia. In this way she controls what he hears about Marichuy (nothing good) and she tries to keep them from realizing that Marichuy is the Velardes' real daughter. Obviously, it's a strategy that is bound to fail at some point.
I don't understand, Julia--you mean Padre Anselmo has never met the real Cecilia? He was not there when she gave up the baby? For some reason that's what I thought happened, but I know I missed something along the way in the first few episodes that would explain this.
ReplyDeleteI think there's some confusion going on about the Padre. He has met the real Cecilia. He was he to whom she gave baby Marichuy and that is why Isa cannot let them meet. The jig would be up.
At some point Cecilia said that she had never met Padre Anselmo. That was what gave Isa the idea to pretend to be her and intercept communications with the priest. So either she lied or she doesn't remember. At any rate, PA believed Isa when she said that she was Cecilia, so maybe they never introduced themselves during the baby-abandoning, or she told him her maiden name and he doesn't connect that woman with Sra Velarde.
ReplyDeleteNow I am confused. I did not see the beginning of this show to see who at the orphanage received the baby MC. But, I thought Padre went back home to tell others that he was refused admission to Ceci because Isa said she was so busy and it was not a good time to disturb her??? Anyone else hear it that way?
ReplyDeleteI could be completely mistaken. I don't usually listen closely to Isa's scenes; maybe I should start. So is she not pretending to be Ceci, just "relaying" messages to the priest "from Ceci" and making Ceci seem horrible? We do know that PA now thinks that Ceci is a nasty person; he's said that to Candelaria, and Cande disagrees and says she's nice because she's actually been talking to Ceci herself.
ReplyDeleteI don't think they ever showed a childhood scene where we would have seen the baby arriving. But I too thought that Isa was intercepting Padre A and telling him Cecilia was indisposed.
ReplyDeleteYes, Isa is intercepting Padre Anselmo (there were 2 such scenes) and the last time after not letting him into the house Isa went to his church the next day and said there was a conflict (with Patricio I think) and it would be better if Marichuy came to visit him, and not vice versa.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the good recap, Cathy.
NJ Sue
Thanks for clearing that up. I really thought that at least once Isa told him that she WAS Ceci, and that's why it was significant that Ceci had told her she hadn't met the Padre, but...fictitious memory issues run in my family. I've always maintained that I am not afflicted with them, but then so do all the family members who DEFINITELY have false memories. We all get into arguments over the stupidest things...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great recap and fun title!
ReplyDeleteBoy, this show is claustrophobic. I’m with Mari, I want her to get out and about.
The actor playing Ed makes William Levy look like Sir Laurence Olivier.
Maggie, that is hilarious, considering Levy's abdominal acting ability.
ReplyDeleteI had to laugh, laugh, LAUGH at Stupid Steffy. What an idiot for not seeing JM taking Chuy back to his house coming from a mile away. What--you thought HE'd let her languish in jail or on the streets if you got her thrown out? Dumb as a post, you are. Jajajajaj!
ReplyDelete“...after all, we have no idea who her parents were and they could be lowlifes, people without scruples.” Hit the nail right on the head there, didn't you, Pat? LOL
THE KISS. Slo-mo. :D
Thanks for the recap, Cathy.
I too don't understand how Ed could be so clueless about Elsa. She NEVER returned his loving gestured, and looked completely bored wherever they were together. She'd get in the car and immediately look out the window with a "I'm sick of you" look on her face. Just cold. All the time. He brought this all on himself.
ReplyDeleteAnd Elsa is in for a rude awakening too--Nelson ain't all that, either. It's already started. Just watch.
Ha, Stephe, you are totally right. Nelson looked completely freaked when Elsa mentioned their marrying, which was hilarious. What was he thinking, though?! He thought she left Ed at the altar just for a couple more afternoon rolls in the hay? And he did totally imply when he begged her not to get married to Ed that he wanted something more than a fling with her.
ReplyDeleteI think it's great that our two shrinks are the absolute most clueless about reading other people. Well, them and Patricio, who is a JUDGE. It boggles the mind that Eduardo never realized that Elsa didn't much care about him one way or the other. Maybe he should hang out around JM and Marichuy so he can observe firsthand what attraction etc. looks like.
Even if no one likes Ed. I think he is really cute in this plot but not too sexy or personal. HOWEVER - he did not deserve on any level, the jilt-him-at-the-altar nastiness. Elsa has a pie cart coming and it may be Nelson's lack of commitment now that he has what he wanted which was to get her to come to him. Now the challenge is over and I think he is going to cut way back on the chasing bit. HA!
ReplyDeleteStephe, love the new blogname separating yourself from that heifer thief! ROTFL. We were not amused by anything the Estefania has done! So she certainly deserved to have JM ride off with MC as the gallant knight in his black car saving the beleaguered damsel.
Cheryl, I LOVE Eduardo, which I may or may not have made clear. And no, it really has nothing to do with either the character or the acting. Just a fatal attraction to a certain type. I think he needs a better plotline which makes him seem like less of a dolt. He was hilarious when they were at the airport and he was baiting Stef and laughing at JM.
ReplyDeleteTrue enough. Elsa had a responsibility to nip that wedding--heck, the engagement--in the bud a long time ago, insistent parents or no. Ed's dim, and has failed himself in this thing, but I didn't like seeing him hurt.
ReplyDeleteI was using a joke spelling (with my southern accent and all), but seeing as the proper word does suffice...
Main Entry:heif*er
: a young cow; esp : one that has not had a calf
...I like that better, and I'll switch. (Well, the "young" is in question, but hey.) heh-heh