Tag end of Wednesday: Isa has greased up a valuable decorative bowl and asks Mari to pick it up. Oopsies, it’s in shards and Pat says do you know how much that cost? Mari says she’ll pay and he says with the money you stole?
Thursday: Outside her parents’ house, Nelson is asking Elsa if she’s going to marry somebody who isn’t him. Elsa says all the invitations have gone out, the ceremony arranged. Nelson waxes poetic about how they’d planned to go hand-in-hand under a starry sky into the future. In some heavy-handed symbolism, they try to kiss between the bars of the fence and then free-spirit Nelson climbs up and they kiss over the fence. Uh oh, here comes Dad striding across the lawn, looking like a thundercloud, and mom watches from the window.
Mari says I’m being accused of theft! Ceci tries to calm her, but Mari says I stole the milk for the orphans and I stole the flowers to put in front of the Virgin! Pat says milk, flowers, money, it’s all theft. Mari says according to you. She flees the room. Pat says she’s mouthy. Isa rolls her eyes.
Elsa says it just can’t be – what are you looking at, Nelson? She turns to see her papa. She nervously introduces Nelson. Papa glares and Elsa says bye now, say hi to everyone, and Nelson acknowledges her papa, then leaves. Elsa tells her papa he’s just a friend and papa says I saw you kissing him.
Pat and Ceci enter their bedroom. Pat says see how rebellious Mari is? And Ceci says you called her a thief. He mentions the broken plate and Ceci says it was an accident and she was just trying to defend herself. And the money? says Pat and they both stare in the direction of the table.
Mari is in her room, tearful and angry, ranting about the accusation. She tells Cuate she’s accused here, and at the other house Onelia hates her. She pounds the bed and cries.
Back to Elsa and her dad. She’s telling him that the kiss was just to congratulate her and that friends do that. Oh no you don’t, says her papa, I know my kisses, and that wasn’t a friendship kiss. Elsa says let’s just forget it, okay? But he keeps at it, and she says he’s one of my artist friends. Papa says even more shameful. Elsa says he’s nothing to be ashamed of and she points out that she’s past the age of consent. She runs off.
The money is still on the table in the Velarde’s bedroom. See? says Ceci. Pat says I’ll leave it here and she’ll steal it tomorrow. Ceci says she’s probably up crying in her room and Pat says that’s just dramatics.
Ceci goes into Mari’s room, the only cheerfully decorated room in the house, though its inhabitant is not cheery. She tells Mari to forget about the broken bowl, they’ll get another. Mari says no, I’ll work it off. Ceci says I knew you’d say that, but you don’t need to, nor to use the money we give you. Mari says did you see how upset Pat was, and then he called me a thief too! Mari swears on the Virgin she’s never stolen money, then says Ceci is a saint and hugs her. Their DNA high five.
Cande is coming to visit Mari, she is waddling up the long driveway. Meantime, Isa runs into the judge who is just leaving for the bank. She wants to know if Mari fell for their trap and the judge says no, apparently she didn’t have an opportunity. He leaves, and Isa looks like goody! She sneaks off through the house.
The judge’s car passes Cande and she mutters horrible old man. She continues on, munching on a treat. We see she has a plastic bag filled with snacks for Mari.
Isa is sneaking towards the Velarde’s bedroom when Ceci is just coming out. Ceci is unsuspecting, and says she’s going to down to get something to eat, as the household is in disarray today. Isa says because of Mari. It’s sad that you were so mistaken about that girl. Ceci looks distressed and heads off. Isa goes into their room and takes the money and tucks it into her bosom.
Cande and Mari are visiting in the garden, eating Cande’s treats. Mari tells about the problems with the judge and says now he’s called her a thief. She says Ceci said it’s because she stole that milk. Cande says he’s declared war. Mari tells about the broken bowl and how upset he was. Cande says she tells Padre Anselmo that Ceci is a saint.
Mari gets something from the treat bag and Cande says I got that for me. Mari pulls out what looks like a churro and Cande says that’s my favorite! Mari smiles wryly and says we’ll split it. Cande says the padre said that Isa told him the judge didn’t want anybody visiting Mari. Mari says I can believe it. I’m asking JM to let me live with him again.
Ceci goes in the bedroom and sees the money is gone. No puede ser, she says, rubbing her brow.
Cande heads out down the long driveway.
Mari comes romping over to where Stefi is lounging by the pool despite the cloudy day. Mari wants to know if she liked the present and Stef says mm hmm, and flips through her magazine. Mari says she put it on Rocio’s credit card. She wants to know if Stef is looking at pictures of bridal gowns. She comes close and says she likes that one. Stef squirms bit, but Mari doesn’t notice and strokes her hair. Stef says she should be the one to choose. Mari is all puppy friendly as says guess what! When you get married, I’m going to come live with you. Stef freezes. What did you say?
Ceci is sitting in the bedroom and Pat comes in. Ceci is staring at the now-empty table and he follows her gaze. Ah ha! He says Mari took the money and Ceci says don’t be so sure it’s her. Pat lists the help and doesn’t think it’s any of them. Ceci says you have no proof.
Mari is babbling on about moving in with Stef and JM and Stef gets ugly and says no way, and get the hell lost. She advances on Mari. Mari says I thought we were like sisters. Stef says have you looked in the mirror? You’re common, you don’t know how to act among fine people. Go back to your kind! Nobody…nobody!…likes you here. Mari gives her a chin-up steady look.
JM is on the sit-up machine at the gym, talking to Eduardo. He says he’s got a Mari problem, namely that she wants to come live with him and he can’t have her around. He’d run to the ends of the earth to avoid that. Eduardo’s doing leg lifts and he says just tell her no. JM says it’s not so easy, she looks at me with those pleading eyes that go right to her soul. Ed says don’t make yourself crazy. JM says I can’t have her under my roof, see her every day. Her innocent way of hugging me! I have to keep her away.
Back to Stef and Mari. Mari is giving some attitude and says Ceci likes me. Stef says she does because she feels sorry for you, you’re such a low-class naca. And besides your wedding present is horrible. Stef calls her a few more names and Mari shoves her into the pool. Stef floats on her back, arms out. Ceci has come out and seen and she says what have you done, Mari?
Stef coughs like she’s taken on water and dramatically makes the side of the pool where she droops and gasps. Mari says she started it – she’s a giant hypocrite! Stef says she’s lying as usual. Mari says you’re the liar! Ceci says enough! I saw you push her! Go to your room. Mari runs off and Stef leans against Ceci saying she pushed me, mama!
Mari, frustrated and crying, gets to her room. Caute wags and listens as Mari tells him that Stef put on a giant act and Ceci believes her. What can I do? She drops her head on her knees and sobs. She remembers running hand-in-hand with JM on the lawn.
Pat is typing hunt-and-peck on his laptop and here come Isa and Stef (little bows in her now-dry hair) who ask to talk to him. Stef looks long-suffering and Pat says what’s up? Isa starts to talk, and Stef fakes not wanting to talk about it. Isa insists and says Mari is trying to steal JM from Stef.
Meantime, Mari is in her big round bathtub giving Cuate another bath. Since his feet rarely touch ground, it’s hardly likely he is dirty. Ceci comes in and Mari tries a small smile.
The judge is saying that he’s seen JM and Mari hug, but do they really think Mari could steal him away? Stef says I don’t know, but he IS a man. The judge says she’s a disgrace. Isa says dear God, how long is she going to stay in this house?
Mari tries to make a bit of bright chat with Ceci, holding out the nice shampoo for her to sniff. It doesn’t work. Mari says you’re mad at me, huh? Ceci says that was really bad. Mari says I don’t want you mad at me, can we forget it? Ceci says it’s not that easy. She tells Mari to finish it up with the dog and don’t make noise, so Pat doesn’t hear her. She tells Mari not to cause her any more problems, and she leaves.
Martirio stops Ceci in the hall and says the judge wants to talk to her, looks like more problems with Mari. Ceci slumps, then straightens up and heads off.
The judge tells Ceci to come in and shut the door. He remembers his promise not to say bad things about Mari, but he says Mari has been flirting with JM. Ceci can’t believe it.
Elsa has shown up at Nelson’s digs and says she’s just come to say goodbye. He says let’s not talk about goodbyes. She’s crying and says she has to say goodbye to everything, this is her last time there. When she marries tomorrow, she’ll be a different person. He says don’t betray yourself, your feelings. Elsa says there is no other way. Nelson says I’ll be waiting for you tomorrow, at the exact time of your wedding. Elsa says please, Nelson!
It’s still light, but Stef is getting ready to go out to dinner with JM and Eduardo. Ceci comes in and says she’s heard about Mari flirting with JM. Stef says she’s suffered in silence, but she’s seen things that hurt her. Ceci says she saw that Mari had torn up his photo, and that she hugged him. Stef says I’m worried that she’s seducing him, that she’s constantly coming on to him. He’s a man, after all.
Ceci tries to comfort her saying you’re going to get married in a month. Stef tells her that Mari wants to move in with them, that’s she’s thinking up every excuse to pursue him. Help me, mama.
Mari is still crying in her room. Ceci comes in looking for her, then sees her squatting against the wall. She asks why Mari is crying and Mari says no reason. You wouldn’t believe me. In this house, everybody says everything is Marichuy’s fault, and nobody will listen to me, nobody believes me, not even you.
Ceci says do you feel you’re innocent? Is your heart as pure and innocent as it seems? (Or maybe she said as pure an innocent as you pretend, I’m not sure.)
Mari pictures the frightening man chasing her through the woods. She turns her face away. Ceci says you have to look into your heart, repent what you’ve done and ask for forgiveness. She leaves and Mari cries some more.
Ceci goes to Isa’s room where Isa has pulled everything out of the drawers pretending to look for the missing emerald necklace. She says regretfully that it’s obvious that it’s been stolen and she’s sorry, but she’ll have to tell Patricio. Ceci says no no. Isa says I’m really sorry, but it has to be done.
Ceci puts her hand over her mouth. Isa is next seen telling Pat. Ceci comes in and Pat tells her to go get Mari. Ceci wrings her hands and Isa says it’s hard for Ceci, I’ll go.
Mari has stopped crying and is petting Cuate. Isa comes and tells her Pat wants to see her. Mari says what did I do now? Ceci says you ought to know. Mari rolls her eyes.
Pat jumps right on her – where is the necklace? Mari says what necklace? Pat says the one you stole. Mari says you’re lying and they both raise their voices. He slaps her.
Ceci reproaches him and he says she yelled at me. He tells her to leave, and he tells Ceci that he’s going to call the police. Ceci says no! Isa, who has been watching, pretending to be distressed, says don’t call them, we don’t know who took it. Cut to Mari in her room, distraught and dumbfounded. Cut back to Isa saying we need proof, we need to go through her things. The judge says she could have hidden it anywhere and she’s not stupid enough to have it in her room. Isa says we’ll find it and then you can send her to jail.
Mari is staring at her photo of JM. Why did you send me here, JM? Why don’t you pity me, God? She remembers Dora telling her that Isa is her enemy. Mari realizes Stef, too!
It’s Elsa’s wedding day and a car festooned with bows is pulling into her parents’ driveway. In the house, Elsa is in her wedding gown and her mother is fussing over her, saying how beautiful she looks, and how proud she will be in the church. Her mother, in a glittery-gold over-the-top outfit runs off to get her father to tell him the car is ready. We see that Elsa’s gown is very simple and her veil short and plain. I guess if you’re not marrying for love in novelaland, you don’t get a really great gown. Certainly not a train.
Elsa flashes back to Nelson telling her he was going to wait for her on her wedding day. She has tears in her eyes. Meantime, Eduardo is waiting at the church, and people are arriving. JM is there. Here comes the Velardes with their fake daughter, who glues herself to JM.
Back at the house, Elsa is really crying. She rips off the veil, scrawls a note on the wall and flees, throwing something (her lipstick?) on the floor. A flower from her bouquet tumbles from the bed. Her parents begin to wonder why she’s so late and go to look, but too late, she’s running, car keys in hand, past the cactus garden, jumps in a jeep, and away she drives.
Her parents come into her room, calling for her. Her mother sees the veil and bouquet and guesses. They see that she has written on her mirror “perdon.” Mama faints and papa says don’t faint now!
Eduardo is looking at his watch and saying she’s a half-hour late. The judge says don’t worry, some brides like to build up the suspense to make a grand entrance. Elsa’s dad shows up and tells Eduardo that his little bird has flown.
Mari sees Dora and says where is everybody? Dora says they’re all at a wedding. Mari says great and she eyes the house.
Nelson is in the lotus position, doing deep-breathing exercises. We see white high heels come in. Elsa and Nelson fall into each other’s arms.
Mari is starting to check the house, namely Isa’s room. Here comes everyone into the foyer, back early. They head for their rooms.
Mari finds the necklace hidden in a mask on the wall. She is triumphant.
Avances: looks like Stef has come in and Mari is holding up the necklace and saying ah ha! It also looks like JM is on Mari’s team and maybe is taking her out of the judge’s house.
Good title Maggie. Liked the "DNA high five" too.
ReplyDeleteTried just listening to this rather than watching. Partly to see if I could understand ANYTHING Marichuy said (could get about two words in every super-fast spew) and partly to see if it would be less upsetting to simply hear rather than watch all the skullduggery.
But had to give up halfway through...just too awful the way poor Marichuy is being set up! Enjoyed your well-written recap though.
Thanks for recap, Maggie. I find it hard to watch, too, Judy, but I'm glad you're sticking with us.
ReplyDeleteYesterday, I decided to ask my Spanish teacher (native Venezuelan) to listen to Marichuy and see how easy it was for her to understand. Thanks to the miracle of YouTube, I was able to play some scenes in my office.
Anyway, she says she's using a particular Mexican accent and also slurring a lot of words, as we can tell, and even she had to pay close attention to understand.
Thanks for the recap. I wasn't going to watch this novela, but it keeps bringing me back. Maybe if I keep watching, by the end, I'll be able to understand Marichuy. I normally don't use the captions, so I decided to turn them on. It turns out Marichuy's saying fairly normal things, it must just be the accent and the slurring that make it hard for me to pick them out. I decided that since the other characters can understand her (of course, THEY have the script!), I should try to, also.
ReplyDeleteYesterday, someone asked if the talk between the guys (JM and Eduardo) was something guys would do, since it seemed a bit flowerly. I must say, I totally agree, most guys don't talk about their feelings like that with each other (I never have), but this is a telenovela! If they just had the normal guys' grunts and "hey, man!", etc., we wouldn't learn too much.
Finally, I was very, very pleased to see Elsa walk away from the wedding. That could not have been easy.
Thanks, Maggie, I appreciate the detailed recap.
ReplyDeleteWhen Stef fell into the pool and then just floated there I expected her to scream, "I'm melting! I'm melting!" What an evil witch. Loved the irony of her pushing Mari and spewing insults with her nostrils flared while telling Mari that SHE was low-class! Well, it was awful, but if as the previews suggest JM is going to take her away, maybe we will get a respite from this torture for awhile.
I'm so glad Elsa ditched Eduardo, although it was silly the way she made such a melodrama out of it. I know, I know, this is a telenovela, but it was hardly a critical part of the story; she could have just broken up with him earlier and we wouldn't have lost anything. Must say, though, Juan Miguel is a TERRIBLE friend to take Eduardo to dinner with nasty Stef the night before his wedding day. Some bachelor party that is. I'm not saying they need a "schoolgirl" stripper or anything like on QE but they should do something fun.
I'm glad to see I was not the only one happy that runaway bride Elsa wound up with Nelson. I'm not too interested in the artist crowd, but these two really do seem to love each other. I'm not sure how this will fit into the main plot, if at all. As for Eduardo, sorry he was left "plantado", but I'm sure he'll wind up with someone who's really into him. For therapists, he and JM need to buy a clue about the women they are involved with. I never saw Elsa show the slightest affection for Ed but he didn't seem to notice it.
ReplyDeleteStef was pretty scary with her nostrils flaring but it's about time she dropped her mask with Mari. Now the gloves are off and Mari knows what's she dealing with. I couldn't believe that Patricio actually slapped Mari. I found that disturbing.
Loved your recap and title, Maggie. Perfect.
Thanks Maggie, great title!
ReplyDeleteAlthough I've never had particularly positive feelings for Elsa or Nelson, I thought it was kind of sweet when they hugged after she ditched the wedding. Agreed, she should have told Eduardo it was over a long time ago and saved him the embarrassment and hurt (if he really loved her, I'm not sure), but at least it's over now.
It really is painful to watch the brujas succeed in making Marichuy out to be a thief and liar. I'm looking forward to Juan Miguel apparently rescuing her tonight.
Maggie: Really great recap of yet another frustrating episode. I thought Stefi would pretend she was drowning and that Mari had tried to kill her. There seems to be no limits to the things she and Isa will make up.
ReplyDeleteI, too, was a little bit shocked when Patricio slapped Mari. He's supposed to be so high class and in control, yet he slaps the girl without really knowing what's going on. It's hard to believe that a man of his supposed stature could be enganado by Stefi and Isa.
At last it looks like Mari is seeing the light about Isa and Stefi. She thought-bubbled the warning Dora the maid had given her. But, how can she defend herself in a household full of vipers.
Yup - jilting Eduardo was a foregone conclusion. Just more embarrassment for the upper class. If they only knew it all.
It's time for Prince Charming to come and rescue the helpless maiden.
I really had to laugh at the pool scene. Stefi looked like she was pretending to be drowned, but when she realized no one was going to jump in and save her she had to show that she could swim. Anyway, she seemed to be standing in about three feet of water.
ReplyDeleteI hope this necklace plotline gets resolved tonight . . .
I agree about Elsa! And I even think Viv made a good choice, though she went about it in the wrong way and shouldn’t go shooting people and dumping them in the ocean.
ReplyDeleteIt was cool to see that Nelson isn’t quite the free spirit that he thought he was, and that he actually was talking marriage.
Thanks for the recap Maggie. ITA with those of you who thought last night's episode was awful particularly the evil judge and the two harpies ganging up on Mari. Patricio is wretched and I hope suffers badly when he finds out Mari is his daughter and he was duped by these two witches.
ReplyDeleteThanks Maggie for the fine recap. Pat deserves the worst the grifter twins can do to him. I hope he is paralyzed by remorse later. Let's hope Stephe commits many more rude errors with JM's staff and friends so he will begin to wise up that his ploy to go straight and rich wasn't such a smart idea.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope Stephe commits many more rude errors with JM's staff and friends...
ReplyDeleteROFL! Cheryl!! You have "Stephe" on the brain. Por favor, don't mix me up with horrible harpy Estephy!
Good one. LOLOL
Stephe, Oh, My lord, I only misspelled her name by putting yours in but believe me I would never mistake your beautiful personality for the wicked grifter girl, Stefania or how ever it should be written. This was NOT a Freudian slip of any sort. HA! I must have been thinking about you on some level though so HUGS, Amiga!!
ReplyDelete*shining and basking in Cheryl's sweetness* :)
ReplyDeleteThat really was funny.
Wow! When Patricio slapped her that was just too much! What kind of judge is this guy?! Does he ever look at actual proof for anything?What kind of justice system is he running? How did he get to be a judge? Call me naive. They're just railroading poor Marichuy. What keeps me going is the hope that Stef and Isa are going to get what's coming to them. Hmph I wonder if they're going to be time enough for Viv though, if/when she shows up. There might be some satisfaction in them meeting their match in her. One can dream.