
Friday, October 31, 2008

Cuidado Thursday, October 30, 2008: Wanna marry, Mari?

JM is telling the judge that yes, he loves Mari and he’s going to marry her and not Stef.

The judge says but she’s vulgar, a street rat, and JM says Stef would be the same way if she’d been abandoned and left to grow up at an orphanage.

Viv is preparing her friend Lety’s medicine. One, two, three, four, five drops into water. She remembers Lety’s husband telling her 5 drops only, more will kill her. Viv studies the eyedropper and hovers it over the glass again. Did she put in another drop? I can’t tell.

Anyway, here comes Lety, who should do her own meds if the dosage is so critical. Bottoms up says Viv, and Lety gulps it down then tells Viv she’s still the same great friend as always. Girlfriend hug.

Rocio is hanging out in her room and Balbina tells her she has a phone call from Vicente. She razzes Rocio a little bit about him being her novio. Vicente calls Rocio his muse, his inspiration. She says but you’ve never painted me, and Vicente says I will and it will be a memory for us for years and years to come. They chat a bit and Vicente asks if he can come get her on his motorcycle. Rocio says I’ll be ready, and after he’s hung up, she kisses the phone.

Back to the judge and JM. The judge is saying that even if she had been brought up in an orphanage, Stef wouldn’t have turned out like Mari. He says they took Mari in and look how she repaid them, stealing stuff, causing trouble, and worst of all, getting between JM and Stef. He says she is jealous and wants everything Stef has. JM says don’t blame her, it’s my fault.

Bah, says the judge. You were just a toy in Mari’s hands. You’re worse than just responsible for this, you’re weak, corruptible and immoral. Where is that virtue you go on about? My daughter is going to have to suffer the shame of having been kicked to the curb just days before her wedding. But I’m glad she’s not marrying you - I want her to marry a decent man, and it’s obvious that is not what you are.

(Hey, don’t hold back, Judge! But the judge, being of a certain class, doesn’t take a swing at JM or sic burly henchmen on him, and fastidiously uses Usted while he’s trashing him. Later he will probably feel very smug about this confrontation.)

Anyway, JM tries to speak, but the judge interrupts, saying you’re free to do what you want, but one day you’ll realize what you lost and you’ll be sorry. Under that distinguished-man facade is a weak man, and you deserve the woman you have chosen.

The judge stomps out.

Damien is telling the padre about his confrontation with JM, how he slugged him, how Mari defended him but JM made no move to defend himself. He wonders why, it was almost like JM thought he deserved it. The padre says you don’t understand because you don’t know the whole truth. What truth? says Damien.

Out front of the castle, Rocio runs out to Vicente who is waiting with his motorcycle. She has on jeans and those impossibly high heels she wears. Vicente puts his helmet on her and off they go.

Mari is lying in bed thinking about the kiss with JM. She talks to Cuate, saying she wonders how she loves JM. Like a man? Like a friend? She likes kissing him, feeling him near.

OMG! Padre is telling Adrien the backstory on JM and Mari in the dark forest, and nobody’s told us yet! The padre says JM was drinking, and she ran away and nothing happened that neither should be ashamed of. He was chasing after her to ask her forgiveness, but he never got to. Mari never knew it was him.

Damien says then I should have hit him more than once. The padre says don’t judge, and though it wasn’t a secret of the confession, it’s not for blabbing around, so let’s have it be a secret between you and me.

Stef and Isa are up in their room and Stef is telling her that the judge didn’t get anywhere with JM. Isa thinks he should have forced JM, but Stef says it’s not that easy. She says Mari has no scruples and now she, Stef, is going to be the subject of gossip, how she was dumped just days before her wedding. Isa says don’t be so dramatic, the Velarde’s friends barely know you. You’re just bugged about losing the money JM has and if one day we lose the money we’re getting here…. Stef says hush.

It’s night now Rocio and Vicente are stopped on a mountain road looking out at the city lights. He wants to know how she feels being with him. She says she’s happy and he says he thinks it’s the first time he’s found true happiness. Aw. They kiss. Rocio says she has to thank Mari, because she introduced him. She tells Vicente he’s her first boyfriend. Vicente says and I hope the last. She says I bet you’ve had lots of girlfriends, huh? and he doesn’t answer. She says that’s okay, as long you don’t have them now that I’m here. They te quiero and kiss again. There is thunder in lightening off in the distance.

It’s daytime and Mayita is playing with Cuate in front of the castle. JM comes out of the house, probably on his way to work, and runs into the padre, who says he’s come to see Mari. He asks if JM has spoken to her. JM says he’s talked to her, but not about that night. He’s waiting for the right moment and the courage. The padre seems displeased and goes on in.

Viv’s friend Lety is in bed and her husband Gustavo comes in and kisses her and wonders why she’s not up talking to Viv. Lety says she gave me my medicine, took my blood pressure and went off to bed. Gustavo comments that she’s really enjoying having Viv there and she says a lot. She says they were friends when they were in college in Switzerland – they were the only two Spanish speakers, they were always together. (Wouldn’t she have gotten a death notice if she was in Viv’s address book?)

Gustavo kisses her tenderly and she says not tonight, I’ve been feeling a little tired. Gustavo, prince that he is, understands and says don’t worry, he’ll go to the other room and read.

Will you look at that! There’s JM in his nice suit in the barrio, next to a sign that says Free Counseling. A little family shows up, they all go into a doorway, they emerge again later, JM patting the parents and ruffling the hair of their little son. Whadda guy! He tucks his big sign under his arm and heads off down the street.

An older white car pulls up, three toughs get out, pull on ski masks, whip out guns, look around quickly and run into a bank.

Mari is very happy to see the padre. He asks her if JM talked to her and she says he asked me to marry him. Why? says the padre. Mari gets a little shy and says because he loves me. The padre is smiling, and says so what did you say? Mari says actually I didn’t say anything. The padre says do you love him? Mari says I don’t really know – sometimes I think yes and sometimes I think no. The padre says I have something to tell you. What? says Mari. What?

There’s JM - looks like he’s counseled another family, either that or he’s laying on hands and curing the poor. Anyway, off he goes smiling down the street and uh oh he’s right next to the bank. Right by the entrance we go to slo mo. This cannot be good. He’s parked right in front of the robbers’ white car and he’s got his keys out to put the sign in his trunk.

Here come the robbers streaming out of the bank, security on their heels. JM looks around and finally catches on and drops. The security and the robbers are shooting at one another, the robbers using their car for cover. Sure enough JM takes a bullet to the chest. He looks surprised, then starts to look faint and finally passes out.

The robbers are being put in handcuffs, but JM is being put in an ambulance. A crowd has gathered and the press is already there with their cameras.

The padre seems to be leaving – he and Mari are coming down the stairs. She says what did you come to tell me? He says it was minor and can wait, he wants to know why she’s so undecided about JM. She says she doesn’t know, she’s scared. She remembers her past and gets scared. (We hear the angry bee sound that usually comes with Amador – is that a clue?) Mari says It’s not like it’s JM fault, is it?

The phone rings and even though Balbina has come in, Mari answers it. It’s the news about JM.

Half a planet away, Gustavo is reading his book in his bathrobe. Viv comes in and covers his eyes playfully and say guess who? She sits across from him and notes that he looks worried. He says he’s worried about Lety. Gustavo says she looked pale, and sad. Viv says do you think she’s bored with you? Gustavo looks like he’s giving it some thought.

Mari tells Balbina and the padre that JM is at the Red Cross. We see him being wheeled down the corridor of the hospital. Balbina says nobody is home, Onelia, Rocio and Mayita are all out. Mari says tell them when they get back and she and the padre head off to the hospital. Mari hopes JM doesn’t die.

Gustavo seems to be on to Viv. She says that he must be exaggerating to pretend to play the role of the faithful husband. Gustavo says a husband who wants to be unfaithful is wise to have his affairs very far from home. Viv says I take your meaning, you are saying we should go somewhere far from here? She strokes his cheek and he looks annoyed.

JM is awake and asks a nurse how things are. Apparently he had some bleeding. The nurse wants to know if he would like to be transferred to a different hospital, but he says he’ll stay in their capable hands. Here come Mari and the padre hurrying along the corridor, looking for JM’s room. They find him and Mari is frantic, but then is relieved. JM tells them what happened and Mari says she was afraid he’d die. He says not this time, that he’ll be around for a long time.

Good news doesn’t travel fast, as we know, and back at Castle San Ramon, Balbina is weepily telling Onelia, who has just come home, that JM had been shot.

At the hospital, the padre goes off to see if he can arrange a private room and JM asks Mari if he gave her a fright. She says yes, but her prayers were answered. She doesn’t know what she’d do without him. JM says does that mean you love me? Mari says yes, I love you a lot.

Viv has Gustavo by the lapels but he pushes her off and tells her she’s being inappropriate. She says why do you think so? I’m young, attractive, sexy, sensual (and indeed her sundress is cut down to there). Gustavo says if I were ever to have an affair, it would have to be with some stranger. A wife might forgive such an infidelity, but never one with her supposed dear girlfriend. He stomps off.

Mari asks JM if she can stay with him all the time (I think she may mean in the hospital) and he says of course. He is so happy that she said she loves him. She says she’s been afraid to love since that thing that happened. JM says pretend it never happened. Mari says if only it were that easy. JM says let me help you forget. They stare in each other’s eyes and that lovely Perdon song starts up.

The padre is out in the busy hospital corridor and here comes Onelia who asks a nurse where Dr. San Ramon can be found. The padre overhears and, having never met her, says he’ll take her and he asks who she is.

In JMs hospital room, the Perdon song is still going and he is telling Mari that for every bad moment she remembers, he’ll give her a thousand happy ones. I’ll make you feel pure, respected, loved. Mari says what wonderful things you say! But what if you can’t do it? JM says let me try. I promise that I will never approach you, never touch you, unless it’s what you want. Not a kiss, not a caress, if you don’t want them. Mari says and if I never want those things? JM says then I’ll be happy just having you near me. I want to show you that real love is sweet.

Mari has laid her head on JM’s shoulder when the music turns threatening and in comes Onelia who says ah ha! and rolls her eyes.

Isa is talking to Stef in their room and Martirio is clearing up in the background, all ears. Isa says she has found out one interesting fact – JM adores Mayita and can’t bear to be separated from her, but Isa doesn’t know how to turn that information to good use Martirio is paying close attention. Stef seems to have a brainstorm and dials up Castle San Ramon, where Balbina informs her that Onelia isn’t there, she at the Red Cross where she’s seeing JM who has been shot. Stef’s eyebrows shoot up.

Onelia asks how JM how he is but then fake-smiles that he must be better due to the company (indicating Mari). JM says you’re right, having Mari here makes me feel much better. Onelia says I thought it would be rude of me not to come check on you. JM says you’re such a lady. Onelia says of course, one is born that way, and others who aren’t can’t ever achieve it. Thanks for checking in on me, says JM politely.

Onelia asks when he’s going to transfer to a private clinic, this sort of place isn’t for men of his social position. JM says he’s fine, they’re taking good care of him. Onelia says my, your tastes are changing, like Rocio’s are. She’s taken up with that young man Mari introduced her to. I hope this doesn’t spread to Mayita. Get well soon! she says snottily and leaves.

Isa is telling Stef that she has to be at JM’s side. Stef looks like what? Me?

Mari is looking serious and JM says forget about hate, remember that I was talking about love before she came in. Put hate out of your life. Mari says I feel even more hate for that guy because if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be afraid to love you. JM says we’ll get to that stage one day where you will feel love and forgiveness. Do you want to marry me? Mari, her face right next to his, looks happy but doesn’t say anything

Back in Spain, Gustavo is coming to bed and Lety says I thought I heard you and Viv, were you arguing? Gustavo looks a bit steamed.

Zip we’re in the hospital room and JM says please say yes. Mari says yes, and he kisses her but she turns her face away after a bit. He says I’m sorry, I was just so happy that you said yes.

Spain again: Gustavo says we weren’t arguing, we were talking about you. I was saying you seemed depressed the past few days. Lety says I’m not depressed, just tired. Gustavo says the doctor said if you follow his protocol to the letter, you should get better. Lety says and I will. I’m taking my medicine regularly thanks to Viv. Gustavo says you really like her, huh? Lety says why? Don’t you? Gustavo says I haven’t known her that long to know. Lety says she’s great with the kids and she’s going to be here a few weeks more.

Stef is coming down the hospital hall and gets to JM’s room where Mari is just closing the door. Mari says JM is asleep but Stef says he’s still my novio and she goes in and wakes him up, saying mi amor. He winces when he opens his eyes and sees her.

Martirio is telling the judge and Ceci that JM got shot and is at the Red Cross. Ceci wants to rush off and see him, but the judge says no, we’re not talking to him after what he did to Stef. Ceci says he’s been a friend for years, he’s a human being! The judge says I don’t agree, we’re not going to visit or even ask after him. He doesn’t deserve it. Martirio smiles.

JM tells Stef he’s fine. Stef says she had to see him and she says she’s sorry she got jealous and acted so stupid and told JM to throw Mari out of the house. She says she heard he wanted to break off their engagement, but she didn’t believe it. JM breaks it to Stef that he’s in love with Mari and that she just accepted his proposal and they’re going to get married very soon. Stef slaps him.

Rocio has arrived and gets the latest from Mari, who says JM must be awake now since Stef went in there and must’ve woken him. They ridicule Stef a bit and then Mari tells her that she and JM are going to get married. She and Rocio jump around and hug and the people in the hall stare.

Stef apologizes to JM, saying it was just the stress. JM says he understands, that he has acted badly with her and her family and he hopes one day she will forgive him. She says such irony – you offer me apologies and her marriage. Stef says what do I do? The invitations have been sent, the dress bought, and now, just days before our wedding, you’ve made me into an object of ridicule.

Marry me! says Stef. JM says Mari is the one and only, now and forever one for me. You’re going to regret this, says Stef. You’ll never be happy with her. She leaves.

Out in the hall, Rocio and Mari are still jumping up and down and Rocio is calling Mari sister-in-law. Stef sees this and says you’ll never be happy. You’ll have bad karma because of what you two did to me.

Onelia tells Mayita that it’s a secret, but Mari is the one who shot JM.

The padre comes to see JM, and is the only one so far to greet the other patients in his room. JM is sitting up on the side of the bed looking perky and says that Mari was there all night. He says that taking a bullet sure paid off – Mari got scared, realized she loved him and accepted his proposal. The padre looks very pleased. But then he says did you tell her the truth? JM suddenly turns serious.

Mayita is asking Onelia why Mari would do such a thing, she loves JM. Onelia says to force him to marry her so she can be the woman of this house and take the place of your mama. Mayita says but what about Stef? She’s his novia. Onelia says he dumped her to marry Mari. I don’t like Mari and you mustn’t either. Your mother is up in heaven and she would be very unhappy if you liked Mari.

Mayita says what do I do to make Mama happy? Onelia says be mean to Marichuy, ignore her, don’t answer if she talks to you. Tell your papa that you don’t like Mari and that you like Stefi. Mayita says does Mama like Stef? Onelia says yes.

The padre is telling JM that he can’t marry Mari without telling her the truth. JM says I will afterwards. Before, says the padre. JM says she hates that guy. He says he promised he wouldn’t kiss or touch Mari until she felt safe and loved, and that he would tell her when she felt more secure with him. The padre says you still have to tell her. If you don’t tell her, I will.

Onelia is briefing Mayita before she heads off to school. She reminds her to blow off Mari and tells her to tell her papa not to marry her.

JM says give me time, Padre! Like four to five days. The padre says okay five days, and I’m serious. I won’t permit Mari to get married in a dishonest atmosphere.

Mari runs into the padre in the hall. He says JM has something to tell her. She bounds in and asks JM what it is. JM says that we are going to get married day after tomorrow.

Avances: countdown to the wedding, shots of Onelia, Stef and others who may waylay the plans. Eduardo says something to JM that I can’t understand. JM prays in church.


  1. Thanks for the thorough and amusing recap, Maggie!

    I can't believe the Padre told Adrien what JM had admitted, even if it wasn't in the confessional - I'm sure JM never expected the Padre to share it with anyone else.

    Gustavo's little rule about only cheating far away from home (if he was going to) was pretty annoying, but at least he has Viv's number and seems to want her out of there.

    Cecelia seriously needs to stand up to Patricio and act on her own convictions. He's so full of himself, seeing his reaction when he eventually finds out the truth is going to be really enjoyable.

    Onelia just keeps getting nastier, I didn't think it was possible. She has no business being anywhere near an impressionable child. How has JM not picked up on this? It doesn't matter that she's Mayita's grandmother - she has no regard for her other than as a way to spread her nastiness.

    And JM's appeal is being tested again - trying to rush a marriage with Marichuy before the Padre tells her JM's secret. Ugh. Like some have mentioned before, now I'm looking forward to Renee Strickler, too!

  2. Maggie: Thanks for the great recap.

    This chapter was disturbing for many reasons. Stefi has her nerve cursing JM and Mari for what they did to her. She, along with Isa, have been the driving forces behind most of the evil that has happened so far.

    Then there's Onelia, the child abuser, who can't control herself. When is telling lies to a child for vengeance ever justified?

    Loved the hugs, kisses, dreamy eyes, luscious lips, perfect nose and hair combover. Doesn't JM say what every woman wants to hear.

    I can't understand why Father Anselmo has inserted himself into the relationship between Mari and JM and threatened JM if he doesn't do what the good padre has told him to do. What's up here? As if things weren't bad enough.

    So far - JM - has gotten stuck with Vivi, been "widowed"; been abused by Onelia, Stefi and Isa; lied to by just about everyone except Mari; tongue-lashed by Patricio and Padre Anselmo; punched by Adrian; fought off Amador; and gotten shot. Gee - give this guy a little slack.

    And, in the parallel universe in Spain, dear Vivi is up to whatever whim strikes her fancy. Whatever she does has to reach Mexico somehow. And, will she show up before "pasado manana", the day of JM's wedding to Mari.

  3. Good job with the recap, Maggie.

    First, I wondered why the rush with the wedding when I saw the previews for the upcoming nights. Now I know that it has to do with Juan Miguel rushing to marry Marichuy before she finds out that he was the one who attacked her. We still don’t know if it was a simple attack and that he didn’t rape her. All this rush wedding with Marichuy will be in line with the actual synopsis of this novella. We were told in the synopsis that the morning after the wedding, she discovers something about Juan Miguel's past, a secret that makes her leave him and refuse to ever see him again.

    I am torn between feeling sorry for Juan Miguel and thinking he will get what he deserve if Marichuy rejects him after she finds out later than before the wedding. I will bet that he doesn't tell her before the wedding. He is afraid that she will leave and abandoned him. He afriad that he will lose her.

    Marichuy is still unsure you could see this on her face. She is an innocent really. She knows that she likes being kissed by Juan Miguel, but I don't know if she experienced real love before.
    We knew that Juan Miguel had strong feeling for her and the strong chemistry before he declared his love for her that he knew in his mind and body that this was real love to him. He was fighting these strong feelings.

    We see that he still feel that he has to be punished for what he has done to Marichuy in the woods. I am wondering if it was just minor attack why does Juan Miguel have all these feeling of regrets and need for punishment. Maybe it was more than he leads on because he is ashamed for his behavior.

    I think we have to savior the happy times around the wedding and the wedding night for these two lovebirds because the curtains will come down on them.

    I have a big question: we as viewers know that Vivana is still alive. She is legally married to him still. If Juan Miguel marrys like in two day time, he would be married to two women at the same time. I wonder if it is against the law in Mexico or not? We know that he doesn't know Vivana is still alive.

    I look forward to your comments.


  4. Thanks to everyone for such great recaps! I am trying to learn Spanish and have just recently become hooked on this novela. As I am not yet fluent in the language, this website is really helping me make sure I'm understanding things correctly. As I did not watch Cuidado since the beginning, I have a question - can someone please tell me who Amador is? Was he the one fighting with Marichuy and JM at the party where Marichuy was dancing and got drunk? Who is he?

  5. Amador is the leader of a theater group. I think he is the director. He is obsessed with Marichuy and has attacked her on at least two occasions - once in his friend's apartment, and once at the Velarde mansion. Then, of course, there was the scene at the engagement party. He tells everyone that it is just a matter of time before Mari falls into his trap - or falls in love with him. We can't figure out why he still has friends. Everyone knows what he's doing and still hangs out with him. He has his own evil sounding music and a wolf for a pet.

  6. Amador is the guy JM punched at the party where Marichuy was drunk. We don't like him here and can't understand why he still has any friends.

    Onelia really got under my skin this episode. Lying to poor little Mayita. I would assume this could easily backfire with probably JM showing Mayita a newspaper or her coming upon one in the house. And of course there's her grandma in imaginationland who's always full of truth.

    I'm hoping JM in really not the attacker, just someone who happened to be there at the same time and someone else after him did the damage that has left Marichuy scarred. Until Marichuy is able to flashback and see the face of the man who did this to her, I will not yet be convinced that it was JM.

    So will there be a wedding? I've never come across a telenovela where a wedding this early on went off without a hitch, but from the synopsis of the show early on it looks like it may just happen.

  7. If JM marries Marichuy and Viviana returns (which we can presume she will) then JM and Marichuy's marriage will be void/annulled.

    I read somewhere that the actor who plays Padre Anselmo passed away recently after I think suffering from a stroke. He was replaced on Cuidado with another actor when he apparently had the stroke. That's very sad.

  8. Thanks for the fun recap Maggie.

    Sigh, oh JM. I know you are overwhelmed with being in love for the first time but you are so setting yourself up for disaster by not telling Mari.

    And what's up with Padre. As Rhonda said, it wasn't a confession but...he seems a bit loosed lipped. He has let other things slip before and he seems such a contrast to other novela priests who do even hint at what has been said to them.

    Viv and her mother are frighteningly wicked. Their antics leave the grifters in the dust. Will Viv graduate from having an affair to murder? My guess is probably. And then Oneila... JM is too nice b/c he knows how awful she is to his daughter. I might understand his wimpyness if Oneila were only bad to him but she messes with Mayita regularly.

    The judge is setting himself up for one of the grandiest humiliations I've seen. He just digs himself in deeper and deeper with ever smug, self-righteous word that comes out of his mouth. I don't know why Ceci is with him.

    JM wouldn't be declared a bigamist b/c he thought he wife was dead. Once Viv shows up, his marriage will be void.

  9. Hey if only Padre Tad on Fuego could spread a little FYI, I wish this Padre could go to Mexidoom and spread the word. me out here. Okay, Helen Rojo ditched the kid at the church like twenty years ago.

    She must have been in her thirties when she ditched the kid, not some Naca teenager. What about Judge Pat, he was an old dude even then.

    I missed the ditching tale, what happened?

    Thanks ahead of time.

  10. Beckster, I think that Patricio was from a wealthy family and Cecilia not. Somehow his family separated them, and she found herself pregnant and gave Marichuy to the orphanage. When they got back together, it was too late for them to find the child. (This part I dont understand, as Isa has been making sure Ceci would never talk to the Padre, as he would realize and tell her she was M's mother. So why wasn't she able to find out from him before?)I'm not so sure that this explanation sheds light on anything, but it went something like that...Nj sue

  11. Hello! again fellow commenters.

    Something dawn on me why I was reading your comments about Onelia. She is awful who thinks she is all that and rule the house. Her daughter Vivana along with Juan Miguel let her before, so she continues too.

    I think Onelia hold up there at Juan Miguel because she depends on him financially. She probably can't afford to live somewhere else. She lives off Juan Miguel. One thing I thought of is that they should introduce an older gentlemen to the show who could romances Onelia and take her with him when he leaves. This is an idea. Yeah!


  12. Okay, after some weeks here of poking at William Levy’s performance, I must say that I thought his I’ve-been-shot scene was very good, not at all a cliché, and that his scenes with Mari in the hospital were very touching.

    I just found out I’m going to be out of town later next week, including Thursday, my recap night, so can anybody step in a save the day?

    That’s rough about the actor playing the padre. He has such a wonderful face and is such a powerful force in our story…

  13. Yes, Genevieve, someone should take her away, but who is evil enough to deserve her? Amador? Hahahahaha.

    That was the most romantic hospital scene I have ever seen. He totally had me.

    Loved the recap, Maggie.

  14. I did not enjoy this episode, but the recap was great. Thanks, Maggie.

    Beckster, I believe that Cecilia gave her baby up because at the time she thought she was dying and so would not be able to care for the child. And as been said, Patricio's family separated them because she was not from their social class. But, yes, both Cecilia and Patricio would have been quite mature by that time. I am almost positive that she personally gave baby Marichuy to Padre Anselmo and that is why Isa and Stef have been desperate to keep them apart.

    I cannot fathom what would make Padre disclose Jm's and Mari's secrets to Adrian, who he knows loves Mari and wants to protect her. And then he compels the poor guy to keep his "secret". I know it's just the writing, but I just can't believe a priest would blab something confided to him in total trust.

    Onelia is surely due for a heavy anvil sooner or later. Her cold-blooded manipulation of Mayita was hard to watch. That little girl is a good actress and avoids being too cutsey.

    Now, I'm trying to be supportive of JM, and again, I know it's the writing, but he obviously is a practicing therapist and anyway has studied extensively, so knows he should not be pressuring Mari at this time. She was so frightened to think he would die, that it pushed her into admitting her love for him and accepting his proposal. He knows that he should tell her first. He could build up her trust in him and still wait to marry her. She has been through so much and is just not emotionally stable yet. It's frustrating that we do not know exactly what happened in that incident. Also he is just rocketing from one woman to the other without giving himself time to really know the last two. In real life, what would he and Mari have in common? She is very young for her age in terms of experience and at times relates to him as if he were her father.

    To me, the success of this story has so much to do with how Marichuy is presented. Even though I can't understand a lot of her dialogue, I can feel what she is saying.


  15. Maggie: How do I contact you re doing your recap?

  16. JJ – the actress playing Marichuy is really outstanding. It’s interesting to contemplate that Milagros was almost exactly the same character, just a few years younger, and, though Allisson did a very nice job with her part, Maite Perroni’s performance is much more nuanced and she brings to Marichuy a vulnerability and warm-heartedenss that makes the character really live and breathe.

  17. Pasofino - it would be totally fun if you could do the recap. I just added my e-mail link to my profile so you can contact me there. If you're not a recapper already, Melinama can set you up, or maybe I can recall how I got set up.


  18. Maggie, Thanks for the wonderful recap. It was a complex episode so I appreciate your careful detailing. Also thanks to the commeneters who have filled in some of the early episodes as I did not understand how Ceci came to lose a daughter either.

    Maybe a just outcome would be for nasty JudgePat having to go off with even nastier Onelia and we find some one suitable for Ceci whom I think is a loving if easily cowed character. She doesn't deserve to have to put up with the snoboftheyear Pat but should end up with all his money!!

    It will be intriguing to see how far Vivi gets with the seduction of the smart for the moment husband Gustavo. Vivi isn't really that attractive so it make take some doing. He seems to be considering his options though since his blindtrusting wife is so sold on having Vivi around for as long as possible.

    I am sorry that Padre Anselmo is such a blabbermouth. It is unseemly of a priest to tell these kind of psychologically damaging secrets even if they are not confessional secrets. Aren't priests supposed to be good and trusted counselors?

    The BadStefi was just perfect slapping a bedridden patient with a gunshot wound. What a good bad woman she is!! HA!

  19. Thanks for the answers regarding dumping the kid.

    I think Mari is much more likeable than Mili and JM is way hotter than Big Al

  20. Cheryl, I love to read your comments here as I have with other novelas we've shared.

    I actually wouldn't like JudgePat and Ceci to be apart as I think they do love each other and were separated for far too long. But I would like to see her grow a backbone and him humbled, even if we have to wait for many anvils and pie carts to pass.

    I've seen Nailea Norvid (Viviana) before (Abrazame Muy Fuerte)and while she may not be classically beautiful, I think she's very attractive and sensual. She is born to play these parts. I like that Gustavo sees through her and so far has not fallen for her seduction. Oyala that it continues.

    I know you were a Pasion fan, and isn't it interesting to see GRita as the good one (Leti) and Ofelia as the bad one (Isa). It really speaks to their range as actors.


  21. Awesome, Maggie. Muchas gracias!

    The only way a "bestest" friend who hadn't seen me in like FOREVER would give me medication MY LIFE DEPENDED ON would be if I was so sick I couldn't reach the bottle myself. I mean, really. Even if Viv wasn't evil, a good person can make an honest mistake and give the wrong dose. Lety's not lying there paralyzed. Let's just file that under "contrived writing." Ugh.

    Thank God THE bullet came from a stranger robbing a Wachovia branch. *whew* Yo, yo, yo! I'm da baddest in ma clan, wid a glock in my left, a .45 in ma otha hand. Put da money in da bag 'fore I drop ya where ya stand. Peace out! Oh ____, dis pretty dude's in da line of fire-- *BAM* (don't ask me where that came from because I'm not sure)

    Pat, oh Pat. The corn cob up thy butt is really paining you now. We can tell by the way you foam at the mouth whenever you talk about anyone lower in class than your glorious self. Don't blame others because you were STUPID enough to pay for a wedding when your fake spawn hadn't even dated the damn guy. You are sooooooo going to eat crow.

    Why the hell would Padre tell ADRIAN the worst secret of someone else's life? Oh yeah... that contrived writing thing again. Huh.

    Onery hasn't had any for a looooong time, and it shows. I say take her to the pound and let them put her down for good.

    Great comments, y'all! Yo, yo, yo! :)

  22. Ornery could get a job running the local, not in the castle, some S&M place far far far away from JM and Mari and Mayita.

    The medicine thing is totally contrived. What the hell kind of doctor would prescribe something like that for self-administration? If the dosage is that critical, wouldn't it come already diluted so that it would be really hard to screw up? I mean, a simple thing like being tired or having shaky hands could make it really difficult to count drops accurately. word verification is "grammar"...I think blogger is trying to chastise me.

  23. JJ, Thanks for you kind words, it is fun to form these discussion groups then reform on another telenovela, no? Thanks to you too for the insight into Ceci and Pat and the long separation. I wasn't around for the beginning of this telenovela. So she was of that lower class, hmmm. I wonder what she must be thinking when Pat carries on about class and economic status determining human worth?

  24. Hola Angels ;)

    I've been MIa for a while as I fell Waaay behind on recaps, but am finally caught up on this one(for now).

    Thanks to Maggie and the rest of the fabulous recap team for the stuff I missed (like Viv eying the dropper and contemplating altering her friend's medication, ouch! Lety has been extra tired lately..). I also wonder why Viv couldn't have gone for the brother instead (Lety even suggested him as a possibility if she divorced JM). Guess he's not quite as big a millionaire as his bro and Viv had her priorities straight. As for her graduating to murder, she's already done it once, so another shouldn't be a problem.

    Some final thoughts on the whole Isab!tch (thanks for that one and Estafa Julia!) keeping PA away from Ceci. Yes, they definitely met and that's why Isa fears the minute they come face to face at least one will remember who the other is and the whole thing will hit the fan. Ceci told Isa that she doesn't even remember the padre's name because she was sick (and probably heavily medicated) at the time. However, if Isa remembered the name (that's why she interrogated him about MCs origins, to make sure MC was the really abandoned child - she knew the name but had never met the priest), why wasn't Ceci able to find someone at the hospital who knew who this man was???? You'd think there would be some nurse who would say "Oh yeah, he has a parish at such and such..." or something along those lines. We know he went back to the hospital and that's how he knows that the baby mama didn't die (though he obviously never knew her married name and that's why he never associated her with MCs baby mama).

    It is definitely nebulous as to how much JM did to MC, but I'm willing to trust his story and say he gropped her and kissed her, but never got any further (we see no evidence of torn clothing or anything along those lines in the flashback, so that's what I'm hoping it was). Not that it isn't pretty bad, but it could have certainly been worse. He was definitely the culprit though. During her telling of the story, MC mentioned she bit her attacker's arm, and I think that's what made it clear. It was probably too dark for either of them to make the other's face (that and she's got PTSD and he was drunk - so that's why they don't remember). I don't think there was another attacker, but as JM said, MC thinks it was more than it was because she's never experienced intimacy. As another commenter pointed out, she's emotionally young for her age.

    I don't think Mexican psychiatrists have ethics any different than they do in the US. It's just that as a work of fiction (and yes, sometimes in real life regardless of geography) it's more "interesting" when they do things real Drs. would never do (anybody ever see "Falsettos"? In it we have a psychiatrist who convinces his gay patient to leave his wife - to his credit, he hadn't met the wife, just knew the guy was gay - and then ends up marrying her himself! Off course, it was a musical and meant to be a little goofy....) I do know that, like their American counterparts, many receive treatment as well because they would simply go crazy if they didn't have somewhere to sort all the stuff they have to deal with, and their own Drs. are bound to secrecy and have never met their patients so it stays nice and secret.

    Someone had asked this: Muerta (or muerto if male) de Hambre = Dead of Hunger. Basically too poor to afford food, or just plain poor.

  25. Margarita, thanks for the vocab info, but isn't muerto de hambre only used pejoratively, as in that person is way to low-class to associate with for us stuck-up rich people? I only hear it used that way, and I have never heard anyone say, for example, let's help that poor muerto de hambre.
