
Friday, October 31, 2008

Fuego 10-30-2008 ''you never hear the anvil that hits you''

First let me begin with two disclosures:

First: PSA: I was off work today so I watched Muchacitas Como Tu. This is an Teen Novela, you know the four kickin beautiful very European looking Amigas. Anyway Ber from Fuego is making a guest appearance. He is shown holding a box of what appears to be candies. Need I say more? Pa & Ma lock the youngins up. Granted there are no waterfall pools but there are hot tubs aplenty.

Second: In Keeping with the political season…I have decided to add even more annoying adjectives to each person’s name as in my own “Beckster the Slacker”..yes this is a shout-out to formerly “Joe the Plumber”, now “Joe the Foreign Affairs Expert”.

Okay so we begin with Sofie the Suffering, telling Beaver the Clever, their romantic but ill fated history. What a freekin scam, would this not be the greatest thing ever? She tells the beautiful, I gave it up for you in the various locations we did the deed. However, Sofie leaves out the details about the time Juan took the whip beating from Gabi that was intended for Sofie, while four adult women stood there watching. The time Sofie took a midnight stroll through Rape Forest and then tortured Juan for a lengthy time. The time she took a tumble down the Hacienda steps and Juan stayed by her beside for days on end. She left out the breakfast in bed, cooking all the meals for her, the sponge baths, and worst of all moving back into the hacienda where her life had been threatened 452 times prior, while Juan repeatedly begged her to move to the Reyes house. Oh well small details.

Anyhow Juan is thrilled that such a smokin hot pale, wan, whining, bad dressing chica was once his love makin Nina. Juan swoops in for a small (very small Pablitio could do better) kiss. Sofie is secretly please but chastes Juan. He apologizes, like riding his horse and sweating into pan it is instinct.

Meanwhile back at the Hacienda Feo the Frustrated tells Gabi that Juan is free. This sends Gabi always the second best into drinking copious glasses of liquor. What if Juan remembers, what if they find out we nicked the kid, what if we go to jail, what if space aliens come through the roof of the hacienda, what if I run out of depends, what if the Mayans were right and the world does end in 2012. Finally Fer can take no more and tells her to STFU, her rattling on and on is going to give them away. The decide to take off for Pueblo & wait a day and see if Juan remembers anything.

“Sarita the socially conservative spinster” and “Jimena the vacant” run into “Oscar the Night Ranger” & “Franco the Used to Get Lucky”. The boyz tell the sisters that Juan is free. The girls especially Sarita the Nasty Annoying Sanctimonious Harpy, it totally unbelieving. How could Sofie let Juan go? Sarita has dreams of all three sisters living in the cabana, hating men until they die from dehydrated Souls.

Ximena plays hard to get with Oscar. Pleeeeeeeeeezzzzeeee
This is the bimbo that faked catatonia for a healthy period of time and gave it up for a crystal rose from the dollar store. Oscar asks her to go with him and get a civil marriage again. EGADS…Ximena had no idea they were divorced. Oscar tells her the tale of Ma taking her little limp paw and signing the paper. Ximena smacks him. How dare he, he didn’t not believe in their eternal, destined from heaven love. Yeh, beeotch, neither did you two minutes ago when you were playing hard to get. I guess Jimena is all upset cause she had sex with Oscar out of the blessed sanctity of marriage. Oh the sin, yes Jimena you are now destine to eons in purgatory for that sin, thus erasing all the good karma you had accumulated from lying on you ass faking catatonia. She stomps off.

Now then Franco is putting the moves on the sexless and extremely unappealing Sarita. He is all Rico Suave and tries to get her to go and civilly marry again. She retorts that she will never marry him again, thus removing any remaining chance she will ever have for loosing her virginity.

Seriously though only good virgin girls get to have awesome pin the tail on the donkey pinata parties, just think how awesome that next party will be. A huge pinata & at least thirty five candles on a big chocolate cake, not to mention maybe there will be clowns.

This little taming of the shrew scene, leads Franco to grabbing Sarita face, she relaxes and expects him to kiss her, when he doesn’t she asks why. He says he does not want to kiss her. Sarita kicks him in not one shin but both, then makes fun of him cause he says eeeewwww my patitos or little legs. Guess the humour of this raucous scene is lost in the retelling.

Juan runs off to tell “Pad Tad the ineffective” his happy love story. His nina told him their great story. He can hardly wait to find the kid and end Sofie’s suffering &world hunger and create peace in the middle east.
---Oppps sorry I forgot Juan went to talk to the midwife & she told him about the night the kid was born; Juan has come up with some theory about this that will lead to the truth, whatever the hell this was about I missed the details—he relays this nonsense to Tad---He also says the other day, Sofie told him the story. Apparently Juan does not recall the sun has to set and come up again before it is another day. Amnesia is awful disease.

Anyway I am forced to query—at this point if you were Juan the LameAss, wouldn’t you be all shades of pissed that Sofie, Sofie Sisters and so on, never bothered to look for the kid for at least 51 weeks out of 52?

Now over in the “La Tienda de CaCita”, the sisters plus Eva the painfully guilty for all that is bad on this earth, are milling about. Sarita the unwanted, is jumping Sofie’s Ass about freeing Juan. Sofie says she is convinced Juan is guiltless in the baby debacle. Sarita is furious, So what, that doesn’t matter, she just wants vengeance. Sofia is mad and leaves. Jimena tells Sarita to lighten up. They start talking about the boyz. It is like the girls bathroom in seventh grade. These asses are so sorry, like they just really put the boyz down, but hey that is cool cause they know the boyz will be back. Oh that is a given, what with th girls great looks, awesome family connections and all round pleasant personalities.

Demian the boring is sittling at his house thinking about his deep and incredibly, unbelievable misplaced love for Sofie the undeserving. Knock Knock Knock…why it is Gabi. I guess she had some time before vamoosing. She tells Demian that she is still orgasmic over the thought of him hooking up with Sofie. The name of Juan comes up. Demain tells Gabi that Juan seems like a stand-up guy. Gabi can’t believe Demian would say such a thing.

Ros comes in looking for Sofie. Eva tells her that Sofie just left. Ros is all nervous and chewing on her lips. Sarita & Jimena comment on Ros being so nervous and try to get her to talk. No she can’t she has to talk to Sofie. She then goes into a long winded diatribe about how happy she is to have been included in their little sisterly family unit.
(this is heavy handed anvil dropping about Ros’s demise)
They all end up joining hands and Ros once again tells Sarita that Franco loves on Sarita. Blah Blah Blah.

Now later that night, it is the Ginormous Ros show over at the The Bad Love Bar. She comes out and does a solo number, then one with her back up dancers. The horny drunken patrons go wild.
---In Fer’s office Armando is tearing it up looking for something—

In Ros’s room we get a camara wide angle shout, all the little things that mean so much to Ros..more foreshadowing. Ofelia comes in and lays the praise on. Ros & her radioactive hooters are too bid for this one burro town. No Ros must stay for the safety of her little Luisito. Here comes Luisito. Is this the same kid? I don’t think so cause he can actually speak words. Anyway, she loves him so much…The crowd calls for Ros, she doesn’t want to go. The little kid says he loves her. Crash there goes another anvil.

As Ros sings her patented BonBon song, we see Armando finally finding what he is looking for. The combination to Fer’s safe. Yeh Armando plans to steal the money and go somewhere where Fer will never find him.

Juan is home making pan, the two brothers stand on either side like bookends, thus keeping Juan from falling over and hitting his too big head. He tells them of his prior convo with Sofie the Suffering. The boys lament. Oscar says Jimena will never want to see him again.
--Oscar I beg to differ, Jimena likes getting her crystal rose watered, you will be in like Flynn.
Franco laughs that Sarita kicked him in both legs. Oh he likes her rugged behavior.
--Franco, in your way you are a bit of a babe, I would be happy to slap the crab out of you Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays. I really don’t have an inclination in that direction, but Dude if it makes you happy so be it.
Juan turns on his megawatt smile that goes along with his golly gee wide eyes and vows to find the kid & make it all up to Miss Suffering. Of course he does.

Ros comes in Fer’s office and finds Armando drinking. He tells her his plan to steal Fer’s money and run away. She asks him to take her along.
Say now I am rooting for these two crazy kids.

Sofie goes to tell “Gramps the Loco” that she pardoned Juan. Gramps like everyone on else says maybe Juan and Sofie will hook-up again. She denies that it could ever happen.
Demian stops by to beg Sofies love. Gramps leaves. Demian is pleading for her love. Of course Sofie says it can never be. Damn Demian is such a self loathing loser. They lean in for a kiss & Juan walks in.

The end.

Tomorrow Ros & Armando break in to safe, Ros finds Libia’s necklace and says Fer killed Libia.
Fer is downstairs…


  1. It looks like Rosario has iced those Bon Bons for the last time. She's a goner.

  2. Thanks for the recap Beckster. Very funny. I think those "crazy kids" are doomed. How will Feo do it? Poison, sleepy time tea, fire, shooting, drowning? So far those haven't worked for him. Hmmmm Rosario can't won't drown because she has her own built-in flotation devices. :/

  3. Thanks Beckster the Snarker for another fine recap. Sorry to say, but it looks like Rosario the Siliconized is about to go- way too many anvils-a-fallin. Luisito the Forgotten will likely find a new home at the hacienda of the hapless. (Is that the same kid?) Goofy editing again- all around. Are these production people even aware of the story line, or the general need for continuity? Antone notice that when Demian the Desirous was planning his conquest of Sofia the Damaged Goods that the golden retriever was panting in the background sound? or was it his own panting? Looks like tonight will be an important capitulo. I'm wondering if both Armando the Bold and Rosario the Enhanced are both gonna get the wrath from Feo the Homicidal...

  4. Thanks for the ReCrap, beckster.
    Did you hear Joe is now a/k/a "Joe the WannaBe Country Singer"? It was on our news last night. I guess I'll go watch my VCR tape anyway, just to see Rosario and the Pips. Where is my aluminum foil hat? ....

    I have no more wisdom to impart. Buahahahahaha


  5. Haven't had time to read this yet but intend your style. Tagged it for you.

  6. Beckster: Thanks for the great recap. Yes, it looks like Armando and Rosi are about to disappear from this novela. But, what is Feo doing in the hacienda? Looks like he lead us all down the primrose path to be set up by his evil ways.

    I never would have thought that Damian could be so easily persuaded by Gabi. Maybe Juan will have his memory jogged by the shock of seeing his beloved nina about to kiss this good guy.

  7. This whole memory thing is throwing me. I mean if Juan has lost his memory, no Libia, no gap toothed gyspy dressed childhood, not remembering the execution of Ma & Pa? No memory of the land debate & "the lil Alvin & Chipmunks" Lunchbox. The nasty treatment of Fer & Gabi. Well doesn't that just make Juan kind of a nice guy, but even bigger jello head? I mean before at least he had a lot to be messed up from, now he is just kind of a tool.

  8. Beckster the Snarkster, Mother of Nickster: egads, woman, that was just a freakin' wonderful recrap of FELS from start to finish! Well, almost finish...unfortunately, it lives to torture us for a few more capitulos.

    Another name for this TN: Tools en la Sangre. Is there a Spanish equivalent for "tools" as in total losers??

  9. I wonder if Gabriela really likes to be smacked around by Fernando. She seemed surprised at first. Maybe she likes S&M. And thinks she is a GILF. Ewww. Yikes.

    It is really driving me nuts out of Curiosity, but what is thereal spellling of the Character Jimena's name? Jimena or Ximena and I know some people spell their names with an 'X'.

    What will happen to the Reyes' and Elizondo's with the missing baby? Is it really any of the three kids or ist it dead. If I remember correctly, Gabi and Fernando wanted that mbaby dead. Question is why did they not kill it and deviate from their plans?

    I'm a minority here in that I liked being treated to the Best of Rosario's performances. I love that gal. Laff.

    Quite a montage of her greatest hits culminating with her on the giant mirror ball for the Gran Finale Bonbon assesino. :)

    Could Armando be more of a numnut, thrasing the place looking for the safe combination. At least put it back together so Fernando won't notice. I think I heard Rosario saying the money isn't that important. She wants evidence of Fernando's Crimes...

    So what is our current time line here? 2 and half years? Let's see, they have gone 1 year since Bernanrdo and Libia's deaths, 1 year since the missing hija was born and the sojourn to Las Barrancas.

    I hope I get to see Leonora and Rosario together. Hehehe. I could foresee a Damien and Fernando fisticuff. Fernando has taken on all three brothers before so why not? maybe we should call Fernando the one man gang since no one can stop this one guy....

    An interesting theory would be Tio Vicente trying to woo Gabriela back from the dark side. I would like to see that happen... Don agustin must be feeling so bad that his unica Hija is some F***** up and evil offspring.

    If Armando has seemingly turned into a good guy, it would be wise to enlist the help of the Hermanos Reyes against Fernando...


  10. Anon 11:05 A word in Spanish for "Tool" could be "Mamon". It is an obscenity and has more than one meaning.The other meaning is a BJ.

  11. You had me at "Joe the Foreign Affairs Expert." Though, I must say, Sarita will sooner turn to animal husbandry then succomb to Franco's earthly desires of the flesh. Then again, she may never grow tired of her flannel, boots, and power tools; which may say more about her pyschosexual development than the writers let on...
    Nickster the "I'm pretty sure I'd rather gnaw my hand off than watch Juan gnaw Sofia's face"

  12. Anon 11:44...see, that's what I love about this site! It's ALWAYS educational!

    Sorry...I forgot my tagline on my comment earlier. It is Friday, which means it's almost margarita time for...


    p.s. To the boys in the audience: last night's bonbon performance was totally for you! But where's our eye candy? Didn't Title IX guarantee equal opportunities for women in sports & we all know ogling is a sport!

  13. Bwahhhaaaa true so true
    Sarita and "the Love that dare not speak its name". Every time I see Sarita I think of Frau Farbissina.

    Frau Farbissina: I will never love another man.
    Dr. Evil: [remembers Unibrau] That's true.

  14. Beckster, wow, you're riding with a bee in your bridle on this one! Excellent and too too funny! I agree, anvils everywhere, especially seeing the loooong goodbye look Rosario gave Luisito before going out to perform...
    Anybody want to guess how long before Sufria the Insufferable quits the long black dresses and starts wearing eyemakeup again?

  15. Beckster, you rock! You just nail it. Thanks for the morning crack up.

    That was a lot of Rosario last night. My 15 year old son even watched FELS for a while. What about some swimming? I'm sure if they took Juan for a swim he would get his memory back! Damien must swim before he leaves the show!

  16. Who posted here, today or yesterday, that they saw Benito on Muchachitas Como Tu? I watched it during lunch. Yep, that guy left Ciudad Cerdán and found greener pastures. I almost didn't recognize him. Does that girl on CCEA know he's two-timing her? What would our Eugenia think?We know she really doesn't love Rigo. I also saw Unibrow a/k/a El Jefe (jailbreak?) on MCT, along with Constancio's father.

    I'm glad FELS is starting to pick up the pace. Maybe they had a writers' strike and it is over.


  17. I haven't been able to watch for 2 days but I feel like I'm up on what's going on. I'll probably watch it over the weekend. Hopefully my kitchen will be finished and I can write another chapter of "Para Siempre" soon to be renamed because that name was already taken. ;-P

  18. The clue that Juan came up with to prove his innocence was that when he spoke with the partera (midwife) she did not remember hearing the sound of the espuelas (spurs) from the person who took the baby. Pad Tad then remarked that Juan practically sleeps with those silver spurs his hermanos bought him for a birthday months and months ago in this lame novela.

    Beckster, you slay me. The Queen of Snark rides again and wins the blue ribbon.

  19. Jimena, Ximena... sometimes the captions spell it one way, sometimes they spell it another.

    You can't even go by the way names are spelled in the credits. I remember one of the characters in LFMB was either Saimon or Simon in the credits, but when the character was given a promotion in the show, his name was spelled the other way on the nameplate they gave him.

    I figure that if the producers don't care, I'm not going to waste any time worrying about it.

  20. food for thought. A slip up in our story. Juann said to his brothers that sofia will never look at him again as she did before he lost his memory. DUH. I think that was a screw up in the writing of this tele. How does he know how she looked at him then?????

  21. Beckster the SnarkQueen Supreme! Thanks for the enlightening speech on foreign affairs and all things FELS. It warmed my SofiaWeary Heart no end. The episode was fun but I agree that the slomo Rosario concert is likely to be her last. Too bad she is teaming up with Armando the safe-cracker, who doesn't know how to clean up his tracks and will be hunted down and killed for trashing Feo's office if for nothing else.

    About Jimena/Ximena: Hymena is the Goddess of Marriage and Love in Roman mythology and so a favorite name. J or X are the only choices to get the sound right in Spanish since they never aspirate the H. And yes, folks it is related to hymen which if unbroken, the Victorians took up as a Christian sign of virginity and purity. Also in at least early New Mexican Spanish, the wedding ceremony announcements used "himena" to signify the wedding ceremony itself.

  22. Oh, and by the way, Dorado Dave, I have Willa the Wonderpoodle here to alert me to the panting retriever sound track on Damian sequences. She never misses that sound even when I do. She kisses the screen when she sees the dog but she has even awakened from a death like nap when she hears him panting. Ahhhh love.....

  23. I hope everyone had a last eyefull of Rosario's assets because she was definitely singing her swan songs. She was in a panic looking for Sofia in the Crap From Afar Store but later when Sofia returned, did anyone think to let Sofia know. Of course not. G the Exasperated in CA Also I hope she doesn't decide to flee in those high heels like last time. I think she went as far as about 10 feet.

  24. I didn't see Benito, but I saw Bernardo which is far scarier given his liking for the young stuff. He found the ultimate escape path from Mexidoom...Death.

  25. The snark! OMG, the SNARK!! Becks! I can't even follow that up. Every single paragraph is just... ROFLMAO

    Looking back at Llorona and Beaver's ill-fated history reminded me of one thing--how amazing lifelike and beautiful Llorona looked back then, before she morphed into... this.

    The one great thing about the boyz and the Stepfords standing in the street yammering? How T-I-G-H-T Franco's pants were in the front. (The captions kept covering Mr. Happy up, so I just got rid of them. It's not like I cared what he was saying.)

  26. A bad move: Rosy not telling Gramps what she overheard, when he's the one person she SHOULD have told. Doh! Buh-bye!

  27. Stephe! I didn't watch last night! Your saying I missed I Franco in tight pants moment? Oh the humanity! Ack!

  28. I believe one of our male commenters once hinted that "Mr. Happy" was actually the result of an auspiciously placed sock.

  29. I believe one of our male commenters once hinted that "Mr. Happy" was actually the result of an auspiciously placed sock.

    Well, then, he'll just have to 'sock it to' Sarita.


  30. In the words of my painfully blunt neighbor to her oversexed husband; "is that a banana in your pants, or are you just excited to see me?"

  31. Ha
    Sock it to Sarita
    or in the good frau's case...

    "Is that the stick I normally have up my Ass in your pocket...
    or are you just happy to see me?"

  32. ROFL!!

    Socks don't bob like that underwater. Sorry. :D

  33. Stephe the Sock Expert! You have plenty of company when it comes to checking out those underwater shots, I suspect!

  34. Nickster that is originally a Mae West line who used to ask: is that a gun in your pocket or are you just glad to see me. Glad your neighbor isn't an NRA member, banana sounds much more benign...

  35. Cheryl; I love how you know these things! Yes, bananas are much safer; one false move and, well, you know...
