Prepare yourselves friends, this is a depressing episode with very little to make you smile. I forgot how Ferro's ugly crying scale works and if someone reminds me I might rate the criers accordingly.
And now, on with the show...
Repeat of Sara and Bruto's odious conversation, he sabotaged Zuly's operation with expired drugs, which, as Emily pointed out, is ridiculous. Bruto says he put something in the meds that will make her have a violent allergic shock. He explains that whatever Al uses to arrest Zuly's shock will aggravate the crisis and then she'll be done for.
We see Al work as Bruto explains it and sure enough, as soon as Al injects Zuly she flatlines.
Al approaches the unsuspecting family in the waiting room. He says there was a complication, it's very serious, Zuly went into shock and now she's in a coma.
Bruto and Sara try to out-sneer each other. Bruto says he'd love to see stupid Diana's face. Sara curls her lip. Bruto says it's perfect because this will also ruin Alonso's career, bwaahaaahaaaa!
Al explains to the family that Zuly had an allergic reaction. Lorena stops them from blaming Al and Vasco chimes in that all surgery carries a risk. Lor optimistically says people in comas get better after a few days, right? She tells Al to have faith, he is going to save her mama! He tells her that the Director has called a meeting to discuss what happened. Maybe they will figure out a way to help Zuly.
Bruto and Sara share a violent kiss. She says she loves it when men go crazy for her and do what she says. He pushes her face, says he's nobody's lackey (achichincle) and angrily kisses her. He is so totally kitty-whipped.
Diana tells Vasco she's afraid, she wishes she had his faith but she doesn't. She can't imagine life without her ma.
Omar thought bubbles that this is his punishment for being unfaithful, that it should be him and not Zulema.
Al assures his jefa the Director that the operation should have gone fine, he did all the necessary tests and prep and he was confident. Jefa is concerned when she finds out Al operated on his 'suegra' but she seems to be on his side. She hopes maybe the meeting will shed some light on the situation.
Lor comforts Diana who says it's like a bad dream, and oh s**t they have to tell Julian. Lor tells her not to lose faith. After Di and Vasco leave Lor says a little prayer to the virgin.
The tribunal begins. The senior doctors want a detailed description of what happened. Bruto arrives late and tells Al he's so sorry about what happened and surely they will find out what happened. Grrrrrr!
Lor sadly walks the halls, this is cut with scenes of the tribunal while violins play morosely.
Al does a lot of face rubbing while he explains what he did, he used standard procedure to try to reverse the shock, including an application of 'karmabencina', whatever that is.Bruto says at least that worked or they would be regretting something else, though he doesn't know which is worse. The Director gets kind of mad at Bruto, they don't need his value judgements! The senior doctors discuss various things that could have happened and Bruto, in an attempt to bring the blame back around to Al, lets slip to the tribunal that Zuly was too close to Al, practically his Mother in Law. The guys are impactados and say Al should have sent her somewhere else for the surgery. Bruto lifts his eyebrow in triumph.
Tori shows the Tai Chi Lady (TCL) pics of his family. She coos over Tori and tells him his close family is enviable. She asks how does he act when he shows pictures of his partner? Tori jokes and says if she looks like a witch he runs, ha ha ha. TCL acts insulted, is that how he thinks of her? Tori is confused at the direction this conversation is going. She comes right out and says she'd like to be his girlfriend, at their age they can't waste time. (What happened to the black widow? Did she just disappear like so many telenovela characters?)
Paula, looking very hot these days, tells Betina she's proud of her dancing victory and she's touched that Bettina (and Ivan as it turns out) want to give their money to her to go to Thailand, but no way will she accept their money. This scene is about the only ray of sunshine tonight and it's very touching. Paula says she will allow Betina to buy her some great videos of Thailand and they can watch them together...with Ivan. Mother and daughter hug, gosh they're cute!
TCL is very pushy and wants Tori to show her his room so she can decide whether they should live at his place or hers. Tori comments that she's really taking this women's lib thing to heart. TCL figures he's one of those guys who likes to take the initiative but he swears no, he just wants to be friends and have her cook sometimes. She asks what will it take to change things and he says he just needs to get to know her. She pouts. She's kind of weird if you ask me.
It looks like the tribunal is about to wrap things up. The Director advises them not to prejudge Al. Al says he'll face the consequences if he made a mistake but nobody can accuse him of being callous. One Dr. says sometimes coldness is necessary, it's a sign of professionalism. Other Dr. says it's not good to get close to a patient. The Director says she's always admired Al's humanity but one of the other guys says "but look at the result". All I can say is out of all the people in that room I know who I would want to be my doctor.
Lorena tells Omar to keep the faith, Al is in a meeting and maybe they will discover something to help her ma. He's back on the 'it's all my fault' thing, Zuly got the operation for him, "but also for her health" adds Lor. She tells him not to blame himself and to believe in love.
Over at his work Omar's boss tells Greta that Omar is out because his wife's condition is very serious, she's in a coma. Greta lets slip a tiny smile.
Paula and Betina go to Ivan and Ern's place where Paula thanks Ivan for wanting to send her to Thailand but his half of the money belongs to him. Ern suggests he'd like to see Africa, ha ha. Like all young teens Betina takes advantage of Paula's good mood to ask permission to go to a quinceañera with Ivan.
The Director says the possibility of Zuly recovering is remote, meeting over. Al rubs his face in despair.
Vasco fills Babs in on Zuly's condition. Diana kind of snaps at Babs but then Babs offers to babysit Saulito so Diana and Vasco can go to the hospital. Diana decides to be a little nicer.
While Omar paces the hospital halls he gets a call from Greta. She says she's truly concerned about his wife. (She's so concerned she's busting out of her blouse.) If he needs a friend he knows whom to call. Omar gives her the brushoff and she tells the air that he'll need her, that's for certain.
Al tells Lor that Zuly is in a deep coma and it could get worse, more complications could manifest themselves in a few days. "Like what, like what?" she cries. He tells her she needs to be strong and to prepare herself. "For what? For what?" she cries. He stands there like a doleful robot while she breaks down and cries, why did she find her mama only to have to lose her?
More crying post-commercial. "Born and raised an orphan and I only had my mother a few days, it's not fair!" Lor really is a master cryer, heart-rending but not ugly. Al finally wakes up and tells her to be strong. She says she can feel Zuly's first hug when she called her 'mama' in San Martin.
Speaking of ugly, Diana and Vasco run into Bruno, he smirkingly says too bad about yo mama, heh heh. Di and Vasco see Lor crying and wonder, did Zuly die? Diana comorts Lorena and says she believes in miracles because their mother is a fighter. Lor suddenly says she has to see Zulema.
She makes demands at the nurse's desk until Al shows up and whisks her away. He warns her that Zuly is in IC and to prepare herself.
Omar shows up and Diana gives him the bad news, that Al has little hope Zuly will recover. She'll be like the living dead until the end of her life.
Cut to Zuly all hooked up to hoses and electricity. Lor cries, "por favor I need you, be strong". Al watches robotically.
Back to the poor house and Babs coos to Saulito while Matilde looks on. Babs even calls herself 'abuela' while baby cries loudly, then sucks super loudly on his bottle. Someone spank the sound guy please.
Over at Redeemed Acres Snorty searches the ads for an apartment. She's worried about the sale of the house, the vultures have all flown in for the kill because they've heard she's desperate. One apartment in the paper jumps out at her and she shows it to Auggie. That's all the time these two get tonight.
Bruto gets home and Sara jumps his bones. She's excited because The Fatty is practically dead and Lor is crazy with sadness. Wheeeeeee! He assures her that Zuly is a vegetable, worse than dead, so why is Sara so glum? Is she thinking of Al?
Cut to Al, tormented and rubbing his face again. Hang onto your hats folks, a miracle is about to happen. No, Zuly doesn't wake up. It's Alonso, he actually shows emotion. He looks truly anguished, he says he brought Zuly and Lorena together only to snatch Zuly away again, he shouldn't be forgiven. He was so sure everything would be fine, it's his fault. No, says Lor, it's destiny, bad luck, but not you Alonso, not you. He doesn't buy it, this was his responsibility. No no, avers Lor. Hug me, she cries. There is new background music, I wonder what it means.
Sara seems a bit troubled that Al might lose his license, he wasn't quite as bad to her as the others. (She has a short memory.) Bruto yells that Sara may not hate him but he does and he wants to see Al ruined. He yells that Al hates Sara. They scream at each other some more. She wants a loan so that she can get out of there, it's too risky if he leaves now but she can. Bruto reminds her they don't have money and she'll have to wait until the end of the seems she's already forgotten what it means to live hand to mouth (vivir al día). They shout some more, she wants to leave this damn town, he does too and they'll leave together, but for now they'll have angry sex and he swears no human will separate them.
Greta visits Paula who doesn't want to talk to her. Greta needs to talk to a friend. She tells Paula that Zulema is in a coma and Alonso is responsible. Greta, with friends like you...
Omar, Vasco, Diana and Lor sadly return home. They're a little cranky to Babs. Diana tells her only God can help them and he seems to have forgotten them.
Omar sits on his bed and cries. Lor tries to comfort him, Zuly will live! A phone rings ominously in the background.
Diana enters and says that Julian's on the phone to check on Zuly's operation. What will she tell him?
Greta tells Pau about Zuly. Pau insists Zuly will be OK. Greta says The Fatty wasn't a saint but she doesn't deserve this, she wouldn't wish it on her worst enemy. Nice going Greta. Paula tells Betina that Al has a serious problem.
Al wails to Tori his career is in jeapordy. He gave Lor his word he'd take care of her ma and at any moment she could be pronounced brain dead. Al says the only justice would be if he were dead instead of Zulema.
This pisses off Tori who jumps up and gets on Al's case, he's one of the best doctors, snap out of it! Paula and Bet show up and rush to Al. Tio it's not your fault! Al says if they really want to help please say nothing.
Next morning Ern's little family is happily eating breakfast. Suddenly Ivan says Betina just called about something horrible, Lorena's mother is in a coma. Poor Lorena, sighs Ern. He feels her pain. He wants to do something but he's supposed to leave her alone.
Rosy and Julian rush into the waiting room. Julian weeps uncontrollably, but the big surprise is he's probably the ugliest crier in the history of telenovelas.
Lor is at Zuly's bedside talking to her, encouraging her, she knows Zuly can hear her, she loves her, they all love her!
Julian ugly-cries some more. He says Zuly's condition isn't living and his mama doesn't deserve this. Al walks in and Julian yells at him while Rosy holds him back, "What did you do to my mother you damn murderer? Murderer!" Al hears these words echo in his brain.
Mañana: Bruto and Sara booze it up, Omar cries, Julian threatens and Ernesto hugs Lorena.
Why is it impossible for there being expired drugs?
ReplyDeleteFirst off it's tv novella land where all things are possible.
Bruto was he dealing with the guy in the restaurant and the warehouse after he was put in charge of ordering drugs.
He probably traded unexpired drugs from the hospital for expired ones from the shady dealers and was paid for the deal.
Also wasn't there some problem with lab results from the young girl Slo promised to cure? Possibly some agent used in the test was bad.
Perhaps "karamabencina" is sodium bicarb. They always call for and inject it on House and other doctor shows.
ReplyDeleteIt's number 4 in the procedure lists of "Script Writing 101",listed under doctor,patient,operating room procedures.
Hey Sylvia...good recap of a miserable episode. Love the Biblical title too.
ReplyDeleteI had to detach emotionally to get through this one and just notice little problems. For one thing, I have visited a number of people on ventilators (sad to say) and they always have it taped with duct tape to the patient's mouth so it doesn't slip out. And for an intensive care unit, there just weren't enough machines and nurses hovering. Yeah, I what? but it was awful looking at Zulema so pale and I had to focus on nit-picking.
Then I got annoyed at Barbara's hair color (it seems to get more magenta-like and unnatural every week), the incredibly loud bottle slurping (go Baby King Kong!) and finally Julian's snot-all-over-the-place gigantic toddler like wailing.
Oh and Omar's weak-ass, pathetic little face, feeling guilty while strolling the corridors.
I thought Greta's reaction was normal, under the circumstances. She admitted Zulema "no está santo de mi devocion" (not my favorite person) but she certainly wouldn't wish this on her. But then again, perhaps she would...our "old brain" is capable of wishing all kinds of violence and destruction on people.
Loved your decorous "kitten-whipped" amiga! Delicious watching Bruno twist and turn any way Sara wants.
Come to think of it, Greta probably said "no ES santo de mi devoción".
ReplyDeleteStill amazed that so many people consider Spanish a "simple language". With the differences between "ser" and "estar" and the gazillion verb tenses, I consider it quite a challenge.
Maybe it's because I'm learning it in my dotage but man!'s all uphill....particularly on a night like last night.
Thanks again, got a real bummer tonight.
Question: is Tai Chi Lady the hostess at Raimundo's restaurant? Faces are not my forte - I couldn't tell Jacqui and Barbara apart the first couple of weeks because of the shockingly goofy hair dye. may be right, Mike. I didn't make that connection...but now that I think about it.
ReplyDeleteThe hostess WAS single...and that fits. Plus, of course the incredibly small world of the novela where everyone is connected to everyone else.
"Doleful Robot"! What a perfect description of Alonso.
ReplyDeleteWonder if they put onion juice or something in Julian's eyes to make them swell up like that. He certainly wins the prize for worst crier ever!
Seeing Zulema lying there on a respirator was extremely difficult, having watched my mother in that situation. I had to keep my eyes closed for that part.
Poor Toribio, he is wonderful with everybody else's problems but totally helpless around predatory (or just desperate?) women. Guess there are so few healthy single men his age, the competition is fierce.
Cap'n Sylvia~~~You have outdone yourself. That was a most excellent recap of a truly dreadful episode. Some thoughts : 1] I agree with Omar...It should be him instead of Zully. B] Would the writers really kill off Zully who is such a good, sweet, gentle, motherly character right after she has been reunited with her good, sweet, gentle longlost daughter [as opposed to the horrible , crazy, malicious faux daughter that she thought she had spawned ] ??? 3] Alonso did emote some , but with all the facerubbing, I was reminded of guys I've known who do that same thing with that same dazed look when they are roaring drunk and trying their best not to hurl. I'm just saying. He did look upset , but I'm not sure if that was griefstricken or loaded. D] This is the first episode where I've felt sorry for Alonslo. 5] Me thinks Bruno and Sara are going down in flames together after his statement about nobody EVER separting him. If Bruno weren't so rotten, he might be eyecandy for me...those blue eyes, the salt and peppa hair....E] Regreta just turned another corner on the road to hell.
ReplyDeleteHey Susanynn...they ran some big Tarzan-like pics of the actor who plays Bruno in that rag TV & Novelas a month or so ago and he actually has green eyes. Very fetching except he seems to wear eye makeup to enhance them which is not so fetching.
ReplyDeleteI've seen promos for him in some daytime telenovela geared toward young people (Mamacitas R Us?) no, it's not that but something like it. Can't tell if he's playing a baddie in that one or not. Oh...just came back to has "Muchachitas" in the title. sorry that the Zulema scenes brought back such painful memories for you. I know ventilators have allowed some people to make it through terible infections and then recuperate, but so often they seem only to prolong death, rather than restore life.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have many tender memories of your mom before this happened to comfort you.
And in our telenovela, I certainly hope the writers will provide us with a miracle to Zulema will make it through this.
Mark you are so right, all things are possible in TN land! I'm not a medical professional, but my understanding is that many meds that have exceeded their expiration are still good and usable. There are situations where critical medicines are distributed to poor countries by the pharmaceutical companies and the medical science communities. While perhaps not as strong as they once were it's doubtful most expired meds could kill you. Their danger lies in reduced effectiveness as opposed to toxicity. But as I said, I'm not an expert. I think Mark is more of an expert based on his sodium bicarb identification (great suggestion by the way) and the fact he watches House.
ReplyDeleteJudyB, thanks for your tip on "no es santo...", I'll admit that much of the conversation last night baffled me, even with closed caps. The medical tribunal...ya basta, it was too technical not to mention boring. I hope I got the gist of it however.
Mike, you're brilliant! TCL is the restaurant's hostess! I hadn't made the connection.
Regarding Al's face-rubbing, I had to laugh to myself because the CEO at my company does that when he's tortured. We kid him all the time about rubbing his face off. When he rubs his face before talking to me I know that trouble is brewing somewhere.
Maybe face rubbing is a trait common to those who "aren't a doctor, but I play one on TV." I remember Doc Adams on Gunsmoke did that a lot, too.
ReplyDeleteIt's weird how Alonso randomly seems to sometimes get the right expression on his face. You never know when it will happen!
ReplyDeleteI understand the concern about him being "too close" to his patient, but that has nothing to do with what happened in the OR because he didn't do a single thing wrong. I mean, all this discussion at the inquiry as to whether or not he had done the right thing - not one person ever said WHAT he had done wrong. I think they need to figure that out before deciding whether or not Alonso is a quack.
I didn't recognize Tai Chi Lady as the restaurant hostess either, but I agree, it's got to be her.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what happened to the sad con woman either. She just seemed to disappear. I think the last time I saw her was in a montage in that episode I recapped a zillion weeks ago. Odd. TCL is pushy too - I don't think she's a con woman, but if I were in Tori's shoes I'd be suspicious nevertheless.
Loved the "gnashing of teeth" expression.
ReplyDeleteGood heavens! that was ICU? Where was the naso-gastric tube down her nose? multi IV lines? EKG line? ICU would have a couple nurses + others, etc. At least she did look pale.
Judy B., I agree, our "old brain" is capable of wishing/working evil on others, despite our best efforts. We need to remember there's a little bit of Sara and Lorena [and our male counterparts] in each of us
I am sick of Toribio hanging our w/ sappy women. He's suppose to have some sense or wisdom.
Julian's emotions were great! Intense emotions are not pretty.
That's it! I'm not watching another tv novella.
Emily, yeah, I'm wondering about Toribio, too. I thought the story line was that he's a retired psychoanalyst. You'd think he'd be a better judge of others or at least more perceptive.
ReplyDeleteCap'n Sylvia go back and read Julie's Wed. Oct. 22 recap.
ReplyDelete" Bruto says he did everything yesterday. Then says he put expired drugs in a fresh package. The expired drugs will cause something like an alergic reaction that will affect multiple crucial functions. She'll go into shock almost immediately. Sara is pleased.
The key words are "alergic reaction".
I trust Julie and her translation
I do too. Thanks Mark!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what was in question, but:
ReplyDeleteBruno said the reaction "looks like (or seems like)" an allergic reaction. So, not a true allergy. Later Alonso described it as an allergy, probably because that's what he thought it was.
It's theoretically possible that some drugs break down into dangerous compounds over time, or when exposed to heat or light. Or even extreme cold (could cause something to precipitate).
I say THEORETICALLY. I don't know if any actually do.
The Directora has noticed accounting irregularities in Bruno's management of the pharmaceuticals, and she's noticed the tension between him and Alonso (I'm pretty sure), so she just might suspect a switcheroo.
Oh, my, what a dismal episode. Nice work on the recap though; what torture to have to listen so closely to all that wailing. Zulema had better not die.
ReplyDeleteWell, I found it painful to watch, so while I listened to all the crying and blaming I worked up a few quick T-shirt graphics. I posted them on, in case anyone's interested in looking. Two Team Ernesto and one anti-Omar.
I saw a documentary, or maybe it was on Dateline or something, about a company in China that was making counterfeit drugs. They looked just like the regular pills and whatnot, but were made of of truly nasty stuff, clay and road paint and such. And the reporter posed as the representative of a medical distributing company and the counterfeiter woman was bragging about these fake drugs and telling him how much money he could make, and apparently a lot of these drugs did get into regular drugstores and people thought they were taking medicine but of course it didn't work.
Yes - several people died, I think in the Philippines? - last year because of cough syrup made with antifreeze. Nice.
ReplyDeleteI love the T-shirt graphics. Especially the first Team Ernesto one. Reminds me of a Seuss book cover, for some reason.
Wow Julia. I am so impressed (of course it took me 5 tries to get to the site but I finally made it).
ReplyDeleteI'm ready to order one of each. I was especially taken with the devil-theme on Omar and the rakishly tilted chef's hat on the second Ernesto shirt.
You're an engineer...right? But with a multitude of other skills, amiga.
The TCL/hostess is named Clara.
ReplyDeleteThere's no way Zully could die, at least based on other novelas I've seen (I never saw Duelo de Pasiones, though!). In the ones I've seen, the only ones who die are 1) villains, or at least partial villains, 2) old people who lived a full life, and 3) heroes who sacrifice themselves. Zully doesn't fit any of these. On the other hand, Alonso could die as a hero, e.g., jumps into traffic to push little Gina out of the way (or Ernesto in something similar), because how else are they going to resolve the triangle?
In the previews, Lorena rushed into Ernie's arms...I am hopeful. I do, however, feel bad for Alonslo. As for Julian's messy, ugly crying, I must admit that I cried just that way when my mother died last year even though she had lived a long life . It's funny what people do with their hands when they are upset. Sofia on Fuego rubs her forehead, and so did Nasty Bertha on Heridas. Alonslo rubs his face. When I'm upset , I tend to put my hand over my mouth or on my throat or chest.
ReplyDeleteWhen I'm upset, I hit people with a tequila bottle.
ReplyDeleteOkay, not really. I rub my temples, which are usually in a lot of pain after I've been clenching my teeth for a while.
Thanks for the recap Sylvia. I hope Zuly comes around soon as I don't believe she'll die. I look forward to the dastardly duo to be taken down.
ReplyDeleteJulie, those t-shirt graphics are a hoot! I like the Seuss-y one too, but Omar with the devil tail and horns is really good too.
ReplyDeleteJulia just wanted to tell you I enjoyed you T-shirt mock ups. They're great.
ReplyDeletethank's for your information ^___^
ReplyDeletevery nice post !