
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

QE, Wednesday 10/29 (#91): I hope Mr. Roper didn't hear you, Bruno!

Picking up where Judy left off:

Sara shows up at the restaurant lookin' all spiffy. Fafy notices her right away and comments on her beauty. His pal twists all the way around in his chair to take a look and agree with Fafy. (Really, I don't know why he bothers looking... he's going to agree with Fafy anyway.) Bruno's like hey, what a coinkydink, I know her! Fafy wants to know how well he knows her. "Oh, she was completely at my mercy... I gave her an endoscopy! Ahahahaha!" Funny Fafy jokes that if he'd known he only had to become a doctor to meet a chick like that, he'd have saved millions in gifts. Ahahahaha!!! Those scamps! Friend of Fafy (FoF) thinks she's worth a string of pearls. (FF seems good at agreeing with Fafy without really adding anything to the conversation.)

Fafy wants to ask her over for a drink. Bruno acts reluctant. Fafy doesn't understand why, and asks Bruno if he prefers another type - redheads? Asians? Bruno tells Fafy not to eat saturated fats (whatever the appetizer is). Fafy agrees to give up that pleasure for his health, but not "the other" (i.e. dames). He again suggests that Bruno invite Sara over.

Diana tells Lorena she has recurring nightmares about being beaten by Bruno. Lorena offers to help her find a specialist or support group, because she shouldn't have to live in fear or lose Vasco over this.

Bruno tells Sara that their mark is ready for the hook (anzuelo). She'll beg off, saying she's waiting for a friend. FoF suggests that Fafy should approach her himself instead of having Bruno do it, but Fafy wants to wait and see what her "friend," i.e. Fafy's rival, looks like to get a better idea of what she likes. "They all like wallets," FoF suggests. (I wonder how much Fafy pays this guy for his witty wit?)

Fafy offers Bruno a job as his personal physician to accompany him on all his travels. He offers him 20,000 Euros per month (that's US$25,684) plus travel expenses. Bruno accepts. He just wants a few days to settle things at the hospital.

Vasco mopes at home. Barb doesn't get why Diana shot him down. She says she's come to like Diana and Saul, but it's been a whole WEEK now and she thinks that's enough. (Really, Barb? How long has Chalo been dead? Why haven't you replaced him yet? Slacker!) She recites that old dicho about using one nail to drive out another nail. At least give it a try. He says he'll concentrate on work for a while and he'll put on a dopey grin so as to avoid her lectures.

She tells him she's going to get a job with Jaime and Maruja. He reacts with grumpy skepticism.

Sara's friend has not shown up for dinner. (Fafy doesn't know that Sara has no friends.) He can't resist the thrill of the chase and announces to FoF and Bruno that he's going to make his move. He approaches her table and she rebuffs him. "I don't know you." (I think it'd be much funnier if she asked him to get her a glass of water and a clean napkin, but Sara has no sense of humor.) He introduces himself and isn't deterred when she says she's waiting for an amiga. He mentions Bruno and asks her to let them keep her company until her friend shows up. Sara won't even agree to tell Fafy her name.

Watching from a distance, FoF comments that times sure have changed; Fafy used to date movie stars. Bruno gets a call (not sure who from) and excuses himself and calls Sara. He tells her about the deal he made with Fafy and says it's her turn. Sara pretends her friend is canceling their dinner. Fafy says great, it's destiny! Now we can have that drink! She says no, she's leaving. But then she feels woozy; Bruno comes running and says her pulse is fast. (FF asks if she's pregnant!) Now she has no choice but to hang around at the restaurant for a while.

Alonso mopes. Toribio tells him to go out with friends or something. "I don't have any friends." Tori says he should hang out with coworkers; he always got along with Valeria. Slow says she's long gone. Tori suggests calling her - he'll even call her himself, if Slow gives him the number. Slow doesn't want to bother her. Tori says friendship isn't a bother. Alonso ignores this and plods back to bed.

Fafy regales Bruno and Sara with colorful anecdotes from his past. Sara pretends to be impressed. Fafy tells Sara that the secret of success is being in the right place at the right time. (SNORE!) With this, Sara's ready to leave. When she's gone, Fafy asks if Bruno doesn't think she's attractive. Bruno prepares Fafy for a shocking revelation: he's gay! FoF exclaims in surprise. Bruno gives FoF what I would SWEAR is supposed to be a coquettish look. FoF says the word "gay" is a lot nicer than the words they used in his day. (Something tells me he heard those words frequently.)

Bruno says it won't be easy to win Sara over. Fafy says he plays to win.

Lorena tells Diana of a support group for battered wives that she found out about online, and it's a government program so it won't cost anything. They can go early tomorrow, if Diana wants. Diana says she'll go by herself.

Sara and Bruno gloat at home about how well it went tonight. They're particularly delighted with his ingenious idea to be gay, so that Fafy won't see him as a threat when Bruno and Sara travel with him and they can get it on behind his back without him suspecting a thing. He kisses her and she protests, "you don't like girls!" "I only like one." He warns her not to sing victory just yet; the old guy's no fool. She says he can be the madrina at their wedding. Now he's super-horny and eager to explore his strange new sexuality... with Sara.

Rosy is on the phone with Julian. He complains that she's treating him like a child. She tells her mother they'll end up doing their second honeymoon at Alcoholics Anonymous. Lorena, Diana, Jaime, Paty, and Felipe show up for the meeting. Felipe is the guy that Lorena and Rosy met when they applied for jobs at the restaurant, many moons ago. He says he quit the restaurant because Monica's worse than ever, so now he's working for Maruja. Then Barb shows up and offers her services as a PR person. She's got lots of rich friends who will all end up doing their banquets with this new company. (Rosy complains to Paty and Diana and Lorena that she doesn't the idea of her mother working with her new husband's ex-wife.)

Greta shows up at Paula's to whine that she broke up with Omar and quit her job. She admits it was all a game at first, but now she can't live without him. Paula suspects Greta of trying to get Omar to miss her. Greta accuses her of thinking the worst of her. Paula is more sympathetic to Omar's problem with his wife and advises Greta to leave him be. She also offers Greta a job selling makeup.

Toribio went to the university to look for a new job for Alonso. Tori's got lots of contacts there, so the job's practically his. In fact there are two faculty jobs - one in medicine and the other in psychology. Of course, Alonso takes all of this in the worst way possible and says he can't teach classes when he's a total wreck. Tori grows impatient with Alonso's attitude; to get one of these jobs, all he has to do is show up.

Snorty is offended when the lawyer says he couldn't find any proof to accuse Sara of attempted murder and maybe Snorty should just let it be. Snorty replies that it's very easy for him to say that because Sara didn't try to kill him twice! She's lost everything! She says if he can't help her, she'll find someone who can. She tells herself that if the law won't take care of Sara, she'll do it on her own.

Sara takes a call from Fafy at home and says she's not sure she wants to go out with him. (Does she really think she's the first gold-digger to ever play hard-to-get with this guy? It might make him more determined to get her in the sack, but married?) Then she immediately says oh all right, I'll go out with you, but don't send a limo, I'll arrive on my own.

She explains to Bruno she doesn't want him to see where she lives; she is a Lady! He says she's a Lady, and he's a Gay. More kinky Lady-on-Gay sex!

Snorty calls Samuel Armengol. He's all mysterious and shadowy, just a silhouette in front of a window. Evidently they've done business before - he says she's given him the best-paying jobs of his life. It sounds like a few were shady. She's got one more for him. She needs him to hunt down a nasty little snake.

The cooking show has been getting complaints from men whose wives have crushes on Ernesto. They'd like to see Ernesto with a female sidekick so that they can watch the show with their wives. Ern jokingly suggests a star of his own magnitude, such as Salma Hayek or Thalia. Celeste (the floor manager? Whatever her job is) asks about his friend Jimena. Ern says she can't boil water without burning it. The producer wants a girl who's cute but won't take attention away from his cooking. Celeste suggests that they get someone from the cooking school.

The dean of the school is glad that they're not holding the Sara incident against them. She thinks Lorena would be perfect, but given her relationship with Lorena, it might look bad. Instead, she picks Paty. Lorena is excited for her, but Paty's very nervous and begs Lorena to go to the studio with her for moral support.

Omar is feeling guilty about Zulema. He and Diana talk about how it's getting harder to be hopeful.

Julian tells Rosy he quit his job so she no longer has to worry about him getting fired. She's heartbroken that he cares so little about their future together. She scolds him. Then Maruja comes in and scolds him and he storms out. Rosy scolds Maruja for scolding him, which he'll use as an excuse to drink. Maruja tells Jaime she shouldn't have meddled.

Tori tells Paula and Beti that he's hopeful; Alonso washed and dressed this morning. Alonso comes home and says he got accepted for both jobs. I think he says he took them both, so he'll be teaching two classes. Yay, everyone's happy.

Sara shows up for her hot date with Fafy. The restaurant's empty because Fafy reserved the entire place. He gives her a necklace with giant diamonds and apologizes that they're so dull compared with her beauty. She says she can't accept it, but it probably rings false since she can't stop touching the diamonds. He says it's a magical night and anything goes. They eat, drink, dance, and go up to his room. She seems to shudder in dread as she puts down her purse.

He starts groping her, and she pulls away and says this has never happened to her before. Aha, he'll be glad to be her first! She says no, she's not innocent, it's just... no one has ever treated her the way he has! She feels like a princess! He begs forgiveness - he meant to treat her like a queen! He starts kissing her again, and she reminds herself to think about jewels, fancy cars, yachts... we go to commercial and I'm thinking that Fafy's probably finished by the time we come back.

Congratulations, Sara, you're now officially a whore.

Snorty's shadowy friend Sam comes to Snorty's office (no longer in shadows). He's interested in finding "that woman." Snorty says don't just find her - do away with her. All of her recent misfortune is due to one person, and she's going to pay in the worst possible way. Snorty will spend her every last peso and effort on getting even.

Now, the stunner: she tells Sam that 22 years ago, his late father helped her do something terrible. Oh darn, end of scene, I was hoping to hear more! I mean, I know this is about stealing the baby, but I wanted to know what Sam's dad's part in it was.

Admiring the necklace, Bruno asks Sara, "how bad was it?" She's silent for a moment, then says it was unbearable. He reminds her to focus on the money. She complains that Fafy's old and icky. She doesn't know what he was like a long time ago or how many women he's seduced, she doesn't care, it was like making love to a mummy! Worst of all, he thought he was being seductive... yuck... she doesn't want to remember. He tells her she'd better keep faking or all will be shot to hell. She says of course she will, but she was wanting to run away right from the very first kiss. Bruno thinks this guy won't last very long. He thinks Sara has the "experience" to make him go crazy for her.

She's not so sure. He didn't say anything about taking her on a trip or even seeing her again. Bruno thinks the necklace is proof of something. I think he's seen too many romantic comedies about hookers and doesn't realize that Fafy can hand out diamond necklaces the way second-graders can hand out candy rings. Sara suspects the same thing. Bruno says she can't feel defeated when the battle's just beginning. She thinks that's easy for him to say, he's already got his deal for 20K a month. Bruno tells Sara that Fafy's a goldmine and they can't let him get away.

Paty and Lorena go to the studio. Celeste predicts a viewership in the hundreds of thousands - maybe even a million or a little more. This just makes Paty more nervous. Celeste sends Paty in for hair and makeup and says it'll go faster if Lorena doesn't come with.

Rosy throws cold water on Julian and tells him to look for a job. She throws a shirt at him and tells him he's not going to be mooching off of her. He says he's not a mandilón (wuss?) who takes orders from the little woman. She screams at him as he flops on the bed.

Paty is still nervous, and when she gets nervous, apparently she gets hoarse. Ern says they'll make something easy, like the shrimp souffle they made in class. Great - evidently that was her only bad dish in class. Her voice is getting raspy.

Rosy tells Maru and Jaime about Julian going back to bed. Maru goes in to read him the riot act. She calls him a disrespectful slob. He says nothing matters to him since his mother's "gone." Maru says they're all suffering over it, but they can't drown their sorrows in alcohol. This isn't sinking through his thick, sloshy skull, so Julian comes in to talk to him man-to-man. Rosy tells her mother she's running out of patience. She takes off her ring and mentions divorce.

Paty is way too scared to be on the air. She's shaking and her voice is just a terrified thin rasp. Five minutes to air! Paty freaks out and says she can't do it. She thinks Lorena should do it instead. Ernesto thinks that would be a great idea except how are they going to get Lorena over here now? "She's here! She came with me!" Paty squeaks. Ern is stunned. He asks Lorena to do the show. Lorena is stunned.

Mexico airdate: 15 de septiembre
Next time: It looks like Lore and Ern will be makin' bacon, or at least a shrimp souffle, in front of a million people. Will Alonso be one of them?


  1. I have misplaced my glasses. I have no idea where they are or even when I took them off. I looked in all the reasonable and unreasonable places, including the refrigerator, which, trust me, was one of the more reasonable places.

    These are the glasses that I wear literally all day long. They're the kind that are for both far and near vision (and a lot of astigmatism. I'm not exactly blind without them, but everything is fuzzy and shaped like a trapezoid.

    Therefore, I had to cut some corners tonight. I put the most effort into the Fafy caper. I don't think I missed anything important in the other plots, but if I did, you won't hurt my feelings if you mention it. Hell, I might not even be able to read it. Where are my glasses???

  2. Whenever I lose my glasses I check the bathroom first, not sure why, maybe because 8 times out of 10 they are there. One time I lost my favorite glasses for about 2 months because I put them on the nightstand and then they fell (or I dropped them) under the bed. Oh, and don't forget the passenger side of the car, especially if you have braked suddenly. And of course your head, check your head. (Duh, you already did that.)

    The Fafy thing is fun. who will screw whom?

    I thought Bruno was a bit odd with his "gay" thing.'Nuff said.

    Pati is a good friend. Was she faking or really hoarse? Whatever, she's a cute kid.

    Julie, you are quite the funny girl. I think your caustic wit is perfect for QE. Lady-on-Gay sex indeed!

    Good luck finding your glasses!

  3. Thanks for the recap Julie and I hope you find your glasses.

    Though there were still a few downers (I'm looking at you Julian and Omar), the episode was better than last night's doozy. It will be interesting to see if Fafy and his friend get conned or get even with team S&B. And Hortensia on the war path. We haven't really seen her do wicked since her rehabilitation. This could be fun.

  4. Julie, I only had time to read the first few paragraphs this morning before my meeting, but I'm rolling on the floor, laughing already. I can't wait to get home tonight so I can read the rest! I hope you find your glasses soon, but it isn't crimping your recap style at all. Great title, too! Thanks!


  5. You know, folks, I had a sudden thought about Fluffy Cuenca. He's never married. We don't know much about Hortensia's past--and they are about the same age. What if he's her long lost love, and they were star-crossed way back when? I think I'm spending wayyyy too much time thinking about possible endings here, but I'm just saying. It would probably be more happiness than crusty old Snortensia could stand to just have her family back and everyone actually getting along. Still, he IS her age, looks like.....


  6. Julie, great work, esp. w/o your glasses!

    Let's all hope JudyB got a decent night's rest and her husband's doing well!

    My guess is that this Fafy character is the hustler, not the hustlee.

  7. Julie: Your recap was great, particularly as you lost your glasses. I can't function without mine. I'm always leaving them either on the bed night stand, bureau, hall table or kitchen table. Hope you have found them by now.

    I think the most important thing that happened last night was Tori telling Alonso to call Valeria. Many of us have been hoping that she will reappear and this may be opening the door for her return.

    The show is really doing a good job in keeping my interest and trying to guess what will happen. If she comes back, will Valeria end up with Alonso or could she possibly end up with Ernesto? I think she and Alonso would be a great couple, they have a solid friendship and a lot in common, including careers. There have been so many twists and turns, Ernesto and Valeria have the kids in common and could end up as a cheaper by the almost half dozen family. Of course I want Lorena to end up with Ernesto but if that doesn't happen, I would like to see him with someone and she seems like a great choice.

    I hope Zulema comes out of the coma soon and is able to enjoy her family with the exception of Omar (who can go to hell as far as I'm concerned).

    Looks like Lorena and Ernesto are cooking up something delish tonight. However, with a few more weeks to go, I'd feel better if this was a week or two later since things seem to turn on a dime and she could be back with Alonso tomorrow.

    JudyB, hope your husband is feeling better and that you both got some sleep.

    Diana in MA

  8. Schoolmarm, interesting observation about Fluffy and Snorty. I wonder? He could help with the Sara Sting.

    Diana in MA, Valeria and Alonslow, yes!! I really think she and Al would make a much better couple than Al and Lorena. Comments like Tori's are rarely put out there without some sort of meaning. I hope.

  9. Yes, I was excited to hear Tori mention Valeria. It didn't seem to sink in to Alonso right away, but he might be more disposed to talk to Valeria now that he's feeling better.

    Valeria has been through quite a bit herself. I'm sure she'd be thrilled to hear from an old friend.

    Interesting idea to get Fafy in on the plot to destroy Sara. Personally, I think Fafy's done with her. Bruno should be grateful for the job Fafy offered, but I think he's going to be greedy about marrying Sara off to him, and that's going to cause him to blow the deal completely. Or maybe Fafy will die before Bruno even gets a single paycheck.

    I found my glasses this morning. They were on top of a box of Jiffy Mix on the lazy susan on the the high shelf of my baker's rack. I had later rotated it (blurrily) looking for candy.

    Of course. Who doesn't leave their glasses on top of a box of Jiffy Mix once in a while? (The glasses are rimless, so they're easy to miss.) I had to take them off to put on a turtleneck poncho. This is what I had thought last night, but when I searched around the poncho area I found nothing. I was looking in places that were at eye-level or lower; but when you're putting on a poncho you lift your arms up. That's how the glasses ended up in a high place.

  10. Hi everybody. Yes, Bob and I had a restful night and things are going well.

    I watched the show but after reading Julie's recap realized I completely MISSED huge sections of it. I think my brain was flicking on and off (and probably still is).

    Julie, loved your quip about having Sara ask Fafy for water and a clean napkin! Very funny.

    I think "wuss" is a good translation for "mandilon". It's a word used for men who are accomodating to their wives. And from a Latino point of view that would be a "wuss" for sure!

  11. PS Glad you found your glasses and loved your story of how they ended up where they were.

    For now, I only have to use drugstore reading glasses, but I have tons of them and still manage to not find a pair when I need them. Eyes are good but brain is failing rapidly!

  12. Judy, I'm glad some rest was helpful. I hope things feel back to normal soon.

  13. Things are looking up. Alonso got his new job. Maybe Jaime can talk some sense into Julian. Hopefully Diana will go to the battered wives group and get better in time to marry Vasco before the show ends in a few weeks.

    I like the Alonso/Valeria match. They're both doctors, and Ernesto and Lorena are both cooks, so there's plenty of symmetry.

  14. Julie - great recap! Glad you found your glasses.

    I watched much of this episode without the sound (and no subtitles) because of a phone call. So NOW I understand the kind of efeminate swatting move that Bruno made before eating Sara's face. It was quite perplexing without context!

    I love the idea of Bruno and Sara being played in a reverse con. Right now they are the most fun part of the show.

  15. I felt cheated in Destilando Amor when Frankie the Grifter died before finding out that the woman he was trying to con was a con woman herself. So I'd love to see the conners get conned this time!

    But I really don't think Fafy and his friend are con men.

    Another possibility is that Bruno will smarten up, realize that Fafy's not going to marry Sara, and go through with the plan to be Fafy's doctor, leaving Sara in the dust. Maybe he'll even hock her necklace first, and then she'll end up with nothing.

  16. Great recap, Julie! And glad you found your glasses! Once I couldn't find mine until I sat on them and bent them! There are also reading glasses all over the house when I have my contacts on. What a pain!

    Judy B, I am glad you and hubby are doing fine!

    What a lot of interesting stuff happened last night! Wonder how Snortencia plans to get rid of Sara???? Ca't wait to see Ernesto and Lorena back together!!!!

  17. Thanks for the hilarious recap, Julie. Lack of sight doesn't make you miss much!

    Bruno looks ridiculous pretending to be gay. It's hard out there for a pimp.

    One thing I noticed that was odd was the repeated fiddling with wedding rings in this episode. The guy in the suit at the TV studio, Maruja at the office, Rossy taking hers off. I think there was someone else but now I can't remember who.

  18. Julie - glad you found your glasses.

    JudyB - so happy you had a restful night and I hope you get a more upbeat episode next week (if you're up for it).

    Like others I am excited about the possibility of Valeria coming back. I really do hope its Al/Val and Lor/Ern.

    So who do we think Don Toribio will end up with? The woman from the restaturant is a bit pushy. I'm hoping the black widow will come back.

  19. My eyes really aren't too bad - I can do okay without them for most purposes (I'm legal to drive without them, and drugstore glasses are fine for reading), but I'll get a wicked headache if I use the computer without them. And, like I said, with the astigmatism, everything's shaped like a trapezoid!

  20. I'm all for Valeria's return too, perhaps she can wear some normal clothes instead of hiding in a lab coat.
    Great recap, I haven't watched since Monday because of the endless hospital/wanting to kill Julian stuff, but maybe it's time again so I can see the Bruno/Sara/Fluffy stuff.

  21. I'd like Amalia to come back too or at least have some closure on her story. Even though she was shameless in trying to get money out of Toribio, she struck me as basically harmless.

    I don't think she killed her previous husbands - she was probably marrying old men. (Maybe she could give lessons to Sara.)

    But I'm not sure if she's good enough for Tori. I don't like Tai Chi Lady either, and I'm glad Icky and his mom are gone.

    Maybe Tori would like Snorty?? :)

  22. Wow, Julie. I was worried about your glasses. I was going to tell you that I had found them in MY refrigerator. I used to work with a woman who had those little half glasses , and she was always taking them off and losing them. Glad you found them. Now, in a telenovela , that would be a plot device, and when you discovered your glasses, you'd also discover 1] a dead body 2] a goodlooking live body 3] a sack full of cash 4]a sack full of stolen jewels 5] an abandoned baby . At least this show is moving along , as opposed to Fuego which is still going round and round with the sobbing and the stupidity. Basta. This Fluffy Hefner storyline is pretty interestinf, and I am wondering where it will end up. I think that the tables will be turned on Sara and Bluto because I think that Fluffy and his sidekick are even bigger and better grifters than they are. Time will tell. One way or the other Bluto and Sara will pay for their evil ways. And it does appear that the stage has been set [so to speak] for Valeria to reappear in Slow's life and pull him out of the deep ennui that he has allowed himself to slip into. Perhaps that will seal the deal for Lorena to get back with Ernie.

  23. In light of how much it would have cost to replace the glasses without insurance, it did feel a little like finding a big bag of cash!

    I'm really enjoying this Fafy plot too. I'd like to see a black widow telenovela. I like con artist stories in general.

  24. Glad you found your glasses Julie. On top of a box of Jiffy Mix on your lazy susan was going to be my next guess.

    If Lor ends up with Al (No......!) I think Diana might take a shot at Ernesto. She definitely seems interested and is regularly impressed with his attempts to woo Lorena.

    I hope Fluffy out-cons Bruto and Sara.

  25. "Gave her an endoscopy..."

    Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

  26. Cap'n sylvia```Si...I did notice that Diana was really talking Ernie up to Lorena. And Julia~~~Good one.

  27. Julie,are you going to use that Jiffy Mix to try and duplicate Lor's muffins ? Don't think it will work.
    Second thought,it just might if you like , Lor put in lots of love.


  28. The mix is for corn muffins. I know Lorena made several kinds, and I think corn was among them...

    I wasn't planning on adding love. After all these months of watching FELS, I know that I must add sweat, tears, and maybe a little hair. I may throw in a pair of eyeglasses, too.

  29. Julie, don't forget to find an orphan kid who's been playing out in the filthy streets with a dog who hasn't seen a vet or a bath ever to come in and help scrape out the bowl with his fingers. It gives the muffins that extra something special.

  30. Guess what--I'm watching the Thursday episode and just got a good look at Fluffy, and I think he is the guy on Mundo de Fieras who was married to Helena Rojas's character ...stepfather of the odios Joselyn and natural father of the heroine. I think he's wearing a toupee as Playboy of the Western World in QE.

  31. Julie, thanks so much for this delightful recap! You always know how to make me bust out laughing! I apologize for being so late in reading and posting, but my thanks are nonetheless heartfelt for a terrific recap!

    So funny how a week can make such a difference—it’s just been a few days since the episode and by golly, Sara and Fluffy are a huge item already with lots of water under the dam between them.

    “Funny Fafy jokes that if he'd known he only had to become a doctor to meet a chick like that, he'd have saved millions in gifts. Ahahahaha!!! Those scamps! Friend of Fafy (FoF) thinks she's worth a string of pearls. (FF seems good at agreeing with Fafy without really adding anything to the conversation.)” LOL! That was exactly my thought the first time they appeared on the scene. They’re both fluffy, for what it’s worth.

    Talk about a sweet deal--$26K plus a MONTH to trail after Fluffy. And get your travel paid. I wonder if Bruto gets health benefits and sick leave?

    “She says she's come to like Diana and Saul, but it's been a whole WEEK now and she thinks that's enough. (Really, Barb? How long has Chalo been dead? Why haven't you replaced him yet? Slacker!)” ROTFL!!! Yeah, but she had REAL love with Chalo, right?

    “Sara's friend has not shown up for dinner. (Fafy doesn't know that Sara has no friends.)” LOL!!

    “Bruno gives FoF what I would SWEAR is supposed to be a coquettish look. FoF says the word "gay" is a lot nicer than the words they used in his day. (Something tells me he heard those words frequently.)” ROTFL!!! I’m right there with you, amiga—I thought Bruno was flirting and Santiago was probably the recipient of insults in times gone by.

    Thanks for so many great details, Julie—I watched it on YouTube and didn’t get it all, I can see that now. (Plus, I was preoccupied by the business meeting I was attending). So glad you finally found your glasses!

