
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Telemumdo schedule changes - ECDD and DB

I just want to make sure everyone knows about these schedule changes:

Doña Barbara moves to 8pm starting this Monday, Oct. 20;

El Cuerpo del Deseo:
Mon. 10-20 - 12-2 as usual
Tues. 10-21 - 1/2 hour only starting at 1:30pm
Wed. 10-22 and thereafter - 1 hour starting at 1pm.


  1. Good call on the post Jean!

    I didn't even realize something was going on (fell way behind on DB, but it's on tape waiting for me!) until I saw the ads for Amalia and went WTF? That's DB's spot!

    Take care, and thanks for your devotion to our little blog family ;)

  2. You could at least include a gratuitous shot of Mario changing his shirt to make this announcement easier to take! Lol.

  3. Thanks Jean! I returned home on Friday from many weeks of travel and had no idea there were changes!! I was catching up on the recordings and just read your announcement. Thanks again, as I'm really enjoying this novela...

  4. Hi Jean- yes I do not speak spanish
    & yes I am completely in the red. I
    just saw cap 52 (we are 23Oct08), &
    must say I am disenchanted & bored
    both with DB &SL. Unfortunately I cannot benefit from details, but pics show the plot lags. Again there will be 1 or 2 murders (the
    faith healer & QD),then DB will cry
    again & SL will go nuts again..& up
    with the merry go round. Thank you
    so much for asking us Jean & tanxs
    for more detailed postings. Adios
    & gracias Amigo !

  5. Did i see right: Promo DB/Marisela?
    Is that wishful thinking for M or is DB able to conquer not only SL, but M on her side. All of a sudden DB becomes THE emotional mom of a 18-19yo daughter, when she was
    iron-hearted-mom to a baby-daughter
    up till nowday-Marisela..? will SL become Marisela`s (M) adoptive father next & slowly become Mr DB, just like Balbino ? DB most captivating & beautiful ? I don`t think so... Man this sucks !

  6. Hi-time Marisela try Luisana`s great clothes ! she still acts too childish & how can anyone take her
    seriously ? She is kind & good hearted, smart,impulsive, & courageous -she rides & drives w/o being taught ! She will be a handful to a lucky man it seems one day, but who ?
