
Thursday, November 13, 2008

11-13-08 The Latin Grammy's...Songs, not elderly Hispanic persons

Due to this being...NOVEMBER & if it is November it must be sweeps month.
Thus being sweeps month the TeleNovelas are pre-empted for more advertising bang for your bucks. Capitalism at it's very best.

Briefly your inside red carpet look at the Grammy's

The hosts were Damien de Fuego & Babe Shrink de Destillando.
If life was perfect..or my version of life these two would be banging like the back up drummer in a Cuban band & laughing over Juan & Sofie.

Speaking of Juan...
Juanes...Wow all this time I thought the name meant everyone in the band had the first name Juan...Live and learn. Anyway this guy is hawt. He set records for winning a lot of Grammy's for having the most Juans in Juan band.

Some kind of FolkDance thing. There was some kind of Folkloria/o type dance thing. I've seen it before at Hispanic festivals, but the dancers were kids. Anyway Fans of Fuego, the best part of this was that the dancers (the ones who danced with the guys in white peasant clothes) were wearing the same gingham dresses that the "Hey Sista go Sista's" wear at the Old Settler's Day Festivities in Mexidoom. The only thing is that these dancer's will have the good sense to remove their costumes at the end of their number and not make the ruffles, bows and endless yards of rick-rack part of their signature line.

El Tigres de Norte-a norteno group did an old song that I have heard like 20mil veces. I perked right up when I heard the word gringos & the audience was on their feet cheering. As poor as my spanish is..I did catch the part about indios con spanish, we are the real Americans & out numbering the Gringos. Egads don't be makin me feel guilty about snarking at Lou Dobbs. Give somebody a green card and they go all Che Guevera on your ass.
Seems in honor of the Grammy's they rewrote the lyrics.
This was okay as it doesn't take much to make me get the ol beret out.

My favorite part was Alejandra Guzman, she is alway decent entertainment. She always seems to be running to the shelter of a Mother's little helper. Anyway kids this is a PSA.
Root (except Root is really older than Guzman), Root this is what happens to nasty little girls..they start looking sad in leather, they end up on an awards shows singing in a thirty year voice of two packs a day unfiltered PallMalls, chased by a couple of quarts of Jack. Alejandra is often seen on Don Francisco's Wed nite show or Christina after a bout in rehap.

Gloria Estafan Latin Recording Academy Person of the year did a song with Jose Feliciano & Carlos Santana..I saw Cesar Evora sitting behind Gloria's family. Geez these Cubans stick together. Also Andy Garcia introduced her and Andy Garcia is always welcome on my television.
I love Andy Garcia cause he is so multidimensional, he makes an great Italian Mobster as well as Cuban Mobster and he is pretty too.

This is all I remember..
I must add I was wicked pissed last night when I went to watch Dirty, Sexy Money on ABC and it was pre-empted by Country Grammy's....As if!!!!

So I pass the baton to Jardinera.
Do you realize with all the interruptions, Fuego now has a longer life span than the Polor Bear Specie.


  1. Ahhh, Beckster, I am so glad you did not take your well earned night off and gave us the unforgettable:
    "catch the part about indios con spanish, we are the real Americans & out numbering the Gringos. Egads don't be makin me feel guilty about snarking at Lou Dobbs. Give somebody a green card and they go all Che Guevera on your ass."

    My sentiments exactly. Thanks for your post. Everyone has gone all snarl and growl on nickster's night. See what happens when we get a night off, it is actually dangerous when combined with folks who forgot to take their meds and then oops no FELS to guffaw and snark at.

  2. Beckster - thank for yet another great snarky re-crap. (Buahahaha) No FELS but yet you soldiered on. Well done!

    We didn't watch the LGs due to commitments with NBC and ABC and CBS (thank goodness for DVRs and multiple TVs in the home.) I got to swoon over Denny Duquette again on GA!

    We've OD'd on the CMAs here, and we're not even country music fans. Must be why we saw Nicole & Keith at a local Thai & Sushi restaurant a week ago. She looks just like herself, too, sans makeup! There was a 8-hour long power outage in the vicinity of CMA venue on Wednesday, causing many people to freak out all ... day ... long. If they only had Capricio, he'd have gotten it all up and running in a jiffy.


  3. Wow, bonus entertainment on a no-telenovela night. Thank you!

  4. Kinda watched the Grammys- loved all the hotties in their sexy dresses at the beginning. Then read a couple magazines, and kinda watche. Did watch the Santana/Estefan/Feleciano number, was kida disappointed that they just did thta number w/o showcasing the individuals, they just sort of did it together. I hope that Santana didn't do something that I missed- he is the absolute best. Wow, the word below (for verification) is "aquel". Is that somehow prophetic?

  5. Beckster: Great as always. I watched a little bit of the LG's - but gave it up in favor of watching a great movie - "Lucia, Lucia" with Cecilia Roth.

  6. Ok, I'm moving over here, it's like a war zone over at Wednesday's recap.

    Thanks a bunch for recaping this; maybe next year the Latin Grammies will be in my town and I can recap from the live audience!

  7. Dorado Dave: Santana did play some nice riffs, but then Jose Feliciano played a wild solo on his acoustic guitar, going way up past the end of the fretboard, Santana was hanging on every note, after which he (now totally inspired) played another awesome, joyous solo. The camera was jumping around a lot, and didn't really focus on Santana, so it was easy to miss. The song was from Gloria Estafan's latest album (Santana solos on the album, too), 90 Millas, which is a really good album, and is even helping me with my Spanish.

  8. My favorite is Alejandra Guzman. She is just so really bad behavior comes back to bite you in the Ass.

    She is the sister (much younger of the actress who was the Marly's Mom in Juan Q) & the daughter of Casa de Real lady. She is just wicked crazy...anytime she come on a talkshow you get endless slurred chit-chat.

    Also I missed the Los Horoscopes de Durango, I love to watch them cause the blonde sister always has the "Lights are on, but nobody is home" look.

  9. I only saw a few minutes of LG. Just long enough to see Cesar present someone and Kenny G get kissed by someone who looked like the heroine from Amar sin Limites. And thanks, Beckster...Alejandro reminded me of someone. but I couldn't figure out who...there is definitely a family resemblance. It seems to me that Thalioa and Shakira were missing. You can usually count on those two for some hipshaking numbers.

  10. Great recap of the grammys Beckster. I was looking forward to a couple of hours flashy outfits, good music and boob busting out all over. Let's say I wasn't disappointed. And so much Juanes...le pant le heave.

    Los Horoscopes de Durango, it was pretty sad watching them read their lines and say their jokes with no comedic timing whatsoever. I actually felt bad for them for about two seconds, then I got over it.

    After Nickster's comment I had to take a peek at Wednesday's recap/comments. Oy vay...
