Hi! Substitute recapper today.
Starting from right after the credits, we see Vicente in the hospital bed talking to his mother. She seems to lie and tell him that Rocio left the hospital without seeing him, and he is devastated.
Cande goes to pick up the dog and the "tiliches" (stuff) of Marichuy at JM's house, and tells him the dog is the only thing worth seeing in that part of town. JM tries to get Cande to intercede with Mari so he can talk to her.
JM has a talk with Mayita. Compressing several cuts: Mayita accuses him of trying to kill her mother. He thinks Onelia said this, but she insists her own mother told him. He doesn't believe her, and she accuses him of being bad and said her mother predicted it. She then runs off, screaming.
JM confronts Onelia about this, and even she doesn't know what's going on. They both realize the body was never found, but they're still not sure that Viv is really alive.
Stefi and Isa gossip about the breakup of JM and Marichuy. Stefi says that Onelia indicated there was some connection in the past and something bad happened. Stefi gloats that she will get JM back for herself. (When pigs fly . . .) The deer grazes in the background.
Vicente's parents try to get him geared up for rehab, but he is too distraught. Someone brings in a wheelchair, and he goes nuts, shouting--take it out of here!
Back in the barrio, Marichuy is sittting at the breakfast table with Adrian, who wonders why she's not eating. She says the food won't go down her neck (pescuazo) and she's not hungry. Guess what this portends, students. Not hard if you have read the opening synopsis. Just then, Cande returns with the cute doggie, and everyone is happy.
She says that JM wants to get a divorce (liar!). Adrian is all over this and says he'll get a lawyer the next day. He'll even pay for it. He leaves. Mari looks dubious and has some of her flashbacks to good times. Adrian and Cande are winking at each other conspiratorially over MC's head.
Now, Candelaria tells Marichuy that since Adrian left, she'll tell the truth. She kind of let her mouth go over at JM's house. Marichuy says she was only supposed to go over there to get the dog. Cande apologizes for being a buttinsky, but she is still not apologetic about her feelings about JM and his horrible mother in law. Some of what she is talking about is not really clear to me, because I don't know how much she knows about Onelia. Marichuy says that Onelia will now be able to wipe the floor with JM, but I'm not sure why. If anyone could clarify, it would be helpful. At one point, Cande calls Onelia a "verdulera," or greengrocer. This must have some slang meaning. Help!
JM goes to the hospital to see Vicente. He decides to tell the truth about the Gift of the Magi situation. No, Rocio, didn't leave the hospital, and she only broke up with him because she's disfigured. And she doesn't know about Vince not walking. Vince cries.
Mayita goes to see Granny Mariana, and she is really tortured. She says that her mom told her that her dad was a killer, and Granny M says he'd never do it, and she shouldn't have told JM about it. Mayita says Granny M is only defending JM because he's her son, but Granny M says no. She tries to get the distraught child to sleep.
Over in the barrio, the lawyer hired by Adrian drives up in a really beat-up two-tone VW bug. He's been repairing this car with spit and Scotch tape since 1965. He knocks on the door, and Cande asks Marichuy if she should let him in. Marichuy runs upstairs to her little loft bed and flashbacks some more on her good times with Juan Miguel.
The lawyer wants to know how long they were married--just four days, and they only had one night together. There's some issue about how she didn't leave her husband from his house--would she still be entitled to some financial settlement? He wants to know why she left the husband, and she is reluctant to tell, and she and Cande look at each other. Finally, he asks her to sign a power of attorney so he could take care of all the paperwork for her. Marichuy hesitates. She wants to talk to Padre Anselmo. The lawyer is surprised, and Cande explains how important the Padre is, how MC was a foundling, etc.
Onelia and Stefi gossip briefly about JM and Mari. Stefi has new flower barettes that look particularly fetching.
Adrian arrives at Cande's, acting way too happy about the impending divorce. He encourages Mari to forget about seeking advice from Padre Anselmo. They lawyer reminds them about the financial settlement again, but Adrian says they should just forget about it--she doesn't want JM's money.
Vicente struggles to get into the wheelchair and falls down. He then pulls himself up and wheels himself to Rocio's room.
Over at the theater, Amador is arguing with everyone. I forget the name of his ex-girlfriend, but she looks upset. Elsa arrives late, and he yells at her, but she says she was at the hospital visiting her cousin and Vicente. Did she happen to see his rival, Juan Miguel? No, but he and Mari are breaking up. This gives Amador ideas, and ex-girlfriend looks jealous.
Marichuy signs the papers and looks sad.
Cande toasts pumpkins seeds and tries to cheer up Marichuy. MC resolves to go back to work. They do a happy dance. We then see Marichuy riding her bike downtown with a basket of pumpkins seeds. She proceeds to sell them to people in cars and makes friends with another girl who is selling candy to drivers. She makes a few pesos and thanks God with a salute. Then she buys flowers and visits Rosa de Guadalupe. She is proud to have paid for her flowers instead of stealing.
Amador confronts MC in the street and says he'll give her the happiness that idiot JM failed to provide. She tells him to bug off, but I imagine this is not the last we'll see of him.
Over at a hotel, Viv is lying in her bikini on the lawn, cackling madly while downing a Mojito. She will go back to Spain, since she can't access her jewelry, but first she must poison her daughter's mind further against JM!
The two neighborhood yentas (including curler lady) are gossiping about Purita, but then Marichuy shows up, so they switch to gossiping about her. They make fun of her by singsonging "cuidado con el angel," the angel has to come home. Ha ha.
Finally, we close on the emotional meeting of Rocio and Vicente. She tries to cover her face, and he says he loves her, if she only knew what work it took to get over to her room. My DVR cut out here.
"verdulera" is used as an insult similar to when we call someone a "fishwife". Same idea of someone coarse and rude...especially funny though when it's the laundress referring to the society lady. Take that!
ReplyDeleteGood to see you badk in the saddle again, NinaK. I check in on this one because William Levy is so flat out gorgeous.
Thanks, Judy. I figured it was something like that.
ReplyDeleteWilliam Levy is gorgeous, but he's still not really my type. In this episode, I thought I caught him smothering a laugh when he was supposed to be ultra serious, breaking the news to Vicente.
Oh, yeah, there was another scene. At one point JM rehashes his various problems with Eduardo, to no great effect.
ReplyDeleteJudy, will you be recapping Tontas when it starts? I will definitely be watching that.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great recap and for filling in as a sub-recapper, Nina. I loved the spit and scotch tape fixing for the old VW the lawyer arrived in. It really looked like that.
ReplyDeleteNow Marichuy has two nasty guys after her. I am really disliking Adrian for his controlling behaviour. He tries to act concerned and so so nice but is pushing MC into what he wants her to do that is in his personal best interest. It is only a step away from Amador who has abuse potential too but at least is more up front about his need to control women.
I am glad we got the sweet but sad scene with Vicente and Rocio finally getting together. They seem to be the only sane people with good intentions toward everyone. Maybe they can help each other and then help MC get away from these awful men. But, that looks like it is way down the road of nasty events before they can help her. Only Cande is a pure spirit of love and help but she isn't too bright so will probably lead MC into some pretty stupid decisions without meaning any harm.
Nina, Marichuy was annoyed that Cande told Onelia that JM had assaulted Mari. Onela was truly horrified even though she herself is one of the worst people on the planet. And Mari was right in saying that now Onelia has something to hold over his head. Onelia rushed out to lunch with Stefi to spread the glad tidings.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how Mari can stand to talk to Amadour or even look at him. His attack on her was far more violent than JM's and the scene was played more graphically than the flashback of JM. Had she not knocked him out, there is no doubt what his intent was. Plus he is not the least repentent.
Hey Nina...yes, I'll be recapping Tontas since it appears to be the replacement for Querida Enemiga. The scene of Jaime Camil changing diapers was a replay of a scene from Mr. Mom, a hilarious film in the 80's. Hope it lives up to it's billing...I've heard mixed reviews. Ditto for the new Fernando Colunga tele that's scheduled to replace Fuego.
ReplyDeleteNice pinch hitting NinaK ;) Thanks for the recap. The part you missed was that Vicente told Rocio he will never leave the wheelchair.
ReplyDeleteI actually think Cande called Onelia "verdulera" because she misheard a few days ago when Onelia called her a "perdularia" (careless, with vices). Cande's response was "I'm not a verdulera, I'm a lavandera (laundress). That's when it became Cande's name for Onelia.
As JJ pointed out, Mari's concern is that Onelia will start a smear campaign against JM, but Cande found it hard to believe that Onelia would air her dirty laundry at home. We all know that Onelia has no such qualms.
Cande is like Ralph Kramden--a blabbermouth.
ReplyDeleteThanks! NinaK for the recap. I like reading your recap of this episode.
ReplyDeleteI am more, more, and more outrage at Vivana along with her mother, Onelia. Like mother like daughter, they both traumatized the child Mayita. They both used her to get what they want. Selfish and basically no good mother and grandmother.
It seems that all the witches (onelia,vivana, isa, and fakey estefania) of East and West are getting together to brew up trouble.
Adrian is getting to me, too. Dude, move on, Marichuy will not see you as a boyfriend to husband. You are a broken record. However, Amador is another matter. He is a controller, womanizer, and a stalker. He is relentless in his pursuit. Marichuy has to be more careful with him.
Thanks for all your comment which I try to keep up on. I being taping the episode because I been busy.
Genevieve, you are right--Vivian is worse than her mother right now. And just how is she financing her little jaunt?