
Saturday, November 01, 2008

Fuego en la Sangre, 10/31/08: Revelations for Rosario and Tribulations of a Lovers’ Triangle

Capítulo # 130

[Thanks to Melinama for filling in for me last week.]

Armando is in Fernando’s office at the Bad Love Bar and celebrating. He has found the combination to Fernando’s personal safe at the Double E (Hacienda de las Elizondo y del Escandon), and is yucking it up with himself, planning to empty out all that stolen cash that Fer’s been stashing away and then heading for the hills when Rosario walks in on him and wants to know what’s up. Armando reveals his plans for revenge to Rosario. He plans to take advantage of the fact that Feo and Gabi will be spending the night away in Puebla City. Rosario decides to go with him. Since she has decided to leave town for good tonight herself, she wants to take a look-see for any evidence that might get Fernando put away in jail and the key thrown down a hole that hits bottom in China.

Meanwhile, Demien is paying a late visit to Augie’s and wants to talk with Sofia. Gramps leaves them alone and Demien tells Sofia he doesn’t want her angry with him for defending Juan. Now that she herself has forgiven the guy there’s no reason to still be angry with him. Sofia agrees but says she and Demien still should stop seeing each other. She knows his intentions but doesn’t feel the same way. He tells her he is a man that fights for what he loves and refuses to give up on her so easily. He loves her and is going to do even the impossible to succeed in getting her to love him. So Demien moves in for The Kiss-s-s-s. Just as Sofia’s about to succumb to Demian’s charms, Juan --no longer a Juan-ted man per say--walks in on them and the jingle-jangle of his spurs breaks the spell. (Poor Demien can’t buy a break.) They look at him; he looks at them.

Back at the Bad Love, Eva and Ofelia are in the dressing room waiting for Rosario. Ofelia tells Eva they plan to leave town and get as far away from the menace of Fernando Escandon as possible. Eva doesn’t want to believe it but Rosario arrives and confirms that they’re leaving that night.

At Aguie’s, Demien tells Juan he plans to convince Sofia to marry him. Juan says thanks for the heads up but he and Sofia’s love affair goes way back and it has managed to avoid all sorts of adversities and it isn’t over yet. They still love each other.

Back at the Bad Love Eva tells Rosario if it’s better that she leaves town then she’ll give her her blessing. The three of them share a tearful good-bye. Rosario tells them then that she has to go out for a bit and will explain later. When she comes back, though, their life will be completely changed and there will be no reason to be afraid any more.

A bit later Armando and Rosario, figuring they have all night, park the SUV in the front drive at Hacienda de Horrores. Upstairs, in the back, Sofia looks dreamily out her bedroom’s balcony doors at the moon but then goes in and closes them behind her. Juan, whose memory loss apparently didn't include the rope he left tied to her balcony, surprises her by suddenly forcing his way in through them just like old times. “What are you doing here?” “—I’m here to tell you I love you and I don’t intend to lose you. You’re mine and I am yours, Sofia. We belong to each other and we cannot be anyone else’s. Nobody else’s!” He grabs and kisses her passionately. She melts in his arms. (I melt in my armchair-–until I see that the camera angle makes it look like she’s chewing his chinstrap.)

Sofia breaks away and tells Juan it’s not right and he needs to leave. He asks why, since all he has to do is look in her eyes to realize she still loves him. “You’re heart isn’t deceiving you.” She says she never said she didn’t love him, but even so, too many things in the past now separate them. They cannot be together. His deception and all the things that took place while he was gone are just too difficult to be erased. With a signature frown he insists this is just one more test of their love to overcome, and all she has to think about is that he loves her and that she loves him. “That’s all that counts here, our love.” (Honestly, I want to stay melted, but I can’t get that silly chinstrap out of my head. That scruff of Juan’s used to hide it, I guess.)

Meanwhile, Rosario (in high-heeled CFM boots that have got to be a real pain to walk in let alone to run in when you’re caught wandering around other people’s houses stealing things) and Armando sneak into the hacienda and up the stairs.

Sofia and Juan are still otherwise occupied. Juan tells Sofia to look into his eyes and ask herself if, loving her the way he does, he could really do anything to hurt her so badly. (OMG. I really do miss the scruff! Must be 'cause I ran out of tequila.) She tells him about their argument before he disappeared and his threat not to be kept from his child. He says he understands then that if he did that, it’s no wonder she doesn’t want him near her. He swears to her that he’ll comb every mountain, village and ranch he passed through while in the jungle to find their daughter. She shows Juan a little baby sweater then and tells him her mother’s instinct tells her their daughter is alive, but he can’t leave to look for her because the sheriff would consider it an attempt to flee. Slowfia has an epiphany at that point and says if Juan really can’t remember anything and really didn’t take their child, then…somebody else must have! Juan has his own epiphany and asks how he is supposed to find the guilty person if he can’t leave town. They decide to talk to Grampa Augie --the only one around for miles, as we now know, with any intelligence other than Mr. Ed and Capricho--because he will surely have an answer for them. (I hope he does 'cause these two couldn't find their way out of a paper bag with holes at each end.)

Rosario starts for Sofia’s room to tell her why they’re there and what they’re planning to do, but Armando stops her. Get the cash and damning evidence first. They change direction and head across the hallway into Fernando’s room to look for the safe. Sofia and Juan come out a few seconds later and head down the stairs to head over to Augie’s cottage, sans Juan’s noisy spurs so as not to disturb her two sisters across the hall.

Once they’re at the cottage, Augie tells Juan and Sofia he’s always suspected somebody else took the child. Now they need to think about who might have had something to gain by getting rid of her little girl. Juan takes a wild guess that it’s somebody who hates them big time. (No duh.) Okiedok, but Slowfia, who hasn’t a suspicious bone in her body except where Juan is concerned despite all the hell she’s gone through with Mama and Feo Nando, says she hasn’t the slightest idea who that might be.

Meanwhile, said “who”, Fernando and Gabriela, have arrived in Puebla City and are entering their hotel room. Gabi is still in panic mode and freaking over the fact that Juan Reyes is alive and now out of jail. She carps at Fer about not coming through for her. She bitches that instead of taking care of her problems he just creates more of them for her! Feo warns her that if she doesn’t cool her jets he’s leaving. Crabi says fine, then git and not to let the hotel-room door hit him where the good lord split him. When she goes into the bathroom a minute later to wash up, Feo decides he’s had enough and leaves. As he goes out the door he tells himself he’ll make Gabi pay for this latest humiliation too.

Back at the cottage, Augie has apparently just suggested the guilty party could be Gabriela (definitely the B team doing the editing here while the A team hightailed it over to the break room for donuts). Sofia, again trying the patience of all of us in Viewerville, naively tells her granddad that even though she and Mama have had their differences, it’s impossible for her to believe her mother would be capable of something like that. Augie says they’ll wait till they are able to get to the bottom of things before considering it seriously. Juan then wants to know about Fernando Escandon since his brothers have told him that Fernando hates him. Augie says Fernando is angry at life and hates everyone around him. He even hates Gabi, but she just hasn’t realized it yet. Sofia says she agrees, he is a black-hearted fiend and sneaky. She wonders what he would have to gain, though, by her daughter’s disappearance. Augie answers perhaps just the pleasure of hurting her for having ridiculed him so much. Juan wonders if that would be a strong enough reason for him to engage in something like that. “It would have to be something powerful, more powerful than just that, wouldn’t it?” Augie thinks a bit and says well, it could be money. (Ding! Ding! Ding!) If it was Fernando then money has to be part of it and if money was involved then Fernando had something to do with it for sure!

In the hotel room, Gabi comes out of the bathroom and sees that Fer really did leave. She begins to whimper over him. Outside Fer is still mumbling to himself about making Gabriela pay for his humiliation and then he realizes he left his bag in the room. He figures he’ll have somebody pick it up tomorrow and in the meantime he’ll sleep at the cantina and wait for Gabi to come and beg him on her knees to come home. If she doesn’t then he figures he won’t go back to her again.

Afterwards, Fer drives back to the Bad Love and goes looking for Rosario. He sees her bags are packed and the dressing room is bare except for something that looks like a voodoo doll the camera pans in on. He realizes she was going to take advantage of his being in Puebla to run away and he starts yelling down the hall for Armando to get his boys together to “teach Rosario a lesson”. He enters his office and sees the mess. He notices the card with the combination is missing and finally puts two and two together. “They decided to rob me and run off together afterward, but they are not going to succeed. No, no, no they aren’t!”

After Juan has left, Augie says it’s obvious the guy still loves Sofia with all his heart. He asks Sofia if she still loves Juan but she doesn’t want to discuss it. Augie tells her to stop denying the obvious. She answers that they will never get back together. Augie asks her if she’s going to give Demien Ferrer a chance then. Sofia ponders the possibilities (note the stare off into space) but doesn’t give him an answer.

Speaking of Demien, he is at home remembering his confrontation with Juan at Don Augustin’s earlier that evening. He starts thinking back to his first encounter with Sofia in the woods, their various times spent together since then and all his failed attempts at romance with her. He says to himself that he refuses to resign himself to losing her (not that you ever had her to begin with, Demi) and will not give up until she tells him herself that she prefers Juan’s love to his. (That’ll be a while, Dem. Sofia likes the attention way too much.)

Sofia finally answers her granddad. She says she won’t ever love again and will refuse both Demien and Juan’s approaches. Until her daughter’s found love is not an option. She’s devoting herself to motherhood. (Hard without a kid to mother, I’d say.) Augie laughs sympathetically at her foolishness. (I feel more like a Gabi-style disgusted sigh myself.) He tells her that as soon as her daughter shows up all her dreams and hopes will return to her and she’ll want to love and to be loved. “Love is much more powerful than pain. Of course you’ll love again, although I don’t know if with Demien or Juan, but it will be one of them, I assure you.”

At the Double R (Hacienda de los Robles-Reyes), Oscar and Franco are getting the merchandise ready for the next day. Franco says both Jimena and Sarita are cheeky dames, but he knows they love him and Oscar the same as they love them. "It’s just they love making you beg." Oscar is frustrated because he can’t understand them. They don’t seem to know what they want, he says, er… but well, they do, but they’ve just turned into blockheads as far as he’s concerned. Juan walks into the kitchen and tells his brothers that he’s had a long talk with Sofia and Don Augustin and that Augie thinks Fernando Escandon kidnapped his daughter. Oscar says he thought the same thing right from the beginning. Franco says he felt the same way for a while, too. Juan gets angry and wonders why they never said anything to him about it. Oscar says it was because they had to go little by little with him because of his memory loss.

Juan tells Oscar he doesn’t understand why Fernando has it in for him, but Don Augustin tells him it was for money. Oscar says no, the guy did it because he hates Juan with a capital “H”. Juan doesn’t understand why he hates him so much and Oscar explains that it’s because Juan stole his wife from him. “Sofia was Fernando’s wife. She fell in love with you and she never loved Fernando." Juan is impactado as he mulls this little revelation over. (Note the frown and puzzled look in the eyes.)

Back in Fer’s bedroom, after a few failed attempts by Armando, Rosario manages to get the combination to work and opens the safe. Armando offers to share the money but Rosario only wants to find evidence that will finish off Fernando for good. So, Armando helps her take out the other things in the safe so she can start looking through them. Outside Fer drives up and sees Armando’s SUV parked in the driveway. Inside Rosario tells Armando she has found Don Bernardo’s letters accusing Fer of stealing from him. Next they find the gold religious medallion with Libia Reyes’ name engraved on the back. They both agree that Fer was not exactly what you’d call a religious devotee. Fernando, meanwhile, sneaks inside the darkened house and creeps up the stairs to spy on them. Rosario’s hunch-mobile has definitely been hitting on all cylinders tonight. Fer cracks the door open and hears Rosario tell Armando that if Fernando has Libia’s medallion then this means he must have killed her! He is a murderer and he murdered the Reyes’ sister!

In the kitchen of the Double R, Juan is back to baking his conchas again. He remembers what Demien told him earlier that evening about wanting to marry Sofia. He says to himself, “Like I’m going to let it happen (not)!” He takes off his apron and rushes out.

Over at the Double E again, Sofia has returned home and is going up to bed when she hears a noise in Fer’s bedroom. Fer sees her and hides. Sofia is about to check out the noise when Sarita and Jimena come out of one of the other bedrooms and talk Sofia into going into her room so they can chat. Jimena says the noise was probably just the wind blowing something so not to worry about it.

Back in Fer’s room, Armando tells Rosario he doesn’t doubt Fer killed the girl (Libia). He says he knows Fer really well and that he’s vicious by nature. They keep dumpster diving through the safe and find a bottle of ether and a handkerchief. Fernando sneaks back to the door, peeks in and hears her tell Armando the ether bottle and handkerchief have to mean that Fernando was the one who raped Sofia.

Demien answers a knock at his door and sees that it’s Juan. Juan tells him they have to talk. Demien says he was expecting him and invites Juan to come in, but Juan prefers to stay outside. Juan tells Demien that folks there say Demian’s a decent guy and so he’s only come to protect what’s his. He is there to repeat what he told Demien earlier; that he and Sofia go way back and that it’s still not over yet between the two of them. Demien says he won’t interfere, provided Sofia wants it that way, but she is going to have to tell him to his face. They agree to let her decide for herself. As Juan starts to walk off, Demien lets him know that he is still welcome there despite their rivalry.

Speaking of Sofia, she tells her sisters about Juan’s coming in through the balcony just like he used to. They want to know if she still loves him and she says she still doesn’t know for sure. Talk turns to what Grampa Augie said about it being Fernando who kidnapped her daughter. They wonder why and Slowfia, who has apparently forgotten Gramps telling her how Fer tricked him into signing over all his bank accounts, says he thought it was for money, but that it didn’t make sense to her since Fernando has all the money he needs now that Mama named him as her sole heir.

Across the hallway in Fer’s room, Armando confesses that he knew Fernando raped Sofia and that he tried to do it again but couldn’t manage it. Rosario says she is taking all of the things they found to prove he’s responsible and to get him thrown in jail right away. The only thing they don’t have proof of is his kidnapping Sofia’s daughter. They don’t even know where he left her. “Where could he have left her?” Rosario is impactada to find out that Armando knows exactly where she is. He then admits he helped Feo do it, but that was because he was forced to and he’s really sorry for it. He will tell her where the little girl is and they can tell Sofia and end her suffering. (This cannot bode well for either of them. The telenovela gods have got to be polishing up a couple pair of angel wings for these two.)

Sofia and her sisters share a group hug then leave. Outside her room Jimena says Sofia is confused but still must love Juan. Sarita says, though it pains her to admit it, she agrees.

Armando and Rosario collect the cash and the other things and get ready to leave. (I guess Armando figured to stuff his pockets ‘cause there’s no bag except Rosario’s and its stuffed with the documents and such.) Rosario tells Armando she’s taking all that she’s found over to the Reyes. Armando tells her she’s better off for the good of her son leaving with him and not getting involved. She says she won’t because it’s her duty to help out Sofia and because somebody has to stop Fernando. Fernando puts a silencer on his gun and sneaks out after them.

Ofelia is getting worried now because Rosario hasn’t returned and it’s getting late. As they start to drive off, Rosario tells Armando that after he lets her out back in town she’s picking up Ofelia and Luisito and then taking the evidence over to Juan’s at the Double R. Then she’s leaving for good and finally Fernando will get what he deserves. Just then another SUV T- bones them on the road. It’s Fernando. He gets out. “Funny finding you two out together. Mighty late for a drive. Where you going?” They both stutter out nonsense at him. Armando says he’s on his way back to the cantina, but Fernando wants to know where they’ve been and why they’re both so nervous. “Rosario, why is your purse so bloated? Let me guess. Could it be you’ve got something there like proof that incriminates me? Something you just finished getting out of my safe? Would that be it?” Armando and Rosario know they’ve been made.


  1. Oh no!!!!!!
    Something tells me that Armando won't be needing that silly wig much longer. Another trophy for Feo's collection!

  2. Thanks, Cakes. Uh-oh. That toupee is going to be the next trophy in Ferd's safe, and ''byebye bonbon assasin....the next episode just might be the day the music dies in Mexidoon. I think that Rosario is going to that big stage in the sky. Who will inherit all her glittery spangled outfits ? Ofelia ?? Maybe we'll be seeing Eva wearing them under her shawls. As for Juan, Sofia, and Demien, I feel like I'm on a merry-go-round. I'm getting dizzy. Two more months of this ????? I wonder what will replace this ode to redundancy. And , now, I'm going to say .............ass.

  3. ; > ) I hope that Sofia inherits those costumes...that would put a new spin on the Sofia character and have Juan and Demien seriously vying for her affections if she starts wearing Rosario's glittery outfits....seriously. She may have to invest in a couple boxes of Kleenex.....Have you ever known someone who suddenly made a big change in wardrobe ? A high school classmate of mine did just that . She went from mousy to wild. Nobody recognized her at the class reunion. It could work for Sofie.

  4. Thank you for the reCrap, Cakes. The plot is actually picking up, all things considered. Lots of good suspense in the Feo/Ros/Armando scenes.

    Did y'all see the FELS writers on the Bud Light commercial last night, while watching FELS? (hint: not the guys in the khaki outfits) Buahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa Maybe that was their reward for jump starting the story line.

    Once I took off my telenovela beanie heat (ruh-roh!) the following questions came to mind... or what is left of my mind:

    1) It amazes me that Rosi and Armo just walk right through the middle of the house and NOBODY sees them! With all three sisters home, too!

    2) I-Juan-a-memory knew (instinct?) to go thru Sofi's balcony to see her. LOL Selective memory loss?

    This actor is doing such a great job interpreting Feo, that I believe if I saw him in public, I would run over him with my car.

    susanlynn - Great picture in my mind of Sofi in one of Rosario's outfits. What a hoot! I think everyone in viewer-land would love it.


  5. Thanks, Jardinera, for your noble recapping.
    So sad that Juan's amnesia has such a far-reaching effect in his life. He can't remember that conchas right out of the oven are still hot and might burn.
    Sofia in Rosario's bonbon costumes? Maybe, although I think I would prefer seeing them on Sarita. If she could get some big hair to go with them (and some big boobs), she could walk on the wild side.
    La Paloma

  6. Dear Jardinera,
    Great recap as usual. I always look for your work.
    Susanlynn, there is a new telenovela on the horizon starring ....Fernanco Colunga, Lucero, (shades of ALBORADA) and
    Silvia Navarro called Manana es Para Siempre and Lucero plays the heavy. Don't know any more than that, but we still have 50 episodes of FELS to get thru. Ugh

  7. Thanks Jardinera for an excellent recap. Just as someone said a couple days ago, the bad guys in these telenovelas get away with entirely too much before they are finally brought to justice. Since that's always in the last episode, we never get to see how life is once the bad guys are out of the picture.

  8. Jardinera: Thanks for the great recap. Fernando has such a tight psychological hold on Rosi and Armando that Armando couldn't put his foot on the gas and get out of there - even if he had to back up.

    I had a definite feeling of deja vu after the scene between Feo and Gabi at the hotel where they argue and he leaves. Didn't this happen before - like when Raquel was in the picture?

    Anyway, if Sofia and Juan solve this mystery, it's going to be a miracle that Father Tad can preach about.

  9. Alice~~~~Yes, I am looking forward to seeing Ferdando in this new novela. I've been checking it out on Youtube, and there are a lot of familiar faces. Fernando's friend [Steve?] is played by the guy who was Renato in Amor Real, but he looks very different with a red crewcut and no mustache. I also think that I saw the annoying Mister James from Destilando looking scruffy with a frizzy ponytail. The actress who plays Fernando's mother looks familiar, but I can't figure out where I've seen her before. The actress who played the longsuffering luggage-lugging Soledad in Duelo de Pasiones is also in well as the guy who played Sylvestre on Mundo de Fieras. And, of course , Sergio Sendel as the villain. Fernando looks really good. His hair is short and he is cleanshaven. He has had so many different looks...all of them handsome. I guess that he can't be a pirate or a count or wealthy landowner in EVERY novela. Can't wait.

  10. Yes, I must say, although I enjoy telenovelas and constantly justify myself to my educated Spanish speaking friends that I do it to improve my comprehension, I do tire of the baddies getting away with everything until either the final episode or the final week.

    We know so well that when someone like Rosario figures everything out two months (or is it four) before the end of this thing that she's beyond toast.

  11. What are CFM high heeled shoes/boots again? Didn't they have something to do with Isadora from DESTILANDO which means they are on the cheap looking floozy side ? Thanks for a great funny recap, Sylvia. G in CA

  12. The Rosario farewell tour...uh oh. This is gettting heavy, but at least it's moving. Sort of.

    The whole Demian vs. Juan, and Sofia vs. Juan thing is tiresome but at least she has stopped crying and whining for awhile.

    I couldn't beleive my ears when she said "I'm sure I haven't the faintest idea who would be out to get me!"

    I have been sitting here faithfully for how many months seeing with my own eyes as the camera zooms in on her face for an impactaca-light dawning-realization-re: the-evil that-lurks moment, how many times???

    And now youre telling me you have no f'ing idea??

    How could these two even recite the lines with straight faces?

    I have a theory about Ciudad Serdan: the nukular waste is emitting a free floating amnesia and stupidity cloud. You don't have to get shot in the can effect anyone at any time. The only way to avoid this is to have big round deflectors built in. I'm talking about Rosario of course. The bon-bons and the disco ball keep the radiation at bay. She's turned out to be the only one who can ad 2+2.

    Which brings me back, uh-oh, to her. Is there anyone else who knows what's what if she goes? This is terrible. Only the Padre, who is pretty useless. I wish he would take a lesson from the Padre on Cuidado and start blabbing a little.

    (btw, I'm not saying what CFM heels stand for, I'm too scairt of the aaaaasss lady!)

    randy, sea.

  13. G in CA, do you watch Wheel of Fortune?

    CO_E __CK _E

  14. Brilliant recrap Jardinera. I don't like the direction this is going but at least, as someone pointed out, it's going.
    However, aren't we rushing a bit, trying to give Rosario's bonbon holders away before she is even cold in the grave?

  15. Even before Juan lost his memory, he seemed unclear on the concept of "fresh out of the oven" = HOT.

    In the preview for the next episodio, it looked to me as though Rosario got away. But maybe that's only temporary. :(

    Seriously, I'll be really bummed if she doesn't make it. She should have a front row seat at Feo's date with destiny.

  16. I am still getting used to being back in my own time zone and had to get my fix through YouTube. Let's see...199 episodios so 69 left to view. With the Latin grammies, Christmas and New Year's, we've got till the 23rd of Jan. by my reckoning before everybody gets their just desserts this side of the border. That's 14 weeks. How can they off these two so soon? Who would they have to fill in for the whole Right Arm-ando and the Bon-Bon would leave?

  17. FC and Lucero Fans: This comes from a Sept 2008 news release.
    [TELENOVELA NEWS; MEXICO] Mañana es para siempre
    Cameras start rolling for Manana es para Siempre

    In the middle of a rainy day, in a location which looks more like the land of the hobbits, commenced the shooting of the first scenes of the telenovelas Mañana es para siempre.

    The production under Nicando Diaz will replace another remake, Fuego en la Sangre, when its takes its its final bow in October in Mexico. Meanwhile, fans in the US will have to wait a year before they can catch a glimpse of the telenovela in Univision.

    Based on a very successful Colombian telenovela called Pura Sangre, this telenovela marks Lucero's return as an antagonist. Silvia Navarro, who abandoned TV Azteca after a decade of being its telenovela queen, will topbill this Televisa telenovela. Mexican superstar Fernando Colunga will play the lead, opposite Navarro.

    I don't want to believe that it will be next Sept. like this thing suggests, till we get a replacement for FELS.

  18. After watching Rosario running away in her ComeChaseMe boots, I started to wonder if she does make it. Of course, Armando is a goner, being as stupid as he is, sitting in his truck, waiting for the lead to fly. I know that all the indications are that Rosario must die- but she is the most sypathetic character, and also, the only one with a lick of sense in all of Serdan. (I'd also like to see more of the assasin bonbons). Somehow, Juanabrain, Slofia, and Augie are going to figure it out, perhaps with Ros's help, maybe a leak of info at her moment of death... Pad Tad is so feeble- he knows about all of Feo's misdeeds, what he's capable of, the danger to everyone, and he sits there and says nothing to the very people that could very well be next, all because of his stupid vows. If there is a God, and he is a good guy, he would no doubt frown as mightily him (Pad Tad) as on Feo. Sure, it might cost him his frock if he spoke up, but WTF? Ooops, I forgot, the effects of the Serdanite, and Pad Tad doesn't have the protection that Rosario has, neither does he wear any kind of head protection. Gawd, what I could do with one Costco-size roll of aluminum foil in this burg! But, this got me to wondering- in telenovelaland, are all priests so straightlaced, so "infallible? Are all prayers to "la Virgencita" answered? It seems to me to be a constant infomercial about the catholic church. Have there been bad clergy and unanswered prayers in other TN's?

  19. Cakes, Thanks for another optimal recap. Your humor and detail are always appreciated. And you were rewarded by an action packed episode even if the action was so frustrating. How could Rosario tie herself to the half-baked idiot Armando. I knew that messy office was going to condemn him and now Rosario is at just as much risk. Armando with a gun to his head kneeling in the dry-ice forest lit by SUV high beams is not going to end well, you just know its isn't. Paddy Tad hasn't patroled on ASS-back for months, and Damian doesn't have to make his beautiful white stallion endure the fumes since he has resolved to chase Sofia at the store and other day time locales. It just doesn't bode well.
    I hope that Rosario at least hid the Virgincita necklace deep into her very tight jeans. I saw her hand it to Armando at one point when she started to gather the paper evidence to damn Feo but which one has it on them now. Let Libia's Virgincita be a clue to point guilt toward Feo at least.

  20. Thank you, Molly, but I haven't been wearing a foil-lined beanie so I no longer have any capacity for figuring out anything that is even slightly most of the FELS characters except Rosario...poor goner. I just assume CFM means Cruising For Men (usually on street corners.) G in CA

  21. How about Combatting Female Malaise, because I always feel better with a nice pair of stilettos!

  22. I always thought CFM was "Cook For Me".
    Shows how wrong I can be.

  23. Hi Calamity...if I had my druthers, Mañana es Para Siempre would start next week so you'd had something worthy of your talents to recap. This one is still moving at glacial speed and the one entertaining performer, Rosario, looks in danger of being eliminated. We'll have to bring Niurka back!

    Thanks for hanging in there....hold tight to your remaining brain cells so they'll still be there when Fernando finally comes back into our lives.

  24. Thanks, BTW, to y'all for your comments. Molly/Creemelo/G in CA --I like your definitions just as much, very creative! Funny how we're all on the same track when it comes to comment afterthoughts! ROTFLOL funny! Many times I think we could double the size of the recaps with all the funny and snarky things that simply don't get put in in a could'a, would'a, should'a situation while writing these things.

    Now, in defense of defensive offensive Cindybean(?) --I am the first to say that if you can describe a four letter --or in her case, a three letter-- word with a three or four word euphemism you hold the soul of wit in your keyboard. On the other hand, sometimes there isn't anything more satisfying than using one of those seven FCC "outlawed" nouns in a proverbial fit of pique among adult blogging friends.

    As for Pad Tad, somebody needs to get that guy rip-roaring drunk and see if that doesn't loosen his tongue just enough to slur out a few solid clues. My best bet is that Demien is on one of his midnight meanderings through those moonlit Mexican "moors" to come to her rescue, or maybe to find her purse if she's smart enough to ditch it before she's off'd.

  25. Hopefully Rosario won't die. Here are some possible ways she could avoid dying and the show could still continue for a few months:

    1. Coma
    2. Amnesia
    3. Feo says leave and don't come back and I'll spare Luisito and send him to you, but if you ever return, he dies.

    Since I think (I HOPE!) we've had enough 1 and 2 in this show, I'm hoping for something like number 3, because I wanna see Rosie dance again.

  26. I, too, root for Rosario because she is decent and not too brain-addled. And maybe Armando is too stupid to think about running Fernando over or just stepping on the gas - it was pretty stupid of him already to have left such a trail of destruction behind him in his zeal to rob Fernando. But if Rosario really had as many brain cells as we all wish she did, she would have run across the hall to Sofia with all her "pruebas" instead of thinking the smart thing to do was take them to Juan of no memory at the other hacienda.

    I also thought it was funny that Fernando left Gabriela to stew until she would beg him back. But how is she going to do that? He took the car and there are no telephones in their dimension, so I think she's pretty much stuck. It will be interesting to see how they get her out of the hotel in Puebla. Is she going to send the concierge running, literally, back to her hacienda to fetch Rosendo?

  27. OMG people, NEVER gather evidence with the intent of telling everyone AFTERWARDS. In the words of a beloved recapper (Julie, I think?)... "Oh noes!!"

    Amnesia seems to have done our Juan some good. He and Damien are acting like gentlemen over DOHfia, whereas before he would have pounded Damien into the ground like a spike from the word go.

    Good grief. TelenovelaLand is going BSC over those two little words--para siempre. It's the biggest catch-phrase ever on FUEGO, not to mention its theme song. And said song has been on Cande's radio (over on CUIDADO CON EL ANGEL) more than a few times already. What next?

    Soledad from DUELO, eh? For the Love of Peete, puh-leeze let her character not be so freakin' pathetic, I beg of you. Sendel clean-shaven?? Now that's something I haven't seen. I wonder if he still smolders without the 'stach.

    I am not looking forward to Monday night, what with being so completely set up for Rosy's demise, as if I'd honestly believe they'd out Mean Mad Feo this far from the ending. This is going to be painful...

    Oh how I wish Oscar and Franco would forget the Stepfords. How I wish. (A losing battle. I know.)

    Thanks for reCrapping, Jardinera. As usual, a great one.

  28. I didn't make up "oh noes." It's lolspeak. Here are some examples of lolspeak. Warning: involves adorable kitties.

    I don't think there are any "oh noes" there now, but for a while it was "oh noes" this and "oh noes" that.

    I was never a big fan of the lolcats thing, but most of my friends were and I couldn't escape it.

  29. Cheryl described Armando as a half-baked idiot. Does that mean he's a product of the Reyes' bakery?
    (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
    La Paloma

  30. julie - I am not a cat lover (just a liker), but absolutely adore the LOLCats web site. The captions are works of art, too. :-D


  31. Thanks for the recap. I think he is going to shoot Armando but not sure about Rosario. She can't run very far in those boots.

  32. Can Rosario's boobs deflect bullets? They may bounce right off & hit Feo in the eye.

    Then he can get his comeuppance ala Bouffy in Pasion...a long, slow, painful torture sequence that ends with an amputated leg & a beheading.

    One can only hope...


    p.s. A year's wait for Fernando? OMG, it's just not fair. FELS is kind of like purgatory so there better be a hottie heaven at the end of it.

  33. Magarrita: Rosi's boobs might not be able to deflect bullets, but the light shining off her lip gloss might blind Feo and give her time to run.

    It's going to be ver difficult to wait a year to hear Fernando Colunga say, "...amorrrrr" - make that an aspriate r, like the r in faint.

  34. Hey Paloma, I didn't think about the Armando as half baked as a Reyes bakery item until after I posted. Thanks for completing my thoughts! HA. Maybe we could have an Armando cake in the shape of a dunce cap and of course distinguished by being pulled out of the oven while it is still messy and gooey.

  35. Too bad Rosario isn't a Fembot, then she could shoot him before he shoots her! :)

  36. OMG, DOH....after 3 days I had my EUREKA moment on the meaning of CFM high heeled boots. Sylvia and Molly, you are definitely going to be on troll Cindybin's list if she increases her buzz words. Yes, the damage from FELS has slowed my brain but there may be hope yet...probably not. Thanks for the info. G in CA

  37. Ok, Molly. Fill me in. What did I miss--CFM high heeled boots? Refresh my memory por favor.

  38. Animio, Maggarita! I think it was an error in translation. I think TBLMOE will come to our screens next year, not in a year. I'm almost certain MEPS will start when Fuego finishes.

    In which case, I propose that we speed the process. Let's take up a collection and bribe Right-Armando to pull out a pistol and shoot Feonando between the eyes. Who cares what the script says? With no Feo, they'd have to wrap up the show right away, Ultimos Dias and all, and then...

    Que un vista tan hermosa! (What a beautiful view!)

  39. Hi Connie, it was asked what CFM stood for in relation to ridiculously high heeled shoes, and someone else didn't want to say because they didn't want to get chastised by the potty typing patrol. So then I posted it hang-man style with what I thought were the obvious but least offensive blanks. Then I decided it could also mean Combating Female Malaise, because don’t we all feel better in great pair of shoes? Really we were all just dancing around that four letter word for fornication (in our ridiculously high heeled shoes)!

  40. connie - means "come ***do*** me." Of course, I changed that middle word but I think you know what I mean. In Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series of books, the heroine (Stephanie) will often get weak in the knees and have to buy a "FM" pair of shoes. Usually very high heels, straps, etc. She's single with two hot guys in her life.


  41. Hey Muchas Gracias for posting some information about Fernando Colunga!! This gives me the courage to endure this current nonsense...!

  42. Ah, thanks guys. That's what I thought but I wasn't sure. I didn't get to watch a couple nights last week and didn't get to read all the comments. I hate it when that happens! What should we name the censorship trolls? Perhaps the potty typing patrol (PTP)? I bet we could come up with some good suggestions. Have at it everyone...

  43. Julie~~~Thanks for the cute cats site. Speaking of cats, I learned an odd factoid today...Florence Nightingale never married, but she had 60 cats. Yikes. Also, she was bedridden from the age of 43 to 90 with a psychosomatic illness...I'm thinking that had something to do with living with 60 cats...I'm just saying...

  44. Hey, Paula H and others: Sorry about any unintended confusion! I lifted that story straight out of the English version's online edition and didn't translate it myself. I thought the "one year" till MEPS sounded strange also because that would mean that Uni'd have to have another six month filler and our schedule always follows Mexico's. ? ; ? }

  45. I know, Julie. I've loved LOLcats and LOLdogs for a long time, and appreciate other folks who do as well. :D

  46. Susanlynn, if she were alive today she would be featured on Animal Cops.

  47. Argh... speaking of CFM boots, a character on an American soap today had hers on to once again: go undercover with the Russian mobster and local hostage-taker, try to confront said hostage-taker down on their crime-ridden docks, and get blown up by a bomb as she ran into their trap.

    She was a bit tattered from the explosion, but her CFM boots with five-inch stilleto heels had nary a scratch on them. ROFL

  48. A quality pair of CFM shoes can be used to identify the body...they withstand everything!

  49. No sweat, Cakes. I knew that the error was not yours. Besides, you know me! I'll take any excuse I can find for talking about TBLMOE!

    Regarding Florence, Wiki says she was bedridden by 1896; she would've been 76. Of course, Wiki is not an iron-clad resource.
