
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Querida Enemiga #99 Tues. Nov. 11, '08 Julian's Back on the Straight and Narrow, Can Omar Be Far Behind

Alternative title: The Bitch Is Back (take your pick...Sara, Jimena, Greta or Javier)

Rehash: Lorena's at the playground asking Ivan to ease up on the gifts and emotional blackmail. She needs to make her "galan" decision without pressure. But be sure and tell your brother and sister I love them and they have a big place in my heart, she adds.

Rehash 2: Ernesto is asking Jimena to be his message carrier to Lorena. He can't e-mail her (Sara, the "systems expert" can hack into his messages) and who knows, maybe she even has his phone bugged! (not likely but this enables Jimena to further louse up Lorena and Ernesto's relationship so we'll let it ride.) He assures Jimena that Lorena will agree to this system since she understands he and Jimena have ONLY a great friendship, nothing else. (We watch her teeth grinding at this....not for long, Ernesto!)

Now a woeful Omar is shown thinking back on a cosy memory of Zulema and a passionate memory of Greta. Can't decide which one he should choose. But it's not fair to either of them...he has to decide! he thought bubbles. (About time you toad! It's been a friggin' year)

Julian is all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, off to cover a boxing match as a production assistant. He has plans to impress Rossy with all the work he's doing while his happy mama almost spills the beans about Rossy's pregnancy. If he only knew!, she smile, after he heads off for work. And Zulema is hoping for twins, God knows why. (I had to nurse a friend's baby as well as my own during an emergency, and believe me, you don't want twins! they're exhausting.)

Sara and her accountant are sparring about her proposal to the automobile company. Her bid is so low they're hardly going to make a profit but she holds firm, so determined is she to get the business. In the meantime, Jimena is trying to warn Lorena, per Ernesto's instructions, about Sara's plans to wrest the contract away from them but Lorena waves her off, with a "gracias but it's not necessary." She thanks Jimena though and our villaness gives her a fakey kiss on the cheek. A Judas kiss you might say.

Back in "Las Cazuelas" kitchen Lorena lets them know about Sara competing for the same business and Hortensia gets charged up, knowing that Sara wants "war". Patty's chirping a new tune, claiming Vasco's defense of Diana had no romantic implications, and Rossy's throwing up, all the while claiming she couldn't possibly be pregnant. Barb isn't fooled and figures the family is growing.

Hortensia stays with the matter at hand. Sara is obsessed with damaging Lorena but our heroine tells her to stop worrying and trust our work. We don't need Ernesto's help from the inside; we can stand on our own.

Greta and Omar are having yet another spat about Zulema. She wants to know if Omar has talked with her and told her about their relationship. (Honey, if he had the guts to do that, he wouldn't have given into you in the first place.)

Now the scene switches to the kitchen at Casa Pobre where Lorena is boxing up some leftovers for Julian. Hortensia's feeling bad because the poor lad is sleeping on the couch, Abuela has his room. But she soon gets off into another vengeance laden rant about Sara (she hasn't become entirely saintly yet, thank God) Lorena tries to calm her down.

We now have our politically incorrect gay number. Televisa only seems to portray gays as limp-wristed queens...but whatever. Bruno is introduced to Javier, also known as "Javicho" which his nibs doesn't like because it sounds like "bicho". He prefers "Javivi" (which sounds like "Habibi" which is Arabic for "my love" or "my darling"). He wastes no time putting the moves on Bruno, moving in close, commenting on his wonderful tan (Bruno is Germanic word for "moreno" and so it fits the wonderful color of Bruno's skin). Not only that, his blue eyes! (green! snaps Bruno)....and that grey sexy on a young man! He does note that Bruno does not have a "look muy fashion" but nevertheless is super attractive. Bruno's had enough at this point and tells Javier to act like a man. Javier pouts and would I do that? and we mercifully end this scene.

Upstairs Sara and Fafy are chuckling about the direct no holds barred seduction procedures of gays as opposed to all the courtly nonsense that one must go through with women. Sigh.

Back to the lesser house. Zulema is up and trying to walk. Diana and Lorena arrive and fill her in on the latest with the catering venture and Zulema dreams about cooking for her family again...especially about making that special molé that Omar liked so much. And can you believe it!? you dad hasn't even called me! Diana and Lorena exchange worried looks.

At the Armendariz office, Sara is chortling over Bruno's blind date and wondering if he's batting for a different team now. He threatens that "if she ever does that again..." but she's uncowed. Be nice, Bruno, give it a try! In the meantime, her accountant is back and has figured out that the other finalist for the automobile contract is....yes, you guessed it, Lorena! Sara's all fired up and wants to prevent Ernesto from even going to pick up his niece and nephew from school but he wiggles out, after assuring her he'll put together a fantastic Mediterranean menu and don't worry...his reputation is at stake...he won't go down to Lorena and her home-cooking. After giving her a shopping list for a particular kind of fish (guachinango?) as well as fresh basil, olives, etc., he's off to get the kids (and pass a note to Jimena which the detective following him doesn't see).

Jimena's just given Greta a call which the latter says is "caída de cielo" (heaven-sent) 'cause she's going crazy with Omar's indecisiveness. Well now you need to help me, adds Jimena, so we know more skullduggery is coming up. Meanwhile there's some mild bickering going on at "Las Cazuelas" kitchen. Some think the menu is too simple but Lorena assures them that as long as it's scrumptious ("a chupar los dedos") it will work. After all, it's for the workers' dining room so it should be home cooking. Just then Diana comes in saying someone is looking for Lorena.

When Lorena arrives, it's Jimena, holding a staged and very loud conversation on the phone with Greta, who's pretending to be Ernesto's latest bimbo warning Jimena to stay away. I've gotten rid of the other three, Greta screeches, and now I want you out of the way. Oh dear, simpers Jimena to Lorena, I suppose you heard all that. I can't imagine what Ernesto is thinking and adds "genio y figura (hasta la sepultura)" (people never change).

Lorena is as miffed as Jimena wanted her to be and waves off the message. When she returns to the kitchen, everyone can tell she's upset but she won't reveal what's going on and focuses on the task at hand.

In the meantime, our two witches are still discussing strategy. Since Greta's attempts to make Omar feel guilty have backfired, Jimena suggests a new tack....act as if nothing is wrong, and be cheerful. After all, eventually Zulema is going to find out...and when she does, she'll never forgive him! Julian takes the opposite tack, encouraging Omar to come clean with Zulema because if he does....and is truly repentant...she WILL forgive him. After all, Zully forgave Julian and Hortensia. So how bad could it be?

Sara is back at the office, gloating that she's going to win the contract battle but she's still lacking Alonso's love. Should she give him a call? Valeria's on the same wave length, casually dropping by Alonso's office, noting they both get off early and why don't they take in a movie? Alonso agrees and them promptly forgets when Sara calls. He sees an opportunity to help Lorena by finding out what Sara's up to....and he's off to the races.

A brief scene with Bettina and Ivan is interspersed here. He thrills her by remembering that tomorrow is their year's anniversary and asks what gift she wants (that's within his budget). She requests a letter telling her all the things he likes about her. He's on board with that.

Back to our other romances and pseudo-romances. Alonso and Sara plan to meet after she gets rid of Fafy. Paula and Raimundo are sitting in her living room chatting and while Bettina, upon arriving home, gives him the cold shoulder, Paula is looking at him in a verrrry inviting way.

We have twin scenes of the two competing kitchens. Chez Lorena, they're sampling tortilla soup, the "plato fuerte" (main dish) which Hortensia thinks is good but needs a smoother texture (and where's the salsa?) and Barb tries the "arroz con leche" which practically makes her swoon. Chez Sara/Ernesto, Fafy is impressed with the fish, better than what he tasted at a fine restaurant in Barcelona. Sara likes the salad which she thinks has mint in it (but it's actually oregano) and the little toady insists on sampling the dessert (he's a sugar expert). It's "crema Catalana" which Ernesto explains is like "crème brulée" and toady says it tastes like "natilla" (custard). He's also a "soup expert" so he tries the gazpacho. Hungry little guy, evidently.

Valeria discovers Alonso has left without her and is prettily dejected. Alonso meanwhile is getting groped by Sara (big hug and "have you missed me". Not especially, replies Alonso) and he tries to get information about what she's up to and where she's been . He also pretends that Lorena let him down and didn't support him during the Zulema surgery fiasco. Sara stays with her story of injured innocence (how was I to know Madre Asuncion was wrong telling me I was the granddaughter?) and Alonso tries his best to look both sympathetic but distant. He gives her a nervous peck on the cheek as he leaves, promising to see her again soon.

Julian is seen leaving work, bravely choosing not to go out for a beer with his work buddies. Fafy is fussing at Sara because she was out so late. She claims she needed a break because she's so nervous about the competition for the contract. He has a sure-fire strategy to relax her but she's too tense for those "cositas". Instead they talk about Javivi wanting Bruno's cellphone number and witch that she is, she encourages Fafy to give it to him. While she dreams of Alonso, Fafy has to settle for just a hug.

Lorena,, in her jammies is startled to find Alonso at her door. He's all excited thinking he has big news for her, and instantly deflated when he finds out she already knows about Sara's plans...Ernesto told her. (Him again!) And Ernesto is deflated when our crafty Jimena tells him Lorena refused to accept the note outlining Ernesto's menu. She's very proud, you know, sighs Jimena.

The new improved Greta has put together a breakfast feast for moldy old Omar but he's not pleased. He's leaving. What!? Going back to "esa"?!!! "Esa" is my wife, my life companion, retorts Omar. This was all a mistake. A misssssstake ("un errrrrrror"!) hisses Greta. You lived with me for a whole year as man and wife! A fine time to call it a mistake. She pulls the suicide card again, and this time Omar's had enough. Go ahead and throw youself out the window. Do it in front of me, if you don't care about your son. I've had enough. I'm leaving. Even if it's just to go to a boarding house to think things through for a bit.

Well, that was an ugly scene. No winners whatsoever. Hard to root for Omar, he's such a creep. And can we really be glad he's going back to Zulema? Well, alright, she loves him and he's the stepfather and father of her children. But still.....a creep.

Happier scene with Hortensia and Julian. She's apologizing for not appreciating what a professional he was when he worked with her. And she's so blessed now to have him and Omar back. WHO CARES ABOUT THE MONEY THAT WAS LOST? FAMILY IS EVERYTHING. (This is basically the message of every telenovela I've ever seen. That and "love" happens at first sight and last forever. Got that kids?)

And speaking of family, Rossy has been eating apples all day which is exactly what Maruja did when she was pregnant with Rossy. They bicker for the umpteenth time about whether Julian should be told, with Maruja maintaining that every child needs a father, and Rossy maintaining that yes, a father, but not a brat! (like Julian seems to be).

Alright, it's High Noon. Team Sara and Team Lorena arrive at the auto industry site for the taste test. Lorena snarls What are you doing here? Winning, answers Sara, while Ernesto lays a protective hand on her shoulder.

Previews: Lorena and Sara are nose to nose with Lorena threatening that one day Sara will pay. Sara starts to boff her one but Lorena grabs her arm. Catfight!


  1. Bruno's "date" was Enrique from Juan Querendon!!! Love it!

    Poor Zulema had better learn to walk - and run - soon so she can chase Omar around and smack him upside the head with a skillet!

    Great recap, JudyB.

  2. Judy, Thanks for the marvelous recap of this dizzy making rush to the end of the plot. The characters are all acting in crazy ways. Kind of fun really, waiting for the pie carts to be loaded for those deserving villains.

    Emilia, I loved seeing good old Kike (Enrique) from YAJQ, actor Eugenio Bartilotti. What a sweety he is either in homo or hetero mode.

  3. Yikes...I'm losing it. I didn't even recognize Enrique without his stomach pad and his Chilango accent. But the scenes were fun (if inappropriate) and it looked like Eugenio was having fun doing it. The guy playing Bruno always looks p****d off so there was nothing new there.

  4. Thanks, Judyb~~~Regreta was really rolling her eyes and her R's [rrrrrrrrrr] last night. I have had enough her dramatics and it looks like finally so has Omar. Looks like the thrill is gone ...he's been there and done that he wants to crawl back to Zully and his family. Blech. Bruto didn't seem to appreciate his date.

  5. judyB: Thank you for the excellent recap. I loved your Alternate title: "The Bitch Is Back (take your pick...Sara, Jimena, Greta or Javier)." My pick is Jimena. Talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing. With friends like these, who needs enemies? Judas is right!

    Still laughing at "Moldy, old Omar!" Perfect!

    Emilia, I also hope "Poor Zulema had better learn to walk - and run - soon so she can chase Omar around and smack him upside the head with a skillet!"

    Wonder who'll win the cookoff? Can't wait to see what happens next. Diana in MA.

  6. I think Lorena will win the cookoff - Ern told Jimena that he had deliberately chosen dishes that would be too exotic for this client's tastes. Lorena also explained to her coworkers that they should stick with simple dishes for this client.

    Since both Ernesto and Lorena both had the same idea - that the client would prefer something simple - I'm thinking they're right. And Sara doesn't know the meaning of the word "overkill."

  7. Omar definitely needs the skillet treatment. Maybe that will knock some sense into him, or at least help him make a decision. He's absolutely spineless. I hadn't noticed Regreta rolling her R's until you mentioned it, now I think it's kind of funny.

    Interesting how Lorena refused to look at Ernesto's menu. Did she refuse because she was pissed off at him or would she have refused anyway? I think it's great that Snorty hasn't become Polyanna overnight and still shows shades of her former naughty self. It makes her character much more interesting and believable.

    I like the alternate title many bitches, so hard to choose. I quite enjoyed the scene with Javivi and Bruto even though it was not PC. They both looked like they were about to crack up. I miss Kike, what a wonderful actor he is, and Bruto is a master of looking annoyed. Good stuff.

    I hope Lorena will win although Ernesto's menu sounded much more yummy to me. I would choose anything with creme brulee which is one of my most severe weaknesses, and that's saying something considering it doesn't have chocolate in it! Guachinango is a kind of red snapper.

    Thanks JudyB, terrific recap of a good episode!

    NOTE: Looks like I have the night off Thursday because of the Latin Grammys.

  8. Thanks for the red snapper clue, Sylvia....I meant to look it up and then forgot. But now I'll know the word forever! Gracias.

    I'm always a little shocked at how over-the-top these telenovelas portray gays. Although Jack on Will & Grace was pretty over the top...but balanced out by more neutral characters at least. Have never seen anything but totally swish on Hispanic tv. But yes, funny and obviously fun for the actors.

    And thanks for the kind words all of you. This is such a supportive group. Feel very lucky to "know" you all, even if it's just in the virtual sense.

    The Bitch is Back is one of my favorite songs by Elton John (Tina Turner also does a great version) Couldn't resist and it seemed to fit.

  9. Thanks to your alternate title I've been humming Elton's tune all morning. I should probably knock it off before I get to work, my boss took the day off yesterday. Luckily for me she is a gem and most definitely NOT a bitch, but still...

  10. I didn't think Octavio from FELS (Benito's brother, not Demian's dog) or his boyfriend Bruno were swishy at all.

    But if we have to fix up THIS Bruno with some guy, then I'll definitely vote for "as swishy as possible." Nothing but the best for the wife-beating, coworker-framing, patient-endangering doctor. :-)

  11. Good point Julie...I've watched so little of FELS (though I love the "recraps") that those two didn't come to mind. Was thinking more of the butler and his Italian friend in Guapos and of course whazziname in Fea, plus the various hairdressers and designers in Juan Querendon and Amor sin Limites.

    But hey, I stand corrected. Thanks. A place I've been many times before!

  12. Those were the only exceptions I could think of. Obviously they were less memorable, due to not being super-swishy...

  13. Well, if we throw the question out there, maybe our bloggers can come up with some other neutral examples. My telenovela history is short...a number of people have been watching longer than I have...we'll see...

    There's a very effete character in Amor Real, (brother of "Squeaky" from Heridas de Amor) but he's actually straight....ends up with a very liberated female character at the end.

  14. Well, in Alborada, the main rival for Hipolita, Antonio, who was married to Hipolita, was at least bi, since he had a liason with a man earlier (but was ashamed of it), and couldn't function in his marriage. He was able to have relations with a female character later. But, my point is that he was sort of gay, but for the most part, very masculine, and not the kind of stereotype portrayed by "Javivi".

  15. Well, Alborado is on my list to see after I finally wade through Amor Real. I'm really only about 2/3 through but I was so nervous about the destiny of Manuel that I sneaked a peek at the end to make sure (dumb, I know)

  16. By the way, Randy, thanks for posting that cartoon link yesterday - I had forgotten about those cartoon dogs! That's Santiago, all right.

  17. I haven't seen this yet, but I much enjoy your 'cap!!! Especially reminding us of yes those pesky novela lessons. Wonder if one of these days the crazy televisa folks with just throw caution to the wind and have the heroines and heros die and just do all the wrong things. That would almost be hysterical....

    Thanks Jud!

  18. Thanks for the recap JudyB. Can't wait to see the showdown tonight.

  19. Gee, I haven't been watching this, but maybe I'll watch tonight--sounds like Top Chef, which also starts a new season tonight.

  20. Judyb~~~I love Amor Real. I'm glad that you are enjoying it. You will like Alborada since it is produced by Carla Estrada, directed by Monica Miguel, and stars Fernando. I could watch either novela everyday. If Javivi likes men who are prematurely gray, he would like my hub . He had a white steak in his black hair when I met him at age 16, and his hair has just gotten whiter each year since then....just like his mother and grandfather. As for the telenovela depiction of gays, it is true that many are painted as way over the top . I've never seen any lesbians in the novelas I've watched. Antonio wore some fancy embroidered suits, and he had that 60s flip hairstyle for awhile. Hub refers to Antonio as ''Incapacitado'' because he was walking through the room one day and heard Luis calling him that. I think that's the only Spanish word he knows. I guess it struck him as funny. He asked me ''Who is that guy and did that other guy call him what it sounded like he called him?''

  21. Another great recap. I'm finding it difficult lately to watch closely at the 6 pm hour, so when I get cross-eyed with these menu things I really appreciate your clarifications, JudyB.
    re: Omar "(About time you toad! It's been a friggin' year)" Couldn't have said it better! The wimpy wavering is getting old and I don't respect wimping out in this case..... I respect Greta more for at least knowing her mind and sticking in there. Oh well.....

  22. Well folks, there's more of a showdown tonight than I expected. Wow. Look forward to discussing it with you all tomorrow.
    Thanks for checking in one and all.

  23. JudyB, thanks for another terrific recap! Love those alternate titles!

    “he has to decide! he thought bubbles. (About time you toad! It's been a friggin' year)” LOL—right on! What a toad he is, too!

    “She wants to know if Omar has talked with her and told her about their relationship. (Honey, if he had the guts to do that, he wouldn't have given into you in the first place.)” LOL! Boy, you really have Omar’s number, JudyB!

    “He prefers "Javivi" (which sounds like "Habibi" which is Arabic for "my love" or "my darling").” Geez, whoda thunk you know so many languages? ;-)

    “WHO CARES ABOUT THE MONEY THAT WAS LOST? FAMILY IS EVERYTHING. (This is basically the message of every telenovela I've ever seen. That and "love" happens at first sight and last forever. Got that kids?)” LOL!

    More great comments from everyone!

