
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cuidado con el Angel, January 21, 2009

We start off with Olga helping Marichuy and Cande bring there things in. Cande tells her not to tell anyone that they are back.

The housekeeper tells Patricio that Ceci and Estephania came back from there trip and that Ceci is devastated. Patricio asks Ceci how it went and she tells him that they did not find her.

Onelia says out loud that the trial for the murderer starts tomorrow. JM asks Onelia if she has talked to the authorities regarding there accusations about Viv. She does not want to talk about it. She tells JM that as of today they will be on opposite sides.

Cande is making breakfast and Marichuy tells her that she has things to do today. She will be going to see JM.

Ceci blames Estephania for missing Marichuy before she left.

Leopard goes up to Marichuy’s room sadden by her sudden departure. Oh, no she forgot her damn bird! He grabs and starts talking to the bird and says something about a bird and how they fly or something like that. He sheds a tear.

Patricio defends Estephania that she is not to blame for missing that girl. Ceci tells him it’s not that girl but our daughter. She starts recalling events of the previous day and remembers that she crossed paths with her while she was leaving and they were arriving. She gets hysterical and he tries to calm her down.

Marichuy is walking towards the house with a bounce in her step. Mayita is playing by the fountain with a baby. Marichuy calls out to her. She goes running to greet her and asks her about her brother that she promised to bring her. Marichuy tells her later and asks where JM is.

Estephania is walking down the street talking to Isa on the phone regarding what happened the day before. She tells her that they just missed Marichuy and that the whole way back she had to hear her cry. They were told that Marichuy left the hacienda forever. Isa says that Ceci will never find her again and she must be crying buckets. Isa is too happy about this. Estephania thinks that she may know where she is.

Mayita tells Marichuy that her dad left. Marichuy wants to know where, but Mayita does not know.

Leopard yells out to Micaela to get his bags ready because he is leaving to go find Marichuy (Lirio).

Marichuy and Mayita go sit in the living room. She asks Marichuy again about the baby she promised to bring her. She tells Mayita that she will complete her promise. Mayita tells Marichuy that someone in her school told her that her mother is dead. She knows it’s a lie like the other time when they told her that her mom was dead and then she came back. Also that her nanny left too. She asks Marichuy if she will return to live with her. Marichuy tells her that she does not know, but will be waiting for JM.

Cosme tells Leopard that he is wasting his time looking for Marichuy (Lirio). Leopard does not care he will not just cross his arms and do nothing. He doesn’t understand. They were going to be married. He was so happy and now in such pain worse then before. When he finds her he will demand an explanation. He will move heaven and earth to find her.

Back at JM’s house Estephania asks Balbina where Marichuy is. Balbina is confused, but hears laughter in the living room and goes in. She sees Marichuy and says “I knew it”. She was sure that Marichuy would return. Yes, I have responds Marichuy, and what’s it too you. Estephania asks her what her intentions are. Marichuy tells her that it’ none of her concern. Estephania tells her that she is the same naca as before and has not changed. Mayita sticks up for her and tells Estephania that she has changed. Marichuy tells her that she has changed inside and is now a woman. She tells Mayita to go to her room and play with the baby for awhile. Before Mayita leaves the room she gives Estephania a dirty look. Marichuy tells Estephania what do you have to say to me?

The lawyer is talking with JM about the case. Blanca sees JM thru the bars.

Estephania asks why she came. Marichuy tells her that she found out that Viv was dead. Estephania tells her you think there is room for you now? Because now there is another. Marichuy tells her that if she is trying to scare her off she is wasting her time. Estephania tells her that she thinks she knows everything but does not. Marichuy tells her that she knows JM is going thru a lot, that he is alone and that I care for him. That is why I am here. Estephania tells her that there are definitely things that she does not know. She is going to tell her everything.

JM asks the lawyer if he can get close to Blanca. The lawyer thinks that it is not a good idea. JM wants to find out immediately after what happens and will be waiting for the attorney.

Marichuy tells Estephania that she does not believe her. She is not the old Marichuy who believed all her lies. Estephania asks her why she is defending JM. Do you not remember what he did to that night? Marichuy says that is in the past and she has forgiven him. Estephania tells her that JM is waiting for Blanca to get out of jail so that they can marry.

Mayita tells Abuela that Marichuy has returned.

Marichuy tells Estephania that she is lying. She will wait until he returns. Estephania then says that JM will be kicking her out again like he did before. She then asks why she left the hacienda since the owner was crazy about her and the baby. Marichuy says how do you know that when no one else does. She then says that it must have been Amador. Estephania tells her that it does not matter. She now knows the truth.

Back at the hacienda Micaela is packing Leopard’s bag. She asks him how long he plans to be gone. He says I don’t know, but I will not be returning until I find her. (here’s a thought. why don’t you ask PA) I have no idea where to look for her, but she has to reappear. Micaela thinks to herself that he will never find out if he uses the name Lirio. But she cannot tell him anything.

Balbina tells Rocio that Estephania is in the living room talking with Marichuy. Rocio runs in the room and greets Marichuy warmly and tells her that she missed her immensely. She wants to know how she is. Marichuy tells her that she found out what has been going on and believes that JM is innocent. Rocio tells her that Blanca was the one to kill Viv and that JM said he did it to protect her.

In the courtroom the judge reads the charges while Onelia tears up. The prosecutor asks Blanca is she is pleading innocent or guilty. She pleads innocent.

JM is thinking about Marichuy and wonders who she will be marrying.

Micaela is having a full conversation in her head about the difficult dilemma in regards to staying quiet or telling Leopard that truth.

Rocio tells Marichuy the truth about Blanca and what has happened. Marichuy asks if there is something between JM and Blanca. Rocio tells her that they are engaged. Estephania is like “I told you!” Rocio tells her that Blanca is a very nice person and asks her about her upcoming marriage. If she is married yet. Marichuy tells her no.

Micaela could not tell Leopard the truth about Marichuy (Lirio).

Rocio tells Marichuy that she hopes she will be happy in her marriage and thought that she would never see her again. Rocio lets slip out that Viv was pregnant when she was killed and Marichuy says what? She was going to be a mother again. Yes, responds Rocio but Blanca is not at fault. I will tell you that part of the story another day. Blanca is sick and that is why JM is defending her. Today the trial starts and JM is there.

JM is thinking about Marichuy. He says that she is fair away and that he has lost her forever.

Rocio asks Marichuy if she is okay. Marichuy gets up quickly and says that she has to go. She runs out of the room. Estephania runs after her and asks her what she plans to do. Are you returning to the hacienda? Marichuy tells her that she does not have to explain what she is going to do. Estephania tells her that she feels sorry for her. Marichuy tells her that I do not need your pity. Estephania drives in that JM does not need or wants her and to return to the hacienda. Marichuy runs off.

Marichuy returns home and tells Cande that JM was not home when she asks if she saw him.
Marichuy starts crying and says that JM does not care for her, but another. Who, asks Cande. Marichuy informs her it’s the woman that killed Viv.

Estephania tells Isa that Marichuy is back.

Marichuy tells Cande everything that she found out. Cande scolds her and says that you should not have left the hacienda or Leopard and that we should return immediately. PA does not even know we are here. Do you want me to tell him? Marichuy does not want PA to know because she does not want to get scolded by him.

Patricio asks JM why he is sitting outside. JM tells him that Onelia is in there and he does not want to be with her. Patricio says that he would have been here sooner, but Ceci was upset. Why, asks JM. Because she went to look for…..

Cande tells Marichuy that she is going to get a taxi to return, but Marichuy stops her. She tells Cande that we cannot make rash decisions. Cande reminds her that when she read the paper she immediately decided to return. And see where that got me responds Marichuy.
Ceci is in her room wondering where Marichuy is. She thinks that maybe Marichuy went back home and decides to leave now to find her.

Tomorrow: Mayita tells Onelia that Marichuy is back.


  1. Gloria, thanks for the recap.

    Why oh why couldn't we have JM and Marichuy together briefly? I hope they at least have some kind of contact tonight. Stef is so vile; when she was hanging over the back of the sofa butting into Rocio and Marichuy's conversation I thought she looked like the devil in the form of a snake in the Garden of Eden in a book I had as a kid.

    With any luck Leo will remember that Padre Anselmo is the only real lead to Marichuy and head straight for the church in Mari's neighborhood.

  2. Good job, Gloria! Thank you so much!

    Boy now I’m steamed at Mica. She’s worked with Omar’s family since he was a child and now, when his heart is broken, she decides that her loyalties are with Mari and Cande, or at least with the promise she made them. I say her long-term association with her employer, and her concern over his earlier broken heart and now this one, trump that crummy little promise. Poor Omar!

    I thought the actress playing Stef did a great job as usual, but I’m feeling sorry for the actress playing Ceci because she’s really good and very sympathetic, but her part has called for just one emotion during this entire novela.

  3. I've been a lurker for a few months now and haven't really been compelled to comment since I'm not that funny or original.

    Now last nights episode is the 1st time I've felt the need to come on here and ask:

    Why the heck is Estafa always going over to JM's house? At 1st she was just going to hang all over JM then she became oh so buddy buddy with Viviana but she is dead now so who the heck is she visiting ? I have to wonder why the servants or Rocio don't actually shoo her away when JM isn't home. Seriously WTF was going on last night with her just making little faces behind MC? My mother (the whole reason I watch these things ,darn her little mexican booty!!!) says to me that is just how novelas are. Don't even get me started on Fuego !

  4. Gloria, terrific recap - thank you.

    Glad to see that Ceci set aside her heartache and was able to think clearly, correctly deducing where Mari is. The previews indicate she goes alone to see Mari and thankfully leaves evil Stefi home. I hope Patricio has to eat a lot of proverbial crow when Stefi's true character is revealed.

    Maggie, I agree Mica's misplaced loyalty is frustrating.

    Instead of crying and feeling sorry for himself, Omar immediately decides to find Marichuy. He loves her and he is going to fight for her. No waffling, no indecision - he's packing and going. If only JM had showed 1/10th of the gumption and resolve Omar has, he'd be with Mari instead of continuing to stew in his own misery. So there! :)

    Diana in MA

  5. Nancy: welcome!

    You ask the question all of us have been asking since this began. As Ceci and Patricio continue to allow Stefi to live in their home and have not clearly "disowned" her as their daughter, I think Stefi will continue to have access to JM's home. Also, JM's hideous MIL is a sick sort of ally for Stefi as they are both united in their hatred for Mari. Diana in MA

  6. Thank you Nancy for joining us! What do you mean you don’t think you’re funny? I thought your comments were a lot of fun. Please keep chiming in.

    I was wondering how Stef got in, and how Mari can just wander up the long front driveway, and how she can be there without Balbina knowing. This in the land of rich-folk kidnapping! Seems anyone can come on the property and into the house, plus there is little Mayita out front playing alone by the fountain, kidnapping and drowning dangers apparently uninteresting to the San Ramons.

  7. Welcome, Nancy. A sarcastic rhetorical question is always welcome here.

    I watched part of last night and then gave up. I have really pretty much checked out of these stories till En Nombre de Amor comes on, but I miss you guys, so I check in to say hi.

  8. Thanks for the recap, Gloria!

    I thought this was a funny episode. The best part was the dirty look Mayita gave to Estefania! That was one of the dirtiest looks I've ever was great!!

    Second place goes to when Ceci blamed the fact that they missed Marichuy on Estafania...for the most part, Ceci has a pretty good track record for thinking clearly even amongst all her grief. Which is more than I can say for most of the other characters. And I don't know why Patricio keeps defending Estefania...I can't wait until she is finally exposed to him...I hope he finds out EVERYTHING about her!

    And lastly, I don't like Onelia's character, but I just love the interactions between her and Juan Miguel when he gets all fiery angry at her!

  9. Welcome, Nancy!

    I think the answer to the Stef question is that she just loves butting in where she doesn't belong and causing problems for other people. She may be hanging onto a thread hoping that one day JM will fall for her pathetic seduction strategies again, but mostly I think she just wants to know everything that's going on in order to keep Marichuy away and thus keep her place in the Velarde household. Juan Miguel won't throw her out because she is still associated with Pat and Ceci and he doesn't want to offend them (especially since he knows they are Marichuy's parents). Ceci tried to get rid of Stef at one point, but Pat put a stop to it.

    I for one think that Pat and Stef's relationship is sick and twisted. He now knows that he's not her father, but she keeps hanging all over him and playing up the "daddy's little girl" bit.

    NinaK, I've missed your comments lately. I hope soon there's a show you can get into so we'll have you around more!

    Mica should at least have given Leo some pointed hints if not told him outright. "Leo, maybe you should go ask my brother Padre Anselmo. And while you're in the city, you should see a psychiatrist to help you cope with the issue. I hear this Dr. San Roman is really good. You know him? Even better. I've already made you an appointment. I insist that you go."

  10. Also: Mayita's been hearing from other kids at school that her mom's dead, and Juan Miguel STILL hasn't had a conversation with her and explained that this time, mom really is dead, for sure? Poor child.

  11. Welcome Nancy. I, too, was asking the same question last night--- why does everyone accept Stefi roaming around the castle like she's the queen. Why didn't RocĂ­o tell Stefi to scram. Couldn't she see the smug looks that Stefi was making behind MC's back. I would have said, "do you mind, this is a private conversation". Oh well, she does make a good villian, we certainly love to hate her.

    I also think that Mica should give Omar a hint about how to start looking for Marichuy. She could have done that without betraying her promise to MC.

    I love that actress that plays Mayita. I bet we'll see great things from her someday (or continue to see them if she continues acting after this show is over). The look she gave Stefi was perfect. Exactly the look I'd give if I were in that scene.

  12. Thanks for the welcomes everybody :)

    I wanted to chime in the other night on the episode where Rocio tells JM that MC is getting remarried. God I wanted to just jump in the TV hug him and say "Everything will be ok sweetiekins"

    Seriously though I was balling it was just that good and I usually don't fall for the sappy stuff much ;)

  13. once again marichuy proves how immature she still is. no matter what ppl say she needs to sort this out with JM face to face. it's their personal business and she needs to hear it straight from him. wth is her problem?!?!? if she was thinking straight she would've been surprised that rocio knew she was engaged and thought that maybe that's why JM is engaged also. ughh frustrating....

  14. Only leaving a late lost echo of WHY IS ESTEFANIA IN THEIR HOUSE??????? Sigh.
