
Monday, January 19, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Fri. Jan. 16 & Mon. Jan. 19 - Paybacks are a b*tch with the Doña

Santos tells DB that she made a promise. The time to make good on it has come. DB asks whether Santos planned to get her drunk and have her sign the document without reading it. Santos says that is her way of doing things. Didn't she take the hacienda from Lorenzo that way? Santos tells DB that he only had the document prepared to be ready for Marisela's birthday. He gives the document to DB and tells her to read it. It wasn't a good idea for Santos to mention Marisela because DB goes on off on how Santos only cares about Marisela. She crumples up the document and throws it on the floor.

Lorenzo tells Antonio that there is nothing but friendship between them. He says that he won't be around much longer and he doesn't want Cecilia to be alone. Antonio says that he isn't going to hang around wishing for Lorenzo to die.

Antonio quits his job with Don Encarnación. He is going to lead the rebels over the border and keep on going.

Santos and DB have several terrible battles about DB giving El Miedo to Marisela and Santos basically tells DB that it is over between them.

Desperate to keep Santos, DB came to see Marisela and told her that it was time to pay the debt that she owes DB for what happened with Meléndez. DB tells Marisela that she just has to make a small sacrifice. We don't know what DB wants Marisela to do but whatever it is makes her terribly unhappy.

DB gives the signed property transfer deed to Santos. He is impactado.

Monday -

Santos is as happy as a 6-year old with a lollipop that DB has signed the property transfer. That night, he asks her to marry him. Apparently he carries his mother's engagement ring around with him because when DB wakes up the next morning, he is putting it on her finger. DB being triumphant and happy when we know it is at Marisela's expense is hard to take.

Marisela confesses to Father Pernia about killing Meléndez and he absolves her of guilt and tells her to pray for Meléndez' salvation. Marisela apparently also confesses what DB has asked her to do. The priest says that it is wrong and that Santos will never be happy with DB.

DB tells her staff that Marisela is going to be the new owner of La Barquereña. This news travels to the Altamira vaqueros. Santos cheerily tells them that it won't make any difference at all but they aren't so sure.

Marisela rips up the dress that her mother bought her to wear at her birthday party.

Lorenzo is going around talking about the ephemeral nature of life to flowers and saying things like: I will die in the spring. So I guess we know the end is near.

DB and Santos come and wake Marisela up on her birthday and DB gives her the property transfer document.
We still don't k


  1. Jean, Thanks for your on going valiant efforts to recap this telenovela alone. I know not too many people write to you and I don't very often but I wanted to say I really appreciate your efforts. I enjoy your recaps with great pictures and interesting summaries. Keep up the great work, I bet I am not the only person who enjoys your work but doesn't write in to tell you so.

    I am especially grateful for your recaps this month since i am in Mexico and cannot follow any of my addictive telenovelas until February.

  2. Thank you Jean for your efforts to recap this telenovela. You're doing wonderful work and I really appreciate, especially since Telemundo went and switched the time to an hour earlier.

    Jody :)

  3. Thank you so much Jean for your
    wonderful recaps. I wait for them eagerly as I do not speak Spanish & really miss out on dialogue-details. You have been very kind in translating passages on M & S (M is my favourite character, as well as L !). So now I can realize more the horrible character of DB
    & the surprising naivity of Santos
    (a big let down!). I hope M is able
    to get away from Altemira & get a
    solid education, be stronger & meet
    a handsome guy (a big competition to Santos to make him peewee green)
    Meanwhile S should go for brain-surgery ! Mucho Gracias Jean for
    your all your efforts & presence.

  4. Many thanks for keeping us posted on this novela, Jean. I don't know how you do it, but I really appreciate it!

    Duh, Santos was standing right there when Barbara said her 'criminals' were going with her to Altamira. Then Santos seems so surprised when his workers are upset by hearing the same thing. He doesn't 'remember' or acknowledge it, only saying it'll never happen. Which, of course he does nothing about it and it does happen. Santos does that type of thing over and over, which I find so irritating. I hope that's not his personality, but the brujeria talking...

  5. Let me add to the group of thanks to Jean for all her hard work!

    JB, I may have misheard, but I think DB told the Miedo cowboys that they were to serve Marisela and help her out, thus implying they are to stay. It is only Eustaquia (and perhaps Melquiades) that will be coming to Altamira with her. She actually gave Eustaquia instructions to pack up the kitchen, etc.

  6. Jean, thanks for another recap. I join the chorus of gratitude for your posts, wonderful photos, AND, opportunities to write our insights (for whatever they're worth!!!).

    Margarita, I was also confused about whether the Mondragones are going to Altamira or staying at El Miedo. The expression on Gervasia's face when she heard from Maria Nieves that Leon could be coming was impactada to say the least.

    Boy, Edith surely knows how to keep us on a teeter-totter of emotions. When outwitting Melendez to save Marisela I was practically cheering out loud for her. Now, I feel like hissing. Her smug announcement to Cecelia and Lorenzo that Santos has proposed, her self-satisfaction that she's manipulated Marisela and fooled Santos are close to intolerable. And - she's gloating that Altamira as well will be totally hers.

    I can hardly wait to see what she's maneuvered Marisela into.

    I may be watching tonight's episode either late or tomorrow. I'm attending a hotel party of Silicon Valley Obama volunteers that should be lots of fun. I did a lot of phone banking to swing states in October.

  7. Thanks Margarita, I was confused in who was staying and who was going. Those Miedo boys are trouble any way you look at it. I called them criminals because I remember one of them was on a 'wanted' poster. Of course DB bought his freedom, at least for now...
