
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fuego, Monday 1/19 (#178): A six-pack of longing and insomnia

At the jail, Nabor and the padre bring a lawyer to meet with Fermín so that Fermín can tell the truth about the crime he's in jail for. Fermin is getting getting cold feet, but Nabor and the padre convince him to be brave. He's afraid for his life, but he agrees to go through with it.

Gabi rubs Feo's feet and asks him to kill Ricardo. A foot-rub? Really? Is that all it took to get Ricardo to kill the Robles? (Feo pretty much asks her the same thing. Stop stealing my thoughts, Feo!) For good measure, she asks Feo if he'd like Juan to find out that he killed Libia. Feo reminds her that he's got dirt on Gabi too - she planned the disappearance of Juan's child. (Can he prove it? He's the one who took the baby.)

She asks what he wants in exchange for killing Juan, then. He wiggles his feet at her and asks her to either name him as her heir, or at least put half of her things in his name. Gabi says she can't do that, since she's already named an heir. "Ruth?" he asks. She's surprised he knows. He admits that he overheard a conversation, and what's more, he knows that Ruth is her daughter.

The two Marias (not to be confused with the three Marias) bring robes to the church. This is obviously just an excuse to chat up poor Nabor. He does his best to graciously ward them off. They insist that he tell them something about himself, so he tells them that he was in jail for a crime he didn't commit. The Marias exchange shocked looks, then smile... after the next scene, the Marias defend Nabor, not that anyone was picking on him, and assure him that he's an okay guy, especially now that he's devoted his life to God. He says he didn't exactly devote himself; it's just that he couldn't find another job. Undeterred, they insist on being his friends, and invite him over for churros and chocolate. They crowd him and violate his personal airspace and promise that it will be a sweet, passionate night. He tries to beg off.

Eva's got a letter from Grandpa. It doesn't say when he's coming back, but he's having a nice time traveling, and Santita's making him happy. Eva asks Quintina if she's jealous. Q says that ultimately, she was just his squire, and they had lots of adventures. But there's a tiny edge in her voice as she asks Eva to read her the rest of the letter.

Ruth is ranting and raving at the cottage when Darth Daddy shows up in his dumbest-looking snake jacket. He tells her that her feelings don't matter right now. Having Juan this close is very dangerous for them; if Juan finds out the truth, Daddy's screwed. Brandishing twin guns, he says wants to get it over with. Ruth asks, what's the plan? "What we've planned from the beginning - revenge." (Huh, not so much a plan as a mere noun.) More specifically, they need to start doing away with anyone who's in their way. (Again, Darth, that's not exactly a plan.) Ruth whines that she thought splitting up Juan and Sofía would be enough to get rid of the Reyes, but it wasn't, and now Juan's closer to Sofía than ever. Sofía says she won't forgive him, and Ruth won't either.

Feo reminds Gabi that he said all along that he'd find out everything and she was wasting her time trying to hide things. She says she didn't tell him about Ruth sooner because she didn't have a chance before, but she's glad he knows.

He asks why she doesn't tell Sofía the truth. Gabi says that if Sofi finds out Gabi's not her mom, she won't be able to blackmail her any more to prevent her for turning Ricardo in for murdering Juan's parents. Also, she doesn't want to give Eva the pleasure. It's more fun to watch her suffer thinking that Root is her daughter. Feo thinks she'll find out someday. "Not if I can help it," Gabi replies. "But what's going to happen to Ruth?"

Gabi is very curious as to why he's so worried about Ruth. Now that he knows she's her daughter, he'd better stay away from her! He plays dumb and claims that he's never even looked at Ruth as a woman! Gabi says that's a good thing, for his sake. She's her daughter and he's her husband and she'd better not see them together. He promises to do as she wishes, as always. "If that's true, you'll kill Juan this very night. If you do, I'll think about naming you my heir. Anyway, being in the house, Juan's at your mercy. It'll be very easy to finish him. Or perhaps you're only capable of getting rid of weaklings, like that stupid Rosario?" Feo looks uncomfortable.

Darth Ricardo is pacing the cottage floor, still wearing that tacky jacket, twirling his gun, and worrying that Juan will find Raquel before he does. If so (in case you hadn't heard), Darth is screwed. He's gotta find her, and be careful too, because he's sure that whoever shot at him missed on purpose - to warn him that he's got him in his sights, and he can kill him whenever he feels like it.

Coyote is wearing his own snaky fashions - the cobra jacket - and remembering what Darth told him about the woman he loved and the son he wished he'd had. But Coyote doesn't believe any of it! If Ricardo had really loved Soledad, he would have looked for her and married her. He's just a lying hypocrite. Coyote swears to make him pay.

Wandering around the village, Ricardo just happens to see Soledad getting into a truck. Their eyes meet briefly. He drops his saddle, impactado. The truck drives away. (I have no idea where this is. Is it near the San Agustín stables? If so, what is Soledad doing there? If it's anywhere else, why isn't his saddle on the horse?)

Eva brings Grandpa's letter to Sofía and tells her exactly what she told Quintina. It strikes me as odd that Grandpa wrote to Eva rather one of his granddaughters, but I guess we've established that he's eccentric. With her yet-unrecognized secret mommy powers, Eva senses that gloomy-faced Sofía is bummed. Eva thinks Sofía should listen to Juan, but Sofía is stubborn.

Meanwhile, Hortensia visits with Quintina. Q is worried that H seems upset. H admits that she's worried Saul will dump her because she fell asleep on their wedding night. Q teases her gently yet unsupportively.

Padre Tadeo encourages Nabor to visit the Marias. Nabor has a slew of excuses prepared: It won't look good for two women who live alone to be visited by an ex-jailbird ("for a crime I didn't commit," he adds as usual). He's not sure what their intentions are - they're a bit shifty. He doesn't want to start any gossip. He's worried about his reputation.

The Padre counters all of these excuses: The Marias are religious and generous, so no one will put them down on Nabor's account. As for gossip, he's not married. They're a little crazy, but they're good people, and harmless. But he'll leave it to Nabor's judgment. If he wants to go, he should go; if not, he should tell them and be done with it.

Finally, the punchline: Nabor is worried that they're going to want him to dance like the guys they went to see in Puebla.

Night time. Full moon!! Big surprise!

Feo puts a silencer on his gun as Gabi's promises of an inheritance echo through his head. (Who does he think will be blamed for this murder?) Just as he reaches for Juan's door, Rosario's cartoonish ghost reminds him that he'll pay for every one of his crimes. Feo nearly falls down the stairs in his haste to get out of the house. After the next scene, he blubbers outside the hacienda's front door and tells himself that he killed her because she deserved it. Coyote pops out of nowhere and asks who he killed. "Nobody," Feo says, but with tears on his face, a bright red nose, and a gun in his hand, it doesn't look good. Coyote says he's here to see a woman who interests him. Feo threatens him with the gun and tells Coyote to leave his wife alone. Coyote shows his teeth and says no, he's here to see Ruth Uribe. Feo giggles in disbelief. We're all giddy!

Ruth wants to know why Daddy has been sitting and drinking ever since he got back from the pueblo. "You wouldn't understand," he answers. Ruth says they don't have any secrets. He tells her to leave him alone and go away. She leaves him alone, but angrily tells him she's not Raquel.

Franco sings to himself and thought-bubbles that Sarita and he will go on loving each other and no one will break them up. Meanwhile, Sarita writes him another inky feathergram saying they're in love even though their brothers and sisters are apart.

At Crap From Afar, Jimena fumes silently in bed about how much she hates and loves Oscar and needs to get out of town and forget him. At home, Oscar rubs his leg and says he won't give up until Jimena forgives him.

Sofía closes her Bible and says she can't forgive him. Juan He doesn't deserve it. But she still wishes she could be in his arms, because she loves him, as much as when she swore at the altar that she loved him. In the next room, Juan muses that she's so close. He'd like to have her in his arms, but he has to be patient. He won't leave until she listens and believes him.

They all have kissy flashbacks. The picture divides into a six-pack of longing and insomnia.

Juan is visiting with the three little Marias in the nursery, who are all wearing the same outfits. Man, I bet that's embarrassing! There are also at least two rent-a-nuns there, also wearing the same outfits (as each other, not as the kids). Sofía arrives and has a mixed reaction on hearing that the kids have already been fed and bathed. Maria G and Maria J seem happy enough, but Maria L starts crying as soon as Juan picks her up. Maybe she's annoyed by Juan's loud voice, or the even louder music box. He cheerfully suggests that they be a happy family. Now Sofía is yelling (in the child's ear) at Juan not to talk that way in front of the girls because it's not true. She hands the baby back at him and says she will never forgive him. (He puts the baby back on the bed and she stops crying.) He kisses her and she cracks a smile when he looks away, then erases it when he looks at her again. Juan lectures the kids not to grow up grumpy and awful like their mother, always smile, and especially don't be stubborn or they'll meet a guy like him, who's also stubborn - stubborn and a half! We'll see which of these fools turns out the most stubborn!

Q asks Tio V to go with her to sell the daily bread. She admits she doesn't have a driver's license. He says she needs to work legally, but he gets into the sidecar anyway and she hands him the gigantic basket full of bread and warns him to strap himself in good. There is no follow-up to this scene, so I assume that they don't have an accident and spill beautiful bread all over the road.

Juan tells Eva (why is she still there?) that he's going to take the girls with him to the RR hacienda while he gives his brother his physical therapy and bake the bread. No, Sofía doesn't know, but he can take care of the girls just like she does (I'm stifling a sarcastic comment). He invites Eva to go with him and help. (Since she lives at the RR hacienda, it seems like an odd question.) The nuns go too. Juan has an entourage!

At the store, Sarita tries to talk Sofía into giving Juan a chance, while Jimena is mad that Grandpa sold his share of the hacienda to Juan so the Reyes can bug them forever. She wants to leave as soon as possible. Sofi tells her that if she doesn't want to see Oscar, then don't look at him. Sarita reveals that she and Franco are talking about getting married, but she's having second thoughts - their lives would be hell with her sisters fighting with his brothers. She'd feel like a traitor. Jimena and Sofía say they won't allow that and neither will Franco. They encourage her to be happy.

Juan is watching dough rise when Coyote shows up. Juan says he was looking for Raquel, because someone had seen them talking before (I think it was Eva and Rosendo a few weeks ago) and he has a feeling that Coyote's protecting her. He's found some documents that say she's the sole owner of the Uribe fortune. Coyote agrees to take Juan to Raquel.

Oscar goes to the store, saying that he wants to buy dresses for his daughters. Jimena pretends not to know him. He says he has three adorable little girls, but they're driving him crazy - maybe it runs in the family, could that be it? "I don't know, sir," she answers haughtily. He teases her for somehow knowing how old/big his kids are when she reaches for some dresses. She loses her temper and addresses him in the familiar form. He says their relationship is over, therefore she can no longer tutear (use the tú form) with him.

He asks to see a dress on a high shelf. Reluctantly, she gets on the ladder to reaach it. He wheels over and tries to take it out from under her. "Do you love me? Do you love me?" until she gives in. She climbs down carefully and he pulls her onto his lap and begs her for another chance. She says it's too late. He calls her his jewel in heaven and tries to kiss her. She gets up and asks him if he's going to buy the dresses or not. He leaves.

Eva tells the Padre about Juan moving into the hacienda to annoy Sofía. Padre says Juan conquered his pride to live in the house of his enemy. The padre has faith that Sofía's anger will end when she realizes how brave he was to do this.

Eva's also still upset about Ruth (Eva's lines, Eva's lines, nothing new here). The padre says maybe they can save Root. He'll talk to her.

Juan's at Coyote's house, telling Raquel about those papers. She wants him to hang onto them and keep them safe. He tells her to get ready (literally, ponerse trucha=to make like a trout, i.e. get ready for a tough run, as trouts swim upstream) because the documents are a strong weapon against Ricardo. She's not sure she can face him. She's afraid of him. If he knows she's plotting against him, he could kill her. She runs out of the place screaming. Soledad tells Juan to let her go.

Gabriela is remembering Soledad's recent visit when Coyote shows up. He acts surprised that she's startled, and asks if something's wrong. She insists it's just something silly. Someone warned her that she has an enemy who hasn't shown his true face yet, and she has to be careful. Coyote promises she can trust him and offers his help again if she ever needs it. She says she trusts very few people, and he's one of them.

Juan introduces himself to Soledad. She knew his parents. What she remembers most is how much they loved each other. His father was a one-woman man, but Gabi had a thing for him. She confirms Tio's version - Gabi liked JJ, but he rejected her and that's why she hates the world.

Soledad asks Juan to protect her son. "He doesn't need my protection, he has other people to do that." She says they can't protect him from himself; only Juan can. Coyote wants revenge against the people who hurt her. Who hurt her? It's a long story involving Ricardo Uribe and Gabriela Acevedo.

Mexico airdate: 24 de septiembre
Next time: Oscar wiggles his toes. A masked intruder attacks Jimena in bed - evidently she's the only thing in the store worth grabbing, including the cash register. Gabriela walks in on Ruth and Feo, or does she? Ricardo also gets a blanket party of sorts, except no blanket and lots of guns. Ruth turns a snake on the little Marias while they sleep - lamest murder plot ever; does she think it will kill even one of them, never mind all three? Strap on your foil-lined beanies and get ready to laugh right in logic's big stupid face!


  1. Wow...what a great title. That belongs uptop or on the sidebar somewhere....awesome.

    You did a masterful job with a tedious episode (Eva's lines, Eva's lines) etc. and I loved your take on the previews..."evidently Jimena is the only thing worth grabbing" in the Crap from Afar.
    Great job, Julie.

  2. Julie - Thank you for one of your best recraps ever. And ITA with JudyB's comments above. I tuned in for the second half and tuned out after all the flashbacks with Juan lines, Sofi lines, blah blah blah. Julie, you deserve one of Gramps' medals for sticking with this episode.

    “Feathergram!” “Entourage!” LOL

    Nabor seems like a nice guy. I hope the two Marias aren’t planning a 3-way. Eeew. That would ruin his reputation, for sure. No wonder he's afraid of them.

    I wonder if Darth Rico would be a happier camper (maybe even smile) if he had better looking clothes to wear. Perhaps jackets made of a breathable woven fabric with some 'give'?


  3. Julie, thanks for the entertaining recrap. I tried so hard to stay awake but alas I missed the last 10 minutes. That screaming baby gave me a headache. I kind of felt sorry for her though. I'm sick of the Marias (the sisters not the babies.) They really don't add anything to the story.

    I think all of us Feo-haters have to admit he did an outstanding job of acting like a lunatic. I think he's going to go crazy (hopefully.)

  4. Thanks, Julie. Yikes, that mental image of the MariaNaborMaria sandwich has been burned forever into my brain. Ew. Crabby and Ferd together always reminds me of a doting tia and sobrino. I hope that in the end Crabby, Ferd, Ricky, and Root take each other out. Now that would be divine justice.

  5. I think Nabor's hot date with the Marias was that same night. Juan and Sofia had their argument the next day, so I guess we didn't get to see any of Nabor's evening. Whatever happened, we were mercifully spared. :-)

    I wasn't sure what to make of the avances. Is all of that stuff going to happen tonight? If so, why did I get stuck with so much filler??

  6. That is a lot of action for one episode. The exciting stuff will all be at the end of the episode but by then we will all be asleep.

  7. Was it Darth Rico they had on the ground? Could you tell who the other men were? It was so quick I didn't really get to see it.

  8. `Gee, it looks that at last the action is about to pick up again. Snakes, pistols, masked intruders, our cup runneth over. The scene with Sarita dipping her feather brought back uncomfortable memories of the 5th grade for me. At 2 o'clock on Thursdays we had to endure penmanship classes. We were required to use primitive writing instruments called penstaffs, barely a step beyond Sarita's plume, dipping them in an inkwell and making endless rows of OOOs which were never to the satisfaction of the harpy, who I presume they actually paid to abuse us. I was ready to drop out of school at a tender age. Thank God for ballpoint pens. Carlos

  9. I guess I missed something along the way, aren't Sarita & Franco, & Jimena & Oscar still married? Maybe they are talking about a church wedding.

  10. Sarita and Franco are divorced but Jimena and Oscar are not.

  11. Yes, that was Darth Rico on the ground wimpering - pretty sure he's the only one with that color hair.

    I think the masked guy yelling at him was Feo.

    I thought I saw Coyote in a truck nearby. Is it possible that he and Feo joined forces? I find it hard to believe. Maybe he'll save Ricardo's life just for the joy of getting to kill the man himself.

  12. I thought I did too. Maybe he and Feo worked out some kind of deal. I can't imagine that though.

  13. When Feo put that gun to Coyote's neck I thought for sure he was going to rip Feo a new one! (Or maybe that was just my wishful thinking!):}

  14. Connie, I think storm is a beautiful dog. I love boxers. As for Fernando going crazy, I think that he has already arrived and is now just making himself at home. Carlos

  15. Thanks Carlos. Stormy is a good dog and very affectionate. I'll post a picture of my Pit. She is really crazy.

  16. Storm broke my nose not Rain. I put in Rain's picture (I think).

  17. Thanks for a great recap. I don't think all those previews are going to happen tonight, maybe they're for the next few days, but whatever, it's getting exciting.

    Couldn't hear a thing when that baby started crying (although I guess it was just their same old lines anyway).

    Sarita really looked nice, and I wonder where she gets that perfect manicure.

    I agree it was a little weird that Ricardo just happened to see Soledad, getting into a car, and Ricardo was just holding his saddle. If that was at Soledad's house, he could investigate further, but I guess it was just a random place, and he then teleported back to his cabana.

  18. Based on what Ruth said to Darth later, I guess he was somewhere in the pueblo. Maybe there are public stables nearby, although it's still weird that he'd be walking around holding his saddle.

    Maybe I'm wrong and it wasn't a saddle? But it's still weird for him to be walking around carrying anything that big.

  19. Why was Fer willing to settle for half of the inheritance from Gabi? Didn't he coerce Root into giving him half already if Gabi is offed?

  20. Sorry, I didn't make that "half" thing clear. The choice he offered was that she can either will him everything when he dies, or she can give him half of everything she owns now (he gets less money but doesn't have to wait till she dies).

    If she gives him half now, then Ruth inherits the other half when Gabi dies, Feo gets half of that, he ends up with 75%. That's still a pretty nice deal and he probably plans to get that last 25% from Ruth eventually anyway.

    But it's all moot since he ran away crying. Gabi doesn't have to give him anything!

  21. So now Jimena is the bitter, bi&*hy one, taking up where Sarita left off. Do you suppose we'll get lucky and Jimena will really leave town?

    And I wonder if Root has really gotten over her lust for Juan. Right now, it's pure hatred for being booted out of the hacienda. But I find it hard to belive she won't try to jump his bones again.

  22. Connie, Rain is beautiful. Of course my little Bonnie Belle is a pit bull as well, although she fancies herself to be a poodle. Here is another picture of her. Bless her heart, she is scheduled for knee surgery on Thursday. We are taking her to Texas A&M Vet School tomorrow for this. Wish us well. I'm sure Melinama enjoys us using her website to share pictures of our dogs. Carlos

  23. Well, I love the doggies - I don't mind at all!

  24. What a cutie Carlos. Sorry about the knee issue. Rain has problems with that too. Most people think that Pits are evil killers when it is actually the opposite. They are very loving to their people.

  25. "Wandering around the village, Ricardo just happens to see Soledad getting into a truck. Their eyes meet briefly. He drops his saddle, impactado. The truck drives away. (I have no idea where this is. Is it near the San Agustín stables? If so, what is Soledad doing there? If it's anywhere else, why isn't his saddle on the horse?)"

    Maybe his horse got a flat? Okay, blew a shoe?

    Carlos, I hope your dog is okay. Is it replacement surgery? My girl friends boxer had that done and it was wonderfully sucessful. Good luck!

    But since we are on puppies I will send Jorge back to the depths of my hard drive and post one of mine. I raise Lhasa's. This is the queen of the house, Harley! I also have her daughter, Bella, and her granddaughter, Picabo.

    Molly in OR

  26. Molly your dog is just precious. Maybe if Slofia had our dogs she wouldn't have so much trouble with Feo. He sure couldn't creep around the house without anyone knowing that's for sure.

  27. Thanks Connie, she is a sweetie. Mariachi found some spicy little tale and ran for the hills with her before any of the boys stupid got on him!

  28. Great recap! Doris - Nabor's 3-way with the Marias - hysterical!

    I think Darth is the one grabbing Jimena. Darth told Ruth that the way to get to Sofia is through her sisters and the little girls.

    Then, I think it was Juan's voice behind the mask at the blanket party with no blanket.

  29. Thanks Molly. What a great looking pup. BB has a friend that she plays with that looks a lot like Harley. Size doesn't seem to be much of an issue for them. The surgery is much like a knee replacement. Her left cruciate ligament is kaput. At least it isn't a bone cancer like they first. I have had 2 pit bulls over the last 20 yrs. and have really enjoyed both. It is my contention that if God has a dog, it is a pit bull. I'm sure there may be differing opinions out there. I hope we get to see Mariachi again before this dog is over. Carlos

  30. I too think Mariachi took the first opportunity to skip town to escape the influence of the dysfunctional Reyes family and to avoid having to eat any more day old pan. At first I thought it was the nuclear waste dump causing the lunacy in Cd. Serdan but perhaps it is the deleterious effects of that perpetual full moon.

    Juan and Sofia are such good parents. It only takes four other people to help them raise their hijas and still Root is able to sneak a snake in the hijas' bedroom.

    Thank you, Julie, for making a recap of night of rehash fun. GinCA

  31. "Is that all it took to get Ricardo to kill the Robles? (Feo pretty much asks her the same thing. Stop stealing my thoughts, Feo!)" LOL! And that's the $64,000 question, Julie! --Thanks for the great deatail, because I had to watch this in the hotel from youtube and the audio left more than a bit to be desired!

    Nice title --and the last thing any of us felt watching this episodio.

    Interesting reference: "The two Marias (not to be confused with the three Marias)" --the Brazillian novela or the infamous Portuguese writings?

  32. Julie, thanks so much! This was a rollicking episode and there was a lot to follow.
    However, please 'splain how "Ricardo and Soledad's eyes met..." Isn't she blind? Maybe his eyes met her ears?
