It is a momentous night. For tonight Viewerville says good-bye to two hour episodes. At least for now. Who knows what Univisión has up it's scheduling sleeve.
From last night:
Max is reviewing the orphan records that Vic has just given to him. He asks if she has anything else that could help with the search. Slowly Vic opens the cabinet. She brings out ... the rag doll. Dramatically she passes the rag doll torch to Max as if to say "Go forth, my son. Find mi hija." Bittersweet music plays and tears flow. (And as Kat said, wowzers William's eyes are red. Is he allergic to the fake tears?)
At the same time, María is passing by a doll stand in the market. She picks one up and memories come flooding back. She even remembers when it was placed in her crib when she was a newborn. (Really Mejía?) She gets dizzy and is helped by the lady working the stand. María isn't sure what happened to her but...this doll (esta muñeca) dramatic, pregnant, meaningful pause.
At the Casa de Modas, Toni has entered Vic's office, looks at the doll then Vic and everything clicks. "Does this mean then..?" Toni asks. Max confirms that he knows. "Finally!" Toni congratulates Vic for having the courage to tell the truth. (And Max managed to stay awake...unlike daddy.) Vic says it was late in the telling. Max says he loves his mom even more (despite the XXX-factor business.) Vic thanks Max for his understanding. Max promises to find Vic's daughter...his sister (knowing what we know...ew.)
Meanwhile, Maite Perroni is channeling her character from "Mi Pecado"...or at least wearing the wardrobe... and making her tortas ahogadas (Made famous in this episode.) But hark! There soundeth a knock on the door. It's XXX-factor! She laughs. "Well lookie here. The star model making tortas." She can't wait to tell all the other model-hos back at the Casa de Modas. Ji/Xi asks why María is in this hovel being a cheap cook. She notes that she doesn't seem to have the support of Max. Nope, Maria says. I have something better. His love. Ji/Xi asks when María is going to realize that Max is just playing with her. Things escalate...
Maria: if things are so great, why are you here?
Ji/Xi: I'm the wife. You failed to make him marry you.
Maria: You failed to make him love you, so nannie nannie boo boo.
Ji/Xi gives María a eat mierda look.
In Vic's office there is more crying over the doll. Pip and Oscar enter. The three
The gals are still fussing over Max. "Max sought me out in Miami!" "No! You are the abandoned wife! He doesn't love you!" Ji/Xi goes in for a slap and Nati runs in to intervene. Ji/Xi slaps Nati! Nati smacks the crap out of Ji/Xi
We interrupt this recap so I can rewind this and watch the slap (or was it a punch?) again and again and again...
Nati throws the BSC Ji/Xi out of the apartment. Ji/Xi calls them salvajes (savages) and nacas (plebs).
Max is telling Fabian about his noche de amor on the sofa de amor and all about he and María are going to be together forever. Bless his heart.
Cruz and Napo are in Milagros' apartment looking for her. (Listen closely, folks...I'm telling you it's incidental music from STuD!) Later they make their way to María and Nati's place and tell them that Miligros is missing. They've looked everywhere. They all go off to look for her.
Vic is berating her friends for not telling her. They make excuses. We didn't want to hurt you; a marriage is between two people; not our business. Toni reminds her that she told her not to ignore her marriage. Oscar excuses himself for a teleconference with the new partner's lawyer (abogado del nuevo socio.) Toni and Vic have a minor stare-down which is interrupted by Burnie the Brazen (not to be confused with Burnie the Brazier) "You haven't come to see me in a while and I'm losing my patience."
Cruz, Napo and the entire neighborhood spread out to look for Milagros.
Vic fills Toni in about the phone call. Vic is convinced Burnie knows where the lost hija is and therefore has Vic in her clutches.
The search for Milagros through the streets of the D.F. I fast FF>>Maria, Nati, Cruz and Napo return home... I begin to FF>> but then on a whim I hit play...I catch "¡maldita Linda! (damn that Linda!)" I FF>> a little more and then hit play. Aw... poor Napo! He never told Milagros how much he loves her.
During the commercial for the Mexico vs. Paraguay match I think I see JuanJo. Milagros was right!
Vic is at Burnie's and wants to know where her hija is. Burnie wants to know if Os mentioned their conversation.
Vic: Of course. Os tells me everything.
Burnie: Except about his lover
Vic: Where's my hija (change of subject, good tactic Vic.)
Burnie: I don't know. Even if I did I wouldn't tell you. It's my revenge (venganza) for your making my son fall into sin.
Vic gets angry. More ravings from Burnie and accusations about Vic's mothering skills. You abandoned her. "I didn't abandon her. I lost her. It's different. (No la abandoné. La perdí. Es differente.)" Says Vic. "It's the same. (Es lo mismo.)" says Burnie.
Linda learns about Milagros. Boring. Get back to Vic and Burnie.
Vic: How can you be so hard. You are also a mother. Have you no compassion for me? (¿No siente campasión por mí?)
Burnie: No. Of course not. (No, por supuesto que no.) On the contrary. I revel in your sorrow. (Al contrario. Gozo con tu pena.)
Vic: I see you continue to be the same ruthless woman as always. (Sigue usted siendo la misma mujer despiadada de siempre.) It was a mistake on my part to think you would be moved by a mother's pain. But I know why you can't live in peace. (And here's where I begin to paraphrase...)
Burnie: You don't know jack.
Vic: I'm sure you did something to Tomasa.
Burnie: She went back home with all that cash you gave her.
Vic: I found out she hasn't been seen back home. And I know all your secrets. PJP would have a cow if he knew. Oh, and remember Gonzalo and Rosalía? The ones you burned alive. That's where all your crazy started!
Burnie: Get out!
(Exit Vic.)
Burnie: (to tormenting spirits) Leave me in peace! (She picks up a framed picture of PJP and uses it as a shield.)
María, Nati and Linda...still talking about Milagros. María rubs her belly and suddenly thinks she knows where to look. Linda doesn't go with them. They leave and Linda talks to herself. She's tired of their reproaches and wants to see Osvaldo.
Toni and Vic. Max and Os. Blah blah blabbity blah blah.
María and Natí find Milagros at JuanJo's grave. She's been there for two days. (I really can't believe that no one thought to look their before.) María and Nati try to get Milagros to come home. Milagros says that she is taking care of her hijo; that now she doesn't have anything. But no! María takes her hand and says:
I'm asking you, in the name of the baby I'm expecting (Se lo pido, en el nombre del niño que espero...fantastic look of surprise from Carmen Salinas!) I'm asking you, for the memory of JuanJo (Se lo pido, por la memoria de JuanJo...) for the memory of your son (por la memoria de su hijo...)...Venga con nosotros. They get Milagros to agree to come home. (Really, really touching scene. *sniff*)
Maria and Nati return home after their trying day and Linda comes in from the bedroom. She is leaving a voicemail for Os and she is pissed. And so is María. She kicks Linda out. Viewerville does the happy dance!
Milagros is still saying JuanJo is alive. Israel's widow comes to visit.
Linda on her way out of the apartment, but takes the time to tell her soon-to-be ex-roomates that they are gonna pay. She says ya'll accuse me like ya'll are so pure (she calls them blancas palomitas...which I know is meant more like pure white doves...but I can't stop thinking about popcorn lol) She goes on to remind María is knocking boots with a married man AND preggers out of wed-lock. What *would* the nuns think? Then she turns on Nati and throws JuanJo in her face. He wanted Linda 'cause she was a real woman. Seriously, Linda has got to go.
After Linda leaves, María is still worried. Linda has no money and no place to go. (María, hon', you are too sweet.)
María needn't worry. Linda is calling Gui right now. Of course, Gui offers his techo (roof.) After getting off the phone he tells his dog (real canine...Ji/Xi is nowhere in sight) that he's going to take everything away from Osvaldo (Voy a quitar todo de Osvaldo.)
Milagros...Israel's widow...Memories of JuanJo...Linda bashing FF>>
Linda has arrived at Casa del Sicko and suggests they sleep together as she slimes on him a little. Gui says he won't share his bed...but Linda can stay in the maid's room (cuarto de servicios.) She takes her suitcase to the room and makes a great show of wiggling her butt as she makes her exit. (In the background, Gui's nude picture is inconsistently blurred.)
The health department makes a visit to María's tortas stand.
Ji/Xi makes a visit to Gui where (finally!) he asks if she isn't worried that all the alcohol will damage the baby. Ji/Xi starts to say something revealing about the baby when Gui tells her to quiet down. Linda comes it. Ji/Xi freaks, but after thinking a bit calms down and suggest she and Linda go have a little chat. The two hos leave. Gui comments that it is odd how women hate each other one minute then are best friends the next.
Linda spills the embarazada beans and Ji/Xi wants to know by whom (wow, Ji/Xi really is dim.) Linda says she will have to pay quite a sum to find that out.
The health dept shuts down the tortas stand.
Vic and Toni.
V: You are my best friend, why didn't you say anything.
T: I didn't want you to suffer.
blabbity blabbity boo.
Os and Vic
V: Here's your money from the sale of the shares
Os: Ok
Vic: I won't stand a failure
Os: We need to reconcile
blabbity blabbity boo. Part Duex.
Max and Fab
Max: Things with the family are worse
Fab: you still got María
Max: I'm worried about María. She's got it rough right now and I fell like it's my fault.
Fab: Look, I'm good friends with Nati. I can get closer to her to see if we can help them.
Nati and María raid the piggy bank, but even the piggy bank is broke. Nati offers her savings and at first Maria refuses. Finally Maria takes it, but flat refuses to allow Nati to quit school to work. It's her last semester, she's a great student and she's almost done!
During yet another Max/Os conversation about the marriage, flowers are delivered to Vic's office. Os reads the card. It's not signed.
Pip and Rox together in designer hell FF>>
Linda gets fired for coming to work late.
Cruz visits the girls and thanks them for their help and notices they are short on food.
Vic is talking to the sender of the flowers. It's Gui. He sweet talks her and says if she needs to talk/get things off her chest (desahogarse...I think), she should give him a call.
Milagros is still quasi-catatonic. Cruz talks about the lack of food at María's. Milagros perks up. She can't have María going hungry. She heads for the kitchen. Napo helps her.
Linda goes home to Gui and tells him about getting fired. She asks for a loan and he says he is not Osvaldo. You gotta work fo' yo' livin'....ho.
Ji/Xi is whining about her apartment. Max says he has to be there for his parents right now. They fight. Max wants to know what more Ji/Xi wants from him. In the best whiny, spoiled, child-pitching-a-fit voice she says "Buy my penthouse. Not for me, for the bebé"
LindaHo bassoon theme. Gui and Linda gettin' it on.
Fer is on the patio. She hears Cruz whistling. She runs to him (in slow mo.) She is so happy to see him. She hugs him but then gets a hold of herself. He's back and not leaving. With everything going on, Fer didn't even have time to tell Dad and Bro about Cruz leaving. Fab comes to check on Fer.
María and Nati have a garage sale.
MamaRox tells Ji/Xi she needs to convince Max that María is preggers with someone else's baby. (She kind of just walked in and started this conversation. I sort of feel like we missed the scene where she even found out María was preggers.) Ji/Xi whines she's not getting her penthouse and that she and Max will be living with his parents.
Os and Gui. Os whines, Gui confesses Linda is living with him. Os feels guilty about Linda and her situation. He gives Gui some money to pass along to Linda. Gui convinces Os to stay in Ofelia and Pedro's apartment. He's got "copies" of the keys. They can go look at it now.
Vic prays.
Nati talks genetics. Milagros brings food.
Gui gives Os the tour of the apartment.
Ji/Xi comes into Vic's house and plops on couch. Fer is upset and tries to talk to Ji/Xi about it, but Ji/Xi could give a rat's butt and leaves. Fer has a know she's not liking Ji/Xi.
Os is in the apartment. I hope he doesn't find a body.
Gui delivers the money to Linda and tells her Os is staying at Ofelia and Pedro's pad. He leaves and Linda hauls her over-exposed arse over to the apartment....exactly as Gui thought she would. Gui says this is gonna be fun (Esto va a ser muy divertido.)
Os is in the jacuzzi...or is it the hot tub time machine? Suddenly we are treated to flashbacks of happier times with Vic. "Victoria" he says "You are my only love."
Max arrives with the suitcase. Vic is overjoyed they will be living with her (I puke.) The phone rings and a voice asks "do you want to know where your husband is?"
Os in the tub. Towel on his face. I smell bunny soup, do you? (shout out to Doris!)
Linda feet sneak in. Clothing is being dropped. (Linda must have learned about the blindfold trick from Ji/Xi during their earlier conversation.) Linda hops into the hot-tub and Os flips. Same ol' same ol' why are you here? No No No, blabbity blabbity blech.
Enter Vic's booted feet. She's gathering the clothes as she goes. She sees Os and Linda in the tub and goes crazy. Obviously they show more on Mexican TV 'cause all we get is a full frontal blur right before Vic grabs her hair and tries to drown her (sorry, Carlos.) Os pulls Vic off Linda. So much emotional screaming I can't understand a thing. Vic goes after Linda again.
Cue the kayak!
- Linda throws a glass!
- Vic takes off her ring!
- Fer cries!
- Linda catches Ji/Xi making out with Gui!
- Linda gets hits by a car (again!)
- María says "no puede ser"! (Puede ser that Linda is dead?)
- 1 hour episodes (¡No puede ser!)
hilarious Sara! Thanks so much! DH & I were laughing hard as you wrote much of what we said while watching. We half expected to see Ofelia in the hot tub!
ReplyDeleteMy two favorite parts of this episode: Nati punches Xi and Os chokes when Gui tells him that Linda is living with him! (This kind of humor I like - I like Pipino, but when he attacks mannequins or sword plays with scissors in FF, it's not so funny. Only funny-strange)
And what about the fake squeaky voice Gui uses to phone Vic? "Quiere donde esta su marido?"
Thanks to all the recappers over the last two weeks! You have all been amazing! I'm so glad to return to one hour episodes!
Great recap!
ReplyDeleteI too did several rewinds over Nati's Ji punch. Dang they do a good job of making her unlikable. I do not understand how she just waltzes up into that apartment and tries to tell Maria off. Go! A! Way! Nobody, (including Max) likes you! And when she gets that childish tone while asking for her penthouse I want to puke.
I was thinking that it must be really interesting for an actress like her to take that role. On one hand, she must be doing a good job because we all hate her, but on the other hand, she is typecasted for life into a role that everyone despises! That's gotta be tough.
On another note, Linda, who I previously cut a little slack in the Juanjo department, is now just a big crazy. And Os has got to be the MOST ineffective apologist/explainer ever. He cannot spit out anything but "Victoria, you are my only love" which is kind of useless when you were just caught in a hot tub with your 20 year-old gf. Figure it out buddy, cause what you're selling Vic ain't buying.
Also, Linda dying in next episode?! Or is just gonna be another band-aid on the elbow which somehow equals 5 days in the hospital....
We will see! Oof. Should I be embarrassed about the fact that I am slightly disappointed that I have to wait two days for the next installment of this wonderfully enjoyable train wreck? I am officially a TN convert...
P.S.- my word verication was "somax".
ReplyDelete"As in, that multi-colored scarf is somax..."
Linda is a lazy, leeching and greedy ho who knows too much. She shall soon be joining Ofelia, I think. Now I'm fearing for Osvaldo and Victoria because either one of them will be prime suspects in her accident/possible death.
ReplyDeleteI loved it when Gui told Linda he was NOT Osvaldo and if she wanted money she needed to get it herself! Obviously Linda would rather sell information about Maria D to Ximeana than actually work. And if she's walking in on Gui/Xi in the advances, you know blackmail is on her mind, so Linda's gotta go.
Osvaldo is so weak. He claims he wants to be rid of Linda but passes $ to Gui to give to her "cuz he feels bad about her situation." Um, she made her own situation, ya know. She can't expect to remain employed by Victoria after doing her husband & if her roommates threw her out it must have been for a good reason.
Fer is definitely not feeling X-Factor and with them all under the same roof Fer just might be the one Sandoval to peep Xi's game. Also she was nice (!) to Fabian and Cruz this episode.
"During the commercial for the Mexico vs. Paraguay match I think I see JuanJo. Milagros was right!"—let's hope not.
ReplyDeleteSara, where you FF>>, I fall asleep. Missed this entire scene. Y gracias por el vocabulario. I copied them into my Spanish file, to read & practice. Pretty soon, I'll be talking just like a telenovela. "no puede ser"
" I sort of feel like we missed the scene where she even found out María was preggers."—Oh, and I thought that was because I fell asleep again. There are a lot of continuity problems in this show. And before I forget: thank you Sara for a great, entertaining recap.
ReplyDeleteI've actually been enjoying the two-hour episodes, but I'm not sorry we'll be going back to one-hour ones. I'm currently up to 8 series and the extra hour makes it hard. When I finally go back to work I have to get back to 5. Aurora and La Otra should be over by then.
ReplyDeleteGood work, Nati, for showing Ximeana what for! Somebody needs to put that skank in her place. Now that she and Max have moved in with the Sandovals, at least Victoria has a chance to see what a huge mistake she made. That is, if she's ever home from the office.
At long last Maria E and Nati kicked LindaHo out. Her firing is payback for Osvaldo, along with having to sleep in the servants' quarters at Gui's. I wonder what she's going to do with the info that Ximeana and Gui are lovers. Probably escalate her plan to blackmail Ximeana, who doesn't have two pesos to her name.
Good for Maria and Nati finding Milagros and Ismael's widow visiting her. There are two babies coming who will need an abuela!
Domenika Paleta might be typecast for the rest of her career, but playing villains and crazies is fun (I was a theatre major back in the day).
The hot tub scene was predictable.
Finally, good for Victoria's one-upmanship on Bernardracula. It was amusing to see her freak out from that.
The verification word for this post is "staked."
Sara - Millones de gracias de nuevo, for another snarky hilarious recrap. Too many funny LOL lines,,, where do I begin? No puede ser!
ReplyDeleteIf Milli has been at JJ's grave for 2 days, I hope they had a restroom nearby. Too bad Mili didn't see the commercial with JuanJo playing fútbol v.s. Paraguay. Maybe he entered the witness protection program and assumed a new identiy as a soccer star.
I am definitely going to have to watch my recording, just to see Nathi punch out Ximena. Vaya! No puede ser!
Where was Linda working, that she got fired for coming in late? She's already been fired from Vic's place, I thought. (I've missed something here...)
Vic better hide the family wabbit.
Thanks everyone!
ReplyDeleteI really felt like Gui came into his own as a villain the last two nights. Between him and Burnie, the Sandovals are going to have their hands full. These two are evil...pure and simple. They should be feared. You literally take your life into your hands when you try to cross these two.
Jimena on the other hand is just a hateful, manipulative, gold-digging, whiny BABY! I love it when we get glimpses of Nati's hidden strong side. I want to see more of that. I predict by they end of run, Nati is going to be a force to be reckoned with.
Mariquita-I'm with you when it comes to humor. I could do without chipmunk voices, speedy gonzales FF and mannequinicide.
Alicia Sophia-LOL the band-aid/5 day visit in hospital. I have to laugh 'cause I've been watching PVaA and the daughter (Pao) was hit by a truck while riding her bike. She suffered really serious and life-threatening injuries and still was out of the hospital faster than Linda was. And don't be embarrassed about having to wait 2 days to see the next installment. I can't wait, either.
Anon 3:45- ITA about Linda. I have no idea while Os thinks he should help her. Linda got herself into this mess...let her get herself out.
UA-While I've enjoyed the 2 hour episodes, I'm also looking forward to having that hour back.
I hope the "JuanJo lives" story line is dead and buried (like JuanJo should be.) I'm afraid they are just leaving that there in case they need more episodes.
I'm glad Milagros now has two reasons for living: Israel's baby and Maria's baby.
One question, though...remember when they were back in Miami and Ji/Xi couldn't even get in her clothes anymore? Will we ever see her even looking pregnant? Same goes with Maria.
Doris- I think it was Thursday that Linda got a job sweeping hair at a salon. That was the job she got fired from last night.
ReplyDeleteIm also glad its just an hr again, it was getting very boring and long with two hrs. One hr is enough intill it gets exciting again. Thank you for the cap cappers its really fun to read all the recaps and I look forward to it. Gui is so creepy and how could anyone go to bed with that creep. Also linda is getting on my nerves. Where is that womans body that gui choke to death. Oz is not any better. He's kind of creepy also. Thanks guys
Had to share this
ReplyDeleteTdA on The Soup.
Sara - UpwardFacingWood pose. LOL
ReplyDeleteCue the Redi-Whip.
Great recap, Sara! Thank you so much! And as always, thank YOU, all the commentors, as well. I am as addicted to the comments as I am to the recaps.
ReplyDeleteI am able to look at the TV listings on future days, and according to my channel menu, it seems to have TDA for two hours Mon, Tues. and Wed. That's as far as my menu goes. I don't know if it is accurate, but I just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
The scene with Milagros and the girls at the cemetery made me cry, too! It was so touching. I actually agree with some of the comments that perhaps JuanJo really is alive and the body was not his, since it does not appear that their was autopsy nor any identification.
Seem as if María has a bit of Victoria in her, the way she refused to listen to Linda's excuse for calling Os...even if it would be lame or a was not like her not to have the patience to listen. Instead, she was very inflexible. I think Nati would have listened. Great punch she gave. The question was raised by a commentor if it was slap or a punch. I was told by someone who knows the crime codes from Mexico that a slap is a crime since it is humilliation and a punch is just part of fighting, so there is no penalty. Is that why the question was asked? Apparently it is a hold over crime from the colonial era.
Can't wait till Monday, either.
I am getting more and more impatient with Eva, but I think the TDA has much more depth and balance than either TDA or STuD. I was told Reina de mi Amor is wonderful. Has anyone watched it?
I also notice there is no physical evidence of either X-box or María starting to show yet, but I do notice there are not camera shots of them from the side without something covering them or their hands.
Absolutely LOVED the scenes when Fer runs out and holds Cruz...HE IS SO HOT! She seems to be growing up and looks prettier every day.
Meantime, Linda looks worse every day. I just feel bad for her because she is so messed up from a dysfunctional family and she might have even been abused in many ways. I guess because I was a teacher, it was required to be trained to recognize certain behavioral disorders that stem from childhood abuse. Maybe I'm just crazy because these are all just TV characters, but they also might be PSA's.
Oh noes, Sharon! I just checked my TV schedule too and it looks like 2 hour episodes ALL WEEK LONG. ¡¡¡No pudede ser!!!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, am I the only one a little annoyed by this?
Oh well.
I'm just as addicted to the comments, too. (Which is obvious by my own constant commenting.)
Sara: !!!!! I loved it! Lovely and wonderful recap which kept me laughing and releasing those endorphins!!!
ReplyDelete@ Sharon: You are not alone re recognising Linda's dysfunctional behaviours. I was thinking this last night as well. Linda came from a home with an alcoholic mother. She told Gui that her mother never supported her or told her that she could do anything with her life. She lived a live of poverty, but is now doing everything possible to escape that poverty by doing the only thing she knows will bring some form of approval...selling herself and her body.
It bothered me (as many of you already know) to see her so ready to offer Gui sex for the money she needed. She smiles and acts like it will be fun, but it did hurt her feelings (in the way Linda Ho shows hurt) that she was relegated to the servants' quarters to sleep.
Linda Ho HAD to have known that Ofelia and other women would NOT have been relegated to that room.
Ugh...these kinds of situations are just so bothersome to me, but Linda HO is trying to survive in the only way she knows how.
...and yes...I love analysing the characters and their motivation...I just never know if the writers create these scenes because they feel this is the 'norm' and Viewerville has no qualms about accepting this norm...or if the writers are actually trying to send a message.
Perhaps I ready way too much into the TN than I should, but that just really stuck in my mind last night. (The Doctor is in; 5 cents please).
@Doris: 'witness protection program'! I LOVE IT!!! Also loved how Jarocha yesterday questioned Blanco's and Levy's ability to speak Spanish! HA! I was laughing the entire time!
I had many complaints at the beginning of this TN, but I am really interested now...there are so many possibilities.
Happiest scene last night: Fony Fer dropping her foniness and actually happy to see Cruz!! The girl definitely has potential!
I'm sure I will have more thoughts later.
Right now...I am enjoying my escape from reality with the fairy tale called TdA!!!
Gracias, Sara! I will make an effort to listen for the incidental music from StuD.
Linda seriously has to go! that Medusa hair really irks me.
ReplyDeleteNot even William Levy could keep me interested in this tn. and I looove my eye-candy. haven't tuned in in over a month. waaay too much crying... daaang!!!
Sara thank you so much for filling in for Jardinera and doing a wonderful job of recapping.
ReplyDeleteThe reason LindaHo' was thrown out of the apartment was because she had been warned one final time of her chasing after Os and that was it with her living with Maria E. and Nati. She had made both of them accomplices covering up for her and her affair with Os.
So that's all Victoria has to say to her three friends from keeping the truth from her?
Victoria i really want her to carry around a tape recorder and tape all of her conversations. What a big fat hypocrite she is the nerve of this woman appealing to Burnie about being a mother and how she can be so cruel and make her suffer. News Flash Victoria you're a mother too and don't you recall what you have done to Maria E.? Wow this woman is going to have to do a lot of self reflection it may take up the rest of the novela to go back and examine her past behavior.
Gui and LindaHo' living arrangements well she now knows what he really thinks of her. Someone mentioned why Gui didn't try and kill XXX-factor i think because XXX-factor has too much to lose and she is really crazy but she does keep her mouth shut unlike Ofelia who didn't know or care what she said and to whom it was said too.
Like I said in a previous thread, the only 10PM show that interests me is Mujeres Asesinas
ReplyDeleteBernarda has obviously forgotten that the vast majority of saints were reformed sinners. Can't wait for the next confrontation.
It's not that two hour episodes are conflicting with some other show. I was just in the habit of turning off the TV and reading for an hour before I went to bed at 10 (CST.) With the longer episodes, I have to go straight to bed. Gotta get at least 7 hours sleep :-)
ReplyDeleteI also loved Fer running to Cruz. I was worried when he said he was leaving that that story line was a goner. From what I understand, this is Livia Brito's first role. She's doing a great job!
FWIW, "Fatal Attraction" is on WE channel later tonight (12:00 midnight CDT). For those of you who don't 'get' the bunny soup/stew references, this is the movie.
ReplyDeleteI watched my recording, and it was well worth seeing the Nathi/Ximena smackdown.
The entire episode felt like a big PSA for ratting out unfaithful fiances & husbands.
Sara: That is something that Brito got this fairly 'big' TN for her first role! I wonder how many others auditioned for the part?
ReplyDeleteIt really is a HUGE commitment to re-cap for 2 hours. There is just too much sometimes. I you really think it is going to be 2 hours again this coming week?
Is Uni really trying to compete with Reina or are they trying to just move this one along? I know I've asked the question before and Vario pointed out that the TN are now making "The Today Show", but one does wonder how long Uni is going to keep this up.
Since La Reina del Sur had repeat showings in its first two weeks and is available online, I don't see competition as the motive. I still think they are allowing for longer episodes of Eva Luna in its last weeks. The second hour of TdA became commercial-free when EL runs more than ten minutes over the hour.
ReplyDeleteUA: Good point and thank you!
Sara: I noticed that too! Burnie really lost it when Vic showed the photo. If only Vic knew that all she needs to do is hold a candle to Burnie's nose, she'd get all the information she knows and more!!
ReplyDeleteOs: I can't even think about him anymore. He won't "reveal" his secret to Vic after being mad at her, for not revealing hers?!?!!?!
I also agree that Linda is a mixed up person. She's making bad decisions, but I doubt she really knows any better. I feel bad for her. I wish she had a better chance.
I also think Linda is in the servant's quarters b/c Gui won't share his bedroom with anyone who is living with him. Sleeping with him is different - for that short period (snark!) of time, he has no problem sharing his bed.
Susanita: I freely admit I am a TDA'aholic & even more than that, reading these recaps & comments! It really makes watching so much fun. Viva la fairy tale telenovela!
ReplyDeleteSara, Thanks for a wonderful and funny recap. If CarayCaray gave out medals, you would surely be in line for one with all the hours you covered -- and for the fabulous way you covered them -- in the past two weeks. And now, apparently, the two-hour episodes will continue next week.
ReplyDeleteYou had so many terrific lines today, but these are my favs:
She even remembers when it was placed in her crib when she was a newborn. (Really Mejía?)
Nati smacks the crap out of Ji/Xi
We interrupt this recap so I can rewind this and watch the slap (or was it a punch?) again and again and again...
he tells his dog (real canine...Ji/Xi is nowhere in sight)
P.S. I say it was a punch!
ReplyDeleteLoved your recap for Friday. Could Gui turn into a serial killer...Linda, Xi?
Anonymous, I am watching Reina Del Sur. It is excellent and the acting is top notch. I have to admit that I have hit the ff through some of the violence. Reina seems to be a combination of episodic television and a telenovela.
Cheers, Kanoelani
Mariquita: I agree! Fairy tales can be a good thing!
Sara, great recap, thanks.
ReplyDeleteNati was awesome, she is a real fighter. I did not know she had it in her. I guess she got tired of that particular guest coming in uninvited.
I was pleased to see Fer turning to light. I was also surprised that this was her first role. She has been very good.
Now we know why the pillows are on the floor at Gui casa - he doesn't allow anyone in his bed!
I sure hope that it does not turn out that he is Max's bio dad. I might have to give TNs for good if that happens.
Sara, thanks for a most enjoyable recap and thanks to all the clever commenters. Lol at the rag doll torch passed to Max, the Ximena visit resulting in the Nathy punch/slap.
ReplyDeleteI hate to think of JuanJo possibly being alive, but I wouldn’t put it past the TN producers to have that idea in their back pocket, just in case.
Excellent: “as she slimes on him a little.” Linda is like a snail, creeping everywhere and leaving a telltale trail of slime. Gui knows how to treat a girl and keep her in her place: the maid’s room and working for a living.
Oz could have jumped out of the tub when Linda jumped in, but he’s such a dimwit I guess it didn’t occur to him. OK, he did have the folded towel over his eyes and was all relaxed into a stupor. It was fun to see Vicki trying to drown Linda.
Ah, Burnie! Isn’t it great to have a fabulous house, plenty of money, a totally ruffled wardrobe, and lots of time to sit around being delusional and thinking of evil revenge ideas? Romo is playing this to the hilt. I do wonder why Fausto always has to wear his jacket and cap in the house and why he needs a belt over his bib overalls. Maybe so he’s always ready to run in case Burnie turns on him.
La Paloma
Now we know why the pillows are on the floor at Gui casa - he doesn't allow anyone in his bed!
ReplyDeleteI sure hope that it does not turn out that he is Max's bio dad. I might have to give TNs for good if that happens.
LOL Rosemary!!!!! That really bothered me that those pillows were so conveniently placed on the floor, right where anyone could trip on them! And ewwwww about Max's being Gui's son. I had never considered that! Does that mean if Max is spurned for good by Maria he'll turn into a womanizing lady killer?
La Paloma: I never saw anyone look so good with ruffles! And I had forgotten that Fausto always wears a belt over his overalls! That doesn't make any sense at all. Is the hat to hide any burn scars where his hair won't grow? I'd expect Burnie to force him to take off his hat indoors.
Someone earlier had mentioned about Maria being Maximiliano's stepsister, but we should be ok on this, no? Max does not carry any of Victoria's blood. I don't know the legal rules in Mexico re who can marry whom, but even if Maria is technically Maximiliano's step sister, there is no blood relationship.
ReplyDeleteFeel free to correct or revise this line of thinking.
As far as we know Padre JP & Victoria are the parents of María.
ReplyDeleteOsvaldo & Leonela Montenegro are the parents of Max.
no blood relation at all.
Vario: Thanks. That was my line of thinking. I just hope the writers don't make something of this 'stepsister' business.
ReplyDeleteOn a totally different note...I was unable to see the supermoon rising last night because of the usual wretched cloud cover.
For those of you who saw it...I hope it was lovely!
ReplyDeleteYes, Mr. Maven and I drove up to the edge of Lake Michigan last night to watch the moon rise -- it was magical! Still, it didn't look nearly as huge as the full Univisión moon (well, not counting the full moons at Acapulco), thus adding more evidence to what I always suspected: This show is filmed in outer space and all the characters are aliens! :-)
Max & María are stepbrother & stepsister if the above scenario is true.
ReplyDeleteMax's father is married to María's mother. Yours, mine & Fernanda makes ours.
Fernanda is half sister to both Max & María, blood relative to both.
ReplyDeleteBut, Mejia might have some surprises for us.
So many comments have popped up!
ReplyDeleteI am in the same TN addiction boat as everyone else. I love the fairy tale! The fact that you can snark at it a little makes it even more fun! I don't think I would enjoy them half as much if I was watching in a vacuum with no one to share it with.
I am horrified at the suggestion that Gui could be Max's dad. It *is* very possible, but I hope the writers don't go down that road.
A while back some one was questioning why Gui didn't get himself fixed if he didn't want children...I second that question.
A lot of scenes that I thought were random or unnecessary have become a little clearer to me now:
1. The death of Israel-That was yet another thing that led to JuanJo's deep depression. Linda can't take all the credit.
2. With Israel's death Milagros will have two babies to take care of.
3. And file this one under "over-thinking a TN" but I wonder if the name "Milagros" is symbolic/foreshadowing. It does mean "miracles".
We are one day closer to the next installment!!
Oh! I've also been obsessing over STuD Parte 2. I wouldn't mind it being a historical prequel: The history of the two haciendas and how they were established during revolutionary times. That's as far as I got.
Oh, and NovelaMaven--just when I thought I had erased the images of LindaHo's buttcrack, you had to mention a full moon. ;-)
ReplyDeleteNovelaMaven: Lake Michigan! That is fantastic! That beautiful lake (that looks like a sea) just mesmerises me!!
ReplyDeleteSara: Say...good idea there with STuD 2 being a prequel...very good idea!!!
NovelaMaven - Ohhh, I am so jealous that you were able to watch the moon rise over Lake Michigan. It truly does look like an ocean. I've only seen it from Whistling Straits golf course, and I thought I was on the ocean.
ReplyDeleteAdd me to the "EEEEW-GrossedOut" list if Gui turns out to be Max's real dad.
Bernarda is, IMO, a role that suits Daniela Romo. She played a similar type BSC mother in Alborada. This is why her role in Sorti didn't click with so many of us, including myself.
Sara - Bwahaha!
ReplyDeleteDoris and Susanita, yes, it was a thrill. And Lake Michigan satisfies the soul for those of us who can only see the ocean now and then.
Doris, I'm not a golfer but The American Club at Kohler is a gorgeous place! (Not to mention a hop, skip and a jump from that plumbing palace, the Kohler company!)
The only reason I mentioned the possiblity of the Gui/Max relationship is because in STuD we found out that JM was the son of Rosendo. From the few TN I have watched there frequently have been the question of biological parents. Hopefully, this does not happen as often in real life.
ReplyDeleteLindaHo is just lazy, she is always looking for the easy money. There is nothing wrong with a honest days work for a honest days pay (i.e. Maria and her tortas).
ReplyDeleteI agree that it's possible that Guillermo is Max's biological father -- we've had more unlikely scenarios shoved down our throats!
But I think that in this particular novela which cares greatly about the physical, it's not likely that someone who likes like Gui would engender someone who looks like Max.
How about this possibility?
Max isn't Osvaldo's son. Max's real father was the (as yet unnamed) man Leonela was convicted of murdering. And Gui is the real murderer -- he killed Leonela's lover out of jealousy. And we'll find this out 40 or 50 episodes from now when Leonela shows up and throws it in Osvaldo's face.
ReplyDeleteYour scenario is much more appealing. People like Gui should not be allowed to procreate.
I am still having a hard time believing that Fausto is Padre JJ's half brother. Fausto is blond and everyone else has dark hair. I don't remember his mother being blond. Be then again, maybe I just need a new lining for my beanie.
Now that's an interesting possibility.
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking about the Leonela thing, too. How long has Os been famous? Wouldn't the wife of a famous actor going to jail for murder make some headlines? How has Max gone all this time and there hasn't been a PEEP about this? I seriously believe that Leonela is not the evil asesina that we are being made to think she is. Gui is behind every bit of it, I'm sure.
As for Linda- the more we mention bunny soup, the more I think that she came to the big city with the sole intention of getting Os. It's not just that he's a guy with money. She could easily switch to someone else if that were the case. Even though she is sliming on Gui right now, I think her main objective is still Os....and I won't be convinced it's because she truly loves him, either. However, if the avances are any indication (and gawd I hope they are) we won't have to deal with her any more.
If LindaHo is truly headed for the hereafter, I am willing to bet that BSCX is driving the camioneta - there is no way she is going to lose her meal ticket because of LindaHo's big mouth.
Sara- Your recaps keep getting better with each one. Well done!
ReplyDeleteMaria just can't get a break, can she? Now she's lost money on her tortas twice! And she still has to pay back the meat man...and we know what kind of payment he will want. I sure as hell don't want Maria to live through what her mama lived through-- a rape by a sleezy man taking advantage of her precarious situation. Ugh!
I thought Fab was going to see the girls after seeing Fer. What's taking him so long? I thought for sure he would show up when the girls were (literally) selling the clothes of their backs and report the grave financial situation to Max. At least Cruz saw how poorly they were eating and gave Milagros yet another good reason to continue living--taking care of all the girls, and the babies on the way, who need her. I was also very touched by the scene in the cemetary when Maria put Millie's hand on her belly and swore by her baby. The look on Milagros' face conveyed so many emotions. Great acting.
I loved the knock down, drag out fight (really one sided) between Vick and Linda. How many folks here have wished for Linda to have those extensions yanked out of her head? Well, here you go! Enjoy it. That, combined with Nati's punch (that's what it was and she commented about learning to fight because she grew up with a ton of brothers) to Ximena's face, were all the reason I needed to watch these episodes. :)
I really wonder if Max is going to find out about Maria's baby before or after it's born. Also, I wonder when Vicky will find out Maria is her daughter. It doesn't seem that Burnie is going to keep that cat in the bag for too long. She's been really great about revealing secrets and moving the story along. I hope she keeps it up. The only thing she could be waiting for is for Maria to really hate Vicky. But I don't know what else Vicky could do to make Maria hate her, that she hasn't already done.
Fausto's mother was blonde and that's why he's blonde. Look at the pic Vicky was holding again. I remember she was also blonde in the flashbacks.
ReplyDeleteIn the preview, it looked like Ximena was in a dark wig and sunglasses and pushed Linda into the oncoming SUV. Gui's probably driving the SUV, but it might just be an innocent driver. What if they push her in front of Vick's SUV? That would be interesting!
Well done, Sara. I've finally gotten around to watching this episode(s). Your retelling is better than the actual episode, though Nathy's smackdown of Ximena was very satisfying. Everyone seemed to be having fun in that scene... even Ximy.
ReplyDeleteAs long as Milagros keeps saying it, I'm going to keep believing it... JuanJo lives! He'll return with a complete makeover plus a voice like Cesar Evora to boot.
Rosemary, that has to be it. Guillermo as Max's dad. Don't forget, Max was quite the womanizer until he met MariaD. Plus it adds a little extra ick to Ximena, not that she really needs it.
Not so sure it would have helped any, but Ozzy should have abandoned that tub as though it were scalding hot as soon as he realized that Linda had joined him.
Belt with overalls... Fausto is a fashion pioneer.
Carlos, you are tooooo funny!
ReplyDelete"As long as Milagros keeps saying it, I'm going to keep believing it... JuanJo lives! He'll return with a complete makeover plus a voice like Cesar Evora to boot."
Vivi, thanks for clearing up the hair color thing, it has really bothered me.
In all these TN's, the one saying, "don't kiss me, or leave me alone" never pull back. Anyone else would back away as far as possible. Like Os & Linda, he had his mug right there.
ReplyDeleteDoes Jimena have on her María wig?
ReplyDeleteVariopinta, thank you for reminding us about the Maria wig, I for one, had totally forgotten about it. I have to admit that there is a lot of visual I miss because I doing something else while trying to watch this TN.
Novela Maven: I hope your version of the Max's dad is correct. I think Gui killed Leonela's lover, then framed her for it as punishment. For some reason, I thought she was in a mental health ward. Max as an unknown's son is far preferable to Gui as daddy. And I suppose I'll feel a little bad for Os, unless of course, he's the one who killed the lover and framed Leonela. The scenario possibilities are endless.
ReplyDeleteNati gave Maria E. either her tuition or the money she sends to help out her family so at least i believe that makes sure Maria E. doesn't have to suffer being pawed or worst by the meat butcher.Natia even offered to quit school for now to get a fulltime job to help out with the living expenses but Maria E. wouldn't hear it and told her to stay in school and finish up.
ReplyDeleteI most definitely enjoyed Maria E. finally telling off the XXX-factor if she so happy with Max as she claims why is she over here warning her away? The look of stunned drugged out stupor was priceless! XXX-factor didn't really have a great response to that question other than to say that Maria E. is just a fling for Max that's it.
Wait, 2 hour episodes again next week? Why are they doing this to us?! Our favorite fairytale is going to be over in no time if they keep this up. I don't get it, isn't this TN supposed to last till June?
ReplyDeleteNovelaMaven: You pose some good possibilities. I think at this point, most of us think that Gui was involved with Leonela (is that her name) landing in jail. Very interesting theories, NM!!
ReplyDeleteCarlos: NO...there is NO way that Blanco man is coming back with 'my' Cesar Evora's voice! That voice is one in a million! NO, no and NO!!!!
By the way everyone, if you have not already done so, you simply must read and see Carlos' wonderful Llena recap! You will LOVE it!!!
Thanks for your recap Sara and for doing double duty this week. Sorry the episodes are still two hours but the snark you recapper supply is pure gold.
ReplyDeleteHang on... if Fausto is a fashion pioneer that means he light be The new socio .....o Luciano Ferreti! Duhn duhn duhn!!!
ReplyDeleteGracias Karen!
ReplyDeleteUnless Nati's brothers are younger than her (and I suspect they are all older than her), they should be helping out her family financially, not her.
ReplyDeleteI think there was some discussion about that earlier on between Nati and Maria. Her brothers seem to have their own families, and as the girl and the most educated one living in the big city, they are expecting her to be the one to help their parents out. It also seems they are kind of loutish. I also think this is part of her martyr complex. Instead of just telling her family off and telling them they need to figure it out without her, she's letting them off the hook and taking the most responsibility.
ReplyDeleteVivi, Nati's family might be setting her up for Tita Syndrome. This makes for a very sad future.
ReplyDeleteWhat is "Tita" Syndrome?
ReplyDeleteCourtesy of the Soup, I just started watching this novela. The Soup seems to be intrigued by Max and Maria just staring into the air and thinking of each other. Nice to read the recaps to bring myself up to date, thank you,
The actress who plays Ji/Xi already was a villain in El Juramento where she starred with Osvaldo Rios. I think she likes playing these type of roles.
I look forward to this week's episodes.
Anon 10:00- Have you read or seen "Like Water for Chocolate"? It's a book by Mexican novelist Laura Esquivel (She wrote the screenplay, too.) Anyhoo, it's the story of Tita who is not allowed to marry because according to family tradition the youngest daughter must spend her life taking care of the mother. So her true love, Pedro, marries her sister just so he can be close to her. It's a really beautiful story....and I'm afraid Nati is headed down that path. She was being so obsequious with Maria on Friday. Offering to quit school, not letting Maria even answer the door. Fab needs to rescue her from herself...QUICK!
ReplyDeleteWelcome Nellie!
I wonder how many new viewers TdA has gotten thanks to The Soup? lol
Sara: You have a terrific sense of humor! I loved the recap! thank u too for your show of tireless energy in subbing for me especially since Looneyvision decided to double up on episodios (¡no puede ser!) while I was unable to recap.
ReplyDeleteNo problema Jar!
ReplyDeleteCan I know the song which is played when Pippino and Rox are fighting/arguing? Thanks in advance.
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