
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #253-254 3/15/11 Omar's ilusión

Capitulo 253.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern tells MamaJ that he loves Lety like crazy, she’s changed, and he’s afraid he’s lost her. Mama is sure that Lety loves (querer) him and not Aldo. Fern saw Lety’s pain when Aldo left, and he knows it was his rotten behavior that drove Lety to Aldo.

2. Tom tells Aldo that after he left, Lety realized she loved him. Aldo wants Lety to be happy, and he’d do it again, even if he knew she’d end up with Fernando.

3. Lety tries different voices for Aurora, such as Mae West and a very good Marilyn. Lety accepted herself as she was before, and now she doesn’t know who she is.

4. Fern admits it’s easier to talk to MamaJ than his mother. She tells him to calm down; nobody dies from love. He asks, “Then how can one live, seeing the one he loves with another?” He asks MamaJ for help ¿To convince Lety to pick him? NO! To learn to respect people’s decisions. MamaJ says he can start by accepting that Aldo [I think she says, “sea algo” – is something, means something] in Lety’s heart.

5. Omar is overwhelmed by Aurora’s beauty. He says, “With you, beauty was invented. Anyone would fall in love with you at first sight.” He could write her the most beautiful love letters. Lety enjoys the irony. He gets on his knees to beg. She leaves but drops an earring. He says, “Finally I’ve found the love of my life.”

6. Ali tells Tom that it’s always been her dream to sing for an audience. Tom cons Garza into letting her sing “Urge” (check this clip). The audience loves it and Ali is so moved, she kisses Tom.

7. Lety dreams that Aurora stands between Fern and Aldo, but neither of them wants her. Fern says, “I liked the sweet and sensitive Lety who was my assistant.” Aldo says, “I prefer the Lety in Acapulco. Funny, sweet, nice, with gumption. I don’t like this one.” Fern stutters, “A mi, n-n-no me.. you take her.” Aldo says, “I’ll leave her to you. I’m going back to the beach.” Fern says, “I’m going back to my presidency.”

8. Aldo says he’s going to stay away and let Lety sort out her thoughts.

9. Manuel the stylist needs those earrings back ASAP. Caro worries because Omar has one of them. She sees Aurora’s picture on the front page of the paper.

Capitulo 254.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety can’t decide between old Lety and la bella. She decides to redraw her unibrow and mustache, and reattach her braces, and no one will ever see Aurora again.

2. Ali tells Tom that if he wants any more kisses he has to earn them.

3. Omar sees Aurora’s picture in the paper. He considers forgiving Fern because he’s happy and in love. He goes to work and shows off Aurora’s picture to the cuartel, telling them he found the woman he could marry. But he doesn’t show Fern, for fear Fern will steal Aurora from him. Fern assures him that he has no interest in any woman who’s not Lety.

4. Tom reminds Fern that he should treat Aldo nice since he owns the debt. Cute scene between the two.

5. The Padillas see the report on the woman of mystery. Pop is shocked by Aurora’s revealing dress. I guess he never watches Mexican TV. Origel announces a contest to locates her. The winner will have dinner with TBLMOE.

6. Caro tells Omar she needs the earring back. Omar refuses unless Aurora goes out with him tonight. Fern hears Caro say, “Lety, you’re in the paper!” He wants to see it but they cover. He notices that something is different on Lety’s face, and they shoo him out. When he sees the Aurora picture, he’s not impressed; he prefers Lety.

7. Ariel takes the president’s chair. He says the board approved him as president after Lety resigned (since when?). He tells her to get out. The cuartel tells Tom, and he runs to Fernando (go, Tom!). Ariel is pawing Lety when Fern and Omar walk in. Fern tells Lety to humor him for now, and they’ll get it straightened out. Lety thanks Fernando for defending her.

8. The attorney tells Aldo that he has authority over Conceptos even though he’s not exactly the owner.

9. Luigi returns from vacation and Fernando throttles him for going over budget so they couldn’t make the loan payment and they lost the company to Aldo.

10. Ali assumes she’s Ariel’s assistant. Ariel gives her a list of tasks, while she makes her own list of perks.

11. Marcia hears Lety tell Caro that she couldn’t get the earring so she’s going out with Omar tonight. She names the place, and says she’ll be a knockout just like last night.


  1. A note about today’s title. The Spanish word “ilusión” can refer to:
    A. the English “illusion,” like an optical illusion. What you think you see is not what really is.
    B. the English “delusion,” such as “delusions of grandeur.” Believing something that is not true.
    C. hope. Me hace ilusiones, It got my hopes up.
    D. Excitement for something you expect to happen. Me ilusiona el concierto, I can’t wait for the concert.

    Thank you, Pata, for the pictures. The Aurora episodes would be incomplete without them.

  2. I think two of Aurora's voices were immitations of Mae West and Marilyn Monroe, but I didn't recognize the others. Maybe Garbo, Rita Hayworth, or Maria Felix? I don't know how they sound. One almost sounded like a young, pouty Judy Garland, but not quite.

    Manuel Vera, the stylist, is actually a significant "Image Designer." See this link and also this link Snip from one of those links: “Manuel Vera has also worked in the design of images of well known celebrities such as Hillary Swank, Catherine Denueve, Salma Hayek, Penélope Cruz, Luis Miguel and Jaime Camil.” Apparantly Camil was involved in getting him on the show.

    Song for today, as Fernando gives Lety space to clarify her thinking. Save the Last Dance for Me. Snip:
    Oh I know that the music’s fine like sparkling wine,
    go and have your fun.
    Laugh and sing, but while we’re apart don’t give your heart
    to anyone.

    And don’t forget who’s taking you home
    and in whose arms you’re gonna’ be,
    So darling, save the last dance for me.

    Tom’s not as dumb as he looks. Fern calls Aldo “Domensolin” but claims he said “Domensaín,” so every time Fern says “him,” Tom asks “who” so Fern is forced to say Aldo’s name the right way. Not quite passive aggressive. More like passive tenacious.

  3. Okay, best parts of today's episodes was Lety with Omar and Fernando with MamaJ. Fernando has won over Julieta, that's for sure. Scenes that I fast forwarded through, Aldo (of course), Alicia (of course), and the cuartel. Lety looked fabulous and her dream of neither Aldo nor Fernando wanting her with the new look goes right back to her low self-esteem. This is the area where she needs to grow.

    Ariel is a piece of junk. He's smug, sexual pervert, and other nasty stuff. It would be great for him to be shipped off to China for the duration of this show, but I guess that is a forlorn hope. Per usual, Aldo did nothing to endear himself to me. Fernando, on the other hand, was marvelous. He knows now how to get around Ariel. Instead of blowing up, Fernando handled Ariel and his swarminess like a pro.

    Omar is in for a rude awakening. I wonder what he'll do when he finds out that Aurora is Lety. That should put a big dent in his male ego. Omar needs to be taken down a peg or two and the revised Lety should help that.

  4. Thanks Paula. My favorite part was the Fern Julietta exchange.
    They are very sweet together.

  5. I hope I'm able to catch up on yesterday's and today's episodes tonight. After 251, they're fairly lightweight, but there are a lot of laughs.

  6. I'm watching now. I feel cheated with the fake reveal...I know they are playing it all for the comedy, but I'm sort of hating this story now. I'll unplug my brain and just enjoy it - even if it's silly. UGH.

    Barbara- you're right the fact that Lety has that dream that neither guy loves her post make-over, the fact that she puts her braces back in, the fact that she saved those freaking braces, the fact that she actually made herself under to go in to work!!!!!!!!!!...this woman needs many many many years of therapy that I can't even begin to discuss.'s tiresome for me to watch it...

    That said - I did enjoy her scenes with Omar & Fern's scenes with Julieta, but yeesh...everything else made/makes my head hurt. I did sort of enjoy Alicia's performance as well...

    Almost done with the 2nd cap. now.

  7. I love that Lety named herself Aurora in the new persona. Aurora means dawn and Lety has now shared dawn with both Aldo and Fernando. Both dawns were new beginnings. Is Aurora going to be a new beginning as well? If she can only learn to be herself and to see herself in a new and beautiful shell she will be ready for real love.


  8. The one thing I can enjoy about this entire Aurora storyline is the fact that Lety seems to enjoy it when people talk about her being "fea" - I noticed she was holding back a smile in her conversation with Ariel & even in her interactions with Omar & Fern (as Lety).

    Marcia looked slightly crazed in that last scene. I wonder if she pissed off the make-up artists or something...

  9. An encouraging sign! Back in Cap 205, Lety refused Fernando’s protection because she rejected him as her patron. So he supported her food tourism campaign as a way to offer himself as her client, and she thanked him for his support, showing she accepted. Well today, he defended her from Ariel and she thanked him. She may have broken the engagement, but she has at least taken her first step toward accepting him back as her patron, which is how their relationship started back at Day 1. Yeah! (Reminder: A patron’s primary function is to protect his client. A client’s primary function is to support his patron.)

    I loved the Ariel/Alicia scene! He’s depending on her to perform all these tasks which will secure his position in the presidency, but she doesn’t hear a word of it because she’s listing all the perks she’ll get because she’s such an efficient assistant! He’s depending on the most useless person to secure his presidency!

    Wasn't the Fernando/Julieta scene just golden? Those two are marvelous together! Aldo may have Erasmo's support, but there's no doubt which team MamaJ is on. And remember, "The woman is the neck." (If you don't know what that means, just ask and I'll explain it.)

  10. OK I'm asking. What does it mean?

  11. Aw, shucks, you twisted my arm. There is a scene in My Big Fat Greek Wedding (fantastic movie, BTW). (I'm going from memory; some details may be off.)

    The bride's parents are a lot like Erasmo and Julieta. The father blusters through the kitchen and proclaims, "The father is the head of the household, and don't you forget it."

    After he's gone, the mother quietly says, "Yes, but the mother is the neck. And the neck can turn the head any way it wants."

  12. In Acapulco I giggled when Alícia called Tomás "Oxigenado"--and the face he made. Patricia Navidad (Alicía) is a singer en realidad, and has a strong voice, in my humble opinion.
    As much as I like Omar, he is a child. He sees woman as sex objects, and yet is 'in love' with Aurora and wants to spend the rest of his life with her.
    I must say I was happy to see Omey back @ Conceptos, and the great 'hombre-hug' between him and Fernando.
    I was also glad to see Don Luiyi back--I like him, despite all of his shortcomings.
    It goes without saying that Ariel makes my skin crawl, and my blood boil.
    Thanx for the recaps and pics!

  13. I hate the make over because it is so fake. It makes her look like a tranny drag queen. Where on earth does Televisa come up with those ghastly wigs.

    Fun to see Omar go through the same thing as Fern did when he needed his BFF to talk to and realized he wasn't there. So off to work and forgiveness.

    Omar is no worse than a lot of guys I know who go completely crazy over a pretty face and hot bod. Something about Aurora got past his usual shallow approach. Perhaps the fact that she kept blowing him off was a challenge but I loved it when he told her he was a writer. That hit a nerve with her and I suspect she will make him pay for it.

    Fern and Mama J are a great alliance and how sad that he feels her can talk to her and not to his own mother. Good line about obviously Erasmo doesn't watch Mexican TV. Considering how little PM and Ali wear I find it odd that he never commented on their flaunting of their obvious charms.

    Ariel better enjoy his day as president and they should consider ordering a fumigator to dust the place after Aldo give him the boot.

  14. ITA on the Fernando/Julieta scenes being the highlight of the episodes...
    Yes, Patty Navidad used to be a singer, mostly balads and ranchera songs... (mariachi style, just like last night...) and yes, she does have a very strong voice but can sweeten it up when she needs to.
    ROFLOL on the reference to MBFGW, Paula, I loved that movie too! also the 'windex' jokes in it.
    so funny that movie is also about a 'not so pretty' woman with a very orthodox strict dad and a more supportive mom... the woman meets a guy whom she thinks is totally off her range/reach, this time because of cultural differences (not social/money)... sound familiar?

  15. Lety's backstepping toward the low self-esteem Lety of the beginning... yes, I can see that, and I still put most of that on Aldo's coming back to Conceptos and making her feel she needs him in order to succeed as president.
    this is one huge area where I give it to YSBLF... in BLF, once Betty got the presidency, there was no turning back to her old shy weak self. In the end some people would say she did, but I think she was more like her old 'sweet, tender, supportive, maybe a bit shy' but definitely not weak or dependent on anyone.
