OK so I got home from work about 7:10 and my recording wasn't set yet, so I missed the first part of the TV version and I'm not sure how it compares to the MX version but I've started with the MX version and I'll tell you where I saw the TV version start up...someone can comment what was deleted from this first segment...
So we open with our weepy eyed protaganists after Ilitia leaves, having injected her venom that Vicky ordered Mau to rape her on the wedding night. Brandon walks into this joyous playground and it looks like MV is free to go but Eman with all his lawyers still is not assured of freedom. He bites back that this is really Marianela and accuses that Brandon already knows it perfectly well and he will not be forgiven for these lies. MV leaves.
We are back at the big house, who's ownership is apparently in question and Emi is chatting with Max about the Kristel dilemma…Emil thinks she should never know the truth that Low is her Dad. Uh oh, at the mention of that name, Max might be having a heartattack. He screams madly about Fedra always sullying their good name and he should have killed her when he had the chance. Emil reminds him she is still his wife and he’s no murderer…nah just a putz who wouldn’t marry the chic he loved and knocked up…worse? Maybe…anyway I digress…Max continues with the heart grunts as he admonishes Emil not to leave Mari alone…Emil in exchange feeds him some pills. Max will live another day...
Oliver is at the carcel and he laughs at Eman that he thinks Mari and Vick are the same. No way he says. Eman asks if Oliver thinks he’s that criminal. O isn’t sure but it’s sure interesting how Eman is always gone when the crimes happen…hmmm enter Gretel, to collect Eman whom Oli proclaimed wants nothing to do with him. Oli corners her and begs her to stay, that Eman left them alone on purpose.
Jose is declaring love to Netty, believes she feels the same…all nervous, she is not sure…at the critical juncture Brandon shows up with MarVick.
Ok and our lovebirds Oli and Gretel make up and make out..or do they…she shoves him into a cell and locks him there..Beatch that was not nice….
Ok now we are with Fed and Emil… he is calling her on the DNA analysis re Kristel.
In the video, there’s a group welcome of Mar Vick home from jail and an oh yes you are in the right but need to be careful because of Mau’s accusation etc. Jose is there and he takes Mar’s side, but she wonders if he really could send his amiga Fed to jail - revelation time - she calls him for who he really is… Jose Maria Sevilla. OK, he agrees it’s his name, but he was in jail in error, blah, blah. OK the one most affected here is Netty who wonders about the lies he told her to try to get in her pants - that he came from Veracruz and about his boat etc. yeah those boats get ya every time. He says they just need to trust him. Mar Vick does acknowledge he is dangerous in presence alone for Fedra.
Ok back to Emil lamenting the truth to Fedra about Kristel, this is the worst she could have done to him, he hates her, she’s betrayed him his whole life…I don’t know, electrocution might not be so good either, but anyway…he wants to know what else she’s lying about,what other of his kids aren’t his. Hee, well let’s count shall we? Imagine, so we think it’s only Axhole that carries his blood right? I think the TV went on with these two way too long…
In the video we are back at Netty’s and Vicky and she are chatting about how to bring about Mar again, they also chat about Jose Maria being alive and being Eman’s true Dad. Emil and Eman will be so hurt…Netty thinks Jose suspects all this and he’s worked really hard to be around Eman. She worries about Emil.
Back at the face off, Fed swears only Kristel doesn’t carry his blood…he says enough, she needs to go. Eh not so fast, she has the shovel for the gold right under her arm…if he turns over all his assets to her, she’ll give him the divorce. Of course he won’t give her a centavo. Oh well, I was hoping she would be worth getting rid of, but we still have a few capitulos left and we all know the horrid death she must die, so no easy pay off out for her…the torture continues…sigh… And that’s where I picked up with the TV version, right before the commercial of course…
In the video, Gretel is telling Axhole she's sure Mari will return and will need everyone's support. He promises that, but hopes Vicki will then leave because she made him marry that unfaithful tart, who deceived him in his own house. Bleh...Gretl makes a smirk and I want to punch the brat. Sheesh. Then he spills that he gave Deli hers, he made her his, believing he loved her, and then dumped her on the spot. Gretl smacks him hard! YEAH someone finally hits this guy!! Gretel also gives him a piece of her mind, how dare he, etc. I say he needs a piece of iron skillet on his noggin...I guess this didn't show up in the TV version? Travesty.
So now we got to Muni coming home all thrilled they released Eman and Ili must be so happy. Nope she's upset, she went to see Brandon who wants nothing to do with her or her family, even you Mama, so watch it and don't go to see him.
Next we are at the pool with Orange Boy and Kris and she is telling him Ili's preggers. Mau takes unusual interest in this and wants to know how far along she is...Kris freaks out about his question thinking of the charges on him and makes him swear he had nothing to do with Ili...he swears she came after him and he obliged, but I'm not sure if that was the wedding day, or earlier...
Now we rejoin the TV version with Mau telling Kris they agreed to forget all that crap and the important thing is that we are together again now. He kisses her and enter jealous Low who asks what he is doing...stunned looks from Kris like who the f are you? So of course I think the TV missed the mark on the important exchange which was Mau extreme interest in Ili's bump...anyway, so now we go back to the casa where Marinela returns. Ruiz de Teresas come out of the woodwork to make some comments towards her...the gist of this is Emil and then Fedra's accusation that Vick is Mar and Mar is Vick. Everyone wonders about this. Ili refuses to believe it, says no way.
Back in the online version Kristel tells Low he has no claim on her, so what the hell, he claims he is protecting her from slime like Mau. She says buzz off.
Back on TV, Kristel joins the questioning crew and remarks that even Eman knows who she really is. Vick says, actually, Jorrid is collecting Mari right now at the airport, and trust me, when you see her you will realize I am not she. The real owner of this house will return. Fed smirks... She says if Vick is not the real owner aka Mari, then she can go and she orders Nereida to help her pack, MV orders Pau to set up something nice in the garden for a great welcome for Mari Deli offers to help, but MV reminds Deli she is not a servant any more...Fed smirks that their marriage will be anulled soon...
Back in videoland we are treated to the independently mobile breasts of Jacqui who bugs Jorge about why Andres is still working there. Jorg says they can't send him off because of his illness and if they did him, they'd have to do her too. She says that was all invented to get Andres back, she's not sick, and if he helps, he too apparently gets to operate the remote control for her breasts. I swear I was waiting for them to take off by themselves...jeepers. He looks off in the distance not swayed. I think he's keeping his eyes out of the runway should they spin out of control.
Now, we are upstairs with the three chicas in the know, they are chatting about how awxful axhole is, and MV can't believe it. Deli is glad Jorge saved her. Gretl tells MV to forgive Jorge, he had his reasons for hiding the investigation of her Papa, and anyway he is Mari's hubby, so you need him more than ever now.
MV agrees. Eman shows up and wants to talk to her alone. He thinks if she's such good friends with Mar she should stay and Mar would love her company. She says she can't and yeah, she betrayed her with Jorge that one night, but more importantly she fell in love with Eman like an idiot and there is too much between Mari and him.
More bionic boobs trying to persuade Jorge.. these sure are interesting and woes be the TV audience is missing it all. She wants Andres dropped as a model. Jorge thinks her game is cruel, but he'll think about it only if she brings him the test results that she is not sick. She agrees. Until then, have your breasts propel you on out of here. And they pretty much do..
The commandante is asking Brandon and Oliver what ELDP has to do with Jose Maria...they don't know except clearly there is something between the two.
Back on TV, the commandante continues that he worries maybe they have been chasing the wrong person and wondes what they are waiting for. Brandon pleads that they need more evidence and time to develop the case…then they can move in. Back at the house Doris is preparing to un-Jenny Craig Vicky de la Gartha into fat Marianela. Netty worries some worts over this, but Doris’ mom assures her this is what Doris went to school for in LA. All will be well…we go through some making up scenes…frankly they should have cut all this instead of Axhole getting wacked by his sis, so we end up with bangs placement e voila, a fat Marinela that according to Ili, looks nothing like Vicky…it’s hard sometimes, I know with all that wool over their eyes in TV land, but I think I’d be suspicious…. :)
So now in TV land we are in for the garden party. Axel is complaining something about Delicia and Gman is trying to chill him. Kristel and Mau show up to everyone’s disgust. She says they are “dating” again and Eman decides to pull him over to the side. He suggests Mau apologize to everyone and just leave now. He knows that Mau abused his wife Ili and can’t believe he has the cajones to show up here after that. Get out. Kris comes over, surmising what they are chatting about and reminds Eman his wife is a liar and besides, Mau has no reason to abuse (well,take sexual liberties) anyone with me around, (ha, yeah a quality I always look for in a man) so why don’t you worry about your wife instead of MY boyfriend. Wifey will put the horns on anyone she sees in front of her and besides you should investigate, that kid she’s carrying is not even yours…BYE. She’s actually a pretty great actress. They depart Eman with his mouth open, a bit.
Suddenly a Disney moment, screams from beyond ,and there she is, the Fat Lady has returned. Marinela smiles on the arm of Jorge…Eman beams repeating her name over and over…
Cap 177
Back at the garden party, Ili and Kris, BFFs forever, are comenting on how fat or fatter Mari is, when Ili pulls Kris over and wants to know what she was chatting about with Eman for so long. Tee hee Kris retorts, well, either you admit to everyone that Mau never abused you, or I tell Eman your baby daddy is that copper, Brandon. You decide, tee hee…and she runs away. Gape mouth on Ili. Back to everyone goo -gahing over the Gordita…she’s back everyone missed her she gets some squushhy squeezes from Eman. Mostly she just beams….
Now we go to Doris with Andres at a clinic she brought him there because it’s highly probable that Jacqui invented all of this just to get back at him and they should learn for sure. No false hopes, but she is behind him all the way. OOOoooH! And they go in.
Back to the garden party, one after another folks greet her and say their little piece, Axel promises to be better to her, she says it’s in the past, and he’s married Delicia, who pipes up and Axhole showing exactly how much he has matured makes copycat faces in her direction. Ok, where’s that frying pan when you need it. Sniper in the woods, maybe? We can always hope…anyway.
Ili of course has biting words about her weight, and wonders how she can walk around with all that fat..Mari shoots back why don’t you tell me in a few months when you get this fat too from your pregnancy. Ha good one. So now she moves back to Feddi, and wonders what she is looking at…she wants to give her sobrina a hug…ouch, it turns into a fishing expedition as Fedra tries to pull up her shirt and proclaims miserably it feels like skin…Mari proclaims it her her skin, you freak…well I’m sure she was thinking that.
Online, they show us more of Andres at the clinic professing to Doris he is scared and she convincing him it will be ok either way, she holds him to her breasts.
Emil chats with Mari and invites her to now relax and enjoy the food they have prepared. She makes a comment that she’s not sure if she should, in case Fed has poisoned it again. Fed spits back something about her being ungrateful and unappreciative for them taking her in or something. The conversation turns to Tia Carlota and Emil wants Mari to clear it all up for them. Emil hopes she brought the proof because he will see to it that the guilty are made to pay. Mari says nope, unfortunately accidental fire got all that stuff, all I have is my word. Ili says that ain’t nothin…nonetheless, Mari is here to get her house back, and her inheritance from the woman who surely caused Carlota’s death. Emil wonders who that could be, and everyone looks at Fed. She says it ain't her, she was in Spain. Yeah, and Eman says you were also in Switzerland, Gretel says to visit me, only I was locked in the cave, remember???? They all know she is lying, so she admits she was in Madrid but that doesn't mean she killed Carlota. What funny dialogue.
Online more of Andres wimping out on the test, feeling ill, and running away from the room..
They chat about Almudena, Tia's headmaid, as a witness who saw Fedi there the day Carli died, but no, she didn't see any actual murder. Mari agrees it’s not Fedra, yep, it’s a woman named Juana Felipe Perez. Mari swears she will find her and send her to jail and beyond. Fed musters a sort of huh, kind of smile. Mari wants to go say hi to Tio Max. Eman wants to go with her, but Jorge her husband says not so fast buckeroo, I can take care of my wife, why don’t you tend to YOUR wife. Eman fights, but in the end is left with no one to play with.
Online we have Eugenio the lawyer showing up to say that Vicky must appear at the hearing tomorrow and Netty tells him he better not let her get caught on a crime she didn't commit. He says they have to prepare a really good defense, because Mau's lawyer defends mafiosos and big shots. he swears (taking Netty's hand) that he will do all he can for his precious. Just then Jose Maria walks in: well, you'll have to go through me first, as I will do all I can to get her into bed, er, win her hand...Ah intriguing.
I love it when men fight over you as if you were a possession. near as I can tell, when guys do that, a gal can just get up and walk away, that neither gets her. I learned the animal kingdom does this too, when mating lions or chimps will fight over the female, if the males fight too long or earnestly, the female moves on. Good for her. So these baboons end up fighting over her with words. Netty tells Eugenio he shouldgo prepare for the case, Jose asks Glad to leave so he can chat alone with Netty. In the meantime he gets a call there from Veracruz...he wonders que the hell, turns out it's Fed...Ah, now it makes sense how they meet up.
Tio is in the loop re fat- no fat, and he wonders how she was able to get so fat so fast, she tells him about Doris, he remembers how she helped Gretel. Now he wonders why Mari went through all this…she tells him of Fed’s discovery of her being the same and that they needed to put her off track a little. She continues to tell him there is a person from Fed's past who is still alive who can prove lots of things and she’s pretty sure that person will side with them. Ah, the plot thickens. Jorge doesn’t know of any of this either and is shocked when Mari tells about it. OK, so online
now we go to a bar where Jairo and Gman are chatting about ELDP and the latest developments. Gman is very excited. The bar manager is watching from afar, curious about the closeness of these two, er, men. Jairo is kissing Gmanolo on the cheek. Oliver rushes up in jealous rage…Gman breaks it up but yells at him that Jairo is right and he doesn’t have any of the things Jairo has that a woman like her needs. Or something like that. Whoops, woman? Bar manager wonders what is happening.
Back to the house Eman visits Max, looking for Mari of course, but Max tells him to let her be she’s past history. He says yeah, but there is this chemistry….
So now we go to Andres, who apologizes to Jacqui for all he's done, everyone makes mistakes. He tells her he chickened out at the clinic, but please tell him if she's really sick.
Netty listens to MV on the phone about how Mari's appearance went over at the Ruiz de T house. Netty is reminding MV on the phone she needs to appear at the judges as Vicky tomorrow.
Next Vicky is hassling Ili on the phone about Mari being here and her being nervous because she’s so in love with Eman. Eman overhears Ili's side of the conversation, so Ili tells him Vicky was bugging her again. She wants to know what Kris and Mau told him. He can’t talk now, he’s going to find Mari.
Andres is again begging Jacqui to know the truth. She says you have SIDA, and more, you deserve it for all of your infidelity and promiscuity.He can't believe it and begs her pardon. She says no and I hope you rot in hell for all you've done, who knows how many more women are suffering what I am. She leaves.
We resume on TV with Fed/Jauna running into Jose Maria outside somewhere. She greets him as sailor of the seven seas, he her as prostitute of 1001 bars. This guy is good!! She wants him to leave, he rips and throws down the ticket she has just given him. She wants him out of her affairs, he says or what, you’ll kill me? She tells him you determine that oh great seer of the future…anyway this goes no where really, so she pulls out a gun.
Eman finally gets close to Mari, he wonders where her hubby is, she says he went out to buy her chocolates, but his wife will probably be looking for him, so he should go.. he says they have stuff to talk about after 2 years. Ili made him believe that Vicky sent Mau to assault her the day of their wedding, but that is a lie. Kristel is assuring him that Ili is pursuing Mau, and that her baby is maybe not even Eman’s. Mari doesn’t know from all that, he should really be checking it with his wife. He wants to confirm some things first. Kris knows Ili best and he thinks this could hurt Ili if this wasn’t true because they are best friends and all but MAri knows neither she nor Vick had anything to do with what happened on their wedding day. That you have to believe, she says. He can’t see how Ili would make something like that up. Mari knows that girl is a big fat liar, so she certainly could. She has to tell him their lives are different now, and they lead separate lives.
Uh oh, back with Fed and the gun. Jose spews some words at her and challenges her to kill him. She puts the gun right to his heart, and whoops wardrobe failure...nothing comes out. It's funny to watch her try to get the gun to release. he thinks maybe it's not his time then, but alas it's hers, and he puts a friggin' huge knife right to her throat. Yikes...
Back to Eman and Mari and he professes he still loves her, and he goes in for a kiss. She cuts him off right away, that she is married and he'd better respect that.
Ok well Jose doesn't get far with the knife either...she keeps trying to shoot him with the lame gun then just goes to choke him. He doesn't, however, stab her, preferring to be choked until she pulls away and proclaims no one does her in.
Eman apologizes to Mari, he just can't help his impulses, etc. He wants to go back, he was so happy. He even made himself into another person to try and forget her. Huh, she wonders what he means? She forgives him, they hug, then Jorge comes in and sees them, not happy is he.
Meanwhile over at Netty's Brandon is there and they are chatting about the Mari thing, and how Vicky needs to disappear, when Ili walks up, hears, and wonders why? She tries to find Vicky there, though they keep telling her Vicky isn't home. She tries to go upstairs to find her.
There is some arguing about her not being here, and starting over a new life and Ili jokes,oh with you Brandon? In the other house there is arguing about what chocolates Mari really likes and why are you still here, etc. They could have cut all this in my opinion...the only important thing is Mar Vick fears she can't keep this up in front of Eman, he'll figure her out, and she is hurting him, she tells Jauma.
Then the take away tidbit from the other house, is during the scuffle to get upstairs, Ili begins to suffer abdominal pains...uh oh, will naco fetus cease to be? Will the true baby daddy of nacofetus come to light? Tune in Tues to find out!!
Kris – I tagged this for you, though I haven’t read it yet. Love the title!
ReplyDeleteJulia – since it looks like I’m off the hook for Monday, I’ll be happy to do the first half of Tuesday’s (capitulo 178) for you if you like, so you don’t have a marathon. I could try to get it posted by 9:30 or so PST on Tuesday night. I hope you’re reading comments today…let me know!
Great Kris! Thanks for getting us started on this so early. With short term memory loss, an early recap really helps those aging neurons.
ReplyDeleteLove the Fat Lady title...very apt for the imminent return of la Gorda. I don't think José has made any inroads to Netty's knickers yet. Just a stolen kiss or two at most. But no doubt his intentions lie in that direction. Don't they always!
Great start amiga. Thanks. I know you'e coming off a busy week and have a loaded weekend as well.
Yes, great title! Thank for getting this started early Kris. Now we can rant and gnash our teeth all weekend, yippeee!
ReplyDeleteDid they really leave out the scene where Gretel lets Axhole have it for doing what he did to Delicia? Shoot, that was one of the few satisfying scenes. I also loved the scene where Jairo and Oliver fight over Gman under Fidel's astonished gaze. Did they cut that out too?
Mauricio had sex with Ilitia only that one time, the time he kidnapped and raped her.
Kris, the update on Fedra's kids is this: ever since Axhole started acting like an Axhole our theory is that he is Lowrenzo's progeny. Kristel for sure isn't because Fedra faked the DNA tests. So when she told Emiliano that Kristel is the only kid who ISN'T his I thought "Aha! She's the only kid who IS." I dunno, that's what I thought anyway.
There sure was a lot of talking in these episodes.
Thanks Kris!
The telenovelas, their recappers, and the good citizens of Viewerville gave me the incentive to take Spanish and stick with it. I aced my Speed Spanish II exam. My hamster may be a little long in the tooth, but she's still trotting on that wheel in my brain.
ReplyDeleteCongrats Belinda! Great to ace an exam at any age. Glad your little hamster is still making the rounds.
ReplyDeleteBelinda that's great news! Congratulations on acing your exam.
ReplyDeleteWow - Speed Spanish II, that sound pretty challenging! Congrats, Belinda.
Belinda, congrats. I admire your tenacity.
ReplyDeleteKris, thanks for the Part I recap. Funny it seems the best scenes seem to be the ones getting axed. I'm stunned that some of these weren't shown on UNI. I guess they figure people only want to see the Eman/MV interactions since they are the main stars. How wrong they are!! (Well, I'll take Eman, she can leave town.)
Great job Belinda! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteKris- I'm looking forward to part two as the first part is wonderful.
Happy weekend everyone.
Maggie, yes please, that would be awesome to split Tuesday's cram session. Maybe you could email your section to me, and I'll post both parts together so we'll only have one combined recap and the comments will all be in one place?
ReplyDeleteKris, great read so far. Perfect title. And thanks for filling in the full details. I've only had time to watch the Uni version this weekend and as always I'm surprised at what they're leaving out. The Jacky/Andre stuff is kinda plot-changing! Whereas more griping by our leads, eh, we've heard it all before. Shut up. I still fail to see why Emanuel loves Marianela so much. She's so annoying, in both incarnations. He should go for Doris, as I've been saying for ages. Or Delicia!
Speaking of Delicia, she was making some pretty hilarious faces in the background. I wish we'd get more of her story. How can she stand to be around Axhole? I'm glad Gretel let him have it and I'm pithed that Uni didn't show it.
I find myself agreeing with Fedra more and more. Today I agree that the marriage between Axhole and Delicia should be annulled.
ReplyDeleteKris, you are too funny! Your comments about Jaqui's independently mobile breasts are making me howl. They are, um, distracting to say the least. To Jorge's credit he did not seem in the least interested.
hi there I was away from internet access today, so couldn't post the rest until now, and I didn't have access to the rest of the online version, so what you see is TV online for the second half... for now...now that I'm connected again I'll be working on the rest. I salute you folks, doing this double duty sure is time consuming, and I'm not even doing it real justice. I must be rusty but it just seems to take forever with this novela!! Thanks for the patience...
ReplyDeletethat's TV only, not online... :)
ReplyDeleteJulia – we’re all set then! I sent you an e-mail earlier this weekend, so check to see if you got it, or if it went to your junk mail. I used the e-mail address in your profile; I hope that’s still the one. I want to make sure we’re in e-mail connection so I can e-mail you capitulo 178.
ReplyDeleteKris – I love your joyful cannonball-in-the-deep-end style. I eagerly await Part II.
Belinda – excellent news about your exam!
Hi Kris...yes, I agree, churning out these doublerecaps is long hard work. Love your "un-Jenny Craig her" back into fatness and José Maria's I'll do anything to get her into bed...er, win her heart...subtext. Our Netty has more galanes than she can handle right now. What a problem.
ReplyDeleteHang in there, lady, we know what you're going through.
Good morning Kris, this is hilarious. What fun having a Kris recap to start off Monday with. I spent the weekend dividing my time between basketball and outdoors stuff (it was so beautiful here), so I'm just now catching up.
ReplyDeleteBelinda, good job. Congratulations.
I watched this sort of half-heartedly and only the Univision version at that, so I'm really appreciating the detail you added, Kris. I did notice one exchange between Fedra and Emil (or was it José Maria?). He called her a cheap whore. She replied, "I'm not cheap!"
Judy, sorry about OSU. Even the Kentucky fans were stunned. Of course the Tenn thing wasn't a big surprise. Fortunately, the Girly Bears took care of business and it will be fun to watch them play the ladies of Texas A&M (who have been awesome lately) tonight.
We're looking on the bright side here Carlos. Since they lost, Jared Sullinger will be back for another year. He doesn't want to go out on a downer.
ReplyDeleteLoved the recap thus far Kris and the snark too. I'm thinking Mari should be asking Eman to forgive her for leaving without giving him an explanation and not the other way around. The whole he changed himself comment went over her head didn't it.
ReplyDeleteThe whole Fedra/Jose Maria scenes were intense yet comical.
I can't believe Uni cut out the scene of Gretel letting Ax have it.
Congrats Belinda on acing your exam.
ok, not sure if it's just me, but when I saved the most recent edits, all the text ran together with no returns....Que the hell???
ReplyDeleteMayb yours doesn't look like that? Well, I'm almost all done, excpet for the very ending. Sheesh, I sure admire the rest of you getting these done in one night. I had the weekend and still am not quite done... Wah!
Thanks for the comments - Maggie thanks for tagging, and hope your pup dog is doing better, also congrats to Belinda, way to go!
If it's all runtogether let me know and I'll see if I can fix it somehow...
Thanks for the recap Kris. I especially appreciate you watching on-line in spite of your previous virus.
ReplyDeleteBelinda - congrats on your exam!!
Maggie - I hope you dog is doing better.
"She greets him as sailor of the seven seas, he her as prostitute of 1001 bars."
ReplyDeleteGood stuff! LOL!
Thanks, ok, I think I got to the end. I can't watc hthe online video from work, so hopefully there is not too much that I missed from that version. I think I fixed the returns as well...
ReplyDeleteJudy, did you send an e-mail about being hacked? Just wanted to confirm before I use a new address.
ReplyDeleteI didn't get anything suspicious yet, but I bet it's that crazy no-seq site, folks I recommend using the daily motion one instead...I haven't had any issues with daily motion other than that I can't view it at work...because of our network settings.
Thanks Kris. It's fun to get a reminder of what happened Friday since we didn't get an episode last night.
ReplyDeleteFor the longest time I couldn't get Daily Motion to load which is why I used noseq. But now Daily Motion loads just fine. Technology confuses me.
I hope Ilitia's cramps compel her to tell Brandon the truth.
Kris, I just read the end of your recap. Good job. I think that I may have missed the last bit of Fri.'s show because I don't recall Ilitia having pains. Thanks Kris.
ReplyDeleteI heard back from the lady at our local Univision. Here is what she had to say:
This will respond to your recent e-mails. Generally, our program feeds in the East, Central, Mountain and Pacific time zones have exactly the same closed captioning for each program each day. While your question did not specify any particular program or date, this may be a matter of personal taste and personal impression. As to the programs Para Volver a Amar and Mujeres Asesinas, we have forwarded your comments to the staff at our networks who oversee the captioning of programming.
While your comments on Llena De Amor do not involve closed captioning, we have also forwarded them to our network so they are aware of your feelings regarding the editing of episodes.
Best regards,
So probably the show will be over before we find out what they are trying to do.
You will note that she says that the CCs are the same for everyone.
Sylvia, have you heard back from Televisa?
Nope, not a word. I've even been checking my spam folder to see if it ended up there.
ReplyDeleteInteresting about the CCs having the same feed. Today for example, on Univision the CCs are a running "testtesttesttesttesttesttesttest" with nothing else. Must be something weird in my area.
Oh wait, now it's saying "testes testes testes testes". I swear I'm not making this up.
ReplyDeleteSylvia, I have the DirecTV Spanish Package and get 5 different Univision signals. Two are the early transmissions direct from Univision in HD and regular, those from our local station (ch 45) in HD and regular, and then the later regular transmission. I have noticed that in the later transmission which is not HD (UniW) the CCs seem to lag behind the spoken dialogue more than in the earlier HD transmission which I usually watch. ?????
We don't have HD and we have an old TV set. That probably has something to do with it.
ReplyDeleteIs César Évora on the screen?
Hee! You're bad! No, but Jaime Camil is.
ReplyDeleteKris...yes, I sent you an email about being hacked. It may not be noseq.com's fault. I have received hacked emails from others (a lot on yahoo accounts) and I opened a couple before I realized what they were. So the infiltration may have occured then. My son ran a whole clean out the computer program after I told him what happened on noseq.com (took 24 hours as I recall) so I think we're all right on that end. Hope so anyway!
ReplyDeleteOk good to know Judy, and also pertty hysterical re CCs and biology...who would have thought they were related... :)
ReplyDeleteHmmm, we only got half an hour of Llena out west and it was on at 5:30 so I totally missed it, what about anyone else?? Eva is on at 7pm and then the soccergame...
ReplyDeleteI just checked and it looks like my tivo recorded an hour of Llena, from 5:30 - 6:30. However the show started about 5 minutes late so the last few minutes were cut off.