Ahoy all, I’m using a borrowed laptop so hopefully everything turns out OK for tonight’s recap. Sorry, no screen shots tonight as I’m a little nervous about pushing my luck. As you know, last night the hard drive on my computer died, then today we had a brown out and our power supply alarm has been ringing all day, I can’t figure out how to get it to stop. So, feeling like I have an ice pick in my brain, I begin with tonight’s show.
Those who were good are now bad, those who were bad are now worse, or maybe they’re good. It’s hard to tell in this upside down world that’s full of lies and liars. If you imbibe I advise you to pour a drink first, make it a double, otherwise get your yoga and meditation tapes ready.
Last night Jose Maria found out that his son Eman is El Lirio de Plata. Eman is ready to break out of jail and wants his love Vicky to escape with him.
Vicky, who thinks all men are betrayers, refuses to follow Eman out of the cell. He calls her bipolar. Honey you don’t know how right you are! The usual tirade ensues, dejame en path, suelteme, and screams for help.
Fedra gives her brand of motherly advice to Ilitia. Ilitia’s not the first woman to to pull the wool over her hubby’s eyes and she’d better make sure Eman thinks the brat is his or both Ilitia and the baby are done for, got it?
Jorrid stews and steams and swears vengeance on Fedra, breaking a pencil instead of her neck. Emil sees him and wonders what he’s doing at the agency so late. Jorrid wants to chat.
More arguing and fighting instead of escaping. Stupid jailbirds. Oliver hears them and orders them back into their cells.
Benigno tries to back pedal about Eman being Lirio, he’s just an ugly drunk. JM assures him that Beni’s secret is safe with him, in fact he well knows the dangers and sacrifices of trying to help others in need. JM thought bubbles that Eman is following in the footsteps of his father.
Emiliano tells Jorrid he suspects his motives. Why is Jorrid there and not his Mari? Jorrid says he’d rather discuss Fedra, he’s got proof that she’s been a fake her whole life.
Gretel, Paula and Delicia gab. Paula wishes Gretel and Dee could fix their love problems. Dee gets weepy, she’s in such pain. Axhole comes in and wants to talk to Dee alone. He swears he was an idiot, stupid, a fool, but today he feels differently and he wants them to forget what happened, let’s go up to our room. She’s afraid. (Yes be very afraid.)
Ewwww, Kristel and Mau are in bed. He thinks all is forgiven but she’s all Hold it not so fast. You let that wannabe manipulate you and it’s gonna cost you. She swears if he lies to her again he won’t live to tell another one.
Back at the jail more ranting blah blah with the result being that Vicky tells Eman that since he’s got Ilitia and the baby she might as well hook up with Brandon. Fedra pays a visit to their annoyance. She says she came to tell Eman some news about that, that woman over there.
Ax-hole knows he was an ass but now he believes that it was all a trick. Dee doesn’t know if she can believe him because of the awful things he said and did. He was blind, lots of excuses, he doesn’t want to share her, he wants to make sweet love to her. She pleads “look in my eyes and swear you're telling the truth”. He swears that sweet kisses don’t lie. He loves her, te amo. She looks happy but I’m gonna hurl. I don’t trust the little starts with P rhymes with rick.
Emiliano says he hired a PI to investigate Fedra and the death of Luis Felipe but they found nothing and now Vicky told him about some documents that Mari had. Jorrid says he has them, they exist. Em wants to see them. Jorrid says he has another thing to tell him, that Fedra and Lowrenzo are lovers.
Ilitia visits her ma who is shocked to see her slap wound. What happened? Low shows up and
Muñeca cries that Ilitia is scared to death and won’t tell her what happened. Low assumes it was that damned policeman taking revenge on her because he found out that Lo had ordered his beating. Caras impactadas de Ilitia and Muñeca.
Fedra tells Eman that Vicky killed the judge because he discovered the truth about her. What, asks Eman, that she’s bipolar? That’s old news. (hee). She tells him the judge had fingerprints (dactilares, but she said daxstidales) and Jorrid tried to trick her but she was too astute. The judge had prints proving Vicky is Marianela! Eman stares at a teary Vicky and wails "you? Mi gordita hermosa?"
Strong denials from Vicky. It’s impossible, your ma is crazy. Fedra pleads her case but Eman refuses to believe her. He extolls Mari’s numerous virtues, a smile like golden sunshine (definitely not Vicky) and says Vicky is...well she’s a different type of woman. Oliver interrupts to request that Fedra leave. Vicky whispers something in his ear.
Here’s a new scene. Doris is over at casa de Andres (doesn’t look that much better than Netty’s if you ask me, worse even) and he wonders why she’s being so nice. We’re wondering too. She’s made him a nice meal and he still whines she should save some of her makeup for his funeral. Jeez. He says sex is, or was, the main thing for him. She kisses him and tells him there are many ways to love a woman. Unfortunately for Andres this first tutorial is interrupted by a call for Doris that Mari’s in jail. She leaves him scratching his head.
More blah between Jorrid and Emiliano. Emi can’t believe that Fedra had it on with Low, his daughter and wife with the same man? Manly sputtering, hand to head, must be a mistake. Fedra is capable of many things but this, no. Jorrid says Muñeca knows but is too much a lady to say anything. He has someone else who can confirm. Bernardo enters and Jorrid leaves, “you have a lot to discuss”.
Muñeca soothes Iliita who demands where is Brandon?? Ilitia’s on a tear, first telling Muñeca that Lowrezo hit her and then that Low demanded she get rid of the baby. Lowrenzo’s all hey, it was just a little slap (bofetada), not a real smack. Ilitia’s in a huff, she’s sick of dad treating her like a girl and Eman not treating her like a wife. Brandon treated her the best, like a woman, and respected her. She leaves with Muñeca accusing Lowrenzo of pretty much everything.
Oh dear, Dee’s at Ax-hole's room and she wonders what going to happen, it's her first time. He says she’s Mrs. Delicia Flores Ruiz y de Teresa and the romantic music swells. I still have a bad feeling about this.
Kristel and Nereida pop their snoopy heads from around the corner and watch the young lovers disappear. Kristel says ewww, no way is her bro gonna end up with that barrio babe.
Axhole has decorated the room with roses and lots of lit candles, very romantic. Even a tape of his singing a song for her. Dee's impressed, I’m not, but she’s the one in his arms. Lots of te amos, hugs, kisses, and then horizontal.
Berni tells Emi that Fedra has been cheating with Lowrenzo for more than twenty years. Emi looks like his head is going to explode. Twenty years with that imbecile? Berni says Low even has an apartment where they meet. Remember Francois? Or Frankoeez as your wife says? Manly rant from Emi. Excuses from Berni, “try to understand my position, I worked for your wife”. But now that Fedra has fired him precisely because of Low he’s no longer obligated and wants to protect Emi’s family from that man, the man who is bedding both mother and daughter.
Back at jail Eman babbles his no puede sers to Vicky. Tell me the truth, did that man have proof that you’re Mari? “No way” answers Doris who just popped in. She and Vicky swear that Mari is coming back.
Oh crap, Delicia is in bed under the anvil. She wakes, smiling, and sees Axel standing at the foot of the bed glaring at her. “This is the hour that you get out of my life forever.” I knew it! The little creep!!! I can’t even describe the look on her face. He snarls this is a trap, she fooled him and now he’s fooling her. He had the right to avenge himself for her lies and he took it. Yikes! Not sure what else he said but he’s a right nasty piece of work. Back to the Young Oxygen Wasters Club for you my lad. He storms out leaving our little dove shocked and wounded.
Speaking of storms, Fedra blows into Low’s blech pad full of self-congrats for revealing the truth about MarVicky to Eman. Low reminds her she killed the judge so where’s her proof? She tells him the gordiflaca is in jail for his murder, cool, huh?
She says meanwhile, while Eman is pining for the two-headed monster they have another problem to solve...Ilitia. His tramp of a daughter is pregnant by the cop. Low is happy to remind Fedra that she is the only tramp, prostitute in fact, Juana Felipa, hah! And if Ilitia is pregnant by the naco then it’s only because her son is such a little man (and he shows with his thumb and finger how little). The mutual insults are getting them hot and bothered and Low assures her that the police will regret putting putting his grubby hands on Ilitia until the day he dies.
Back at Netty’s Brandon explains to Gladi that the beating was because of a woman. Ilitia walks through the perpetually unlocked door and has to see Brandon.
Eman goes on a rant about how Vicky and Jorrid have been lying to them all. Yeah sure Mari will show up, but Vicky will find some new excuse why Mari’s not there blah blah blah. He gets teary-eyed and whines that Jorrid loves Vicky, but never like Eman loved her. Yawn. I'm amazed that with all the good scenes that get cut the continue to leave in the endless drivel from these two.
Paula fills Gretel in about Fedra wanting to toss Vicky’s stuff but Emiliano stopped her. OK cute mother/daughter filler. Alone, Gretel vows that she will continue to investigate and find proof of what Fedra did to uncle. If she does I hope she doesn’t trash it like last time.
Kristel and Nereida have invited Alfredo over for a command performance. They gleefully shoo him upstairs so that Axel can find him alone with Delicia. What, she’s just hanging around in bed crying?
Guess so. Alf stumbles through the door, they have unfinished business. He jumps on top of her and starts humping just as Axel comes through the door with a sneer on his face. “You didn’t waste any time getting your lover over here!” What is wrong with these men? Can he not see she’s traumatized? He leaves her at the mercy of the creep and even stands outside the door listening to her plaintive cries for help. Whoever wrote this scene should be shot. No way will they try to redeem him, will they? Whoever said Delicia is in for a life of sorrow with this loser is right, she should never forgive him.
Unbelievably, Jorrid happens by, hears her cries and asks “isn’t that your wife?” Axhole stalks off and Jorrid blasts through the door, “get your hands of her or I’ll break your face”. Hands on, fist in face, Alf takes a tumble, and Jorge, no longer Jorrid, soothes the victim, she’s safe now.
Gladi tries to protect her cub from the woman who is ruining his life but Brandon excuses her. He and Ilitia compare wounds. She tears up at the sight of his bruises and bloody shirt but he tells her she’s a hypocrite. It’s his fault for thinking a girl like her would love a guy like him. Now get out forever. For reals, she says? OK then poli, I’m outta here. She tries one more time to tell him about his baby but “Goodby forever” he says.
Delicia thanks Jorge but says she’s not fine. She has a big pain in her heart courtesy of Axhole. Jorge says he knows how she feels. Dude, really? He said he lost the love and understanding of Marianela. She reminds him that he lied about having the Luis Felipe documents. He wants Dee to help him to tell Mari he’s sorry, that everything he’s done has been to protect her. He loves her more than anything else in this world, boo hoo. Then he turns away and gets a weird expression. Is it pain, gas or sneaky Jorrid back to his old tricks? The latter I’m thinking.
Back to our gruesome twosome, Fedra and Lowman. She says no way will Ilitia end her pregnancy. He says she has to understand how repugnant he finds it. Fed says it’s just a baby, chill. He says sooner or later the truth sees the light. She says they’ve kept their secret hidden for 20 years so there, adios.
Later that night Emi and Bernardo stand outside the blech pad planning how Emiliano will confront Lowrenzo. Bern votes for strangling and warns Emi that Low is dangerous. Emi refuses Berns’ gun.
Manly knock at the door. Low sees a pissed off Emi and tries to slam shut. Too late, “Good Evening...Francois!”
Oh gawd, back at the dreary jail of endless barbaridades. Vicky is telling Eman how can he believe his ma after all the crap she’s pulled with the family? He’s a mama’s boy wimp. What about you, he retorts? You used me like a puppet for your purposes. I believed in you and what did you do? Abandon me like always. You used Jorge for your damned vengeance. At last I’m not confused, it’s clear and I know exactly who you are. You are Marianela, you came here to avenge yourself against us and to break my heart again.”My name is Victoria de la Gartha!” she insists. Liar a thousand times a liar he wails. You came to make me fall in love with you again so you could destroy me and abandon me. Why Mari? Why? Good grief will this wailing ever end? No, not for a couple of weeks at least.
At last a scene change. Low pulls his gun and Emil calls him a coward. Accusations and admissions and excuses. Emiliano yells that Low is the lowest of the low (we know!), having affairs with both mother and daughter. Yeah, well that was a grave error and won’t be repeated, assures Low. Emiliano threatens that he will kill Low like a dog if he ever steps foot in their house again. Low reminds Emi they are family. Low pushes the gun in Emiliano’s face and grabs an envelope, “Fedra has fooled me too, check it out”. Emil puts on his glasses (how cute) and Low admits to him that Kristel’s not Emi’s daughter, but his own.
Gretel rifles through Jorrid’s room looking for the documents about Luis Felipe.
Fedra comes home, pours a drink of course, and finds Jorge cogitating in a comfy chair. He tells her she’ll regret messing with him. He’s going to bring back the investigation into Luis Felipe and Vicky also knows what’s in those documents, Juana Felipa Pereth. Oh, and he had an interesting conversation with Emi and told him that she has been Low’s lover all this time. See, he’s going to tell all her secrets, good night!
Emi reads the docs and growls it’s not possible that Kristel is Low’s. He grabs Low and they fight over the gun. Gripes, gnashing of teeth and Emi punches Low a good one. Low accuses it’s all Emiliano’s fault, how could he marry a woman he just found on the beach? Emi starts to strangle Low but relents. He’s s stronger strangler than Fedra judging by Low’s hacks.
Gretel’s now searching Jorge’s closet and of course he enters but followed by Fedra, should be interesting. She locks the door and they start to reveal everything. She screams give me the docs about Luis Felipe and he retorts OK when Vicky gets out of jail. She starts in with “they’re same person” but he denies it saying get ready cuz Mari’s gonna come walking through the door.
Fedra wants the docs NOW. “What will you throw me through the window like Poor Luis?” he yips. She knees him in the nuts and starts strangling him for reals. Gretel has her flashback to uncle's death. She runs out and jumps on mom, leaping on her like a wild animal. Jorge is saved, but his throat is bright red. Azela really gets into her roles.
Fedra leaps up with “What were you doing in the closet? Why is there always someone coming out of the closet?” (Joke I think) Big yelling scene, Jorge demanding Fedra leave, Fedra pointing to Gretel “yeah leave”, Jorge yelling that Mari’s coming and Fedra will get a special invite, Fedra ranting about Mari and Vicki being the same, and Gretel insisting that Fedra will be the one who ends up in the nuthouse. (Foreshadowing?) Fedra leaves and Jorge appreciates Gretel’s help but what was she doing in the closet?
Gretel explains that she was searching because he lied to Mari, he has the documents. Jorge whines he did it to protect Mari, everything he has done has been for her. Gretel tells him the result is that he ended up being in league with Fedra. He swears he wants to help Mari get her inheritance that was his only motifation. He gets all weepy again the jorrid little rat. Gretel believes him, the dummy. Kiss on the cheek and nasty rat-face. Yep, he’s Jorrid, tells himself he’s got Delicia and Gretel on his side, now he just needs Doris.
Netty’s trying on the fat suit while Doris makes last minute repairs and adjustments. Netty tells Doris that Jose Maria turned out to be Fedra’s lover from years ago and tomorrow morning she’s going to talk to him about Fedra’s parents.
Mau and Kristel go visit Eman in jail. Eman’s not happy. They are also there to tell him that Vicky and Mari are the same. Mau tells Eman that Victoria took him to bed to try to turn him against the RYdT family. As absurd an accusation as that is, the RYdT gene (Fedra's side I'll bet) holds strong and Eman believes him.
Tio and Emi discuss Eman’s serious situation. Emi says there’s something else on his mind, he fears that one of his kids really isn’t his. Tio says it pains him to have to tell Emi the truth...
Jose Maria admires his big, gigantic...shiny knife. What did you think I was going to say? Netty brings him a cup of tea and wants to chat him up. He wants an intimate conversation, one about love. He hasn’t had love for 27 years and he’s ready to start with her. Ooooh, a kiss, but weird that he’s still got that big knife.
Eman asks Vicky how many times with Mau did it take? Ilitia and Low arrive and Eman says jail’s been hell. (For us too Eman.) Low proceeds to accuse Vicky of taking Ilitia to the clinic for her abortion. QUE?!? Vicky denies it and Ilitia smirks. Ilitia says “Everything my lying sack of s**t dad says is true.” OK I paraphrased. Vicky tells Eman no way would she have anything to do with Mau after he raped Iliitia; oopsie, cat’s out of the bag. Eman yowls and Ilitia reluctantly fesses up. Tell the truth for the first time in your life, hisses Vicky. “OK, Victoria told Mauricio to do it to try to stop our marriage, so there!” snips Ilitia. She smiles at Vicky before departing. Eman wails “Mari what kind of a monster have you turned into?” Mutual glaring and thank goodness we’re done for the night.
And in conclusion let me say...DR. CHELATINA WE MISS YOU!!!
Tomorrow: Emiliano confronts Fedra with Kristel’s DNA. Buttinsky Vicky confronts Chema. Marianela returns.
Only saw 175 so far and love your recap so far Sylvia. Keeping fom reading recap176 till I watch.
ReplyDeleteI love your rhyming description of Ax-hole.
after watching Cap. 175 I have realized that Eman/MariVick & Ax-hole/Delicia storyline are straight out of a Harlequin romance novel, and a bad one to boot; which is sad cause I Love Harlequins.
Awesome recap Sylvia and thanks for adding the deleted scenes as well. What a downer of an episode with little to no comedic moment’s in-between the drama.
ReplyDeleteMari got back what she has dished out all these months since she return to Mexico with a huge chip on her shoulder. Even after being busted out by Fedra, she still insists on lying to Eman while crying pathetically. I wonder if the writers wrote this because of audience feedback that Mari isn't a very sympathetic character. Either way, I was glad to see Eman not letting her off the hook easy for her lies and deceit. His beloved gordita hermosa has turned into a monster indeed. In the previews I saw, Mari puts back on the fat suit for more fun and games.
Axel-hole was a complete a$$ to Delicia. First, he sweet talks her to get in bed then treats her like a one-night stand afterward. Then, he stands at the door and listens while Al attempts to rape her again. Ugh. I don't know how the writers will redeem him after this. He's every bit Fedra's son and a bit of a sadist if you ask me. At least Jorge came to her rescue even though he's using the situation to try to get back into her good graces as well as Gretel's.
Like you Sylvia, I was glad when the hour was up. Hopefully, we'll have more comedic moments to counter the tense moments in the next episode.
Sylvia thanks for enduring these episodes and writing this recap. My goodness, you really summed it up: "Those who were good are now bad, those who were bad are now worse, or maybe they’re good. It’s hard to tell in this upside down world that’s full of lies and liars."
ReplyDeleteReading this was nauseating enough. I don't think I have the strength to watch this nightmare. It's too bad it's too late to bring out a real galan for Dee. I may have to coast the rest of the TN with you all on recap only mode 'cause this is just too much horror.
Thanks Pirate Babe and Karen. I really feel like I took one for the team tonight.
ReplyDeleteMari is such a compulsive liar will she ever be able to tell the truth? She is truly not much of a heroine. And Axel...I'm speechless. I will not be cheering if he manages to get Delicia back. Jorge, as jorrid as he is, at least he looked truly outraged when he discovered Dee's situation.
This particular episode was tough to endure, even for a terminally optimistic Pollyana like me.
Sylvia you did take one for the team and I thank you. The thing that makes these shows so much fun is the community we build around them so when the bad moments come (and unfortunately between compression and moving shows around let alone horrid turns in the script they come more often than not.) Thank goodness we can commiserate and laugh about this madness as we learn Spanish :)
ReplyDeleteAlso thanks for your kind words from Judy's thread. Like your sister, I have more paper for the weekend.
You're so right. It's the community and laughing at the craziness that makes it all worthwhile. Sometimes I think I'm not learning fast enough but when I first started recapping there was no way I would have been able to watch episodes online and recap, so I guess I am learning something. Plus about twenty ways to tell someone to get out, plus about thirty ways to call someone stupid, all handy stuff.
ReplyDeleteSylvia, what have they done to our sweet little show? You did a marvelous job recapping but they gave us very little to celebrate last night. Once again, I only watched what Univision served up so I really appreciate your expanded version... I think.
ReplyDeleteThank goodness for Jorge. Quite some time ago I called Axel a disgusting little puke... I was being too kind. What a twerp. I can't imagine he and Delicia together now under any circumstance. Right now, that rat's nest on his head is his best feature.
I did get one chuckle out of what was shown last and that was from all people... Lorenzo. He told Emi that Fedra married him for the name and social position and that of course he (Lo)... er... uh...provided the other positions.
Also, after Gretel saved Jorge from Fedra, Jorge told Fedra to get out and Ferdra turned to Gretel and said, "¿Oiste?"
At least you had the power supply alarm to distract you. For me Emanuel's incessant moaning was my own personal icepick.
The whole compressed thing was like a trip through the looking glass aided by some very bad mushrooms. Thank goodness for the sweet reliability of that maniac Bernarda in the show that followed (TdA).
Sylvia: You are truly a gifted writer. While you related all of the night's heinous events, you skimmed rather than strode over the grisly details. You managed a carefully modulated tone and your great care to capture, but not dwell on the sordid details was amazing.
ReplyDeleteMost of my favorite lines were Jorrid related: "...stews and steams and swears", "Jorge, no longer Jorrid", "Oh gawd, back at the dreary jail of endless barbaridades" and "nasty rat-face". :)
Pirate Babe, I also thought last night that Axel is truly his mother's son. I suggest Fedra and Low bring him along on their inevitable trip to hell. Depending on how this concludes, I see a long stay in purgatory at a minimum.
Delicia's cries were simply pitiful and very hard to watch. That said, Karen, I hope you continue to stay with us, not much more to go and things can't possibly get worse (can they??)
Carlos "For me Emanuel's incessant moaning was my own personal icepick". :) Thank you! Your always witty comments were especially welcome this morning.
With this rush to the final, I can't fathom why Mari's hideous fat suit is making another appearance. One step forward and six steps back.
I can't see past Axel's actions to comment on anything else other than to say Dr. Chelatina, where the hecak are you??
Sylvia, thank you for soldiering on to do this wonderful 2 hour recap, despite your computer issues.
Dear Sylvia,
ReplyDeleteI almost called you yesterday to commiserate about the wretched episodes you had to recap. And your "whoever wrote this scene should be shot" was perfect.
Writing a scene of emotional and physical abuse of a young innocent like that was truly disgusting. And clearly now our favorite young romance has no chance whatsoever.
They have ruined this show for me.
You managed to pull it off with typical Sylvia wit, though, and I like your Ax-hole better than my Axel-hole. Better flow.
"Jail of endless barbaridades" perfect. And Eman saying jail was hell "for us too, Eman". How true! Those scenes seemed to last an eternity.
And Azela's energetic throttling of her co-stars...yes, indeed! I still remember how Lorenzo's face turned bright red when she strangled him and while I missed Jorge's red neck, clearly the actress means business (some scores to settle perhaps? things can get tense on the set sometimes)
If I weren't on the team, I would stop watching this right now. As it is, I'll see it through to the end but I am totally disgusted with the Axel-Delicia storyline. And even have the jorrible doubt that Jorge might have just walked on by if he hadn't needed Delicia's support to win back Marianela's and her money. There WAS a rather significant hesitation before he stepped in.
Thanks for not throwing your hands up in despair and chucking your turn our the recap. Most appreciated.I was watching online with earphones as my son was watching basketball and he finally said, after listening to my griping, "Gees mom, turn it off if it makes you that mad".
ReplyDeleteIf it wasn't I only had this laptop for one week I would thrown it off my balcony during that whole Axel-hole scene. What they hey? They took one of the most sympathetic characters and turned him into pond scum. Lord help us, they will throw Dee and Axel togther at the end of this thing, but she doesn't deserve that future and he should be thrown under the bus. Rant over.
Love seeing my Cesar on a tear - these scenes with Low are fun. At this point, I'm still watching to see Fedra get hers in all her nastiness, what happens to Chema, and getting Brandon and Ilitia together. I feel too bad for Eman, words cannot express. MV is a total dreck and watching the lovey-dovey that will happen at the end will almost be tough to watch. (Though I love Valentino).
Can I also say, as creepy as Jorge is, there's parts of what he's doing you want to cheer. He does, at this point, seem to be the catalyst to get the secrets out. Doing what MV has not been able to do all this time. And he did rescue our dear Dee, no matter motive. So he may be a "villian", but more of a smuck who can get redeemed. Honestly, he's better off without MV anyway.
Chins up recappers...maybe things will get fun or better soon.
I am so done with Axel. Just when I thought he couldn't sink any lower, he did. He is so low he'd have to reach up to touch bottom. A true son of Fedra. Maybe he'll get hit by a bus on his way to the Young Oxygenwaster's Club. One can only hope.
Sylvia- My blood pressure was going up just reading your recap about Ax-hole's (thanks for that) antics with Dee. How did the, otherwise gifted (great/sharp dialogue, particularly from the villains), writers turn the sweetest tn romance I have ever seen into a nightmarish abusive relationship? For what purpose?! So glad I didn't watch. Thanks for taking one, er two, for the team Sylvia.
ReplyDeleteI did go back and watch Chelatina's antics from Wed. I could not stop laughing. LOL! S/He is hands down the best part of the show right now.
Hey Sylvia. Regarding Emil and MV you said "I'm amazed that with all the good scenes that get cut the continue to leave in the endless drivel from these two."
ReplyDeleteMy sentiments exactly. I say the same thing to myself every time I hear them have that same argument over and over again.
Sylvia, thank once again for helping us make sense of this TN.
ReplyDeleteAxel has to be Lo's offspring. Last night he was acting exactly like him. We know that at least one of Fedra's children must be Lo's. After last night there was no doubt in my mind that it was Axel. I agree with Diana that he join his parents on that road trip to hell.
As I stated on the Eva Luna blog, this must be near the end, we are all getting callous in our comments. The only parts I look forward to are Emil lighting into Fedra and of course, Dr. Chelatina.
Rosemary: I bet you're right! Axel as Low's son. So, he'll be joining his parents in hell. Truly befitting.
ReplyDeleteGreat observation - Diana
So Axel turns out to be another rapey-snake. Ye gods!!
ReplyDeleteSylvia, I hope you are able to nurse your emotional wounds from these two jorrible epithodes. You did such a bang-up job, just sorry you had to take such a huge hit for us all.
This went from a fun lighthearted (mostly) show to awfulness with lightening speed, drat! Paging Dra. Chelatina, come save our collective sanity.
Good morning everyone. Ah...I feel much better after a good night's sleep and a night of relative silence. I finally got the alarm to stop last night. And thank goodness I posted early, while fiddling around with the backup battery I managed to bugger up the wireless router and couldn't get it back up until 9:00 last night which is when I finally watched the aired version!
ReplyDeleteCarlos, a huge thank you for sharing Lo's wisecrack with us. I knew he was saying something funny but I was growing weary of listening hard. I agree, last night's show was like a very bad trip but thankfully there were some fun moments. Fedra and Lowrenzo never fail to please; none of their scenes together should be cut.
Diana, thank you for your always kind and encouraging words. I really think the writers have gone off the deep end with this one. It probably wouldn't feel so bad if they weren't forcing us to cram two episodes into one. Except for the Ax-hole that is, that just feels wrong.
Judy, I would still keep watching this show even with the recent weird twists. I'm curious how in the world they are going to redeem MarVicky. I do want to see Ilitia and Brandon get together. I hope very much that Muneca and Fidel end up together, also Emiliano and Netty. I want to see Fedra, Lowrenzo and Mauricio get theirs. I'm curious about the fates of Kristel, Jorge and Nereida as they could go either way. I guess that Oliver and Gretel will end up together although at this point I would be just as happy for him to end up with Doris or Delicia. I suppose they will try to redeem Axel but honestly I would be happier if he just hooked up with sleazy Lorena after all.
ReplyDeleteDaisy, you are right! It's fun to watch Emiliano finally open his eyes and man up to his life. I loved how Lowrenzo's gun-waving didn't affect Emiliano's rage at all. He just kept brushing the gun aside as if it were a pesky gnat. And good point about Jorge. He is a sort of catalyst the way he enlisted Bernardo's help to convince Emiliano about Fedra. He has his own agenda but at least he's blurting out the truth now and then. As Carlos said, thank goodness for Jorge, he saved our little dove.
ReplyDeleteBelinda, I like your style. Let's keep our fingers crossed that Axel gets hit by a bus soon before he has a chance to repent.
Caborita, clearly we all agree with you about the insistent inclusion of the boring Eman/Vicky conversations. Like Carlos said, his own personal ice pick.
Judy, I almost called YOU yesterday. I was agog at what I was watching.
Amen Sylvia...sleazy skank Lorena is just the gal for Ax-hole. I'm in total agreement with you on that...and yes, it is intriguing to see how they're going to redeem these characters. But having to take and recap double doses of the present horror is very tough. You did an admirable job, amiga.
ReplyDeleteI warned Kris, by the way, of what she'll be facing this weekend with the current casserole strategy.
Rosemary, I think you are on to something about Low being Axel's dad! Brilliant observation. He must be the devil spawn of Fedra and Lowrenzo.
ReplyDeleteVivi, isn't it weird how the Axel/Dee story line took this bizarre wrong turn? As you say, for what purpose? It's just weird. Hey, I also saved the Chelatina episode so I could use it as a pick-me-up. Watching all the actors around her trying to keep a straight face always cracks me up.
Emilia, just what we needed, another rapey snake added to the pack. What is the collective noun for snakes anyway? We need to know it for this show. I hope you have sent your skillet tutorial to Delicia, she needs it ASAP.
Readers and writers, thanks for hanging in there.
Judy, I missed your comment. Thanks for giving Kris a heads up. You know, these double episodes wouldn't be so tough if the writers had maintained the clever and pleasant style that attracted us in the first place. Remember how dreary this show was at first? They have somehow gone full circle. The double hit of dreary mixed with the crap editing has made it tough for the viewers and for us, I agree.
ReplyDeleteFitting ends/pair ups:
ReplyDeleteFedra and Low kill each other, but have fantastic fun doing it
Bernardo and Mau get killed by Low and/or Fedra
Brandon and Ilitia and their baby
Eman and Doris
Mari and Vicky, and their baby (Hey, if MV can’t keep her two personalities straight, why should anyone else put up with them?)
Emil and Netty (only because she loves him so much, but he doesn’t deserve her)
Oliver and Dee (Gretel doesn’t deserve him right now, and wouldn’t he and Dee be so cute?)
Muneca and Fidel
Jorge and Kristel (they can smarm and scheme all over each other)
Gladiola and Chema (she needs some excitement)
Gretel and Jairo (the can do their journalism thing together)
Paula and Max (Max doesn’t deserve her)
Lic. Pacheco and Flora (He loves to eat/ she loves to cook.)
Loreana and Alfredo (a perfect match)
Great list Vivi!
ReplyDeleteI agree with most of your pairings but do think Oliver and Gretel belong together (despite her unfathomable belief in Kristal's evil machinations).
I still vote for Chema and Muneca (I don't think they've even met yet, am I wrong?) I like Fidel but he's been mostly a background character, they'll really have to flesh out the character to make that pairing believeable.
Adore Laura Flores. The constant eyelash fluttering would be annoying from any actress other than her. She is such a chameleon and totally engrossing in any role she plays. She always me smile!
I'll eventually put Oliver and Gretel back together in my mind. They really are great together. :) But if I was going to punish Axel for not believing his true love, when he knows Alfredo is a jerk, then I couldn't be totally lenient with Gretel for her behavior towards Oliver when she knows better than anyone what Lorena and her sister are like.
ReplyDeleteOnce Muneca finds out Fidel was Lirio's accomplice, she'll get all hot and bothered. She did early on when she suspected he was ELDP.
Vivi, I love it!! You've made me happier already.
ReplyDeleteBenigno can be with Angela the psychic; when they are together he seems to moon over her excessively. If Fidel doesn't pair up with Muneca then Angela can have him but I REALLY think Muneca and Fidel have what it takes to be happy together. Like you say, she loves to get hot and bothered over El Lirio.
Diana, I like Chema a lot, he's one of my favorite characters now, but I'm trying not to get too attached because they keep reminding us he's terminal, ugh. I think he will meet his maker performing a valiant deed.
Axel and Nereida deserve each other. After Dee dumps him Nereida will scheme and marry Axel for his money, but when Mari gets the fortune Axel will lose his inheritance and have to rely on Nereida's income to survive. They will both feel bitter and betrayed and take it out on each other forever. Wheee!
ReplyDeleteAndres will either starve himself to death or get out of his funk and become a famous AIDS activist. I choose the latter because he loves to be in front of the camera.
I love it Sylvia!!
ReplyDeleteWow Sylvia. I love the way your mind works. Nereida and Axel. Yikes! You could be writing this stuff, amiga.
ReplyDeleteI am still, literally, sick at heart over the sadistic ugly turn the writers have injected into our cherished little romance with Delicia. Remember the cute scene in Walmart when Axel, with Paula's help, kept wooing her over the loudspeaker? Now why did they have to go and ruin that? Sick sick sick making.
I'm an eternal optimist, so I'm hoping we'll find out that Axhole has a horrible brain tumor that's causing his hideous behavior and we'll be able to root for him again. Otherwise, I think Nereida is perfect for him...not only a servant, but even nastier than he's accusing sweet Delicia of being.
ReplyDeleteGreat recap, Sylvia. Thanks for powering through the difficulties.
Thanks a lot for the re-cap. I agree that this was not a great episode, and while telenovela conventions dictate that an innocent is destined to forgive and marry her seducer, I have no interest in seeing Axel being redeemed. Someone who stands idly by while anyone is being raped is complicit. The morally flexible Jorge looks like a galan compared to this egotistical coward, simply because he was able to see infer that a woman screaming for help was bad and investigated the situation. Axel knows that Alfredo was jealous, and Axel simply isn't worthy of Delicia. It looks like our salt of the earth police detectives and a Robin Hood ex-con are the real men on this show.
ReplyDeleteI don’t understand Fedra’s obsession with unmasking Marianella. Fedra is a known fraud and has no legal right to be on Marianella’s estate. Why is she so eager for Marianella to reveal herself, evict her, and bring her to justice?
Like everyone else, I'm sick of the Marianella and Emanuel issues. Crying through scenes is just poor acting and the writers should provide good performers with better material. I get the feeling the writers and actors are all tired of this drivel. As ratings-grabbing eye candy the principals are over-exposed with nothing useful, and other storylines are under-exposed. If we're bored with this, then imagine their having to rehearse and film it for hours.
I don't watch many telenovelas, but is it common for characters to be introduced and then written off for no reason? The show is wrapping, and I'm wondering whether you think Consuelo is returning or did the writers use a device to get rid of a character who was not properly developed.
Sylvia: Perfect!
ReplyDeletebitter and betrayed - Party of two!
Still laughing,
Vivi and Sylvia loved your endings for the show! Axel and Nereida is perfect!
ReplyDeleteJudy - I feel your pain. That's why I may have to end this one on recap only mode (or just FFF through episodes I've taped). Don't worry Diana, I enjoy you all much too much to leave now.
Anon @ 1:21pm - great analysis of the show and its shortcomings. I too wonder if Consuelo will return but I think they had to write her off (as they did Linda over on TdA) as her character was going no place.
Vivi, your list was brilliant!! So sad we know some of those won't happen. The way I feel about the character right now, I'd have Axel meet his maker too. He can be that one unpredictable character that bites the bullet noone saw coming. Be fine by me.
ReplyDeleteThe other horrid plot line I think is coming is having poor Doris wind up with egomaniac Andre. I'm sorry HIV or no, he's just not worth her devotion.
Wouldn't it be fun to have a TN where as we get to the end, viewerville gets to vote on the final couples and who gets to bite the dust as we get to close to the Ultimate Episodes. Then the writers have to write the script accordingly.
Anon, that's a terrific analysis, thanks for that. I will say that obsessions by their very nature don't make sense and I suspect it will be this very obsession which is Fedra's undoing. Gretel's comment that this could send Fedra to the nuthouse sounded prophetic to me. We'll see.
ReplyDeleteAs for Consuelo and her kid (who was key in earlier episodes), it is odd the way they just disappeared. I like both those actors and I like to think they got better offers and bailed. Apparently Marcela Páez (Consuelo) is a very busy dubber for TV and film. Check it out:
Marcela Páez
(I hope the link works, I don't do it very often.)
Daisy that's a terrific idea. We get to vote on the ending! (I'm still chuckling and the visual of you cursing the show and your son wondering what's up with mom.)
ReplyDeleteJulia, a brain tumor or some such medical ailment is really the only way to excuse Axel from his actions last night. Leave it to you to come up with the perfect out for him. I don't think the writers are nearly as clever as you are but let's keep our fingers crossed.
Agreed, Axel and Andres are losers. I'm picturing Kristel saying it in English and signing a big "L" on her forehead.
Vivi, I love your pairings. I say forget Gretel and Oliver but I would like to see Manolo and la Doctora Chelatina pair up.
ReplyDeleteAnon, I'm afraid that you've nailed Axel perfectly. I can forgive his insane jealousy and even that awful hair, but for him to stand by with Delicia was unforgivable by any standard.
I am ready to reward Jorge for his gallantry. Jorge, allow me to introduce you to Consuelo.
I meant to say:
ReplyDelete"...but for him to stand by with Delicia screaming like that was unforgivable...
Thank you Sylvia, for this brilliant recap of episodes I didn’t get to watch last night. And thank you JudyB for yesterday’s marvelous recap. My little dog broke a ligament in his leg yesterday, pobrecito, and it was a day of pain and suffering and the vet for him. He’s livelier today and surgery is scheduled in a week.
ReplyDeleteFabulous comments today too!
Cap'n Sylvia, I don't understand the fascination with Andres, either. It just seems like the kind nature of poor Doris is being manipulated to feel sorry for a guy who never gave her the time of day, while he chased his orange vixen Jackie around (Why was she so orange?! Surely there are better self-tanners in Mexico than those Mauricio and Jackie wear, or the capable hair and makeup artists can bronze them. Digression ended, but I thought that bore comment.). Thanks for the information on M. Paez. Considering the writers’ obsession with happy endings, I was hoping that she would return at the end to tell Brandon that she married someone and realized that she read too deeply into something that didn't exist, blah blah blah, but that may not happen.
ReplyDeleteI thought Nereida’s character was under-utilized. The jealousy at Delica’s romance is predictable, but I thought she was really going to take care of Bernardo for the death threats and being left half-naked in the cellar with rats for company. It might happen.
Daisynjay, I would like to see the writers pay more attention to the viewers' opinions as well. Esmas.com does post silly surveys (e.g., "Do you thing XYZ is expecting ABC's child?") but I don't think those results are used to influence the direction of the script. I doubt they have focus groups, but maybe there are message boards on esmas.com and someone in the writers' group is reading them. Well, perhaps not.
Like all of you, now that we're down to the last capitulos, we've invested too much time in this to walk away (even from bad editing) but I'd like to see one noble couple. As I mentioned earlier, I don't watch these often but I would like to see the noble characters end up in a great match and not a consolation prize.
Carlos, the possible pairing of Jorge and Consuelo is hilarious – in my mind’s eye, I picture his thinly veiled dismay at being introduced to a penniless single mother. Dra. Chelatina is welcome relief to a tired script – I’m tired of the drab disguises, costumes and drag (Manolo’s wig was horrible) in this series - but I think the entire cast welcomes the performance as something refreshing.
Hopefully tonight we’ll be (moderately) vindicated!
-Alison (a.k.a. anon @ 1:21 - I don’t have a Blogger account, and I forgot to add my name to my original post)
Maggie, I'm dismayed to hear about your poor little doggie. We have discussed before the angst we feel when our pets are in pain. Please let us know how it turns out.
ReplyDeleteAlison, thanks for letting us know. We have some regular Anons but it's nice to know that you are Alison. I actually prefer Gretel when she is Gman, horrible wig and all. It's not like anyone would actually fall for such a disguise, is it? Of course Chelatina is different. The actor manages to pull his act off nicely. Recently I listened to a Spanish tutorial from Spain, a video of everyday life of college students, and to my untrained ear Gretel executed the Spanish accent quite well with all her "vale vale" quips.
@Alison...thanks for that thoughtful analysis. A while back, someone said they thought the character of Consuelo was dropped because the actress was pregnant. But that was just supposition from the big floating tops she was wearing.
ReplyDelete@Daisynjay...sometimes they do pay attention to the audiences in Mexico who see it first. There was a telenovela some time ago where they offered alternate endings, depending on which galan the audience wanted the heroine to end up with. You could choose which finale you liked on the internet.
@Julia...brain tumor for Alex? How sweet of you to find an explanation for his dastardly change in character.
@Maggie...so sorry your pet went through a day of pain and suffering. I know you were suffering right along with him. Good thoughts and prayers for speedy healing.
Sylvia, my sons have both learned to ignore mom when she starts talking back to the TV. I'm horrible watching football, soccer and tennis too. But when I get just keep it too long, they usually suggest a "nice break" from the action. I will say, I did show him the replay of Oliver and his Dr. C imitation. As a voice performance and music major, who also has done musical theater, thought he'd appreciate it. He thought it was a big-time hoot and shared the video with some Facebook friends.
ReplyDeleteCarlos - not sure I would wish Consuelo on Jorge either. I know he's not a hero, but she was beyond annoying. I still go with Kristel - they are like two peas in a pod. She can do her spanglish at him and he can lisp away at her and they can create their own little world with their own little language.
"The whole compressed thing was like a trip through the looking glass aided by some very bad mushrooms." Carlos, that should be on the sidebar!
ReplyDeleteI've loved the discussion today. Wow, you guys are such thinkers!
Judy, tonight it's your guys against our guys, yikes!! (Ohio St. vs UK) I expect we'll get a drubbing. If its a blowout, Mike and I will probably go to bed and check the awful score tomorrow. We'll still love you, not to worry.
Hey, Sylvia, thanks so much for gutting this one out. Can't wait to see Marianela in her fat suit again doing her poor victim me shtick. Actually I'd rather not see this.
ReplyDeleteRe Axhole (love that!), he & Nereida will migrate to Miami. He'll attend law school and become a "Latin America Analyst" for Fox News with a mid-six figures salary. Eventually he'll have his own talk radio rant, er, show. He'll pay Nereida to get the hell out of his life which will suit her fine. Axhole will take up with a harem of chippies who wear leopard skin toreador pants w/ gold shoes.
Just my guess.
I read this recap yesterday and it made my eyes bleed. Well not exactly, but I fear this weekend my fingers will bleed. Bless you Capitana for hanging in there and with such grace and humour.
ReplyDeleteI've been updated on the wacky state of editing affairs by Uni these days...that's a new one, eh, we don't need this part or that part...and then the dismal state of our characters... Axhole? who knew? Indeed. And reading through all the characters with displeasing new nicknames, not boding well for a lightnearted novela experience. Oh dear, what happened?
Thanks again to all for hanging in there with these herculean attempts at covering everything including the parts we don't see. I will do my best but I admit I'm in the pod of folks who have a hard time hearing words clearly from the online video versions too so I beg a bit o' mercy (as if I haven't sought enough already). Captions are indeed my friends. And to think I watched the novelas for about 8 years and even started recapping not even knowing I could get captions! Now I am a slave. Anyway, I'll muddle through.
I did try out the online videos last night and it gave me a trojan, that apparently my McAfee attacked, so I should be ok, but if anyone has any tips to viewing and avoiding such dangers, feel free to share. Miss Judy did advise me of being careful what I may accidentally click upon.
Well, onwards and upwards .... can't go down much more...
Looks like Maggie will have a night off. No Llena de Amor on Monday.
ReplyDelete@Mike and Emilia...If Duke and Pittsburgh can be beaten, so can we. I'm as scared about the Buckeyes chances as you are about Kentucky. But regardless of what happens, you will always be my buddies.
I've been reading these recaps for a long time now, but never commented. To me, Ilitia is more of an annoying character than Mari is. I love her scenes with Brandon, but that is it. I don't get how she can have redemption, when she herself keeps digging her own hole. I was disgusted with what she said last night. Every time I start to like her character, she does something horrible. That's just my opinion, but those things make it hard for me to truly like her character. These 2 episodes were the ones I have least liked.
Jess, you're right. I got so long-winded I didn't bother to discuss ilitia. My only redeeming thought is, what more can be expected from from Lorenzo Porto Lopez's daughter? Ditto for Kristel. I'm off to watch the show. Good night, folks!
By Kristel, I refer to her behaviour, as we all know the "Kristel being Lorenzo's daughter" thing is Fedra's dirty trick. Sorry for the confusion in wording.
Sylvia, just got home and wanted to thank you for the fun, informative recap. I haven't been watching this one as much because it got so confusing with all the cuts but have been enjoying the recaps. All you recappers have been doing such a great job of including what is being cut. I really do appriciate it.
ReplyDeleteKris, I'll bet that's what destroyed my laptop, some gnarly virus from one of those sites. Which one do you think it was?
ReplyDeleteAfter yesterday's recap I've decided not to take it so darn seriously. I advise you to spend only the amount of time you want and no more.
Jess, yesterday's episodes were my least favorite too, no doubt about it.
Pata, I forgot to say HI. I kind of hope you didn't see yesterday's show. Best to skip right over it I think. I hope we get a ray of sunshine in tonight's episodes.
ReplyDelete@Jess...good to hear from you as well. When we only have a few comments we wonder if anybody is reading the recaps we work so hard to produce. Thanks for letting us know you're out there.
ReplyDeleteOh dear Sylvia,
ReplyDeletewell I just reviewed my McAfee report and it quarantined two files, one of which was a trojan, which is apparently a malicious program designed to operate on your computer, this one was called "general backdoor" something or other, which as near as I can tell from McAfee is an attempt at someone trying to get into my computer and steal personal information...it seems hopefully that this attempt failed and the virus protection got to it first. I sure as hell hope that's why McAfee gave me the warning and blocked execution of the file... I shut down my computer right awayso I wasn't on the net anymore. This all came from noseq. I will not use this site, instead I'll use the daily motion one...it probably is one of the extra bits on the noseq site like chat or an ad as Judy mentioned, but I'm not about to risk an accidental click on anything...I like my laptop too much...so sorry to hear yours has issues...
Shoot. I'm going to have to take my laptop to a computer doctor next week to see if it can be saved. Thanks for the info, it's a big help.
ReplyDeleteHi Kris. General Backdoor? Ouch. I hope that he hasn't been diddling with mt laptop. I'm looking forward to your recap this weekend.
ReplyDeleteThe more I think about the way Axel behaved, the more annoyed I become. I wonder if the writers realize how disgusting they have made him? I'm generally rather forgiving but I'm not sure anything short of sacrificing his life for Delicia is going to satisfy me.
Oh, Judy, your Columbus guys made our Lexington guys work for every point. Good nail-biting game.
ReplyDeleteFrom now on "JudyB" stands for JudyBlue. Just sayin'!
ReplyDeleteWell, you do have Bluegrass in your DNA as I recall, Judy Blue!