Capitulos 180-181
Lots of teasing going on in Capitulo 180. We think Emanuel's going to find out Victoria and Marianela are one, but he's too dense to figure out Netty's explanations. It also looks like Brandon could discover he's actually the father of Ilitia's baby. That too falls flat. There's always the hope that Chema has dragged Fedra off to Veracruz in order to drown her. Nope. We're left hanging on that one. Ax-hole hits a new low by bringing home Lorena and ordering Delicia to bring them a bottle of champagne. And alas, Consuelo has arrived back in town to weep, wail and storm over her son's mysterious illness.
Other than making our ears bleed, the plot progresses not one inch. No Zoloft on hand but I needed a lot of York Mint Patties to get through this one.
We start with nasty Vicky confronting Ilitia about her pregnancy. Is her inconvenient whelp the offspring of Mauricio? Is that why she thought of aborting? Ilitia accuses her of trying to upset her so she'll lose the baby. After all, that's the only obstacle to Vicky getting her hands on Emanuel. On the contrary, Eman is ready to divorce you as soon as the baby is born, sniffs Vicky. I'm the one who kiboshed the idea. So there.
Downstairs, Netty, snubbing Jorge, wants to drag Eman off for a cup of coffee so she can give him the straight story on the Marianela-Vicky confusion .
And back at the mansion, Oliver has reached the boiling point over Gretel's unfounded suspicions and rejections “Ya estuve suave!” (Enough!) You and your sister (Kristel) are both “chifladas” (crazies) and you'll be sorry for having treated me so badly over and over. He storms off and Gretel snivels into her mustache.
This scene takes place in the kitchen. A far worse scene develops in the salon where Kristel is insulting Delicia. The writers add to the misery by having a smug Ax-hole and even smugger Lorena swan in, arm in arm. He orders Delicia to get back into uniform and bring them a bottle of champagne so they can celebrate their “luna de miel” in their room. Kristel is entranced with his new macho attitude. Wowzers, he's as much of a bad-ax as her Mauricio. The jab falls somewhat flat when Lorena finds out he's actually married to De; Ax-hole bleats that mommy dearest is going to help him annul his ill-chosen marriage but Lorena is out of there in 2 seconds flat. Leaving Ax-hole to pronounce he's off for a night of drinking and whoring like any husband who's tired of his wife. Another lovely scene.
Switch to the cantina where Netty's doing her darndest to make Emanuel understand Marianela and Victoria are one and same person. He looks so dopey the whole time we have no problem believing he doesn't get it. And remains stuck on the idea that he's a faithless bounder for being in love with two different women at the same time.
Now onto the boarding house kitchen. Brandon appears to be making himself a mayonnaise sandwich (what about that six-pack son!) while he and Jorge admit neither likes the other. But they're willing to join forces to keep Eman from Vicky/Mari. Yawn.
At La Mala Noche, Lorenzo, Mauricio and Bernardo are clueless about what happened to Fedra. But here's the 411. Chema has hauled her back to Veracruz and has her installed in a “pocilga” (dump) of a motel while they spar back and forth about their life goal's. What has he achieved with all his high-falutin' morals and virtues...poverty, misery. Nothing else. Whereas she has raked in social standing, a mansion plus a ton of money.
No indeed. Chema has a clear conscience and sleeps like a baby at night. Whereas Fedra....Changing tack, she tries seduction, and when that fails, opines that he must have picked up some creepy sex habits in jail if he doesn't like women anymore. Chema throws some coins at her and says he doesn't have enough cash for her company. Point taken.
Brandon is on task. Right after his chat with Jorge, he cozies up to Vicky and suggest they both cure their broken hearts by starting anew together. And moves in for a kiss. Which the returning Eman and Netty see. The usual blahblahblah about how Vicky is Eman's mujer, love of his life and vice versa. If she's kissing Brandon, it's only to make him jealous.
Upstairs Gladiola overhears Muñeca chastising Ilitia for being in the room of the father of her baby. Classic Cara Impactada as Glad realizes she's about to be a granny. And then the vow that she must hide this knowledge from Brandon at all costs. Because if Fedra finds out he's the biological father she'll kill him.
We've moved from blahblah to fisticuffs and strangling as Brandon and Eman continue to wrangle over the very dubious prize of Vicky. Glad charges down with a pistol to break up the fight and bust everybody out of there, starting with Ilitia. Jorge plays peacemaker, negotiates that Ilitia will stay, Eman will leave and Vicky lays her annoying head on Jorrible's shoulder thanking him for his help. Glad meanwhile begs Brandon to forget Ilitia forever. As if Glad! Sorry.
An endless scene follows of Chema dragging Fedra over the sand. Lots of flailing, lots of leg, a glimpse or two of Chema's love handles, confessions of homicidal intentions but also confessions that indeed Emanuel is Chema's son.
Much more fun to see Ilitia reeling Brandon back in with her convenient belly pains and need for affection. He's cozied up and spoon-feeding her, soothing every little twinge as they speculate about how he'd treat her if HE were the father. You'd take off running, right? queries Ilitia. No, I'd be the happiest man on earth,” sighs Brandon, moving in for a kiss.
Dang. Beso interruptus. As they so often are. Glad storms in and wants to know what's up. Is that kiss “postre” (dessert) or “digestif” (after-dinner liqueur purported to help digestion)? Jeez. Moms can be such a drag, can't they? I was sure hoping for a little sugar after all the tedium and nastiness of this episode but it was not to be.
So back to the beach. Our chubby little Chema has finally gotten Fedra into the waves (have to admire the actors for this long involved scene. And certainly hope it was filmed during warm weather) while screaming that he's going to free his son of this garbage once and for all. Fedra's doing her own screaming. While admitting that she'll never stop trying to kill him, she shrieks that she sure doesn't want to die herself.
Well, Death comes lurking back at the boardinghouse. Cue the return of Consuelo and Javier. He's dying. Nobody knows why. Lots of screaming and shrieking although Javier looks quite chipper himself. Ready to partake of Netty's breakfast and full of questions about el Lirio de Plata, his very own hero.
Final scene: Chema pulls Fedra down under the waves. (Don't get your hopes up kids. She lives to wreak havoc another day.)
So, the big news and take-away message from the second episode is that Axel is also illegitemate. Kristel is the only daughter carrying Emiliano's genes (hardly a testimonial). Second takeaway message: Ilitia is falling for Brandon now that she has a chance to observe his tenderness, not only in caring for her, but also his nobility in taking on Javier's medical bills and care. All good signs for a Happy Ending with those two.
We begin this episode with Ilitia blithely dismissing her mother's concerns about her and Brandon. And don't worry about Emanuel. I can handle him. Which she does.....Not. A phone call with a cajoling “I miss you baybeee” is blown off by an “I'm sure your lover Brandon is taking care of you just fine.” Click. “ He hung up on me!,” gasps Ilitia.
Well, that was satisfying. We have to take our pleasures where we can in this arduous slog. Now back to the mansion.
All the usual suspects are assembled-- the family (including a hungover Ax-hole)and the hangers-on, with Lorenzo and Bernardo fretting about Fedra's disappearance. And lo, appeareth our Capitán with a damp, bedraggled Fedra in tow, proclaiming that IT'S TIME YOU ALL KNOW WHAT KIND OF WOMAN THIS FEMALE IS.
Other than dropping the bomb that “one of you does not carry Don Emiliano's blood” and that Lorenzo is Fedra's lover, Chema's big reveal ends up being nothing. Between Fedra's fainting, Bernardo's pleas and dopey Emanuel's barking that he doesn't want to hear a thing, Chema never reveals that Fedra is actually Juana Felipe, professional whore. What a letdown. Eman does chastise Kristel for being involved with Lorenzo, knowing he was shagging Mamita (Do you have cereal instead of brains!?) but still and all a big nothing of a scene.
So let's switch to another crisis, shall we? Javier's mysterious illness. Lots of shots of scary medical procedures, drawing blood, rotating tables, MRI's and worried-looking docs. Balanced out by a waiting room full of hysterical naco buddies and Consuelo wailing “No puede ser's” etc. Sum total: Javier has a brain tumor. Surgery necessary. Alternative therapies won't work. Expensive. Consuelo has no money. Brandon will find the cash somehow (a case for el Lirio de Plata perhaps?). Because that's how naco folk handle it. Small pockets but big hearts. And they stick together. Consuelo has the bad taste to carp because it's just friendship, not luuuuve that motivates Brandon's generosity. But other than that, a good scene showing that poor folk are the salt of the earth contrasted with certain selfish vile trashy rich folk. Got that?
Back at the mansion, the vile trashy rich folk are in a tizzy. Ax-hole is definitely worried that he's the Lorenzo blowby. Paula meanwhile scurries down to the basement, convinced that Emiliano knows Gretel is her and Tio Max's bebita and that she'll be run off. (Over my dead body, thunders Max. We can but hope.) Emanuel broods and worries, sure that his papa knows he's actually the son of José Maria Sevilla. And Kristel breaks out in hives just thinking of how her social standing would plummet if anyone learned she were illegitemate. Yikes. Serious problemo for our fresa.
Mientras tanto, Fedra has actually landed right where she wants to be. In her old haunt, the mansion master bedroom. Emiliano wants her and Lorenzo out of there but Axel nixes that. He wants to hear the truth about his parentage. Right now!
Now as another recapper said....How do you know when (Fedra) is lying?
When her lips are moving.
So why do these people expect a straight answer? I know, I know..don't ask. Just plod on. Fedra awakens just in time to insult Axel. You're such a mediocre waste, you couldn't possibly be Lorenzo's son, she sniffs. You clearly take after my wimp of a husband.
Emanuel, worried about Emiliano, knocks on his door. Marianela softly pleads with him to let papa be. He needs to be alone right now. (I'm finding both Mari and Vicky insufferable right now, aren't you? Or do I just need some more York Mint Patties?)
Or maybe Chema needs 'em. Though I think he'd prefer tequila. He's at the cantina with Bernardo and plenty chapped about how things played out. Eman rejected him! How could that be!? Blood of my blood and all that! Clearly the blame is with Bernardo who took both his woman and his son away from him and ended up the toadying watchdog of this homicidal whore. You wanted me dead, Bernardo, so you could have my woman. You always loved her! Yes, stammers Bernardo, but platonically. (yeah, right). Chema wants nothing more to do with his old bud, but as Bernardo slinks out, he reminds the Capitán that he still needs him....and he'll always need him. Chema sinks a little lower over the table and meditates on his life mission: to “luchar” for his son's love.
Back to annoying Marianela. She's still consoling Emanuel with the usual drivel about how Emiliano is her true father...he was there for his first steps, cared for him when he was sick, cheered for him in his races etc. Nothing can break those bonds of love. Right, sniffs Emanuel. And I want José Sevilla out of my life. Forever.
Okay. Eman wants Chema out of his life. Not gonna happen. Emiliano wants Fedra out of his house. Not gonna happen either. She refuses to leave and Emiliano barely manages to get Lorenzo to skedaddle. Recouping his dignity though, he orders Fedra to clean up, take a bath and dress herself like an alleged lady. Then meet him downstairs for a family conference.
Time to goose the plot a little. We're back at the boardinghouse. Brandon and Javier are on the couch chatting about el Lirio de Plata (Jav thinks he's “valiente but Brandon runs a close second) and worrying about the big pain in little Javier's head. Not to worry, sez our naco poli, I'll get the money for the operation and you'll be right as rain. Ilitia, overhearing this, melts as she considers that this third-rate barrio boy has a heart so big his barrel chest can't hold it. Cue the bridal suite...this gal's a goner!
The family conference looks more like a nest of vipers with each child sniping at the other, implying bastard status. Kristel's sure it's not her or Mom wouldn't have let her get involved with Low. Must be that psycho Gretel who was born on the wrong side of the blanket. Gretel points out that Kristel and Ilitia are spittin' images...sisters for sure. Benigno, Delicia, Jorge and Marianela are ordered out but not before Benigno plants a not so hidden microphone on the credenza. Which is discovered immediately. As Paula, Max and Benigno rev up the equipment in the basement and prepare to listen, Emiliano thunders that if Tio wants to know what's going on, he'll have to come upstairs. And click. Fedra arrives finally, looking quite swank and unrepentant in a plunging neckline dress. Got to give her props for resilience. She's like one of those plastic clowns that just keeps bouncing back no matter how many times it's blasted.
Jorge's back at the agency with a somewhat more chastely dressed Jacqui and the magic envelope giving her health status. She assumes he'll lie for her and leave André in fear for his life. He will not. Never agreed to. And invites André and Doris in to hear the presumeably good news that Jacqui is perfectly healthy.
Except she's not.
Our slut model is indeed HIV positive. So ditto for André. Lots of no no's and no puede ser's. Now who will come alongside Jacqui like Doris has for André? Or is this another case where the woman in a telenovela gets treated much worse than a man? Stay tuned. I'm totally bored with this side story.
The episode concludes with a big smarmy scene of all the children, led by Emanuel, clustering around Emiliano vowing that they are ALL his children and ever shall be. He, in turn, tearfully assures them that he loves them like crazy and forever, their virtues, their defects, their whole being. Little worm Axel still carps that he needs to know the truth about his parentage. And Fedra sneers that Emiliano can drop the whole Noble Padre act. After all he had his own dalliance with that cheap actress Netty Pavon.
Yes, but Netty is THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, thunders Emiliano.
Well, Lorenzo is the Love of MY Life, snaps Fedra.
Internet previews: Fedra reminds Emi that she's not leaving this house and she'll take him for every dime in a divorce. Emi vows that he'll leave Fedra just as he found her on the beach—nude and penniless.
Emanuel begs Ilitia to tell him the truth. Is she in love with Brandon and is he the father of her child? Ilitia's lips are about to move. And how do we know when she's lying?.....
Dicho of the Day
Hacer(le) de chivo los tamales a alguien. Lit. to put goat meat in someone's tamales. Fig. To be unfaithful to someone.
Sooo....who's the goat meat in Emiliano's tamales? Looks like it's Axel, Emanuel and Gretel. Only Kristel carries his blood. And of course Emanuel has some Brandon goat meat in his tamales as well. Like Father, like stepson.
Big question: Is there goat meat in Marianela's tamales? And is so, whose?
Loved the recap Judy. I'm with you that this episode was another downer. I watched the Uni version and didn't see any of the Consuelo/Javier scenes, Ax-hole/Lorena/Delicia scenes,or the Doris/Andre/Jacqui scenes.
ReplyDeleteSo Eman rejected his father and wants nothing to do with him. I'm with you Judy that that won't be happening anytime soon. I too am beyond fed up with MariVicky. We all know they will end up together in the end per the novela rules but I can't help but to think Eman is getting the short end of the stick.
Overall, Fedra was pretty much the only shining moments in this episode(s). AR's acting as usual was stellar.
Leftover comment from last night: I love it how whenever Fedra says Jose Maria Sevilla's name she spits afterward. Nice touch that.
ReplyDeleteVile trashy rich folk. OK, I've got it.
Agreed, Brandon makes an odd sandwich. He ate all the turkey first, then put mayo on the bread. But aha, he didn't actually take a bite of the bread, hence the awesome six-pack?
I like how Eman called Brandon, "Brandon Moreno muy moreno", knowing it would really bug Ilitia. He's quite a brat. Nevertheless she's got it bad, heh. Like you said Judy, cue the bridal suite.
Judy, fantastic recap of a somewhat "meh" episode. LOVE the dicho. That's a keeper for sure.
As Pirate Babe said, Fedra was the shining star in this episode. And your recap was the shiningest of all. Thanks Amiga. Awesome screen shots too. You really captured all the best moments. Ilitia and Brandon were my favorites.
Thanks to Maggie and Julia for your marvelous recaps of Tuesday's episodes.
ReplyDeleteJudy, as Pirate Babe noted, the Univision recap showed only a fraction of the action (perhaps mercifully so). Thrilled to have missed the Ax-hole scenes who gets more loathsome with each passing day.
I digress...Your pictures were perfection. The recap was sensational - smart and sassy despite the "arduous slog". I laughed at "Gretel snivels into her mustache" and "beso interruptus" was another of my favorite lines. Thank you for doing such a wonderful job summarizing both hours. I admire all of the LdA recappers for all their efforts to descipher all of the compressed events. I can only imagine how time consuming this is.
Like you Sylvia, loved Brandon and Ilitia. I thought he was totally hawt last night and very appealing.
In one of the scenes, Valentino was clearly laughing and hid his face in Gretel's hair to try and stifle it. It's clear the actors are having a lot of fun - I wish the storyline were a little more lighthearted so we could laugh along with them.
Thanks again Judy!
Judy- I really enjoyed this recap, and the photos. I missed the first 20 minutes of the Uni version, which means I missed just about everything! In came in when Chema was dragging Fedra into the ocean to drown them both. Truly a what the heck is going on here moment. Loved Ilitia and Brandon this episode, and thought it was funny how each RyDT child who is NOT Emil's was worried (Eman, Gretel, Axel), and the one who IS his, Kristel, was not worried at all- but she is the one Emil thinks is not his. Oh, the irony! Maybe it's best that Emil starts getting these clues and having doubts little by little, instead of finding out all at once that only one of his four children is his. Poor guy.
ReplyDeleteGlad I missed Consuelo. What an odd storyline! Why did they send her away to just bring her back?
Judy, I so love your recaps. I never can single out all the wonderful side comments and observations. With these two episodes, have to say your recap was better than the episodes.
ReplyDelete"Emiliano thunders that if Tio wants to know what's going on, he'll have to come upstairs. And click" FAVORITE MOMENT OF THE NIGHT! I know, seemed insignificant, but I found myself yelling at my laptop (yes, I'm only watching online still), 'About time!" I did rather like the fact that all the kiddies rallied around Emi, even our little Kristel. Speaks to that whole theme of "who is your real parent?"
I had to fast-forward thru the Axe-hole scenes. I just cannot stomach what the writers have done to that character. Heck, I was cheering Lorena for ditching him. Being on her side takes some doing.
MV is always a pain, Consuelo hasn't changed. (Is it possible to love the little guy and wish she'd be the one with the brain tumor and depart this worldy coil?)
So that pretty much left the only interesting scenes between Brandon and Ilitia. Methinks this is actually the best "love" story we have in this TN. Poor Valentino getting stuck in the role with the driveling complainer.
I also take my hat off to Fedra and Jose. That beach scene - these two aren't exactly spring chickens. That had to be exahusting to film. I was quite impressed.
Judy, wonderful recap with great pictures. I was so lost again last night with all the cuts, but knew I would figur it all out once I read your recap. I don't watch it on line, so are they cutting out half of this stuff every night?
ReplyDeleteI think I am going to out and get some York mint patties!
Judy, great job with the recap and loved the perfect screen shots
ReplyDeleteI think I need to head to Sam's today and stock up on York Mint Patties. If I had known that they help one get through these TN I would have stocked up long ago, thanks for the heads up.
Daisy, good point about Chema and Fedra not being spring chickens. I'm not sure exactly what that whole dragging-through-the-sand scene meant since nothing came of it, but they sure gave it their all.
ReplyDeleteGosh, I gave Lorena a mental high-five as well. Axhole is just getting tiresome on every level and everyone seems annoyed by him.
I think I'll have to go pick up some York patties too before tonight's show.
Excellent, Judy. I'm so annoyed at Univision for butchering this show but thanks to you I have a clear picture of what happened last night.
ReplyDeleteThank goodness for York Mint Patties.
Axel just keeps sinking to lower and lower levels. I've not really cared much for him ever since he came out of his coma, but I've tolerated him because he made Dee happy. Now I really can't stand that shallow little cockroach.
Ilitia and Brandon might as well admit that they are destined to be together. They seem to be so comfortable together.
I agree with Gretel... Ilitia and Kristel are like twins. I want real DNA testing. I don't trust a thing Fedra says.
The scene with Eman and Netty was hilarious, but is there some reason that she couldn't just come out and say it?
I'm glad that Javi is back. I think he's the best match for Delicia. Get him well and give him a few years and there you are...
Hi folks. When I watched the butchered Univision version I was shocked at how much was left out. But again, when you pressing two full episodes into one, it's brutal. (and still hasn't been explained to us.)
ReplyDelete@Vivi...I think one reason tedious Consuelo has been brought back was so Ilitia could see another way in which Brandon was generously and selflessly caring for another (Javier). Now it's clear that he's a good guy, not just to a woman he's in love with, but to anybody who needs help. Great character reference and one she needs to wean herself away from the Buiz y de Teresa family. However, the scene in which she sees and hears this was cut out. So people just watching Univision aren't catching the plot progression.
@Pirate Babe...cutting out the Ax-hole scenes also mystified me. As disgusting as they are, they must be building to an eventual split of these two. She may forgive him (forgiveness frees the victim) but she should not reconcile with him. He's clearly not the man for her.
@Sylvia and all who enjoyed Fedra last night, whether on internet or TV...she IS the shining star. Her taunting of Chema in the cheap hotel, her well-timed spits every time she says his name....and by the way, did you notice that Delicia ALSO spit when she said Fedra's name!...well, she's a treat to watch. And when she lies, she does it so well, I almost believe her myself.
ReplyDelete@Daisynjay...Amen to the kudos for our non-Spring Chickens filming that long arduous dragging cross the sand scene. And dunking in the ocean. I kept thinking of Lawrence of Arabia and those endless deserts! And all that for nothing, since he didn't kill her and didn't even tell her real name once they got back to the mansion. A real exercise in futility.
Hilarious, Judy! Especially the goat meat part!
ReplyDeleteHacer(le) de chivo los tamales a alguien. Great dicho. Never heard it before. Except what's wrong with goat meat? The Mexican's seem to highly prize it around here.....
I found the whole theme of who has who's blood very clever. The kids think one of them doesn't have Emiliano's blood when the truth is only one does. Very amusing.
And of course Emiliano is everyone's real dad. Awwwww! Group hug!
Too bad that snake Fedra is their mom!
It's not just the Mari character, but her Spanish diction gets to me as well. I cringe every time she says "Emanuel" so clipped, and she says it often!
@Diana...I love your observation that the actors are having more fun with this telenovela than we are. The Axel-Delicia disaster has really soured this for me. I'm sure there's some plot-driven reason for it....maybe a PSA to Latina women to not put up with ill-treatment from boyfrieds and husbands. But still....couldn't they have picked some other couple?
ReplyDelete@Daisynjay...I admit to my shame that I have never liked the Consuelo character (and really, the poor woman has done nothing wrong...other than being annoying) but the writers seem to love the child-in-peril hospital scenes. And in Querida Enemiga, the lovely child actually died. I remember we were all shocked that it happened. No garentees in these stories, that's for sure.
@Pata and Rosemary....glad you're going to join me in a York Mint Patty foray. Years ago, first time round with Fea Mas Bella, people were diving into cartons of ice cream every time the plot line hit a rough spot.
We could also go the Golden Girls route and order up a cheesecake. But York Mint Patties are low-fat. So I maintain that my indulging is still health-conscious. (yeah, tell that to my dentist.)
I think the only explanation there is for the show compression is that it coincided with a new Univision director of programming. At least that is from what I have gathered from various TN boards.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading all these comments I think I had better buy stock in The Hershey Company who produces York Peppermint Patties - LOL!
@Carlos...hoping that someone has jumped up to help you with your recap this Friday. If not, I might telex you some York Mint Patties "por si acaso".
ReplyDeleteAgree that Axel is a vile little cockroach. And now we can quit pretending that we like his singing. We don't! He sucks! Other than Fedra showing up with those loathsome pictures, the worst thing about the wedding was playing his song.
This show is a complete puzzle for me. Whose children are whose? Why the nasty turn in Axel's character? AND WHY COMPRESS TWO EPISODES INTO ONE AND LEAVE OUT A WHOLE LOT OF CRUCIAL STUFF?
A number of questions the Great White Spirit is not about to answer real soon. But if you hear from Him, let me know.
@ Audrey..... you're probably onto something. It's the new programming director. But why does he/she? think this is the right way to proceed? What's the rationale behind the changes? Do they think people won't stick with these through to the end during Summer?
ReplyDeleteAnd sure, buy stock in Hershey's. People never outgrow their yen for chocolate. Booze puts me to sleep but a couple of York Mint Patties just takes the edge off so I can make it through a long recap without breaking furniture.
Oh and Audrey...I hate the Vicky/Mari character so much that even though I had a picture of her to put in the recap, I deleted it. The Mari character is so gooshy sweet, I gag. The Vicky character is such a B**ch I hurl. So back to my favorite anesthetic, York Mint Patties!
ReplyDeleteAll, thanks for going to the effort of catching and re-capping the double episodes. I’ve never heard of telenovela episodes being condensed before, although I’m sure it’s common practice (I’ve heard that when the “stories” are released on DVD they’re highly edited). I’m guessing the show didn’t do that well in its last months in Mexico, prompting the choppy editing of the last couple months. For whatever it’s worth, the editing has been poor, but halving the episodes of something this banal was not a bad idea.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping for a better storyline for Consuelo’s return, but since Javier was sick when they departed, his brain tumor makes sense. With the condensed episodes, I thought that there couldn’t be many episodes left, but with everyone still lying we’re not making speedy progress. I’m wondering how the writers will wrap all these loose ends satisfactorily.
An observation about Chema: How does maintaining Fedra’s and lies and refusal to bring any clarity about her past gain Emanuel’s loyalty? He whines to Bernardo because Emanuel rejected him, but what did he expect? He never told him the truth, so why would he see Chema as anything more than a troublemaker?
The dynamic between Fedra and Lorenzo truly is interesting. Azela Robinson is a great actress, and she does a good interpretation of the “you have the problem, not me,” attitude. I just wish wardrobe dressed her better. You know something’s wrong when the villains have the best character development. I hate to say it, but with this writing, her talent would be wasted as some crying-through-each-scene heroine.
Like the rest of you, I have no sympathy for Tio Maximo. He knows the truth about Fedra’s past and insists upon living in the basement. How sad.
Cap’n Sylvia, you’re right. When even Lorena doesn’t want to be bothered then Axel is done. I know Kristel, Ilitia, Axel will be redeemed by the end of the show, but I must confess that I don’t like most of them enough to care. Axel went from a sexually confused and traumatized young man to an attempted rapist (remember when he tried to “punish” Delicia for her alleged assignation with Bernardo?), debauchee, and overall true descendant of Juana Felipa Perez. Brandon is making an honest woman out of Ilitia, which will make a semi-believable conversion, but I don’t buy Kristel becoming a good person, just a lame duck who’s learned to keep her classist observations to herself (remember Sophia from “Destilando Amor”?). I’m not at all pleased with Jacky and Andre’s issues. Who lies about an HIV infection? As for Andre – our Doris deserves better than some guy who consistently ignored her.
Sorry about the length of this one. I just had a lot of reactions to all the observations and re-cap.
Terrible editing by Uni, terrific recapping by Judy. Not a whole lot of fun in this installment but I did love Brandon and Ilitia together (and Eman hanging up on her) and Netty trying to give Eman a clue...or lots of let me practically spell it out for are you not getting this?...oh poor cereal-for-brains Emanuel.
ReplyDeleteAlso loved that after "Brandon and Eman continue to wrangle over the very dubious prize of Vicky" Eman smoothed and straightened Brandon's collar.
I'm a little annoyed by the lack of revelations in the foyer scene. Why couldn't Gretel or Mari spill that Fedra's real name is Juana Felipa and she's a whore? Chema isn't the only one who knows this stuff. It's not like any of the family is still on Fedra's side and would be shocked to hear she isn't a saint. need to apologize for the length of your comments. This show and the characters are absolutely maddening right now. Like you, I'm not sure everybody is going to be "redeemed". I don't see Kristel gaining any insight or empathy at all. And of course ditto for Fedra whose actions all make perfect sense to HER and seem justified. She's certainly consistent. No waffling for our out and out villaness. And certainly Mau and Lorenzo are destined for the toaster. Axel. Ugh. No idea.
ReplyDeleteThe Jacqui character hasn't been particularly developed. She and André seem to be in there mainly for the PSA but I agree that Doris' noble generosity seems wasted on that guy. But alas, we see that in real life too.
@Julia...lots of fun little touches in this in Emanuel's straightening of Brandon's collar after their fistfight. My mom used to marvel at how fast my dad and brother could forget and laugh again after a real dustup between the two of them. She, on the other hand, when mad at any of us, would brood and stay angry for days. Guys seem to get over their spats in record time...and not just in telenovelas.
Thank you so much Judy – your recaps are always a hoot.
ReplyDeleteUnlike others, I liked this episode and was really down about the cuts, which take all the emotional steam out of the story. When I read your recap, I was shocked to see that whole storylines were cut (Javier, Jackie) and that the pivotal conversation between Bernardo and Chema wasn’t shown.
I would like to have seen Fedra being dragged across the beach, but the TV version started when they were almost at the water. So how did they get back out of the water?
I particularly liked the scene where Chema is about to do the big reveal, but realized it would hurt Emil and the family too much, so he backed off. Whadda guy! I even sympathized with Fedra and Bernardo as they begged him not to tell. I also thought the writing was very clever concerning the kids, who was Emil’s and who wasn’t, and all their speculations.
However, I’m not sorry I missed the Axel scenes. I wonder if they change in his personality made the show less popular in Mexico towards the end, so Uni thought it was okay to chop it up. That’s just speculation. I wonder how this show did in Mexico. If for no other reason than the acting, I think this is a terrific telenovela.
@Maggie...even in the internet version, they don't show how they got out of the water. The last scene, he goes under and drags her under. Then just the shot of the waves and the desolate shore. So we don't know what kind of underwater decision-making came about that led to their return to the mansion. Made the whole episode seem like a pointless attempt at suspense. We were left with the impression that both had perished. A notion quickly dispelled in the next episode.
ReplyDeleteI think it's funny how everyone in the family treats Emiliano as some delicate hothouse flower. I know they don't want to hurt his feelings, BUT...
ReplyDeleteHe already knows his wife is a cheating swindling skank, and that at least one of his children is not biologically his. At this point, wouldn't it be best to just get everything out in the open, get the DNA tests, and not be left with doubts and start to move on?
It may be kind to leave someone completely in the dark about hurtful information, but if they know SOMETHING's up, isn't it just crazy-making not to get it sorted out? He's still the kids' dad; genetics has nothing to do with that.
Plus, isn't it awfully unfair to Paula and even Max (though I'm annoyed at him for other reasons) not to let them openly acknowledge Gretel as their daughter? They didn't willingly give her up.
Another marathon done most well indeed....THANKS for hanging in there for double duty Judy (hey that kinda rhymes!) I didn't see any of this yet, but the sand dragging sounds like something I don't want to miss!!! Hee, along with the bastard accusations, again what funny dialogue...they talk about their Mom being a murderer and none of them being their Dad's son as if it were what topping they should get on their pizza. Just funny...
ReplyDeletethanks again Judy for the MAHVElous time you created for us!!
Hi Julia and Kris....yeah...hothouse flower indeed. He's a grown man. And all this," we can't hurt Dad, we can't hurt Eman we can't whatever" gets tiresome. As do all these plot devices that keep spinning secrets out endlessly.
ReplyDeleteKris, it's so nice to have your presence on the line again. We've missed you. The sand dragging was amusing. Fedra did quite a lot of kicking and twisting and poor Chema did a lot of hauling. Must have been tough on both of them. And I've heard telenovela pay in Mexico isn't all that great either. These folks are troopers!