
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #75-76 3/25/11 Part 1, Burn Job in the Barrio / Part 2 --If At First You Don’t Succeed…..Burnie Opts for Plan B.


Everything is in flames as batty Bernarda, Padilla, and El Alacran drive off. Milagros is nearly passed out on the kitchen floor of her apartment from the smoke; downstairs on the floor of their bedroom, Nathy has noticed that Maria has blacked out and she's screaming in panic, hopelessly hoping to get Maria to respond. Outside, Padre Juan Pablo and the rest of the neighbors can only watch and wait as the fire consumes the apartment building until Juanjo and the gang arrive to put it out and save the others still left inside the building.

Finally the firemen arrive and our three heroes enter to rescue Millie, Maria, and Nathy.

Meanwhile, Max makes it home and returns to the whingeing entreaties of his scheming spouse. Max tells Jimena that his mind is made up and there’s no reason to stick it out till her little critter is born. Life with her is totally unbearable cuz she’s totally certifiable! She accuses him of the same ol’ lies but he insists he's been truthful from the start, not to mention that she asked for it by tricking him that night in Miami. She fooled around with a man she knew didn’t love her! Jimena is just as adamant that he did love her and if it hadn't been for that interloping female he still would! (Viewerville says a quick prayer of thanks for the inventor of remote control and immediately hits their mute buttons. --I guess Jimmie thinks if she screams louder than Max does then the lies she tells are that much more credible, and she automatically wins the argument--the kind of people who are always the MOST irritating in a screaming match!)

A few blocks away, Burnie lights a candle for those she's supposedly condemned to death in the name of Holy Justice. Not only is she no longer afraid at the sight of a struck match, she holds the whole darned matchbox in her hand and prays with it in place of a rosary. Aparrently she's concluded in her own twisted way that because she burnt them to a crisp in this life, she's saved them from eternal Hellfire and damnation in the next. (Works for me! The woman has an a-maz-ing mind, doesn’t she? It’s just that it’s the kind you'd need breadcrumbs to find your way back through.)

At the same time Burnie is delighting in delusions of divinely sanctioned and just deserts of those she's damned, Vick notices a pain in her chest and has a premonition that somebody close to her must be in some kind of danger. (Ah, there it is! The returning "Call of the Blood" that Viewerville has been waiting for. Unfortunately in Vicki's case it's still not more than a muffled whelp.....)

Across the hall in Max and Ji's bedroom, Ji continues the fight. Max gets a little tougher with her and begs her not to make him despise her. (Oh face it, Max! Tell her the truth. You do despise her!) He drives off to catch a breath of sanity in the barrio.

Jimmie gives another bat-shit-crazy smile and tells herself that with all that she's going to do to him he's certain to end up despising her.

Downtown at the Casa de Modas, it's another late night for Antonieta. Guillermo, planning to pump Toni for anything noteworthy about the Scandal-vals, surprises her with an invitation to dinner. Toni has lots of work to do, she says, but rather than turn beguiling Gui down flat, she invites him to her place to make din-din for both of them there. Gui accepts and even offers to help her with her paperwork as well. They walk out to the elevator together as the ever obtuse Oscar has just stepped out into the hallway.

Oscar takes notice and races to ask Lucy who the man was that Toni was leaving with. Lucy explains that that was the famous actor Guillermo Quintana and that they were seemingly going out to dinner together. Oscar frowns and runs to Pepino to ask him if he knows what's between Toni and this actor she just left with. Pipino confesses to Oscar that Antonieta has been in love with him but has now had to turn her sights toward more attainable terrain. Oscar admits he has never had the faintest idea Toni felt that way about him. Pepi mentions how Gui apparently won her over with the bottle of champagne he sent over to their table at dinner the night before. "--Not that it matters since you've already lost her!" Oscar doesn't follow. Pepi explains that she saw Oscar swapping spit with Roxana. Oscar tries to explain that the woman ambushed him unexpectedly in his office and forced herself on him. Pepi isn't so sure. FF>>

Over dinner at Toni's place, Gui broadly hints that he's looking to settle down if only he could find the right kind of woman. It would be one like her, he flatters. She'd be decent, virtuous, attractive... blah blah blah. Toni is a bit surprised, she says, considering she never thought she was the type to interest him.

Juanjo brings out Nat while Naco and crew rescues Milie and the gang start to count heads. (How hard can it be? There are only three!) It seems to take forever till somebody remembers that Maria Desamparada is still inside. Nat screams over the din that she's lying passed out on the floor right next to where they found her, but now the captain of the firemen says it's too dangerous to go back in.

Max drives up just then, sees the flaming building, and learns that Maria is still trapped inside. He races over and then tries to enter the building to rescue her, but he's held back by the others and is told firemen are already inside looking for her. (Again, how hard can it be to find her since JJ saw her lying there right next to Nat?) Max refuses to wait any longer. Life has no meaning without Maria!! He races into the apartment to try to save her.

Fausto is now in the crowd and he sneaks a peak at the chaos from behind one of the firetrucks as JP prays for Maria's life and Max's safety. Clueless Vicki prays simultaneously that whoever it is that's in danger is protected from harm.

Padre Jeronimo now walks in on Burnie in front if the altar in JP's sacristy. She and Padre Jerry begin to grouse about her questionable intentions. Whatever she's praying over, it can't be good, snipes Jerry. Ste. Burnarda immediately lectures him about how all the saints at one time or another were persecuted. Padre Jerry changes topics and says he heard she'd been to see the bishop and has been forbidden to take communion. He thinks all things considered, it would be better if she just doesn't return to the church. She tells him he and the bishop can both go pound sand because she no longer accepts their authority. "--You are people who don't know how to recognize either just acts or saintliness!" She swears that she'll end up triumphant one day and that they will realize in the end that she was always right. They have challenged her to a duel to the death, she rants, and to death it will be! Yes, and they will be the ones to burn in eternal Hellfire!!

A bit later, back at Toni's much more tranquil digs, Gui thanks Toni for dinner and asks to see her again. He suggests cooking for her at his place next time. She hesitates but finally agrees. Gui manages to then casually bring up Osvaldo and his family. Toni mentions there were problems from before that still haven't been resolved at the Sandovals, but she thankfully doesn't go into specifics.

At the manse, Vicki goes in to check on Fernanda who says obviously she's just fine. (Ah! It's comforting for Viewerville to note that Brat-Baby is beginning to feel better and is back to being the obnoxious, over-indulged and mouthy bitch she's always been.) The Ferbeast now growls because Mama didn't knock first. Vicki mentions that she's had a feeling something was wrong with her or Max and Oz so she had wanted to check on her. Fer snaps back that if Vicki was really that worried about her daddy she wouldn't have let him leave in the first place. Vick whines about betrayed Love's pain but Fer tells her to talk to the hand. "--Just stop flogging yourself already!" Fer tells her she needs to just. get. over. it. "--Get a new life cuz nobody here wants to hear about the old one any longer!"  (Gawd! Nobody in Viewerville does anymore, either!)

Toni sees Guillermo out and then gets the warm and fuzzies afterwards. A moment later her cell rings. It's Oscar calling but he freezes and can't manage to say a word. He hangs up. Toni calls somebody (but we don't know if it's Pepi or Oscar) and asks if they can come over.

Back in the burning barrio a few minutes later, Max reappears at the doorway of the apartment building with Maria in his arms.  He carries her to the sidewalk and applies mouth to mouth resuscitation. Maria miraculously comes to.  Papa JP and the others say a couple of Hail Mary's.

Upstairs at the Scandal-vals once more, Jimmie approaches Vicki in the hallway to ask if Vick got Max to agree to stick around till her baby was born. Vicki tells her that she failed and that Max still wants the divorce ASAPP.  However, she says, she did speak with Maria earlier, who said she would see about convincing Max not to leave Jimmie before the baby comes. Ji is visibly impactada once she hears that the competition is still alive. Vick asks why she's suddenly so jumpy.  (What does it matter?  She’s always jumpy about something.)  Ji says it's her nerves; that they've got her imagining things, not to mention that she's worried out of her mind with the baby and Max's dumping on her. Vicki advises Jimmie that she needs to do her part to cooperate and be cordial with Max in order to keep harmony in the house. Ji says it's precisely Max and Oz who've caused the disharmony there, and all because of their cheating--and that cockroach who now wants to steal her baby's father away from her! Vicki looks empathetic, but it seems like Jimmie's high-strung histrionics are now wearing thin even for her.

Back at Burnie's, Eva takes an earful because Fausto is AWOL. Eva tries to lie that he had something important to attend to, but Burnie says she knows she's full of crapola. Eva admits she was only covering for Fausto, which takes Burnie by surprise.  Eva  explains that he went off on his own because he thought the Sra. was about to do something bad. Burnie goes into another of her self-deluded rants about only punishing sinners and those who persist in punishing her,i.e., those who manage to get in her way. Eva dares to voice the question. "--Like Tomasa?"

At the fire again, some of the firemen catch Fausto hiding between the fire trucks near the apartment building and blame him for starting it; this whips up the crowd and the infuriated residents want to lynch him on site till Maria comes to his defense. X-Padre JP lectures the crowd not to accuse somebody without hearing their side of things first. He asks Fausto then to explain what he was doing watching in the shadows like that. Fausto tells him that he was there making sure that nothing had happened to Maria because he knew she lived in the building. He hid because fire frightens him. Maria asks if those scars on his face are from a fire. He nods and tells her that his parents died in the fire. The crowd seems satisfied.

Burnie tells Eva she's thinking of getting rid of her and Fausto since they've stopped being useful to her.  Eva suggests Burnie’s just a bit bewildered and that it wouldn't suit Burnie to dismiss them at this point in time.  Eva then reminds her how they've been completely loyal and discreet about her "activities." Why, her son the priest has continually asked them both numerous questions and yet she and Fausto have both kept completely quiet about her "crimes." Burnie laughs, but it rings a bit hollow. "--You talk as if I'm some kind of murderer." It's like two dueling dogs in a pit are circling and growling threateningly at each other. (Viewerville's money's on Eva!) Eva looks her dead in the eye and doesn't flinch and inch. "--You and I know that nun didn't die of natural causes." Point made. Burnie backs off to lick her wounds in private.

A bit later that night, Oscar, Pepi and Toni show up at Vick's to discuss what Oscar learned about Tomasa's disappearance. It's not much, he admits. Vick agrees it’s all pretty murky, but she's certain Burnie offed her because the old gal wouldn't just up and leave like that. Toni thinks Burnie might be a nasty old broad, but she doubts she would do something like that to another human being. Vicki assures her that Burnarda is capable of that and a lot more. Vick then pulls out the picture of Fausto's parents and asks Oscar to get whatever information about them that he can, especially anything about their relationship to Burnie. Oscar asks Vicki why she and Burnie hate each other so much. Vicki finally admits to him that it's because Burnie accuses her of having seduced her son back in the day.  “--Juan Pablo was my first ‘man’ and we had a child together who, unfortunately, went missing [extraviarse].”

Back in her bedroom, Ji starts talking to herself again. She's angry that Maria is still alive. "--That cockroach! She has more lives than a cat!" Jimmie takes solace with the nearest (and conveniently placed) liquor bottle, telling herself that Maria is no match for her. She'll destroy her!! “--If Max can't be happy with me, he's not going to be happy with anyone!” Ji pops the lid off a full bottle of pills and begins slugging them down with the booze.

Across the hall again, Oscar assures Vicki that he'll find out as much as he can for her. Pepi and Toni then try to persuade Vick to come back to the office because things there are getting out of hand; they feel like they've been set adrift with no captain at the helm.  Oscar agrees and adds that the sales have begun to drop off. Vicki confesses to the group that she has absolutely no interest in the business now. (Naw, she would just rather wallow in self-pity.)  Her husband cheated on her, her son and daughter are distancing themselves from her now, and her first daughter is still missing.  Only finding her long-lost daughter will give her back the strength she needs to carry on. 
--Fin P. 1.

If At First You Don’t Succeed…..Burnie Opts for Plan B.

Part 2 

Cap #76

During the commercial break we are left wondering if Toni will be gullible enough to fall prey to Guillermo's flattery, if Fausto will really be accused of being a firebug, if Max will ever find out that Maria's pregnant with the real mini-max/maxina, if Victoria will ever return to work before the business goes bankrupt, and if Jimena will very soon do us all a big favor by successfully O.D.-ing from guzzling those Downer Cocktails of hers.

The fire in the apartment house has been put out while Uni allowed its prolific and prosperous sponsors to hawk their goods. Nat, Maria and Max are now standing outside the church's dispensary, which Padre Juan Pablo has given over to the newly homeless as a temporary shelter. Max is getting ready, though reluctantly, to leave Maria and Nat there for the night.

Inside, Millie and the gang console each other with selfless thoughts that in spite of their being left with nothing, they still have each other and Dios will provide the rest. Millie tells Juanjo how proud she is that he’s returned to his job and then takes a moment to also thank Napo for saving her life. Napo promises he'll buy her a new dishwasher and fridge, and hints broadly that it's much more than her mysterious macho-man of a secret admirer will do for her. She thinks he must be right and that the guy must have been playing with her heart the same way his Rosa has been. Napo tells her to be careful what she says about his Rosie! (Zzzz!)

Back outside the building again, Max tells Maria that he thought his heart had stopped beating when he saw her lying unconscious on the floor in the middle of the flames. She says the only thing she felt was sadness because she thought she'd never see him or have a chance to caress his face again. Max says that won't happen because in no time at all they'll be together and nobody and nothing will ever separate them again. (Famous last words which always signal the worst is yet to come and the best will again be delayed.)  Maria says she's going to be the happiest woman in the world because her dream about having a family will finally come true. He suggests that the next day they look for a place of their own to live in, but Maria puts a halt to that immediately. It's not because she doesn't love him, she says. It's because just before the fire broke out his mother came to ask her to try to convince him to hold off leaving Jimeana until she has her baby. Max says no way. (I say it's time to put a DNA test on the front burner!!) Maria is embarrassed because she gave her word to his mama. He says he doesn't care about that; his mother and Jimena had no right to ask them to do that and there was no reason to, either! To heck with their constantly sacrificing their feelings for those two ingrates! Maria has a sudden coughing attack and Max rushes her back inside to check with the doctor.

In another part of the little clinic, JP asks Fausto if his mother might have had something to do with the fire and if that's why he was lurking about earlier. Fausto won't answer him directly. He repeats he was only there to see that nothing happened to Maria. JP says that means then that he knew she was in danger. Fausto's cryptic reply is that he knows things and that one day the two of them will have to have a long and serious talk together, but only when the time is right. Fausto then walks off.  JP seems more anxious than ever about the mad and maddening things his mama seems to be up to.

The clinic doctor gives Maria a quick check but doesn't see anything to worry about. Coughing is obviously to be expected after breathing in all that smoke, he says.  Max reluctantly agrees to go but promises that he'll be back by the next morning to take Maria to the hospital to have her thoroughly checked over.  Millie and the rest of them hold their breath to see what Maria will say to this. Max tells her not to worry about the other stuff because he's bound and determined to make his separation from Jimmie a done deal. This time Maria doesn't object and she even adds that she thinks the doctors will give him some really great news. They kiss good-night and everyone takes a breath.  Max, JP and the doc all leave. Nat and the others ask if she really wants Max to know she's expecting his child.  Maria smiles from ear to ear and says she does because she knows Max loves her.

Outside again, Max and JP are now arguing over whether Max should separate from Jimmie so soon. JP agrees with Victoria that a few more months shouldn't make any difference. Max tries to explain what an emotional Hell living with Ji has been for him. JP says he's not for divorces per say, but has no control over any union that hasn't been blessed by Dios. Max says it wasn't Dios that forced them together like this and he's leaving her, period! Victoria has to learn that in life there are limits and she better learn those boundaries like yesterday!  No more sacrificing his and Maria's happiness for others any longer! Besides, he adds, JP has known his mama for a long while and so he should be able to help her find her way back from the land of the lost that her blaming his father has left her in.

Juanjo takes a moment to ask Maria and Nat why Linda isn't living with them any longer. Nat and Maria defer to Millie to tell JJ that she's dead and gone. They take a moment to feel his pain.

Fausto has returned to Burnie's. He and Eva stand at attention while she warns Fausto that the next time he won't get off so easy for abandoning his duties. Burnie then storms out of the room. Eva complains that he nearly got them fired with what he pulled. Fausto tells her that Burnie set fire to the building that Maria lived in and tried to burn her alive. "--That woman is Evil Incarnate!"

Alone in her bedroom, Burnie thinks to herself that she's sure she has finally gotten rid of Victoria's daughter once and for all.

Max gets home and bawls out his mother for having the gall to speak to Maria about doing favors for Jimena after the nasty way she's treated her. Vicki says she only did it because she was afraid that Ji would do something crazy. (How about having the girl committed instead?) Max says Jimeana is a blackmailer and he refuses to be manipulated by her any longer! Vick stresses what it's like to lose a child and asks Max to think about what he'd feel like if Jimmie lost theirs. Max says that isn't going to happen and besides, today he almost lost the woman he loved when somebody purposely set fire to her building! Vick is wide-eyed-impactada and now thinks the premonition she had was because he'd been in danger when he'd gone to the fire. He explains Maria's out of danger, and now he's not giving in this time. He's going to divorce Jimeana ASAPP!  [as soon as physically possible]

Max walks into the upstairs hallway.  Jimmie stumbles out and starts slinging a few choice, though slurred, insults at her errant hubby. "--What? Did you finally get bored with the slut for a while?" "--Watch what you say about the woman I love; and anyway I don't want to argue with a drunk." Oh, she sneers, so now she has to be grateful to the cockroach because she's deigned to allow him to stay with her till his baby is born. Nope, Max says. Ji’s got it wrong cuz they're divorcing right away! Ji argues that Vicki promised her otherwise! He yells at her that it doesn't matter what his mother told her! He's not giving up his happiness to stay miserable for the next however many months with her! Jimeana goes ballistic here and screams like a banshee.  She's not having the child unless he stays there with her till it's born! She's ready to kill herself!! (Two words immediately come to mind: Straight Jacket. Jimmie’s long past simply having him agree to wile away the months reading the paper in his slippers while she picks out baby clothes and furnishes the nursery!) Both Fer and Vick race out to see what the commotion's all about. Vicki tries calming Jimmie down again. Jimmie passes out once the adrenaline surge ends, the booze and painkillers kick in, and her brain short-circuits. (At least, I think that's what's just happened. Carlos, your cell is ringing!)  Max and the others get muy worried for her baby.

Meanwhile, back at the dispensary, Juanjo doesn't think he can ever love again, but he hopes Linda’s in Heaven. Millie agrees to leave Linda-Ho’s fate to Dios and to have JJ try to rebuild his life on terra firma.

The doctor finishes examining Jimmie and tells the others what's so painfully obvious: that the abuse of drugs and alcohol has put the life of her child in danger. They keep watch over her for the night, but if things don't change, he suggests putting her into a hospital. (We assume it’s so the lush can dry out!) 

After the doc leaves, Vicki tells Max to think long and hard about divorcing Ji now because the life of his child is in the balance. (Viewerville readies itself to make numerous animal sacrifices to the telenovela gods so that the writers will bestow him with enough sense to finally consider that Jimena might have been sleeping around after all, and that her kid could be somebody else's problem! --Three little letters, Max: D.N.A.!)

While Max watches over Jimmie through the night, Maria thinks back to all the times she and Max made love together and how he no longer wants to put off their chance for their marital bliss. She agrees there's no further reason to put things off and that in the morning he'll find out she's giving him a child, one that was created from love. (Viewerville sighs.)

The next morning arrives, but Max does not. So Papa JP and Maria go to the hospital together instead.

Max has been up all night looking after Ji. She wakes up as he gets a call from the office telling him they need him there for some problem or other. He tells Ji not to worry, that he'll have his mother watch over her now. Not good enough!!  Jimmie crawls all over him, begging him to stay because it wouldn't be the same without him there! She knows he's going to take Maria to the doctor, she whines, because she heard him say so. She begs him to swear that he won't go see Maria.

At the same time, Vicki phones Burnarda to ask her once more to tell her who her daughter is. Burnie brags that she warned her she wasn't going to get her way.  Yesterday, she says, she proved that she's capable of anything.  Vick says she doesn't know what the broad’s talking about, but she's not going to stop until she finds out who the couple in that picture are! Burnie says Vicki doesn't scare her cuz she'll never find that out. Vicki growls back that she'll continue to hound Burnie until she tells her where her daughter is! Burnie tells her that her daughter should be dead (meaning the fire, we assume). Vicki refuses to believe that and says sooner or later she will have to admit to her who and where her daughter is! Otherwise, Burnie will have a major problem with the authorities! Click!

Fausto is about to enter Burnie’s room but he stops when he hears Burnie tell herself that if Vicki discovers who the couple in that picture are she's sunk. She'll have to plan to go off on a long trip-- someplace nobody can find her.   Where?

Back at the Max's place, Jimmie's whining has worn Max down. Max promises not to see Maria. He then leaves to take care of the problem at the company. Ji tells herself that she can't let Max take Maria to the doctor because he's sure to find out then Maria's expecting--and her goose will be cooked!

Later that morning, Maria takes her ultrasound. The doctor explains the picture to them both.  JP wishes Vick and Mama were there to see the little miracle.  When he sees the imaged in the monitor he is suddenly eager to see his little grandson born.   

Mama, though, is in the middle of screaming at her personal version of Dumb and Dumber--Padilla and El Alacrán.  She’s madder than a hatter because Maria was rescued from the fire despite those two having followed her instructions to the letter. El Alacrán asks her for another chance to show her they can do what needs to be done.

Fausto rushes back to speak to Eva about what he just heard. "--The Sra. wants to flee [huir] from the law! She's planning a long journey where nobody will ever hear of her again!" Eva asks him what they are going to do if she never returns….

Burnie meanwhile, gives Alacran the go-ahead and says this time they'd better not fail! "--Victoria Sandoval will learn once and for all that she'd better not mess with me!"

Federico now calls Fer and begs for another chance to go steady again.  He tries to convince her that he does think of something besides partying once in a while. Fer wants to call it quits, but then she figures what the hey and tells him that she will meet him in the same place as always.

Meanwhile, El Alacrán sneaks in over the Sandoval’s fence to cut the brake lines of Fer's mini-vertible.

At the Casa de Modas, Fabian (who I, for one, would rather see modeling pecs in speedo’s and a bow-tie rather than howling an off-key accompaniment to an otherwise romantic serenade) tells Max that Nat needs a friend more than ever now. Max agrees and they are about to head to the dispensary so Max can apologize to Maria for not showing up this morning. (Viewerville will forgive him for not thinking to call the dispensary to leave word for Maria that he got called in to the office unexpectedly. He was up for the last 24+ hours looking after his loony wife and couldn't think straight.)  Before they can get out the door he gets a call from someone that he has to meet immediately.

Jimmie recuperates apparently and then drives herself over to the barrio to see if she can locate Maria.  Ji strikes out playing twenty questions with a little boy playing ball in front of Maria’s burned out apartment building.  FF>>

At the same time, Nat and Maria are taking a walk through the barrio. Maria sees a help wanted sign for someone who can sew. She speaks to the owner and gets hired. It’s easy work.  

Max meets with the private investigator he'd hired to look into the missing Maria. She hands him a photo.

Back at the manse, Vicki races after Fer as she's headed down the stairs on her way to meet Scuzzy Tattoo Boy. Vicki wonders why Fer's attitude towards her has changed so radically. Fer admits that she used to admire her mother, but she doesn't any longer. "--Why? Because my husband left me?"  Fer says no.  It’s because she's stopped being the strong, stubborn, relentless woman she used to be. She is only a shadow of herself, says Fer, and certainly not any kind of a decent role model for her now!  "--You've given up. You're worthless and --you yourself made it your job [dedicarse] to do in the Victoria Sandoval you used to be!"

Nat and Maria are crossing the street, discussing the fact that Maria got the seamstress job, and that she starts working the next day. Jimeana sneaks up on the two of them and tells Maria that she's been looking everywhere for her. Why? To ask her to stop harassing Ji's hubby. Maria says sorry. No can do. We love each other. Well, says Jimmie, I'm having his baby! Maria, wiser than her few years would lead Viewerville to believe, lectures Jimeana: Life isn't forcing people to do things only because of that because what brings couples together is love, not children. --Sorry, says Jimena, but Max has to be with his kid. Nat pipes up and says Jimmie's right about that.  Max needs to be with Maria because Maria's pregnant with Max's child--a child conceived with love!  Ji won’t argue with that.

Scuzzy and Fer are chatting it up at the campus coffee shop they used to meet at. He tells her that he wants to be famous and knows he'll have to change to do it. So, as of tomorrow he will be an entirely new man. (Nothing like telling yourself 'There's always tomorrow.'  A lot of good it ever did Scarlet, right?) Why not today, asks Fer. Well, admits Scuzzy, there's a race on today. He's got a bet going with a few buds and has to leave to take care of bidnez. It's in Toluca. He's got a few races. "--Waddayasay? Want to come with?" She hesitates but he tells her not to worry. She can see the great transformation of Federico Padilla. This is too much for Fer to resist and she accepts the invite, saying that at her place it's going from bad to worse anyway and they’ll never miss her.

Back in the barrio, Jimeana says then it's true that Maria’s pregnant. “--Linda told me.”  Nat and Maria are pissed and want to know exactly what Linda said to her, and when Ji saw Linda last. Ji brushes them off. "--Your friend! Don't tell me! Then how come you two kicked her out of her own place?" Maria tells Ji it wasn't like that. “--Oh? Well, not that it matters to me, since she was nothing but a whore, but she's dead now and it's all your fault.”   Well, all Ji says she really wanted was to assure herself that Maria was pregnant. She has no doubt that it's not Max's, and if Maria doesn't leave him alone, she'll have to tell Max the truth about Maria's baby. “--What 'truth'?”  Jimena lies. Linda told her everything. She told her that it wasn't Max's baby and she even told her the name of the real father!  Ji snaps her fingers dismissively in Maria's face. "--So! You leave him alone!"  She struts off.

Later that day, Fer and Feddie take Fer's .5 cylinder cupcake on roller skates to Toluca. The bets are taken and Feddie wagers Fer's cupcake can beat somebody else's 4 cylinder Chevy. He's on!  Fed tells Fer she can ride with him.  She's up for that! The two cars vie for first place while El Alacrán looks on with his binoculars from some place further out and yuks it up.  

At the Casa de Modas, Pepino and Oscar accuse Roxy to her face of stealing a number of expensive accessories. She sniffs and says the accusation comes from one of the worst designers in the industry. Pepi is ready to draw first blood. He calls her a chocolate (something?) mummy. Roxy's ready to rumble and says once she tells Victoria what he's just called her she'll kick him out on his assets. Vick shows up just then and agrees, but says Pepino's the best designer in his league and it's very difficult to find someone of his stature in the design world. Her posse is pleased as punch to see her back in the saddle again.

Somewhere in Toluca, the race heats up. Scorpion Dude makes the sign of the cross and giggles moronically.

Vick takes back her pink throne in her office. If she's back it is because she's been thinking that if JP and his mama know who her daughter is, it must be because she is alive. (Duh!) So, she'll find her eventually.  Max enters Vick’s office and hands her a photograph. Vicki looks at it and chokes up. It's a picture of a 6 or 7 yr. old Maria in a parochial school uniform.  Max tells her where he got the photo and says it was all the PI could get because the school closed down quite a while ago.  Vicki's all bummed because she thinks they're no better off now than before. Max says at least she knows that her daughter survived and perhaps some family adopted her. Vicki says she realizes trying to hide the truth has caused a lot of people and herself a lot of grief. It's time she comes out with the whole story now, especially to Fer. She tells Max she plans on telling her tonight that she has a sister.  That, she adds, may be the only thing that saves Fer from that loser, Federico Padilla! (No, she'll have Scorpion Dude to thank for that little miracle.)

Fed eventually needs to use his brakes. (For the life of me I don't see why. It was only a small mound of dirt with a tiny tree on top.) The car takes the little upgrade at 100 mph and they are airborne. The convertible rolls a couple of times and lands upside down. Feddie and Fer are unconscious. El Alacrán laughs himself silly and heads back to Burnie's.

The firemen arrive on the scene of the crash and determine that poor Feddie and all his fabulous artwork have traveled to that great tattoo parlor in the sky. Fer, on the other hand, still has a pulse and if they can manage to get her to a hospital in time --OMG! It's TOFIM! And it's Cruz who gets her pulled out of the car right before it explodes--and it's JJ who has to agree that he'll put all prejudice aside to help Cruz save Osvaldo Sandoval's daughter. Viewerville then gets four different views of the same explosion--just in case they didn't see it the first, the second, or the third time.

Scorpion Dude returns to wherever he left Rudy Padilla and jokes about the smooth way the whole thing worked. They were racing in the car together somewhere in Toluca. The girl got hers, but so did the boy she was in the car with!  Rudy asks for a description of the boy Vick's daughter was riding with. Scorpion Dude says he couldn't tell, exactly, because he had to look through binoculars to follow it all. He was not much different from any of the other braggarts [fanfaron] though. The one thing he does remember is that the kid had a snake tattoo all down his arm. Padilla goes wild and starts to strangle Scorpion Dude. "--You killed my son!" "--How could I know?" (Good point, and one that Rudy should o' thunk of, considering!)  "--Forgive me! Forgive me! How would I have known?" Scorpion Dude runs off.  Rudy is left to mourn and to admit that he killed his own son. (Ok.  Let’s blame it on Burnie and you can do us all a favor by offing the bitch.)

Cruz calls Max to let him know that Fer was in a car accident and is now faltering at Death's door. He then hangs up long enough to give Fer mouth to mouth.  He miraculously revives her. (Good, cuz I don't think Viewerville could stand another round of Ave Maria a Capella from Pablo.)

At the same time, our deluded Doña tells herself that there's no doubt this is a punishment from God--another punishment from the Lord over Victoria. She then reverently kisses the cross hanging from her neck.

Max races home.

Vicki tells Michaela she's too bushed to answer any calls or to speak with anybody. She just wants to rest.

Max gets home and starts yelling for Vicki. Michaela tries to explain that his mother’s not up for visitors, but Max could give a rat's furry-tailed ass. He barges into her bedroom. Vicki tells him she's not in the mood to argue about some company problem. He tells her (and takes his own sweet time about it!) that he's not there to talk about company business. "--Well then what?" "--It's bad news."  ‘--What? Is it your father?"  "--No. He's fine."  "--Then what's going on?"  "--It's Fer. She's had an accident." Vicki is suck-it-in-and-knock-me-over-with-a-feather-impactada.  Uni cues the kayak.  --fin part 2.


  1. Thank you Jardinera. This is hard work and we always appreciate your snarky, wry efforts.

    I was looking at the EPDA forum again, trying to match up the plots and our reactions at the time. It was a good forum -- reminds me of this one in terms of humor. Interesting to see that no one liked Lorenza (the Linda character played by Sabine Moussier) and everyone thought that the Fer character (can't remember her name) started out as quite a brat.

    Victoria is getting to be more likable without Osvaldo in the picture. She remains a wicked woman, but there's some reason and kindness along the way.

  2. Gracias, Jar! I so love your recaps!!!

    All I can say about Eva is: WOWSERS! She faced the Bruja Bernarda head on and didn't back down! Loved it!

    X-Factor and her never ending tantrums are getting so old. I don't think this actriz has any skills beyond these tantrums or looking perpetually dazed. She mumbles her words and looks downright ugly when she is having a screaming fit.

    What bothered me, though, was the way Max caressed her face and her hair. THAT bothered me.

    I also hope that our dear Antonietta does not fall prey to Sociopath Gui. This one would be damaged forever if Gui does to her what he has done to all the other women who have entered his cave.

    I also loved the way Padre Jer basically told St. Bernard to get lost and never come back! Did you see the look on his face when St. Bernard implied that she was a saint doing saintly work?! Another moment to remember!

    Anxiously awaiting part the second, Jar!


    P.S. Looks like Ruffo and Rios will be on Sal y Pimienta tomorrow night (Sunday). I also think that Ruffo will be on Diespierta America as well.

  3. Tks so much Jar
    Never heard this one before, I'm saving for later use

    "The woman has an a-maz-ing mind, doesn’t she? It’s just that it’s the kind you'd need breadcrumbs to find your way back through.)"

    In the real world, María would have been dead, how long did it take Max to get there? I don't think they are neighbors & this IS Mex DF where the traffic is hell. But this is the reel world. Not one bit of soot on Max or María.
    The bomberos don't have oxygen!!!!!! QTF? My beanie is worn out, sorry.

  4. Ah, there it is! The returning "Call of the Blood" that Viewerville has been waiting for. Unfortunately in Vicki's case it's still not more than a muffled whelp.....
    Omigosh Jar! Great work! I just thought this was the funniest line!

    For the most part, I found last night's episode to be a snooze-fest with too many situations that had me adjusting my beanie. So many opportunities for Max to find out about Maria's baby, and still he doesn't know.

    I am very very afraid for Toni.

  5. Jardinera: Great as usual. And, Max rushes into a burning building to save our precious heroine. All I could think of was - there you go, SuperMax, our heroe.

    I wonder why Gui hasn't been found out after all these years. Surely someone must have been on to him - oops, they're both dead, nd it seems that Ximi's shelf life is growing short. She ought to go just to get rid of the annoyance factor.

  6. Susanita-I was bothered when Max was stroking X-factor's hair, too. I had a very real "how dare he?!" moment.

  7. Sara: I love it! We both thought the same thing! Frankly, I will be stunned if X-Factor's child will be born healthy. The way that woman drinks and downs those pills...I'm surprised that she is still pregnant.

    I suppose that they are going to do a fast forward so that we see Maria E and X-Factor finally showing their pregnancy?

    Please, please...I hope that Toni keeps her wits about her. She HAS to be asking herself why, out of the clear blue, this sociopath Gui has suddenly found an interest in her.


  8. Jardinera thank you for part one still LOL.

    I really don't mind the Ferbeast being snotty and bratty to Victoria i quite enjoyed it.

    XXX-factor if Maria E. is a cockroach then she must be a slug found under a rock huh?

    JP when you tell the police to let you get access in because the most important thing in your life is inside a burning building all you do is walk a couple steps closer and stop and pray? I guess Maria E. is more important to Mac than she is to you?

    Burnie was on a roll last night i think padre Jeronimo believes she did something evil again but he doesn't know what?

  9. Jardinera - Thank you for the recap. Recapping these double-headers is a lot of work. It's even a lot of work to watch them.

    I'm so over Ximena that I've started FFWD-> thru her scenes.

    Variopinta - I've been thinking the same thing, about D.F. traffic and all Max's visits to MD's place. They've got to be located in the same area the city. Even if she was 5 miles away, I would imagine Mexico City traffic would take an hour to get there.

  10. Comadre Jardinera,
    Just when I was ready to leave this mess of a novela, I read your recap and I remembered why I stay. I will be recording and FF, but definitely reading the recaps.

    Fer, the character I started out disliking, is now the most interesting and likable one at this point. The actress has impressed me with her ability to completely change the persona. Fer is actually physically & emotionally more appealing.

    The big disappointment for me is the non-chemistry with Perroni & Levy. Understandably,she's was stiff and distant with Levy in the beginning... but she hasn't changed. She's a beautiful gal, and he's a great kisser, but I don't see the chemistry. On the other hand, the heat between Cruz and Fer is building up...

  11. Blusam: Yes...I,too, wondered where in the heck Padre JP was doing after he just planted himself right in front of the fire truck! I got a laugh out of that one!


  12. Susanita you would have thought after he had made that comment he was going to charge right in and save the most precious thing to him in all of his life huh? I was like uhhhhhhhhh you might want to at least try to go in and save your daughter JP ok?

  13. Blusam: I know! NONE of the bomberos were going into save Maria E. They were just standing around, it seemed, but the minute our Maximiliano showed up...he saved the day and went in where the bomberos did not dare to tread!!

    Susanita :))

  14. My question is getting ahead of the rest of the recap.... but I got really confused last night:

    One minute, we had X-PJP in a scene and all of a sudden, the scene changes to Burn-arda screaming at Padilla & Scorpion guy that they messed up. Did I miss something? I rewound, and the thing just did not make sense to me. QT*? Did maybe Looneyvision cut something? (wouldn't be the first time ....)

  15. doris,
    Bernarda is pissed because María isn't dead.

  16. I should also add, the sad news delivered by Fausto

  17. Variopinta - I guessed that was the case, and so I got further confused the tweedle-dee & tweedle-dum sabotaged Fer's car.
    Was scuzzy tat boy in the car when it exploded?

  18. I'm really confused with this one, don't know why Padilla wants to kill Fernanda, but his son is dead.
    Pabre Alacran can't do anything right, he didn't kill María & now Padilla's son is dead. I think Fernanda is also, but I'm expecting a miracle on that one, like a song from Cruz.

  19. Doris: Scuzzy Boy was removed from the car already dead. Then Fer was removed after him in critical condition. Our wonderful Cruz gave her the breath of life!

    The car exploded after both occupants were removed.


  20. Thanks, Jardinera. You're a real pro. These two-hour shifts are waaay long, so your work is greatly appreciated.
    Busy night for the bomberos. Will Fer survive and take life more seriously?
    La Paloma

  21. As usual, thanks for the fantastic recap!

    I was also confused as to why the bomberos were so ineffective. There was a pregnant young woman trapped inside the building, and they were just standing around talking about how they couldn't get to her etc. etc. Really? Seemed a little half-assed to me....

    I am also happy to see that Maria didn't feel the need to actually keep her promise to Vic. After ALL that woman has done to her, I couldn't believe it when she agreed to put off marrying Max. Are you kidding? when has Vic EVER done her any favors? She didn't even ask her nicely! I would spit on her over-priced shoes and told her to go f*** herself.

    I have to say, Max is impressing me with his current (if temporary) stick-to-it-iveness. But I know we still have a long way to go before any church bells ring for M&M. Buckle your seatbelts and secure your beanies--something tells me it's a long and bumpy road to the triumph of lurrvve.

  22. Thanks, Jardinera. Yikes...the body count is really mounting. It seems that someone gets killed or injured in every episode. Pobre doe-eyed many enemies. By the way, how old is Cruz supposed to be ? [Isn't Pablo Montero about 40 ?] How old is Fer supposed to be? I thought that she was a teen....another May/December romance. Basta.

  23. Jardinera thanks so much for part two i really did enjoy it.

    So know one noticed a scary tattooed looking guy climbing over a fence and tinkering with the cars at the Sandoval's house huh?

    Is it me or do the need to put Bernie on a leash her going after the bobbsy twins of stupidity reminded me of a attack dog. It was funny though.

    Once again i am enjoying the Ferbeast putting Victoria in her place.

    Maria E. ita you don't owe Victoria or that crazy skank any type of favors after the treatment you have received from both of them.

    I got a even better suggestion why doesn't Max just hire a P.I. to tail crazy XXX-factor.

    Looks like poor Max is going to be guilted into staying with the odious heifer.

  24. It looks like the bomberos got to the accident in Toluca faster than they did in their own neighborhood. How many bombero depts are there in Mex, apparently only one. Wouldn't you think a fire has priority?

  25. Jardinera, thank you again for another double header. You are one funny lady. There are too many funny lines to repeat but believe me, I enjoyed each one, they help get me through this stuff of Uni.

    I think you need to change TOFIMC to TOFIM since Toluca is 45 miles southwest of MC. Those poor bomberos must be exhausted since they are the only ones in all of Mexico.

    They should have made the fire aftermath more realistic. Everyone should have been covered in soot and smelled like smokehouses and in need of a really good shower but we didn't see any of that.

    BSCX is not too far from being sent to the manicomio. I hope she never meets Burnie and the two of them team up. They would need to change the name to Triumph of Hate.

    Finally, Vic knows about Roxi but will she do anything about it? Also, when Rox loses her house, where will she go?

    The only smart one at this point is Os, he had enough sense to leave town.

    Poor Fer, I hope she will be okay. I agree that Cruz needs to sing to her. I will not miss tatboy, sorry. It surprised that Pa Padilla was so distraught, I wonder what that was about?

    BSCX's baby should arrive before long. She was probably well along in her pregnancy while they were in Miami from the scene of trying on clothes that didn't fit. I just know that there will be something wrong with the poor thing if it makes it at all.

    OMG, I hope Toni doesn't fall for Gui's line of BS. Surely she is smarter than that. Oscar better move on and stake out his territory.

    Where will Maria and Nathy move? It better not be with Burnie.

    Where is Ofelia's body?


  26. Susanita - Thanks for the 411. I saw Cruz giving Fer mouth-to-mouth --- smoochies op! --- but missed what happened to SRTB. This was about the time the dog wanted to go out. She needs a telenovela beanie hat.

    Jardinera - what is TOFIMC?

  27. Doris: The Only Firement In Mexico City, but I agreed with Rosemary' suggestion that since Toluca is 45mi. away it has to be Mexico. It works either way since the natives call MC just M, I guess. ; > )
    More later, guys! Thanks!

  28. Thank you for the recap Jardinera.

    I had Daniela Romo's song: Que vengan los bomberos in my mind while reading.


  29. Good work, Jardinera. I was out last night so I had to catch up this evening.

    Three cheers for Padre Jeronimo and the bishop from the previous episode. I'm thinking that when they hear about the fire they will do the math on this one.

    Dona Dementa is excommunicated. She deserves more than that, but I'm sure the writers won't disappoint us when they finish her off.

    BTW, in EPDA there was something that should have happened here: When Ana Joaquina handled the cross that Luciana had given to Juan it burned her and she dropped it.

    Eva and Fausto need to be more careful. I want them to get the satisfaction of revenge.

    Loved the scene with JP and Maria in the clinic. I'm reasonably sure he is realizing what he missed out on from worldly life.

    With regard to the fire I was wondering why Juanjo only carried Nati out when he should have seen Maria and gotten her, too. He's strong enough.

    It's time they put Ximeana into the manicomio. It's long overdue.

  30. Okay, writers listen up Three women have been killed: Tomasa, Ofelia, and Linda and no one cares. How about killing off the odioso Jimena? If other characters can be killed off, she can too. Its about time to be rid of her.

    And one man JJ has been brought back from the dead --apparently by some vocal segment of the viewing audience who believe in and want to see more bad acting.

    What a pathetic portrait of macho culture.

  31. I suspect that most of the writers are female. Having said that...

    Despite LindaHo's early exit, I think we're stuck with Ximeana until the end. Because this is a mother-and-lost-daughter story, we seem to need two female villains, one for each to fight: Victoria and Bernarda over JP and Maria and Ximeana over Max. This will also guarantee that her exit will be far more spectacular than Linda's.

  32. Again, many thank, J. A tour de force.

    Hated to see accident coming. What a sleazy bunch of maliantes we have in this one.

    As for Jimmie, the EPDA forum folks felt the same about her counterpart in EPDA, played by the grand Cynthia Klitbo. Dominika's range seems limited, but a lot of it may be the character.

    So glad to be going back to one hour later this week, even at 10. Again, thanks to the bloggers who have done yeoman's service with two hours.

  33. Jar-Thank you so much for the recap. I thought the "tattoo parlor in the sky" quip was funny. I didn't like RTSB, but I kind of hated to see him go. BTW, that actor made a cameo in PVaA. He played a client looking at a house with Barbara...and he hit on her in a very slimy way. He must play a scuz in everything he does.

    Blu- "odious heifer" LOL

    Jarocha-Burnie as a pop star? I had heard she was a singer back in the day...but after seeing that (and Gitana and Quiero amanecer con alguien)I am just disturbed. I can't see Romo as anything but demented. :-(

    In general- I was really glad Fer gave Vic a wake up call. Last week Vic was screaming about not accepting failure IRT her marriage, and next thing we know she is moping in her bed and giving up. I'm glad Vic is back to work.

    I cannot wait to see what this week will bring. I'm glad we are back to one hour. I can watch PVaV during Teresa and them watch TdA.

  34. Jardinera, this was so great. These doube-headers are definitely a lot of work to accomplish and we are eternally grateful for everyone's dedication to getting these done.

    I actually settled in to watch both episodes, gees, talk about adjusting the beanies. I was so frustrated by the Three Musketeers ( or in this case Stooges) at the fire for awhile arguing instead of getting their butts in the building. Guess had to wait for Max to be able to drive up.

    Think the correlation of scenes between Max giving "life" back to Maria and then Cfruz doing the same for Fer means these couples are a sure thing for the "happy ever after" scenario at the end. (Or at least we hope). I take heart that JJ didn't have to do the same for Nati. I'm sorry but I HATE the idea of those two together.

    I too loved the ultra-sound scene with Maria and JP. I know the writers purposefully made him useless at the fire so Max could be the big hero. So I forgive him in that scene. I'm getting to the point though where I enjoy his scenes with Maria more than the Max/Maria scenes.

    So our two BSC brawds are getting worse. Bernie is absolutely certifiable in her demented thinking. Of course, people are catching on, but will allow her to do her nastiness until the end. I see a mighty, fiery end for her.

    As for X, I have to say one thing. I know the baby isn't Max's, but I still hate the fact they are showing her being so neglectful of the poor thing with the booze and pills. And noone is demanding she get cleaned up??? Vicki, for all her, "the poor child" sure didn't get too concerned either. That drove me batty. Someone take this poor unborn child's side.

    So previews show Max taking JP to the wall ( loved the disheveled JP). Could crazy wife try to finger JP as Maria's lover?

  35. Here is a bio on Romo's career

  36. Jarocha- I loved that video and song from Daniela R. She looks like she was having fun. They should play that video at the end of this show, instead of WL in a kayak. :) It would be way more appropriate and lend a bit of comic relief. :)

  37. Death List:

    Gonzalo & Rosalia (by Burnarda)

    Fausto (presumed dead, by Burnie)

    Octavio (by Burnie)

    Leonela's Lover (assumed by Leonela, probably by Gui)

    Tomasa (by Burnie)

    Sor Clementina (by Burnie)

    Israel (by fire)

    Ofelia (by Gui)

    Juanjo Imposter (by muggers)

    Linda (by Xi)

    Federico (by Scorpion Pimp & Rudy, on accidental orders of Burnie)

    Attempted Homicide:

    Maria, age 2 & Victoria, age 20something (by Burnie)

    Maria, age 20something & Fetus-Max (by Xi)

    Maria, age 20something (by Burnie)

    The people in the apartment building(Scorpion Pimp & Rudy, via Burnie)

    Fernanda (by Scorpion Pimp & Rudy, on orders of Burnie)

    Isn't it amazing how Maria D. can sew too? Isn't that how Victoria thought Maria M. was her daughter?

    Also, Fernanda likes to sketch and draw. Budding fashion designer?

  38. Here is another one by Romo, she was young & very pretty

    Anon 207, they are dropping like flies & we have about 50 episodes to go.

  39. Sara:

    Lol! What's demented about that video?

    Vivi: I'd love to hear the song at the end or at least as a backgroud for her scenes haha,

    My favorite songs from Romo are Yo No Te Pido la Luna, which is just fun and has been arranged for newer pop stars and of course her classic De Mi Enamórate which REALLY showcases her excellent voice.


  40. I really wish Romo would cut that hair, it would look great shoulder length.

  41. What I meant was I have only seen Romo in two roles: the one from Alborada and this current TdA role. In both she is such a Grande Dame, so it is hard for me to watch her flouncing about in 80's gear and quasi China Poblana suits. It doesn't "jibe" with my images of her. :-)

    Her voice is beautiful, though.

    The hair is very Crystal Gayle and I wouldn't mind seeing it short, either. (Note to self: *your own hair is too long. Get a cut this week.)

  42. Anon207: I love your lists. Thanks for the recaps of death. ;-)

  43. Hi all! I don't mind recapping as long as you all don't stop reading! LOL! Now I see there are at least 110 episodios and a twitter from Maiti that the show ends in Mexico around June. That would mean something like 140-150 total episodios. Just an updated FYI. I will be popping in, but can't hang around much till tomorrow.

    Jarocha: Thanks for the links to the clips! I enjoyed them immensely. What a difference a quarter century makes, though, eh?

  44. Ok so if TdA ends in June in México that means we should have it for a while. This makes me quite happy. My beanie is so ready!

  45. Vario: Thanks for all of those links! I can see why Romo is attached to her hair, but I do think that an update of her 'trademark' would not hurt. Elizabeth Taylor did this all the time. Now, there was a star!

    Sara: I'm right with you re having our fairy tale around for awhile longer!!


  46. Jardinera, thanks again. I couldn't possibly re-quote every line that threw me into fits of laughter. I admire your quick wit and lively writing SO much. It was quite the episode. Both gals got the mouth-to-mouth from the best looking guys on the set. I'm really liking Fer a whole lot.

    I think Daniela Romo is a bit of a caricature here, not that I mind; the whole show is over the top. I think she played Doña Juana (Alborada) with much more subtlety. And I can't understand why she should cut her hair. I'm squarely in the long hair camp. And it's usually women who say "Why don't you cut it?" Never men, in fact I've been stopped on the street several times with compliments. I did actually trim off about a foot the other day, and it just hits my waist now. Much easier to take care of than a "hairstyle".

  47. I think Maria becoming a seamstress is significant. I think she's either going to become Vic 2 by becoming a successful designer or, at the least, show that she's really her mothers daughter. This is a long shot but maybe Burnie is buying up Vics shares of stock and will give them to Maria to spite Victoria.

  48. Aren't sewing and cooking skills traditionally taught to girls in orphanages? Maria M also sewed; I don't think that the ability to do sewing repair is genetic. A talent for design is mostly about an eye for color and form. This may have some basis in the genes, but a lack of interest would trump that.

    Sara, did RTSB have the tattoos in the other novela?

    I'm also in favor of long hair for those who want it past the age of 30. I've been getting the stink eye from some who think that just because I'm well past that I should cut it all off and look androgynous.

    A fiery end for Bernarda would be very appropriate. Like Dona Jacinta in BdA.

    On Wednesday morning Telefutura begins rerunning Mi Pecado.

  49. Well, RTSB was wearing a suit, so I couldn't tell if he had the tatts. He was in made over RTSB mode. Now chin braid etc.

  50. Jarocha- I loved that video and song from Daniela R. She looks like she was having fun. They should play that video at the end of this show, instead of WL in a kayak. :) It would be way more appropriate and lend a bit of comic relief. :)
    Permalink posted by Blogger Vivi in DC :

    Vivi: I totally agree! That *would* be funny, not the silly Pipino speaking fast in a mouse voice or sword fighting with Rox.

    Sara: That video was startling - not at all what I expected.

    Anon207: I'm sorry, but on your list Fausto is not dead or presumed dead. He is well and alive. Who are you thinking of?

    Jardinera: I lose track of all the funny lines that make me laugh out loud! Thanks

  51. Jardinera thanks for your recap. I'm glad you and the other recappers won't have 2 hours to contend with for much longer.

    X-factor is painful. Though I can't stand characters whose entire function is to block the main protagonists, Cynthia Klitbo did a much better job.

    Burnie is completely certifiable. She's going to have quite the body count before this is over. I know this is Mejia's modification but it's so extreme.

  52. Mariquita: Anon207 does know that Mr. Faustus is not dead, but in everyone's world, especially St. Bernard's, she does believe that Fausto died in that fire. This is why Anon207 has him on their list.


  53. @UrbanA: OMG I never even knew there was some kind of a rule about long hair after 30! Never heard of such a thing. But it's complete nonsense. Here's a good example of how beautiful a head of long silver hair can look.

    As for Doña Bernarda''s do—'nother story. Some kind of monstrous Gordian knot. I'm sure it's symbolic of something.

  54. Burnie believes she burnt Fausto up in the the fire along with his parents (Gonzalo & Rosalia). That's why he's on the list as "presumed dead" ---Burnie believes the child (Fausto) is dead. She has no idea Fausto is the child she tried to kill and that Eva is Rosalia's sister.

  55. Leonela should also be on the "Presumed Dead" list. Max and Victoria think Leonela is dead, but Osvaldo knows she is in a foreign jail convicted of killing her lover. The questions I have with that are:

    Did Osvaldo divorce Leonela b/c if not, his marriage to Vicky is invalid.

    Does Gui know that Leonela is alive and in jail? Or does he think Leonela is dead?

    Could Osvaldo have been the one to kill Leonela's lover and frame her for it?

    Why did Osvaldo marry Vicky so quickly (one week, I think)?

  56. OT-Has it ever happened that a TN did better in the states than in Mexico?

    Just curious. I'm sure it's been discussed before, but I couldn't remember the answer.

  57. What a challenge this double episode presented for a recapper! And as usual, you rose to it with grace and wit. Thank you, Jardinera! And thank you to everyone for all the perceptive and funny comments this weekend. TDA watchers are on the ball!

    Anon207, I'm fairly sure that when Os told PJP about Leonela, he said they were divorced. So his marriage to Vic is valid.

    Sara, I don't know if the question of whether a particular novela has ever done better here than in Mexico has been addressed on this blog. But it seems reasonable to assume that it happens.

    There are some interesting cross-cultural differences in taste, aren't there? -- especially where comedy is concerned!

  58. Regarding Bernarda's hair: It's' a matronly style which is very similar to that worn by Dona Jacinta in Barrera de Amor. I don't think that's an accident because Dona Jacinta had the same religious hubris and the same obsession with fire (without the phobia). The difference between them is that Dona Jacinta didn't push her son into the church.

    The other reason for it is to make Daniela Romo look older because she is not old enough off camera to be Diego Olivera's mother. That was not the case with Marga Lopez and Cesar Evora in EPDA.

    About Leonela: If this follows the same plot point as EPDA, Osvaldo is divorced from her so his marriage to Victoria is legal. Somebody at Televisa knew in EPDA although I don't remember whether it was the counterpart to Gui or to Pedro or both.

    I don't remember who killed "the other man" in EPDA, but it wasn't Osvaldo's counterpart.

    Novelas doing better in the US than in Mexico: Yes, this has happened. FELS did better here than in Mexico, whose critics hated it. I think its success here is due to the popularity of the cast. There must be other examples, but I can't think of any right now.

    Considering that after Univision, Telemundo, Telefutura, and V-Me the other Spanish-language networks don't have great distribution, there isn't a lot of competition. It's almost like English-language TV was here in the early 60s.

    Azteca America only has full-power stations in L.A. and Houston and it's no longer on a lot of cable systems. I can't get it anymore in NYC.

    The other reason is that the US Hispanic audience is 60% Mexican. Telemundo's early efforts to appeal to them were not successful.

  59. Anon.207; Welcome!

    The lists are great cuz it's always so hard to remember who's what. Anyway, yes, Ozzie is legally divorced. He brought that up in one of his discussions with Padre JP. --Also in a discussion with Gui, I thought Oz said something about Leonela's death and Gui didn't correct him. --If I am wrong about that, then maybe the discussion just dealt with Leonela vaguely and her being married to Oz or choosing Oz instead of Gui back in the day.

    If so, Gui may not have been anywhere around when the trial took place, i.e., filming out of the country for a year or something.

    I also didn't get the impression that Oz married Vicki that quickly, tho' I thought it was a matter of 3 or 4 months after Leonela was sent away to prison.

  60. Sara: Pasíon, it seems, was much more popular in the States--at least on this blog it was. Jarocha would probably have the data on that, tho'.

  61. Jarocha: O/T If you're still lurking out there, amiga, I read you're in the D.F. at school. Is this an advanced degree? I thought you were already employed as a teacher.

  62. I have been wondering if the novelas start out in Mex before the US to test them out? If they are a flop in Mex they won't attempt them here.

    That makes one wonder though, why they showed Corazón Salvaje here? I guess they had hope that Yáñez could carry it.

  63. Vario- I think the novelas start out in Mex before her simply because it's their product that they are exporting here. They make it for Mexicans, then ship it around the world. In fact, when I look at the distribution dates for the tns on wikipedia, often it seems that even after it starts in Mexico, it will then go to other LatAm, and even European, countries before it gets to the US. That may be more a function of program schedules and the US not being able to fit something in until some months down the road.

    Now that Uni has added a fourth hour to its tn schedule, I wonder if that will mean less of a lag time between when the tns are shown in Mexico and when they are shown here? I also wonder if Eva Luna's success will mean more US produced tns on Uni. That will mean additional tns that have their first run here in the US before they get to Mex or other LatAm countries.

    Jar- In case Jarocha doesn't come back and see your message, yes, she's getting a Masters degree in DF and missing Veracruz.

  64. Jardinera, once again a fantastic recap. Very funny, very detailed, and as always, delightfully written.

    As to Ximena's passing out, your speculation as to what happened is probably accurate, though sooner or later the quantity of drugs and EtOH will overcome any of the body's means of remaining conscious. I rather enjoyed that scene.

    Though I'm a huge fan of Cynthia Klitbo and was wowed by her version of the character in EPdA, I'm not as put off by the way Ximena is being played as most of you. I think the dazed, glazed look and the incessant whining is very effective in annoying us to distraction. If this Hell-spawn she she is incubating makes it to birth, I'll be amazed. Certainly not ideal prenatal care.


  65. RE: long hair vs. short hair comments.

    Did you ever stop to think that the only live portion of your hair is what's growing under your scalp and what you on the outside is dead hair enhanced by products?

    Nails and hair continue growing after death in the grave until the protein in the body is used up.

  66. OK, if this is a permanent addition of a 4th novela hour for Uni, what's up with Mujeres Asesinas?

    What I suspect is going on is that Univision is following Telemundo in moving the novela block to an hour later for ratings purposes. However, nothing that Uni was airing previously in the 10PM hour would be appropriate for 7PM EST/6PM CST.

    Unfortunately, TV Guide's site doesn't go beyond 4/11, the finale date for Eva Luna. Nor will it necessarily be correct tomorrow or the day after.

  67. Vario: Thanks for posting the clip. I was very impressed, she was very pretty and sings great. For an old bag she doesn't have any "arrugas" on her lips. I was already very impressed by that.
    I am very tired of all that hair as well.

  68. I think Univision used to have novelas on at 10pm before during the 80's and 90's but they were phased out either because of ratings with the exception of the Cristina show which was shown on Mondays. I can't remember if the Don Franciso show was shown during the week like it is now.

    I know his show on Saturday the variety show has always been shown on that day.

    Vivi i ask Jarocha about the novelas on Telemundo a while back and she said we get them first over here and then they are shown in Mexico.

    Urban i think they might move the 10pm shows to Sunday they used to show Mujeres Asesinas reruns on Sunday until the new season started.

  69. Jardinera: Vivi is right, I'm doing my Master's right now. I have never teached but I wouldn't object to do it in the future, it's just not in my plans right now :).

    I checked the numbers of Pasión in the Univision forum and it seems it did slightly better in the US than in México but it was still not a hit at all. Al Diablo Con Los Guapos apparently had better ratings at an earlier hour, that's always bad news for a novela in the priviledged spot.

    I also checked FELS and UA is right, it indeed did better in the US than in México! wow, I always thought it had done badly there for some reason.

    And yeah, the critics here have usually different opinions from the critics in the US. I remember distinctly when someone posted opinions of the US TVyNovelas issue on the Mi Pecado line that slammed the acting of Sabine Moussier and I thought that was weird since she had been praised by the Mexican TVyNovelas critics for that role (making especial mention on her efforts given that she was very sick at the time).


  70. The rantings are from the Univision Forum but one has to check out old dates.


  71. Jarocha: Thankyou for the background information! I'm wondering about why we haven't seen announcements about Cuando Me Enamoré with Sylvia Navarro and Juan Solís (2 terrific actors) if it was supposed to be replacing Eva Luna. I wonder if Familia Con Suerte takes over and then perhaps CME follows Llena de Amor? Do you know?

  72. FYI: I just read that César Evora joins TDA's cast tonight! He was the Padre JP character in the EPDA if I'm not mistaken. I absolutely love this actor!!

  73. Can't imagine why Pasión wasn't popular, that is what made me a novela regular, oh, well that was probably Fernando Colunga that did it.

    César Evora & FC appeared together in a stage play in Mex.

  74. From what I read Cuando Me Enamoro was supposed to replace Eva Luna. I too wonder why there haven't been airing promos. Una Familia con Suerte is supposed to replace Llena de Amor. Unless Univision plans to switch the timeslots for their comedy/drama novelas.

    Supposedly today Univision was going to announce when Cuando Me Enamoro premieres. I think if they do, they might show it during Eva Luna's commercial breaks.


  75. Jar: I absolutely LOVE Cesar Evora. I love, love that man (especially his beautiful voice!)


  76. Jardinera, you're right; Cesar Evora was the previous Padre Juan. When EPDA aired in prime a friend was channel-surfing, landed on it for a minute, then called me and asked "Why is this man a priest?"

    If any producer had ever thought to create a Hispanic James Bond he would have been it. I often describe him as a cross between Sean Connery and Marcello Mastroianni at the same age.

  77. UA: Did you see César Évora in Si Dios Me Quita la Vida with Daniela Romo? He looked so great in that one, the 30's/40's look was great on him. And that one had Omar Fierro, the first galán I ever watched, sigh. Televisa should feel awful that they lost him to Azteca.


  78. ¿César Evora is on tonight? SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jarocha- Si Dios me quita la vida looks like it was a great show! I wonder if it's available on DVD anywhere...even edited.

  79. OT--Sorry, I meant Juan Soler re: Cuando Me EnamarO. Anywho, I just saw the cast list and can't believe they'd be giving it the 8E/7C time slot unless they're really serious about competing with Telemundo and socking them with a major 1-2 punch. It's one of the strongest casts I've seen in a while and and full of a boatload of our favorites. They have Rulli in this one also, so he'll be in two at the same time. FYI, it's a remake of La Mentira, a favorite of Martai's.

  80. Urban An: I have to laugh. ITA with your friend. I caught a couple of scenes late at night on the reruns and saw him. What a waste of a hunk in role.

  81. Again, thank you for all the great comments and the compliments.....Definitely appreciated after doing double-duty. :?))

  82. Sadly, I never saw that series. I so believe you that he would look great in that period's clothing.

    As to him being cast as a priest, I can't explain it except that Cesar might want to avoid being typecast. However, this story probably demands that we have a hot guy in the role. Like this movie (particularly note the street scene at about 1:30):


  83. Sara: I think it's up in youtube in it's entirety. It's only 60 episodes, María Zarattini wrote it and she likes short novelas, so I think if there are DVD's they might not be that butchered.


  84. Blu- I know the Telemundo novelas air in the US first, since they are produced here. I was just speaking about the Uni/Televisa shows.

    I has also heard that Fuego en la Sangre did better in the US than in Mexico, which is funny since it was slammed on this site for being so campy and over the top. Maybe Americans, or American Latinos, love campy melodrama. :)

  85. Sara: Here's the first episode if you want to check it out.


  86. I enjoyed FELS for its cast, the look of the series, and the excellent music. I did get annoyed with the chipmunking and the constant attempts at comic relief. I would have preferred it as a straight-up melodrama with the only comic relief being the romantic comedy courtship of Franco and Sara.

  87. I watched the original Las Aguas Mansas and loved it. I just couldn't sit through FELS or Pasión de Gavilanes when the original was so fantastic.


  88. Anon 207 & Susanita: Thanks for clarifying the list & I apologize for commenting on it. I'll try to remember why Fausto is on the list, now.

    Would someone tell me which character Cesar Evora is going to play so I can watch for him? Thanks

  89. I was expecting this plot to happen with Fer being injured it happened in EPDA but i'm sorry i can't take Victoria Ruffo and her crying and whining and sobbing jag it's too much along with the overacting thank goodness for the invention of the mute button. I believe the Dr. who first treated Fer coming in from the accident was the actor who played the Fabian role in EPDA.

  90. lxv: Interesting site about silver hair. Mine started back in college so I didn't see any reason to fight it.

    Blusamarai: ITA!!!! I'm so over Vic and her tears

  91. The girls new apartment looks more like the one they had in EPDA.

    So Bernie got burned by the cross Victoria gave JP. I have to ask if Victoria is going to get burned she isn't exactly saintly herself either.

    Max finds out JP is Maria E.'s dad but still doesn't know she is pregnant with his child?

  92. Blusamarai: I also thought Max already knew that JP is the man Vic had a baby with? So why doesn't Max tell Vic & Maria?

  93. I got so disgusted by the llorathon last night that I turned it off after an hour and a half. I went back and watched the last 30 minutes this morning. Apparently all the good stuff happened at the very end.

    Is it just me or does Padre Hottie get hotter every episode?

  94. The question came up , what happen with Ofelia's body? Jimena thinks that Guillermo buried it in the woods. I personally think he cut it up and feed it to his dog. Same fate like Tomasa whose body was cut up but burned in the fire place.
