
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #81 3/30/11 B*tch Slaps and Baby Daddys

The good news: We are back one hour episodes.
The bad news (at least for the Wednesday recapper): The episodes are an hour later. My ability to understand Spanish is sketchy at best, throw in a later air time, no captions,  a mumbly galán, a  mumbly BSC heifer, a mumbly Padilla and stir in a raging mad Os and I'm sunk (hundida.) Please accept my apologies now for future recaps.

From last night:
María returns home and is greeted by the sight of flowers. Tons and tons of flowers. Max sneaks up behind her and Maite (playing the part of María) looks genuinely startled. Very well played, Maite. Smoochie smoochie and love talk. The crib is no where to be seen. Drat.

Mariá asks about Fer and Max replies that she is bad and worse (peor) she blames Vic for everything. (Frankly, I'm still failing to see Fer's logic.) Max says mumbledy mumbledy rebel mumbledy mumbledy got in that car mumbledy mumbledy dad's back. María says "your dad is back?" Max says yes and things are intense. Mom isn't going to forgive him and is very hurt (dolida) by everything that's happened. María says she understands Vic's attitude (La entiendo). It's very difficult to forgive such betrayal and deception. (Es muy difícil perdonar la traición y el engaño.) Max gives the I'll fight 'til we're together forever speech he's been spouting...even as he walked down the aisle.

In the hospital
Fer can go home. She's glad (No lo soporto estar aquí.) Fer needs some therapy and then they can find the best time to have the surgery that may help her to walk again. So there is still some hope? asks Vic. There's always hope says doc. The orderly brings in the wheel chair (silla de ruedas) and Fer flips. She doesn't want to get in it. She begs her papi. He picks her up and carries out of the room. Max wheels his coat out.

En la vecindad
JP is eating chilaquiles with María and Nati. (He loves the flowers from Max, btw.) There is pleasant chit chat and then it is time for him to head for his heavily symbolic job as a carpenter. In case we missed the symbolism, JP explains that Jesus was a carpenter, too (Oy vey, even *I* knew that.) We get more honest work is good work PSA talk. Before he leaves he asks María to bless him. This is one of my favorite things about Mexican culture. (Question: is this really that common, or is it similar to the way US TV romanticized the family in the 50's?)

Anyhoo, the blessing:
Con todo mi cariño-Qué Dios lo bendiga, lo acompañe y lo protega en este día y en todos los días en su vida (With all my affection-May God bless you, be with you and protect you today and all the days of your life)
On to Casa Sandoval
Os, the world's strongest man has carried Fer from the hospital to the manse. He takes her upstairs. Vic feels as if the weight of the world is upon her. Max says she has to return to the being the strong woman she was.  Fer needs her. Vic fears there's nothing left of the woman she was. She feels filled with weakness (llenada de debilidad.) Max understands, with everything that is happening things are difficult. He tells Vics she needs to pull herself out of the quagmire. He tells her you've over come other storms (Has vencido todas las tormentas.) Vic says everything she's been through is not helping her now. Do you know why? Max asks...because you've forgotten something very important. What? Vic asks. What have I forgotten?

To learn to forgive.

Max brings up the business with Os. She turns the tables and asks if he has forgiven her for the Ximena business. Max, of course, is pretty cool with things now since it's really just a short term thing. He'll be with his love soon. Vic mentions esa mujer María Desamparada. Max responds that María Desamparada with all her goodness has given him the strength to confront anything. María Desamparada, mother, fills his soul with love (?) Vic asks if he's really going to be with her after he divorces Xi. Of course he is. Oh, and by the way he says even with everything, I haven't forgotten your daughter María. (Ok. Really? How many friggin' times did you two just say María? Sheesh. ¿Cómo se dice "dumbass" en español?)

Upstairs Os is tucking Fer into bed and asks if she needs anything else. Fer asks him to take the computer, phone and TV from the room.

Vic looks at a picture of Fer and a picture of baby María. She muses on how different they are and how she lost them both (tan distintas, y a las dos las perdí)

Os dramatically removes the electronics. He closes the blinds. Darkness lends itself to self-pity better than bright sunny rooms do.

Fer asks for Cruz. "To thank him for saving your life? " Os asks. "Sure, Sure that's it" answers Fer.

In the barrio
Nati is using a hand loom to make a scarf in retina burning yellow. Maria sews. Nati tells María to be careful of the needle and María suddenly remembers playing with the doll that trumps DNA in a dress-shop/factory with a shadowy mother figure in the background. (I am reminded of my own hija at the same age.*sniff* they grow up so fast.)

Back to the manse
Os is looking at a picture of baby María. He asks if this is the daughter she lost. She says yes. It is her pequeña María. Os wants to know why she never told him; who is the father? Vic doesn't plan to tell him anything. He can ask all he wants. She ain't talkin'.

Cruz enters Fer's bedroom. Fer wants to know why he saved her. She would rather have died than be paralyzed. She throws his rose back and him and tells him to get out. She never wants to see him again. He tries to ask if she needs any help but she screams some more and tells him to get out. Max arrives and Cruz leaves. Max tells Fer that Cruz saved her life and she should thank him. Fer screams maldigo (I curse him!) over and over.

In the study Os is ruminating. Xi comes in and is fakey sweet and acts glad to see him (blech.) The look on Os face=somewhere between Qué the hell? and Dear Lord deliver me from evil. Xi follows up the welcome back with "I'm expecting Max's child...your grandchild." She knows Max doesn't love her and that the marriage was perhaps a rushed mistake. Os assures her his son will do the right thing. She cries and whines that Max is going to leave her alone and preggers for that other woman. Os promises to talk to Max. He rapid fires some Spanish and I manage to catch theatre...which is a perfect opportunity for Xi to warn him not to trust Gui. Os will have none of it. Gui is my friend! I trust him! (But she did get him thinking.)

Unidentified location
Gui, the trusted friend, is talking to his lawyer. I catch "real owner of theatre" and "the law is on your side."

In the garden of the manse
Max makes apologies for Fer to Cruz. Fabian also arrives to see Fer. Max is filled in about the gentleman's agreement (I hope it's a sign that Fer will eventually walk again.) As Max leaves the camera pans up to Xi on the balcony. She thought bubbles that she knows he's going to see María and can't wait til they see what she has in store for them.

Fab has gone upstairs to visit Fer but she is still wallowing in self pity. Fab eventually leaves and meets Cruz on the back terrace. Cruz is playing guitar. He sings the Fer/Cruz theme song and Fer hears. For a brief moment she smiles but then remembers all the good times when she could walk and starts to wallow again.

Vecindad Again
Max surprises María at work.
Milagros has a quasi restaurant now?
Napo is her waiter?

Max and María lunching at Milagros. He's praising her for working hard and trying to get ahead. Love talk and smoochies.
María decides the time is right to come clean about the baby. She tells Max about a blessing. She thinks it's going to be the biggest most wonderful thing evah. What are you talking about? He asks. " just'm ...." And Max...the winner of the dumbass of the year award FRIGGIN' INTERRUPTS HER AND TRIES TO STEAL A KISS!!!! Holy crap on a cracker! This is worse than Os falling asleep! Mid kiss BSC-Xi shows up and grabs María and slaps her. In the middle of the restaurant Xi starts screaming about Max being "mi marido" and tells María to leave him alone. She starts yelling that she's expecting his child. Let the huge public scene begin!

As we return from commercial, the Naco Force is coming to María's defense. The whole crowd is talking and Milagros is trying to push her out of the food court. She yells at them all to shut up.

At the empresa
Oscar is hiring a PI to find out what Burnie's connection is to the couple in the photo.

At Doña Dementa's
Os has come to call and Burnie is spewing the usual "Vic is scum" lines about her abandoning her baby. Os just can't believe it. He asks again "Who's the daddy?" Burnie won't tell him.

Vecindad-Again Again
Xi gets worked up and faints. She asks Max to take her to the hospital. She says she is going to lose the baby. Max and María exchange a longing glance as he carries Xi away (I assume to Lime Green MaxMobile.)

Doña Dementa's
Burnie says she's the mother of a priest. She wouldn't lie. She brings Padilla in and he claims to be the father of the baby. Os gives Padilla the third degree. How did you come to be lovers? Why did she abandon her baby?

We are interrupted by the carpenters FF>>

Padilla shows Os a time card from when Vic worked with him at the factory. He claims she made him love her. He says he fell wildly in love and one day she said she was pregnant. Os asks what happened next. I miss 90% of what Padilla usually says, but I gather he gave some song and dance about Vic using him to get ahead.

Another interruption to show Vic researching spinal injuries. She says there has to be someone in the world that can cure Fer.

Padilla continues his narrative and says one night Vic abandoned the child. Burnie explains this is why Vic didn't approve of Fer's relationship. Burnie says Vic probably abandoned the child when she realized that it would be a liability and keep her from getting Os the great and powerful actor. Os still has some doubts. Burnie says they are just trying to open his eyes.

At the empresa
Toni and Oscar discuss the dire straits the business is in. They need a new partner and quick! Gui overhears.

Back at home
Os is home and pissed. He says he knows everything.  He blames Fer's condition on Vic. He says he knows it was Padilla. She wants to know who told him such lies (I hope that was a rhetorical question; otherwise, Vic really is D-U-M-B.)  Os shows her the time card that proves all.

Doña Dementa's
Burnie is pleased with how things are going. She and Padilla have a minor disagreement about telling who is the father of the child(?) Burnie says the dude is dead (?) ...sorry, at this point I'm fading fast and understanding less and less.

Final Scene
Vic and Os are arguing. He keeps pushing to know who is the baby's daddy. They keep yelling. The door bell rings and Os continues yelling and asks "for the last time...who is the father of your child?" Micaela ushers in JP. Os tell JP he's trying to find out Vic's secrets...why she abandoned her daughter. JP says Vic DID NOT abandon her child. Os is all "what?! you KNEW?! Am I the last one to know everything? WHO IS THE BABY DADDY?!!??"
JP impactado.
Vic impactada.



  • Xi's pregnancy in peligro!
  • María and Max cry!
  • Mark Tacher!
  • Os strangles Gui!
  • Will JP confess? 


  1. ¡Hola a todos! Se lo juro a todo que next week will be a better recap. I'm using DailyMotion to watch it so I can spend the entire week watching, pausing, cursing the mumblers, catching the Spanish and writing.

    It just keeps me up way too late to try and do a "live" recap. (Thanks to Susanita and others who have mentioned the site.)

  2. Sara -- This is a wonderful recap. No apologies required or accepted -- only muchas gracias.

    I managed to snooze through much of it so I especially appreciate all the details. And the moments of humor are right-on. We need some humor! Mumbling Max -- what is it with this guy?

    Ten o'clock. I'm forced to watch TDA while my DVR tapes La Reina del Sur. La Reina is more work in part because it's very well done and requires concentration. Just can't watch at 10. Curses, Univision.

  3. Sara- Wonderful job. I was stuck to my tv for almost the full 4 hour block of tns on Uni. By the Time Teresa ended (great debut), my brain was ready to switch off and I was only paying half attention as I got a few things done, so your recap really filled me in on some things I missed. Thank you amiga.

    I did not miss Os sweeping Fer up into his arms like she weighed 2 pounds (she weighs 10 at least) and carrying her out of the hospital and up the stairs at home. What a man! Is it odd that the old dudes in this (Os and JP) have given me more heart skipping moments than the young guys?

    Looks like Mark Thacher is coming soon to shake things up. His look here (scruffy, sexy bohemean) is very different than his look in PVaA (buttoned down, clean shaven yuppy).

    I have given up on Maria telling Max she is pregnant. Instead he will find out from some evil person, in the worst possible way, who will tell him the baby is not his. Just like Vicky's secrets keep being revealed to her family by the evil Burnie, who twists the truth to make Vicky look bad.

  4. Sara - thank you for the recap. I only have to to skim over it this a.m., and will have later today to savor it in its entirety.
    "In case we missed the symbolism, JP explains that Jesus was a carpenter, too (Oy vey, even *I* knew that.) "
    Sara - roflol!

    Re: the blessing - years ago I read a gem of a little book called "The Blessing" and I think it goes back to the old Hebrew culture. It's a great book, so when I first saw telenovela people giving loved ones a blessing, I knew what it was about.

    Loved the Fab/Cruz scene together, esp. when cruz told fab -- 'yeah, she treated me the same way.'

    "The Naco Force" --- love it!

    Things that will probably be probably never be revealed until the Ultima Semana of this trainwreck: Max will María D is pregnant, Vic will find out MD is her daughter, Fer can walk, plus assorted baddies will be 'outed.'

  5. Viví-ITA that the more mature actors are more sigh-worthy.

    Doris- qué lástima that we will have to wait so long for such important revelaciones!

  6. Sara: Amiga! Bien hecho with a VERY difficult capitulo in terms of understanding what they were saying! I so thought about you last night. I kept asking myself why I felt like I was missing and not understanding so many things. It was difficult for me to get into the rhythm of what they were saying. My hat is off to you!!

    Even though Oz was being fed a pack of lies (you are correct, Sara...that filthy Padilla was making it sound as if Vic had used him to get ahead), I'm glad that SOMETHING has finally riled him up so that he can meet Vic toe to toe.

    I don't think Oz fully believed the monstrosities he was being told...he even said so...but St. Bernard and Filthy Padilla put enough doubt in his mind to get the end result that they wanted.

    If Oz had any sense, he would have to take one look at Padilla and really wonder if his beautiful wife would have WILLINGLY slept with this filthy man, but when one is enraged, one does not think. While this scene made me feel so upset at that trashy Padilla, I was yelling at the telly with the X-Factor Plutonium Rod Meltdown.

    What did Ximena actually think she was going to accomplish by trying to paint the picture that Maria was causing her such damage to her and her baby?! Did she actually think that Milagros, Napo, and everyone else would support her?!

    If we were to compare X-Factor to Ivaca/Ivana from STuD, the one thing that I will really grant to Ivaca is that she was ALWAYS one step ahead of the game with her schemes. X-Factor, on the other hand, merely reacts, she does not think. She is a stupid, money grabbing, lazy, inconsiderate, self-centered fool who is lower than low. How Vic has been so blind to this woman is beyond comprehension.

    I sensed something different in the look that Max and Maria shared when Max was carrying out X-Factor after one of her phony meltdowns, Maria looked at him me that look said that something had changed and it was not in Maria's favour.

    I'm actually glad that Tacher is coming on the scene! Maria has been very generous and understanding of Max in accepting a 'relationship' that compromises HER. Max needs to really see what he is doing to her.

    Doris: Thank you for that book reference! I am going to look it up. I knew a lovely family from Veracruz. The mother blessed her children every morning before they went to school. If the children thought their mother was going to forget to bless them, they would remind her. It was always so special.

    Gracias, Sara!


  7. Sorry...meant to say that I was glad that something was finally getting OZ (not Padilla) upset enough to go toe to toe with Vic.


  8. Sara, thank you so much for the really great recap. There was a lot going on and I don't think you missed a thing.

    Poor Cruz, I felt really sorry for him last night. Hopefully, Fer will overcome her bitterness and take each day as a gift.

    Padilla, who in the world would want anything to do with you. Another character in denial. Of course, Burnie is just fueling the flames.

    Please bring on the new galan, we need a break from all the wailing.


  9. At least now we know that Padilla is still in the dark about JP being the father of Victoria's daughter and that their daughter is Maria E.

    Ximeana has no dignity and no shame. WTH went on in her life that she's like this?Between the booze and the pills she's probably twice as BSC as she would have been without them.

    The "MaxMobile"; love it!

    I was tempted to call Osvaldo an idiot over his gullibility last night but I'm cutting him a little slack for the timing. Now would be a very good time for Osvaldo to find out about Victoria and JP's history but I have the feeling that this will be delayed yet again.

    I hope there was enough of the car left for a forensic team to determine that the brake line was deliberately cut. I'm actually surprised that Padilla didn't kill El Alacran.

    I thought Eva explained the photo to Victoria when she gave it to her.

    I think Guillermo's lawyer was telling him he is the sole owner of the theatre.

    As to the age of the actors... Osvaldo Rios is 50 and Diego Olivera is 43; I don't call that old! And while Pablo Montero was adorable at 23 he is far handsomer and more interesting at 37.

  10. UA: I, too, thought that Eva had explained that foto to Vic, so I was confused last night as to why Oscar was doing an 'investigation' on this.
    ...and, I was also surprised that Padilla did not beat up Alacran. Padilla's logic is so convoluted that it can't even be explained. Does he really think he is going to come out a winner because he is a part of team Bernarda!?

    I think Osvaldo Rios is so handsome. The best part about him is that beautiful smile he flashes on the opening credits. It is an incredibly beautiful smile. As for Padre JP...oh my...I hope we see him in more TN, including DARK SHADOWS!

    Anyway...there are some really handsome people on this TN...

    Susanita...who find it curious that no one seems to ask about Ofelia's whereabouts...except BSC X-Factor.

  11. Susanita, check YouTube for the clips of Osvaldo Rios and Victoria Ruffo in Abrazame Muy Fuerte which was made about 12 years ago. He has longer hair and looks like Fabio's long lost twin. Here is the opening of the series:

    Watch the title sequence carefully. 8 minutes in is the first bedsheet scene Victoria Ruffo ever did, complete with the traditional L-shaped sheet!

    If you can stomach Aracely Arambula, I think the whole series is on YouTube. You also get Cesar Evora as the villain, Fernando Colunga and Pablo Montero (both with hair that's too short) and Rene Casados in the comedy-relief subplot. No chipmunking in this series.

  12. It was great Sara, tks so much.

    Looking at Padilla NOW, one would wonder why Victoria would have had anything to do with him, but Salvador Pineda was very good looking as a young man.He looks a little like Padre JP. He is 52, same age as Romo.
    If you have the Marzo issue of TV y Novelas, there is a picture on the last page of the 2 of them together in 1986. They were in several novelas together.

  13. Great recap.

    I hate to say this for I do not condone violence, but I tell you I think I would pay a grand a piece for front row seats to a wrestlemania match between victoria and evil mom. Then between Maria and nutty Ximena. Can you imagine such a match with evil mom having to stop every 5 minutes to pray/say that she is handing out justice!

    I did find it hard to listen to them when they lied to Osvaldo about Victoria. My skin started itching. Yuck

    I'm glad Osvaldo Rios finally got a good part. I think he's doing a marvelous job here, as a boricua, I'm very proud of him.

    I have to say though I love this novela simply because of the leading ladies. Has Victoria Ruffo ever handled a part like this?

  14. UA: Thank you SO much!!! This is super!

    Sara: Wanted to clarify...I also thought that Max and Maria looked at each other with longing looks when he picked up that fool X-Factor, but Maria's look seemed to me to have an additional layer of...'oh my...we have entered a new etapa'.

    Also wanted to add that 'Daily Motion' was my best friend the other night...much easier to replay the things I did not understand over and over!


  15. Sara, this was great and I hope you were able to get a good night's sleep finally.

    I'm getting a bit tired of Vic's "oh poor me" routine. If I had a child who had just been paralyzed, heaven forbid, the last thing I would be worried about is me, looking like I stepped out of a fashion magazine and sitting around staring at pics. Even if Fer kicked her out, I'd be out and about with docs, looking like the wrath of god, and making sure everything that was needed was done.

    Not seeing Fer's self-pity lasting much longer, and I sure hope it's Cruz that breaks thru the walls. (I feel bad for Fabio though. He better not be the odd man out at the end of this TN.)

    Also, thanks for the spanish and english version of the blessing. I copied that over to a note site I have. That's a keeper!

    Yeah-Mark is coming!!! (Is he going to be a good guy? Anyone know for sure?)

  16. Abrazame had lots of good people including mi telenovio Colunga, but it was another Mejia piece of basura, I couldn't finish it. Loved the selected scene though.

    Here is a scene from El camino secreto with Pineda y Romo, the appear together at 6:08

  17. Vario: 'another piece of Mejia basura' I am DYING laughing!!!


  18. Sara, once again you provide us with an excellent and very amusing recap. I don't detect any flaws. I love your work.

    I'm no big fan of Ozzy, but tears welled up in my eyes when he swept Fer up in his arms and carried her out of that hospital room. I swear I've seen that very scene before (ePdA?) but it was every bit as powerful last night as the first time. Wow!


  19. Sara...I'm not watching this but I love mumble mumble mumble recaps because we've all been there. Heck, I can't understand everything people say in English, much less Spanish with William Levy's scrumptious full lips that seem to swallow every other syllable.

    You're funny as hell. Who cares if you understand everything.

    I too love the blessing. They only seem to be done by the so-called naco folks in telenovelas, not the high-falutin' ones. My grown kids would have a fit if I tried to start that with them now (they are dismissive of all things related to organized religion), but I silently say a blessing every time they depart.

  20. Sara wonderful job as always there are some sites to go to watch TDA on i hope that helps when you have difficulty hearing the acors and don't worry you're not the only one experiencing this either.

    Daisynjay i think a lot of us are tired of Victoria and her pity party.

    I felt the look Maria E. gave Max as one as being the other woman as long as Max stays guilted into staying married to that horror he does need to stay away from Maria E.

    Susanita you're not alone about feeling the same for XXX-factor and how does this crazy know where Max was? She can't afford a PI or even a a tracking device what the heck is it when you're crazy like that do you come with a extra stalking GPS gene knowing where the object of your stalking is at all times?

    Why is it that everyone lays guilt at Max's feet but no one tells XXX-factor cut out the booze and pills. Even the Dr. mentioned that with her last fainting spell at the house. Self-centered Victoria should be demanding she knock it off with the booze and pills for the baby's sake if she wants max to stay at least for the baby's birth.The nerve of self-centered Victoria asking if Max has forgiven her about forcing him to marry XXX-factor but she can't forgive anyone who she thinks supposedly betrays her.

    Haha Variopinta you never disappoint extolling the gift that keeps on giving in Mejia and his great works!

  21. I'm really glad that Fernanda was coming around. She was turning the corner when she dumped Federico and would have not been in the accident if she did not get back with him. She is really a good girl not evil. Methinks I'm the only one that misses Linda.

    Some of you may remmeber that I posted the exceptions to the seal of the confession back in our FELS days. Vivi and UA would have been into our intellectual discussion about it then. FELS is one of the very few series that look better in DVD condensed form because it is devoid of the chipmunk comic relief nonsense. It basically cuts out the crap and goes right into the story skipping a few subplots that many viewers thought was unnecessary.


  22. JudyB, I'm a little surprised that your kids are dismissive towards organized religion. You seem to be a religious person from what I've read in the past. Interesting that they don't share your faith.


  23. Blusam: Agree with your thoughts re the look Maria gave Max. It just seemed like a look that we have not seen before.

    Holding X-Factor for all of her boozing and pill swallowing?! Surely, you jest. No one seems to hold this fool accountable for anything. Vic will just pounce on Max to 'make things better'. Right.


  24. Wowsers. Fingers faster than the brain. Meant to say: Holding X-Factor 'accountable'.....


  25. thing children regularly do is choose a different path from their parents.

    They are "spiritual" in the sense that they are caring, ethical people with a concern for others, but they turn up their noses at organized religion, and in many ways I understand that.

    For me, I find it all too easy to be self-centered and detached, if I am not working through a faith-filled institution. But they are approaching life differently, as adult children so often do.

    Since I remember railing myself against the hypocrisy and conservatism of religious groups when I was younger, I understand. And continue to bless and pray, as I suspect all mothers do, even the most agnostic!

  26. If this starts from foto 1, Osvaldo is photo 13

    ¡Que guapo!,22491,2062327,00.html?xid=pespdaily03312011#2260850

  27. Sara, thanks for a super recap and for working so hard to bring light and knowledge to us TN addicts.

    Os isn't my fave character, but he did well as the devoted dad. Loved "Os dramatically removes the electronics. He closes the blinds. Darkness lends itself to self-pity better than bright sunny rooms do."

    "Cruz is playing guitar. He sings the Fer/Cruz theme song and Fer hears." I'm good with this. Don't mind how many times he sings this.

    How did Gui come to be lurking in the hallway so he could hear about the need for a partner? He did have a visitor badge, but ??!!?

    Padilla is an obnoxious character, but Salvador Pineda is somehow able to make him just a little sympathetic. Same was true in CS.
    La Paloma

  28. Sara, thanks so much for another super job! I'm not thrilled about the later hour either, especially since there are basically two shows I'm watching and now they are on at the same time. (La Reina del Sur on Telemundo and, of course, this one. A pox on your house, Univisión and your farkakte scheduling!)

    I confess I am not mourning any of the lost souls as much as I am lamenting the loss of Millie's magical apartment. That tiny place filled to the rafters with memorabilia of a lifetime, carefully arranged and dusted, those flowery drapes, the photos, the religious statuary, the tarot symbols -- what a fabulous set. It's the kind of interior the viewer can enjoy even when the scene taking place within its confines is relatively uninspiring. The eye never gets tired of picking out new surprises! (In one of the earliest recaps here, 5 Ft captured the scene brilliantly, as I recall.)

    In contrast, the grim rooms at the vecindad are hard to look at. I look forward to the nesting process as Milagros, in her space, and Nathy and María in theirs, bring it all to life. Juan Pablo's place, alas, will probably remain a monk's cell.

  29. Sara~~~Thanks so much for that witty, wonderful recap. We just got back from a few days of R and R at our favorite shoreside town, so I missed the last few episodes. I'm going to have a hard time staying up to watch this show at 10 when I have to get up at 6 a.m. for work. Regarding the blessing, mothers in Dominican Republic bless their children whenever they leave the house. Vivi~~~I am with you. Os and Padre Hottie are very guaypo. I've never seen Padre in anything before, but Os was even more handsome with longer gray hair and a beard and mustache in Zorro. Carlos and JudyB, my old friends~~~so nice to see you here !!

  30. Susanita we know Max's good intentions but he has pretty much made Maria E. to being his mistress now and that look they both exchange was i believe Maria E. realizing it. How many times is he going to keep saying he's going to leave XXX-factor and goes and do it? As the saying goes talk is cheap.

    Yeah as it is too much to ask for Victoria to ask XXX-factor to clean her act up. She even had the nerve to try to send Max home from being at the hospital with Fer and go be with XXX-factor. But then again she just as responsible for making this unholy union possible by conniving with XXX-factor to trap Max.

  31. Susanita you're not alone about feeling the same for XXX-factor and how does this crazy know where Max was? She can't afford a PI or even a a tracking device what the heck is it when you're crazy like that do you come with a extra stalking GPS gene knowing where the object of your stalking is at all times?


    Max was talking to Cruz and Fabian down below on the patio and then decided to leave.

    X-Factor was lurking above on the balcony and decided to follow Max, as she was sure he was going straight to Maria.

  32. Anon207 considering the head start that Max had on her there's no way even with her flying down those stairs she could have caught up with him and i did see her listening in on the boys conversation.Max didn't say where he was going she assumed and there's no way she could have caught up to him.

  33. Blusam: ITA about 'the look'. Maria has definitely turned into his mistress at this point. I'm rather surprised JP is accepting of all of this. What would dear Sor Clementina say?

    NovelaMaven: Absolutely correct re Milagros' old flat. I loved it, too! It felt like a warm and welcoming place. You know, I was looking closely at Carmen Salinas last night. I thought she looked great sans makeup and great with it. Her face does not look plasticised to me at all. If it is, it is a darn good job for her face does not have that 'unnatural' look.


  34. Thank you for the amazing recap! Very amusing as usual.

    I have to say, The Max and Maria thing is near breaking point for me. I am totally rooting for these two, but how much is Maria supposed to deal with? When BSC Xi slaps her and makes that scene, then Max has to carry her out of there?! no way jose. I wouldn't stand for it. I think we are way overdue for the entrance of another man to shower affection on her. Of course I want her to end up with Max, but she deserves a little distraction while he's off cleaning up his mess.

    I did love that the whole restaurant tried to get crazypants outta there and sided with Maria though...

  35. Thanks for your understanding, everyone. JudyB-a special thanks for reminding me that I too have trouble catching what folks say in English, so I should not be so hard on myself if they are speaking Spanish!

    I'll admit here that I only glanced up for a second when Max was taking the fainting X-factor to the hospital. One of the problems with quasi real time recaps is that sometimes you are looking down writing and miss facial expressions etc.

    Vario-thanks for the great links and the "Mejia basura" chuckle.

    General commentary (I can't really remember who said what, so pretend all credit was given where credit was due.)

    Os-while at the beginning of the show I grew weary of his "me me me" attitude, he has really shown such a huge amount of remorse. I don't condone infidelity. I totally understand Vic's pain. I get it if she wants a divorce, but basta with her constant recriminations, yelling and tears. If she doesn't want to forgive Os, fine. But at least BE CIVIL for the sake of your paralyzed child. Heck, even if Fer was fine Vic needs to be civil for the sake of her children.

    Fer-I will put up with the self pity for the rest of the week....maybe next week, but I will not put up with it forever. Now would be the time to ask her if she wants to help design a line for teens/college kids. Get her involved in something other than wallowing.

    Ximena-I cannot believe so little has been said about the drinking and pills.

    Can't wait for tonight!

  36. Oh and Vario-thanks for mentioning the TV and Novelas pic. That was a real shock. Salvador Pineda was indeed guapo.

  37. Ibarramedia, does the FELS DVD have the original music? This seems to get messed with most of the time with these DVDs.

    Ximeana is earning herself a spectacular exit.

    I am going to guess that Leonela will be the person who buys Oswvaldo's shares through somebody chosen by Gui.

  38. Actually for Mejia, this is a masterpiece.

    Max is way too jealous, the guy in Miami, Padre JP & there he is with a wife, ¿QTF?

    Now with the new guy showing up, the sparks should fly.

    WL's mumbling problem is probably the Miami spanglish, I know he was working on his Mex Spanish elocution, but I guess has a way to go.

  39. The theater gig i forgot did Gui put his own money into and is it a joint venture or did he sucker Os into putting a boat load of his own money thinking the theater was going to be all his. It's looks like Gui shafted him big time from what the guy said there's no way to prove it's not Gui's money and that he doesn't own the theater.

    Susanita i can't see JP standing idle as his daughter is put through the wringer over this marriage issue with;s not good for Maria E. to keep hoping she and Max can finally be together but most importantly she needs to get away from Max and his family or most especially crazy wife. She doesn't need the stress or the emotional turmoil she is going through trying to be with him. Time to move on even if it's temporary from Max and his mess.

    The problem with Max he has continued to give in to emotional blackmail first from both of his parents and one of them connived with the crazy skank to have him trapped to her. Then there's been the threat of getting rid of the baby or he'll never see the baby again if he divorces her or leaves her. Finally when he has enough of crazy from mama and loca esposa and he wants to get a divorce. Crazy XXX-factor what was did she almost overdose or just had too much pills and alcohol and passed out. Then it's that Dr. and his telling Max she needs to be tranquil in order for the baby to live. What kind of lousy diagnosis is this how about locking her up in a manicomo keep her sedated with drugs that won't effect the baby.

    Max has continued to give in to this emotional blackmail and we all know if that baby somehow survives it's not going to be healthy at all so then she can continue to blackmail by telling him he has to stay and take care of the baby. Someone needs to send Max the DVD of STUD and watch how JM handles a crazy stalking skank and supposed you're the father of my child issue.

    Sara you are speaking to the choir about Victoria and her attitude i did like how Os labeled her before a smug superior B!tch and she continues on this road.

  40. Variopinta are you joking with us this is actually a Mejia masterpiece? Really that's is saying a lot about his "ahem" other great works isn't it?

  41. Blusam: Absolutely ITA with you re Max and his behaviours. That scene with X-Factor last night was upsetting. Max knows that Maria will do what ever needs to be done for MAX, therefore, he really doesn't have to worry about Maria.

    I just wonder if JP isn't going to put his foot down about this soon and tell Max to put his money where his mouth is.

    While there are times I admire Max, it is STILL hard for me to excuse the fact that he has reduced Maria to being a mistress.

    Her delay in telling him she is pregnant is going to cause big problems, as we know.

