Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Triunfo del Amor #69-70 3/22/11 Fer & Cruz take a dip in the drink and JuanJo wants one*
Since as far as I know, we have no scheduled recap today, here’s what I remember from last night’s show and a place to talk about it and fill in the blanks: *(Thanks to Ixv for composing the perfect title!) JuanJo Comes Home – and brings a new theme: Addiction! You’d have to be pretty stony-hearted not to be moved by Millie’s joy at having her only child back. [Still. I couldn’t help but hope that what Napo and Cruz were pouring over JuanJo’s filthy head was Kwell. And I was grateful they removed his clothes off-camera.] So now JJ is an alcoholic and is now in acute withdrawal. I’m sure we’re going to hear a whole lot about the subject. Parallet Plotlet: Domingo, Juan Pablo’s odd little sexton, turns out to be a recovering druggie. He has gone missing with the most recent carpentry earnings of the workshop. Osvaldo Leaves Home -- Destination Unknown Guillermo convinces Os he had nothing to do with Linda’s Jacuzzi Ambush. Gui is thrilled to get rid of Os. Os tells Max he is now the man of the house. Max suspects that Os is never coming back. Fer is devastated by her father’s leaving. Victoria can’t forgive him – it wasn’t just a one-night stand, it was a relationship and she thinks about all the times he must have lied to her and been with her after being with Linda. Ewwwww. Fer… … seeks solace in Federico (aka RTSB) and finally realizes, chinbraid or no, he’s a jerk. She breaks up with him. Cruz tries to comfort her. They go riding together and hijinks ensue. Beautiful country, horses, wet clothes. Stay tuned. Max and Ximena… …continue to fight. He moves into the guest room. She attacks a pillow with a pair of scissors. She tries on her new maternity clothes, looks in a mirror, and talks about how much she resents her pregnancy. María D… …is now back in simple clothes and hair (is that a braid I see?). She looks in a mirror and thinks about how much she loves her baby. Bernarda calls and says she wants to talk about MD’s ma. But when she gets there, B refuses to name names. She tells MD her father is dead and her mother is a bad woman who abandoned her, and wants nothing to do with her now. She was a sinner, just like MD herself. B also tells MD to leave JP alone – he’s a priest, not her father. B leaves in tears and Fausto is comforting her -- he's an orphan too, he says -- when Victoria shows up holding THE CLOTH DOLL. Vic and MD look at the doll and each other. Okay, fellow TdA junkies -- please add what I forgot. If someone puts up a real recap later, we can take this down.
Thanks for posting this discussion opportunity. I've been having trouble posting (write posts that then disappear along with the site), so I've been reading others' carefully instead.
ReplyDeleteFrom last night: Burnie is a witch, Victoria has violent mood swings (screaming or crying), Max seems truly undone and I continue to love Fausto and Cruz.
Not sure I'm addicted, but like the story line.
NovelaMaven - Thanks for the recap --- I think you listed the parts worth mentioning during yet another llorathon.
ReplyDeleteI FFWD---> thru most of crying, rehasing, etc., and managed to watch the whole 2 hrs in 1 hr.
So JuanJo is back from the dead, and in 3 or 4 days. It's not even Easter yet. Gah.
And although we got a shower scene, , , it did not deliver. Eeeww. I was cringing every time people were hugging JJ, given how they were cringing over his filth and stench.
Does JuanJo have a history of drinking? I don't remember that in the story. If not, the PSA for alcoholism and AA is a little much for this stage of JJ's story. Although . . . given his condition . . .
Jimena is truly BSC and Max better hide all the scissors.
The Fer<--->Cruz scenes were the best in the entire episode. They made me smile. :-)
ReplyDeleteWe did see JJ hitting the tequila pretty hard when Linda broke up with him but no one ever said directly that he was an alcoholic.
By the way, "Llorathon" is brilliant!
Traveling Lady, I've been noticing some disappearing posts lately. Not sure what's going on, but glad to see you here again!
I enjoyed Naty's joy and hope when Milagros told her how much she hopes JuanJo comes to realize what a terrific girl she is. Hopefully Naty will be the one to save JuanJo now that LindaHo is gone.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm sort of hoping Naty doesn't get the role of "save Juanho." She deserves so much better. And was the body of Juanho explained? I don't quite get the storyline of how he died and came to life. Ha !!! Easter indeed, funny.
ReplyDeletePam, I thought Nathy was sweet too, but even if she helps JuanJo, I hope she ends up with someone better -- like Fabián!
ReplyDeleteAnon, they explained JJ's 'resurrection' by saying he was mugged and the mugger stole his uniform. The body that Napo et al found was probably that of JJ's attacker. Because he was dressed in JJ's clothes and his face was beaten beyond recognition, they assumed it was JJ himself.
A police autopsy was done but apparently no one thought to question the identity of the corpse.
NovelaMaven: Gracias, Amiga for the high points. As I mentioned over on the Eva thread, I am once again away and hardly catching much of my TNs. This time, no Uni on the hotel telly!
ReplyDeleteWhat St. Bernard said to Maria E. was clearly intended to throw her off the track and stop her line of questioning. It was hurtful in many ways which still has me wondering why Maria E finds any solace with St.Bernard...especially in view of the fact that she has now told her that she has taken up too much of that Freshly Shaven Padre JPs time. Get over it, St. Bernard!
Did Maria E have any kind of visual reaction to St. Bernard's rantings this time around? Was there any kind of acknowledgment in her eyes that St. Bernard might be a tad off her rocker?
So...Maximiliano thinks that Pimp Daddy Oz might not return. What thinkest thou?
NovelaMaven...your recap from yesterday was absolutely superb! do you do it?! You recappers still amaze me with your writing talents.
Fony Fer is losing more of her Foniness! This is a good thing!
As for the JuanJo fool, yes, I am glad that Milagros got her son back, but I am NOT glad that we have this character back.
I still hope that Nathi wakes up and sees that JuanJo will not be the man she would want to be with for the rest of her life. What in the world can he possibly give her intellectually? I think this character deserves much,much more than this goofball JuanJo. writers...don't do this to Nathi!
Why did Nathi and Maria E not go to LindaHO's funeral?
NovelaMaven...I can't believe I am saying this, but I will TRY to do the recap for next Tuesday. Might as well give it a try, BUT everyone needs to know that it will be NOTHING spectacular. I will be happy if I can get the key no creative wonderful Spanish lessons...just the facts, ma'am.
If my travel schedule changes, I will give you notice in plenty of time so that no one is left in the lurch.
Now...I think I need to adjust my beanie for having agreed to do this.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for offering to do next Tuesday, but you do realize it's looking like another doubleheader, right?
Anyone who has been reading your clever and detailed comments knows you are supremely well-prepared to recap, amiga! I know it will be a treat!
Jardinera -- are you reading this? Can you tell Susanita how to proceed from here? Thanks!
About MD's reaction to Bernarda -- it WAS surprisingly passive. She seemed to accept very humbly the idea that she wasn't worthy of a disproportionate amount of JP's time. And she let the 'pecadora' accusation go right by her too. Unlike Bernie, she feels she IS a sinner and at least some of her suffering is deserved.
P.S. Glad you liked yesterday's recap. It was kind of fun to write what with all the nutso stuff!
"LLorathon." Very funny.
ReplyDeleteI hope Nathy ends up with Fabian, too. At least he enjoys reading. Can't say the same for Juan-Jo.
Sorry to see Oz leave. He was the only truly tragic character--vulnerable and used by everyone else--and played very well. Yes, he slept with another woman--a stalker, to be sure--but it was only his ego talking. He didn't manipulate or murder anyone to get his needs met.
NovelaMaven: I DO appreciate your confidence in me, but...wait until you see the finished product, amiga!
ReplyDeleteI know we are still in doubleheadersville, but I will give it my best shot.
Do I word process my recap as I would any other document and then send it to one of the established recappers? Probably best to give me the details of that now so that I won't be fretting about that.
Speaking of doubleheaders, I am still not clear as to why Uni is doing this? Are they trying to rush this TN out of here?
I think things are getting quite interesting. In some ways, it's even moving more quickly than STuD did.
Why the rush?
Susanita, if you email me at:
ReplyDeleteNovelaMaven at hotmail dot com, I can fill you in on the details.
Dunno why they're rushing it -- I thought they were trying to discourage channel switchers (and they ARE making it hard for me to watch La Reina del Sur) but Urban Anthro says no. And she seems to know this stuff.
Anon 12:05, I like your take on Os as the only truly tragic figure. Thanks for posting!
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 1205. I,too, am sad to see Pimp Daddy Oz leave, but I would be really shocked if he were to leave his children behind...especially sounds like this has been devastating to her.
ReplyDeleteWhat specifically did Oz say to Max?
NovelaMaven: Will do!
NovelaMaven- You covered it all beautifully with just a few lines.
ReplyDeleteThis is really the first time that Burnie has been downright cruel to MD, so I hope that wakes her up to Burnie not being the best person to provide her support. I hope she ignores her and talks to Padre JP anyway. In the previews, it looks like he's finally ready to give up the priesthood to help his hija after she has an accident.
I noticed Maria going back to a simple hair style too. Unusual in a novela as the heroine's change from simple to fab hair usually sticks. But this pulled back style is way prettier than those original braids down the center of her head. It shows off her pretty face too. Maria, Victoria and Fer all have beautiful hair.
As for why MD and Nati went to Linda's funeral, why wouldn't they? They cared about her, they just weren't going to put up with her crap anymore. It's possible to feel both things. I felt the same way about my freshman year roommate. I put my foot down about her drug and alcohol use (I was just as strict as Maria and Nati), but to this day we still send each other holiday cards and she eventually got her act together.
This alcoholism thing just came out of the blue. He's been missing 2-3 weeks and already he's a raving alcoholic?! Writers: When you have an actor who can't act, you don't give him an even heavier storyline to carry. You do the opposite. Why couldn't they have him come back just traumatized and MUTE from him PTSD. Then he wouldn't have to speak until his miraculous recovery at the end, and they could do a PSA about PTSD. I went online to TVyNovelas yesterday and they had a poll-- bring JuanJo back or leave him dead. Most of the people wanted him back! There were a bunch of comments about how Blanco can't act, but MOST of the comments were about giving him a chance and how much people love this soccer star. So there you have it.
I loved Fer and Cruz this episode.
Vivi that's hilarious they had a poll actually asking people whether to keep JJ dead or bring him back?
ReplyDeleteIt does seem like they are trying to get rid of this novela quickly and they way they are advertising Teresa are we sure it's not going to replace TDA in it's timeslot? They can just move TDA to the 8pm timeslot when Eva ends.
If next week is two hours also that will be going on 4 weeks of them doing this we should near or close to catching up to where they are in Mexico. When this started in the U.S. they were at least 45-50 episodes ahead of us.
Anyone know if TDA is in Ultimas Semanas yet?
Tough decision last night but I had to watch the program about movies,
ReplyDeleteGWTW, my favorite won 3,
Best kiss, on the bridge when Rhrett was going to join the Confederates, best line "frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" very shocking in it's day, & best all time movie.
I taped TDA, so off to watch it.
I wonder if the Juanjo substitute will be a loose end?
ReplyDeleteHere's what I remember Os saying to Max:
-- He acknowledged that he had behaved badly but swore that after he promised Victoria he wouldn't see Linda anymore, he had kept his promise. The Ambush by Jacuzzi was a trap, whether anyone believed him or not.
-- He apologized for the advice he had given Max ("A child comes before anything else: give up MD and marry Xi"). He urged him to 'luchar' for his true love.
-- He didn't know where he would go or what he would do but he promised he would be back. And he would be pendiente de su familia.
-- He asked Max to look after Victoria and Fer, to take up the reins of the man of the house in his absence.
Vivi: My question was not why Maria E and Nathi went to LindaHo's funeral, but why they did NOT go. If I understood NovelaMaven's recap from yesterday, it was that ONLY Cruz, Don Napo, and Milagros went and NOT Nathi and Maria E.
ReplyDeleteSusanita...who is usually the last one to figure things out.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I thought -- that Millie, Cruz and Napo were the only mourners at the funeral.
Vivi -- did I get that wrong? (It wouldn't be the first time!) :)
NovelaMaven: Gracias for the infos on the Oz and Max conversation!
ReplyDeleteSo...there is a chance he might return. The bigger question is: does he want to come back to Victoria and where will Victoria be in terms of her own life and acceptance of what has happened.
Oh, ok. I think they did go. They were wearing black and clearly in mourning. They didn't actually show anyone at the funeral, just showed Napo, Millie and Cruz walking together afterwards and talking about it.
ReplyDeleteYou're probably right. I just took another look at the clip of Napo, Millie and Cruz walking down the street after the funeral. Cruz says:
"It's terrible (gacho) that no one else (nadie más) came to Linda's funeral."
I figured he meant no one besides the three of them. But it makes more sense that Nathy and María would have been there too. And as you say, they are shown dressed in black.
I'll go back and change that.
Gracias, amiga!
NovelaMaven: Terrif job hilighting last night's trough of tragedy and turmoil. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteVivi in DC -- ITA about having JuanJo return as a mute and suffering PTSD. For a while there, I thought he was going to be an amnesia victim. Mute would have required even better acting skills. Catatonic, or in a coma, would have been the best. Ack.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the recap and comments!
ReplyDeleteI have to say, Jimena makes a pretty convincing crazypants. I Hope dies by the end of this.
I wish we could figure out what they are doing with the scheduling of this thing! WHY are they doubling up episodes? It's too time-consuming and it makes it go by too fast! Ugh. I hope they stop this nonsense. As I said before, I was counting on this little fairytale to get me through spring term of grad school : (
ReplyDeleteWe have a long way to go, tonight is capitúlo 76, Mexico is on 106 & I heard about 145 chapters.
I don't remember Domingo, but he disappeared with money from the church, maybe he is the one that died. How long was Juanjo gone? Milagros was on his grave for 2 days.
ReplyDeleteVario: Domingo was the skinny bald(ing) guy we used to think was a 40-yr. old huerfano until we found out he was the sacristan of the church (sort of a flunky, but with a set of keys).
ReplyDeleteAnd NovMav, thankyou for putting up this discussion page. You managed to hit on all the salient points. I thought we could title this episode: "Fer & Cruz take a dip in the drink and JuanJo wants one". Was I hearing things or was Juanjo sort of squealing? Something happened to his voice during his week in acting school, and not for the better.
One thing I noticed: Osvaldo Rios has the most beautiful hands! I've not really been a fan of this actor, but I thought he turned in a convincing performance last night. They showed his hands a lot and he has very long graceful fingers which he used rather expressively.
ReplyDeleteIxv -- I LOVE your title! I just added it to the posting. Thanks!
ReplyDeletePablo had a few sour notes last night. He has a very nice voice, he just needs a voice coach.
ReplyDeleteThe only people who would have come to Linda's funeral would have been the people in the apartment building. Oz and the Sandoval/Victoria Fashions crew wouldn't have come and Linda wasn't Mexican so her family was from elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteWho claimed the body? Linda & Nati? And who paid for the funeral because if Maria D & Nati couldn't afford to eat, they definitely couldn't afford to pay for a funeral. Maybe Osvaldo paid for it.
Thanks for the recap, NovelaMaven.
ReplyDeleteReally, all Oz kept telling Vic that he only loves her and that he didn't invite Linda-Ho to be with him when he was in the Jacuzi, but when Vic came upon them, he had his arms around her and was puckering up and not pushing her away....what was that all about???
And that scene with Juanjo in the shower. It almost made me gag. The guys were all over him. I could almost smell the stench...
Also, when I saw the previews for
Teresa, they show Salma Hayek. What does she have to do with this novela...does anyone know??? I couldn't understand what was said.
Variopinta don't they start most of Mexico novelas with a half hour episodes and i thought at first someone said this was going to be 185 episodes? If it's only 145 episodes then they should be in Ultimas Semanas now in Mexico.
ReplyDeleteIt really does look like how they are strongly showing the previews for Teresa that it may bump TDA out of it's timeslot maybe pushed up a hour ahead.
Jarocha mentioned how big a hit it was in Mexico.I do believe that Mejia's productions have left a very sour taste in Univision scheduling and ratings i would be very surprised in the future if anymore of his productions kept the best primetime slots anymore.
So it looks like Teresa will replaced Eva Luna or might be put into TDA timeslot. The Sergio Sendel novela will replace Llena de Amor. Then what will eventually replace TDA?
Mexico has about 40 episodes to go if indeed it is 145.
ReplyDeleteSalma Hayak was in the original Teresa in 1985. Probably the use of her name is to get our interest.
not 1985 but 1989
ReplyDeleteThe ads with Salma basically say that the role that made Salma Hayek a STAR, will now do the same for Angelique B.
ReplyDeleteI thought Salma Hayek was already a big movie star from the movies i didn't even know she started off in a novela?
ReplyDeleteJarocha said it was a big hit in Mexico so i expect Angelique B. to start getting more offers for leading parts.She does have pretty eyes or those color contacts she's wearing?
Angelique B looks so fake/done, so it must be contacts.
ReplyDeleteI think her eyes are fake contacts for the commercial. Every other thing I've seen her in, she has the regular blue eyes, not the extra blue of the commercial.
ReplyDeleteObviously her boobs and teeth are done, but I guess you have to do what you have to do. I want to see Margarita Magana (Bertha from LVO) and Ana Brenda (Sorti) again.
I hate to disappoint many of you but I think that Nati and JJ will end up together. He does seem to be squealing like a pig, it must be the alcohol.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Fausto has a crush on MD, he can save her from Jimena, Bernie, Vickie and possibly even Gui.
The previous version of this story ran 155 episodes, so this is likely to be similar.
ReplyDeleteOsvaldo is not going to disappear. The only major change to the story so far is LindaHo's death. I don't think the story is moving any faster, either.
I don't think that there is any need to put Teresa at 9PM unless the sexual content is more intense than TDA's. Of course, it was a big shock when En Nombre del Amor got moved to 7PM back then, but that was because HQDNS needed to be launched at 8PM to give it a real shot.
Aurora wouldn't be much competition for Teresa; if so few of us are watching that I can imagine it's not doing that well nationally.
As to Maria E passively listening to Dona Dementa, I think she was in too much shock about everything to really notice that Dona Dementa is BSC. What I'd love to know is whether anyone will connect the following dots:
-- Victoria once worked for Dona Dementa
-- The two women visciously hate each other
-- Dona Dementa claims to know who Maria E's parents are but will not reveal the information to her
-- Dona Dementa rants about how Maria E's mother was a sinner and therefore so is she
-- Dona Dementa doesn't want Maria E to seek out Padre Hottie
One would hope that Maria E would eventually -- through l'esprit d'escalier -- realize that telling someone not to take their troubles to a priest is seriously off center.
What do you all think Dona Dementa would do if JP really hangs up his soutain?
Urban you're right they didn't kill off the Linda Ho's character in EPDA this is a surprising twist in that part of the storyline.
ReplyDeleteAs for Bernie what would she do if JP hangs up the collar? He did say it was for his daughters sake right knowing Bernie she might try and get rid of the source that was making JP leave his calling. We all know she's not working with a full deck. As for Maria E. taking in all that crazy talk from Bernie calmly like she did i don't know what in the world she was thinking.
Good point about Teresa starting at 8pm to go against Aurora but i really don't think the Herederos novela is that much of any type of competition either. I did not like it one bit when they moved ENDA to 7pm that's why i believe there is a possibility they might do the same with TDA.
Blusamari - "Teresa" was Salma's break-out role --- possibly her first telenovela role --- that made her a big big star, according to a Mexican friend of mine.
ReplyDeleteDoris i didn't know Salma had ever played in novelas i just thought she was a movie star.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the summary. Llorathon is very good.
ReplyDeletePleased to see Fer dump icky boy and spend more therapy time with Cruz.
Vivi, agree absolutely with you:
"This alcoholism thing just came out of the blue. He's been missing 2-3 weeks and already he's a raving alcoholic?!"
Aha! A joint viewing of the Doll of Memory. Impactada eyelock for the unacknowledged mother and daughter, and awaaaaay we go!
La Paloma
ok, wouldn't Maria say sth like, mi muñeca, that looks like mi muñeca, where did you get that muñeca, what the f is going on, ¡Qué! or even I had a doll just like that when I was abandoned.
ReplyDeleteOy vey! I'm just checking in and I'm woefully behind.
ReplyDeleteNovelaMaven-THANK YOU!!! I completely missed the part about Domingo's addiction. I caught it about the money, tho.
Susanita- I bet you are going to be a great recapper!!! Don't worry about the bells and whistles...we will love anything you do.
In general- Osvaldo Rios did a great job last night. JuanJo's return annoys the stew out of me. Bernarda is pure evil. I hope Fausto gets a happy ending. I really like him. Jimena is BSC to the max.
Quite frankly, I am tired of two hour episodes. Sure, stuff happens, but two hours EVERY night is getting annoying. Sorry.
this is crazy i really like this show alot, but two hrs is still alot of air time. I do look forward to watching it everyday.
Sara and Reb,
ReplyDeleteI agree -- two hours is too much. Y punto.
Actually, if it continues, my future recaps will look more like today's and less like Monday's.
hello girlfriend was telling me that she saw a preview of another novela with Fernado Colunga......Could it be?
ReplyDeletemaybe the reason they are doing the 2 get it over with ....and bring on the king...i too think the best part of last night was Fer and Cruz....but isn't she 16 years old? Cruz is a much older man i would think.... i love the song he sings 2 her....i hope they get together soon....i am so tired of the crying and crazy i was watching Fausto and Maria D i was thinking he would be her uncle? fausto is padre jp's half brother (same dad)which would make him maria d's uncle..........hope he is not falling in love with her....ugh... BNinCA
Wow, I sure hope Colunga is working on another novela, but last I heard, from Caray, was that he was taking some acting lessons in the US. I'm hoping he will be in another movie. He could be the Mexican James Bond or a Gary Grant type, the man has class.
ReplyDeleteGuys, isn't Llena de Amor and Eva Luno both ending real soon? If so, I think Teresa will take their place. Speaking of Llena de Amor, she lost a lot of weight. I saw only the first 2 weeks and had no time to really follow it.
ReplyDeleteI think they are trying to speed up TDA and I don't mind watching it because the storyline is exciting me. I don't want to be stuck in cliff hangers. I do feel for the recappers having to do 2 hours. That is a lot of hard work. Much respect to you guys.
I read, that some of you guys alos had disappearing posts. At first I thought it was just me. I'm not glad this is happening but I'm glad I'm not going crazy or paranoid about having posts deleted.
I think Teresa & La familia con suerte will fill those spots. Now what for TDA?
ReplyDeleteHey guys!
ReplyDeleteSome news: Teresa will start wedsnesday March 30th at 9pm/8c in Univision.
I don't know about TDA yet.
Teresa starts at 9 EST, interesting, the best spot, I guess TDA moves to 10, I don't think it's ready for midnight.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Uni will move PVAA. Eva Luna is about to finish right? Maybe they'll move it to 8pm.
I'm not surprised they have been showcasing it as a novela that would get a primetime spot.
ReplyDeleteSo i do wonder what happens to the rest of Univision schedule? I miss Mujeres Asesinas 3. I don't think they will move TDA to midnight because they already started the other novela in that timeslot and Destilando Amor just started at the 1am timeslot.
Jarocha that's what i was guessing they might do to TDA is move it to 8pm replacing Eva Luna once it ends.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about this move, it seems people where starting to enoy the pacing of TDA but I guess as long as they don't send it to midnight it's alright.
ReplyDeleteI was completely hooked with Teresa but it is a slow show. Very classic style where the build up starts from the beginning and it slowly goes up until the finale. It will definitely be a change of pace.
Jarocha unless Univision plans on moving the other two novelas back one hour each the one at midnight and the one at 1am i don't see how they can move TDA to that timeslot.I think they are making this move to have the more popular novela draw in more of a audience for TDA as a lead in and then once Eva Luna ends move TDA to the 8pm timeslot hoping that it's audience with follow to that timeslot.
ReplyDeleteMoving it to 8pm might be the best time period for TDA ratings wise because i don't believe Aurora is that much of competition for it.So next Tuesday should be the last two hour showing huh?
Is there a url link where we can complain to Univision about 2 hours for 3 weeks? "Please stop!" And could someone help us know what to write in spanish so we don't all sound like we're 8?
ReplyDeleteI think Nati & JJ are wrong for one another not only intellectually, but emotionally as well.
Susanita: Thx for giving recapping a go! I'm in my spanish class on Tuesdays so I miss the first hour.
I also forgot to add: Is there any scene where Xi isn't drunk or drugged up? I wonder if that is part of why I cannot stand her loathsome voice.
ReplyDeleteTV Guide's website listings are screwy. TDA might move to 8 eventually, but it still shows Eva at 8PM after March 30th.
ReplyDeleteIs there still a virus on Univision's site?
Well...I for one am 'bummed'! What is so wrong with TdA that it needs this 'demotion' to another time slot?
ReplyDeleteGranted, I was furiously complaining at the beginning of this TN because it seemed that it had no direction and too many subplots, BUT...have we not seen a nice change and improvement?
Is Uni trying to grab the younger crowd by putting "Teresa" in the prime slot?
I'm probably one of those in the periphery, but I like to see the TN that have some of the more established actors combined with the up and comers.
I realise that many of the actors in "Teresa" that are being showcased (Rulli, for example)are not TN newcomers, but just seeing a bunch of guapos does not create interest for me.
Maybe I'm missing the proverbial boat here, but I do not see the reasoning for this move.
Is TdA really doing that badly to justify this move?
Mariquita...thank you for your support. :))
Sara...I really do appreciate your kind words re the recapping. We shall see how it goes. Remember...I'm just a substitute, but will do it as much as my schedule allows. Gracias, Amiga!!
These are the tv ratings from last week. TDA is doing pretty well right now in both its hours:
ReplyDeleteAt 8 p.m. CBS led with a 3.8 for "NCIS," followed by NBC with a 2.7 for "Loser" and Fox with a 1.9 for a repeat of "Glee." Univision and ABC tied for fourth at 1.5, Univision for "Eva Luna" and ABC for "Nor Ordinary Family," with Telemundo and CW tied for sixth at 0.3, Telemundo for "Aurora" and CW for a repeat of "One Tree Hill."
NBC took the lead at 9 p.m. with a 3.3 for more "Loser," while CBS slipped to second with a 3.2 for "NCIS: LA." Univision was third with a 1.7 for "Triunfo del Amor," ABC fourth with a 1.6 for "Film," Fox fifth with a 1.3 for repeats of "Raising Hope" and "Traffic Light," Telemundo sixth with a 0.4 for "Los Herederos del Monte" and CW seventh with a 0.3 for a repeat of "Hellcats."
CBS regained the lead at 10 p.m. with a 2.1 for "The Good Wife," with ABC second with a 1.9 for more "Film." Univision was third with a 1.5 for more "Triunfo," Telemundo fourth with a 1.3 for "La Reina del Sur" and NBC fifth with a 1.1 for a "Parenthood" rerun.
OK, mi gente, this is the lowdown on Univision's MO:
ReplyDeleteUnivision has always been the #1 Spanish-language network with an enormous lead over Telemundo. They are determined to keep that lead. Therefore, while novelas like Gancho and CS 2009 might be doing twice the rating of the competition on TM, that's not enough to satisfy Univision's senior management. They therefore were moved to other dayparts.
Demotion to daytime doesn't necessarily result in a change in rating. Within Prime movement from 9PM to 8PM is no big deal, but 7PM is a risk because in the Central and Mountain time zones a lot of the potential viewers aren't yet home from work.
Which is probably why TM no longer runs novelas at that hour.
Both networks have loyal viewers that tend to remain tuned in all through Prime.
The midnight hour on Univision is now for first-run programs because the network may have an embarrassment of riches. It's also a way to not lose viewers to English-language Late Fringe programs or premium channels like HBO Latino.
I suspect that they are taking as much advantage as they can of the current contract that allows them the exclusive US broadcast rights at a fixed bargain price per hour. This contract was negotiated in 1991, just as national ratings for the network were becoming somewhat reliable. It expires in 2017 and nobody is talking about what happens after that. Until that time the cost of rebroadcasting Televisa's programs is low enough so that the ad revenue is hugely profitable.
I don't know what the rating numbers were, but the most egregious Prime flop was Te Amare in Silencio in 2003. They moved it to daytime after its first two months and it may have ended up with fewer total episodes than originally planned.