
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Who wants to blog TERESA? TdA is moving to 10 pm

Honestly, I wouldn't know about this if one of my kind and loyal bloggers hadn't alerted me. Triunfo del Amor will air for two hours this coming Tuesday; then on Wednesday it moves to 10 pm and we have the premiere of Teresa at 9 pm.

Current TdA bloggers and anybody interested in Teresa: Please respond to me directly ( and let me know what you're planning (if you are a current blogger) or that you're interested (if you want to hop on board). THANKS

UPDATE: Vivi tells me that both Llena and Eva are also in their final chapters! There will be a brief period of overlap - she suggests that if somebody wants to move to Teresa but is still hard at work on the previous novela, "discussion headers" could be posted until the previous show wraps up.


  1. PLEASE do not substitute "discussion headers" for real recaps. Speaking as someone who has been watching "Eva Luna" and benefitting a lot from the recaps, I haven't found "discussion headers" an adequate substitute. True, they're better than nothing, but I don't think it's fair to those of us who have been depending on and learning from recaps to suddenly be deprived of them. (And especially not for as unsavory-sounding a novela as "Teresa.")

  2. Hello Juanita, the problem is, if there is nobody who wants to write the posts, then there are no posts. There is no hidden source of posts. They are written by volunteers. No volunteers, no posts. That simple.

  3. After Eva Luna I could probably help out. Beforehand, tho, the best I can suggest if we're now spread too thin is to use the esmas blurbs to hit the hilights either daily or weekly.

  4. Hola CHF. I understand that this is all a volunteer effort. I'm simply putting in a plea that the wonderful volunteers who have been doing such a terrific job on "Eva Luna" not abandon the ship in its last couple of weeks in order to recap "Teresa." I thought that Vivi was suggesting that they could move to "Teresa" and simply put up discussion headers for the last two weeks of "Eva Luna." I'm strongly hoping and urging that they not do that.

  5. Juanita: for what it's worth, I won't be. I'm way too interested and I don't have any time conflicts this time, which is why I had to drop CS2009.

  6. I can probably help out after Eva Luna but I would not dream of abandoning the recapping of Eva Luna for Teresa! I'm totally hooked on Eva Luna!

    I'm thinking that I could share a day with another recapper or be a backup recapper on Teresa, after Eva Luna is done.

    I agree, Juanita, that a discussion header is better than nothing, but the recaps are best when you're trying to learn Spanish. I followed a lot of the earlier episodes of Soy Tu Duena and Llena de Amor (the ones I missed because I hadn't started watching telenovelas then) by finding the episodes online and reading the detailed recaps here. It is a fantastic resource! What would we do without it?

  7. we will not post esmas recaps. if we can't do it ourselves it will not appear on this site. i do not believe in content scraping.

  8. Juanita- I was suggesting discussion posts for the first two weeks of Teresa, so that any recappers from Eva Luna and Llena that want to jump over to Teresa after they are done can do so. Not the other way around. I would never suggest just discussion headers for the last two weeks of any novela. Those are the most important two weeks!

  9. Vivi, Melinama, I would be happy to take care of posting discussion threads after the broadcasts, until we get a recapping schedule.

    Personally, I am needing a break from recapping. I have vision problems but have been recapping for a year without a break; and I need one.

    (I get migraines from reading and watching and am on the federal talking-book program.) Getting migraines a couple times a week is something I'd like a break from...

    Thanks for the Teresa recap and discussion link on the front page, Melinama.

  10. Although I won't be able to recap, I am thinking of watching Teresa (and dumping Herederos), mainly because of the huge number of actors I've seen before. Angelique Boyer, Ana Brenda Contreras and Fabiola Campomanes? You couldn't drag me away! If there are discussion headers the first few weeks of Teresa, I'll definitely be posting lots of thoughts, which may include short explanations of some of the things beginning spanish learners may have missed.

  11. Teresa! Finally! I'm so glad. :)

    I like discussion posts. I followed two midnight telenovelas in a row, telenovelas that obviously didn't have much viewers and commenters. When a recapper couldn't recap an episode, there were people who wrote nice, quite long summaries of the events that happened. When someone didn't understand a difficult scene, there were others who translated them.
    Teresa will be at 9 p.m., which means quite many viewers and commenters who understand Spanish and are willing to help others follow the show (but don't want to write recaps regularly). I think there won't be problems in the first two weeks, the show and the viewers will survive.

    I read every single esmas recap of CS and LVO, 90% of them were useless. It's easier writing ten senteces about the episode than trying to translate those summaries (and risking brain damage while reading them). :)

  12. I will probably watch Teresa, it looks like it will be good, and so I will comment on the recap blogs. I hope they will have Spanish CC embedded, my Spanish is still shaky.

  13. If they don't have Spanish CCs, I can't recap! I am getting better at understanding spoken Spanish, but no way could I recap without the CCs!

    I thought Univision had CCs on all their TNs, though. Is that the case?

  14. I get Spanish CCs on Eva Luna, and I had them on STuD, but I don't have them on Triumfo so I sort of gave up on that TN. I have Time Warner.

  15. I feel much heartened after reading some of the comments. Vivi, thanks for clarifying what you had in mind. Looks as if I panicked needlessly. Be that as it may, I was relieved to learn that Jardinera and Elvira would consider recapping "Teresa" only after "Eva Luna" has finished.

    And I definitely agree that CarayCaray is an amazing resource and a wonderful community.

  16. The first episode is always very important, it introduces the characters and their world. I watched it and it was very good, so if there aren't other volunteers, I can recap it. :) (I still have issues with the English language, but I always try to do my best.)

  17. Aribeth, thank you very very much. I'll look forward to your recap of the premiere!! Meanwhile - I don't have anybody yet willing to take even one day per week of Teresa (Elvira has offered to do a day every other week). Maybe once the show starts there will be other volunteers...

  18. Aribeth: Terrific! I was hoping you might try recapping! Your English is great, so don't sweat it. : ? )

  19. Indeed, Aribeth already wrote 48 recaps for LVO over the last half year. She did a fantastic job.

    (LVO has a complete set of 120 recaps: 48 by her, 48 by myself and 24 by Vivi. They're available in the archive, together with You Tube links for every episode, if someone ever wants to watch it. It's a very good show.)

  20. I was hoping you might try recapping, good to see so many volunteers

  21. It’s hard to come by knowledgeable people on this subject, however, you sound like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks
