
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Llena de Amor #162 (Mex. 186-187) Mon 4/4/11

Capitulo 186 Axel Gets the Axe

Brandon and Mari are talking on the street when they spot the Lirio getting on his motorcycle, in broad daylight no less. Brandon wants to shoot (just his tires, I hope) but Mari shoves Brandon onto his Jeep seat and squashes him. Who knew foam was so heavy?

In the garden of the Casa de Mucho Dinero, Gladiola, who says she knows Ilitia had an affair with Brandon, is being very friendly to rude and doubting Ilitia. Gladiola explains that back in the day she was a make-up person for TV and she’d love to help Ilitia out with hair and makeup since she’s on rest now. I wonder if she’s up to date on how to make those little segments of hair stick together at the ends – I’ve been riveted by that. Ilitia, who obviously can’t believe Gladiola ever had any kind of life, says she knows poor people like Gladiola like to figure out ways to weasel money from rich folks like her.

Gladiola says it’s all for free – and she could help with her pregnancy. Ilitia, who doesn’t believe anybody ever does anything without expecting something in return, wonders what Gladiola knows. Gladiola plays dumb. Ilitia dismisses her.

Consuelo, at the Pension de Poco Dinero with pasty-faced Javier, is gushing over the money the Lirio left for his surgery when in come Brandon and Mari. When Brandon hears where the money came from, he snatches it away, saying he can’t let her use dirty money, he has to hand it over to the police. Mari appeals to him, and though he’s torn, he’s the Representative of The Law. You’d think The Law would pick somebody along the lines of young, snarling Arnold Schwarzenegger, maybe bristling with heavy artillery, as a rep, but our petite Brandon is feisty and muscled, and we know his heart is pure, and that’s what matters. Consuela implores that it’s Javier’s chance to live.

Kristel is seductively lounging on a couch, purring to Lorenzo that she feels like the hottest woman in the world, a queen. He snaps out of it, and – poof! - it’s actually Fedra filling out the exact same dress with some flesh to spare, mainly in front. He thoughtbubbles that he has to get Kristel out of his mind. Fedra can tell something’s on his mind, so he lies that he’s worried about Emil. Fedra tells him to relax, Bernardo’s planning a nice accident.

Netty’s eyes pop – she can’t believe all the zeros in Emil’s account, and she thinks that if he wants to protect all that money, he ought to put it in his kids’ names. He knows Fedra and her tricks, and Netty and her honesty, and he knows his money is safe with Netty, that she can be trusted to give it back to his kids.

Meantime, Lorenzo is all worried about what he’s going to do for money, while Fedra luxuriates in the thought that she’s about to be a very rich widow. Lo doesn’t like that she’s using Bernardo to help her again. Bernardo’s in love with her!

So what? says Fedra. Lo reminds her that Bernardo has saved Jose Maria’s life more than once. She thinks Bernardo is loyal to both her and JM, but there’s one critical detail about him – he got the judge’s cell which recorded her murdering him, and Lo’s voice is very clear on the recording, so she’s got to keep Bernardo happy, and Lo’s just got to live with it.

The doorbell rings. It’s Axel who snidely remarks on Lorenzo’s love den, with his “respectable” mother in it.

Here’s how it stands at the pension: Consuelo, Gladiola and Mari for keeping the money, Brandon worried that it will make them all accessories to the crime.

Netty doesn’t like Emil talking about her giving the money to his kids – she wants him to live a long time. He figures he’s still got lots of miles on him, and he wants to travel them with her. He whips out a wedding ring and Netty’s eyes get huge.

Eman and Benigno high-five over how excited Javier was to see his hero, and how wonderful it is that he’ll get his operation. The talk turns to Vicky, who Eman feels he’ll be spending the rest of his days with. On the other hand, he still loves Mari, so his heart is divided exactly at 50/50. I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes, say Benigno. (No me gustaría estar en sus zapatos. I know that’s not new vocab or even a dicho, but I’m a sucker for these nifty little phrases.) Still, he thinks Vicky is la mujer de su vida. Anyway, Mari’s married and Vicky wants to start up with Brandon. Benigno thinks she’s really interested in the Lirio.

Poor Brandon, near tears, assailed by the ladies (and the sight of a sick little boy) on one side and his principles on the other. Mari snatches the briefcase of money away, but Javier returns it to him, saying Brandon’s right, then, wouldn’t you know, on right cue clutches his head and passes out. Weeping and wailing, and Brandon picks him up and leaves with everyone but Gladiola for the hospital. Gladiola hugs the briefcase and proclaims that if the Lirio left it for the operation, then that’s what it’s going to be for.

Back to Lorenzo’s love nest, where things are much more fun. Axel tells them that Kristel gave him the address and he wanted to pop in and see the place with his own eyes. He tells Fedra that she said Delicia was a slut, but maybe she ought to look in the mirror to see one. Lorenzo tries to shut him up, but Axel hopes his mother was telling the truth that none of them were Lorenzo’s spawn. Oh yeah? says Lorenzo, well I wouldn’t want to have a big nothing like for a son either.

So there. Anyway, when Axel tells Fedra she cost him what he loved most in the world, Fedra just pours herself a nice stiff one and tells him no big deal, she was just a servant. He holds up her bottle then drops it. It’s in shards, like his heart, and he grabs her by the shoulders. He knows everything! She protests that she did it to save him from marrying a servant. Lorenzo sides with Fedra. Axel tells his mother it’s his life and she should just butt out.

Netty is overcome by Emil’s proposal, protests and flops in a chair and fans herself. Emil is all sweet charm, and she accepts. Get her a pen and she’ll sign the papers! The papers can wait, Emil tells her, slipping the ring on her finger. Closeup of the ring – whooeee! It’s a honker. They kiss.

Fedra haughtily sniffs to Axel that he was about to marry a savage, somebody without culture or education. You’re describing yourself, zings Axel. Delicia is dignified, decent, yes, very poor, but honest, with a heart that’s worth all the gold in the world.

Lorenzo opines that Axel needs to get out in the world, you know, sample some women, some wine, get some experience. Axel sneers, and asks Lorenzo to do everybody a favor and take his lover here and get her out of their lives. Off Axek goes.

Fedra throws back the last of her hooch and trots out after him.

At the hospital, the doctor rushes little Javier off while Consuelo wails then passes out in Brandon’s arms.

Netty has signed all the papers, and Pacheco graciously but ruefully congratulates her. He leaves, and Emil remarks that she’s leaving a lot of broken hearts: Pacheco, the doctor, Jose Maria. She says that she has always been head over heels in love with Emil, and they kiss again.

Consuelo has come to, and wails about her son being about to die and how Brandon doesn’t care. Brandon protests that he would give his life for Javier. Mari understands Brandon’s dilemma, but she tells him it’ll be on his conscience for the rest of his life. She leaves. Enough already! We know how it’ll come out anyway.

Presto change-o, Doris has morphed Mari back into Vicky, who fusses about switching back and forth all he time, and now Ilitia wants to talk to both Mari and Vicky together. But, actually moving on from the all-engrossing topic of herself – why does Doris look so down? It’s Andre – she’s in love with him, says Doris, and she understands him, but he’s hurting her, he’s not for her. Pity me that the heart that is slow to learn what the swift mind beholds at every turn, she says. Well, actually Edna St. Vincent Millay said that, but not in Spanish, which saves me a bit of translation.

Mari gets some roses she figures are from Eman, and she and Doris decide to forget guys and go to a movie. Then Mari reads the card: I need you more than ever (signed) El Lirio de Plata. Awesome! She hugs the roses.

Fedra has followed Axel home, right into his bedroom. She tells him she had the right to interfere because she’s his mama. She didn’t want him to throw his life in the dumpster, to dishonor the family’s good name. He tells her she’s the one dishonoring it by being Lorenzo’s lover.

Water off a duck’s back to Fedra. She agrees with Lorenzo, Axel needs more experience with women. He’ll thank her later.

Delicia walks in with Pacheco. She wants her divorce now.

Vicky sits on her bed and exults over her roses. The card further tells her to take the piece of cloth from the roses and to cover her eyes with it. We’re going to be alone just you and I.

She makes herself a blindfold with the swatch of cloth and sure enough, the Lirio is suddenly in the room, thoughtbubbling that he’s not going to lose her, even if he has to hide his face. It’s just you and me, he says to thrilled Vicky, and he pulls the mask up a little and gets right to kissing her. I know this is supposed to be a romantic scene, but it’s a hoot watching blindfolded Vicky and Leatherman kiss through a small space in his mask. He sweeps her up in his arms and carries her to the window.

Doris comes down the hall, goes into Vicky’s room and finds her gone, but the roses and a silver lirio remain on the bed. Doris thinks it’s all terribly exciting.

Pacheco announces that he’s helping Delicia for free because she’s Vicky and Mari’s friend. Fedra calls him a barrio lawyer and spits that Delicia isn’t going to get a single peso. Delicia says she didn’t marry for money, but for love. Now she wants out of this nightmare. Fedra keeps on, and Axel tells her to butt out, then tells Delicia he’s not signing any divorce papers.

Oliver and Gretel show up at the hospital where weepy waily Consuelo tells them there’s no money for the operation. The Lirio boo hoo but Brandon boo hoo. Oliver kinda understands him.

A doctor comes out and says they have to operate now and Consuelo weepily wails about no money. But here comes Gladiola, saying everything is paid and look! There’s still some left over. She gives the mostly empty briefcase to Brandon. The doctor, satisfied that he’s going to be paid, announces that there’s no time to lose.

Consuelo tells Brandon to go ahead and handcuff her. He struggles saying that he believes in the law, in justice. Finally he cracks and hands over the briefcase, telling them he never saw the money. He takes off.

Emil, with a spring in his step, comes home and finds gloomy Axel on the steps. Axel explains how Fedra set Delicia up. Emil is sympathetic, but notes that everyone believed Delicia was innocent, except Axel. Axel doesn’t want to lose her. Emil sadly tells him that he lost her the moment he quit believing in her.

Axel begs his father to help him convince Delicia. Emil just shakes his head and tells him he’s a man now and he has to take responsibility for his actions and accept the consequences. Behind Emil I see ghostly legions of viewers, arms folded, glaring at Axel, but maybe that’s just my imagination.

Jose Maria is out of his hospital bed and has put on his street clothes. In comes Netty, and he admires how she’s glowing. She exults over how happy she is, and he takes it to be because of his improvement. He says she’s never known anyone who fills him with life like she does. She tries to tell him she wasn’t referring to his health, but he interrupts, taking her hands (somehow not noticing the ring) and tells her Destiny planted her right in front of him.

Destiny, he says, is like a dark cloudy day at sea, and suddenly the sun appears. Bit of a mixed metaphor if you look at what he just said, but hey, I don’t write this stuff. She is his sunlight, and he wants her to be his wife.

Delicia has signed some papers, and Pacheco tells her that it’s not all over that fast. Axel comes in and begs her to give him a chance and don’t do this to him (to him??? Grrrrr.). She tells him she loved him, she faced his family for him, but he threw it all away. Pacheco warns them that is just the first step, and it’ll take a while, particularly if the marriage was consummated, which it was, right? It was, says Delicia, in a nightmare I’ll never forget.

She hands Axel the papers and asks him, if he has even a little respect for her, to sign them. Reluctantly, he does, telling her he hopes she doesn’t regret it tomorrow, because no other man will ever love her as much as he does. Off he goes.

It’s nighttime and Brandon has come to see Ilitia who demands to know what he’s doing there. He in turn demands to know about what she told Consuelo, that he’d gotten somebody pregnant.

El Lirio has brought blindfolded Vicky to a cabin in the woods lit by burning candles. He removes her blindfold and she admires the room. He tells her they’re at a cabin in the woods where he comes when he wants to be alone, a refuge. He puts the blindfold back on and says from now on, he wants her kisses to be his refuge.

He removes his mask, so we see his face, and he kisses her.

Capitulo 187 Love is Blind (rated R)

Netty apparently hasn’t told Jose Maria that she’s engaged, because they’ve arrived back at the pension where he pays her some courtly compliments, and she says she doesn’t want to hurt him. She figured she’d be single all her life, and then wouldn’t you know it, today…

Emil walks in, because maybe actually there is no front door to even lock, and finishes Netty’s sentence for her – Today he asked her to marry him, and she said yes.

Vicky is having a candlelight dinner with El Lirio, and you’d think the romantic atmosphere would be lost on her, since she’s still blindfolded, but no, she says she tastes everything so much more intensely. He, unmasked still, pops another tasty morsel into her mouth.

In his low rumbly Lirio voice, Eman talks sensually of the wine, then kisses her. More nuzzling and slow kissing on his part, while he seductively murmurs that time doesn’t exist for them.

Brandon is grilling Ilitia about who this woman could be that she says is carrying his bairn. She laughs that they way he slept around, who knows. He tells her no way – if a woman was expecting his child, it would be the most important thing in his life, and he’d never leave her. Really? says Ilitia, brightening. They used protection, so he’s sure the her baby isn’t his – or is it? She just looks at him.

Back to the kissing – Vicky is breathless, afraid she’ll do something foolish, they ought to stop. Go for, it says El Lirio, kissing her some more. She wants to take the blindfold off. In a little bit, he says, more kissing, more flickering candles, swelling music. El Lirio turns and puts his mask back on, then slowly removes her blindfold. She turns to look at him, then says she wants to see who he is before it goes further.

You really don’t know who I am? Look into my eyes, he says. She doesn’t need to tell him his name, just who he is. You are the love of my life, she states. He partially lifts his mask and kisses her. The musicians are really working up a sweat. They sit on the bed, still kissing. The Lirio and Vicky, I mean.

Ilitia tells Brandon that the kid is Eman’s. He thinks she really deep down wishes it was his. She snorts. She admits that she started the rumor, but she did it to bug Consuelo. Brandon is sad, and wonders if she actually wished it were his. She snorts again. He wishes it were, and he wipes his eyes. He strokes her cheek and she softens.

Enter Fedra, coming down the stairs, and that’s the end of our sweet little scene.

Netty tells Emil off for dropping a bomb like that on poor Jose Maria, who could catch another heart attack right there in her living room. She was going to break the news slowly.

JM points out that Emil isn’t divorced, and Fedra’s not going down without one helluva fight. Why, it could takes months… years! Why take something on backorder, when JM is right on the shelf, assembled, and ready to take home? Emil is furious, but JM, wagging a finger in front of him, says he’s not going to steal his life again. Off he goes.

What does that mean? Emil wonders. Netty sympathizes that he doesn’t have long to live and he ought to have a little happiness before he goes. With somebody else! storms Emil. First he’s cozying up to Eman, and now he’s dropping to one knee for Netty. Netty swears he’s a good man. Emil’s cell rings and it’s Gretel, telling him about Javier.

Fedra just knows something’s going on between Brandon and Ilitia. She flies at them. Brandon stops her, reminding her of Ilitia’s delicate state. He leaves, and as soon as he’s out of sight, Fedra grabs Ilitia by the hair, warning her that he’s off limits, and if she doesn’t obey, Fedra will be glad to murder them both.

Things have progressed in the candle-lit getaway. Vicky and the masked Lirio are now horizontal and she swears he’s el hombre de su vida. He calls her his woman, his love, his friend, his lover. He doesn’t want to rush her, though. She tells him to put her blindfold back on and have at it. He warns that he won’t be able to hold back.

Wow, my TV is fogging over. He puts the blindfold back on her, then takes off his mask and starts kissing her, saying hot seductive lines. Steamy stuff! Candles, theme song, and the next thing we know, they’re both nekkid, except for her blindfold and he’s on top of her. Fadeout.

Fedra asks Ilitia if she knows where her husband is. Ilitia asks if she knows where hers is. Fedra tells her that she’s pathetic, taking up with that policeman, just to feel loved. Angry, Ilitia wants to go to her room, but Fedra orders her to stay, then says she’s been wondering how it is that a fellow would prefer sleeping with a disgusting fatty over caressing someone like Ilitia, huh?

Ask my father, says Ilitia, a tear running down her cheek, after all, he slept with you. Good one! says Fedra. I like you better this way, unsheathing your claws.

Jorge wanders in and says there was a meeting at the agency, and Eman and Mari didn’t show up all day. He plops himself on the couch by Ilitia, who is upset to hear that Mari wasn’t with him. Fedra figures that Ilitia’s husband and Jorge’s wife are probably cheating on them at this very moment. Jorge and Ilitia go looking for them.

Bernardo is the next to wander in. He tells Fedra he just found out that none of the money or the agency shares are in Emil’s name.. they’re all in Netty’s. Fedra does some deep breathing.

Jorge calls Doris on her cell to see if Mari’s at the pension, but he gets her at the hospital. He was unaware that Javier was in surgery there, or in fact who Javier is. Anyway, he wants her to put Mari on. Doris says she doesn’t know where she is, but she does know that she’s fine, better than ever in fact. She can’t say who Mari is with, but he’s making her very happy, and she deserves that, she’s sure he will agree. She’s gotta run.

Jorge snaps his phone shut. Both he and Ilitia Suspect.

It’s getting even hotter in the hideaway, many kisses, much lovetalk. Isn’t this private? Should we actually be seeing this stuff? I hope y’all locked up the kiddies, because this isn’t for their innocent eyes.

The Jorge/Ilitia alliance is unraveling. They are both steamed about Mari and Eman. Ilitia says it’s probably her fault – she told Mari that Jorge and Vicki were lovers, which makes Jorge even more steamed. Ilitia tells him that Mari was crying, and if he were man enough, neither Mari nor Vicky would be chasing after Eman. Zing! Ilitia thinks he should beg Mari’s forgiveness. Zing! Jorge tells her Eman thinks she’s pregnant with someone else’s child and he’s definitely going to leave her no matter what. Zing zing! You’re on your own, says Jorge. She slams out.

More kissing in the love nest. Kissing is actually an understatement, but Edna St. V. Millay isn’t helping me this time. Eman thoughtbubbles that he’s sorry, but it was the only way to love (read: make love to) her. To himself, he remembers the first time. Out loud, she marvels that it’s like they were together before.

Fedra absorbs the news about Netty and Emil’s fortune like a body blow. Bernardo reckons Eva must be doing somersaults in her grave. Fedra is amazed that Netty is smarter than she thought – she wasn’t happy with just Emil, she had her eyes all over Chema too. Looks like Netty wins, says Bernardo, smiling wryly. It’s all Bernardo’s fault! None of this would have happened if he had just killed her like she ordered. And now she has her hands on Fedra’s machos and her money too. Bernardo helpfully points out that Netty has Fedra’s children too, because they respect her much more than they do Fedra.

Fedra swears she’s going to take her limb from limb because nobody – nobody! – takes what’s hers. Bernardo just shakes his head.

Netty and Emil show up at the hospital waiting room where Consuelo is – surprise! - weepy and waily and fills them in. Oliver explains that the Lirio paid for the operation. Whadda guy, says Emil.

Ilitia gets a call and thinks it’s her baby, but it’s Mauricio wanting to talk to her. Frightened, she tells him to leave her alone.

The doctor comes out from the operating room and tells them it went great, referring I guess to the operation, not the deposit to his account. Jubilation! Gretel thinks Brandon should stop chasing the Lirio, and Emil mentions his noble mission. Doris says she’s sure el Lirio is happy right now, and there are some wondering looks.

It’s post-amooor time at the hideaway, and Vicky’s is lying tenderly on Eman’s chest. She guesses she’ll find out some other time who he is. He apologies, but said it was the only way for them to be together. More lovetalk, more kisses, more swelling…music.

In Brandon’s office he and Oliver are having a big laugh. Oliver tells Tejeda that he made up with the Love of His Life. Manolo comes in and plants a big one on him. Tejeda congratulates them and tells them that a same-sex marriage will set a great example for everyone, in fact, he wants to be padrino. Some joking about Manolo living as a girl that I didn’t catch, and Tejada thinks he’s going to have an operation. More laughs, and everyone leaves Tejeda confused.

Javier is in his hospital bed, unconscious still, and Consuelo, Netty and Gladiola are overjoyed that the Lirio helped. The two ladies suspect that Netty actually knows him, but fortunately the doctor comes in just then.

Tejeda wonders how money for Javier’s surgery appeared magically. Brandon fumbles around and says he thinks some family member sent it. Tejeda thinks he’s hiding something.

Brandon changes the subject to El Lirio. Tejeda thinks Brandon should watch Vicky, since he has an inside track with her, but Brandon thinks Jose Maria is of more interest.

Javier opens his eyes to see the Lirio, who apparently has made his way from the hospital parking lot, through the lobby, up the elevator and down the halls full of staff. Or maybe he climbed in the window. Or maybe he just changed in the bathroom. Anyway, I’m as amazed as Javier, and I’m not even coming off heavy drugs.

El Lirio tells Javier to go to school, have fun, and be a good fellow. Javier promises, and says he wants to grow up to be like the Lirio. Because El Lirio didn’t think to lock the door, in comes Mari who is stunned to see him. El Lirio! She thoughtbubbles. Mi Gordita Hermosa, he thoughtbubbles.

Nereida brings Ilitia and some coffee and gossips about something, though I couldn’t make it out, maybe something about Jorge being cheated on. Ilitia suddenly has an appetite and orders up a big breakfast. She gives herself a pep talk about needing to keep her fabulous figure. Behind her, Mauricio is approaching. He kisses her cheek, scaring her. He has come to inquire after the paternity of the little tadpole in her abdomen (which, if it has been listening through the walls of the womb all this time, must’ve decided it’s going to cling for all it’s worth to some handy organ and not be squeezed out into a world full of lunatics).

Javier, though fresh off surgery, has more sense than most of the adults in the novela, because he thinks Mari should lock the door. She stares at El Lirio while Javier tells her that his head hurts, but he’s going to be strong because El Lirio is with him. El Lirio pretends not to know who Mari is. Javier introduces them and she smiles and says she’s heard so much about him. Gosh, there are actually 5 people here when you think about it. Javier of course, then there’s Mari and Vicky and Eman and El Lirio. He gallantly kisses her hand.

Delicia is struggling comically with a test in school, and we see lots of cute guys in the room. We can always hope. The teacher gathers up the tests.

Mari thanks El Lirio for all he does, and when Javier tells him how Mari convinced Brandon to let them use the money, El Lirio thanks her. Javier thanks them both, and Mari says it was all the Lirio. She plants a kiss right on his leather mask, and doesn’t stop. This girl is really into leather, I’m telling you. She wraps an arm around his neck.

Avances: Emil tells Jose Maria that if he can win Netty’s love, Emil will back off. But if Emil wins, JM has to disappear. They shake on it. Mauricio gets rough with Ilitia and says they have to talk about how they’re going to raise their child. He covers her mouth and drags her out.

Some different avances on TV, which may be for the last weeks. Kristel sees Mau attacking Ilitia, and pulls a gun on him. The doctor tells Mari she’s pregnant. Etc.

Gran Final: Monday, April 18th.


  1. What a bummer! Kris had the same problem last time she posted her recap. She did part of it, all was fine, she added her second part and the whole thing morphed into one paragraph.

    I think that happened to me one time and I believe I had to go into the "Edit Html" option instead of the "Compose" option to fix it.

    Good luck amiga. As if these double-headers weren't problematic enough, eh?

  2. Maggie, I had the same problem last week. Eventually, Jean posted for me (also a humongous double episode!) So I feel your pain!

    I finally discovered that I could keep my paragraphing only by using the "Edit HTML" option, as Sylvia says. The result isn't pretty, but at least it's readable. At least for now, no more fancy fonts, colors, etc.

  3. Maggie, I'm sorry that you are having difficulty posting. It must be so frustrating...I can only imagine how must time it must take to recap not only one, but two full hours. Thank you for all your efforts...


  4. Maggie, bummer. Maybe you could copy it and Email it to one of us to try to post for you.


  5. Wow Maggie. Having had my own late night glitches, I feel your pain. Don't know what's up with CarayCaray lately. Uniparagraphs, comments being swallowed....all this on top of double episodes that are exhausting our energy and our patience. Sending you good vibes)))))) amiga and hoping the edit html option works for you.

  6. You guys rock! Thank you sooo much for the help. I'd never noticed that "edit html" tab before. Novelamaven - my recaps are never fancy because I lose all my formatting in Word when I paste them into the blog posting page. How do you all keep your formatting?

  7. Maggie, I used to put the formatting in AFTER I copied the document into the "compose" tab.

  8. For the past few months I've had to do a cut and paste from a Word or Google doc into the "Edit Html" tab because the "Compose" tab would do all sorts of weird things. Pasting into "Edit" seems to keep the paragraph breaks but, from my computer, doesn't like "fancy" tweaks like using bold, italics, colors, etc. Like Novela Maven once I get it into "Edit" then I can go to "Compose" and do what I want.

  9. Hey, you got your recap up! Goodie, I'm going to read it now.

  10. Well, it's looking great now, and the content is even better. So, so funny. They left out all the best stuff in the TV edition! So I really appreciate your steamy recounting. Definitely going to have to watch some of it on the web.

    "The Lirio boo hoo but Brandon boo hoo."

    "Emil walks in, because maybe actually there is no front door to even lock"

    "The musicians are really working up a sweat. They sit on the bed, still kissing. The Lirio and Vicky, I mean."

    These are a few of my favorite things. Perfect titles, too.

    I thought it was funny when Lirio put a cherry in MV's mouth, then started kissing her while she was still chewing. Ew! Plus, wasn't he concerned he'd make her choke on the pit? Maybe when you're in looooove cherries don't have pits.

    MV's got to be the most unobservant person on the planet. Emanuel is so totally recognizable in the Lirio suit...even his half-second chuckle sounds quite distinctly like him.

    Maybe if she turns up pregnant, she'll insist they get married, and they'll live their whole lives together, Vicky and El Lirio, and she'll never see his face and never figure out who he is.

  11. Maggie, great recap but I am sorry you are having all of the posting problems.

    You out did yourself with the Love Shack scene, thanks for all of the detail.

    I really like Emil and Netty together and yes, that was a honker he put on her finger.

    Julia, the ever after scenario was LOL funny.


  12. Wow, what happened in tonight's episodes? We got some of our clever writing back! Thank goodness. Maybe the head writer came back from maternity leave or something. The conversation between Emil and Ax, Manolo and Oli confusing Tejeda, that's the old Llena we know and love. And Axjolio signed the divorce papers...BONUS!

    I couldn't believe Mari jumped on Brandon when he had his gun drawn. She's such a dumbax.

    Ayyiiii, that Conswailing was driving me nuts last night. Hopefully now that Javi's cured she'll leave town again, dare we hope?

    Well, I guess we know whose Axhole's dad is now, right?

    Perfect description of Vicky: "moving on from the all-engrossing topic of herself", made me laugh! Also laughed at the Edna SVM quote.

    "Leatherman", LOL!. It looked like the tasty morsel's Lirio was popping into Vicky's mouth were Maraschino cherries, yuk. They must be pushing up against their budget what with all that leather and can't afford fresh strawberries.

    Maggie, you're killing me here: "more swelling…music", Hee! You naughty girl. Five people in Javi's room, awesome.

    Maggie, thanks a million for sticking with it and posting your terrific recap. You did a great job with the Love Shack scene and your title was the best. Kudos to you.

    Julia, I prefer your ending to whatever the writers dream up. If the baby's a girl she can be born with a little blindfold, if a boy he'll be in a leather hood.

  13. All's well that ends well, and this recap ended very well. great job, and thanks for having the patience to get this up. It's the curse of MV - even the site can't make up it's mind how it wants to work.

    was anyone else just a little creeped out by the whole Il Lioro/MV thing. MV didn't even flinch when she sees she's been brought to a "let's get down and dirty" set up.(The bed sort of gave it away). So the writers think because Il Liorio is really Eman we give her a pass. At least Eman worked his way to being in love with Vicky. She's kissed this masked man a few times, and hello, let's tango. If I was Eman, who obviously didn't mind the horizontal mambo, once lucid again, I would be thinking twice about how fast she was willing to get it on with IL. Especially since she gave him such hell in doing the same thing to Mari( as Vicki) my head hurts with all these aliases.

    I cheered that speech Emi gave Axel. Dumb kid still doesn't deserve her. Man, I pray she doesn't cave. but I will give Axel some chops for a few of those slings he took at Fedra. Hardly makes up for his Axe-holeness, but it was appreciated.

    can't believe Mau is back again. Gees, someone do something to this guy already. What does it take? (And he's not quite so orange...must be cutting back on the carrot juice.)

  14. Maggie, this was marvelous.

    In addition to what Julia and Sylvia already noted, I loved "bristling with heavy artillery", and "courtly compliments". This was SO wroth waiting for - thank you for filling in all of the action those of us suffering through Uni's airings aren't seeing.

    Axel is so deserving of everything he's going through now. Remorse is simply not enough. Neither is berating Fedra (although it certainly does make me feel better! :)

    Thanks again Maggie for all of your efforts...


  15. I agree, once the afterglow fades, Eman should be wondering about Vicky's willingness to hit the sheets with a guy without even knowing who he is.

    Why is Malicio even still in the story? I don't want to see any more plotlines involving him. Basta. Ilitia should hire a bodyguard. It could be Brandon with a fake mustache and a shirt that isn't two sizes too small, and Fedra would be completely fooled.

  16. Thank you so much everyone! You brighten me up after being so frustrated last night trying to get the recap posted. Ah, life is good again.

    Novelamaven – you are very patient to do the formatting once you get to the Caray posting screen. By then, I’m ready to go to bed!

    DaisyNJay – I was creeped out too. That whole masked lover/blindfold thing must be somebody’s fantasy, but it’s not mine. I didn’t want to be clinical in the recap, but guys and gals need to do a visual check for open sores, etc., LOL. And definitely you can’t go deciding somebody is the love of your life just because they’re hawt kissers with low, sexy voices and some good lines.

  17. I was creeped out by the masked, blindfolded love scene too but hey, it's not the first time I've seen this in a telenovela and it probably won't be the last. I just shrugged it off and tried not to think too much about it. Actually I laughed it off, the absurdity of it all.

  18. I wished MV would pull her blindfold off when Eman was standing there with just the tight hood still on. He looked like an executioner.

  19. Julia, all part of the thrill I guess. For some. For those who like Maraschino cherries with their red wine.

  20. Awesome recap Maggie. Sounds like the love scene was hot if only Uni had shown it. They cut out the whole damn scene!!!!!! Someone with itchy fingers got nervous with all the love talk and heavy breathing.

    Eman's M.O is always dinner with a readymade bed. He doesn't mess around LOL.

    So I was correct in my first calculations that the show will end this month. That means that Uni will definitely chopped this thing up into oblivion for the big finale. Thanks to all the recappers for doing double duty in recapping both shows so those of us stuck with the Uni version will know what was cut off. I'm still mad over Uni cutting out the whole love scene.

  21. Really? They cut the whole thing? I only watch the aired version on my recap night, too frustrating otherwise.

    Pirate Babe, your are so right about Eman's MO. I hadn't thought of it that way, that's hilarious. No wonder Vicky was having a deja-vu.

  22. Off topic for a moment: I'm not sure but I think the replacement for Llena de Amor will be Cuando Me Enamoro starring Juan Soler and Silvia Navarro. I thought it was going to be Una Familia Con Suerte but BarbaraM noticed that CME starts April 19, the day after Llena ends so I guess CME will be it.

    1) Does anyone know anything about this Cuando Me Enamoro other than it is a remake of La Mentira? (I never saw the original.) I like both the leads but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.

    2) Is anyone on the 7:00 recapping team interested in continuing to recap the 7:00 time slot? I'm just curious about how people are feeling.

    3) Vivi did a shout out for Teresa and I know they need recappers. I think they have two or three regulars but could use more. I watched the first few episodes and it seems OK but 9:00 p.m. is kind of late for me to recap.


  23. @Sylvia...Melinama sent out another email this afternoon asking for Teresa recappers.

    She thinks Cuando Me Enamoro is replacing Eva Luna but my channel announced it as OUR replacement.

    And I've noticed the Familia Con Suerte ads have disappeared. More weird fiddling from Univision.

    I am retiring after this ends. Have done double recaps for both Dinero and Llena de Amor and I'm DONE. FRIED. KAPUT. But it's been great fun up until casserole time.

  24. I understand amiga. After every double-down I've said "never again". Then a new day dawns and I feel more optimistic.

  25. Judy – it IS great fun, isn’t it? I really enjoy recapping.

    I was surprised that they cut the scene with Axel and his dad where Emil mentions that everybody believed Delicia but him. Well, I guess nothing should surprise me about the cuts they are making, but that scene was really important to wrapping up the Axel/Delicia story line, and it was a sweet scene too.

  26. Hey Maggie. I'm glad you finally got this posted and thanks for your patience. Can't read comments now but will later this evening. Happy Tuesday everyone!!

  27. Judy, now that you've officially announced you are retiring after LdA ends, please accept my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for everything you have done.

    You always took us on a wonderful journey, replete with amazing insight and humor. You taught us by sharing spectacular vocabulary lists and wonderful dichos. You captured every storyline and emotion perfectly. You fleshed out the characters with ease...

    Thank you amiga, for giving us the best gifts possible - your time, your attention and your devotion.

    Will say more on your last recap but wanted to let you know in advance how much your recaps will be missed.


  28. Lovely, Diana. So true, and so beautifully put. We will all miss your recaps, Judy!

  29. Sweet words Diana and Maggie. Thank you. It's been three and a half years. About the run of a good love affair. And you know what happens with those. But it's been great.

  30. Maggie, I just finished reading your recap and all the comments. What a nifty piece of work. I'm blown away that you recognized the line from Pity Me Not. Excellent.

    My favorite line (out of an abundance):

    "Behind Emil I see ghostly legions of viewers, arms folded, glaring at Axel..."


    I have to admit that the unknown lover thing makes me a bit queasy. It just seems appropriate to know who one is getting that friendly with. I guess I'm an old fuddy-duddy.

    I'm so glad you got this posted... what a gem.


  31. always have so many great lines...most of which my buds Sylvia and Diana have mentioned. But my favorite was:

    "Why take someone on back order when José Maria is on the shelf, assembled and ready to take home.

    Just soooo funny. That's one I'll remember a long time. Gracias amiga.
