Coming Soon to Primetime: El Precio de Amarte will start on Monday, Oct. 28th at 10PM!
ALERT: There will be no Primetime
Telenovelas on Wednesday due to Fútbol! AND no Primetime telenovelas on Friday due to
the 2024 World Series!!
Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. La
Historia de Juana is moving
along quite well with Liz providing some juicy recaps! Diana is stalwart with
her recaps for Fugitivas. So let’s cheer them on and join in on
the discussions!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave
soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the
listed TNs, it would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to
or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs.
The TNs covered by this page are:
8-9 PM – Fugitivas:
Ep. 16-17
9-10 PM – La
Historia de Juana: Ep. 10-12 &
9-11PM on Tuesday- Ep. 13-14
10-11PM – Pedro el Escandaloso (Monday)
Friendly reminder: PLEASE put
the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so
readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten
the title to one word, i.e., “Fugitivas”.)
Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.
FUGITIVAS #21 Part 1
ReplyDeleteI had a very difficult time trying to follow the dialogue. Kindly correct and/or add to what I missed.
We start where we left off on Friday…Vero assuming Ismael must be cheating on Florencia as he is buying her a gift. She is an expert on the subject, recalling Juan Pablo cheating on her, buying her trinkets. He “worked” nights but would come home and shower. On Sundays, he had a standing meeting with his lawyer. With that, Ismael has an “aha” moment, remembering Florencia bouncing out of the house Sundays to play tennis; he wishing her good luck and she saucily replying she always wins (thanks Kat).
Gabriela ugly cries to Alejandro; needless to say he is not a fan of the Marquez family. I think he wants her to help him (?) She says no means no. It appears they’ve had a bite to eat and he prepares to leave. She cries that she is completely alone. He comes back and sits down and tells her she isn’t; she leans against him and he puts his arm around her comfortingly. She puts her head on his lap and starts to sleep.
Florencia and Charo chat about JP’s missing phone.
Subtle flirting between Dario and Frida. She brushes his nose with her finger. Carmen is not amused.
Ismael comes into the bedroom where Florencia is already ensconced. He stares hard at her, asking if she had an affair with Juan Pablo. “Si” she admits! She goes on the defense, saying she felt as though he abandoned her and that is the reason she looked for affection elsewhere. He gets very angry noting she, his wife, and his friend betrayed him. She walks toward him and tells him “te amo” whispering “por favor”. He seems done and starts to leave. She tries to keep him there but he wants to be alone. He leaves as she yells after him. (He is not quite the innocent victim is he? After all he also cheated on Florencia. A bit hypocritical, no?)
Vincente and Arturo have yet another argument. When is he getting on that plane to Buenos Aires? Can’t come quickly enough for me.
Gabriela wakes and puts a blanket on Alejandro, now sleeping on the couch. She turns the living room lights out.
Ismael goes back to his office, sits at his desk and opens his computer. He looks at a picture of Juan Pablo and Florencia.
FUGITIVAS #21 Part 2
ReplyDeleteBrenda calls Alejandro…she has coffee but alas, he isn’t home. Are you with another woman she asks angrily? No he says he will be back soon. He leaves Gabriela a note but then goes into the bedroom, opens a box and quickly looking inside and takes the box with him.
Alejandro gets home and Brenda reams him out. She sees the box and asks what it is. Papers of a client he answers. She berates him, the gun around her waist clearly visible. She is fed up with his secrets. She complains he keeps her under wraps and hasn’t introduced her to any of his friends or family. To his credit, he does look a bit stricken. She takes his coffee and puts it on the curb.
Gabriela finds the note from Alejandro telling her to be careful.
“Mi nina” Charo replies comfortingly after Flor tells her Isamel knows about Juan Pablo. He won’t forgive her.
Patricio comes into Ismael’s office, seeming to know right away he’s been there all night. He sees the mug shot in Lorena Martinez’ file. They are discussing the case, Ismael confiding that Lorena is back in Mexico! She is concerned about her sister… As they talk, snake Nicolas slithers up to the door, listening! Brenda calls out to him, catching him. He walks away as she enters the office.
Charo brings Florencia eggs and oj but she isn’t interested.
Gabriela shows up at work looking like death warmed over. Vero calls her on it and Gabriela asks her to back off. Arturo shows up and Gabriela asks to talk with him. I think she explained she and Vincente broke up; after she leaves, he said something I couldn’t interpret.
Lisset shows up for work and Charo starts in on her after which Lisset scurries off with her bucket and mop.
FUGITIVAS #21 Part 3 of 3
ReplyDeleteFlorencia’s phone rings. it’s Vero asking if she is all right. No is the answer and Vero looks suitably alarmed.
Carmen meets up with unpleasant Sergio. Shocker, he wants money! He is losing patience and wants it now…she says she can’t and he says it’s not his problem.
Vero shows up at Florencia’s. Vero holds up her arm where many bracelets dangle seemingly telling her she has many trinkets of “forgiveness” from Juan Pablo.
Ismael, Brenda and Patricio leave as Nicolas makes a call…
Alejandro tells Lorena something I didn’t catch. All of a sudden, Frida comes running in. Ismael is holding a press conference. He announces that if the fugitivas turn themselves in, they will not be punished for having escaped. All of a sudden, one of the journalists delivers a stunning blow. Is it true Lorena Martinez is back in Mexico?? Ismael stares, a deer in the headlights.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Diana, for reporting all of the challenges the fugitivas continue to face in your excellent style!
Here are a few extras.
Alejandro doesn't ask Gabriela to help him but only tries to comfort her. He warns her about working for the Márquez family. He tells her that Lorena wanted him to tell her something about them. Gabriela doesn't want to hear it.
In the phone call, Charo tells Florencia that Nico told her father that an obsessed Ismael is helping Lorena so she isn't caught again. He told Arturo because he was upset that he was removed from the fugitivas case.
Florencia tries to backtrack with Ismael and says that she and JP had something going when they were teenagers. She never mentioned it because she didn't think it was important . . . Ismael admits he lied to her and met with Verónica to ask her some questions. He found out that JP went out to play tennis from 9-1 every Sunday the very same time she went out running. Those meetings started way before Lorena came to work at the company. She tries to turn it on him saying he abandoned her while he was in bed with his secretary. He says he never lied to her and makes it clear that he never went out with Lorena until they were separated. He is done with Florencia.
Lorena used Frida's phone to call Ismael to let him know his wife was cheating on him with his best friend.
Vicente is returning to Buenos Aires where his mother lives. (Who knew?)
The fugitivas come up with a plan: save all they can in three months so they can escape to Brazil. Lorena will go whether she clears her name or not.
Dario tells the fugitivas that he can now start paying them and wants their ID's to register them for social security benefits. A futigitiva quckly changes the topic to making breakfast . . .
Arturo lets Gabriela keep her job even though she could't get Vicente to change his mind. After she leaves, he adds that as things stand it is best to keep Gabriela close.
Sergio needs the money for a "business" trip to Colombia.
Before the press conference, Nico calls someone and tells them to "go for the jugular."
Alejandro tells Lorena that Claudio Vilchis is the director of Banco Pacífico and he authorized the checks that JP supposedly gave her. That shows that there was a relationship between Florencia and Vilchis BEFORE the murder. Her testimony can change it all but there is till a lot to be done.
ReplyDeleteJarifa, thank you for all of the very important information you supplied. You explained so much and in your always superb style.
So Nico went to cry to Arturo that "obsessed" Ismael was helping Lorena. Then of course he supplied the reporter with the revelation Lorena is still in Mexico.
"Those meetings started way before Lorena came to work at the company. She tries to turn it on him saying he abandoned her while he was in bed with his secretary. He says he never lied to her and makes it clear that he never went out with Lorena until they were separated. He is done with Florencia". I wonder when he will find out Flor also slept with Nico...
Will Vincente EVER get on that plane? Can Gabriela possibly devalue herself any further???
I hadn't understood anything about Claudio Vilchis, way above my head. You are so kind for including this and everything else.
ReplyDeleteKat, I hope your eye surgery went well.
Please take care of yourself...we look forward to your rejoining us once you are better.
ReplyDeleteDear Diana, thank you or another excellent account of all the drama.
Jarifa, thank you for the extras.
I don't understand about JP, Claudio, and the checks. We can tell something is fishy with the business. Susan
Juana #15 part 1.
ReplyDeleteGabriel studies the video. He realizes it’s Juana. When the PI realizes Gabriel knows Juana he thinks she knows and it out to scam him. He says no. Also tells the PI to not tell his wife
Camila sees Juana and learns she’s working there. She is rude and threatening to her. She then calls Paula to tell her about Juana. She will get Juana’s address for Paula. Meanwhile Juana is upset.
The maid and chauffeur talk. The maid is upset about Paula cheating on Gabriel. He tells her Gabriel has his eye on someone. The maid is shocked.(Tania and Porfirio-maybe)
The woman that hangs with Carlos is with the man who may be a mechanic He sees Camila again. He is shocked to learn she’s married to the boss’ partner. I’m wondering who she was when he knew her.
Gabriel goes looking for Juana. She and David are working and talking. He mentions they always end up talking about Gabriel. He thinks it’s terrible she loves a married man.
The detectives are at the hotel confirming that Camila and Francisco were staying there. Salvador is daydreaming about Jenny. He mentions to the younger detective about fathers and the impact they have. The younger detective thinks that means they should find out more about Camila’s father. Salvador is thinking of Jenny’s father but agrees they should check out Camila’s dad.
Jenny and Josefina are talking Jenny is upset that Josefina told so much to the police. Josefina says it wasn’t the police, he’s a detective.
Felipe is checking out Enriqueta on social media and talking to his boss, or coworker. TV lady comes in with food. Yadi is her name. He seems to tell her he’s allergic to the dish but his coworker takes it.
Enriqueta is checking out Felipe on social media when Gabriel comes in looking for Juana. Juana and David are eating and still talking about Gabriel. Dani joins them and David tells her Juana is in love with Gabriel. Juana leaves.
Camila asks Gabriel’s secretary for info on Juana. The secretary doesn’t have that information. She tells her Human Resources has it. She also tells Camila she only takes orders from her boss.
Enriqueta tells Juana that Gabriel is looking for her. She goes to his office and confesses she loves him. But he thinks she is telling him she knows about his being the father of her baby.
Camila gets personnel info from Enriqueta.
Juana #15 part 2
ReplyDeletePaula and Rogelio are talking about Paula’s problem with Gabriel. He thinks it’s Camila but she says no, the photographer.
Inez, the secretary, is talking with Enriqueta about Camila. She’s complaining about her.. But Enriqueta informs her she is a shareholder and Inez needs to be careful.
Juana is still talking to Gabriel. She doesn’t want to lose his friendship. David and Camila are accusing her of something going on between them. He doesn’t care what people are saying. Juana leaves.
Paula gets a call from Camila with the address. She tells her dad she has to go. In true Rogelio fashion he says he can help her take care of that.
Juana and Dani are talking. Juana feels like a fool and is going to quit.
Gabriel tells Carlos that Juana is the one carrying his child and she said she was in love with him. Carlos asks how he feels about her. He feels peaceful and free with her. Enriqueta interrupts to tell him Dani told her that Juana quit or resigned. Gabriel heads for her house. Carlos basically tells Enriqueta he doesn’t know what’s going on.
Paula shows up at the house. She’s charming to Josefina. Jenny gets Juana.
David and Dani are trying to call Juana who doesn’t answer. Dani is mad at David. He’s upset because she’s in love with a married man. Dani says like you and he answers, why not.
Camila is asking Inez where Gabriel. Inez doesn’t know. Camila says she’s his secretary and should know. She say’s she’s his executive assistant. Carlos saves the day. He says Gabriel had to leave but he can help her. He also says Rogelio can help her. He asks if she gets along with Rogelio. She tells him she and Paula went to school together and Rogelio is like a father to her.
The detectives are discussing the case. The younger one feels Salvador is distracted. He admits he’s thinking of Jenny.
Rogelio is talking with his son about Paula’s problem with Gabriel. He doesn’t like that the photographer is working here. The son points out that Camila is too. Dad was not happy with that statement.
Paula tells Juana to stay out of their lives. She’s married to Gabriel for life. Gabriel and his driver, Juliano arrive. They see Porfirio and the car. Paula comes out, they each want to know what the other is doing there.
ReplyDeleteJarifa filled in any of the points I was going to add so I'm just here to say thanks to Diana and Jarifa.
OT Surgery took a while as the case prior to mine ran long. I'm currently sitting at my post op appointment trying to keep my head down. Can see light but nothing else yet in the eye that had surgery.They sent me home in an eye patch, but took it off here.
Thanks to Rvgchick for updating the list of shows. It makes it easier to find out shows.
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from you, Kat. Take care.
ReplyDeleteGreat job Liz. I chose to watch this and Conde last night. Watched Fugitivas this morning. (Only have sed de venganza to go. I may take notes and recap that one after I get home from my follow up eye surgery appointment.)
David grilling Juana about Gabriel was definitely pot calling kettle worthy, as he is obsessed with Juana and is always telling poor Dani, who obviously loves him, about Juana all the time. No idea what he hoped to accomplish by pestering Juana. He needs to take a page from Dani's playbook.
I may have to rewatch the detective scene. I thought they were talking about Rogelio not Camila's father. Did they determine Rog paid off her hotel bill?
ReplyDeleteThanks Susan! I'm not following the checks either...
I wish you a full and quick recovery Kat....
ReplyDeleteI am not following the checks, either. LOL
ReplyDeleteThanks, Liz.
I know Juana is a heroine, but telling a married man you are in love with him is a bad idea.Juana at some point talked about how it does her good to be with him or something, but Gabriel is still married. I'm not sure it's possible to 'stay friends' after that kind of confession. Juana seems just soo...bland? She isn't memorable at all. But then good characters in telenovelas usually disappoint me.
ReplyDeleteKat, sorry to hear you had to have surgery. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
I didn’t catch anything about the hotel bill, but Rogelio did pay it.
The daydreaming detective said something about dad’s in a kids life. The younger one said “ so we should investigate her dad”. The older guy agreed, but really don’t think he was up on the conversation. I thought it was a misread conversation and assumed “her dad” meant Camila. I could be wrong. I hope they investigate Rogelio! But last nights show made me wonder what Camila was like earlier, it seems she has a past.
The girls in the office had said David was too intense. I believe it. I think that was what sent Juana in to Gabriel to tell him her feelings. This is the second show I’ve seen David in-je always love the lead, doesn’t get her. Waterlily, I think Gabriel likes Juana because she’s the opposite of Paula and Camila. That must be a breathe of fresh air to him.
FUGITIVAS #22 Part 1
ReplyDeleteStill struggling with dialogue; I can’t convey what I don’t understand. I’m trying as best I can….
We begin with the reporter blindsiding Ismael asking him if Lorena Martinez is still in the county. Ismael’s deer in the headlights look quickly dissipates and he leaves with little to retort. Nicolas seems to tell the reporters more will be forthcoming.
Alejandro assures the women that Ismael's reaction to the accusation was standard. If he gave a statement he could have compromised himself; he thinks someone close to him set him up.
Vincente (STILL HERE) shows Charo the clip of Ismael being questioned. Lisset drops her knife as she tries to get a closer look. Charo notes Juan Pablo’s assassin is still in Mexico. Vincente notices Lisset’s stunned look and Charo berates her.
Word travels fast; Charo rushes in and tells Vero and Florencia to check their phones which they do.
Lorena and Alejandro have a nice parting, he looks a bit thunderstruck and smiles. However, he forgot something and when he went back inside he overheard Lorena discussing something I couldn’t understand and he stormed out.
Florencia eventually had enough of Vero’s prattling on and on…Ismael protecting Juan Pablo’s murderer, etc. She basically tells Vero to get out. “Te quiero amiga” Vero says and finally leaves, after which Flor makes a face and exhales.
Patricio seems to be pointing the fickle finger of guilt at Nic (in front of Brenda and Ismael). Nicolas runs his mouth and Ismael seems to understand what happened.
Vincente tells Lisset (with her omnipresent mop and bucket) that his relationship with Gabriela is “complicated”.
FUGITIVAS #22 Part 2
ReplyDeleteDario asks to talk with Lisset “privately”. Lorena gives her a knowing look. He leans forward to kiss her but she backs away. He can’t help but feel something for her but calls himself an imbecile and chastises himself saying Carmen is a good woman. No she isn’t viewerville cries out!
Speaking of, Carmen goes behind the bar and opens the register looking for money…
Marta tries to get a job at a coffee shop saying she has experience. When the woman asks about her work history, she tells the woman the truth – she has been in jail because she killed her abusive husband. The woman sympathizes as she understands domestic violence. Marta is hired!
Nicolas and the reporter who asked the question about Lorena at the press conference meet. Nicolas hands him a packet of money.
Carmen is rifling through dresser drawers urgently looking for money; it doesn’t seem as though she is having any luck.
There is some exchange between Erick, Lisset and Lorena that I couldn’t follow. Erick seemed quite upset.
Vero visits Arturo ranting about Lorena…
Florencia is STILL in bed when enabler Charo comes to check with her.
A woman visits Ismael in his office but I didn’t understand what she told him.
Arturo asks Nicolas if Lorena is still in Mexico; yes is the response.
FUGITIVAS #22 Part 3 of 3
ReplyDeleteAlejandro is with what looks like a client when his doorbell rings. It’s Erick and Ale asks why he is there. However, it turns out Erick and the other man know each other. After the guy leaves, Erick pulls out a bottle and Ale goes for glasses. Erick maintains Lorena is innocent; they drink to that and then Ale tells Erick to come with him.
Flor is STILL in bed when Arturo comes in to pamper his little princess.
I believe some of the (other) fugitivas are being rounded up as Brenda seems to be putting a red X over their pictures on the cork board. Later, Brenda tells her father about Nicolas’s eavesdropping but Patricio seems to indicated they are to say nothing for now.
Dario is looking at an online bank account and is baffled by the amount he sees.
Arturo is waiting for Ismael. Ismael pours drinks and I believe Arturo asks if he and Lorena are amantes.
Marta watches the news in her room as the girls come in. The reporter questions Alejandro, is Lorena Martinez still in Mexico? In front of the entire country, Alenjandro announces he does not recommend Lorena turn herself in. She was convicted of a crime for which she is innocent. And he is willing to prove it!
ReplyDeleteDiana, thank you for your excellent recap. I had a few extra minutes this morning so here are some "extras."
Montse is planning on turning herself in considering the deal the prosecutor's office has offered the fugitivas. Frida and Lorena try to talk her out of it.
Lorena wonders if she might be better off turning herself in. Alejandro says no. It would only benefit those with a short sentence. He is going to see if he can find Vilchis. He leaves and goes back for a forgotten briefcase when he hears that Lorena has been in contact with Ismael. He is angry because she is not following his directions as her lawyer that she supposedly agreed to. She was to talk to nobody about the case except for him. He is done with her.
Ismael promises to find out who ratted him out. Nico wonders why the two of them aren't close like they were before. He asks how Ismael found out that Lorena was back from Mexico. Ismael tells him not to ask about what he is not going to tell him.
Dario tells Frida he can pay them 6,600 pesos a month($330) plus the social security fee. She is happy. Carmen finds no money in the cash register.
PSA: Marta's new employer tells her about a group she goes to for domestic abuse survivors.
Erick is upset with the offer from the prosecutor's office and that any one of them would turn themselves in just like that. He doesn't trust them. He tells Lorena she must have hit her head on something if she is thinking of turning herself in. He tells Frida what Lorena is thinking of doing. She cannot believe it. Lorena says that she no longer has Alejandro as her lawyer and can't ask him to take her case on again since she has disappointed him so many times. Duh!
A fugitiva Abigail Izárraga turns herself in to Ismael.
Lisette tries to talk Montse and also Lorena from turning themselves in to no avail. They tell Erick who agrees to be their lookout in the mean time. Lisette tells them to say goodbye to Marta before turning themselves in.
Erick visits Alejandro with a bottle of tequila so they can relax before they talk about Lorena. Alejandro smiles as he goes for the glasses but soon he is tired of hearing about Lorena. Erick tells him how famous he could be if he proved her innocence. They drink to that.
Arturo asks Flo if one of the reasons she believes her marriage with Ismael is over is because he was unfaithful. He noticed how distant Ismael was with her and investigated. He promises her to fix the situation.
Patricio doesn't know how Nico found out that Lorena was in Mexico but he is sure that he let it out. Brenda knows. She saw Nico him eavesdropping outside of Ismael's office door with a phone in his hand. She wants to tell Ismael. Patricio says no and to let things play out.
Dario has no money in his bank account and his wifey is ready to deliver it all to her ex.
Arturo asks why Ismael took charge of the fugitivas case. He says it is his duty as the prosecutor and not really Arturo's concern. Arturo thinks it all comes down to him and Lorena having been lovers.
Uh, oh, Lorena's fingerprints were not on the murder weapon and that was not taken into account in her triall!!! The Márquez's presented bogus evidence. A new trial is needed. He will defend Lorena to the end no matter what.
ReplyDeleteSince Juana was 2 hours last night, and not on tonight, I watched an hour. I’ll do that recap this morning and watch the second hour tonight. I plan to do the same Thursday and Friday.
ReplyDeleteJarifa, I am so grateful for all the pivotal dialogue and action that you provided so clearly and concisely.
In confiding in Ismael rather than Alejandro, Lorena is following her heart rather than her head. Their chemistry is palpable but I still don't understand how or why she forgave him after he let her rot in jail with nary a second thought.
"Erick is upset with the offer from the prosecutor's office and that any one of them would turn themselves in just like that. He doesn't trust them. He tells Lorena she must have hit her head on something if she is thinking of turning herself in" was perfect. I'm liking Erick more and more...
I'm glad Brenda and Patricio are "on to" Nicolas.
Finally, "Uh, oh, Lorena's fingerprints were not on the murder weapon and that was not taken into account in her triall!!!" The Márquez's presented bogus evidence. A new trial is needed. He will defend Lorena to the end no matter what". Finally some forward motion.
Does crafty Arturo really have no idea what his darling daughter is like?
Thanks so much again Jarifa for your help.
No show tonight.
ReplyDeleteJarifa, I was ready to add some insight to Diana's excellent recap, but you beat me to it with much better translations than I would have come up with. I must still be learning faces, I thought the guy with the emptied bank account was Vicente. Thought maybe his dad actually cut him off and now he can never return to Buenos Aires. I also thought that Florencia's dad ( I still haven't figured out his name,) alluded to Florencia having an affair, not about Ismael.
Juana #16 part 1
ReplyDeleteOutside of Juana’s house the driver suggests that Paula and Gabriel talk in the car. Paula is upset and Gabriel tells her he’s never been unfaithful. He tells her she’s spying on him using Camila. She tells him “You’re mine”.
Juana is inside crying. Josefina thinks Paula wanted to hire Juana to take pictures.
Gabriel tells her he came because she quit, she’s a good worker. And David hired her.
Juana is crying because of the things Paula said when she and Juana never did anything. She tells her mom how David and Camila both accused her of loving him. Felipe answers the door to Gabriel. A confusing talk between Josefina, Jenny, Felipe and Gabriel about why he’s there, his relationship with Juan’s vs. what people say. Juana appears.
Rogelio’s son is talking to the woman who’s with Carlos a lot. He’s asking about Juana and his brother-in-law. She tells him David loved Juana from the first time he saw her. Then she mentions Camila. I hope he’s totally confused.
Back at Juana’s, Hyana feels she and Gabriel need to talk privately. Josefina doesn’t want them in her room, plus the family has no secrets and the walls are thin. They go to the roof. A very nice roof. He wants her to return to work. She says she loves him and it will be hard. Also worried about what Paula thinks. Gabriel doesn’t care, he tells her she’s important to him.
Meanwhile Jenny tells the family Juana is in love with her boss.
Jenny says he’s married and she’s pregnant. He asks if she’s keeping the baby and is pleased with her answer.
Paula and Camila talk. Paula her what she told Juana and that Gabriel showed up.
Juana tells Gabriel she’s friends with the priest and he mentioned the adoption. She says he’s the only one she would give her baby to. He wants to feel the baby. He’s amazed that that another life is growing inside her. He’ll maintain his distance if she comes back to work. They shake hands as the rest of the family comes up and says they’ve talked enough.
Paula tells Camila that Gabriel told her nothing has happened between Gabriel and Juana. Paula can’t believe that Paula believes him. Paula tells her how tense he is with an unknown woman pregnant with his child. Camila wonders why Paula doesn’t talk to the PI
Paula doesn’t feel Juana is insignificant to Gabriel.
Josefina says the wife is famous, basically Juana wouldn’t have a chance. Also think they were wondering if Juana and Gabriel did anything. Jenny defended her daughter. Josefina doesn’t think Juana should return to work.
Dani is still trying to reach Juana. David feels guilty But tells Dani Gabriel’s marriage is bad.
Josefina is pushing David, he’s single! Juana is telling the family nothing happened between she and Gabriel. They’re friends.
Rogelio and his son are talking. The son tells his dad that David hired Juana and is in love with her. Rogelio makes a comment that does he think his sister’s hallucinating. Rogelio seems more worried that the beer business isn’t going as planned.
Gabriel tells Enriqueta Juana is returning. She mentions the rumors. That’s not important to a Gabriel. She thinks Juana may be in love with her.
Juana #16 part 2
ReplyDeleteRogelio is discussing business with Camila. He gets a little too touchy, geeky with her in the glass room!
Enriqueta goes to see Carlos. She believes Gabriel has a special interest in Juana. Carlos says it’s not what you think. She’s worried about the rumors. He brings up her elevator kiss.
Pedrito is with Josefina. They’re talking about her sweets. He leaves for school. Yardia arrives with creams for Josefina. Felipe ends up telling her there’s nothing between them.
Paula gets flowers from her lover. Camila calls her to tell her Gabriel returned to the office, alone.
Gabriel tells Carlos Juana and his child are the most important things in his life. He doesn’t know how to tell Paula that Juana is the woman carrying his child. He tells Carlos he and Juana will keep their distance at work.
Jenny is at work. Ricardo wonders what’s wrong. Meanwhile Salvador shows up at the house. He came to see Jenny. He’s really nervous and Josefinatells him to be calm and slow down. She gives him the address where she works.
Juana tells Dani everything that went on and she’ll return to work.
Camila is still at work wanting to ride home with Gabriel. He tells her to take a taxi and stay out of his private life.
Salvador shows up at the restaurant. He orders a drink. He wonders why she’s rude to him. She ends up laughing and Ricardo comes over to see if the customer is bothering her. He orders a meal. She calls him obstinate.
Don Memo brings money that pepito got from selling her sweets, I think. Memo might be buying them
Gabriel arrives home Paula enters his bedroom and wants to talk about their child. She asks if the PI found the girl. He says no and he stopped the investigation. Paula thinks the woman probably ended the pregnancy. He says unless she’s wonderful. Paula thinks he’s suffered enough and now they can be happy. She flash backs to them trying to get pregnant. But she goes into a closet and takes out her birth control pills. Back to the present, she asks him to come back to her bed. She asks for a divorce.
ReplyDeleteGood job Liz. Is part 2 it for the day. I watched the whole thing last. Night, though I did fall asleep in the last 15 minutes so I had to rewind.
It's sad that I am enjoying the Jenny/Charo? storyline more than the Juana/Gabriel. I have a hard time getting into her falling in love with a married man if she is such a good spiritual person. Of course we know Paula needs to be kicked to the curb. At least he has asked her for a divorce. I imagine that will wreak havoc on the joint ownership of the brewery.
Do you think Paula's brother will be good or evil? I can't get a feel for what side of the fence he will be on.
I don't understand why Rogelio wants the new beer to fail. He is a co owner of the business. Is he hoping to drive stock prices so low he can buy them up in a fire sale? As usual the business side of TNs don't seem to make sense. Looks like the Astro beer line was sold or discontinued. I think that was the job Juana was hired for, marketing of new product.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words Kat.
I loved your musing about Vincente: "Thought maybe his dad actually cut him off and now he can never return to Buenos Aires". Perish the thought! Please writers, get him on the next plane.
Flor's father is Arturo. He doesn't seem like the type to have the wool pulled over his eyes so perhaps his vision of his daughter is clearer than I thought :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, I agree Kat - Jarifa's translations are unfailingly amazing...
ReplyDeleteThanks Kat, yes part 2 was it. I’ll watch the second half tonight and put it up in the morning. I don’t think I have it in me to recap two hours. And since Univision was so nice to give us a night off after each two hour episode I’ll take advantage.
I think he wants to drive the prices down. Those conversations are usually over my head. If the shares are cheap enough I guess he’ll try to buy them all.
I can’t figure out Paula’s brother. He’s bad in that he’s going in with his dad in taking over the company. But I don’t think he’s as bad as dad. I’m thinking he may move to the good side eventually.
I enjoy Jenny’s story too. They have more something, maybe sexual tension than Juana and Gabriel. Who are kind of bland. Although the rooftop scene was nice.
ReplyDeleteI readily admit that I am not watching this very carefully (I need Diana's recaps and my printed thumbnails to keep track of the characters' names) so I want to ask if anyone remembers how Lorena got the name of "La Martillo" (The Hammer) in the big house.
ReplyDeleteJarifa, I remember that being commented on as it seemed rather a strange nickname but if there was any explanation as to why, I didn't catch it. Juan Pablo wasn't bludgeoned to death so I can't hazard a guess :)
ReplyDeleteDear Diana , thank you for another great recap as we roll along .
Jarifa, thank you for the extras.
The only thing I can think of for Lorena's nickname is that she finally stood up to Lisset , who was harassing her.
I think Vincent will become redeemed because he was sweet to Gabby for awhile and is hostile to his huffing, puffing father, but I don't like him. I never liked him. He is unlikable .
Unlike most novelas, we don't have a clear picture of the guy who ends up with the leading lady. Susan
ReplyDeleteLiz, thank you so much for the recap of part I !!. Last night here in LA they kept breaking into the show to announce that Fernando Valenzuela had died. And they didn’t just announce it – the showed long clips and some interviews. And then cut it more times to do the same. So we missed a lot.
And then I fell asleep during the second half of part II, so I’m looking forward to reading what happened. Hooray that we have the night off tonight because it gives you a break. These two-hour airings are killers for recappers.
Anybody else think David is a bit stalkerish? He’s way out of line. It’s not healthy.
ReplyDeleteAnybody else stick with Pedro? I really enjoyed it! I hadn’t seen the earlier Pedro shows so I don’t know any backstories, but it seemed they made this brief telenovela to wrap up a lot of storylines.
They sure rushed the last episode, jamming in everything and making sure everyone was partnered up. I wish they’d spread all that over a few more episodes.
Despite not knowing the past developments, I got a tremendous kick out of this show. All the characters were great fun, and Pedro is a unique and very endearing character. All the actors were terrific.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Liz.
I think Paula mentions at some point she wants Gabriel for his 'status'. But surely there are other businesmen as rich and as prominent as Gabriel. If she went as far as causing herself a miscarriage, theyclearly had no business getting married.
That whole part where Juana still says she loves him but is worried about what his wife would say is plain weird to me. Girl, these two things just don't go together. And if she is so full of virtues, why the heck did she even agree to come back? They came up with this plot, but now it feels as if they are struggling to come up with justifications whenever Juana is confronted.
I agree about David being stalkerish, Maggie. It's the second time this actor gets this kind of role. I hope someone for once gives him a good main role. David is waay too intense. Gabriel and Juana are way too bland. Camila is also obsessive, but in her case at least that's actually the point. Salvador and Memo are actually nice men. Felipe as well. What does it say about the show when the secondary characters are more likable than the protagonists?
ReplyDeleteSusan, thank you so much.
"I think Vincent will become redeemed because he was sweet to Gabby for awhile and is hostile to his huffing, puffing father, but I don't like him. I never liked him. He is unlikable". Ditto!
I hate they are portraying Gabriela as lonely and needy. It's terrible feeling she has no one but Vincente isn't the one to fill the void. He is too self centered and judgemental. I'm going to be unhappy if they end up together.
ReplyDeleteWaterlily – I usually find the 2 lead characters pretty boring. When a character is described as “muy noble” I know it’s snooze time. The telenovelas have upped their game with the female leads over the past years and they have a bit more zip than they used to, though.
Me, I watch for the antagonistas and the side characters. That’s usually where the fun is.
ReplyDeleteMaggie, I, too, enjoyed Pedro very much and agree that they gave the viewer enough plot info to make it easily enjoyable without having seen the original series. I also enjoyed seeing totally new actors, at least for me. The only actor I had seen before was Antonio Gil (Julio) in “La Reina de Sur.” Miguel Varoni did a wonderful job as Pedro. It was a sweet series.
ReplyDeleteI had plans to watch the 20 some episodes during my post surgery time. I was totally bummed to discover that YouTube TV let me down. It is in my library but only the past week are viewable. The rest are in ViX premium or something. I'll try to catch it at some other time
ReplyDeleteMaggie, I’m just now watching the second half and will post it tomorrow morning
I recorded Pedro and plan on watching it when I have time.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Susan, for reminding me of Lorena sticking up for herself in jail. I had forgotten all about that.
JUANA. second hour Tuesday #17. Part 1
ReplyDeleteDani thinks Gabriel might be in love with Juana. She tells her David said his marriage is bad. Juana says Gabriel had already told her that. Juana tells her they’re just friends and she having someone else’s baby. Dani doesn’t think that’s a problem because Gabriel is so nice.
Gabriel had just asked Paula for a divorce. He asks her when was the last time they made love. He says she could be happy with another man. He tells her he doesn’t love her
Josefina and Memo are counting the money from the sweets. Felipe comes in and is happy to see him but Josefina says he was just leaving. Felipe tells Josefina what a great man Memo is. Josefina starts playing matchmaker by talking about Yardia.
Paula is texting someone when Camila comes in saying Gabriel wouldn’t give her a ride home. She had to come home in a taxi because Gabriel says she’s spying on him. Paula tells her Gabriel wants a divorce.
At the restaurant Jenny’s boss is praising her. She’s his best employee. He apologizes for his previous rudeness. Some men come in alone to hit on the waitresses. And she’s so pretty and nice.
Juana can’t sleep and is thinking of previous conversations with Dani and Gabriel.
Gabriel is working in his bed when Tania brings him dinner and tea. She thinks he should spend more time at home. She tries to tell him about Paula’s visitor but he tells her he knows everything that goes on in the house. Does he?
Dr. Mendez calls about the pregnant girl. Gabriel tells him he asked the PI to put the search on hold. And yes, he’s sure he wants to do that.
Josefina doesn’t want Juana to work at the brewery. She’s different, a good student with a bright future. Juana says Gabriel is a good man and she wants to help the marketing team.
David and Enriqueta are talking. She says Juana is coming back to work and David says it’s his fault she left. Enriqueta thinks it would be better if Juana didn’t come back to work.
Camila comes downstairs and Rogelio is there. She wonders why he’s there so early. It’s for her and he gets her literally trapped in a corner. He wants to take her to work. He’s trying to kiss her when Paula sees them.
Rogelio’s wife and son are having breakfast. She wonders why Camila is working there. The son says Gabriel hired her and that she has shares. Mom says the girl can vote without working there. She wonders what his dad thinks.
Son says nothing and gets up and leaves.
Paula is upset. Dad says it’s not what it looks like. She knows what she saw. She tells dad to leave. Then she tells Camila she needs to move out. Camila tells her she has no interest in her dad.
Gabriel and Carlos are talking. He tells Carlos he asked Paula for a divorce. He mentions Carlos never approved the marriage. Carlos says the two families are like oil and water. Gabriel smiles when he mentions Juana. He would like the rest of the world to disappear.
Elvira is talking to Salvador at his desk. She says Francisco was divorcing Camila and it makes no sense that he left his shares to her. Salvador plans to investigate. He goes to the younger detective and seems to think the shares would be a reason to make someone disappear. So Camila is a suspect. Then he starts talking about Jenny. He likes her more each day.
Carlos and Gabriel run into Juana. It’s a little awkward.
JUANA. Tuesday night #17 part 2
ReplyDeleteJosefina and Jenny are talking. First about Juana, then Salvador. Josefina is a bigger fan of him. Jenny is upset she told him where she works.
Davis and Dani talk. He asks if Juana is mad at him. She tells him no, but don’t discuss her personal life with her.
Juana is with Enriqueta and tells her she’s pregnant. Enriqueta wants to know who knows and does she live with the dad. She says she lives with her family and they’re very supportive. Enriqueta asks about her uncle and Juana sings his praises. He’s an angel, kind, generous, honest and deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. Enriqueta has a smile on her face as Juana leaves.
Salvador shows up at the house with a huge gift. Jenny doesn’t want to see him but Josefina says she’ll send him to her room, so Jenny relents.
Felipe gives keys to someone’s car tohis coworker. As he leaves one of them says he’s the boss but I watched 4 times and couldn’t figure out who said it. If anyone knows let me know.
Jenny appears and is rude to him and he asks her out. He shows her the gift she opens it. It’s a bear in a police uniform. But the real gift is the pepper spray the bear is holding. She’s not thrilled with the gift although Josefina thinks it’s wonderful.
David and Juana are looking at an add for Astro beer. She says something about playing dirty. He needs her help to have a better add That one is totally bad.
Enriqueta tells Carlos she understands the relationship between Gabriel and Juana. Juana is pregnant and Gabriel has been trying to have a baby. I’m not sure if she realizes he’s the dad but she seems to know he was trying another way. It might just be that she thinks her pregnancy gives them a connection.
David announces to his marketing team that they all need to cancel plans for Sunday as they have something important to do. He and Jenny leave.
Josefina, Jenny and Salvador are eating. Josefina gets on Jenny for not talking, she replies she can’t talk when her mouth is full. Salvador She’s not empressed with the gift, he offers to change it, she says no. Salvador thinks she needs the pepper spray because she works in a bar. She doesn’t need it and doesn’t want to go out with him.
Gabriel sees David and Juana leave. David is mad at a guy named Miguel. He’s cancelling their contract. And going with the competition. It looked like Astro was the competition but a thought Astro was their beer. Anyway David is angry. Miguel looks familiar. Is he the guy Rogelio bribed?
Jenny and Salvador are on a date, on a slow boat. The bear came along. He is telling her about his past. Something gets in her hair. He tries to help her and she pepper sprays him. Calls him obstinate and abusive.
Rogelio is talking to the guy that recognized Camila. I thought he was a mechanic but maybe he drives one of their trucks. Rogelio has a clip board and is telling him something. He asks if it’s clear and the driver says “clearer than water”.
Camila runs up to Gabriel. She tells him Paula misunderstood a situation and Camila has no romance with Rogelio. She would never do that to her best friend. She wants him to believe her. He tells her he can’t help her. As he tells her his relationship with Paula is bad she moves in, rubbing his sleeve she tells him she knows and they can help each other. Glad he has enough sense not to fall for this.
Felipe had gone to Dani at work. She brings him to Enriqueta’s office and Felipe introduces himself and tells her he’s there to clear some things up.
David and Juana are walking. Davis is upset as a lot of money is involved. Juana goes to a stand to get them drinks. He looks at a magazine that has the picture of Felipe covering Juana’s head as he snuck her out of the house. The headline says “Juana the Virgin”.
ReplyDeleteLiz, without watching it again I can clear .much up. The entire business plan of the brewery is beyond my comprehension. I thought Astro was their beer, maybe the one Rogelio has been trying to sabotage internally. I can speculate, perhaps the beer driver is being paid to shut off the cooling system in the truck so the beer gets hot, then cooled down again after delivery. I don't drink beer, but my husband does and I know it isn't good to have drastic fluctuations in temperature.
Camila is unlikeable, but Rogelio is plain despicable! Her scenes with him make me pity her.
ReplyDeleteLiz, thank you. I missed this show, so I especially appreciate your excellent recap as we roll along.
I like Salvador, but Jenny bothers me . I know she is supposed to be comic relief, but it's not funny to me. Juana acts older than her mother.
I want to find out what that guy knows about Camila.
So, Paula saw her dad swarming on Camila and told her to leave. Now she must discover that Camila has her eye on Gabriel. Hey, Paula, pick up her phone and see that faked wedding photo that Cam made of her and Gabe . Meanwhile, Gabe isn't interested in either of these ladies.
Rog's son always looks uncomfortable and guilty, so I think he will be redeemed . Susan
ReplyDeleteThanks for your take on the beer, Kat. Sounds like a reason for people not to like it. I think Astro is their beer that’s being sabotaged, but when they were talking to Miguel it was going with their competition. Hopefully we’ll eventually learn for sure.
I looked up the cast, Manuel is Rogelio’s son as they had the same last name. Still trying to discover the woman Carlos is with a lot, the young detective and the truck driver. And the other guy in the garage!
Susan, I’m very relieved that Gabriel isn’t swayed by Camila. I wonder if he really knows everything that goes on in the house. I don’t think he knows Paula cheated on him. I also think the son, Manuel will eventually side with the good guys.
I’ll probably do the recaps the same way for the next two days. I don’t think I could recap two hours easily!
ReplyDeleteLiz, that woman you are wondering about ( Enrietta ?) was in " Minas De Pasionnes" as a villain . I don't know the actresses name . susan
ReplyDeleteLiz, thank you so much for this recap of the second half of Tuesday’s show! Much appreciated! You got me all caught up and now I’m all set to watch tonight.