Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.
8-9 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)
9-10 AM: La Gata (Unimas)
11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision)
12-2 PM: Las Amazonas (Unimas)
1-2 PM: El Angel de Aurora (Univision)
2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)
4-5 PM: Como Tu No Hay 2 (Unimas)
El Angel de Aurora #50
ReplyDeletePart 1 of 3 (Quick and Dirty Version)
Fabrizio asked Patricia how she knew Pintas. She mentioned the sightings and he told her not to say anything yet.
Helena introduced Antonio to Maggie and Rolando. Maggie thanked Helena for her help, saying she was a great woman. Antonio then went to the Santos house to talk with Pascual about Helena and Angel.
Luis introduced JC to Tania. JC looked suspicious.
Demon sauntered in to breakfast with his egg donor who demanded to know why he betrayed her by getting Angel out of jail.
Angel told Aurora about Vicki's cancer. Helena came in.
Demon told Jezabel he owed her no explanation and she accused him of being “capricious like Aurora.” He denied that, saying “No; I'm like you.” He started off for the door but she forced him to the study with the threat of removing him as CEO, reminding him that she owned more company shares than he did.
Helena asked Angel what happened at the police station. Then she was in pain. He picked her up, set her on the couch next to Aurora, and ran for help.
Pascual was concerned and Antonio told him he wanted him and Angel to come to his company.
Luis brought out coffee and joked about the length of their non-existent relationship. He said something that gave the game away. JC was not fooled.
Fabrizio visited Pintas at his new [we're sure temporary] digs. Pintas claimed he had not done anything wrong. He got nervous when Fabrizio said he knew Jezabel... for a long time. He started telling Fabrizio that El Morro knew everything. Pintas admitted to getting 100K pesos. Fabrizio suggested they negotiate. He suggested that Pintas demand 2 million pesos. A moment later Pintas told Fabrizio that Jezabel paid him to rape Aurora.
El Angel de Aurora #50
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Demon told Jezabel that Angel will fall and that it was his destiny. Jezabel said that setting Angel free was a huge mistake. She insisted she knew better than he and that Angel should be sent running from the company.
The company doctor told Helena she needed rest. Helena asked Angel what happened. Aurora left them alone.
Luis and Tania disagreed and he almost kicked her out of the house. He told his father this was all a joke. He admitted that he was in love with Jezabel.
Antonio and Pascual talked about the past as they looked at the mural. No class snobbery; Antonio wanted to help them advance. Antonio's phone rang. It was Elvira.
Antonio called JC about Elvira's news , catching him in the midst if dealing with Luis.
Helena asked Angel if her father wanted to break them up. He did not want to talk, then Briana came in to get him on some pretext or other. Angel insisted upon going alone.
Demon began gaslighting Aurora into believing that the company's underlings – including Angel – were making fun of her.
Angel cried as he thought back to his deal with the devil.
Aurora was not interested in gossip about Angel. She asked him if he was jealous of her maternal attentions to Angel. After a series of insults about Angel she proceeded to throw him out of her office. She picked up on his true feelings and knew he hated her. He thought back to his latest meeting with his own lawyer.
Fabrizio ran into Jezabel's office and insisted that the banker leave. He wanted to talk about Pintas.
El Angel de Aurora #50
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Patricia – who apparently was staying at the same hotel Pintas had wormed his way into – went to see Antonio to ask his help about that.
Fabrizio confronted Jezabel about the rape.
Patricia told Antonio that Pintas and Edgar knew each other.
Elvira handed the file to Aurora and JC. It contained Juventino's name. Aurora said this had to go to the police.
Angel went to Helena's office. He told her they had to separate. He said she was not the woman he needed to be with.
Jezabel tried to deny the accusation. Fabrizio could not let this go. She accused him of being weak ans said he was not half the man Antonio was.
Angel cried as Helena continued to ask him why. His next answer got him a slap, then Demon entered [Obviously he was listening just outside the door]. He pulled his fake empathy act and pretended concern for Helena.
Jezabel started gaslighting Fabrizio again. Through all the triggers he saw that she was capable of destroying Demon [I think we can agree that she already has].
Helena asked Angel once more if her father had anything to do with this. He said she was in danger near him. He also said he needed to take care of his mother and could not handle any... distractions. That was enough to end this.
El angel de aurora
ReplyDeleteUrban, thank you for a great recap as we move forward.
I am confused about how Fabrizio and Pat got involved with Pintas., and why would Pintas tell Fab about Jez paying him to rape Aurora?
Do most people realize that Pintas and Juventina are one and the same?
Angel / Aurora #50
ReplyDeleteI think that Pascual and Vicki know; not sure about the rest. Fabrizio knew Jezabel and Aurora back in the day, so he may have encountered Juventino/Pintas then. Patricia's flashbacks are to recent events.
Pintas is an alcoholic so he could have been drunk when he made this confession. Since Fabrizio was away for a while it's possible that Pintas would not have recognized him while sober.
ReplyDeleteThanks , Urban, another excellent recap. I felt sorry for Angel. And we know Demon is going to somehow win Helena back, maybe. I’m glad Aurora has realized how Demon feels about her. I’m hoping she’ll figure out Demon had something to do with Angel breaking up with Helena. Looks like Jezabel doesn’t even love Demon. I don’t know why Fabrizio went to her with the information. He should have gone straight to Antonio.
Angel / Aurora #50
ReplyDeleteI also wonder about that. He might be concerned that about Antonio going off the deep end and killing Pintas. Not that he doesn't deserve it, but Antonio doesn't deserve to pay the price for that.
He should go to the police, but we're not even at the halfway mark yet. We now need to wonder what Jezabel will do. Will she try to kill Pintas?
ReplyDeleteUA, SpanProf, Darcy, Kirby, Susan, Dondi356, Halimacandy: Liste is up to something & she's too clingy & obsessive.
Angel/Aurora. Excellent quick and dirty recap, Urban! It's so wonderful that Rolas is seeing normally now! Whoa! Of course now that Fabrizio knows Jezabel paid Pintas to rape Aurora (and was foolish enough to tell her so), she blackmails him so he can't pass on the info--sure sign we aren't even halfway through this novela. It's hard to believe that Helena suspects Antonio of causing the breakup but doesn't suspect Demian--after all, it's typical behavior for him.
ReplyDeleteAngel / Aurora #50
ReplyDeleteWe'll see.
Just to let you all know I will not be able to post until Sunday due to commitments tonight and tomorrow. There are things I will need to clarify with a second viewing.
El Angel de Aurora #51
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Helena would not allow Angel to get near her. “I thought you were another kind of man. One who didn't care what others thought.” was how she started. He said they were not compatible before he walked out. Demon was outside, saying to come to his office later. Angel said that no amount of money would change his love for Helena. Demon didn't like that. Demon went into Helena's office to enjoy her tears.
Jezabel made Fabrizio's day worse by telling him that she made Demon strong and that he knew that her dealings with Pintas benefitted them. Finally. She said Demon set Angel up to be killed. Fabrizio didn't believe that at first but he soon started choking her. She tried calling police but he stopped her. She looked at him with a certain satisfaction.
Antonio was suspicious of Patricia's motives. He knew she was using Briana and did not forgive what she had done to Helena all this time. She wanted to know what was up with Pintas and Edgar in case there was something crooked about the business.
Jezabel called Patricia and left a message demanding her videos of Fabrizio, Cassandra came in and Jezabel told her that Fabrizio tried to kill her. Cassandra saw the marks on Jezabel's neck before leaving her office to see Aurora.
Aurora and JC talked about the investigation, thinking that the end was near.
Demon continued his gaslighting, telling Helena that Angel was playing with her feelings, saying that if not for Aurora he would have fired him ages ago. She said he was looking after Vicki and then Demon went on about the imaginary mind games and segued to class differences.
Briana approached Angel with her usual fake empathy, finally saying te amo. She went on about Demon paying for Vicki's treatments.
JC made a call to check on two variations of Pintas' other name. After this call Luis told him he was in love with Jezabel. JC was sure that Luis' crush was a caprice. Aurora was shocked and still had to deal with Helena and Angel.
Elvira told Jezabel she was not free to talk about the case, as Aurora and Antonio were her clients. She would share info only if Antonio allowed it. All she could say was she knew nothing yet of the rapist... who at that moment was fleeing the hotel.
Patricia showed Antonio to Pintas' hotel room, but the maid told them he had left a short while ago.
El Angel de Aurora #51
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Demon hammered on Helena with “Don't humiliate yourself” and “He's done this to other women.” This was followed by the whole thing of making her happy [Please make some room in the vomitorium]. He left. Aurora knocked, then entered. She hugged Helena who started saying that her father had something to do with this. Aurora was perplexed.
Cassandra told JC that Luis was in Jezabel's office. She told him thst Fabrizio tried to kill her “because he is crazy.” They were kissing when JC entered without knocking.
Angel looked at the briefcase of money on the desk. Demon said it would be in his account by the next day “and extra, for your good acting.” Angel refused it, closing the briefcase and looking Demon in the eye.
JC closed the door and voiced his disapproval of this situation. Jezabel said they were both free adults and he was the only person who did not see that. Luis said “This isn't the 19th century,” etc. JC told him to shut up and sent him out. He told Jezabel he was not going to allow this.
Patricia tried to make little of this to Antonio. Telling him that she had once encountered Pintas in the barrio when she went searching for Briana.
Angel refused the money except for Vicki's care. Demon went on about everything being money and Angel got on him about his interference. Demon was recording this. He applauded Angel's comments about the dangers of being at his side. He thanked Demon half-effusively and half sarcastically and then resigned. After he walked out Demon kissed the spy pen that recorded this and called his lawyer saying “It's all ready.”
Aurora tried to understand Antonio's attitude about this. She recalled Antonio blaming Angel when they were at the hospital. Aurora was sure that Angel loved Helena and all would come to light soon. Helena was hoping this but said if he was not willing to fight for her she would keep her distance. Aurora said she wanted to talk to him. She then told her that Juventino was the man who had raped her.
El Angel de Aurora #51
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Jezabel told Demon about Fabrizio's attack. However she did not want anyone knowing about his mental health issues. She tried to lie about Fabrizio's motive but Demon didn't buy it. He left as soon as the doctor arrived, wishing him luck. She told the doctor that Fabrizio had attacked her. She wanted him to report it.[How does she keep all her lies straight?]
JC told Aurora he had caught Luis with Jezabel. Aurora didn't like this but JC said to say nothing. He would handle this. He was certain that Jezabel would hurt Luis.
Aurora offered to take Helena home, but Helena said she would take a cab. Angel wanted to talk to Aurora. He told her this was his last day at the company.
Patricia approached Cassandra about seeing Jezabel. Cassandra put her in her place and said she would see Edgar.
Anita told Rolando about Vicki's illness. He told her to tryst god and the doctors.
Edgar could not tell Patricia anything about Pintas. She saw his full name on a document and asked if he knew a Piña Bautista. He said No.
Elvira told Antonio she reported only to him. Helena asked Antonio about Angel.
Jezabel and Demon went home to find Fabrizio on the bed. His hands were bleeding. Demon grabbed something out of the closet and told Jezabel to back off.
Dr Rubio made a house call at the Santos home. Vicki told Angel tha Demon is an angel for this. She did not notice the look of doubt on his face. ''he silently thought that Demon was keeping his word.
Demon helped Fabrizio down the stairs as Aurora and JC arrived. Jezabel insisted that he had to go into a mental institution.
Antonio admitted interfering in Helena's love life because he was concerned for her safety. She protested and brought up the past. He denied manipulating Angel.
Fabrizio ran from Demon's grasp, saying that he was not crazy. He collapsed onto the floor. Demon tried to calm him down. Aurora and Jezabel argued.
Antonio told Helena it was not his intent to interfere in her relationship. She finally told him she was willing to die for love, but he had not been.
El angel de Aurora
ReplyDeleteUrban, thank you for a great recap as the story continues to unfold.
The one person Demon seems to truly care about and show compassion for is Fabrizio, his poor, tormented father .
Patricia keeps interfering and stirring the pot.
Jez takes such joy in causing chaos by manipulating everyone . Marisol Olmos has such a devilish look in her eyes as she portrays this devilish villain . On the other hand, this actress can play the sweetest of the sweet. Susan
Angel/Aurora. Another excellent recap, Urban! "to enjoy her tears": Good one! That sums up Demian in a nutshell! I also loved the vomitorium observation. I don't know. The crisis between Angel and Helena seems just a bit contrived. And given that the novela isn't even half finished, it could go on endlessly. Someone needs to expose Demian. So hypocritical when he said he favored Helena's and Angel's relationship. And thank goodness! An honest detective!