
Monday, November 04, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Fugitivas, La Historia de Juana, El Precio de Amarte- Week of Nov. 4, 2024

PREEMPTION ALERT: There will be no Primetime Telenovelas on Tuesday due to the elections! On Wednesday, Fugitivas and Juana will be preempted due to futbol!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. La Historia de Juana is still moving along quite well with Liz providing some juicy recaps! Diana is stalwart with her recaps for Fugitivas. So let’s cheer them on and join in on the discussions!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Fugitivas: Ep. 29

9-10 PM – La Historia de Juana: Ep. 25

10PM – 11PM – EL Precio de Amarte: Ep. 6-7

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Fugitivas”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. FUGITIVAS #29 Part 1

    Ester’s sting is to lure two wealthy women into investing in some sort of product (real or imagined) that she claims is destined to revolutionize the beauty industry! As we rejoin the group at the restaurant, Isadora is excited and happily hands Ester a check, but the other woman, Adelaida, grabs the check out of her hand! She isn’t going to invest because she doesn’t trust (the product, Ester, or both)! They leave the table to discuss…

    Dario is quite gentle as he provides Matias with a bit of background as to what happened with his grandmother and grandfather with the outcome of Marta ending up in jail. I believe Dario says it was an accident but Matias again repeats that Marta is an assassin. She is your abuelo Dario pleads. He sits next to his son in the booth and tells him “te amo”. With that, they finish their dessert and at home, he hugs his son.

    Adelaida and Isadora continue to argue about the check and when they return to the table, Ester is quietly seething. Montse, quickly and correctly surmises that some not-so-subtle subterfuge is needed. She suddenly speaks up and offers the amount Ester was asking for! She shrugs and declares to the table that this is an excellent opportunity and prepares to write a check. Sensing they are going to be frozen out of the deal, Isadora looks imploringly at her friend. She and Adelaida quietly discuss this turn of events as the fugitivas hold their collective breaths. Ahhh, here’s Frida, pretending to be a waitress. The women hand over the check all smiles, she and her hermana are all in! I believe they want their lawyer to review the contract. Because the contract likely isn’t worth the paper it’s written on, Ester purposely knocks a drink over and hands Frida the check under the table, to deposit ASAP!

    Arturo berates Vincente for not calling him and having to find out from his mother he isn’t in Buenos Aires. Where are you Arturo barks? Vincente tells him he is here in Mexico working at a foundation run by his friend’s father. Vincente has already had enough and hangs up.

    Matias returns to his room and finds the note and cookies. We hear Marta’s voice as he reads the letter, asking him to forgive her. She loves him with all her heart. He puts them down on his desk and lies down on the bed.

    Carmen starts an argument with Dario.

    Arturo visits Ismael as he rolls his eyes. He’s concerned about Florencia.


  2. FUGITIVAS #29 Part 2

    Frida goes to deposit the check. The cashier’s eyes are wide as saucers when she sees the amount. When she excuses herself, Frida panics, asking if there is a problem.

    Alejandro bursts into Ismael’s office unannounced. Nicolas gets rid of Andrea so he can listen at the door. Arturo and Ale immediately start jawing at each other, Alejandro clearly baiting him. He assures him that he is a primary suspect as all of the evidence proving Lorena’s innocence was taken in the break-in of his apartment. After Arturo leaves, Ale talks about Vilchis, who will be able to prove Lorena’s innocence and asks about protection. They shake hands and Ale leaves.

    Lisset gets a text from Frida the check has been deposited. Montse, Lisset and Lorena make a hasty retreat waving adios to their new friends. Ester quickly follows suit…

    Gabriela enters Flor’s office. She compliments Gabriela for convincing Vicente to stay in town and then tries to pump her about Lorena's relationship with Ismael.

    Alejandro calls and gets Vilchis’ sister. He’s not here she barks and as she is being consistent once again, promptly hangs up on him.

    The fugitivas all meet up, Ester demanding they kiss the ring as the plan was successful thanks to her.

    Nicolas goes to talk to Gabriela when Vero interrupts him by putting her hands around his neck. Nicolas disengages himself and tries to ignore her. Gabriela calls Arturo and Nicolas gains entrance. I’m not sure but I gathered they don’t have Vilchis’ name but know whoever it is, is going to get protection. Arturo is furious. In the middle of this, Florencia walks in not pleased to see Nicolas there. Art tells him to give them a minute. What they said was over my head.


  3. FUGITIVAS #29 Part 3 of 3

    The fugitivas return to their room and Marta is there. She is hysterical, equal parts anger and hurt consuming her; she calls them all traitors. Frida tries to ask her to wait so they can explain but she asks them to leave. Calm down Montse says. When Ester intervenes, Marta flies at her screaming she is a vibora telling her grandson she was in jail. They physically fight and have to be separated and Marta pushes Frida away sending her reeling. I’m not interested Martta tells them. Frida then turns her ire at Ester for causing all of this!

    Alejandro gets a call and his eyes widen but we are not shown who is on the other end or what was said.

    Frida tries to quietly talk to Marta in the kitchen but she isn’t having it. Marta claims her relationship with her grandson is ruined! She cries as Frida takes her in a hug.

    Alejandro meets with Vilchis. He asks if it is true he would provide protection; he also asserts Lorena is innocent.

    Brenda in on another screaming jag, yelling at Patricio when Isamael walks in.

    When the fugitivas confront Ester, it is so obvious she could care less about Marta. Ester then gives Montse a black drawstring bag. Is it supposed to be their shares? Unless I missed something, no one is bothering to take a look!!

    Despite trying so hard to grasp the dialogue, much of this was beyond me. I hope what I did write was conveyed correctly…Kindly add or correct anything I missed or got wrong.



    Question, who is the mother of Matias? I don't think Carmen is the mother since she's just a relatively new girlfriend of Dario since she had a past before that Frida knew


    Thanks you, Diana, for your very fine recap. Yes, this was heavy on conversations. ; )

    I had some time tonight so here are some of the conversations and, of course, my comments.

    It always aggravates me that they focus on the death of the abuser and not on what the abused Marta was suffering trying to protect herself. Uh, if the abuser didn't attack Marta, he wouldn't have ended up falling down the stairs. Matías doesn't like that they lied to him. His father assures him that he is the one that matters the most to him and if that means Marta has to move, so be it. Matías loves her but needs time to process it all.

    Vicente tells Arturo he is living with Gabriela.

    Carmen is upset that Dario won't tell her what he was talking to Matías about.

    Arturo tells wants Ismael to forgive his daughter. Ismael will not talk about his daughter with him.

    Arturo thinks Ismael is nuts if he thinks he killed JP. The only certain thing is that Lorena killed JP. The judge found her guilty so he must have had sufficient evidence against her. Alejandro comes in unannounced and tells Ismael and Arturo that he reported a robbery at his apartment last night, where various things were taken including Lorena's file, to the police. He asks Arturo if he has any idea why anyone would want that file. When Arturo denies any involvement, Alejandro informs Ismael that a few days ago, Arturo had come to his house to threaten him. If he didn't make a public statement apologizing for what he had said against him, Arturo was going to declare war against him and he thinks it has started already. Arturo explodes admitting he did go to see Alejandro but only to ask him to stop defaming him. He sees him calling him a thief now as further defamation. Alejandro smirks and tells him he knows how to handle people like him. Alejandro taunts him telling him to threaten him again. He makes it clear he is going to continue his investigation until he finds out the truth and destroys Arturo once and for all. Arturo sarcastically responds that he is so afraid!!!! and leaves.

    Yes, Nicolás did tell Arturo that they were talking about some witness but they didn't have his name. Arturo doesn't understand this "further" investigation when Lorena was found guilty in a court of law. Arturo, also, doesn't understand why Alejandro is so obsessed with Lorena. Nico smiles a smarmy smile and says that hormones rule!!! Nico admits his relationship with Ismael isn't going very well. Since Ismael is now working closely with Patricio and his daughter, he has been pushed aside and not informed about anything. He asks Arturo to put in a good word for him. Arturo will try since it is good to have somebody like Nico on his side.

    Arturo tells Vero about the witness who is going to be protected. She asks if he has an idea bout who that could be. He says he does. She asks what he is going to do. He will solve the problem like he always does.

    Arturo tells Nico he will talk to Ismael about him again but Nico needs to let him know about everything that is going on at the prosecutor's office. Arturo understands that Nico's immediate boss Salvador Nájera is well-positioned in the upcoming elections. Nico says he and Ismael get along well. Nico reassures him he will let him know what is going on.

    Marta has told all the fugitivas to pack up and get out. Her mind may be changed when she hears from Frida that her fellow fugitivas felt like they had to go along with the scheme because Ester had threatened to turn them all in to the police including Dario and her. In anger, Marta asks why didn't they tell her what was going on from the first place. Marta is especially hurt that Ester told Matías she was in jail.

    Amanda is furious because the judge won't give them a court order to seize Alejandro's phone. She is sure they can track Lorena down that way. Ismael agrees to talk to the judge. She suggests that they ask Marta to help them out. Patricio says no to that.


    Anonymous, I asked the exact same question about Matias a few weeks ago.

    Yes, Carmen is relatively young and as Matias is a teenager, when would she have had tiime to immerse herself in another "life"??

    Still, there has never been any mention that she isn't his mother. We will have to wait and see!



    Jarifa, thank you for taking the time to add your always wonderful and very much appreciated comments! What a life saver you are. You've shed light on many very important details.

    "It always aggravates me that they focus on the death of the abuser and not on what the abused Marta was suffering trying to protect herself. Uh, if the abuser didn't attack Marta, he wouldn't have ended up falling down the stairs" was perfect and exactly right!!

    "Nico smiles a smarmy smile and says that hormones rule!!!" Loved it.

    "...they had to go along with the scheme because Ester had threatened to turn them all in to the police including Dario and her. In anger, Marta asks why didn't they tell her what was going on from the first place. Marta is especially hurt that Ester told Matías she was in jail". Marta is right, they should have told her immediately.

    Thank you for explaining who Salvador Nájera is (not that I even heard the name in the non-stop conversations last night.

    Arturo is loathsome but I don't think he killed Juan Pablo. If he had known Florencia was having an affair with him, it might have changed things, but right now, I don't see it.



    For fun, I searched in Google: En Fugitivas, ¿quién es la madre de Matías? (Who is Matías’ mother in Fugitivas? ) A big surprise is that it is actually came back as a result of an “AI” Google search which told me in Spanish that there is no mention of who Matías’ mother is in Fugitivas. Guess that only time will tell if “AI” is right or not.

  9. Fugitivas

    Dear Diana, thank you for yet another great review as we tumble forward .
    Jarifa, thank you for the extras .

    I just don't understand this Ester storyline ....don't get it, don't care . I guess writers thought we needed more drama.

    The writers now appear to be reforming Vicente as he works with kids at " the foundation,"

    Hmmm. Who killed JP?? I am thinking it was nasty , vapid Vero. She has never seemed upset about losing her novio and has been relentlessly drooling over nasty Nic. Susan


    Jarifa, thanks so much!

    That's very interesting...I'm sure the points raised about Carmen's age and abundance of "activities" were also realized by the writers (?) Maybe??? I guess we will have to wait and see :)



    Susan, thank you very much.

    To be honest, I would have preferred the Fugitivas tried to figure out things on their own. To lengthen this to 80 episodes though, I can see why they added Ester (and perhaps a few other things) to stir the pot...

    Vero IS vapid and totally self serving. As whomever did kill Juan Pablo has done a good job in covering their tracks, I'm not quite sure Vero would have been able to pull that off. I'm still not sure who the murderer is and think I'll wait a bit before hazarding a guess. :)


  12. Juana #25 part 1

    We open with Juana still taking pictures of the happy family. Paula talks about their marvelous family. Nicholas is so happy to have a family. He asks about blow ups, cake and other things you’d have at a kids Party. Nope, Paula mentions the beautiful decorations and nice yard he and his friends can play in. Gabriel, in an aside to Paula doesn’t think what she’s doing is right. She says she’s just having a birthday party for him. Juana takes pictures of the arriving kids. Rogelio and family arrive. Paula is happy to see her mom.

    Ramon and daughter are at the Bravo house. No one is home

    Camila arrives and gets a slap from Aparó. Manuel holds his mom back. She calls Camila a prostitute to Gabriel. Paula asks to leave her alone with her mom. Rogelio tells Camila he had ordered her not to come. She refuses to hide from his wife. And he’s going to leave her alone in public.

    Paula is greeting the sponsors. The priest is with her. They call Nicolas over. Dani and another girl are playing with the kids. Dani doesn’t think it seems like a kids party. Juana says they’re hoping to get big donations.

    The Bravo family and friends arrive. They’re impressed with the house. Tania brings them down those stairs. When introduced he says this is the family of the girl that’s trying to steal his daughter’s husband. Jenny and Felipe are ready to attack him but Gabriel comes in. Rogelio ends up saying it’s been a difficult day, enjoy the party.

    Manuel gets on Rogelio for Camila being there. Rogelio tells Manuel his wife couldn’t give him the son he apparently feels he deserves.

    Gabriel brings the Bravo family and friends to a table.

    Gabriel asks Juana why she hasn’t answered his calls. Is it the kiss I gave you at the hacienda? No, she mentions the long kiss he had with Paula. He tells her he has the divorce papers. She says Nicholas thinks he’s being adopted, he’ll be destroyed. Gabriel asks for time, Paula comes in and gets Juana for more photos.

    Dani and friends are talking. They decide she needs to get on a dating app. Dani doesn’t want to. She wants a phone call and a date. The girls put her on a site. She gets a match.

    Camila tells Paula Juana’s family being here is perfect. She feels it makes it obvious that they don’t belong here.

    Josefina tells Juana she doesn’t belong here in this world. This will never be her house. Juana doesn’t want the house. Josefina tells her what Rogelio said when they arrived. She has Juana in tears. Juana walks off as the Bravo group come to Josefina. Paula greets all the Bravo family. The neighbors say they’re not family, friends of Nicholas. Paula accuses them of being like a football team with their eating and drinking. She looks at Jenny and says something about how’s she’s dressed. Josefina asks why she’s trying to provoke them. Paula says she’s not provoking them, do they need a mirror.

    Amparo is telling Enriqueta how toxic Rogelio is. And a lier. He’s with a girl that could be his daughter. Rogelio approaches glad Amparo is calm. She leaves and Rogelio tells Enriqueta how difficult the wife is. Enriqueta hopes all will be well. She leaves.

    Camila comes up to Dani and friends. She tells them Rogelio’s wife has problems. He has always been like family to her as she and Paula are best friends.


  13. Juana # 25 part 2

    David is talking with Gabriel. They can pass the night together at work or in the hacienda, but their lives are very different.

    Felipe approaches Enriqueta and introduces Jenny Enriqueta knows she’s Juana’s mom and mentions how young she looks Yardia keeps watching them.

    The kids are eating. No hot dogs, no inflatables Nicholas thinks it would have been better to have the party in the plaza. Pedrito asks what something is. It’s the sprinkler system the gardener had shown Nicholas. What fun to get everyone wet.

    Paula presents Gabriel to the reporters. She tries to give him credit for the event and asks for applause. She says they can’t have children so he tries to help mothers and orphans. Juana is looking sad, Camila comes up and “comforts” her. Paula is smiling.

    Tardía goes up Felipe and Enriqueta and introduces herself as Felipe’s girlfriend. Enriqueta excuses herself. Felipe tells Yardia from the beginning they’d never be novios. Enriqueta looks around and gets under a table. Yardia is crying to Josefina and Jenny Felipe is looking for Enriqueta. Pepito knows where she is for a price. He gets under the table with her. She’s a serious person, structured. She doesn’t like gossip and scenes. They kiss

    Juana is upset. Paula approaches. She’s here so she can see how she doesn’t fit in this world. Paula is not going to let her destroy her marriage. I’m your worst enemy. Juana replies that their perfect couple image is a lie. Fabriel tries to talk to Juana as she’s rushing away.

    David asks Juana if she needs a doctor. No, she wants to get out of here. They go.

    Carlos and Gabriel are talking when the priest comes up to thank him. He mentions them adopting Nicholas. Carlos is surprised. Gabriel says no, that was Paula’s idea but they’re getting a divorce.

    Tardía approaches Enriqueta and Felipe yelling at them. Carlos takes Enriqueta away.

    Nicholas and the kids turn on the sprinklers. Everyone runs for cover. The kids are finally having fun. Tardía is still yelling at Felipe. Paula is mad. Two girls toasting in the water.

    The Bravo family is leaving. Gabriel asks where Juana is. Josefina tells him his wife probably ran her off. He apologizes. Josefina asks if it’s for this disaster or ruining her granddaughter’s life.

    Rogelio tells Paula he told Camila not to come. Paula tells him to go.

    The priest is taking the boys. The priest apologizes but Gabriel says it wasn’t a party for kids. Nicholas doesn’t want to live there. Paula isn’t as nice as he thought. He hugs Gabriel. He wants to see him again. The priest tells Gabriel he needs to tell him soon that he won’t be adopted.

    David and Juana arrive at his apartment. He soon tells her he loves her and would care for the baby as if it’s his own.


  14. Juana #25

    Help, part 1 disappeared.

  15. Juana
    Thanks for retrieving my part 1. Not sure who I’m thanking. I’m trying to figure out why it disappears. I think if I scroll back to proofread it does that. I proofread part 1 today. Not sure about the last time.

  16. Fugitivas
    Thanks so much, Diana. I'm glad you're recapping this one. Is it just my lack of experience when it comes to telenovelas or is this one very different from what we usually get? Has televisa done other telenovelas that include a real mystery?
    I love it when Arturo fumes. I have to laugh at him trying to tell Ismael to get backwith Flowy Flo.The man must thinkthe sun will stop shinning if hetells it to.
    It would never have occurred to me Vicente would be interested in working for such an organization.It's a bit...odd? Why didn't he try something like this instead ofagreeing to work for his father from the start?
    Did Ester really tell Matias the truth out of pure spite? She seems too calculating for this somehow. Isn't she kind of just indifferent to her? Unless she thought Marta would throw everyone out and the girls would join her out of desperation.
    I bet the girls won't be prosecuted for this crime even though those ladies are bound to figure out it's fraud.
    Why is Florencia tolerating Veronica? I keep thinking she'll fire her in a fit of rage.
    I know Matias doesn't like that they lied, but it pisses me off that even after his father explains things to him, what concerns him is the fact his grandma killed his grandpa and not the fact he was abused.Don't they usually go for the compassionate child/teen types in these shows?

  17. Juana
    Thanks a lot, Liz.
    oOh if only Juana chose David.
    I know Gabriel didn't ask her to come and work at the event, but when watching this I did wonder how Juana would feel if she did have to be among the rich. Not all of them are nasty, but I can imagine it being uncomfortable if it's the 'old money' families. This gave me Jane Eyre vibes.Juana should have just said a clear and loud no. Or is she into torture?
    Gabriel with his'give me time' speech irritates me too.
    Does Camila imagine the employees would believe her? She's married a rich man before so...
    I'm still baffled as to why Paula is so determined to keep Gabriel in this horrible marriage. Surely he isn't the only rich man in Mexico? And she's a model!
    That girl who is persecuting Felipe creeps me out with her refusal to get that he isn't interested. If they had chosen a different actress, I'd probably hate it. It's interesting how men in such rolesimmediately come across as intense and jealous.

  18. Juana,
    Waterlily, I also wish Juana would choose David. I don't wish Gabriel on Paula, but I don't feel he and Juana are a good match and he almost seems like a father figure.

    The sprinkler scene was the best scene in the show. Poor kids at a stupid grown up party. Enriqueta hiding was cute too, and also the female coworkers getting blitzed. At least someone had a good time.

    1. I meant wish Paula on Gabriel.....oh and I did not like Paula's party outfit at all.

  19. Fugitivas

    I think Matias is Carmen's. He is about 14. Dario mentions his father died and his mother went away when he was Matias' age. I wouldn't doubt Carmen is older than Dario, he would have been 18 when Matias was born, so 32 now. Actually I'm not positive Dario is his dad's given Carmen's past. She may have been 20, already married, ex was where? Jail. Ran off or she ran off when she robbed him. Matias may be the husband's son. Time will tell. Just another mystery to add to the storyline.

  20. Juana

    I guess we all knew the party would be a disaster. But I think it was worse than I expected. Paula is definitely not made for motherhood, nothing for the kids to do at a kids’ party. And I hated how she looked down on Juana’s family and friends.

    I’m not crazy about David. He’s the same as he was in Minas. I do see him ending up with Dani.

    Camila making excuses to her coworkers was laughable. I’m sure they figured her out quickly. Paula might be able to fool some people. I still wonder if Gabriel knows she cheated on him. He said he knows everything that goes on in the house, but if he knew would he be giving her all the houses and money.

    Yardia sure is persistent. Felipe’s told her several times he’s not interested.

    There were more “lighter” scenes in this episode. More fun to watch.



    So nice to see your comment waterlily!

    You are exactly right in that this TN IS a bit different which is one of the reasons I'm enjoying it. And Juan Pablo's murder is indeed a real mystery, at least to me :)

    "Did Ester really tell Matias the truth out of pure spite? She seems too calculating for this somehow. Isn't she kind of just indifferent to her? Unless she thought Marta would throw everyone out and the girls would join her out of desperation" . You dissected Ester's possible motives expertly; your query is very thought provoking. She is a nasty piece of work but perhaps there was something else beside malice behind her cruelty and self interest.

    It is amazing that not only Florencia but that Arturo is tolerating Vero. She's moody, overly emotional, easily distracted and highly annoying.

    Matias wasn't at all sympathetic to Marta was he? I'm hoping he will come around but he's not the only one who needs to apologize to Marta; Dario has a lot to atone for...



    I've been looking at the possibilty that Matias might not be Carmen's. It never occurred to me that Matias might not be Dario's Kat!

    Very interesting...guess we will need to sit tight! :)



    The show is fine so far but it has a lot of subplots which kinda concerning because it only has 50 episodes. I understand a lot of subplots for a show like Vivir De Amor because they have over 100 episodes so they need padding! But only 50 episodes and many subplots, this could be dragging but main storyline is interesting so far

  24. El precio

    I have been watching . I like the leads , but I don't understand the storylines of the minor characters. Susan

  25. El precio

    Susan, like you l feel the subplots are confusing. I had to go to Wikipedia to try and figure out characters names and then read some of the episode blurbs which didn't help much learning names but did give some spoilers so fair warning if you go there also. I'm an episode or 2 behind.

  26. El precio

    Kat, my favorite thing about this show is seeing the actor who was such a terrible villain in "El Conde" as a good guy . I have only ever seen him play villains.

    P.s. I hope the kids behaved for you today !!! Susan
