
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, #41, lunes 4/29: Crowd Control

Sam and Mauro are having playtime out on the lawn when she asks him if he really loves her. He assures her with tears in his eyes that he really, really does. She says then he should help the Robles, because they're important to her. So fascinating to see a future protagonista practice her bargaining power.

In the boys' jail, Fermin gets thrown into solitary for attacking Rubio. He struggles mightily, even though that's pretty much the only safe spot in the whole place. Take a break, Fer. There will be plenty of other opportunities to be a punching bag when you're rested up. 

Gala visits Salo and slips him some money because she knows "you have to pay for things in this place." She assures him that she knows he and his family are good people. They talk around their (fake) relationship and (fake) breakup and finally agree that it was best, especially considering their current (fake) old/new boyfriend/girlfriend. Salo thought-bubbles "but I didn't plan to fall in love with you" as she turns and walks away, dripping tears. 

Esteban visits Kenzo and gives him kudos for defending Nandy. Ken says he had no choice: he loves her. Esteban is supportive. He goes on to relay the sad news that no lawyer will take their case: they all seem to be afraid of something. They then talk about ballistics(!) for an absurdly long time that could have been spent checking on the dog-rabbit. Priorities, people.

Sweet Pepa's pretty much a basket case after his close call with becoming a jailhouse commodity. Salo comes in with a box and says he used Gala's money to get him something for his birthday. (They sell birthday presents in there? Maybe it's just the box.) He promises him a better birthday next year, which is a pretty safe bet, obvi.

In the girls' jail, our gang is walking out to the exercise-and-public-mocking yard when Dr. Monica suddenly collapses, foaming at the mouth. Everyone immediately assumes that Ginebra poisoned her, so I guess she's not quite as sneaky as she thinks. Sorry, everyone: Dr. M is history. Of course we're all sad, but we saw it coming. 

Mauro goes to visit Mir and they chew face for a hot minute before getting into the usual argument about where everyone's loyalties lie. They don't believe each other, and we don't believe either of them. No resolution, but he does warn her that loose lips sink ships, and she flashes back to foamy Monica and freaks further. 

Everybody and their familial accessories are at the Empresa for some reason. Sandro hands Eder a coffee cup with super glue on it and Eder gets his hand stuck. Sam offers advice on how they used to use motor oil to clean their hands after trash-picking in the aquatic park, which horrifies Gin. Through all of the recriminations, Sandro blankly maintains his innocence. (Was it him, or did Gin somehow set it all up just to create chaos? Not that we care; we hate both of them.)

In the middle of all this, Humberto and Porfirio show up. Hum cleans up real good; Por not so much. There's some pretty impressive cowboy-lawyer talk, but it's mostly just setup. 

Gin drags Filipa into her office and gives her a good slap, apparently for making a mess in the middle of what is supposed to be her mess. Gin reminds her what she owes her and Mauro: when Fil was trying to save her marriage to Kenzo, they sold her that kid! And then she went and let herself get divorced anyway! Sounds like having Filipa (and therefore Kenzo) in their pocket was part of the long-term plan, and you know how Gin gets when her plans are disrupted. She forces Filipa through a Maoist self-recrimination session ("Soy una estupida! Soy una estupida!") before telling her that if she can't make herself useful alive, she might be more useful dead. Yikes.

In other news:

* Gala asks Monito to tell her the story of how he met Sam. He agrees, but first he needs a taco. 

* Gin releases the photo of Paz and Esteban embracing in the park all over the internet, further fueling the media frenzy. 

* Esteban zooms out to all the employees of the Empresa and promises them their jobs and salaries are safe. 

* Nandy assures a confused Kenzo that being attracted to her doesn't make him gay, because she is a woman. 

* I'm all for Cinderella stories, but I'm not feeling the Gala/Salo thing. What do a TikTok fashionista and a freelance plumber with an anger management problem even talk about? You can't build whole relationship on roller-skating, ice cream, and mutual trauma. 


  1. I think the ballistic talk was to clarify who actually shot the gun(it was an illegal arms). Seems also they are trying to figure out Gin's past, her first marriage I think, something about Spain? That discussion was clearer to me than the money trail they were talking about. Did Filomena purchase a child also. I thought Gin advised her to get pregnant again to hold on to Kenzo, which begs the question as to who is the baby daddy, idk.
    Elvira will be in for a world of shock when the truth comes out about Sam's true mother. She sure is falling under her spell (as are we all).
    As to Dr. Monica's death, it seemed the jail Dr. claimed it was an allergic reaction. Now I'm no Dr., but foaming at the mouth and vomiting sure looks like poison to me. A fatal allergic reaction entails anacyleptic(sp?) shock and the airways swell shut. I was going to say the spewing from the mouth looked just like Alma, but then I remembered I was mixing up my TN's, lol

  2. Blue Lass, thank you for that snappy recap of a confusing episode .

    The whole coffee cup \glue thing was odd. Was that just a reminder of what a bad seed Kenzo's younger son is and what a sweet kid Eder is ? Made no sense .

    I had no idea what Esteban was talking to Kenzo about and pointing to those papers . Following the money to where ? Ballistic report of what gun? I am losing track of this storyline , but at least Esteban is still believing and supporting Paz.

    What kid did Gin give to Felipa? huh?

    So, when you visit someone in prison , you can greet them with a long , telenovela kiss. Ackward.

    Yay, the Calvary has arrived . Hum and cranky Por are here to save the day ...I hope.

    Where are we going with this !

  3. Blue Lass,

    This was incredible. Your wry wit was off the scale and I learned much that I missed.

    "She forces Filipa through a Maoist self-recrimination session ("Soy una estupida! Soy una estupida!") before telling her that if she can't make herself useful alive, she might be more useful dead" was perfection.

    I did not realize that Gin SOLD Filipa a child! It would make sense as surely Sandro is Beelzebub's..."Sandro blankly maintains his innocence. (Was it him, or did Gin somehow set it all up just to create chaos? Not that we care; we hate both of them.)" Yes!

    I have to say that the jail setting and the pervasive ominous feeling of evil is stomach churning and all too realistically done.

    Thank God Pepa got away!

    We suspected Dr. Monica was not going to survive but it was still hard to watch her end.

    "Salo thought-bubbles "but I didn't plan to fall in love with you" as she turns and walks away, dripping tears" touched my heart.

    "Mauro goes to visit Mir and they chew face for a hot minute before getting into the usual argument about where everyone's loyalties lie. They don't believe each other, and we don't believe either of them". No, we certainly don't.

    Humberto to the rescue. Unexpected but high time. He needs to get everyone released. Pronto.


  4. Blue Lass, thanks for a great recap of another difficult episode. I had FF’d through the whole super glue experience so now I know what that nonsense was about. Sounds like Pepa never saw a prison movie. We need more action than Paz, family and associates pulling out their hair and rending their clothes in jail. Time to move on.

  5. Thanks Blue Lass, great job, you cleared up some conversations and events.

    I’m very anxious for them all to be released from prison- alive. I hate that the doctor was killed and wondered why they picked her. I guess she’s a very credible witness.

    I find it hard to believe prisons are as bad as that one, I know they can be bad but even the guards and doctor apparently are paid off.

    So Felipa and Ginebra must go pretty far back if Gin bought a baby for Felipa. I thought they had just recently met-over the money laundering.

    I was clueless as to what was happening in the cup scene. Glad Sam saved the day. Can’t wait for the proud grandmother to find out she’s Paz’s child.

    I’m putting all my money on Humberto and Porfirio saving the day. I sure hope they do. And so glad Esteban hasn’t turned to Ginebra but is investigating her.


  6. Blue, thanks for clearing all that up in such a fun way! “Public Mocking Yard” indeed. And if we can call it that, then we should also refer to the visiting room as a Speakeasy. It’s quite the casual gathering place.

    Now that everyone knows Paz had possession of Sam and all involved are locked up, why wouldn’t Salo come out and tell Gala why he lied about dating the other girl. What does she have on him now? I do agree with you that they are not a good couple, he’s just not a compelling galan.

    Pepa, on the other hand, will look very juicy to the inmates. Poor darling guy. He’s so pretty. I wish he’d let us know what kind of conditioner he uses on that lustrous hair.

    From your mouth to the writer’s ears… go check on the dog rabbit! And whatever you do, don’t let him near a gravel pit with Kristi Noem.

    Are we assuming the “bought” kid is Sandro? I’m hoping he’s a missing child of one of the support group moms, sans his Super Glue.

    Fermin, PLEASE fess up! All would be resolved if Paz and Sam took DNA tests. His punishment can’t be worse than what he and his ex in-laws are going through now.

    Humberto does clean up nicely. So much so that the previews seemed to show Esteban looking a bit celoso.

    Looking forward to tonight’s episode!

    R la O

  7. Thanks, blue lass.
    I'm another one who was confused by the talk between Esteban and Kenzo. I just got that the bullet wasn't from the guns that the evil twin and their employ have and that the Nicoleti family appears and disappears all of a sudden in various countries. But the money bit was confusing.
    i don't like the idea that Sandro happens to be not their biological kid and happens to be horrible. But then again, Ginevra is also written in a way that makes it hard to imagine she would have been completely fine even with Elvira. But here I can't decide if it's my own impression or if it's what is implied. I don't like the idea of portraying maliciousness in people in such a way. As bad as Felipa is, they made it seemSandro enjoys what he is doing to hurt others.

  8. So...Gin didn't just meet Felipa when she started working at Mystery Products, Inc. Gin sold her Bad seed Sandro , who looks maybe 10???? ( Buyer Beware. ..there is something wrong with this kid. ) Are we ever going to get the back story on how Gin and Felipa met ? Also, how did Kenzo meet and marry this Amazon Queen?

    I guess dograbbit is at Esteban's house taking a break from being carried everywhere by Samlunamaria.

    If Esteban believes Paz that Gin and Mauro are evil child abusers , how will Gin seduce him ?

    When Esteban was pointing to stuff on those papers with Kenzo , was it about his business , Gin's business, the restaurant ???? Didn't Gin buy shares of Mystery Products , Inc way back at the beginning , and Esteban wasn't pleased about that. Esteban seems to be trying to figure out who Gin really is . He has always appeared suspicious of her since she and Mauro first wandered into the family's house and business.

    Poor, adorable Pepa . Love the way The Robles family are always so supportive of each other .

    Well, at least Hum is there now to try to help the Robles.

  9. I think I’m alone in thinking that if Sandro were away from mean Felipa, he’d be nicer. She never bonded with him, and he feels it. Sam is the exception on this front. Her dad tried to make up for Gin’s coldness. I guess that doesn’t say much for Kenzo, but he was miserable too.

  10. The above comment was from me. I’m trying to figure out how to get my name back on display upfront.
    R la O

  11. Oh, it worked! Now how do I get it to stay up there so I don’t have to enter it each time? That’s more me thinking out loud, but if anyone knows, please tell me!

  12. Thanks so much, Blue Lass. Your snarky recaps are always a pleasure!

    Yes, the reason Salo pretended to be back with Gema (worst girlfriend ever) was to protect Sam. Now that everyone knows whose child she is (not really), why didn't he tell Gala Gema forced him to break up with her?

    I'm not pleased with the way Mireya is just completely a prisoner of her hormones. Why did she kiss Mauro FOREVAH!

    Wow. I don't usually miss conversations that badly. This is why recaps are so great. I had no idea that Sandro wasn't Filipa's bio kid. So...nature vs nurture? Did Gin get the baby from a sociopathic mother?

    We surely did misjudge Humberto, or at least I did. I'm sure he's going to be the lawyer who saves the day. I loved Porfirio getting under Elvira's skin. He called her poisonous, the absolutely perfect adjective.

    I've seen it before, but I am always dismayed by TN representations of the complete corruption of police and/or guards in prisons.

  13. Good recap, Blue Lass. I have nothing new to add.

    Novelera, here is the chart about corruption I've been looking for for a while. It's not in the level of detail I'd prefer, but it still looks grim.

    I have to rewatch last night's episode. I usually do, but last night they had a "breaking news" interruption that lasted for a whole segment. Bear with me, amigos.
