
Monday, April 29, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Tu Vida Es Mi Vida, & Mujer - Week of Apr. 29, 2024

Coming Soon: 1) El Gallo de Oro with Jose Ron and Lucero will start on May 8th at 9PM!

       2) Golpe de Suerte with Big Ed Yañez and Mayrin Villanueva will start MUY PRONTO!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! Mini-recaps/highlights are being provided for Tu Vida Es Mi Vida….and there is a nice little patio to tune in to. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Tu Vida Es Mi Vida: Ep. 72-74 (Últimas Semanas!!)

9-10 PM – Mujer: Season 3  (Últimos Capítulos!!)  

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Vida”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. Vida Ep. 72 Part 1 (Just the a very succinct way...)

    After the dark cloud ROLs out, Pepe assures Paula that they will beat Rol, the will beat her tumor and they will live on together. Paula assures that she will fight with all her might. for then and for their family.

    Diego and Art are still on the pier. Art assures that he is not gay! He was confused...he doesn't know what he feels or what he is. Diego counters that he is a coward. He asks what about Andi? Is Art just playing with her feelings just because he doesn't know what he is and isn't sure about his feelings. Diego points out that his mother is dying and he should be with her, but instead he is there defending himself from Art's insecurities and doubts. Diego is fed up!

    Rafa tells Gracia about his encounter with Sofia and how Sofia came to be released from prison. They talk about Rafa's doubts about Lor being his father. Gracia knows how Lor must be feeling about Rafa's rejection since she has lived it too. They return to the subject of Sofia and Gracia thinks Andi has a right to know all about her mother. Rafa insists that Amdi shouldn't meet her mother. Gracia points out that this may be the start of their healing...this is not about him, it;s about his daughter. She confides about giving up her daughter and how she made a mistake, It;s too late for her to make amends, but it's not too late for Rafa.

    At the restaurant, Isa talks about how Alex and she made the restaurant what it is today. She rejects Lor's offer.

    Rosa calls Gracia and tells her that she has returned from seeing the doctor. Things are worse than she thought; she may not make it to the end of the month and there is no available treatment for her.

    Pepe has surprises for Paula.

    Rata fails at trying to get Emi to go out and drink. Emi gets upset that she is always trying to get him to drink and walks off.

    Pepe and Paula are at a restaurant to eat the most exotice dishs they can find. THey decide on sushi made with tarantulas (YUK!!) After they finish, Paula runs out without paying. Once outside she tells the waiter that it was just a joke on her novio.

    Gracia is now with Rosa telling her she can;t die. Rosa tells her that they need to take advantage of every moment together.

    Rol summons Gnat and tells her that he overheard Rosa say that she is very ill and there is no treatment for her. Her mother won't make it to the end of the month. He recommends that she buy a black dress.

    Rosa tries to resign, but Lor doesn't allow it since she is part of the family. If Rosa is not well, then they will hire someone to help her ans someone to tend to her needs.Rosa agrees to stay.

    Rafa takes the results of the DNA test to Isa. No surprise that Lor is confirmed to be his bio-dad. Rafa is disappointed that ALex is not his father and he has to carry the burden of being the product of her affair

    Paula and Pepe enjoy walking into a fountain and getting all wet.

  2. VIDA Ep. 72 Part 2

    MAL goes to see her friend Sofia, but Sofia knows she is NOT her friend because she abandoned her and didn't go visit her in prison. Sofia points out that MAL was her confidante and was the only one she told that the man had raped her. And what did MAL do? She convinced her to seek justice on her own! When the man tried to rape her again, she defended herself and killed the man...with the knife that MAL gave her! Sofia pushes MAL out of her house! When Sofia shouts that she is going to tell everyone her truth, MAL tries to intimidate her into not mentioning her, but no way! Sofia has learned how to defend herself quite well in prison and continues to push MAL away until she finally leaves.

    Isa and Rafa reflect on how the family has changed. Rafa suggests that they have to move forward, but each one should follow their own path. Isa wants to be the family they used to be, but Rafa tells her that is impossible.

    Lor offers Gracia a job with them. Gracia shrieks YES!

    Paula and Pepe are at a lake. Paula has lots of things she is thinking about. She has too many things on her list and she may not have time to do everything. She then tells Pepe that they need to talk about the possibility that she may die...what will happen to him?

    Andi tells Alex that her friends are coming to help clean up the restaurant. Alex tries to dissuade her, but Andi argues that the restaurant is her legacy and she is fighting for that.

    Lor asks Gracia how ill Rosa is; so Gracia shares that her sister is very ill. Lor then asks Gracia if she knows of someone who they can hire to help' so Gracia suggests La Chinita. Just then, Gnat buzzes in demanding to see her mother. 

    Emi overhears Diego talking on hte phone and mentioning that they ned to help Emi. Diego explains to Emi that they are trying to help him get back with Lucia.

    Sofia arrives at Rafa's house. They need to talk about how they will tell Andrea that she is her mother.

    Pepe cries that he can't see Paula's dying as a possibility. Paula argues that won't help things...they know that she is very close to dying. She assures that she is not giving up but she needs to prepare her children as well as Pepe in case things don't turn out well. Pepe cries as help pleads that Paula not ask him to think about that because she is in all of his plans. She wonders why he didn't come into her life. She doesn't know why she met the love of her life when she doesn't have much life left.

    And so the episode ends...

  3. VIDA

    Rgv Chick,

    Tonight's episode was all over the place, here, there and everywhere yet your superb observational skills and wise wit captured and clarified everything that occurred.

    Of coures I loved "After the dark cloud ROLs out" and "Gnat buzzes in". 😊

    Just when you think a few of Rafa's brain cells might be percolating he "...insists that Andi shouldn't meet her mother". Gracia is exactly right, it's not about him it's all about his lovely daughter. Get a grip, take a deep breath and face the face.

    Isa doesn't seem to be able to and/or want to let go of Alex. She made the choice to be with Lor then she rues the family isn't the same. I'm tiring of seeing her tears and hesitation. She needs to begin to build her life with Lor and let Alex get on with his.

    I wonder why Mal urged Sofia to seek her own justice after being raped the first time? What was her ulterior motive because knowing her as we do, she certainly had some sort of agenda. Loved that Sofia told her off in no uncertain terms.

    "Diego points out that his mother is dying and he should be with her". I totally agree and suggest he leave Art to sort out his own feelings.

    Rosa is worsening and Graciela is moving in. I'm glad the sisters will be together but Gnat will continue to be an angry, resentful, poisonous distraction.

    Tonight started out with great promise. Pepe vowing they would vanquish Rol and Paula determined to fight her illness with every fiber of her being. And yet, by the end, reality has set in. Paula thoughtfully facing her rather dire future and Pepe dissolving in tears. I'm blaming most of this on the sushi with tarantula...


  4. Vida

    Thanks, Rgv Chick, what a great recap. Things are starting to fall into place as we get closer to the end. But I do hate that Rosa will die. But that may mean Paula will live. Would they kill off two characters, both with cancer.

    I’m tired of Diego. Did he just wake up one morning, realize he was gay, and just accept it and get on with his life! Poor Arturo doesn’t know what to think as he never had feelings for a boy before. Diego needs to concentrate on being good to his mother for a while.

    So Sofia and MAL were best friends and MAL made the suggestion and supplied the knife. I wonder why. Was she interested in Rafa then? She definitely wanted her friend out of the way.

    Rol was unusually cruel to Nat last night. How did Paula not see that meanness in him? But Nat is on his level so it’s hard to feel sorry for her.

    The restaurant scene was fun. My grandson had just recently asked me if I’d eat a bug. I told him when I was a kid I heard of chocolate covered insects but never ate them. Anyway, it’s nice to see people enjoy each other and have fun.

    Poor Sofia, no one visited her in prison. I would think someone would care enough to visit. And she could have seen Andi and Andi would have known her mother. But Rafa decided it was better for his daughter to think her mother just didn’t love her enough to stick around.

    With Rosa dying when will we find out what Nat puts in the safe in her house. I think she was supposed to open it if anything happened to Nat.


  5. VIDA

    Great recap, Rgv Chick. Thank you!

    Interesting that Mal suggested the knife to Sofia. But that's different from using the knife.
    Looks like Sofia's biggest beef is that Mal never contacted her nor testified in her defense at the murder trial, if i understood that convo correctly.

    It was funny how Mal stayed on brand and tried to make that conversation about her (no surprise there), but Sofia kept it on track.

    Ew,,,tarantula sushi. One of my Adult Ed Spanish teachers was from Colombia and she told us how people there ate Hormigas Culonas. You can google it and it's still a thing. ~blech~
    In fact, I've seen some online recipes for Cicada salad (gag) with the upcoming 2024 season in the U.S.

    Well, darn. I hate that the writers are killing off Rosa.

    Every scene with Gracia I keep wondering if that blonde hair is a wig, or real. lol

    Maybe Rol and Nat will drive off a cliff in a car together, like Thelma & Louise.

    Can I confess that I'm just sick of PauEpe? :-p

  6. Vida

    Chickie, thank you for your fortitude in being able to recap this tribute to suffering and angst. I surfed in and out a few times.

    Luz, I , too, think that Paula will survive since the writers now have Rosa Dying.

    My one hope was Zaidasofia revealing that MAL framed her for killing her boss.

    This show was poorly written from the start and swimming in a sea of tears , malice, stupidity ,and illness . uff . Why did I stay with it as long as I did ???? Well...Juan and Susana and the wonderful recappers ...but they couldn't save this show. Please end soon. Too many sharks being jumped . Maybe somebody will get a HEA.

  7. Mujer

    Well, I don't know what they are saying , but we seem to be getting hints of a few HEAs after all the doom and gloom .

    Sirin is getting increasingly BSC . Now poor Doruk seemed to be falling out of that window at Sirin's creepy, evil urging at the end of last night's episode.

    Poor, long suffering Enver saddled with that nasty , nutty girl . uff

    It seemed that Cem solved the problem of Arda's smarmy father , and he and Kismet are back together ???? Yikes

    Arif is a rock. Thank goodness for his goodness in the midst of so much evil intent and sadness . We need some goodness to balance all the evil ....most!y compliments of Sirin.

    It's been a long and winding road , and we are almost at the end of this journey .


  8. VIDA

    Thank you, everyone! Doris, my sincere apologies for not thanking you for your splendid recap for Friday's episode. The weekend flew by and before I knew it, it was time to post my recrap!

    Diana, Rafa's light bulb does flicker once in a while, doesn't it? Too bad it quickly goes out!

    Liz, I'm tired of Diego too. But has he really accepted that he is gay? I remember him going off on Emi several times accusing him of hating him for being gay. Maybe he is the one who hates himself for being gay???

    Doris, I hate that Rosa is going to be killed off too. I can't find any good reason why the writers would go that way. It does seem that Gnat loves her...deep, de-e-ep down, but surely the writers can come up with a much better anvil.

    Susan, "This show was poorly written from the start and swimming in a sea of tears , malice, stupidity ,and illness . uff ." I CONCUR!! And yes, I too stayed because of Susana and Juan.

  9. VIDA --- OT

    Hs there been any hint about what will follow this after it ends?

  10. OT

    Doris, at some point last night they played a clip of Golpe de suerte, saying Muy Pronto. It has a huge cast including my telenovio Eduardo Yanez. It is about several families who win money (lottery? not sure) and how they handle everything. Not sure if it is a comedy but seems lighter fare than most (famous last words)...

    When it will air is a guess...


  11. OT

    Diana - thank you! I looked and found a Wikipedia page for Golpe de Suerte and might give it a try. It has Sergio Sendel as a bad guy and we could always take bets on when he will throw his cell phone. The ratings for it are somewhat better than Tu Vida, so that's encouraging.

  12. vida
    I'm late to the party this time! Let me catch my breath...Thanks, rgv chick.
    It's tears and tantrums here.
    Diego is annoying. He always just assumes it's about him being gay and so decided making Arturo accept his own gay-ness by foirce is a good idea. For someone who thinks 'there's nothing wrong with him', he sure is quick to judge anyone who doesn't readily just shout to the world he is gay.
    Sofia should know giving someone a knife still leaves the recipient with a free will to use it. Malena tries the same tactic on everyone. Does she honestly think it will work? When it didn't work, she resorted to threats. But what would she do if Sofia did tell everyone the truth? The damage would be done and doing something to her wouldn't solve anything.I wonder what can she really do? Sofia isn't a man so she can't seduce her and that was her main weapon.
    I'm sick and tired of Isa. I kept wondering throughout this tale what Lorenzo sees in her.
    Rafa is too stupid for me. How is his situation different from that of his mother, according to him? I bet his choice was also motivated by his hurt ego because he thought Sofia had been unfaithful. He wanted to punish her and thought she'd never get out so he won't ever have to face the music. But he seems to feel he is superior I imagine because it was all 'noble'. And he won't admit the truth to Andy even now. He and Isabela are alike. Hewon't ever have to wonder if she is his mum.

  13. TU VIDA #73 Part 1/3

    DISCLAIMERs --- A lot of conversations were spoken so fast that I couldn’t really understand what these people were saying. So please correct any misinterpretations. Scenes combined, typos, and all the usual stuff applies here, too.

    A lot happened in this episode. We had a couple of verbal catfights (but nothing physical) and again, Rafa shows hope of redemption by growing more brain cells and acting more mature. We’ll start with him….

    RAFA and ZAIDA/SOFIA - talk, they share a daughter and that’s what they’ll focus on. She isn’t trying to win Rafa back and he’s not feeling it, either. The main takeaway from their talk is that he listens and hears Zaida’s side of her story. He also listens and hears her pain she has suffered from literally being abandoned for fifteen years while in prison *and* learning that her daughter thinks Zaida just walked away and abandoned her. She was erased from everyone’s lips as if she never existed.

    Furthermore, Zaida says IT’S NOT TRUE that she was having an affair with the guy she killed. Rafa says that’s the story MAL gave everyone. ZaiSo always knew Rafa was in love withMAL but it hurts that he believed Mal’s lies about Zaida. And then Mal destroyed her marriage to Pepe to be with Rafa, but Zaida gets back on topic and tells Rafa that Things Did Not Happen the way Malena says they did.

    The guy was a monster. He raped Zaida. He destroyed her and when he tried to rape her a second time, she defended herself. Rafa is listening to her, and asks why she didn’t tell him this, ages ago. ZaiSo says she felt guilty, dirty ashamed, and didn’t know how he would react. Then zaiSo asks why he didn’t try to contact her? All those 15 years she hated him, cried for her daughter, she tried to forgive herself for not going to the authorities after the first rape.

    Rafa says if he had known any of that before, he would have killed the guy with his own hands. He asks how do they explain all this to Andrea? ZaiSo says with the truth; no lies.

  14. TU VIDA Part 2/3

    RAFA and PEPE --- Later in the episode, Rafa tells Pepe that ZaiSo told him her version of what happened and that he believes her (yay! more brain cells growing!) Rafa feels really badly about the past; he failed ZaiSo and he failed his daughter. Rafa tells Pepe that Malena invented the story that zaida was a cold-blooded murderer and that Zai was having an affair with that guy. Pepe wonders why would Mal tells such a serious lie? (duh, bro, if you haven’t figure out Malena by now . . . caray!)

    Then, Rafa remembers Teresa confronting Mal in the middle of downtown (we all remember that scene) and advises Pepe to go talk to Teresa.
    Rafa doesn’t want to have to tell Andrea the truth but knows he has to do this. And Rafa asks Pepe, ‘in spite of all that has happened, you still love me?” And Saint Pepe says yes, and he forgives he. Bro hugs.

    EMILIANO and DIEGO have a scene (((and this is where my Spanish failed me.))) Diego says they all want to help him get back together with Lucia. Emi says he’s not a lost cause with his drinking problem, one of them said (more than once) “estoy yendo al hoyo” and I can’t find a good translation so it must be idiomatic? Emi says he can’t break the cycle and Diego assures him that he can---do it for Mama, Susy and do it for yourself and for me; I need you too. Emi tells Diego he’ll always support him, whether he likes boys or girls. Diego admits he’s in love with Arturo, who says he’s not gay, and even worse? Andi’s in love with Arturo, too.

    MALENA and LUCIA are talking. Mal says she’s trying to be a better mom for her kids and luci says she’s always expecting the worst from Mal (and with good reason!). Luci is upset that Mal hired Reni, because Mal has no idea what Reni has done to Lucia. Mal claims to know nothing about this tension. Mal also assures Luci that no dad wants to see their daughter with an alcoholic. Mal tries to tell Luci that Emiliano isn’t for her; just not a good idea. Luci says she suspects Renata is behind the attack on the restaurant and that Reni is capable of doing anything to hurt their family.

    Aaaaand speaking of the devil herself, here comes Rata Renata, who gets into a verbal cat-fight over the restaurant damage (Reni denying any involvement, of course) and Mal trying to referee. Mal even goes so far as to ask Renata how dare she talk to her daughter like that in front of her? Mal fires Reni, who is shocked she would do that, but Mal has gone #MamaBear and tells Reni to get her stuff and leave. Lucia is surprised that Mal defended her, to which Mal responds that she wants to be a better mother. And the Patio wonders “what is her game?”

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. TU VIDA Part 3/3

    NATALIA barges into Casa Lugo yelling to see her mama. Paula asks ‘how dare you come into my house? And after years of telling me your parents are dead, you have a mother, Next time you want to see Rosa make an appointment and meet her elsewhere, but not in MY HOUSE. They continue to yell and argue. Nat says she will destroy Paula with the truth: Nat hates her because she lost German to Paula. German was going to leave you but he died right before we could run away together. Nat has only loved one man in her life and she couldn’t have him because of Paula. Paula has classic telenovela cara de impactada!

    Nat goes to to say that German spent the last few months of his life in Nat’s bed, they were very much in love, and the weekend he died? He was going to give Paula the boot. And because she’s dying, Nat is telling her all this. (sheeesh, just rub it in that Paula’s days are numbered….what a witch) Then Nat blames Paula for German’s death (how???). She tells Paula that she’s going to lose her battle with cancer and she deserves that.

    ROSA finally appears (probably heard all the yelling) and Nat confronts Rosa about her terminal diagnosis. Nat keeps yelling “you’re going to die?” For some strange reason, Rosa just stood there and never uttered one word, which was totally strange. Nat finally says it’s all to same to her if Rosa dies, since she seems to have chosen Team Lugo instead of her. Only AFTER Nat exits, does Rosa say she can’t believe Nat said that to her. Paula calls Rolando and asks him to come to her house, it’s urgent.

    IN OTHER NEWS --- Pepe tells Alex that one of Paula’s bucket list items is to sing with a rock star, so would Alex help her with this? (wait. what? is Alex a rock star???)

    Also, Andi wonders if Arturo ghosted her but he tellsher that she’s special to him. They kiss and Diego witnesses it, looking like he just bit into a lemon.

    BACK TO PAULA and ROLANDO – Later, Paula asks Rolando to confirm that Nat and German had a relationship and that he wsa going to heave her for Natalia. Rol says yes, it’s true. Paula is gobsmacked.

    Paula wants Rol to tell her e-v-e-r-y-t-h---i-n-g. Rol resists but she wants it ALL. So Rol has his day in court, now. He says Natalia is a liar, but what she said about German is true. German was planning to leave Paula and told him about a woman who had him questioning his marriage with her.
    (((Flashback! To Rol and German on the boat! German tells Rol he made a mistake with a woman and Rol asks if he’ll leave Paula forher. German says the woman asked him to, but no, he won’t. The other woman has strong feelings for German, but he doesn’t feel the same. German says he loves Paula.)))

    Rolando tells Paula that German was planning to leave her (Paula). Rol said he hoped German would leave Paula so he could have a chance with her. Paula asks Rol is that why he let German die. (((flashback to Rol strangling German)))

    Rolando says that Natalia is the one you have to be afraid of. She has hated you for-ever.


  17. Vida

    Doris, kudos and thanks to you for this excellent ,detailed account of this misery festival . Ugh

    Since cancer is the underlying theme of this show and gnat is increasingly horrible, cruel, and BSC with no sympathy or empathy for her mother or Paula, I am starting to wonder if her anvil will be her own cancer diagnosis.

    What is stonecold , scheming MAL's anvil going to be ?

    I often surf out of this novela.

    I keep yelling at hulking Rafa to stand up straight . He seems to be trying to make himself disappear as he bends forward more and more in each episode . I am waiting for him to lean a little to far forward and do a somersault .

    I've had it with all the screaming matches and Paula clutching her head. UFC

    Now, the writers have decided to ruin Paula and German's seemingly true love by having it revealed that he once slept with gnat, whose story is different from Rol's because she tells Paula that they had an affair for months....which story, if any is true? Are Rol and gnat both lying ? Why did the writers decide to ruin the love story between Paula and German and make him a cheater...even if it wss just one time with gnat . I guess the novela writers no longer believe in true love and faithfulness.

    I hope our next novela isn't as depressing and hopeless as this one. Basta.


  18. Vida

    Thanks so much Doris. That was great. There was a lot of yelling in this one too. I can’t imagine rehearsing it and having to yell over and over. Plus I just don’t like yelling.

    I was shocked at what Nat told Paula, even though we had seen the scene with Nat and his ashes. But before the flashback, when Rol was confirming it, I decided he wouldn’t have killed German if it was true. A wronged woman would be much easier to conquer than a grieving one.

    Mal being a good mother was a shock. Yes, what is her plan with this. Get Lucia to help her win back Pepe? I don’t know, but right now she has nothing going for her. I was hoping she’d be harder on Renata, maybe make her confess.

    Well, that whole bucket list conversation was over my head. I had no idea it was singing with a rock star. I thought it was putting on a benefit to raise money to rebuild the restaurant.

    I’m glad Rafa seems to have realized he’s been quite a jerk. Hard to believe he loved Mal while married to Zaida. So why did she marry him. And why did Mal set her up and lie. Did she want Rafa. It was years before they started their affair.


  19. Vivir

    I googled Golpe de Suerte. The first choice did not sound like something for tv. It was made in 1992. The telenovela was labeled dramatic comedy. I’m ready for something light!


  20. LIZ - there is a Wikipedia page for Golpe de Suerte

  21. vida
    Thanks so much, Doris.
    I have to admit I liked the twist with German. I've already seen telenovelas where widows have had wonderful husbands. I wonder why German had an affair with Nat. I got the impression that this was an affair because German mentioned being confused so it had to have been going for a while for him to consider leaving his wife. It's nice Paula has to realise people aren't who she thought they were. But I find it interesting she didn't suspect German was having an affair. I suppose it's her being oh so trusting. It's weird to see this level of trust in a business woman somehow. I thought one learns to read people because how else did she become so wealthy and such a emprendedora? I know you're supposed to trust your partner and she trusted Nat but it's just... I don't know... It's like she was wlaking with her eyes closed even before German died. I'm wishing now we had seen what she was like when married.
    So Rafa really has no good explanation for why he just believed Malena. That's why I don't believe he loved Zaida as much as he claims to. It feels as if he wanted to punish her for her supposed betrayal and cared more about his ego than his daughter. But to be honest, any man who believes Mal makes me doubt his reasoning abilities. Pepe has to be included on this list too.
    Nat seems to think her mother, whom she only now bothers to recognise, has to be on her side no matter what she does. I find itinteresting that people who are themselves so selfish and disloyal, expect everyone else to never ever betray them.

  22. VIDA

    Thank you, Doris! I have nothing to add in terms of dialogue, you did a fantastic job! “estoy yendo al hoyo” means "I'm going to pot"

    I too thought it was very odd that Rosa kept quiet after Gnat questioning. It seems these writers/directors like this strategy because I remember Lucia doing the same thing (mouth closed) when Emi was questioning her (a few episodes back).

    3 1/2 more weeks of this; can't wait for the "POR FIN!"

  23. VIDA

    Doris, this was outstanding, so well written.

    It is only through your marvelous dialog translations that I now have an idea what is transpiring.

    That said I'm confused about: "(((Flashback! To Rol and German on the boat! German tells Rol he made a mistake with a woman"... does that mean German DID cheat with Gnat?? Someone kindly confirm before I say things about German I will regret.

    "Rafa tells Pepe that ZaiSo told him her version of what happened and that he believes her (yay! more brain cells growing!)". Yes, Rafa is finally maturing. However, Pepe still finding it hard to believe Mal lied about Zaida is very frustrating.

    I fear Mal's astonishing defense of her daughter has some ulterior motive.

    Liz, I was shocked Rafa was in love with Mal for such a long time! Wasted years. Wasted tears.

    Doris, as you noted Gnat is beyond cruel. Paula's imminent death isn't enough for her, she wants every moment of the life she has left to be eaten away with unbearable pain.


  24. VIDA

    Diana - The conversation implied that German definitely had something going on with another woman. Natalia wasn't named, but I'm going with the theory it was her. Perhaps there was yet another unnamed woman. Might help us feel better that he died? IDK

  25. VIDA

    Thank you everyone, for your kind comments. Sorry I'm late but this has been a busy day.

    I was afraid I had dropped the ball on translations. Thank you Rgv Chick for the "I'm going to pot." I totally get that one. LOL

  26. Vida #73

    Great job, Doris.

    Diana, maybe Gnat is related to Ginebra of Receta.

    Liz, this was brilliant: A wronged woman would be much easier to conquer than a grieving one. So, what took Rolando so long?

  27. TU VIDA --- -a post script to last night's episode.

    Something does not make sense to me. Gnat told Paula that German was going to leave Paula and be with her, except he died before that could happen.

    Only Rolando knew German wasn't going to leave Paula, which is probably why he killed him.

    Gnat knows Rolando killed German.

    Why doesn't Gnat hate Rolando for ending that possibility?

    Am I overthinking this???

    Should I add another layer of aluminum foil to line my telenovela beanie?

  28. VIDA

    Doris, "...the conversation implied that German definitely had something going on with another woman. Natalia wasn't named, but I'm going with the theory it was her. Perhaps there was yet another unnamed woman. Might help us feel better that he died? IDK"

    I'm still in shock that German cheated on Paula with anyone! Yeah, I think it must have been Gnat. But "Why doesn't Gnat hate Rolando for ending that possibility" is a good question.

    No, I don't think you are overthinking things. Great question.

    I already bought another Reynolds Wrap to have on hand...:)


  29. VIDA Ep. 74 Part 1 (just the facts again...scenes combined, yada, yada, yada)

    Paula desperately asks Rol if that is why he didn't help German. Rol, of course, denies any wrong doing. It's Gnat who Paula needs to protect herself from since Gnat hates Paula. When Rol swears that he has never lied to Paula. Paula reminds him that he didn't tell her how her husband died. Paula again asks why Rol didn't help German, so Rol cries that he was upset because German betrayed her. He was angry with German and hadn't noticed that German had the accident. Just then, Pepe calls and Paula tells him she is ready to go to her next therapy session. After hanging up, Pepe comments that Paula sounded strange. And Rol again warns Paula to protect herself from Gnat who is capable of anything!

    At the restaurant, Rata shows up to help with the cleanup of the pigsty. Diego overhears Andi mentioning that she and Art are now novios. He warns Art that he will have to pay for every tear Andi sheds if he hurts her. Lucia can't believe that Rata is there. Rata plays the innocent victim who is all alone and accuses Lucia of having MAL fire her. When she runs off, Emi tries to go after her and Lucia gets upset.

    At night, Paula and Pepe have returned from her treatment and Paula is feeling very weak.

    Rol questions Gnat about her relationship with German;. After Gnat confirms the relationship, Rol tells her that German had confided in him about a relationship but German had decided to stay with Paula...tha is why he killed German..because it was then that Rol realized that he would never have a chance with Paula. As they express their hate for each other, they kiss and continue on with shakin' the sheets.

    Alex and Isa are at the restaurant when Rafa shows up since Pepe has asked him to sing. He tells them he invited someone. When Sofia approaches and greets them, Alex and Isa are IMPACTADOS! Alex is confused since Sofia should be in prison, so Isa explains that she was already aware that Sofia was set free. Rafa then tells them that Sofia and he will be telling Andrea about her mother. Isa and Alex are in disagreement, but the discussion is cut short when Andi and Art approach.

    Lucia and Emi are inside looking for an extension cord. Emi asks Lucia to give him another chance because he needs her. Lucia asks for more time.

    Some time later, the families are sitting down at the restaurant when Paula and Pepe arrive. When she asks what all this is about, the music suddenly starts and Pep tells her that she can mark off "singing with a rock star" from her list.

    Isa and Gracia go to the kitchen to discuss Sofia's return. When Sofia approaches, Isa argues with her about telling Andrea who sofia is, but Sofia insists that she is going to get her life back..and her daughter. too!

    Emi takes Diego aside. Diego tells him he is very happy for ANdrea but heis sure Art is not in love with her. Emi advises that Diego not get his hopes up ; then shares about how Lucia won't give him a chance.

  30. VIDA Ep. 74 Part 2

    Teresa goes to see MAL. She wants to leave everything that happened; nut behind, but she wants to try to understand why Rigo would kidnap MAL on her wedding day. When Tere asks if Rigo loved her tha uch, MAL tells her that Rigo was obsessed with her and what happened between was long past. More lies from MAL FFW...

    Alex announces that Pepe has asked a favor of him...and invites Paulal to join them in singing a song. Paula is nervous but joins in singing "Respira el momento" (Breathe in the moment). When Paula has a moment of weakness, Pepe , Emi and Diego rush up to support her.

    As Paula and the guys walk off stage, Paula nearly collapses; so Lor and Rafa join the men to support her. Paula assures that she is fine; she is just weak because of the treatment. Pepe then tells her he has another surprise for her..and he sings a song about dreaming and flying with her...and in her arms he will win the battle. While he sings, there's a montage of flashbacks of Paula's and Pepe's special moments. We then see MAL sneaks in and murmurs, "Two more month...two more months and this idiot will be underground." After Pepe finishes, Lor takes the stage and announces that all of this is dedicated to Paula, BUT there is another woman who also deserves applause--ROSA!

    Pepe asks Paula what she thinks. Paula replies that life is beautiful..and more by his side. She knows she has a lot to enjoy with her children and with him. She thinks that this illness came to make her move on to a better place. She should appreciate it because she feels different--full of hope..and very happy.

    The next day--

    Alex and Gracia talk at the restaurant. Alex mentions her working for the Luges. He then gets somber as he talks about seeing Lor and Isa together. He had hopes of winning Isa back, but he realizes it's time he give up completely. Gracia encourages him since he is such a good man...and he is very attractive. She quickly makes an exit, but looks back as she wonders when she fell in love with Alex.

    Lor has told Isa Sofia's side of the story, Isa is in disbelief and comments that they all turned their back on Sofia. She now agrees that Sofia deserves to get her daughter back, but worries how Andi will react.

    Alex gives his piano to Rafa. Rafa tells him that he is the only father he wants. Alex suggests that Rafa talk to ZaiSo to protect Andi.

    Teresa is home when she finds a letter written by Rigoberto.

    At home now, Paula tells Lor that there will been more tears. IF there are tears, they will be of happiness.. Today she accepts her illness, she forgives it and she is letting it go. She is deciding to be the happiest woman and receive everything that comes with appreciation.

    And that's it for tonight...

  31. TU VIDA

    Thank you for your recap, Rgv Chick.

    This episode answered all the questions I had in my post-script above.

    I thought Paula was done with her radiation treatments. Is there a different therapy she is taking?

    When Teresa visited Mal, I was expecting/hoping she had a gun in that purse and was going to shoot Mal. Rigoberto's letter should be a game-changer.

    Rolando and Natalia are a sick couple with their "hate shag". They both need delicious anvils.

    Rafa seems to be on the redemption road, starting with ZaiSo.

  32. VIDA

    Rgv Chick,

    I so savored your insightful, sensitively written summary; you added just the right dashes of sweet and spicy seasonings.

    "Paula replies that life is beautiful..She thinks that this illness came to make her move on to a better place. She should appreciate it because she feels different--full of hope..and very happy". Paula has flipped the script as she not only acknowledges her condition, she challenges it by forgiveing it and finally, releasing it out to the universe.

    Gnat and Rol descend into a lower layer of humanity every day. Just when you think their forked tongue lies can't possibly get more hatefully twisted, "As they express their hate for each other, they kiss and continue on with shakin' the sheets". And with that, nothing further needs to be said.

    It is so sad that not only did no one voice support for Sofia, there wasn't an iota of doubt that she was guilty in their minds. They abandoned her, leaving her to rot in prison for 15 years. Alone. She must have suffered terribly.

    I did enjoy the singing, the show. I loved the way Pepe, Lor, Diego and Emi surrounded Paula with love and support. Paula looked luminous one moment, then ashen in the next.

    Mal wishing death on Paula was despicable. That letter Rigo wrote surely won't be in Mal's best interest. Can't wait to learn what it said.


  33. VIDA

    Doris, "hate shag". 😊 Love it.


  34. vida
    Thanks, rgv chick.
    Emiliano is getting on my nerves. Is he just so selfish and clueless that he can't see Lucia can't just get back with him when he has done nothing to address his issues? I've heard Mexicans are very jealous in their relationships, but this is another level of crazy. It feels almost manipulative of him to say they have to get back together because he needs her. And he goes after Renata again! Who would want such a novio? The writers must have had terrible taste in men when young or something. Emiliano absolutely refuses to see Renata for who she is. How is he supposed to have a relationship when his ex is always around? And it's not a case of 'we are now good friends' and he knows it. I cannot stand him and his constant begging.
    Alex loves Isabela still and no woman deserves to beun plato de segunda mesa or his consolation prize.
    I wonder if Paula's acceptance of the situation actually helps. I'veread people come to this point in these cases and wondered how it's possible.
    Does anyone know the name of the song Pepe was singing?
    I find it interesting that Isa insisted Paula had to tell Pepe the truth but objected to Rafa when he said he'd tell the truth to Andy. Every time she knows the truth will cause serious consequences, she wants to hide it. She thought Paula would die eventually so there was no way of avoiding it. But she is so damn indecisive herself that I find it hard to tolerate her trying to give any kind of advice related to 'truth telling'.
    I don't get Rafa. He is still mad at Lorenzo for some reason. Alex also loves being considered the only father by Rafa. He won't get past his hurt to tell Rafa he needs to stop hating someone who didn't deserve it. I also can't believe that Rafa doesn't want his mother to have a relationship just because his father is the one who wants to stay with her. When he was ready to marry Malena, he didn't give a damn what everyone else thought or felt. What a... And why would writers make Sofia forgive him? She is so mad at Mal, but it's forgivable for Rafa to have abandoned her? It's like the only tolerable pair is Paula and Pepe. Is this on purpose?

  35. Vida #74

    Thanks, RGV Chick.

    Rafael is emotionally immature, like most adults who can't deal with parents divorcing or remarrying. He's equally immature in his own lack of self-awareness. It's normal for a kid Teo's age to want his parents to be together but someone Rafa's age should know that this is not always better for anyone involved.

    Alex is Rafa's father in all the ways that word implies but there is no good reason for Rafa to hate Lorenzo who had no idea he was his sperm donor until the last few months.

    Sofia's forgiveness in this case makes sense only if she is fully aware of his emotional immaturity. Has she had adequate time to see this? I'm not sure. However, this network constantly preaches forgiveness, so here is a major example.

    I hope they resolve the issue of Andrea and Arturo soon. It's getting tiresome.

    Gnat and Rolando can roll into quicksand, but I want to see both of them get spectacular Karmageddons.

  36. Vida

    Thanks so much Rgv Chick,I enjoyed your retelling of this mostly upbeat episode.

    I got a kick out of MAL thinking in two months everything will go her way. Almost a guarantee that Paula will live. With her new acceptance I’m feeling optimistic.

    I think I would have put Renata to work at the restaurant, cleaning up what is basically her mess. She’s so selfish and entitled that she doesn’t even realize she destroyed a family’s livelihood.

    Loved everyone supporting Paula on the stage. It made MAL’s words to Teresa partly true. She is left with no one but it is her own fault.

    Alex said he had hopes of winning Isa back, but I never saw him try. But Gracia will be good for him.

    I also thought the treatments were done. But if I’m remembering correctly the tumor had moved, so maybe they added more treatments.

    Rol and Nat are a couple of sickos. I guess you can’t call what they did “making love” as they were both saying they hated each other.

    Doris, I had googled Golpe de Suerte and the first choice was a 1992 choice. It was definitely the wrong one as the kid becomes a porn star. It might have been a movie. But there were other choices and they were the telenovela. After 3 basically gloomy telenovelas I’m ready for some fun!


  37. VIDA

    Thank you, everyone, for your insightful comments and opinions which usually mirror my own.

    It's another busy morning for me so don't have much time.

    Waterlily, I tried searching for the song Pepe sang, but haven't found it. Such a beautiful song!

  38. Vida

    Dear Chickie, thank you for every detail as the frustrating crazy moves forward .

    "hate shag" indeed.

    I can't wait to see Teresa confront MAL . She looks like she could snap MAL like a twig. Yikes. I guess MAL finally bunny hopped with the wrong guy. This wife looks determined and dangerous . Good luck, MAL.

    My favorite scene was when all Paula's guys surrounded her .

    Why in the world would Emi go after mean, manipulative Rata if he wants to whine to Lucia about her taking him back. Oh, I know why...It's a telenovela , and that's what you do.

    I saw,tge actor playing Arturo for the first time in " Tierra."


  39. Golpe

    We haven't had anything even remotely amusing since Soltero Con Hijas and that was a couple of years ago and after its Mexican run. I hope this one has a moascota as amusing as Marinero.
