
Monday, May 13, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1), Week of May 13, 2024

 Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Abrazame Muy Fuerte (Unimas)

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Cuando me Enamoro  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)


  1. VIVIR #52 Part 1

    Aerial view of the city.

    Angel is supervising the fabrica activities as Lupe and Marisa comment how sad Angel has been. They are conspiring to plan a party to welcome Angel to the neighborhood.

    Lupe tells Marisa that Alma’s situation is grave; the doctor doesn’t know when or if she will recover. We next see Alma (for a total of five seconds again today), trying to talk, gasping for breath, crying from her hospital bed.

    Gi scolds Elena speaking up for Angel but Elena gets a bit huffy saying “Rebeca is mi hija” too. She folds her arms saying she would rather talk about something else.

    Don Emilio is on the phone as Rebeca listens in in the hall, cursing him, wishing death upon him.

    Gi tells Elena Armando was looking at another woman in the market and she will find out who she is! Ooh, ooh I yell, arm waving away like Horshack (Welcome Back Kotter), I know who it is!! Doris!!

    Lucas calls Mati who reluctantly answers. As she remembers her kiss with Gabriel, she tells Lucas, and apologizes, saying she knows it was wrong. Lucas looks downcast saying he didn’t think she would trade him in for a tattletale. Mati defends Gabe. Lucas tells her the police are looking for him and that she deserves someone better than a criminal. We see side by side shots of their sad expressions.

    Rebeca is strutting around the kitchen, hands stuffed in her pockets. She sees a huge pot on the stove and reaches up for a spice jar and pours a liberal amount into the contents. Something’s cooking and it’s sabotage!!

    Rebeca pretends to take a taste and gags. Renato comes over and puts a tiny bit on his hand. As soon as he tastes it, he realizes it is ruined. He tells Rebeca it was perfectly seasoned when he tasted it! Rebeca threatens to fire him and says he should have been careful about going against her. Unruffled and unflappable, He smiles saying he is going to see the sweetest woman in the world and pulls a white rose out of nowhere.

    Gi and some of the restaurant workers greet Angel at the podium. Renato comes out of the kitchen and hands her the rose. Elena comes out and gives her daughter a hug. Angel assures her mother she is happy and has her hand on her mother’s cheek when Rebeca comes out, ruining the moment, accusing her of making her mother cry and telling her she is an ingrate.

    Pedrito DE and JE are outside the school building. Pedrito laughs charmingly. Vamanos!

    Elena defends Reca who is only trying to protect her …yes from her own daughter (Angel) who forgets that she is her mother! Sigh.

    Mau is in the hall on the phone as Cris is listening as she walks up. As he drinks from a brandy snifter, he tells whoever is listening that he has enough money for a trip and wants the best place to stay. He wants his trip to be unforgettable. When Cris surprises him, he lies and says it is a trip for both of them.


  2. VIVIR #52 Part 2

    Elena is being comforted by Rebeca and Santi (her second loser of a child). She asks how his trip out with Rebeca went. He tells her it was fine (liar) and she appreciates his making Rebeca feel as though she is part of the family. Angel appears around the corner and apologizes wanting things to be better between them. She tells Santi she has deposited money for whatever he needs! (Money that surely is already depleted). Elena finally ends up smiling as Santi thanks Angel. Elena thanks her for helping Santi but as is her wont, doesn’t let it stop at that. She brings up Rebeca saying she has asked for her address! As viewervile chants “danger Will Robinson”, Angel kisses her on the forehead, puts her hand on her shoulder and tells her te quiero.

    JE is enrolling Pedrito and signs the forms. Pedrito’s eyes grow as wide as saucers when he seems a huge stack of books being brought in. He starts tomorrow! Joyous jumping up and down ensues.

    As they continue their talk, Mau coughs into his hand telling Cris they have to seize the day. Cris does want him to have a good relationship with his children. He wants to invite the kids to a nice dinner but ruefully declares he has no dinero. Cris says no problem and asks Petra to check the drawer in JE’s room. Mau quickly says he will check it.

    Rebeca is reading the documents as she is on the phone with Misael. She and Misael think their plans are going well. She says they are going better than they thought.

    Mau goes to JE’s room, takes out the drawer and sees the documents are gone!

    Romina and Luciano are in the kitchen when he admonishes her they shouldn’t give the kids hope things will be as they were. However, Romina tries to heat things up and kisses him. He doesn’t push her away but looks sad. Fatima is outside talking with a distressed Mati as Javier flies out of the house saying he saw their parents kissing. Fat leaves heartbroken.

    Pedrito knocks on Marisa’s door and she and Loli come out. He asks her if she will hold onto something for him. It’s a ton of books! She smiles and agrees.

    Fatima talks with Sandy’s father when Cris calls her. She asks her princessa to meet with her father and to please listen to what he has to say. Fatima doesn’t want to but Cris talks her into it. Just then Luciano comes up mocking her for talking while she should be working but she brushes by him.

    In the market, Don Emilio, JE and Adolfo visit Lupe and Luis. Don Emilio asks for their assistance; they want to help Lucas in exchange for valuable information Lucas can provide. JE assures them that his uncle is a great lawyer.

    Fatima (looking beautiful) leaves for her dinner date and is interrupted by Luciano who wants to talk. She says it will need to wait until tomorrow. Sandy runs out with her jacket and compliments Fatima, saying how lovely she looks. Luciano sadly shakes his head in agreement and asks if she knows where Fatima is going. Sandy thinks she might be going to meet her novio!

    Cris and Mau show up at the restaurant podium and Rebeca is there. As our stomachs roil, Rebeca tells Cris her baby is growing with much love. Next, something rather confounding occurs. Gi comes up and greets Mau. Cris’ face clearly reflects surprise that they know each other. Seemingly oblivious to Chris’ reaction, Gi natters on, saying she is very surprised that Mau ended up with Cris instead of MONICA!!!Monica, my SISTER Cris manages?? OMG Cris, yes, surely there is only one Monica!! Rebeca soaks all of this in like a sponge.

    JE and Fatima talk outside the restaurant. They agree to what they are being asked for the sake of their mother. Fatima tells JE he is an incredible brother as the siblings hug.

    Angel arrives at her surprise welcome party accompanied by Gi and Renato. Doris is there, but instead of a welcoming smile she is muttering under her breath and rolling her eyes.


  3. VIVIR #52 Part 3 of 3

    As we feared, Santiago is back at the gambling table.

    DE and Petra are sitting together as Monica and Misael are clearly up to mischief. Misael pulls out a gorgeous necklace from the safe.

    Back at a happier venue, Renato and Angel are talking with Gi, Luis and Carmelo as Doris continues to trash talk Angel to Wanda. Pedrito falls and Wanda picks him up. For a split second, she looks after him. Was there a very slight call of the blood??

    Luis and Lupe fret and worry about Lucas.

    Mau pops up from behind a potted plant and grabs Rebeca, threatening her. She breaks free and calls him an imbecile.

    At the party, Pedrito is the center of attention (as well he should be).

    Mau, Cris, Fatima and JE are at the restaurant. Damn, Rebeca the barnacle is there too (WHY???) Mau asks JE and Fatima for forgiveness for abandoning them. Rebeca takes JE’s hand and makes doubtful faces which frankly mirror JE’s expression. Mau supposedly grieves his child Dulce, lost forever. JE looks skeptical as does Fatima. JE and Fatima do seem to forgive him, actually hugging him but do ask for time. Rebeca received a text from Misael but I don’t know what it said. Gracias Cris says. As they toast with champagne flutes, the last shot is of Rebeca giving Mau the side, evil eye.


  4. "VIVIR":

    Diana: Your recaps are inspiring & exciting plus chaotic with Psycho Rebecca wreaking havoc. Once again: Elena is still gullible!

    *Fallout from Ezekiel's death continues as everyone but Scumbag Augie is shocked.

    *Over at La Bonita: Manuela introduces her granddaughter, Allison (the anorexic one) to Jeronimo & Renata.

    *Scumbag Augie & Henchman Dude enjoying their recent victory of killing Ezekiel & making it look like a suicide.

    *Scumbag Augie & Slacker Berta scheming on destroying Ezekiel's reputation. Slacker Berta discussed having sex with Ezekiel several years back.

    *Wake of Ezekiel doesn't end well when unhinged Alfonsina finds out about Ezekiel's sex escapade with Slacker Berta. She kicks everyone OUT of the house & we see Alfonsina throwing flowers & stuff all 9ver the place.

    *Karina & Matilde take Alfonsina's daughter safely out of the house as Alfonsina continues to go unhinged. Memo to Alfonsina the Hypocrite: YOU had sex with Scumbag Alvaro & got preggers with his daughter as a result, so don't you dare curse Ezekiel's name about hypocrisy.

  6. Vivir. Superb recap as usual, Diana! "her second loser of a child"--so sad but true. Btw, what was Rebeca's motivation to take Santiago to a gambling den where he would gamble away all his money? I also loved "Danger, Will Robinson!" Memories of my kids watching Saturday morning tv? Or something similar. It is creepy how easily Elena is taken in by Rebeca and how willing she is to scorn Angelli. What is Rebeca's motivation for sabotaging the restaurant's cooking? To try to get rid of Renato? Why? Evidently Mauricio has a history with Gi. How will that turn out to be significant? Or will it? Evidently Misael and Rebeca now have a plan to kill Mauricio. Will it succeed or won't it? Oh the suspense! Anyway, I won't believe he's dead until his embalmed body (and we know it is embalmed) is laid out in the morgue.


    I had on Las Tontas today and saw that Amor Real begins TODAY right after it, and the broadcast is only one hour. I set it to record and will see if I enjoy it as much as I did the first time, twenty one years ago. :-)

  8. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you for another great recap. I enjoy watching the novela when I can, but I enjoy your recaps even more.

    Since I haven't watched this episode yet I won't comment further, and I need to run, but I'll be back later. (And should be able to follow the goings-on in the episode now! :-)

    Thanks again!


  9. VIVIR

    Thank you so much SpanProf.

    Lost in Space seems so hokey today but was on my radar when it aired in the mid-60's as I was growing up.

    "Evidently Misael and Rebeca now have a plan to kill Mauricio. Will it succeed or won't it? Oh the suspense! Anyway, I won't believe he's dead until his embalmed body (and we know it is embalmed) is laid out in the morgue" - well said and I totally agree!

    Yes, "it is creepy how easily Elena is taken in by Rebeca and how willing she is to scorn Angelli". Elena is SO frustrating.

    I believe Cris not knowing that Gi knew Mau is puzzling but I don't think that is significant in and of itself. I do think Mau's dating Monica will be pivotal. A few of us have speculated as to whether or not he may be Misael's father and that possibility may indeed turn out to be reality.

    Rebeca just wanted to get back at Renato. I think the fact Renato rejected her still stings; the fact he is clearly in love with Angel adds to her fire.

    Rebeca hates Elena, Angel and Santiago. She wants to destroy both of Elena's other children. I can't tell if Rebeca has any real feelings for Elena or not. I lean toward not.


  10. VIVIR

    Steve, thank you for your nice words.

    Andy, I appreciate your kind words. I found the convo between Gi, Mau and Cris to be one of the most jarring of what transpired today. I'll be interested in seeing your thoughts once you have the chance to watch this.


  11. Vivir. I would have been too old for Lost in Space in the mid to late 60s, but I expect that in the 80s or 90s my kids would have seen the reruns.

  12. Vivir #52

    Great work, Diana.

    Rebecca is looking to destroy or remove anyone and everyone who loves and respects Angeli. It's that simple. I am even sicker that Elena is enabling her at it.

    For Mauricio to be Misael's sperm donor would be appropriate as cliches go.

    Are we really in for another 73 episodes?

  13. VIVIR

    Thank you Urban.

    "Rebecca is looking to destroy or remove anyone and everyone who loves and respects Angeli. It's that simple. I am even sicker that Elena is enabling her at it". I believe you are exactly right on both counts.

    It does seem that there are 125 episodes. My guess is that this will end here sometime in mid to late August, longer if it is preempted.


  14. Vivir

    Thanks Diana, I enjoyed your recap. I am in disbelief that Gi didn’t know Cris was married to Mauricio. I thought they’d been friends for a long time. She obviously thinks he’s an ok guy. Really surprised Cris didn’t know he dated Monica. Although they don’t look like sisters that share secrets and clothes!

    JE and Don Emilio were cute taking Pedrito to school. But I guess they’ll let him continue to live on the streets.

    I want to slap Santiago. Now Angel is supporting his gambling debts. I want to slap Rebeca too, for too many reasons to mention. And then there’s Elena. I’m afraid I would want her out of my life if I were Angel. I’m glad Angel moved out. I would not want to work and live with Rebeca.

    I liked Luciano but he is just going to let Romina move right back into his life because for some reason he’s unable to push her away.

    I haven’t watched a 125 episode telenovela in a long time. I’m wondering at all the havoc Rebeca can cause in all that time. She’s out to destroy her birth family just because. And Elena won’t wise up for 75 episodes!


  15. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Liz.

    "Although they don't look like sisters that share secrets and clothes!" is a great descriptor of Mon and Cris' non-existent close relationship. :) That entire conversation was so strange.

    "JE and Don Emilio were cute taking Pedrito to school. But I guess they’ll let him continue to live on the streets" is a great point. Pedrito leaving his books at Marisa's (rather than JE's) was also head scratching I thought.

    I wonder how long it will take for it to be revealed Santi is gambling Angel's money away. What a loser.

    I'm also glad Angel moved out; Rebeca can only torture her so much when she's out of sight.


  16. Vivir de amor

    Diana, many thanks, a lot of today's dialog would have gone right by me without your recap.

    I did get a little kick out of Renato's tasting the dish that Rebeca had spoiled. He had a small spoon in a pocket sewn on the sleeve of his chef's jacket. Neat.
    But it does bring up a real annoyance. He knew it had been properly seasoned, now Rebeca points out it is not at all so, when is he or anyone else going to call foul on Rebeca?

    Perhaps right now is not the time for Renato, he is pursuing Angel, and quitting or confronting Elena with Rebeca's dirty tricks might scupper his romantic hopes. But it is annoying, at least to me, that Rebeca pulls all these nasty tricks and just gets away with it.

    Mau, all relaxed, with an open door, talking on the phone about an expensive trip with not a care in the world... Is he crazy or is this his first telenovela???

    He sure didn't look too relaxed after finding the documents he had hidden in JE's room gone. And of course, with the Mexican embargo on photo copiers, he has no copies elsewhere.
    So sad, too bad. Maybe he could ask his friend Rebeca...

    It was nice to see Pedrito so enthused about school. But as Liz noted, "But I guess they’ll let him continue to live on the streets." Hard to believe.
    That the nice people of the barrio haven't done anything much to help Pedrito either, other than invite him to the party for Angelli, is also a bit much.
    It might be difficult for "poor" people to actually take him in, but...
    Well, lots of questions about Pedrito.

    Wow! Big mouth Gi, and Rebeca taking it all in. Cristina did not have a clue? Wow, again.
    But so nice to see Fatima and JE as siblings so close, and so caring of the rest of the family. Just nice to see.

    But I can never get too comfortable with this novela. Next up was Santiago, back at the card table, and not playing for centavos with don Emilio. And then Monica and Misael. Then Mau with his phony regrets.

    Oh well, at least Angelli had a nice party.


  17. Vivir

    Diana, thank you so much for a great recap as things get more and more frustrating .

    Do DE and JE know that the adorable Pedrito is living on the street? So sad.

    i got a tickle out of Becky sitting at the family dinner out. She had the oddest look on her face. She didn't say much , but her eyebrows were doing the talking . Sometimes she looks so bored.

    Like a spoiled child having a tantrum, Becky ruins Renato' s sauce .

    Didn't the maid think it was strange that Mau was in JE's room and had pulled the drawer out?

    JE and Fatima seem to barely know their father . Mau seems to not care at all about his lost child Dulce. Let's see if he has 9 lives like a cat.

    It's annoying watching Luciano just stand frozen whenever Romina plants a big kiss on him . Geez, just take a step back !!!


  18. OT..Amor Real ..Doris that is one of my favorite novelas. I will have to look for it .


  19. VIVIR

    Thanks very much Andy.

    "Mau, all relaxed, with an open door, talking on the phone about an expensive trip with not a care in the world... Is he crazy or is this his first telenovela???" Too funny and you nailed it!

    Renato "...had a small spoon in a pocket sewn on the sleeve of his chef's jacket". I appreciate this fun detail that I hadn't noticed. Very cool.

    And on a sobering note, "That the nice people of the barrio haven't done anything much to help Pedrito either, other than invite him to the party for Angelli, is also a bit much". It is sad and also confounding. I take a bit of comfort in that Pedrito is hopefully with Lucas and therefore in good hands. While an outside bunker isn't ideal, at least he isn't on the street vulnerable for all to see.

    Rebeca has gotten away with far too much, I agree. Having Elena not only excuse but seemingly accept all teh nasty things Beca has done has definitely added to the frustration.


  20. VIVIR

    Thanks Susan!

    JE and Don Emilio should realize Pedrito is homeless...right?

    Beca does often look bored, the perfect descriptive.

    Luciano has lost the urge to fight for Fatima and I'm not sure why.

    I can't watch anything else right now but I did see pieces of Amor Real when it was rerun a few years ago and it was great. You and Doris enjoy!


  21. vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana. Nice work, as always.

    Alma woke up and said auxilio (help) clearly several times. Of course no nurse came in so she still isn't able to out Rebeca.

    Big surprise, Rebeca is back making life miserable for the staff of the Del Olmo restaurant. She wants the restaurant to fail. Yep, she's not over Renato just dumping her and being gaga over Angelli. She did fire some random guy. Renato said he was a good cook, so maybe he was the sous chef. Renato said something about not leaving. He promised Angelli to keep things on an even keel at her family's restaurant, so nothing Rebeca does will drive him out.

    Angelli was appalled that her dimwit mother apparently gave Rebeca her new address. Oh boy, what sabotage does the evil one have in mind?

    Petra did see Mau pull out that drawer and put it upside down on the bed. Suspicious much?

    Eww! Romina pawing at Luciano and trying to unbutton his shirt was awful. Why doesn't he just tell her to stay away?

    Doris totally drank the KoolAid. Despite everyone in the barrio telling her how nice Angelli is and how she's helped with the cooperative, Doris just sneers and believes Rebeca.

    Yep, Angelli put $10K (pesos, I $595 U.S.) into an account that idiot Santiago took right to the casino. Rebeca's plan works perfectly.

    Wow. Misael and Monica are in Don E's house, glad to see that the safe combination is the same, and took lots of $$$ and that necklace. This is confusing. Didn't Misael need to have Santi break into that same safe the night that Dulce was shot? Somehow, whatever they stole is part of the plan to bump off Mau and have Cris accused of the crime.

  22. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks, Diana! Welcome back…your dreams were your ticket out! I give that recap 4 Sweathogs (out of 4)!!!

    For me, the most surprising thing in this hour was the shocking revelation that Andy’s girl Doris was actually born Dorotea!!!! This came from Wanda as she was chiding her for sulking and being a party poop.

    Mauricio’s farewell dinner was comedy central. Rebecca’s looks during the whole teatro have been described as doubtful, odd, bored. I thought they were a master class in comedic scene stealing. The other comic burst came from Misael’s text: Todo está listo para matar a Mauricio. Misael really is a criminal mastermind. That would never be allowed in court.

    Gi’s nattering (LOL, Diana) really thickens the plot of this tragedy griego unfolding: All signs are pointing to Mauricio being Misael’s papi (hence Pedrito’s abuelo) so what happens if/when his 9 lives run out (see Misael’s text)?!! Speaking of Pedrito, the call of the blood (Wanda) observation was very interesting. Of course, the last call of the blood went to voicemail when Misael almost threw Pedrito out of the office by his greñas.

    Another 73(!) episodes is really daunting. Unless the show shifts to The Adventures of Don Emilio & Dorotea, it’s going to be really hard to root for any of these train wrecks. Alma will probably languish until the penultimate episode. Who can wait that long? Luquitas needs witness protection, shelter, and Gymnasts Anonymous STAT! Blind blues singers are often popular with listeners. Elena should record an album about her dubious offspring. Working title: One Out of Three Ain’t Bad. I too am losing patience with Luciano. When will he get a grip on his lips and tell Romina to pound sand? Asking for a former fan.

  23. Vivir
    All good comments and observations from the patio. Just commenting to et you know I'm still watching (but not loving) this show. I'm not vested in any of the characters as all of them annoy me in some way ( with the exception of DE and the 2 kids).

    Will anyone recap Amor Real or discuss it. As it apparently is a rerun maybe it doesn't meet the criteria, or if it has been recapped in the past I can find the old blogs. Sounds like several of you have seen and liked it so it may be worth watching. I still like Nadie Como Tu better than Vivir and Receta but I'm all by my lonesome watching that one....

  24. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Novelera...You added so many important details and so cleverly too.

    "Alma woke up and said auxilio (help) clearly several times". She did and thank you; I don't know why I omitted that very important word.

    And this: "Doris totally drank the KoolAid. Despite everyone in the barrio telling her how nice Angelli is and how she's helped with the cooperative, Doris just sneers and believes Rebeca". You are SO right.I am trying to keep my hopes up that somehow Doris will intervene and stop some sort of tragedy further on down the road.

    Angel shouldn't have been surprised that Elena gave Rebeca her address. More opportunity to terrorize.

    I appreciate your noting how the necklace fits into Misael and Monica's cringeworthy plan.


  25. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you so very much.

    Where do I begin??

    "Of course, the last call of the blood went to voicemail when Misael almost threw Pedrito out of the office by his greñas" was sublime and "Elena should record an album about her dubious offspring. Working title: One Out of Three Ain’t Bad" was my hands down favorite. Inspired, truly.

    As it seems all signs are pointing to the Mau/Misael familial connection, would it make sense to kill Mau now?? There is much to be milked out of that possibility and to have him kill Mau without knowing seems premature. But then again, the writers will do what they want.

    With Mau's murder plot speeding up, other very important plotlines are stalled in gear. "Alma will probably languish until the penultimate episode" sounds exactly right. Ten seconds per episode does not move her storyline forward.

    "Rebecca’s looks during the whole teatro have been described as doubtful, odd, bored. I thought they were a master class in comedic scene stealing" was fantastic. You hit the proverbial nail on the head. I find I'm staring more at Beca trying to analyze her than on what she is reacting to! I'll have to stop that. :)


  26. VIVIR

    Kat, glad you are still watching but sorry you aren't enjoying it more.

    I do love Don Emilio and Pedrito and Loli. I have to admit I am fully invested in this craziness; it can be a train wreck at times but I just can't look away. :)


  27. Vivir

    Thank you Diana, for another fantastic recap! Work is driving me crazy as is the unfortunate new norm so I don’t have time to comment much. Most things have been covered anyway, fortunately!

    I did want to say Misael and Monica’s plan is to set up Cris by making it appear history is repeating itself. When Mau originally left Cris and the kids he took money and her jewelry too! This is why he ended up in jail. Mon and Mis are stealing Cris’s $ and necklace and hoping to make it look like Cris caught Mau in the act and couldn’t handle the fact that he was making a fool of her again and thus killed him!!!

    Totally agree about Pedrito. So the boy is back in school, that’s nice, but give the kid a place to live!!!

  28. OT/Kat

    Kat, there is no rule about what can or cannot be recapped that I am aware of as long as people are interested. Daytime recently reran a novella that was previously recapped and we didn’t feel like re-recapping it so we just read the original recap every day and then commented on the current weeks’ page. Other novelas have been recapped twice. I know Que Culpa Tiene Fatmagul was recapped at least twice, maybe three times! It deserved it too, that’s a fantastic show!

    Anyway, it is driven by interest. Personally, work is way too demanding for me right now and I don’t have time to recap anything, but you are welcome to start the discussion and see if others are interested in discussing and/or recapping with you!

  29. OT...Kat, I am not sure if the original blogmom melinama ( Jane Peppler ) ever recapped " Amor Real" on her original site Pratie Place. She recommended it when I was watching " Alborada" , another fantastic historical fiction starring Fernando Colunga . I guess historical fiction novelas aren't being made anymore because they are more expensive to make . The costumes are beautiful.

    I saw a bit of the novela you are watching . The galan and villain are very famous actors who have been in many novelas. I like the galan .
    Susan, trying to watch too many novelas

  30. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for taking the time to read the recaps AND comment when you clearly have so much on your plate! It is so appreciated.

    "I did want to say Misael and Monica’s plan is to set up Cris by making it appear history is repeating itself" was perfect - thank you for explaining that so clearly...

    I'm still thinking there is too much good mileage left on Mau's storyline and a premature exit seems hasty! :)


  31. Vivir

    Super job, Diana.

    I'm officially done with Elena. Does she not notice that Rebeca always has a cutting remark for Angel? And what kind of owner is Elena? She never does a walkaround to see what's happening in the kitchen (and catch Rebeca spoiling good food -- AND driving up expenses).

    ITA all said about no one noticing that Pedrito has no home. I so hope he winds up with JE, irritating the hell out of Rebeca.

    Doris is just plain stupid. No reason for her to grit on Angela all night. Her BFF Rebeca has the man and his money and biomom under her thumb, so what's Doris griping about? Angel has moved on.


  32. OT
    Susan, the actors in Nadie really draw me in, the locale fills my country girl heart. Watched the first episode of Amor, period dramas always appeal. I went to the trouble of trying to write a recap of one Nadie episode on paper while watching the episode and realized that is not my strength! I would miss too much of the dialogue which I already struggle with in my 432 day journey to learn Spanish (Duolingo keeps track for me). This thread already generates so many comments I was afraid adding another TN may be too much. I'm making up for lost time on the TV watching, the only thing I used to watch was the News (mostly for the weather.....) Babysitting my grands for the past 5 years at their home gives me several hours of nap time to TV binge. Currently watching 4 TNs....

  33. VIVIR

    Thank you Niecie...

    Elena has tried everyone's patience, ITA!

    "Doris is just plain stupid. No reason for her to grit on Angela all night. Her BFF Rebeca has the man and his money and biomom under her thumb, so what's Doris griping about? Angel has moved on" was great. Doris is ultra loyal to someone who has none for her. Further, Doris knows Rebeca is guilty of much yet chooses to dismiss it. At some point, she is going to have to pick a side. I'm hoping it's the right one.


  34. VIVIR #53 Part 1

    Outside shot of the mansion.

    Elena asks Santiago how his classes are going; he answers they are going very well. Elena says how proud his father would be as he hugs her, looking guilty as sin.

    “Te quiero buenos noches “Angel murmurs, kissing her father’s picture.

    Rebeca is trying in vain to kiss JE muttering “te amo”. He demurs and she asks if it is because of Angel (‘ya think??) but as he tries to answer she zooms in and her forked tongue manages to maim, err kiss him this time. After he leaves, she hisses “idiot Angel” under her breath.

    The red sun also rises.

    Oh, Pedrito is in his school uniform along with Lupe, Marisa and Loli. (Perhaps he isn’t sleeping on the streets after all?) Lupe lovingly fusses with his hair as Angel comes out. Lupe ‘s phone rings; it’s the hospital.

    JE greets Don Emilio. Don Emilio has a bag of what appears to be glass marbles (proving he certainly has NOT lost his marbles, quite the contrary). 😊

    Rebeca is loitering in the barrio when Brayan shows up. I believe she wants him to spy on Angel.

    Angel is dropping Pedrito off at school when Don Emilio and JE show up. She queries “JE”, surprised he is there.

    Lupe is thanking the Virgin that Alma is alive. Lupe tells her she wants to talk to both JE and Angel.

    Don Emilio greets and kisses Angel warmly and asks how she is. Don Emilio hands Pedrito the glass marbles which JE puts in his backpack; they fist bump and he blesses him.

    Rebeca is trying to work her charms on Brayan and hands him a wad of cash for his “investigative” work. She doesn’t want problems. He leans in to kiss her but she pulls back.

    We learn Alma is scheduled for tests and we see her being wheeled out of her room on a stretcher. She is anxious to speak with JE and Angel.

    With perfect timing, Renato shows up to join the little group. All of a sudden, JE has the nerve to tell Renato there is nothing he can do to make Angel fall in love with him. Angel is clearly upset and Renato manages to smirk a bit as Don Emilio puts his arm around JE.

    All of a sudden Luis and the police show up and surprise Lucas!

    Gabriel brings Mati a drink. I guess his persistence has paid off, she is going to give him a chance!

    Lucas can’t believe his father has turned him in and Luis asks him to trust him.

    We see a very frustrated Luciano. Romina asks Sandy about Fatima and is told she was looking fine for her novio! Sandy smiles and says that he must be very handsome. Romina smirks looking pleased.

    Fatima hugs Petra as Mau appears around the corner, followed by Bruno. Petra beats a hasty retreat. Bruno attempts to say hello but his reputation has preceded him. Mau knows he is Misael’s sidekick and doesn’t trust him.


  35. VIVIR #53 Part 2

    Cris confronts Monica about her relationship with Mau. She can’t believe Monica kept something that important from her. How could she let Cris marry him when she had a relationship with him? Monica calls her pathetic, retorting she did the same thing, she was secretly seeing Adolfo! Cris says their mother had just been diagnosed with cancer and their father was so distraught no one could talk to him. Monica mocks her for being so sacrificial and taunts her as the man who was her husband was Monica’s man first. Cris gets in one of the best zingers when she says that Adolfo is her one and only true love!

    Rebeca and Misael sport matching black gloves as they discuss how they will kill Mau and the evidence they will plant. Rebeca asks if he knew Monica had a relationship with Mau before he married Cris. She wonders if perhaps that is why Cris wants him dead.

    Monica tells Cris she kicked Mau to the curb when she found out he was pure scum. Monica reminds Cris about all the terrible things Mau did to her; he abandoned her and the kids and stole from her. Cris tells Monica she is impervious to her cruel words now. Cris wants to know why Monica didn’t tell her anything. Monica sneers that it was her punishment as Cris took every love from her. Cris tells her it was Monica’s attitude, narcissism and ego that drove everyone away from her. Mon counters it doesn’t matter because she did the same to Cris by taking Adolfo away from her. Monica recounts that she followed Cris and saw her with Adolfo in the barn. She was going to tell their father but she decided she was going to take Adolfo away from her. Cris claps and tells her that her evil has no limits She asks if Moncia really thinks she got back at her by marrying Adolfo…did she stop Adolfo from loving her? Monica asks why she suddenly married Mau. Cris will not share that with anyone, much less her (hmm, ta da! Another mystery). After Cris leaves Monica hisses that Cris better make the sign of the cross every time she sees her. (Viewerville pipes up and says we already do that as a matter of course!)

    Wanda and Doris are at her stall talking with another vendor. The vendor shares that Angel is seeing a very handsome man.

    JE tells Don Emilio he is angry and feeling powerless. DE sympathizes and says it’s normal as he can’t accept Angel has another man.

    Renato is in the kitchen when Santi comes in. Renato is down and Santi asks him what’s wrong. Renato recants the story, they ran into JE, he put him down, yada yada. Renato is jealous as Angel always gets flustered when JE is around. Santi suggests he ask Angel to marry him. (OMG kid, can’t you keep your inane ideas to yourself??)

    Doris calls Rebeca to tell her Angel was with JE! Of course she wasn’t as Doris only assumed it was JE based on the description from the other vendor.

    Why, why JE asks tormenting himself, thinking back to when he and angel huddled by the fire that night long ago.

    Rebeca bursts into JE’s office despite Gabriela trying to stop her. She wants to go into a house where she and JE will be happy.

    Monica greets Misael she pours herself a stiff drink. She wants Misael at work; she and Bruno will take care of Mau. Misael asks if she wants to kill Mau as he left her for her sister! Monica tries to look shocked and thinks that is one of the stupidest things she has ever heard. She thinks Rebeca is trying to manipulate him. (Pot, meet kettle). Misael tells her SHE is also a manipulator. Monica says wanting a better life for her son is not manipulation. Misael tells her that is why he went out with girls she didn’t like, including the dancer. Monica tells him she offered the dancer (Wanda?) money to disappear with her child. She calls her a ramera saying she took the money.


  36. VIVIR #53 Part 3 of 3

    Gi and Armando are back in the market. They will meet back there in an hour and don’t be late Gi cautions. Uh oh she shows up at Doris’ booth who has her back to her, dancing with earphones on. Doris mistakes her for a potential client and eagerly starts pitching her wares as Gi stares, lasers darting from her eyes. No mi gusto she says. Doris tells her to git as Gi scathingly looks her up and down.

    Rebeca calls Doris, her hermana, asking her to try to get any info from Sebastian on JE that she can. Doris agrees but mutters, clearly not happy.

    Gi asks another vendor who Doris is. She gets her name and also some unexpected tea; Doris got into a big car of a man who is said to be married.. Gi looks alarmed.

    An exterior shot of the hacienda flashes as we see Mau rooting through desk drawers. He is trying to find documents that look like the ones he hid. On the way out, he runs into Petra who asks what he was doing. He gives a “caught a big fish lie” that he was just looking for papers to write letters. Petra, who wasn’t born yesterday, shakes her head and sort of chuckles.

    Monica tells Misael that everything she has done, she did for him, her only child. She pleads that he do what she tells him to, stay away from Mau that night. Misael wants the truth about her relationship with Mau. Adolfo comes around the corner as Misael asks him if he knew Monica had a relationship with Mau.

    Rebeca is showing houses to JE on a tablet. She wants something tomorrow but Sebastian says that isn’t possible, it will take some time. Rebeca accuses JE that he is delaying buying the house. JE insists he is doing everything in the best interests of the baby. And that is why he has made an appointment with another gynecologist! Rebeca, (who has thankfully perfected her inscrutable facial expression) stares stonily.

    All thanks to my dear friend who graciously provided so many details that were far beyond my comprehension.



    *German talking proposed business plans to Gonzalo, who has recovered from getting shot by Crazy Fina. Gut feeling that German might be up to no good due to the ominous music playing.

    *Deadbeat Momma conspiring with Crazy Blanca, Psycho Fina & Gullible Doctor into scamming Connie of all of the $$$$$.

    *Regina & Inez discussing Connie's slow descent of baby-obsession madness. Neither of them have any clue that it's really part of Psycho Fina's scheme to destroy Connie's life.

    *Corina AKA Deadbeat Momma is up to NO GOOD at all. I just do NOT like her period!

    *Over at the clinic: Chema figures out something isn't right considering he was doing a CET scan. He smells a rat & the Doctor says he will make an appointment & tell them the truth.

    *Honorio & Matias both have good reason NOT to trust German once Gonzalo tells them German will be Slacker Berta's advisor. Nothing good would be coming of this at all.

    *Reanta looked at Jeronimo cross-eyed after he mentioned that Carlos will be picking up Priscilla (AKA SpareGirl 2.0).

    *Speaking of Carlos: Right on Cue: he picked up Priscilla at the airport. Something tells me she'll be scheming to take Carlos back right from under Matilde's nose.

    *Gonzalo & Regina doing wedding plans AGAIN: Let's hope neither of them get shot again. Fingers crossed for the lovebirds.

    *Psycho Fina waiting impatiently outside in the vehicle while Panchita throws Fina's clothing getting dumped unceremoniously into the dolly. Panchita even says Regina is an angel. Let's hope Psycho Fina doesn't try to kill Panchita down the road.

    *Panchita sees Slacker Berta delivering the huge cash to Psycho Fina.

    *More scheming & plotting continues amongst the group of villains.


    *In the aftermath of Alfonsina's blow-up at the failed wake of Ezekiel upon Alfonsina learning that her late husband had sex with Slacker Berta, we see Lazaro & Karina taking care of the kids & rightfully so because Alfonsina, whose still a HYPOCRITE, is NOT in her right mind.

    *Over at Monterrubio HQ: Slacker Berta enjoying her kiss from Creepy German: GROSS & Fast Forward LOL.

    *Three-way conversation between Matias, Adriana & Julieta about the Chema situation.

    *Stupidly, neither Matias, Adriana & Julieta bother to close the bloody door, as we see Slacker Berta overhearing the conversation; Of course, Slacker Berta will exploit this & in her mind, "slandering the good kids".

    *La Bonita Hacienda HQ: Matilde gets PISSED off about Carlos' previous relationship with Priscilla. Let's just say Matilde doesn't handle it very well: that headband looks like it'll pop off her head LOL.

    *In the meantime, Renata & Jeronimo packing their matching orange & red maletas as they're heading to Mexico City for the upcoming wedding of Gonzalo & Regina.

    *Jeronimo, Renata, Carlos, Lazaro, Manuela gathering inside the living room for the rundown on the missing teenagers: Anibal & Allison.

    *Lazaro informs everyone that the kids have been found & they're with Scumbag Augie. Right on cue, Scumbag Augie walks right inside & we see Renata & Jeronimo looking uncomfortable for obvious reasons.

    *Manuela scolds BOTH Anibal & Allison. Plus Manuela brings up the triple threats of guilt, shame & fear including Allison's health issues AKA anorexic issues.

    *Empresa Monterrubio HQ in Mexico City: German moving in on Slacker Berta like some horny pimp on his way to lunch following a three-week feast. Yet, Slacker Berta is excited & sparkly animated.

    *Over at the Velorio: Alfonsina continues going off at Ezekiel's casket. You got knocked up by Creepy Alvaro & got PREGGERS with Luz you lying uppity HYPOCRITE.

    *Preggers Doctor Marina talking to Antonio at the priest' house: Marina is worried about what's going on with Alfonsina.

  39. OT - AMOR REAL

    Kat in SC ---"Will anyone recap Amor Real or discuss it. As it apparently is a rerun maybe it doesn't meet the criteria, or if it has been recapped in the past I can find the old blogs."

    It was not recapped here on Caray because it was broadcast prior to Caray's creation. The old telenovelaworld had recaps but that has since gone the way of many websites --- poof! into the cybersphere, never to be seen again.

    IIRC, I think Alborada was the first telenovela recapped here?

    There would have to be a lot of people willing to watch Amor Real and comment for recaps to happen or be worth it. JMHO. It is long. It is good. The costumes are wonderful.

  40. Vivir. Your recaps just keep getting better and better, Diana! Kudos to your friend if he (or she) is partly responsible. Also this appears to be a good day for snark: "ya think?" (yes, I do); "forked tongue" (that would be Rebeca all right); "proving he has not lost his marbles" (so cute!). Will Alma be able to speak with Angelli and JE or will something prevent her? Suspense, suspense! JE's creepy confrontation with Renato should make Angelli not love him any more, but, alas, probably not. That quarrel between Monica and Misael over which of the 3 enemigos (+ Rebeca) "gets" to kill Mauricio was especially creepy. I suspect Monica doesn't want Misael to be directly involved because Mauricio is his biological father. And we keep getting more and more evidence that Misael is Pedrito's--though how he could have such a great kid is a bit of a mystery. I'm glad Pedrito is now in school and has people looking after him. And that gynecologist appointment JE made for Rebeca? Oops! How will she get out of it? (or are all Mexican doctors corrupt? Which I doubt).

  41. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you for your always lovely comments.

    "I suspect Monica doesn't want Misael to be directly involved because Mauricio is his biological father. And we keep getting more and more evidence that Misael is Pedrito's--though how he could have such a great kid is a bit of a mystery". Wise and insightful comments.

    I do think that Misael having Monica for a mother rather doomed him from the start with Rebeca serving to hasten his demise. He did have a conscience early on but no longer.

    It appears Misael is conspiring with Monica and Rebeca (separately) to kill Mau (?)

    I'm looking forward to seeing if Beca can sleaze out of the doctor appointment. She'll manage something I'm sure!

    When the recap is replete with detailed dialog, all credit goes to my friend for her marvelous translations. The snark is mine (for better or worse) :)


  42. Vivir #53

    Thanks, Diana. You brought everything together on this.

    Who the hell told Rebecca Angeli's address? Of course what would a TN be without its village idiot?

    I can't wait to hear what Alma tells Angeli and JE; we all hope she lives to spill those beans.

    Pedrito is a near-tragic example of a child who is homeless because he was thrown away. Having been watching TNs for three decades I can't wait for Monica to get her just desserts for having caused this. Today's episode makes me think that Misael will cause her downfall.

    The close-ups today made me wonder if the make-up department personnel all were watching Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? before figuring out Monica's look.

  43. Vivir

    Thanks so much Diana, I enjoyed your recap. The plots are thickening. So Cris married Mau quickly. Do we need to ask why? I don’t know if JE is the oldest, if he is he could be Adolfo’s. And Misael could be Mau’s! Pedrito came out sweet because Misael and Monica had nothing to do with him. I wonder if he lives with Lupe now.

    I hope no one tells Rebeca Alma is awake. I don’t think she’ll live to tell them the truth.

    I thought Adolfo looked surprised that Monica dated Mau but wasn’t sure.

    I can’t believe Elena gave Rebeca her new address. I wish Angel had shown her mom what Rebeca had done in her room. But Elena probably wouldn’t have believed her. I hope Rebeca just has Bryan spy on Angel.

    Poor Gi. I’m sure the venders were talking about Doris and Icker. Armando will have a lot of explaining to do.

    They always show a shot of the outside of the hacienda, which makes me think they all live there.

    On another note, the show before this one looks fun. I need a fun show!


  44. VIVIR

    Thanks Urban.

    So, Elena gave Rebeca Angel's address. ☹

    I also look forward to Monica receiving delayed justice. I agree that Misael will be instrumental in bringing her down.

    I'm not convinced Alma will get to talk with JE and Angel simply because if she does, it's all over for Rebeca and it's just too early for that.


  45. VIVIR

    Thanks Liz.

    Loved "Pedrito came out sweet because Misael and Monica had nothing to do with him".

    It does seem as though Misael is definitely Mau's. After what Cris said today, it appears JE being Adolfo's is a relative certainty. I couldn't interpret the expression on Adolfo's face today so I'm unsure as to what his reaction was.

    I was laughing thinking Armando is going to get the riot act from Gi although Doris clearly hasn't given him the time of day. I wonder who Icky is seeing and if we know her...


  46. Vivir de amor

    What a crazy mess this novela is "sometimes". Thank goodness I have Diana to lead me through the maze.

    Maybe JE should stop rejecting Rebeca...
    After he learns to sleep with one eye open, because he won't always figure in her plans.

    Again, I find Rebeca to be just gorgeous, and a real change from her role in La mexicana y el güero. In that role I never bothered focusing on her, she just wasn't a real stand-out. Makeup, acting, clothing? All of these? I am often surprised just how good some telenovela actors really are.

    Whoa! Don Emilio gave JE some bad advice! "Forget about her, Angelli." Considering the number of telenovelas don Emilio has been in, he should know better!

    I wish most of these people would talk slower. Even after I turned on the Closed Captioning I couldn't read what they were saying fast enough.

    Little Sandra can really dish out the gossip. And Romina was all ears and happy that Fatima went to see her boyfriend and didn't return home that night.
    The truth was a little more boring, but Sandra and Romina can have some fun, too, once in a while.

    That "conversation" between Cristina and Monica was powerful and moving. Two sisters, all those years, Monica's jealousy and hate, and Cristina's secret. Just wow!
    They both of them teared up. What a way to sadly damage two lives. No, way more than just two!

    I need to see some happy stuff, and not with Angelli who just bores me.

    I'm sorry Doris didn't arrive in time today to see Sebastian. That might be interesting.

    Also interesting, Brayan keeping an eye on Angel, Lucas keeping an eye on Brayan.

    Just where is Pedrito living???


  47. Vivir

    Dear Diana, thank for another sassy, snappy recap .

    Santi has fallen into his old, stupid ways thanks to his sister Becky.

    I can't like Mati because she looks like mini me Romina. I would choose adorable Gabriel .Lucas has a lot of baggage , whereas Gabriel has a hat ,a horse, and a better attitude. I hope Gene ends up with sweet Sandy. I think Lucas and Gabriel look very similar .

    Becky wants a , and dumb bunny JE will buy her one.

    Got a kick out of DE and his marbles ...see, he hasn't lost them. Note to self : Buy marbles


  48. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you so much.

    I was jarred a bit by "Maybe JE should stop rejecting Rebeca... because he won't always figure in her plans". You have such good insight. Of course you are right, Beca isn't exactly a til death do us part gal. Yet, I lost sight of the fact JE isn't her desired end, he's only the path to it.

    "Two sisters, all those years, Monica's jealousy and hate, and Cristina's secret... What a way to sadly damage two lives. No, way more than just two!" perfectly reflected their intense, relevatory and heartbreaking conversation.

    I had hoped Doris would be a little bit excited at the prospect of seeing Sebastian but nopis. Perhaps that might change when she sees him.

    Don Emilio's admonishment for JE to forget Angel was troublesome and a bit out of character. I guess everyone has an "off" day.

    I am yearning for some fun, love and lightness as well. I'm afraid short of changing the channel, we are in for quite a wait... :)


  49. VIVIR

    Thank you Susan.

    "I would choose adorable Gabriel. Lucas has a lot of baggage , whereas Gabriel has a hat, a horse, and a better attitude". How can anyone argue that?

    Anyone who attempts to throw a weak and spineless soul back into the throes of addiction is reprehensible. Well, we ARE talking about Rebeca, right? Ack.

    "Note to self : Buy marbles" is great advice...I'll simply add and try not to lose them...:)


  50. vivir

    Fantastic recap, Diana. And many thanks to your friend who added things. Who needs Chekhov (Three Sisters) when you have two sisters who sling barbs so well. Monica held nothing back, including spying on her sister making love with Adolfo and deciding to trap him out of spite. I think we all agree that Misael is Mau's spawn.

    It was interesting to me, as the mother of an adult son, to see how Misael is becoming more and more aware of what a monster his mother is. I would not be able to bear some of the looks he gives her if I got those from my son.

    Loved Rebeca's "forked tongue" and Don E not having "lost his marables"!

    Should we even bother to place bets on whether Alma gets to tell JE and Angelli what she knows about Rebeca? I'm not biting that bait anymore.

    Boy the galanes have certainly gone downhill at Uni lately. I admit I've been mostly on Telemundo, but the last time my heart went pitty pat was ANYTHING with Fernando Colunga.

    Diana, ITA on "OMG kid can't you keep your ideas to yourself!" about Santiago. It sure looks like Ulises sperm count was low when the result was Santiago.

    Wow. Doris continues to be dumb as a box of rocks. Looks like she's just agreed to being pimped out to Sebastian to get information from him about JE's whereabouts or thoughts, not sure which.

    They keep teasing us with that gynecologist visit where JE finds out the bun's been in the oven before he drank all that tequila. I have no hope this will happen because there's too many episodes left.

  51. VIVIR

    Novelera, thank you for your kind words and very insightful observations.

    "Who needs Chekhov (Three Sisters) when you have two sisters who sling barbs so well" was fabulous and oh so true.

    "Should we even bother to place bets on whether Alma gets to tell JE and Angelli what she knows about Rebeca? I'm not biting that bait anymore" was perfect.

    So many things are on the verge of spilling but you are exactly right. It's too early for major revelations. I have to give the writers credit though, things DO happen daily and enough going on to keep my interest as to what is going to happen next! :)


  52. Vivir

    Can't wait to see what happens tonight.

    If JE somehow manages to get Becky to the new Dr , he would discover that the bun is gone . she will have to somehow avoid going or pay this new Dr to lie.

    I hope that we find out today that someone has provided Pedrito with a home. If Blondie is his mother and Monica paid her to go away , how did Blondie get separated from Pedrito? I think he was living with his grandparents , and then ended up on the street when they died.

    I was confused about Angel showing up as Pedrito was headed off to school with dynamic DE and JE.

    Uh oh, What is demonic Becky going to do now that she found out where Angel is living and what did she want the amazing flying Bryan to do?


  53. Vivir

    Diana, fantastic recap. I grinned all the way. Your snark is Grade A!

    I actually found myself impressed with JE's chest bumping with Renato, saying "she'll never fall in love with you." JE has no right of course, but it is true. Renato should get that Angel is settling, "trying" to love him. Both deserve better.

    Could Mauricio have a scruple in his body? He warned Fatima to stay away from Bruno. Even though Fatima hardly needs that warning, I enjoyed the scene with Bruno standing right there like the slug that he is while they dissed him.

    Could Monica have a scruple in her body? I too think she doesn't want her son to murder his own father.

  54. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks, Diana!

    Eek! It’s almost showtime. Time got away from me.

    Everyone has covered everything quite well. I was happy and surprised that Rebecca DIDN’T ask Brayan to commit vandalism or criminal mischief with Ang or her new pad (so far). That would have been too predictable and lazy (for the writers).

    Will Pedrito be the new teacher’s pet?
    Will Pedrito’s address finally be revealed?
    Will more actual DNA and OBYGYN results be revealed?

    Today ought to be good! We’ve reached a boiling point. Get the popcorn and snacks (and beanies) ready!!!

  55. VIVIR

    Thanks Niecie! "Renato should get that Angel is settling, "trying" to love him. Both deserve better". They certainly do...

    "I enjoyed the scene with Bruno standing right there like the slug that he is while they dissed him". Yes, that was great.

    I'll give Monica one clap for preventing her son from murdering his father. Otherwise, she has no scruples :(

    Susan, I am also very interested in finding out what transpired between Wanda and Monica and how Pedrito got separated from Wanda.


  56. VIVIR

    O.S. thank you...

    "I was happy and surprised that Rebecca DIDN’T ask Brayan to commit vandalism or criminal mischief with Ang or her new pad (so far)". Yes, "so far" being the operative words :).

    "Today ought to be good! We’ve reached a boiling point. Get the popcorn and snacks (and beanies) ready!!!". I completely agree, we are on the precipice of several of the storylines. I've fastened my seat belt.


  57. Vivir

    Thanks Diana!! Another super busy day and not much to add but I wanted to say thank you for your always amazing retelling of all the drama! Your hard work is so appreciated!!!

  58. VIVIR #54 Part 1

    We open with a very ugly scene between Monica, Misael and Adolfo. Misael gives both his parents verbal bloody hell. He calls Monica an alcoholic and smashes her glass against the wall. He confronts them about Cris and her relationship with Adolfo. Adolfo tries to explain as Monica pops some pills. I had to laugh as somehow Monica managed to pull another crystal glass from somewhere (magically half full) and starts swilling. Misael, disgusted leaves as Adolfo looks upset.

    Fatima walks right by Luciano in the hacienda. Eyes glittering with jealousy, he confronts her about being with another man, grabbing her and pulling her close. She won’t answer, simply staring at him with her doe-like eyes. He starts kissing her and she doesn’t resist. We see Romina and Mati as Romina’s little wheels of deceit turn in her head.

    Fatima pushes him away and he keeps pleading he isn’t interested in Romina. She isn’t forgiving him. To prove she means business, she smacks him in the face. Hard. He winces and sort of smiles.

    Brayan and his cronies are watching as JE as he runs into Angel outside the hospital. Brayan is videotaping, watching like a hawk.

    Lucas is in jail being questioned by Agent Corral; he isn’t talking and his facial expression is rather inscrutable. Lupe and Luis are also there, holding hands.

    A soused Monica and Adolfo continue the sparring. She starts in on his relationship with Cris as her face dissolves and her speech becomes increasingly exaggerated. She almost starts to hyperventilate.

    Mau is packing his bag as he clutches the papers he stole. Cris is at the door and he hides the suitcase under the bed. He tries to sweet talk her into going out with him, flattering her, you are the mother of my children, blah, blah, blah. She seems to give in, albeit reluctantly.

    Doris, in a black, sequined spaghetti strap dress shows up at the office. She runs right into Icky who starts panicking as she tells him off but then Sebastian comes by and she gloms onto him. Icky starts insulting her and Sebastian defends her as Icky runs like the scared rabbit he is. Are you all right he asks. She is and invites him out. They leave, her arm companionably linked through his.

    Inside the hospital, Brayan is watching as JE continues to “reach” Angel.

    Misael is at an ice cream shop. We (and he) see the camera immediately and realize that Misael has stopped there to establish an alibi. He tastes the wares.

    Well I’ve lost any appetite as we next see Bruno nuzzling Monica’s neck as she is on the phone.

    We next see Mau handing the papers off to someone telling whomever he is on the phone with (Monica?) one hour.


  59. VIVIR #54 Part 2 of 3

    All of a sudden, Mau is confronted by Misael. There is no mistaking Mau’s haughty, dismissive countenance as he asks him what he wants. Misael demands to know what his relationship with his mother is. Not realizing that he is staring death in the face, Mau spits out that Monica is an alcoholic manipulator. All of a sudden, Misael pulls out a gun and shoots him in the chest. This is for my hijo he says. Mau falls and we see blood.

    Brayan calls Rebeca and tells her JE and Angel are at the hospital as Rebeca’s eyes flash. We next see they are indeed at Alma’s bedside. Thank you for coming Alma manages to get out, she is going to tell the truth. She looks at JE and says that Rebeca’s baby isn’t yours! JE looks shocked as we see Brayan in the doorway. Alma is trying to formulate her next words as Brayan manages to find the fuse box and cuts the power. Alma immediately starts struggling to breathe.

    Renato gets told Angel isn’t at the fabrica, she is with JE. Renato’s face mirrors his frustration.

    The nurse tells Angel and JE that Alma is stable but needs quiet. JE takes Angel and leaves. Brayan calls Rebeca who is peppering him as to what exactly Alma did or didn’t say.

    JE starts venting to Angel about what a mentirosa Rebeca is. Then, all of a sudden, Hyde turns into a positively giddy Jekyll as it hits him as to exactly what this means. He is NOT the father he proclaims, relieved and excited, as he grabs Angel and kisses her. As he tells her he loves her as Brayan takes a picture. After indulging in most of the kiss, Angel finally pushes him away and says “basta”. Not so fast! She states the obvious, Rebeca is STILL your wife and my sister. Also she is involved with Renato. At the mention of Renato, JE bares his teeth but she sticks to her guns and says no. He holds her face in his hands and begs. Adios she says and walks out in slow mo. He looks crushed.

    “Hi grandfather “Misael says to Don Emilio. He is bearing a gift, ice cream. He is surprisingly composed for someone who has just murdered in cold blood but…Don Emilio calls for Petra as Misael’s mask of confidence falls. He runs up the stairs, puts gloves on, wipes the gun clean and plants it in Cris’ closet. He removes the gloves and smirks.

    Adolfo visits Cris as Gabriela comes in with tickets. Adolfo looks crushed. Cris tries to tell him everything is for the children.

    Misael sits and texts.

    Cris tells a deflated Adolfo the most important thing is family. She seems to feel Mau is being sincere and lets Adolfo know he has no shot. So to speak.


  60. VIVIR #54 Part 3 of 3

    Petra is serving the newly purchased ice cream (that amazingly hasn’t melted) and cookies. Don Emilio is in heaven (it does look good). Monica marches in all alarmed as they ask what’s wrong. Why are you so nervous Don Emilio asks as she stares wide eyed.

    Doris is in the car with Sebastian when Rebeca calls her about what happened. Doris is nattering on as Rebeca raises an eyebrow. Rebeca asked her to pump Sebas for information which is exactly what she is doing!

    JE leaves the hospital as Brayan confronts him. He shows him the pictures and JE shakes his head knowingly. JE tells him to leave and Brayan warns him as his goons smirk and laugh. JE pulls out his phone and calls Angel to warn her about Rebeca. She looks heavenward and blocks him, throwing her phone in her purse.

    Santiago asks Elena if she is worried about Angel. Elena does admit how good her daughter is. It’s not easy for her Santiago says. Elena says again how important recovering Frida is. He kisses her on the forehead. She tells him how proud of him she is. He brings up money and she asks didn’t Angel give you some? Yes, but it burned a hole in his pocket and he needs more. She opens the safe and hands him the entire packet of bills! He looks guilty but takes it.

    Angel is in front of the restaurant and goes in to talk with Elena. Elena says what a nice surprise and leads Angel to a chair. What is it, are you all right. No Angel admits. She falls into her mother’s arms as Elena strokes her back.

    JE pulls out a picture of he and Angel and as he imagines Renato’s face instead of his own, angrily asks her why she is accepting a novio she doesn’t love. You are mine!

    Adolfo comes into JE’s office. Talk immediately turns to Rebeca. Adolfo has to remind JE he is married. We see flashes of JE’s anger coming back as he tells him he knows it’s not his baby! He goes on a rant about Rebeca as she materializes in the doorway! He asks her who the father of her baby is. Her answer? Furrow her brow.


  61. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you! This was really an action packed episode, but not a happy one, and you covered it wonderfully.
    How can they possibly keep things going for another 70 or so episodes?

    Sometimes I despair over Misael for some reason. Early in the show he was an embezzler, stealing money from his grandfather's company. But he showed true concern for don Emilio's health and safety in the ambulance ride to the hospital.
    So a very bad guy, but not irredeemably rotten perhaps. But he just shot someone for revenge. Perhaps his own father, though he doesn't know that.
    He seems to have gotten used to killing people off, this time doing it himself for satisfaction. Yep, thoroughly rotten now.

    Monica is having a meltdown. Cris is being set up. And JE is going ballistic.
    We really could have used a nice long scene of don Emilio with Loli and Pedrito, all enjoying ice cream, instead of this.

    Santiago is also bumming me out.

    Meh. Well, at least Doris is with Sebastian for a bit, that's something. And Alma has lived long enough to tip off JE, but he's a dimwit and Rebeca will probably play him yet again.

    I may not be able to watch or comment tomorrow, but the DVR is set up to record.

    I need some ice cream.


  62. Vivir. First-rate recap as usual, Diana! Yep, Bruno's nuzzling Monica was hard on my appetite too. Monica's attempt to keep Misael from murdering his father didn't work! But is Mauricio dead or has another one of his 9 lives kicked in? As I said before, autopsy, anyone? Framing Cris for the shot does look as if it could work. Of course the hospital electricity and Alma's breathing tube are cut off at the exact moment that she is about to name the real father of Rebeca's (former) baby. Ah, novelas! At least JE believes Alma that he is not the baby's father. And yep, how did they keep that ice cream frozen?


    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of this morning's episodes:

    *Law enforcement authorities arrest Jeronimo on charges of conspiring to assist Alvaro in the fake death stuff, etc.,

    *Renata & Jeronimo have separate moments of reflection.

    *Slacker Berta & Psycho Fina having one of those arguments.

    *Scumbag Augie still winning & still scheming.

    *Alfonsina still unhinged for obvious reasons.

    *Carlos & Matilde talking with Padre presumably about their wedding plans, etc.,

  64. Vivir

    That was great Diane, so much happened in this episode but you covered it all as if you were born understanding Spanish.

    Cris’ alibi has to be a good one. She was in the office and even speaking to Adolfo. I was surprised Misael went through with the murder. When he was putting his mother down I thought he wished Cris was his mother. Why frame someone you like.

    Well, Alma got part of it out. I imagine Rebeca will end her life before she recovers enough to tell them the baby’s name.

    What a strange reaction Luciano had to the slap. He did seem pleased. But Romina asking Mati who she would choose makes me think she’ll leave Luciano if the kids choose her.

    I loved JE’s reaction to Brayan’s attempt at bribery. I bet Brayan didn’t expect that. But now Angel’s life is probably in danger.


  65. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you so much...I appreciate your kind words.

    You built a strong case for your feelings on Misael. Starting off as "...a very bad guy, but not irredeemably rotten perhaps" was exactly right as initally there might have been a sliver of hope. But as you noted, things changed and at the present "He seems to have gotten used to killing people off, this time doing it himself for satisfaction. Yep, thoroughly rotten now". A wasted life.

    Yes, a sweet shot of the kids with Don Emilio enjoying ice cream (he likely more than both of them) would have been most welcome.

    I had to smile that Doris was chatting up Sebastian so fast and furiously, he never had to worry about keeping up his end of the conversation. I wonder where they are headed?

    Look forward to reading your comments whenever you have a chance to see tomorrow's epi.


  66. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for your nice comment.

    I can only hope your workload lightens a bit. Please carve out a little time out for yourself - everyone needs it.


  67. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you so much.

    As always, you cut right to the point with your sage "But is Mauricio dead or has another one of his 9 lives kicked in? As I said before, autopsy, anyone?"

    Dead or alive flashed through my mind as well. I immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion the first time so was careful here. As you noted, how many near death experiences will he be allowed?? :)

    I agree things will surely go south for Cris.

    "Of course the hospital electricity and Alma's breathing tube are cut off at the exact moment that she is about to name the real father of Rebeca's (former) baby". Well said. Timing is everything. Now JE and Angel have a half truth but the blockbuster other half is still shrouded.


  68. VIVIR

    Liz, I truly appreciate your lovely comment. I was so happy (and relieved) I was able to capture what I did with (hopefully) not too many errors.

    "Romina asking Mati who she would choose makes me think she’ll leave Luciano if the kids choose her". Thank you so much for supplying this; I knew something was said but couldn't grasp it.

    I also did not catch Misael wishing Cris was his mother! Oh dear, yes, how could he frame her if he cares about her? Well, sadly, that is the new and vastly unimproved Misael.


  69. Vivir

    Diana, thank you for another excellent recap of all the scheming and dreaming.

    Ice cream seems to be a major theme in his show. We should all be joining in. I just had half a Klondike bar in honor of today's episode . You're welcome.

    Misael has now completely gone to the dark side by killing Mau in cold blood. it sure looked like he shot Mau in the chest at point blank range.

    So...I am anxious to see how Becky reacts to JE's question.


    Giving money to Santiago is like flushing it directly down the toilet.

    That was quite a fancy black cocktail dress Doris chose for a lunch with Sebastian . I bet she got it at her Crap from Afar Shoppe.

  70. VIVIR

    Susan, thanks so much.

    You are right in that Misael did shoot Mau "at point blank range" and he shot him twice. I'm still reluctant to speculate on whether Mau is still among the living though.

    Speaking of ice cream, I had my first of the season the other day. A small strawberry cheesecake in a waffle cone. I was in heaven...

    Doris looked so good in the dress but then again she looks great in everything! I keep wondering where she and Sebas will end up.

    Yes, "giving money to Santiago is like flushing it directly down the toilet". :)


  71. vivir

    Thanks, Diana, for another excellent recap. That was very action packed.

    Yep, Misael went there. He told his mother he wished that his Tia Cris were his mother.

    Right after the nuzzling by Bruno, Monica realized that neither she nor Bruno had the murder weapon nor the incriminating wrap (or whatever it was) that Rebeca stole from Cris' bedroom.

    I'm starting not to care at all about Luciano and Fatima. If they are going to wait until the 60th episode to have Romina leave again, I will be yawning at the TV.

    The papers Mau had were to somehow recreate the evidence of the fraud that Romina thought she delivered to JE. Maybe he somehow needed paper that came from the Mystery Company. I think the plan was for Mau to turn over the document and get the big bucks.

    I think Mau is toast. I certainly won't mourn. Besides all the Snidely Whiplash behavior, the guy just had too many teeth in his mouth.

    I was amazed the writers had Alma say anything before Brayan gummed up the works.

    Cris told Mau she forgave him. It almost seemed like she might give him another chance. As someone said above, she was with Adolfo when the shot was fired. Plus, she just got through telling Adolfo he was a changed man. This seems unlike someone planning to shoot that person.

    Brayan is a snake. Instead of sending Rebeca the photo of the JE/Angelli kiss, he tries to extort $ from JE. JE all but laughed in his face. And JE found out that Rebeca had someone follow him.

    Yep, Santiago is going to mess up until the last week of this show. He told his mother he spent the money Angelli gave him on supplies for his culinary classes. I doubt he's even going to that school. And his simpleton mother gave him the money she said was set aside to pay the providers (of things for Renato to cook, I presume). Rebeca hardly needs to work at all for the family restaurant to fail. I still want to see Elena's face when the credit card bill comes. We probably won't see it.

  72. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks, Diana! This episode exceeded the normal speed limit with action, and you captured everything with your patented eloquence, wit, and fire!

    The opening scene: after being accused of being a drunk and a pill head, Mónica proves him wrong by going to her purse…for booze and pills. Priceless. After medicating, she yells, “Don’t talk to me that way, Carajo!” - the last word censored on my version. Not sure why. Carajo isn’t vulgar, is it? Snap! I just looked it up. I guess it can be. I thought it meant “jerk.” Why would Mónica call her own son that? Oh, yes. Pills & alcohol.

    Luciano received quite the slap (Go, Fátima). I’m not sure I’m comfortable with his goofy look afterwards. Methinks he liked it. That’s a whole different show, Luciano.

    I still can’t believe how the casting department scored with Romina and Romina, Jr. I also can’t believe Romina had the nerve to play “Who Would You Choose After Separation?” Hmm. Maybe the parent who DIDN’T abandon the kids for a seat in on the train to Forbes 5OO.

    Dorotea invited Sebastián to a restaurant that is so good that you won’t need napkins “on account of all the finger lickin’.” He accepted. Dollars to donuts it ain’t KFC®️.

    Not So Teenie Weenie Beanie Time: Misael shoots Mauricio in broad daylight at close range with no silencer and doesn’t cause a commotion at/around the ice cream shop. Ok.

    Elena almost redeemed herself by providing Angel overdue hugs and compassion. Unfortunately, this was moments after she gave the restaurant’s supplier monies to Santiago. Two steps forward, three steps back.

    I gave the casting folks mucho crédito earlier for Romina & Mati. I have to take some back now. How in the heck could Ulises & Elena create such beautiful creatures (Frida & Ang) and then crap out with Santiago? Are we sure Elena didn’t have a fling with Mauricio también? It would really explain this hapless runt.

  73. O.S, I want to add to the beanie list, how in the world did Elvira run a successful restaurant for lets say 16 years before Angelli was old enough to step in, and now seems to be nothing but a figurehead there? Angelli I assume went to college during the past 4-6 years as she seems to have a lot of business acumen. Also, one minute they are nearly bankrupt due to Santiago's gambling, and the next Angelli can give him money for school and rent her own place.

  74. VIVIR

    Thank you so much Novelera. Your comment was excellent.

    As always, you clarified so much including "The papers Mau had were to somehow recreate the evidence of the fraud that Romina thought she delivered to JE". Resourceful he is. Was?

    "Right after the nuzzling by Bruno, Monica realized that neither she nor Bruno had the murder weapon" was so helpful. Perhaps it dawned on her who had them...

    Although Cris' alibi seems rather airtight, I have no doubt it will somehow be discredited.

    Thank you for explaining Brayan was trying to blackmail JE with the picture. I thought that might be the case, but was furiously typing and wasn't sure.


  75. VIVIR

    O.S. thank you for your very generous words.

    "The opening scene: after being accused of being a drunk and a pill head, Mónica proves him wrong by going to her purse…for booze and pills. Priceless". And perfect!

    Looks as though Romina has a plan in mind and will once again, shamelessly use her children to force Luciano into a reconciliation. Mother of the year NOT.

    "Dorotea invited Sebastián to a restaurant that is so good that you won’t need napkins “on account of all the finger lickin’.” He accepted. Dollars to donuts it ain’t KFC®️ had me laughing away - thank you I needed that!

    And lastly, this gem "Not So Teenie Weenie Beanie Time: Misael shoots Mauricio in broad daylight at close range with no silencer and doesn’t cause a commotion at/around the ice cream shop. Ok". Not a ripple on the water!


  76. VIVIR

    " in the world did Elvira run a successful restaurant for lets say 16 years before Angelli was old enough to step in, and now seems to be nothing but a figurehead there?"

    Great question Kat to which I can't even hazard a guess...


  77. VIVIR

    Good morning, Patio.

    LOL, Kat. Indeed! Very astute observation.

    Ooh. I like this game. How about the only proof of multimillion peso fraud is one set of paper documents which, after many travels, has landed in Rebecca’s clutches?!!! After multiple forensic audits of the company’s books, the closest they can get is family-be-damned executrix Romina?!! This, after Misael and Bruno have proven to be the Beavis & Butthead of the Mexican crime syndicate.

    I proudly wear an itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dotted beanie…and it looks like we have many more episodes to go!

    Next up: would Angelli really fall in love with a bumbling, hot-headed, impulsive, waffling, gullible, rain-soaked himbo like JE IRL? Well, he is pretty and good with d. Emilio and kids so there’s that.

  78. VIVIR

    "Next up: would Angelli really fall in love with a bumbling, hot-headed, impulsive, waffling, gullible, rain-soaked himbo like JE IRL? Well, he is pretty and good with d. Emilio and kids so there’s that".

    "Himbo" 😊


  79. Vivir

    Diana, you outdid yourself! And that’s saying a lot!!! Another day with no time to comment so I will just add one thing.

    Everything Misael said and did, from fighting with mommy to saying he wished Cris was his mom, to having ice cream with DE - EVERYTHING was to create his alibi and plausible deniability! Did I kill Mau? Nope, having ice cream with grandpa! Did I frame Auntie? Nope, I love her and I even wish SHE was my mommy!!! He didn’t mean any of it, it’s part of his plan, nothing more.

  80. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana.

    Crazy I know, but I'm hoping Mauricio was wearing a bullet-proof vest. He's the only one onto the bad guys, so I'm willing to put up with him.

    Surprised and pleased that Alma was at least able to spill the baby truth.

    Bryan is a disappointment. As a gang leader, you'd think he'd show some leadership skills. But nope, he's Rebeca's lackey. I loved JE shooting down his blackmail attempt.

  81. VIVIR

    Darcy and Niecie, thank you very much!!

    "Did I frame Auntie? Nope, I love her and I even wish SHE was my mommy!!! He didn’t mean any of it, it’s part of his plan, nothing more". That NEVER occurred to me Darcy. Thank you!!

    "Crazy I know, but I'm hoping Mauricio was wearing a bullet-proof vest. He's the only one onto the bad guys, so I'm willing to put up with him". Actually it's not Niecie, it makes perfect sense for just the reason you noted.

    Almost showtime...

