
Saturday, May 11, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 50 - Viernes, 10 de mayo, 2024 - "Gala's reveal, Cobija's surviving moment and Paz's return"

The Robles and Humberto talk about Paz getting out of prison. Paz wonders why Ginebra reacted this way, like she was helping her get out. Nandy comments she's loca. Paz mentions Esteban, she's still mad at him, at come point she calls him "este señor".

Gin is discussing the Fobo issue with Elvira. You know, Gin's been part of the family for half a week, of course she can share her point of view. She doesn't like the idea of Elvira being with Fobo because of the age gap and the fact that he's El's employee. So Gin's pretty much against Elvira with Fobo, but then again Gin always is against happy healthy relationships, so it wasn't exactly a surprise. 

Gala films a video telling her followers about having anorexia and bulimia. Bosco's filming it and for once has stopped being the unsupportive git he usually is. Her followers seem to react differently to the news - spot the odd one out:

After that tricky little telenovela homework, back to the plot:

Lupe insists on pushing Paz to tell her about her breakup with Esteban. Paz snaps and says he told her he never loved her. Lupe can't believe her, Don Esteban talked of her (Paz) with so pretty words... But Paz is sure, he told her. And she quits, she'll continue the street selling taco thing they have. Lupe says she can go work for Don Esteban since they can't afford to lose the salary, but Paz cuts her off, she doesn't want to talk about it. Salo mentions Gema being pregnant with his baby.

Esteban and Kenzo are having their usual chat about their love life. What kind of company is this? Are the meetings just major crush-talking sessions? I don't think I've ever seen anyone do actual work. No wonder we don't know what the company produces/sells/offers. I'm starting to think they sell love potions with all the love-talking. They'd definitely need a chemist and Gin's a witch as well, so she's the ideal worker in that department. Anyway. Same old, same old, Kenzo is in love with Nandy and he'll defend her, Esteban broke up with Paz because there was no future in store and he wants to "explore new horizons" or however he put it, meaning new relationships. 

Gin gives the kids some candy, which is sweet, but then again there's a poison bottle lying around randomly. Kind of ruins the mood, sister. After Sam and Monito have eaten their candy and have been sent off to brush their teeth, Gin takes a piece of chocolate, pours a few drops of poison and FEEDS IT TO THE DOG. NOT COBIJA, YOU BITCH.

Mauro offers Vermin his freedom if he gives him that diary. Probably Gin's Horcrux, copying Lord Voldemort. Vermin refuses to give the Horcrux and Mauro has a second offer for him: help them continue the child trafficking business, in which they steal children and sell them to parents who can't have, in exchange for his freedom. He calls this "taking away some people's dreams and giving them to others". Vermin actually nods, what?!

Paz walks with Humberto, thanking him. I was too busy noticing that Humberto walks a bit weirdly to hear the whole conversation, but Paz mentioned them having different ways of wanting to do things. Gal, if it wasn't for Hum's tricks (and Esteban's actions, but she doesn't know that) you'd still be in prison.

Mir gifts Paz some clothes, she loves them. Pepa comes and announces his mural is finished, want to go have a look?

Esteban remembers Paz screaming at him about being the worst man and Gin asking him to kiss her and she'll do anything he wants. The children enter, Elvira as well. Gala, starting with a near-perfect pronunciation of Yaya, admits that she has anorexia and bulimia and she's also pre-diabetic. Shock all around.

The mural is looking beautiful:

Everyone congratulates Pepa and aren't even pissed off at Salo becoming a dad. Paz says she doesn't need a man to be happy, she just wants her daughter María back with them.

TRIGGER WARNING: ⚠️Dog almost dying⚠️ 
Sam and Monito are with Cobija, the poor dog is lying on a cobija and feeling horrible, it appears very sick. I am not a fan of dogs but any animal's death/almost death is heartbreaking. Sam screams for her mother, Gin apprears and asks them what did they give her to eat, they say "nothing", (and if I understood correctly) she started foaming in the mouth. Gin looks at the dog with an evil look as Sam screams at her to save her. That little...

Salo watches Gala's video about anorexia and bulimia and shows his family.

Meanwhile, Gala's family is supportive - Esteban transforms into Señor Disculpas again - and she says she wanted to be perfect for them, she hoped to control her siblings' suffering about their mom. "But how could I expect to control their pain when I can't even control mine?" she rhetorically asks.

Paz takes Salo and they go to find Gala, despite the fam telling them not to.

More sadness with Gala and los Villa de Cortés, Elvira blames herself for this. Gala says it's not their fault but she needs them all by her side. 

TRIGGER WARNING: ⚠️Another Cobija scene⚠️ 
Mauro asks the vet they brought here about Cobija. The doc says the dog was given some sort of poison. The best would be to make her vomit but much time has passed, so he gave her some active carbon instead.

Outside, Sam is asking Gin why hasn't the doc come out to tell them about Cobija. Gin says she has to consider the possibility of Cobija dying and Sam can't accept that. That little piece of mierda has the nerve to ask Monito if he fed Cobija chocolate, it's worse than poison for some dogs. Monito says that he is a mono (monkey) but not a burro (I searched for the word, it gives me many translations but "not that smart" matches the most. Burro also means donkey, so it has a bit of a double meaning). Poor Sam is devastated.

Paz and Salo arrive at the company. (How do they know Gala's there?) The secretary (?) announces their arrival at Esteban, whose gets all smiley. Gala notices and asks him how can he not love Paz when his face gets illuminated every time he hears her name?

Elvira has a fit, again, about Paz and orders security to kick both of them out because she (El) "is a friend of Ginebra". Esteban comes with Gala, stops this ridiculous sight and gets pissed at El for ordering security to throw them out. El says she's capable of anything if she could kidnap a child, Esteban defends Paz and Paz screams that she only took care of Sam to save her from evilness. She came here about Gala, she saw the video and wants to talk to her. Salo wants to too and says "me importas un chorro". Must be an idiom, chorro is a jet of some liquid, e.g. water jet. I searched but couldn't find it. Although we can assume "un chorro" means "a lot" by using logic, something our characters seem to have forgotten existed. Okay, back to the plot. Gala says she wants to talk to Paz (Salo totally gets the "wasted" meme here).

Nandy is happy about Kenzo, but she says he might be having doubts, it's only normal while only being in love with a trans woman. Mir tells her not to say such things, Kenzo loves her. Whoosh, topic change, Mauro. Mir is wondering why can't she get him out of her head and stop thinking about him and so on and so forth. There's a pretty good one-word answer for this which starts from "estu" and ends in "pida".

Cobija will live!!!!!! The kids are super excited and run to see her. Mauro tells Gin she crossed the line. So killing an innocent, 6/7 year old girl is perfectly acceptable, but killing a dog isn't? Dude must be a dog lover. Mauro tells her about her rough childhood and she slaps him, saying these kids didn't suffer even half of what they did put together. So let's create more misery in the world! Yay!!! Mauro tells her that slap is the last he accepts from her: he's her brother, not her servant. He's the head here, calming her down and talking her out of her impulsivities. Again, last slap he accepts.

The kids are sweet-talking Cobija. The vet smiles. Run now that you can, dude! With Mauro being fed up with Gin he might let her murder you for saving the dog!

Gala and Paz have an emotional scene, in which Gala's mother is mentioned and there's a warm hug. In tears, Gala asks Paz to return, please, we all need you, even annoying Bosco misses you! Okay, I, Weirdo, added "annoying" but you can't blame me. Paz says the relationship with her father has ended. Gala apologises but Paz looks like she'll crack any second now.

El wants to arrange a dinner for Gala with Ginebra invited. Esteban disagrees with the Ginebra part but El defends her. Gin and Mauro are listening, while laughing and saying Esteban has no clue about the reason Elvira is defending her, muahahaaa!

Mir doesn't want to enter a toxic relationship blah blah blah, but she luuuves Mauro! Of course, Pepa is at the wrong place at the wrong time, screams that he can't believe it and runs out, with Mir behind him. Kenzo, who just arrived, tells Nandy he wants a dinner with just the two of them. Smile smile.

In the last scene of the episode, Paz gives Esteban's presents back to him and tells him she'll continue with her work as a cook, but only as boss-employee. Gin, who is currently boxing and listening (doesn't she have a life?) rolls her eyes. Esteban of course agrees.

And with that oh-so unexpected (not) scene, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


  1. Okay, I'll start things off . The evil Queen of Leather and Lust finally went there...she poisoned adorable dograbbit. Gin, after killing multipke people, you just officially crossed the line. We can hear the gates of Hades opening up to welcome you.

    Esteban looks like he is carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders hearing Gala's announcement that she has anorexia \bulimia

  2. Ugh. I stopped watching after the foam in the mouth. I finished watching it hours later when I'd come to terms with what may be happening.

    Doesn't Esteban have the most expressive eyes? I remember watching him in that one tn where he was the bad brother. I didn't find that as believable as he's been a really good guy in this one and Amor Invencible. I think it was Susan who weeks ago pointed out how well he and Gala play off one another as father / daughter, just like they did in Amor Invencible. So true.

    It is exhausting watching Ginebra strut. Her walk involves so much movement with her shoulders and hips, all while changing facial expressions with the blink of an eye. I despise the character, but Altair is doing such a great job!

  3. Rosemary, I agree that Daniel has expressive eyes. As evil Pedro in "Herederos", he used to give a lot of mean side eye looks . I felt sorry for that character because he suffered so much abuse from his mother ..tied to the bed, starved, beaten. UFf I hoped he might be redeemed.

    I have seen a lot of the things Daniel puts on Tik Tok, and he seems very close to the young actors, especially the actress playing Gala . He has two like boys, so he seems to treat her like a daughter or niece.

    Esteban whole body appears to sag from the stress if his awful trap Gin has him ensnared in.


  4. Weirdo, one of your finest recaps yet. You tempered the evil with some badly needed wit and wisdom.

    "Mir is wondering why can't she get him out of her head and stop thinking about him and so on and so forth. There's a pretty good one-word answer for this which starts from "estu" and ends in "pida". Just perfect!

    Being a dog mother, any cruelty (real or imagined) against a defenseless, loving fur child is sickening. Ginebra may be one of the very worst villains I've ever seen.

    "Mauro tells her that slap is the last he accepts from her: he's her brother, not her servant" was immensely important. The waters are no longer merey rippling, they have converged and surged and indicates the tide may indeed be turning.

    "Gala notices and asks him how can he not love Paz when his face gets illuminated every time he hears her name?" Smart young woman. Kudos to her for her bravery! Gema and her idiot friend laughing as she poured her heart out was disgusting.

    "Are the meetings just major crush-talking sessions? I don't think I've ever seen anyone do actual work. No wonder we don't know what the company produces/sells/offers" was wise and perfectly reflected we have no more knowledge now as to what is transpiring at Esteban's place of business than we did at the beginning.

    Whether you are a mother or not, you are a daughter and perhaps a sister, niece, aunt, cousin and/or a friend. Wishing all women a day full of happiness, friendship and camraderie.


  5. Great work, Weirdo.

    Ginebra was peeved a couple of episodes ago over Samara not lying to the police; what punishment could she mete out? The murder of Samara's beloved dog is right up her alley and Ginebra was enjoying every nanosecond of Samara's anguish. We had to expect this.

    Monito will remember all of this when needed, unless he becomes the sacrificial lamb of this tale, We all hope he won't.

    As to your great rhetorical question doesn't she have a life? we know she doesn't. If she did she would not be doing what she does. She deals in Death.

    If Ginebra and Mauro are indeed trafficking children both belong in the deepest circle of Dante's Inferno. At least we know where Sandro likely came from. If any of the other children end up suffering ... even half of what they did put together. they are guilty of causing exponentially more misery because if any of them live to adulthood they will spread yet more misery even farther around.

    Mauro has finally had it but was it safe to react as he did? Does he have a death wish?

  6. That was great Weirdo. This might be a turning point for Mauro. He may turn against Ginebra, but they’ve been so close and have been partners in crime for so long.

    I don’t get Mir either. She knows Mauro is really bad but still loves him. She needs to be more like Paz and decide she doesn’t need a man.

    I can’t begin to imagine Paz working at the house and seeing Esteban regularly. Torture for both of them. But good for the kids and that part will be good for Paz.

    I’m ready for Elvira to introduce Ginebra as her daughter. That will give Esteban a lot of answers, which is why she probably won’t tell anytime soon

    Speaking of Daniel’s eyes, in one scene where he was feeling helpless his eyes just looked dead. How does he do that!


  7. I hope Esteban can withhold his reaction when Elvira makes this revelation. That still won't solve the surveillance problem. He needs to find a way to work around it.

    He might also figure out that Elvira is a target. Neither he nor Elvira could figure out why those videos showed up 6 years after Berenice's murder. But he knows about the cash stash, which has to sound very suspish to him.

  8. Does Esteban know that Mauro injected that chip into him and that Mauro can hear everything he and the people around him are saying ?

  9. Thank you, Weirdo, this was a hard one to watch, between Cobija almost dying, Myriam being such an estu. pida (hehe) and Gin simply showing up on screen (this has to be one of Altair's best roles!).

    So we've arrived at the obligatory part of the novela where the protas have to be apart for some reason or another, almost always something stupid and easily avoidable. In any other conditions Esteban might have tried to tell Paz the whole truth and just pretend to dump her, but seeing how Gin is watching and hearing his every move ...
    And they have to see each other every day because Paz will still be working for the family. Gin will be around, flirting with Esteban, maybe they will even start to "date".... yeah, ugly times ahead.

  10. Thanks, Weirdo. This was great.

    Loved Monito saying he wasn’t a burro because he is one of the few characters who isn’t.

    Ginebra is off the rails in the extent of her cruelty poisoning Cobija to wallow in Sam’s and Monito’s suffering up close and oersonal.

    Mauro clearly is becoming a risk for Ginebra. Would she try to do him in, too?

  11. My opinion is that Ginebra will consider killing Mauro if he poses an obvious risk but she would first need to recruit a new accomplice with his skills and his image. That would be difficult because her trust level is zero with everyone but him.

    Estimate of her current trust level with Mauro: 75%. It was 100% before he spared Samara's life.

  12. Jarifa,

    Yes, Gin seems to be delighting in her evil campaign against two innocent kids and a dog. Wow. She appears to think that she has Esteban just where she wants him...under her complete control in his desperation to protect those he loves . Gin has no idea what it is like to love someone, so she doesn't understand human love and sacrifice. Her only connection with another human being is her relationship to Mauro which is creepy and abusive. Mauro does seem to be slowly turning away from Gin as he sees the love and devotion that Mir's family have . I think Gin could kill him , but will she ? He has been her devoted right hand man in all her murderous plans . Can't wait to see where this story goes tonight.

  13. Thank you SO much guys and SORRY for my long absence from commenting. There's a lot going on right now and it's all telenovela-worthy.

    Susan, I loved "Gin, after killing multipke people, you just officially crossed the line. We can hear the gates of Hades opening up to welcome you." I was begging the writers to let poor Cobija survive. I'm glad she did. Hades would be proud of Queen of Evil Ginebra.

    Rosemary, I also paused at Cobija getting poisoned. "It is exhausting watching Ginebra strut." I couldn't agree more! I am hoping for a very, very big anvil for her at the end.

    Diana, thank you very much! "Ginebra may be one of the very worst villains I've ever seen." I totally agree! Narcissists are the worse of the worst.

    Happy Mother's Day to everyone!

    Urban, great comments. I'll quote "Mauro has finally had it but was it safe to react as he did? Does he have a death wish?" Good one. He certainly appears to have! I'm not going to let that dude off my radar. He helped Gin in her evil plans, after all. He's not innocent either. Perhaps he's not that messed up in the head but still. And I'll quote Liz "they’ve been so close and have been partners in crime for so long."

    Liz, Mir is pissing me off. If I found out all these things about any guy I'd dated, I'd GTFO with psychological help, not whine about loving him. And she already knew all this from the start! How on earth can you get attracted to a man you know almost killed an innocent child? And for a woman who claims her children are her number one priority, she's putting them in too much danger. Like they haven't had enough! ITA about needing to be more like Paz.

    Also, "Speaking of Daniel’s eyes, in one scene where he was feeling helpless his eyes just looked dead. How does he do that!" I am also clueless! Daniel being such a good actor was the reason why I started watching and recapping in the first place. He can portray his characters so well.

    Adriana, ITA about "this has to be one of Altair's best roles!" She's splendid in this one. I love her acting. Ugly times ahead indeed. I'm not looking forward to that. It's that time of the telenovela year...

    Jarifa, "Loved Monito saying he wasn’t a burro because he is one of the few characters who isn’t." ITA! This kid is probably the smartest in the cast. Love watching him.

    I agree that Gin may try to kill Mauro. She gets impulsive easily and it's Mauro who stops her. But if she's going against him... Maybe his murder will give her away. I'd enjoy that. Better than having Mau staying with Mir anyway.

  14. Urban, I'm anxious to see your Karmageddon of Receta. Although we still have time until Últimas Semanas. I'm starting to think of possible anvils already!

  15. If this will actually be 92 episodes we still have a way to go. I need to start building it now because Ginebra's rap sheet could become as long as Catalina's of Cuna de Lobos.

  16. Just got back from a trip out of town -- fabulous recap, Weirdo! So clever and on-the-spot.

    I wasn't going to watch this one, because, you know, foamy dog death, but now that I've read your descriptions there are other things I want to I guess I'll go through with my finger on the FF button. I don't want to miss a minute of Monito!

  17. Blue, thanks! Yes, I recommend FF--> the unbearable scenes and watching sweet Monito too!
