
Monday, May 27, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1), Week of May 27, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Abrazame Muy Fuerte (Unimas) - Monday only

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) - Starting Tuesday

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Cuando me Enamoro  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)


  1. VIVIR #62 Part 1

    I thank my friend for her incredible and all encompassing dialogue translations without which I would have been totally lost.

    As the wheels of the not-so-great escape start to turn, we see Mati thanking Gabriel. He tells her he is sorry he wasn’t able to give her the surprise he’d planned, he had wanted her to be his novio. She admits her feelings are confused but manages to give a genuine smile. “Vamanos” Romina urges as she comes out with her suitcase; an unsmiling Javi following. Romina evil thinks “it’s Fatima or your children Luciano”. Gabriel smiles and looks on as they get into the taxi.

    Fatima calls Luciano as he’s driving. He fumbles the phone and drops it! We see she is at the police station, worried sick about her mother. She prays her mother is released.

    Cris is holding JE’s hands, distraught. She can’t believe what is happening. She laments that everything seemed to start when Dulce died. She doesn’t know what to think anymore! JE assures her they will get her out of there. Adolfo is supportive and loving as he tells her he has contacted a friend who specializes in these cases. He is sure this is just a misunderstanding and he won’t relent until this is cleared up. He WILL find a solution!

    A heartbroken Don Emilio talks with Monica; he doesn’t understand how this could have happened. Even after his death Mau is still making their lives miserable. Cris is innocent…

    Cris is completely distraught as she espouses that she is not a murderer; JE already knows that. Cris asks if she is detained there (a sure bet I sadly affirm), that he look after Fatima. JE declares that Cris will get out of there even if he says he killed Mau!

    Don Emilio is defending Cris to Monica. Monica continues to badmouth Cris saying she can be a fury and this is the second time Mau defrauded her. Petra tries to intervene, asking Don Emilio to calm down but it only serves to agitate him further. Petra offers Don Emilio ice cream but our gallant galan declines and cries, bowing his head on his cane as our collective hearts hurt.

    Angel and Renato are having a nosh. She misses the restaurant, but her (undeserving) mother more. She asks about Elena and Renato relates that she is sad. Angel tells him it’s because of Rebeca! Angel will try and talk to her to try and convince her she didn’t try to hurt or kill Rebeca (lotsa luck the patio murmurs). Renato relays that everything is going well at the restaurant with Jimena’s help (ta da!). He does admit that if Angel and Santiago were there, it would be better. Eyes alert, Angel asks him about Santiago. Renato tells her about seeing Santiago in the office. Angel immediately shares her concern that Santi may be gambling. Again.

    Said brother is greedily grasping for some poker chips (obviously on a rare winning streak) when Angel calls him. She asks how he is and he says fine. Does she confront him, asking if he is gambling? No, of course not I huff. She says if he needs anything to call her AND she has some money she can give him!! Then he mentions the name of a contest being held in Las Vegas that he would need money to enter. He says what a great opportunity it would be. She asks him to let her know how much she needs. Ahhh, but when Renato confirms the contest does exist, he explains it is being held not in Las Vegas, but in Spain!


  2. VIVIR #62 Part 2

    Rebeca, sporting a black dress with plunging V neck (to match her neck brace), complains to Elena that JE wouldn’t let her console him because Angel was there. All Angel wants to do is hurt her because she came back. Angel is selfish and doesn’t want to share anything with her, especially her husband. No I added that, sorry. She thinks it would have been best not to return (as we all do). She asks why Angel hates her. Angel is determined to destroy her (non-existent) marriage and take JE from her.

    Luciano comes home, calling for the children.

    Said children and Rebeca have arrived at their home away from home.

    Sandra and Domingo tell Luciano they are worried because Javi was bitten by the snake. Sandra has looked for Romina and the children but can’t find them anywhere. She adds that Mati isn’t answering her phone. A confused Luciano asks how Javi got bitten by a snake?

    Brayan visits with two of his thugs. Brayan muses it’s going to be difficult to get out of there. He calls Lucas an imbecile and suspects Lucas betrayed them. He wants to look for Lucas and asks them to bring him in so he can teach him what happens to traitors.

    Adolfo asks Cris to think where she was that night. Cris is trying but can’t remember, telling Adolfo she is confused at the moment. Adolfo urges her to be calm and think of what she did that day. Then she remembers she went to buy some things and then breaks down crying. He grabs her hand as the guard moves forward. He keeps telling her to be calm.

    My mother is not a killer a very upset JE tells Corral. Corral understands JE’s frustration but with the evidence they found, they have to follow procedures.

    Several short vignettes:

    JE tells Fatima he is convinced of their mother’s innocence. Corral assures them it was Cris’ gun that shot Mau!

    Cris slouches behind the bars, crying she is innocent.

    Then Corral tells them they have analyzed the evidence which corroborates that Cris shot and killed Mau. Adolfo assures her he will find a way to clear Cris. JE thinks someone has set things up to incriminate his mother. Fatima wonders who it could be.

    (Sidenote: JE is wearing a wedding ring. I’m assuming it is from his marriage to Angel).

    Rebeca greets Misael and Monica who hands her a drink. He tells them the evidence has been analyzed; his aunt will be behind bars. Rebeca thinks they should thank her for doing something they didn’t have the nerve to do. They toast to Cris’ long stint in prison. Monica hopes they will always elude suspicion. Misael assures them he left nothing that would incriminate him. Monica will enjoy her sister rotting in jail, she never allowed Monica to be happy.

    Out in the jail yard, Brayan puts some money on the ground under a soccer ball as he gets a phone from one of the inmates. He tells the inmate he wants an ice pick!

    Yet ANOTHER welcome back home gathering for Lucas. His parents thank everyone as Lucas says he’s learned his lesson and won’t let them down. Then a little music and dancing start. (Doris still has her lime green shirt on; I again retract my misstatement that spillage occurred 馃槉). All of a sudden, Icky walks up and grabs Doris. She pulls away he goes after her; he needs to talk with her.


  3. VIVIR #62 Part 3 of 3

    Adolfo tells Corral that no fingerprints were found on the gun. He goes on to tell her that Cris is an extraordinary mujer. Corral asks how she was as a wife since Mau had betrayed her before. Adolfo goes off about Mau; he can’t understand how Mau manages to condemn Cris, even in death. Corral wonders who is suffering…she can see he loves Cris. Corral reiterates the evidence is not favorable toward Cris. Corral tells him love is only a word until someone comes along to give it meaning.

    Cris slumps against the cell wall, remembering Mau’s lies as she reproaches herself for believing in a man she never loved.

    Adolfo wonders how he could ever have married Monica. Corral is right, Cris gives his life meaning and it is she whom he loves.

    Fatima is calling Mati who of course doesn’t have her phone and can’t answer. Fatima then calls Angel and tells her she didn’t know who else to call. They have arrested Cris for murdering her father.

    JE comforts Cris and begs her to get up. She doesn’t want him to see him like that but JE won’t leave! He assures her things will be resolved and she will get out of there. He reminds her she taught them not to be afraid, and to be patient. Justice and truth always prevail. They kiss each other’s hands as they hold them tightly. “Te amo” they tell each other.

    Adolfo is pacing as JE comes out. He needs him to encourage his mother. Adolfo doesn’t want to think how Cris will react if she knows how serious the situation is. JE asks Adolfo not tell Cris anything yet; she needs to be calm, at least for tonight. Thank you tio JE mutters as he puts his hand on his shoulder.

    Angel is with Fatima, assuring her that her mother isn’t alone. Sit down Angel says as she comforts her friend, promising she will help in whatever way she can. Fatima is grateful Angel is there. Angel knows full well Cris is incapable of doing anything like this. Corral interrupts, she needs to talk with Fatima.

    Adolfo goes to Cris again telling her they aren’t finished analyzing the evidence. He assures her he will do everything so that justice is served. Cris appreciates that she can always count on him even if it causes him problems with Monica. Adolfo assures her she is not the cause of his problems with Monica. He has never loved Monica, because he has always loved Cris. He put up with not being with her but he hates seeing her suffer and not being able to do anything! He asks she forgives him but Cris asks he not say anything more. Adolfo continues they have lost so many years; he misses her and has never stopped loving her. He asks her not to say anything; he just wants her to allow him to be close to her without caring what comes. He will always be by her side, as he always should have been.

    Petra cries as she asks about Cris. Rebeca retorts she doesn’t know anything. Then Brayan calls Rebeca and says he needs her help, OR he will tell her husband about the man she ran over. Thinking back as she recalls trying to flatten Mau under her tires she quickly asks, “how can I help you?”.

    JE runs into Angel at the station. She is there for Fatima but offers him her comfort and condolences. She encourages him as he vows his mother is innocent and he won’t rest until his mother is out of jail. Angel kindly tells him she is sure he won’t stop as he has always gotten what he has striven for. He stares intently as he replies he hasn’t gotten everything…he doesn’t have her.


  4. Vivir. Incredibly excellent as usual, Diana, despite the holiday. Many thanks to you and your friend! "the wheels of the not-so-great escape" (funny). The music from the ad went through my head. The fact that the gun from the closet was (probably) the one used against Mau is not exactly irrefutable evidence against Cris--especially since so many slimy characters are in and out of that house all the time, and there doesn't seem to be other evidence against Cris. I hope that the story line of Cris's being under suspicion and under arrest in jail doesn't last too long--it's very tense and annoying. Somehow, though. given that to find her innocent they would have to incriminate Misael, Monica or Rebeca (not apt to happen till the end of the novela) it doesn't seem likely. I wonder if Santiago is even enrolled in culinary school.

  5. Vivir

    Dear Diana + Friend , thank you for providing us with another excellent account of all the comings and goings as the baddies plot and the good folks suffer .

    Uh oh , things have taken a turn for the worse when Don E turns down ice cream.

    I have noticed a small wheeled liquor cart at the entrance of the room where Monica, Misael, and Refried are usually plotting . I would like to see Monica push it along with her as she exits the room.

    Another street party for Lucas . I guess nobody thinks Brayan might have figured out that Lucas ratted on him . Doris and Wanda are still dancing in the streets . uh oh , Brayan has put in an order for an ice pick. That doesn't sound good.

    So...Angel suspects little bro Santi may be gambling again .....and then tells him she has some more money for him . Okay ...and he feels her about an opportunity in Las Vegas. Is that going to set off any alarms for Angel?

    Through all the drama, Renato remains calm and focused on just one thing ....Angel , who is looking lovely in pale green. ( Kim is sweet as sugar as the good girl , but I recently watched her as a really bad bad girl on Telemundo , and wow ...she chewed up the scenery as the villain who really, really wanted William Levy. I wonder if she will want to return to the villain roles.)

    Refried had an interesting look. ...that big old black collar ...then quite a distance to her deep vee neck top . She was pretty calm in this episode . The whining to mom about her mean sister not letting her have her ex is getting old.

    It's interesting that attorney Adolfo is sharing his feelings for Chris with the detective who just arrested her. That doesn't seem like a good idea. He certainly wears his heart on his sleeve.

    Well, now Luciano has finally been told that his son was bitten by a snake. Thank you Sandra.

  6. Vivir
    Sounds like Adolfo has a friend who is a defense attorney that will help Chris. Can't imagine a corporate lawyer has much trial experience. Hoping the angle of the gun that shot Mau doesn't line up with Chris's height, but Misael is on the short side so that may pan out. The 3 drinking amigos in the house unfortunately had no maid, Don E or Fatima overhear their conversation. So Adolfo stuck to his marriage to Monica so he could remain close to Chris. Getting a divorce and wooing Chris back would have been a smarter idea.guess confessing his undying love through the bars of the jail will give her something else to think about while behind bars.

  7. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks, Diand!!! Ya’ll really delivered a captivating recap of today’s dialogue-driven, despair-laden episode. You know it’s a bad sign when d. Emilio turns down ice cream. Ugh.

    Kudos to Eugenia Cauduro (Cristina) for her portrayal of a despondent woman blindsided by criminal charges/abandonment/the worst sister on daytime TV. I felt her pain as she ugly cried and struggled to get up off the floor. Nevertheless, it is tense and annoying (agree, SpanProf) and needs to stop soon. Writes: Chop! Chop!

    Main Character M贸nica was in classic form. At least I learned some new vocabulary from d. Emilio. After going on about Cris and the other bit players in her show, d. Emilio barked, “¡Pamplinas!” This is a great exclamation for “Nonsense!” and I may have to use this at work. Thanks, d. Emilio.

    I’m glad Ang didn’t inherit her mother’s blindness. She realized right away that the worst poker face with the worst tattoo in daytime television is gambling again!!! What a schnook! If you’re going to make up a culinary class as a cover for your gambling addiction, at least put the class in an innocuous place, e.g. Poughkeepsie or Boise. This dumb cluck said it was in Las Vegas. He must be stopped. Writers: Chop! Chop!

    It’s wrong as all get out but Gala cracks me up with Rebecca’s dialogue and antics. She must have been laughing in between takes when she was lamenting to blind Elena about Ang’s outlandishly selfish behavior.

    Tweedle Drunk and Tweedle Dumb summon Rebecca for a powwow and a toast. Not suspicious at all. I like how Reb turned the tables on M贸nica’s shade about the anonymous call: Reb had the guts to do what they didn’t. Vocabulary alert: Misael says Cris will be in prison so fast that she won’t have time to parpadear (blink). BIG words from such a criminal chump! Once again, M贸nica declares she hates Cristina hasta el v贸mito. Gross!

    I was too distracted by the blasting reggaeton to pick up on Misael’s ice pick order. Thank ya’ll for catching that. Is it about to get real Basic Instinct @ the reclusorio? Can’t wait.

    When Icky burst onto the scene demanding a talk with Andy’s girl, Carmelo & Luis immediately closed ranks and were about to beat his arse. We know Doris can take care of herself.

    What is wrong with former dynamo Agent Corral? Adolfo went overboard in defending Cristina and basically drew a big fat target on his own back. Any investigator who heard his impassioned pleas would raise an eyebrow and jot his name at the top of the Suspect List. This is a murder, after all. We know better, but instead, she waxes poetic about love and dismisses him.

    It’s Episode 62 and we get a theme song for Adolfo & Cris! Was this the first time? Unfortunately, I couldn’t identify the title or artist. As a placeholder we’ll call it “The Ballad of Boinking the Wrong Sister.” Hey! If Corral can be cursi, we can too!

    Finally, Big (Bully) Reb didn’t have to be rude to poor Petra. I loathe when The Help are mistreated (even verbally). Poor Petra just wants to help and keep the household safe and sane. The phone call from Brayan was a mini-instant karma in mine eyes

  8. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you so much.

    As you wisely pointed out "the fact that the gun from the closet was (probably) the one used against Mau is not exactly irrefutable evidence against Cris".

    "I hope that the story line of Cris's being under suspicion and under arrest in jail doesn't last too long--it's very tense and annoying" has me nodding in vigorous agreement.

    I'm sure Cris will be twisting in the wind for quite some time though. I agree that it's too early for Misael and Mon to be unmasked.


  9. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Susan.

    "So...Angel suspects little bro Santi may be gambling again .....and then tells him she has some more money for him . Okay ...and he feels her about an opportunity in Las Vegas. Is that going to set off any alarms for Angel?" is a great question and hopefully, it will. I think Renato might nudge her along if she doesn't get the obvious "hint".

    Thank you for pointing out Rebeca's "...whining to mom about her mean sister not letting her have her ex is getting old". It certainly is! Basta!

    After Adolfo had kept his feelings for Cris unspoken (as far as we can tell), he's certainly turned on a dime as you noted now "wearing his heart on his sleeve". :)


  10. VIVIR

    Kat, your "guess (Adolfo's) confessing his undying love through the bars of the jail will give her something else to think about while behind bars" is true.

    A ray of hope is sometimes all we have.


  11. VIVIR

    O.S. thank you so very much.

    "Tweedle Drunk and Tweedle Dumb" had me laughing away.

    "I’m glad Ang didn’t inherit her mother’s blindness. She realized right away that the worst poker face with the worst tattoo in daytime television is gambling again!!! What a schnook! If you’re going to make up a culinary class as a cover for your gambling addiction, at least put the class in an innocuous place, e.g. Poughkeepsie or Boise" was fabulous and deserved repeating in its entirety..

    You've brought something up that completely eluded me. "Emilio barked, “¡Pamplinas!” This is a great exclamation for “Nonsense!” was great - I'm going to try and remember that, it is a gem!


  12. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thanks for another great recap, and for coming clean about the lack of slippage :-)

    Adolfo really went on for quite a long while, listing all Cristina's good qualities. Corral was impassive, mostly.

    Mexican telenovelas seem, to me at least, to not be overly concerned with the passage of time when it comes to love. Adolfo is madly in love with Cris, but, OK, he can wait 20 - 25 years and he may get another chance.
    In La mexicana y el g眉ero Andrea has to prove herself worthy of Tyler, so she turns herself in to the police to serve a multi-year sentence; he waits for her to get out.
    Ren茅 also turns himself in for some crime and gets a stiff sentence. "Legs" Zulema tells him she can wait while he does his 12 year sentence, no big deal.
    OK, this is based on just two novelas, but still...

    Having trashed the reputations of all the doctors in Mexico, now this novela wants to drag the police and whoever gets to charge crimes in Mexico (like D.A.'s here) through the mud and blood and gore. OK, they have the murder weapon. So their theory is she shot Mau and then brought the gun home and "hid" it in her bedroom?

    That's it? Unless the legal principle in Mexico is "guilty unless proved innocent", she should walk.

    Why is Iker back and bothering our girl Doris? Where is Armando?
    Mejia really likes to mix things up; me, I want answers.

    Ah, well, eventually.


  13. VIVIR

    Thank you Andy!

    "Mexican telenovelas seem, to me at least, to not be overly concerned with the passage of time when it comes to love. Adolfo is madly in love with Cris, but, OK, he can wait 20 - 25 years and he may get another chance" was spot on. Hope springs eternal it seems.

    I so enjoyed the La mexicana y el g眉ero examples that you noted as well. That was a great show boasting a (mostly) endearing cast of misfits.

    The evidence against Cris does seem flimsy. I'm curious as to who the new attorney will be.

    I loathe even the sight of Icky and was also wondering what on earth he wanted with Doris too!


  14. Vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana, for another outstanding recap. I’m so glad Angel has realized, with Renato’s help, that Santiago is gambling again. I can’t wait for him to show up for the money for the special contest!

    Poor Luciano, coming home to find his kids gone and finding out about the snake bite too. Mati looked very pleased with the apartment, Javi not so much. But he also might not be feeling too well.

    Elena seems to have forgotten that JE was married to Angel. Rebeca keeps talking about Angel stealing her husband. I wish Elena would wise up. She’s got one wonderful child and she’s doing her best to turn Angel against her.

    Why aren’t the police protecting Lucas? Agent Corral is messing up big time. An anonymous phone call and a gun hidden in the suspects closet, Corral should be thinking this is a setup.

    I had forgotten about Icky. Didn’t realize who that was until I read the recap.


  15. Vivir

    That was the first time I heard music playing for Chris and lovesick Afdolfo., they are officially a thing.


  16. Vivir

    Thanks, Diana, for another wonderful and witty recap! I haven't watched yet of course, but I find it easier to find time to comment in the evening anyways, so maybe I'll keep up the habit of commenting before watching! :)

    Why would Lucas go see Brayan in jail??? Like why?? I've been trying to imagine one good possible reason why he might go and I'm drawing a blank. It'll be interesting to see what the writers come up with and whether or not it makes sense.

    I am not looking forward to seeing DE too sad to eat ice cream!!! Or seeing Cris behind bars but it does give the actress the ability to show some of her chops! I just can't with Romina, can she get hit by a car so something? Or maybe just be forced to be mom 24/7 for a few days so we can see her go screaming back to Luciano to take the kids. I already couldn't stand her but when she couldn't drum up even one ounce of genuine concern for Javi when the snake bit him......grrr!!!

    Susan, I think your question about Kim and bad girl roles is an interesting one. I've seen her play both the good girl and the bad girl in multiple novelas and I think she does a good job in both roles, but she really brings it home as the bad girl!!! She is excellent at being bad. I would think the bad girl roles would be more fun to play but of course the leading lady roles give more prestige and probably more $$$. I wonder what she would prefer.

    I googled Kim earlier because I wanted to remind myself of the mix of good girl vs. bad girl roles and one of the results that came up was a pic of Kim with Gala all hugging and smiling. Looks like the actresses get along well off camera. I also saw some videos Gala uploaded with her and the actor who plays JE (can't think of his name right now) goofing around and having fun, looks like the cast is having fun with the production.

  17. vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana, and also thanks to your friend who helps with dialog.

    I'm starting to get tired of waiting for any repercussions for our baddies. In this group I include Romina. I can't stand that actor and those bug-eyed baby blues. When she's gloating over something she's pulled off, her eyes are showing white all around. She was so eager to get away from the hacienda that she threw Mati's backpack at her. When is Mati going to realize that her mother hid her phone at the hacienda? Not noticing it was not with her is quite atypical for a teenager.

    Somehow Cris's meltdown doesn't seem right. Of course anyone would be horrified to be behind bars for murder. But she's seemed so strong all through these episodes. Speaking of her alibi that she can't remember, they said something about the "night" Mau was killed. I seem to remember Misael shooting him in broad daylight, right after the ice cream purchase.

    Monica doesn't even have enough decency to pretend to her father that she's sorry Cris is in the slammer.

    Will we get to see Santiago tell Angelli about Rebeca taking him to the casino on their "Siblings Night Out"? Although I doubt if even that news would affect Numbskull Elena.

    Rebeca sure does a fine acting job with her mother. Her eyes were welling up with tears when she asked Elena why her sister won't accept her.

    I can't figure out how Brayan thinks he can get away with killing Lucas. He definitely told his compinches when they visited that he planned to echarlo. Echar is a very "street" way of saying kill. He said they sent him to the penitentiary because of his "priors". He's accused of almost committing a robbery on camera. But doesn't he worry about adding murder to his crimes?

    I had the impression that they were asking Cris about her whereabouts like it was the day before. But wasn't there a long delay before his body was found?

    SO glad Idiot Brother mentioned Las Vegas for that special culinary exhibit, trapping himself. Of course, he probably said that because he wishes he were in Los Wages.

  18. "NADIE COMO TU":

    Andy, SpanProf, Darcy, Weirdo, Halimacandy, Deb, Novelera: I see that the villains are upping the ante even further.

  19. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Liz.

    Thank you for this wisdom: "Elena seems to have forgotten that JE was married to Angel. Rebeca keeps talking about Angel stealing her husband. I wish Elena would wise up. She’s got one wonderful child and she’s doing her best to turn Angel against her". So, so frustrating, isn't it??

    Corral is not as sharp as I'd imagined; yes, she should be providing protection. I imagine Corral is thinking Lucas is safe as Brayan is behind bars but as we are seeing, that is far from the case!

    Susan, yes, I guess Adolfo and Cris are going to have their own love song. Actually, I like them better than most couples here.


  20. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you! Your insightful and wise comments are always a treat.

    "I just can't with Romina, can she get hit by a car so something? Or maybe just be forced to be mom 24/7 for a few days so we can see her go screaming back to Luciano to take the kids" had me smiling away. Yes, I think that would do it!!

    Like you, I cannot fathom why on earth Lucas would agree to see Brayan in jail.

    Thank you for sharing that the actors seem to be enjoying themselves and getting along. I'm sure it makes for a much happier work environment.


  21. VIVIR

    Novelera, thank you so much.

    As always you've added wonderful, pivotal details.

    I'm especially grateful for "I can't figure out how Brayan thinks he can get away with killing Lucas. He definitely told his compinches when they visited that he planned to echarlo. Echar is a very "street" way of saying kill". That seems to confirm that Brayan is indeed very dangerous and seemingly capable of murder. Lucas' future is definitely in jeopardy.

    And this about Romina: "I can't stand that actor and those bug-eyed baby blues. When she's gloating over something she's pulled off, her eyes are showing white all around". Novelera, I wish you wouldn't just beat around the bush and tell us how you really feel! Loved it.馃槉

    I found it surprising Cris couldn't remember where she was when Mau was murdered. But then again, I'm totally confused about how long it was between the time Mau was murdered and found. And yes, he was killed in broad daylight but (seemingly) the body not discovered right away).


  22. Vivir

    Diana, these writers don't seem to think they have to tell us when, where,or why things happen .

    I am missing Pedrito.

  23. Vivir

    After watching, there was something said about gun residue found on an article of clothing that was found in the bag with the gun. I didn’t catch what article of clothing it was, but I think it was Chris’s. I don’t remember what Misael was wearing but it appears he not only used Auntie’s gun but also wore some of her clothes when killing Mau to further incriminate her.

    I also am now wondering what Icky wants with Doris which is surprising because I didn’t think I cared! Lol maybe he is jealous now that he saw her with Sebas at the office?

  24. Vivir

    Diana, excellent recap. Gracias to to you and your helpmate for the details. As always, your snark hit a bullseye. My fave: "Angel is selfish and doesn’t want to share anything with her, especially her husband. No I added that, sorry." You are a champ to craft a gem of a recap for us even on a holiday.

    I've nothing new to add. The Patio's comments are enlightening and hilarious.

  25. VIVIR

    Susan, you're right in that the writers don't think they owe us any explanations! 馃槉

    Darcy, thank you so much for adding the info about the gun residue! If it was Cris' clothes, that is very incriminating...

    Niecie, thank you so very much. I appreciate your kind words.



    *Saul continuing the lies about Marina becoming furious that Jeronimo told Marina he was planning on marrying Renata, etc.,

    *Renata, Matias, Regina, Adriana, etc., continue listening to Saul's stupid story.

    *Renata is furious about the developments about Jeronimo, Marina, Saul, etc., Fast Forward.

    *Regina & Adriana reassuring Renata that Saul's drunken rants about Jeronimo & Marina shouldn't be taken seriously. We all know Scumbag Augie had something to do with Jeronimo's disappearance, etc.,

    *Outside of Mexico City: Honorio gives the investigator the CD with time-stamped recording showing Corina coming & going with the stolen Sandra Ortiz. Both Honorio & the Investigator watch & it's damn near a high school yearbook perfect shots of Corina stealing Sandra. Plus Corina's lawyer is nodding approval.

    *Regina, Ines & Co., forming some kind of posse of getting that damned Corina ASAP. One of them knows where she lives & they are vowing to hauling the heffa into the law enforcement authorities ASAP.

    *Over at the jailhouse, the Investigator has viewed all of the videotapes of the security camera just in time when Gonzalo arrives. Honorio introduces them & the Lawyer lets Gonzalo know they've got some video which might help Connie's situation.

    *Doesn't take Honorio, Gonzalo, the Lawyer & the Investigator & Co., much long to figuring out by putting two & two together as to why someone would exact vengeance against Connie & Regina. Bells start alarming non-stop.

    *Julieta notices Slacker Berta going into German's apartment. Julieta sees both of them kissing & doesn't take Julieta long to begin putting the pieces together.

    *Inside the den of inquiry: More of German & Slacker Berta: Fast Forward!

    *Gonzalo talking to Connie, who's still behind bars. Gonzalo is determined to finding out by exposing who's behind causing this extreme chaos. We all know it's Psycho Fina & Nutty Blanca.

    *Priscilla comes in to stirring up trouble AGAIN: Wake me up when Carlos & Matilde reconcile.

    *Annibal asks Alison for another favor of keeping more secrets. These two are going to be caught in collateral damage once Scumbag Augie finds out what these two youngsters are doing.

    *Both Gonzalo & Honorio are FURIOUS about Jeronimo supposedly leaving Renata at the altar. Viewerville knows Jeronimo has been probably kidnapped by Scumbag Augie's thugs.

    *Psycho Fina scheming & plotting something sinister against Nutjob Blanca. Blanca needs to watch her back.

    *Carlos getting frustrated about the slow progress of his wounds healing. Gut feeling Priscilla will exploit & take advantage of this situation again.

    *Uncle Padre Seve talking to himself at the church: wondering what do both Scumbag Augie & Saul have to do with each other? Why did Marina leave town with Saul?

    *Antonio asking Regina what did the Doctor say about Renata's health situation. Regina tells Antonio that Renata has a heart cardiac condition, considering both Renata & Slacker Berta had the same father; Antonio's wheels start motioning fast thinking that Slacker Berta is NOT Regina's daughter & that Renata is the biological daughter of Regina.

    *Renata telling Adriana the same situation that Regina went through many years earlier.

    *Matilde & Karina aruging about Clingy Priscilla. Karina rightfully points out Matilde allowed Clingy Priscilla to making her feel "Lower Category". Karina also points out that Buji Priscilla threw a line at Matilde & Matilde fell for it hook, line & sinker.

    *Julieta asks German several questions & brings up Gema, the wife of German. German brings up maintaining the apartment for his son, etc.,

    *Honorio reassuring Connie. He brings up the security video tapes showing Corina stealing Sandra; Connie getting more hopeful of being released from jail, etc.,

    *Over at the mental institution: Nutjob Blanca injects a syringe into Leandro in the back several times with it while Psycho Fina is heading to the utility room with a gallon of gasoline in hand. She pours the gasoline ALL over the place.

    *Somewhere over the bridge, Psycho Fina kills Nutjob Blanca. Psycho Fina shoves Blanca's body over the bridge: Body Count increases AGAIN.

    *Julieta calls Adriana & Matias informing them she saw German & Slacker Berta at the penthouse apartment building.

  28. VIVIR #63 Part 1

    We start with a repeat of JE and Angel talking. She tells him she is sure he won’t stop as he has always gotten what he has striven for. He stares intently as he replies he hasn’t gotten everything…he doesn’t have her. JE moves forward and says “por favor” but Angel backs off, her eyes brimming with tears. She asks him not to look at her that way. JE admits it’s difficult; he can’t even sleep. Sometimes he thinks it isn’t real but when he wakes he sees she isn’t there. He can’t accept he lost her. JE reaches out to touch her face as she evades his touch. Angel stresses this is all she can do to help. He made the decision to work on his marriage and she has a right to seek happiness with someone else, their destiny was not to be together.

    Adolfo is with Cris as he asks her forgiveness for speaking his mind (and heart) after years of silence. He held it in for so long, it had to come out sooner or later. Cris doesn’t know if they made a mistake but the way things are now, they shouldn’t worry about that, especially in view of her situation. Adolfo promises he will make sure justice prevails. He can’t promise when, but sooner or later those responsible will be revealed. Once she is free, he will fight for her as he should have long ago. Cris tells him not to talk to her about love. He married her sister and she won’t accept any type of insinuation from him. Adolfo apologizes for his selfishness and promises he won’t bring it up again. Cris thanks him and says that by giving her back her freedom, he will give her back her life.

    Icky accosts Doris saying he wants her back but she angrily refuses. He thinks she has hope for Sebastian and when he badmouths Sebastian, she tells him to wash his mouth before mentioning his name. Seeing their intense exchange, Armando rushes up and pushes Icky out of the way. I believe Doris says he isn’t her father (although that is indeed looking like a distinct possibility). Doris grimaces and tells him he needs to protect himself. She grew up without a father and learned to fend for herself. A disdainful Icky walks off. Gi, eyes wide as saucers takes all of this in saying she won’t let this pass.

    JE tells Angel he is worried about the accident. Angel can’t believe her mother thinks she is capable of hurting Rebeca. It seems the love they had between them has evaporated. JE assures her the love she and her mother share cannot be lost. He implores her not to give up. Then Angel asks he promise the same, Cris’ innocence will soon be proven. She asks they not break the promises they just made. Renato approaches and expresses his regret that the family is having such a difficult time. As JE walks down the hall he sees Renato kiss Angel. In utter frustration, JE punches the wall asking why he had to lose Angel too!

    After a quick cityscape shot, we see wide eyed Romina meeting with Bruno. She presents a business proposal which he says is excellent. She wants assurances that what happened before won’t happen again. She is curious why he would want her as an associate if she has no money to invest (Good question Sherlock). Bruno’s forked tongue declares she has the talent and experience. She appreciates his trust and asks if he has investors. He gives her some names so she is interested and will give him a definite answer later.

    Javi and Mati (finally) realize they don’t have their phone or tablet. They wonder how they will find Lucas.

    Lucas’ never-ending party is still going full force. Brayan’s henchies show up staring at him around the corner.

    Luciano is still trying (in vain) to reach the kids.


  29. VIVIR #63 Part 2

    My screen was fading to black on and off during the next scene. Rebeca tells Misael he has to help her with a “friend” who’s in prison. Misael thinks she is interested in the guy but she assures him she isn’t but admits he knows she ran over Mau. Misael recognizes the name Brayan and wants to get rid of him. Rebeca explains he can’t because Brayan already told someone about Mau and Ramiro which is why they have to get him out of jail. He agrees to help. Misael tries to lure her to his apartment but she tells him they can’t make a mistake. She touches his face; he kisses her hand and she backs off.

    Jimena complains about Rebeca and Icky. Renato wonders how they both made mistakes with their partners. Jimena tells him Icky just stopped loving her and now, the only thing that unites them is their son. She says Rebeca talked to Elena and left her in a bad mood. Renato tells her Angel came to talk to her mother.

    Elena coldly receives Angel who quietly says she came to talk about Santiago. Angel asks how she is but Elena ignores the Santi question, saying she isn’t well and then starts in on Angel’s “treatment” of Rebeca. Why does Angel insist on taking her sister’s husband (who was Angel’s husband first I point out). Elena accuses Angel of becoming vengeful and she no longer recognizes her daughter. Angel cries Elena has completely changed her attitude toward her. Rebeca has poisoned her against her, and she doesn’t even realize it. Elena counters that it is she who doesn’t know the consequences of her actions. Angel tells her she is being very unfair and when she realizes that, Angel will be there for her because Elena will always be her mother. Angel shakes her head in tears as Elena looks upset but doesn’t call out to her to tell her to come back.

    “Mama” Fatima cries through the bars, telling her mother she is not as strong as Cris. Cris tells her she needs to have faith. Fatima whispers that God knows she is innocent and won’t let injustice be done. Cris assures her she will soon be released. Fatima says she loves her as they hold hands though the bars. Te amo Cris tells her.

    Romina comes home and calls out “Mati” and “Javi” but there is only silence. Luciano arrives and asks where his children are; answer me. He says she kidnapped them!

    JE has his arm about Fatima with Adolfo right behind as they approach Don Emilio who looks very glum. Don Emilio says “Cris?” Adolfo tells him she can’t come home yet. Proving Cris’ innocence will take longer than they thought. JE tells Petra to call the doctor for Don Emilio. Adolfo shared that he took Cris a blanket and arranged for some food for her. Don Emilio dissolves in tears and starts crying. JE kneels down and puts his arm around him. Rebeca, slithering on the wall like the snake she is, rolls her eyes as she criticizes all the drama for a murderer.

    How could Romina take the children without telling him Luciano asks. I am their mother Romina retorts. He asks where the kids are and she says they aren’t there although she told them not to leave. He asks why she brought them so she says she had an interview and Mati wanted to see a friend. He reproaches her again. She starts in on Fatima next but he defends her.


  30. VIVIR #63 Part 3 of 3

    Monica didn’t expect to see Adolfo until the next day. He tells her he will sleep in the other bedroom because he has work to do. She thinks he is looking for an excuse to not sleep with her (bingo). He tells her she is right and won’t make any excuses. He wants a divorce! She tells him if he divorces her he will not get one peso if her fortune! Adolfo is very willing to pay that price for his freedom and bids her good night. She throws and shatters her always omnipresent glass against the wall.

    JE removes his shirt and lies on his bed.

    Rebeca slithers into his bedroom in her nightgown and gets on the bed and starts kissing him. He immediately pushes her away and gets up saying “NO”. He says their marriage is a farce and that he can’t be with a woman he doesn’t love. She chases him out into the hall where Misael and Fatima see them arguing as Misael smirks.

    Meanwhile, walking around the neighborhood, Mati and Javi have an encounter with a vagabond and quickly run away. Poor Javi clutches his stomach.

    JE is sitting at a bar on a verbal tirade to the bartender who says not a word. One drink after another is poured. He thinks his family is jinxed. He talks about losing Angel and it is all his fault. JE is now drunk as the proverbial skunk.

    Angel is home reliving her kisses with JE as upbeat music plays.

    Rebeca is asleep as the door opens and a shadowy figure enters. Misael gets partially undressed and into her bed. She says his name drowsily. He tells her not to worry; JE won’t find out as he is only interested in Angel. They start to kiss but she pulls back. She tells him to leave but he argues with her, she is his.

    JE is doing THE worst karaoke singing I’ve ever heard, singing atrociously off key to a song asking where hopes go. He apologizes to the audience but that song reminds him of the love of his life. “I love you Angel” he declares as the audience starts a chant that he needs to go and find her!

    You know my children are the most important thing to me Luciano says to Romina hurt and confused. The most important thing is that they find them. She picks up a phone and he grabs a tablet.

    Angel gets up shuts her window and closes the drapes. She murmurs she can’t hide her memories in the closet.

    JE is so drunk he can hardly see but apparently he can drive. I’m not even sure how he was able to get in the car! He has ended up at Angel’s and does the old breathe into your hand breath test as we see a mariachi band walk by. They start playing and Angel gets up again and opens the window. Renato, (who smartly isn’t singing), is letting the beautiful music speak the language of love. Angel is surprised and pleased and thanks him for a romantic gesture.

    But this is no ordinary serenade. Renato gets on his knee and opens a jewelry box. He can’t wait any longer - will you marry me he asks? JE watches from the shadows.

    A heartfelt and grateful thank you to my friend for her always marvelous dialog translations.


    *LaBonita HQ: Alison pumping Manuela for information about the usual cast of characters.

    *Herminia runs inside the kitchen with intriguing about the juicy scoop of news developments. What else is new?

    *Renata joking to Regina about dying while the doctor prints out results of Renata's ECG. NOT funny Renata!

    *Scumbag Augie sporting the white windbreaker jacket strolling & thought-bubbling about stealing Renata from Jeronimo, etc.,

    *During the consultation, the Doctor tells Renata that she's got a heart condition, but needs to be very vigilant considering she's pregnant. The look on Regina's face is quite obvious with the body language as her eyes got quite wide as the jigsaw SLOWLY comes into place together.

    *Adriana snuggling the puppy & tells Matias that Julieta called with some information & explained Julieta saw both German & Slacker Berta at the penthouse apartment together. Matias strongly cautioned Adriana NOT a word of this to Renata.

    *Slacker Berta & Psycho Fina discussing more schemes again: SUPER FAST FORWARD!

    *Both Gonzalo & Honorio are at the morgue & the dead locas are lined up horizontally in black body bags because the bodies were badly burned.

    *Isidro having some mysterious illness while sipping tea or coffee talking to the banking dude. Dude must be SLOW in getting Renata's fingerprints, which means Antonio will likely have to be the one to save the day.

    *Scumbag Augie plotting something sinister against Renata's baby: Poor kid is gonna need all of the help he can get IF the baby is allowed to born of course.

    *Empresas Monterrubio HQ: Slippery German approaches Beth & she squirms in obvious discomfort because he's a creep.Beth feels concerned about going out to lunch with her bosses, etc., but we see German licking his lips regarding Beth because I think the freak wants to take her to bed.

    *Serpent German stalks his prey AKA Beth into Gonzalo's office & makes up some excuse about company training, etc.,

    *McClumsy AKA Carlos still head over heels with Buji Priscilla OMG.

    *Karina tells Lazaro about Creepy Alvaro's disturbing phone call.

    *Anibal doing his Nancy Drew sleuthing on Scumbag Augie's laptop computer, but Alison calls to tell him that Scumbag Augie is back at the ranch.

    *Matilde shoves Buji Priscilla into the mud LOL.

  32. Vivir

    Thanks so much Diana. And thanks to your friend too. I enjoyed the recap.

    After today’s episode I’m moving Elena over to the bad guys side. I’m ready to see her get what she deserves for the way she’s treating Angel. She belongs with Romina and Monica. The terrible mother crew. I noticed that Angel didn’t tell her mother about Santiago. I wonder if she figures her mother wouldn’t believe her. But Elena was so cruel to her, she basically repeats Rebeca’s lies.

    I’m glad Luciana called it what it is, kidnapping. Hopefully the kids will find their way home. And then leave with their dad.

    I thought Renato wasn’t going to rush Angel. She is not in love with him but I’m afraid she’s going to say yes!


  33. Vivir. Great recap as usual, Diana! Many thanks to you and your friend. And many a snarky bon mot as usual: "Good question Sherlock." "Bruno's forked tongue declares...," "Bingo!" on Adolfo's excuse for not sleeping with Monica. "Rebeca, slithering up the wall like the snake that she is." Cris seems to have a much more sensible view of her situation than Adolfo--Whether he loves her or not is the least of her worries. Hello!? In Elena's world it's ok for Rebeca to destroy Angelli's marriage, but not for Angelli to "destroy" Rebeca's? As you so aptly note, JE was Angelli's husband first. Angelli is remarkably forgiving of her mother. I must say, JE has a terrible singing voice--in real life, I wonder, or just for the purpose of this novela--but a sympathetic audience. You are so right that it is the worst karaoke singing ever. OTOH, I loved that mariachi serenade for Angelli! Too bad she's not likely to accept Renato's proposal. And I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm ready for a futbol interruption for a day or 2 after all this intensity--but not likely to happen.

  34. Vivir. And Brayan's blackmailing of Rebeca makes me kind of wonder if all the bad guys in that part of Mexico know each other. Of course Lucas is the son of Alma's niece, and hence "related" to Rebeca. One of those weird coincidences like there being only a couple of police detectives who seem to investigate every crime, 1 police station, 1 jail, etc.

  35. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Liz!

    "The terrible mother crew" was spot on. Elena was even more obnoxious than usual today, stopping Angel from sharing her concerns about Santi, interrupting her and berating her for her treatment of poor Rebeca. Stomach churning.

    If I recall correctly, I believe Santi was the one who urged Renato to propose. Dumb and Dumber. I like Renato but c'mon. Angel just agreed to give him a chance, but didn't pledge her eternal love. He's admitted he knows she still loves JE whatever is he thinking?


  36. VIVIR

    Hi SpanProf. Thank you for your very supportive words.

    "In Elena's world it's ok for Rebeca to destroy Angelli's marriage, but not for Angelli to "destroy" Rebeca's?" has me nodding in agreement. I've been trying to be somewhat understanding of Elena's defense of Rebeca, but when she angrily turned on her loving, adoring daughter she's now made garnering any sympathy toward her almost impossible.

    That said, you are exactly right. Angel has and will continue to forgive her mother.

    I also loved the mariachi band; the music was lovely even without a singer.

    I am beyond anxious for a day off. As far as I can tell, the next time this will be preempted is Wednesday, June 5th. Fingers crossed!


  37. Vivir
    Everything has been covered already.
    So here are some costuming observations ... Both Elena and Jimena in hot pink today. Whomever wondered about when Rebeca would lose the neck brace, yes it is gone. She was still wearing that plunging black neckline shirt. Is it still the same day of the wake? Speaking of black shirts, the shirt Misael stole from Chris's room was black and he was wearing it when he shot Mau. A good lab hopefully can find one of his hairs on the shirt, (preferably from those stupid bangs) and Chris will be off the hook.

  38. Vivir

    Thanks Diana! Another fantastic snappy recap! And now I know what I have to look forward to and to dread tomorrow!!! It's mostly dread recently, it would be nice if we got some upbeat drama breaks - like bad karaoke possibly??? I have my doubts.

    While I agree Elena is treating Angel horribly, I don't think it's unforgivable. If you consider Angel is probably in her 30s and mom has always been a loving and supportive mother until the last several months, I would think you'd have plenty of room for forgiveness. As it's said, love covers a multitude of sins. Now if the mistreatment went on for years or became violent or malicious it would be different but so far, as cruel as Elena may be it is unintentional. Elena is just so completely blinded by the idea of getting her Frida back that she can't see the forest for the trees! Painful yes, but when Elena comes to her senses, as she almost certainly will I'm guessing Angel will forgive quickly.

    I feel like Renato just validated every negative feeling I have about him. This is what I don't like about beta nice guy in these situations, as you said, Angel isn't in love with him, he knows it; why ask her to marry him??? I say she should dump him too!!! Stay single into JE gets his act together (only saying this because it's a novela and we KNOW she's ending up with JE) or until you meet someone that you actually WANT to be with!!! Not the bachelor #2 wannabe that you're only looking at because 'you deserve an opportunity to be happy' Yuck!!! Rant over.

    Romina still sucks. I hope Javi and Mati don't get hurt. I want some ice cream... I digress.

    I wonder why Monica would still want to hold on to Aldolfo after all these years of unhappily ever after??? Just to make sure he can't return to Cris?? If he was the one with the money it would make more sense. It's sad to think that even after what 50-60 years she's still so obsessed with hating her sister when she could have just gotten over it and lived her life. I know a few people who've held grudges for decades and it just seems like such a waste.

  39. VIVIR

    Kat, great suggestion that one of Misael's hairs might be found on the shirt.

    Jimena looks great in vibrant hot pink; Elena, not so much.

    It's hard to tell one day from the next here but Beca does seem to be holding onto that black shirt.


  40. VIVIR

    Thank you for your always generous comments Darcy.

    "Romina still sucks" is perfect. I am afraid Javi and Mati will indeed get hurt as Romina is relentlessly self serving and selfish. Hopefully Fatima will provide the love and caring they deserve. Romina can visit them once in a while when she finds the time. (Ack).

    "I want some ice cream... I digress". Me too!

    Once all is revealed, Angel will forgive her mother and comfort her like the kind, caring daughter she is.

    Why anyone would want to marry knowing they are clearly second choice is beyond me. I'm hoping Angel doesn't compound the mistake by agreeing to marry him. She feels very vulnerable right now so...


  41. Darcy, Angelli is 22, Rebecca was missing 20 years. I'm thinking Monica and Chris's characters are 50 or so and that Misael and JE's characters are in their mid to late 20's. I agree Monica and Adolfo should have divorced years ago.

  42. VIVIR

    Angel was young but quite a bit older than 2 when Rebeca was abducted.


  43. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks, Diand. The writers made up for yesterday with a fun and quite entertaining show. Ya’ll served it up in your inimitable fashion. Shout outs to Sherlock, Bingo, and the proverbial skunk.

    I’d like to start with Doris and Icky. Several wonderful things happened during this exchange. First, Doris told him, “Con este chicle, no vuelves a pegar.” You won’t ever stick to this gum again, Honey! Go, Doris. Then when Daddy Doris (n茅e Armando Fuegos) intervened, Icky called him a “Boomer” & Grandpa and assumed he was Doris’ new flame. LOL. Finally, Doris inadvertently offended Gi (already mortified) by calling her his vieja. We are off to a good start!

    Big-Eyed Idiot Romina never ceases to annoy. The red flags with Bruno’s venture are SCREAMING, and to make matters worse, he showed up to the summit with his revolting ink on full display. I can’t wait for these two to get their anvils.

    When Rebecca and Misael were plotting (nice to see them outdoors), Misael told her he knew her like the back of his hand. Ok. This full-fledged knowledge must have happened offscreen because all we’ve really seen is 1 tryst and lots of criminal mischief. Does Misael have secret powers?

    Steve Boudreaux used to provide a fun body count during novelas’ runs. We may have to do a broken glass count as M贸nica, Misael, and I believe even JE have all smashed glasses to smithereens. Who will be next?

    How fulfilling was it to have Luciano tear into Romino? The latter is quickly giving Rebecca a run for the Pathological Liar money: Mati wanted to see a friend as a reason for their hacienda exodus. Wow. I hope Luciano keeps this intensity. Me likey.

    The upbeat music that played while Ang was reminiscin’ is “D贸nde Ir谩n” by Spanish pop group La Quinta Estaci贸n. It’s also the song that JE butchered at the bar. What a polite crowd. He’s lucky nobody pelted him with tomatoes, bottles, and/or glasses (see M贸nica, et. al. above). Instead they beanie-ly encouraged him to go after his love.

    I was/am hoping that Luciano sees something incriminating on BEIR’s tablet.

    I’m so used to being browbeaten by novela PSA’s that I was gobsmacked by JE’s drunk driving. Really, Televisa?

    This episode featured lots of music and skin. I’m not mad at it.

    Fashion note:
    •Mati was wearing a big, fat Palm Springs swestshirt. Random

  44. vivir

    Another terrific recap, Diana. Send my regards to your friend who helps with dialog. What a team!

    Cris seems to be back on solid ground and not falling apart. She told Adolfo, I think, something about two levels to his marriage to Monica. I assumed this meant that there was not only a civil ceremony, but a church wedding as well. Guess the only way Cris would have him is if he's a widower. This could happen easily when Monica's liver gives out.

    I'm starting to wonder if that white all around the eyes look is due to the Romina actor having had a less than expert facelift. Let me chime in how much I dislike this woman. And she's not as smart as she thinks she is. From what I recall, Bruno plans to somehow embezzle part of the money Misael already embezzled from the family business. Talk about poisoned fruit. Romina is so hot to be a big biz big shot that she swallowed Bruno's lie about having some "investments".

    Because of Elena being so insulting to her daughter, Angelli left, hurt, and did not tell her about Santiago likely back to gambling.

    Amen with the rest of you on being delighted to see Luciano take off the gloves. Romina did kidnap his children, the ones she deserted not so long ago.

    I LOVED Adolfo finally telling Monica he was through with the sham. Her eyes actually welled up. What?

    I knew as soon as JE took off his shirt that Rebeca would be all over him.

    Yep, JE was driving after, I think, 5 straight shots of tequila. Whoa!

    And, yes, I thought Renato was smarter than that. The mariachis alone would have been lovely, but he just got through telling her he'd be patient and now this abrupt proposal.

  45. Vivir

    Hmm if Angel was 22ish that would be interesting because when Kimberley dos Ramos was about 22 they cast her in a role of a character that was easily in her 40s (Vino el Amor) which I thought was extremely odd but she did absolutely slay that role! If she’s now playing 22 in her thirties that is about full circle! Lol

  46. Vivir de amor

    Diana and all, Tuesday was a really tough and busy day for me, running silly but necessary errands, and I was really wiped out by the time I got home. I decided to take a short nap and then woke up two and a half hours later :-)

    If I didn't know better I would swear I was getting older. Anyway, I am well behind now but hope to catch up by this evening with recordings, fun recaps and comments.

    See you all later!


  47. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you. Your humor was off the charts today. What a wonderful way to start the day.

    "This episode featured lots of music and skin. I’m not mad at it" was perfect as was your identifying all of the music! You pick up on every single detail (Mati's shirt).

    "The red flags with Bruno’s venture are SCREAMING, and to make matters worse, he showed up to the summit with his revolting ink on full display". It really was, wasn't it! I remember staring as I was typing and meant to say something about it but didn't. Now you have!

    You always note such invaluable information. "First, Doris told him, “Con este chicle, no vuelves a pegar.” You won’t ever stick to this gum again, Honey! Go, Doris". All of the translations you provided were great; these are things I couldn't begin to understand. Gracias.


  48. VIVIR

    Novelera, thank you so much.

    I really appreciate your explaining the two levels of marriage. "Guess the only way Cris would have him is if he's a widower. This could happen easily when Monica's liver gives out" had me laughing away.

    You are on fire today! "I'm starting to wonder if that white all around the eyes look is due to the Romina actor having had a less than expert facelift" followed by "Let me chime in how much I dislike this woman". Mission accomplished!! 馃槉

    Romina's ambition has overpowered any intellect she might have originally possessed. Actually falling for the snake oil Bruno is selling is unbelievable. Lesson NOT learned. She more than deserved Luciano's wrath.


  49. VIVIR

    Andy, a nap sounds good right about now. Actually, a nap sounds good any time.

    Looking forward to hearing from you once you've been able to watch...


  50. Vivir

    After watching:

    Romina not only claimed they came to the city so Mati could see a friend, she also said it was Mati’s idea not to tell Luciano because she thought he would say no!!!! Horrible witch!! Does the fact that we all hate her so much mean the actress is doing a good job???

    The Karaoke scene was painful, but I bet really fun to film!!! Hey, we want you to get up on stage, act drunk, and sing loud and off key!! I would think that would be almost therapeutic for an actor.

    I never understand novela women like Gi who get so offended when their husbands/boyfriends stand up for another woman who is being mistreated by a man in public! Doris was clearly distressed and although she didn’t appreciate the defense either, who would want to be with a person who would shrug and look the other way when they saw a woman (or any person who is vulnerable) in distress? IRL there are sadly a lot of people who get abused and hurt and continue getting abused and hurt because others don’t think it’s their place to interfere. Not my wife, gf, kid, etc but that person is being hurt!!! I can’t understand the my man better not defend any woman but me mindset!!!

  51. Vivir

    Wow... What a nice surprise it was to see all the new comments to enjoy with my coffee this morning They made the sunny day even sunnier. ..and funnier.

    O.S. Your comments always make me laugh. I want to sit next to you at a party .

    jE must have some kind of silent alarm on him that only dogs and Refried can hear....well, probsb?y just R. ....because Refried magically appears when he takes his shirt off .( See Esteban in El Amor no tiene refers and Gin.)
    I have seen this actor dancing and singing with Daniel Elbittar on YouTube . They can both sing and dance. Juan Osorio is hosting some show and Daniel, Irina B., and this actor are performing in it .

    OT. .I recorded and watched "Pasion" yesterday . It is on Unimas at 10,a.m. Wow, I forgot how campy it was ! Susana Gonzales and Sebastian Rulli are in it. Fernando Colunga as Captain Rick hasn't appeared yet.

    Dear Diana, Warrior Princess, thank you for his hosting this patio party. Susan

  52. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you very much for "Romina not only claimed they came to the city so Mati could see a friend, she also said it was Mati’s idea not to tell Luciano because she thought he would say no!!!! Horrible witch!! Does the fact that we all hate her so much mean the actress is doing a good job???"

    I am sure Luciano doesn't believe that Mati said not to tell him. What a liar. I have to admit the actress is really doing a good job of making her character unpalatable!


  53. VIVIR

    "jE must have some kind of silent alarm on him that only dogs and Refried can hear" made me laugh out loud Susan. Too, too funny!

    Pasion was so good. The opening credits were amazing and it remains one of my favorites. A role Colunga was born to play and of course Susana was marvelous.


  54. Pasion

    Diana, the patio was so excited waiting for this show. ....pirates, swords, horses, big hair.big dresses, William Levy sleeping with the spoiled rich girl. I think Marcelo Cordoba is in it . I think he played a kind servant.Mariana Carr win her weurd, big wig and gravelly voice. I will watch the second episode. It is much more over-the-top than I remembered , but it was made in 2007 when my life was less over the top , so . .......

  55. Pasion

    Diana, if you don't get Unimas, you can find videos of Pasion on YouTube , and I have Been reading the recaps here at caray. Melinama and Beckster were so funny and clever ! It is quite a trip down memory lane . Sylvia loved the show because she loved to sail.

    Do you remember the first telenovela you followed at Pratie Place (which later became caray)? Susan

  56. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana. Terrific job.

    I got a kick out of Misael's and Fatima's expressions seeing JE reject Rebeca's attempt to jump his bones. They cracked me up.

    One point to JE for not knocking on Angel's door. He muttered to himself that he didn't want her to see him such a mess. (Had he sobered up enough to regret the Karaoke too?)

    Gi had seen Armando sniffing around Doris at least twice before, so all she saw was green. Doris most def could've handled Icky by herself, but Armando (for once) impressed me jumping in. Finally an inkling of what Gi sees in him.

  57. O/T

    Susan, yes, Marcelo Cordoba was in Pasion, he was the love of LaFont's (Jose Eliaa Moreno's) daughter, Manuela (Anais). The woman William Levy was involved with in this was played by Maya Mishalska, who interestingly enough showed up last night on Golpe as the wicked stepmother (ths short hair black wig doesn't flatter her.

    I found Caray when Destilando Amor was on. Of those still commenting from that time, I think only you and Niecie remain (forgive me if I've missed anyone). I can't speak for those on the Telemundo side, I'm sure Novelera was here too.

    I do get Unimas but can't add another daytime TN, much as I am tempted to!


  58. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you so much.

    "One point to JE for not knocking on Angel's door. He muttered to himself that he didn't want her to see him such a mess. (Had he sobered up enough to regret the Karaoke too?)" Thank you for adding JE's comment which I didn't catch. If he didn't rue the Karaoke fiasco then, he surely did later. :)

    In terms of Armando stepping up to help Doris, "Finally an inkling of what Gi sees in him". Great point.


  59. Diana, I never would have recognized the actress in the black wig in Golpe as William Levy 's lover in Pasion in which she either had long, beautiful blonde hair or a spectacular wig !!! Susan

  60. VIVIR #64 Part 1

    Rebeca and Misael are in bed when Rebeca coldly states she has no remorse that Cris is spending the night in jail. Misael retorts that Cris will be behind bars for years. Then he adds he can arrange it so Cris will be in a living hell. (How could he be so cruel we wonder). Rebeca says no, it’s too risky as fingers might point to him. Misael assures her she needn’t worry; everyone believes it was Don Emilio who made the transactions. Misael will take advantage of the fact that JE will be focused on getting Cris out of jail. He will be able to move money around so he can create his own company. Misael thinks they shouldn’t just be partners in crime, they can be partners in business. Rebeca, (whose interests always precede those of anyone else), would rather he help her take everything from JE and leave him ruined! Maybe then she will think about being his partner. She won’t rest until she takes every last peso from JE. What a gal!

    Back to Renato on bended knee…Renato tells Angel he will do anything to win her heart; he wants to dedicate his life to her. JE is writhing in torment. Angel tells Renato she isn’t ready to make a decision. She wants to love him the way he deserves to be loved. Renato is sure it will happen because he will put all his effort into making her fall in love with him. Angel thanks him. Renato knows he said he would be patient and doesn’t want to pressure her so he will wait. He kisses her as she leans against his shoulder as sadness emanates from her eyes.

    In his car, thinking Angel said yes, JE takes his anger out on the steering wheel.

    Armando (in gray striped silk pj’s) and Gi (in a grey negligee and black silk robe) are having a “discussion”. He asks Gi not to make him suffer any more; he was only trying to protect the girl. Gi demands to know what he has going on with her. He lies through his teeth saying Doris is the daughter of an old friend of his, Rupertito. She cuts him off, saying to keep his silly stories to himself.

    Doris (OMG is she ever going to change that chartreuse shirt?) and Sebastian are having drinks. She says every time she is with him she learns something new. He feels the same way. She put her hands on his face and pulls him forward, kissing him. He seems to like it but pulls back a bit. After he leaves, she touches her lips with her fingertips.

    Back to Armando who continues to spew lies that he promised his friend he would take care of Doris after he died. When Gi asks about Doris’ mother, Armando says he doesn’t know anything.


  61. VIVIR #64 Part 2

    Romina and Luciano’s search for the children is fruitless as they arrive home. Ahh, the children enter a church as Luciano (violins playing in the background) laments their disappearance, calling out for them by name. Smart Mati leads Javi right to the confessional where she shuts the door as they sit on the floor as Mati puts her arm around her brother as she tells him they will be safe there.

    Luciano calls Fatima and asks if she is all right; he apologizes for being unable to answer. She tells Luciano (who is always a step behind) what happened with Cris and is too tired to talk. He tells her about Romina taking the kids and now they are missing. She offers to help but he says no he prefers to stay put in case they return.

    Monica goes to darken Cris’ cell to sling mud and gloat, enumerating the evidence against her. Cris could care less what Monica thinks. Monica tell her the evidence doesn’t lie, but Cris does! Cris is sure she will be released. Monica tells her she will pay for all the damage she’s done. Cris feels pity for her as she has such a terrible soul. Cris asks why she hates her so much. Monica claims Cris took everything from her she was always the center of attention. She did things at the expense of others including her. She pretended to be the good person to win everyone over. Monica says Cris will be there for the rest of her life while Monica is with the man she loves. Monica aske that God give those who can’t stand her patience because she has no intention of changing.

    Doris gets a huge bouquet of red roses she thinks are from Sebastian.

    Sebastian daydreams about Doris’ kiss as he touches his lips with his fingers. However, when his eyes light on the picture of him and Dulce, he gulps and looks guilty.

    Luciano has been trying to get into a game Javi plays but he doesn’t have the passcode. He leaves and Romina evil eyes his phone.

    JE is waiting at the restaurant and accosts Renato, wanting to talk man to man!

    While reading a street map, Mati remembers the street Lucas lives on. Javi hopes they can call their dad when they find Lucas. Then all of a sudden, Mati and Javi miraculously run into Angel!! She recognizes them immediately!

    JE tells Renato he hasn’t come to fight; the reason is Angel. He wants Renato to know what Angel means to him. She is the most important person to him, he loves her and he will love Angel forever. Renato tells him to allow Angel to move on with her life. JE tells him he and Angel made a promise that whatever happens, whoever they are with, their love will last forever. Renato reminds him he left Angel, let her down and hurt her. When Renato tells him it is he who loves Angel, JE argues that he has no idea how much he loves Angel and what he is willing to do for her. JE then concedes he accepts that Renato knew how to win and asks him to take care of Angel.

    Mati recognizes Angel as well and Angel asks why they are lost. Javi lets it slip they are alone. What Angel asks for their parents’ number they say they don’t know it. Angel wants them to go with her but they want to go to the marketplace to find Lucas. Angel knows his parents so she will take them.

    Jimena is doing laundry when she sees the red lipstick stain on Icky’s blue and white striped shirt. He come out of the bathroom and she throws the shirt at him and leaves. He sees it and spewing excuses, tries to call her back but she is out of there!

    Angel calls Fatima who will call Luciano to tell him where he can find the kids. Angel has to leave so she tells Carmelo to look after them. As Fatima calls, Romina grabs the phone and lights into her calling her a husband stealer. Luckily, Luciano comes out and grabs the phone and Fatima is able to tell him she knows where the kids are.


  62. VIVIR #64 Part 3 of 3

    Brayan’s henchies are spying and see Lucas with Loli and Pedrito! Then Mati and Javi show up and Lucas introduces them. Mati tells Lucas she can see the kids love him very much.

    Fatima tells Luciano the kids are good and she will send him the address. She smiles.

    Back in the bedroom, Misael is putting the moves on Rebeca again as she gets up and tells him to leave. He keeps kissing her but pushes him away. He dons his shirt, buttons up and they kiss a bit. He doesn’t care if they make a scandal (be careful what you wish for bub). I have to say the actors seem to smile, having fun. The door opens just as Fatima happens by.

    Fatima asks Misael what he is doing there. Misael says he was looking for JE. Fatima tells him JE left early. Fatima gives Rebeca’s nighty the stink eye and says she should dress more appropriately when talking with her cousin.

    Rebeca wonders why JE left so early. She calls JE but he tells her he is busy and hangs up. Rebeca’s hackles are up and she tells herself she needs to find out if JE is still seeing Angel.

    Sebastian gives JE a folder and says he knows he has a lot on his mind. JE tells him they are giving his mother the Harrison test to rule out that she shot the gun. We do indeed see Cris’ hands being swabbed. Sebas is sorry for all that is happening. JE wonders what else could possibly happen; his life is chaos. Last night he found out Angel is marrying Renato and there is nothing he can do. He feels trapped and doesn’t know when this nightmare will end. But for now, he must concentrate on the company so they won’t go bankrupt.

    Angel has followed through on making arrangements for her coworkers to learn English. Lupe, Marisa, Pinky, and others gathered. Angel will start with the basics, and indeed she does. They play the name game…My name is… …they smile and laugh delightedly. ___

    Jimena walks into the kitchen and asks Renato why he is so happy. He tells her he asked Angel to marry him. Angel didn’t give him a definite no and he is sure that when he least expects it, she will say yes. (Sounds like my pipe dream of winning the lottery, but I digress). Her face reflecting her kind concern, Gi says she just doesn’t want Renato to get hurt.

    JE is lost in thought as Renato’s words reverberate in his head. He murmurs he will never forget her; even if he has to spend his life with Rebeca, his heart will always be hers.

    Rebeca struts into the cooperative, not a mask or gown to be seen. Pinky runs after her yelling that she has to follow protocol but her pleas fall on deaf ears. She sashays into Angel’s office and demands to speak with her. Angel asks Marisa to leave them alone and Marisa says she will be right outside if she needs her. Angel looks Rebeca straight in the eye and asks her what she wants now.

    Needless to say the fact I included “the Harrison test” is definitive proof I had my friend’s marvelous and infinitely helpful assistance. I am so grateful.


  63. Vivir,
    Diana, the one conversation that I didn't get the jist of was between Brayan's henchmen. Did they decide they couldn't 'take care of him’ then because the kids, and then Mati and Javi showed up? I had to laugh at Armondo's tall tale of his friend who lost an eye that asked him to take care of Doris. The fact she was still in the green shirt means it was still all the same day, which also explains Rebecas's plunging neckline black shirt. Jimena mixed it up today wearing a bold red dress. She looked a bit regretful when Renato told her he popped the question and she didn't flat out refuse.
    I still have questions about the timeline of Mau's death. How long does gun residue last. It seemed like it was a week of episodes at least, but as the never ending wake day took a week to cover from dawn to dusk it could have actually been just the day before. I noticed Chris didn't have the blanket yet that they supposedly purchased for her. I guess prisons are rough in Mexico, no blankets or food from the sounds of it, since your recap mentioned JE paid for her to have a meal and a blanket.

  64. "VIVIR":

    Darcy: I doubt Elena might be among the living sooner or later if they're going by the Portuguese original because Nutty Becca is wreaking havoc determined to destroy Angel's life.


    *Anibal & Alison still gonna Anibal & Alison.

    *Buji Priscilla scheming with Scumbag Augie's Hired Gun. Nothing good is coming of this period!

    *Karina holding Luz in her arms when she tells Manuela that Alison is with Anibal. Of course, Manuela isn't thrilled about this development.

    *Renata still triggered by the Fake News story about Jeronimo abandoning her at the wedding. Speaking of Jeronimo, we see him being treated at the Special Herb Lady's hpuse, the same place where Matilde was recovering awhile back.

    *Slacker Berta & Scumbag Augie still scheming & plotting more chaos for the 83rd time LOL.

    *German with his wife, Gema at one of the swanky fancy restaurants in Mexico City.

    *Connie is FINALLY freed & cleared from prison HORRAY. Safe to assume Corina went to prison!

    *Gonzalo, Regina, Connie, Renata, DetectiveDude, Antonio discussing the Jeronimo situation, etc., at the Monterrubio Mansion.

    *Antonio & Renata speak with Marina at her fancy apartment to discuss what she & Jeronimo were supposedly doing.

    *Marina speaks with one of the doctors at the hospital about something that I couldn't comprehend.

    *Sometime earlier in this morning's double episodes, Antonio discussed the Jeronimo situation with both Lazaro & Karina.

    *Speaking of Jeronimo, he's still recovering from the obvious injuries that Scumbag Augie's henchmen inflicted on him. Wake me up when the Maury Povich MIC DROP reveals Renata as Regina's daughter because they've got the same mannerisms.


    Apologies, I meant to say Uncle Padre Seve spoke with Lazaro & Karina about the situation regarding Jeronimo & Marina, etc.,

  67. VIVIR

    Kat, to be honest, I was focusing on the kids' conversation rather than what Brayan's henchmen were saying so can't confirm what they said.

    Armando did indeed weave a tall tale didn't he?? His obvious lies were laughable. That said, I'm glad he is looking out for Doris and I think (and hope) the truth will come out in time.

    Doris has worn the same shirt for at least three episodes as has Beca.

    The timelines here utterly confuse me. I still don't know how much time passed between Mau being murdered and when his body was found.

    I think Jimena's reaction was genuine concern that Renato was going to be hurt but I thought that was mixed with surprise and disappointment that he proposed so quickly.


  68. Vivir. Once again, congrats to you and your friend, Diana, for the superb recap. I don't know where you find all the energy. Thanks to my cat, I missed the first few words of the conversation between Rebeca and Misael, but I'm not surprised that Rebeca said she felt no remorse at Cris's imprisonment. (more like sadistic satisfaction, I would guess). Renato's proposal was kind of anti-climactic. Not a yes or no, but the same old same old "Let me think about it.". We keep getting more and more hints that Armando is Doris's father. And what a daughter: Despite her working-class origins and job, Doris is both very intelligent and witty. Yes, that was a great idea on Mati's part to take shelter in a church and sleep in the confessional. Of course, Mati's and Javi's encounter with Angelli strains credulity. What a coincidence! Btw, I am expecting an encounter between Luciano and the 2 not-especially-competent gang henchmen. I too wondered if a hand swab of Cris wasn't too late to prove or disprove the existence of gun residue. At the very least, they should have done that the moment she was arrested. And given that Monica knows exactly how Mau died, it is both creepy and hypocritical the way she berates Cris for being a murderer.

  69. Vivir. And btw, when you google Vivir de amor now, in addition to the list of episodes already available in Mexico, you get a list of questions about the novela. The first is how many episodes there are. The answer is 125, just as we suspected, so more back and forth, back and forth for weeks to come. I hope Cris isn't in jail that long!

  70. Vivir

    Thanks Diana, and friend, I enjoyed reading all the details. The only highlights were Angel running into the kids and then the kids finding Lucas. Mati was impressed at the way he was with the kids.

    I can’t believe Fatima doesn’t suspect anything when she sees Misael coming out of Rebeca’s room. Or maybe she did but decided not to say anything.

    I love that Rebeca is so jealous that she always thinks JE and Angel are together. And I hate that JE thinks Angel said yes. Well, that’s ok really, as Renato pointed out that he left Angel, and let her down and hurt her. Good going Renato.

    I can’t believe Romina. Her kids are missing but she answers Luciano’s phone and starts yelling at her. If Luciano hadn’t grabbed the phone they wouldn’t have found the kids.

    Monica is crazy. She knows her son killed Mau but accuses her sister and was really mean to her.

    I did not like the smile on Rebeca’s face at the end. What is she planning?


  71. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana. Another terrific afternoon treat.

    So what has taken (presumed dad) Armando so long to connect with Doris?

    Wondering how Sebas will feel when he finds out Doris is Rebeca's BFF. Sorry, fella, but if her best friend is that BS crazy and mean, you better watch out.

    Got my fingers crossed that Angel won't let Rebeca rattle her.

  72. VIVIR

    Thank you so very much SpanProf.

    "I'm not surprised that Rebeca said she felt no remorse at Cris's imprisonment. (more like sadistic satisfaction, I would guess)" was perfect!

    "Doris is both very intelligent and witty", ITA. Her street smarts have also served her well except of course that she refuses to shed her poisonous BFF. I am hoping she will have clarity soon.

    You are exactly right in noting Cris should have had the hand swab test immediately following her arrest.

    And finally, this nugget: "...given that Monica knows exactly how Mau died, it is both creepy and hypocritical the way she berates Cris for being a murderer". Excellent.

    Thank you for confirming there will be 125 episodes. I can hardly believe it as we've just passed the halfway mark!


  73. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Liz.

    "I love that Rebeca is so jealous that she always thinks JE and Angel are together. And I hate that JE thinks Angel said yes. Well, that’s ok really, as Renato pointed out that he left Angel, and let her down and hurt her. Good going Renato" were excellent observations.

    From the quick but laser like side eye Fatima gave Rebeca, I got the impression she knew exactly what was going on. She knows exactly who Rebeca is.

    I don't have any idea what Beca is planning but it certainly isn't good!


  74. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you.

    I suspect Armando hasn't connected with Doris because he is afraid of Gi's reaction. It will be interesting to find out the real backstory.

    Doris being Beca's ride or die is definitely going to be a problem if her relationship with Sebastian is to move forward. You are exactly right.


  75. Vivir

    Dear Diana, thank you and your friend for another excellent report on every scene .

    Refrida is pretty physically intimidating . She looks like a girl who could hurt you.

    I enjoyed the look on Fatima's face as Misael opened the bedroom door and Refrida was right behind him. Ha.

    We all know that long suffering Angel will end up with hissyfiting man child JE, but in real life Renato would be a better choice . JE has anger issues and throws back too many tequila shots.

    Renato will end up with Jimena,who appreciates him . Susan

  76. Vivir

    Thank you Diana! Like these boys in the baseball game, I'm watching that keep hitting home runs, you knocked it out of the park!!! I really enjoy your humor and even though recapping day after day can be exhausting, your recaps just keep getting better!!!

    I find it hard to hate Monica because she's just so pathetic... it's sad! And Romina, well I do hate her, she's not even worried about the kids she's too focused on Fatima. Woman, you abandoned your own husband and children, where do you find the nerve to paint yourself as the wounded victim????

    I do agree that it's noveland odds that Javi and Mati would happen to run into Angel, but it reminded me of a time when I was on vacation in a small town a good 12+ miles from home; and I ran into a girl from my school!!! It seems impossible, but sometimes the unlikely does happen. And yes, Mati was smart to go to church and sleep in the confessional. I slept on the streets one night when I was a young teen - totally due to my own defiance and stupidity not any actual need. I went to an apt laundry room and slept there.

    I wouldn't think gun residue would last that long either, but you can never underestimate novela law. It would be interesting if the test came back positive... how could they account for that? It will probably come back inconclusive though, a misdirect. Didn't they try to too late gun residue test on Santi when they thought he shot Dulce??? Or am I getting that confused with a different novela? I know I saw that plot trick recently.

    If we really are getting 125 episodes I hope they have some nice twists in store for us because I don't see where they are going to stretch it. Sadly I have seen too many shows where the overall show quality could have been improved by fewer episodes and tighter storylines. Shows where you are absolutely loving it on ep 60 but by 115 you just can't wait for it to end!!!

  77. I meant 12+ HOURS from home!!! LOL That is totally hilarious as if it would be odd to run into someone you know a whole 12 miles from your home!!!!

  78. VIVIR

    Susan, thank you...

    "We all know that long suffering Angel will end up with hissyfiting man child JE.... JE has anger issues and throws back too many tequila shots" is spot on!

    I agree - Frida looks like she could mop the floor with JE and Misael. At the same time, one hand tied behind her back. She IS a bad beyotch!


  79. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you again for your wonderful recaps. The novela makes a lot more sense with your recap as a scorecard and guide.

    I do remember Santiago's advising Renato to propose, but I never thought Renato was so silly as to listen to Santiago.

    I admit that when I see JE and Angel together my trigger finger itches and moves itself to the FFWD button. It must be me, but I find these two to be a really boring couple.

    Another thing is that I keep reminding myself that this is a Mejia production. Time ebbs and flows in decidedly different rates with him. I think that if I understood the Spanish better I could better enjoy the games he plays with various things. He seems like a whodunit author who drops tiny hints here and there for only the serious reader to find and understand.

    Or he could just be weird. Have we seen the moon lately?

    I saw Refrida brush Misael's weird lock of hair off his face, but it naturally just returned to where it always is. Unusual thing for her to do. Odd hair style to begin with.
    I have to wonder if a tipsy Monica ever dropped Misael on his head when he was a baby.

    There are quite a few characters in this novela that I really don't care about much at all. Brayan and his troop of monkeys, for instance. Also Romina, Iker, Bruno...
    On the other hand, don Emilio, Pedrito and Loli, Doris and Wanda, Lucas and family, are all OK or better.

    Meh, I just like to complain sometimes.


  80. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for your very kind words; I so appreciate your support...

    "And Romina, well I do hate her" had me laughing. She is SO unlikeable and SO devious, just loathsome. I have a strong suspicion Novelera is right there with us!

    As improbable as it was, I liked the fact Angel "found" Mati and Javi before the "missing children" subplot was strung out too long.

    Luciano is always a day late and a dollar short isn't he?? Nice guy but he needs to catch up!

    I'm impressed you chose a safe place to sleep that night on your own. You have good instincts that served you well.

    "Didn't they try to too late gun residue test on Santi when they thought he shot Dulce???" Darcy, that is ringing a faint bell, but like you, I'm not positive it was here rather than another TN!

    Your case about longer TNs extending past their expiration date was well stated. Although the action has kept up a good pace thus far, I am wondering how the writers are going to manage to craft new, convincing stories for the long haul.


  81. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio. My name is…O.S.

    Thanks, Diand. Unfortunately, the fun, music, and skin all came to a screeching halt with this episode. At least we have your wonderful recap to keep us from nodding off. My favorite bits: chartreuse, henchies, and bub!

    For the record, there is no such thing as “too many tequila shots.” LOL …only folks who can’t handle them. Susan, come sit by me. You’ll be fine.

    Armando showed off some style (silk pjs) and comedy chops. Until now he’s been a loathsome and smarmy bit player. Today he entertained. His tall tale about ol’ one-eyed Rupert (Ruperto el tuerto) was fantastic. And begging Rupis not to come in the middle of the night and pull Gi’s leg had me rolling.

    Fashion note: the pranksters in Wardrobe must hate Romina (along with the patio). The Mom jeans they put her in were monstrous. Sucky Mom jeans?

    JE’s man-to-man talk with Renato was false advertising - more like a man-child-to-overeager-beaver chat. What the hell has happened to our galanes? These two pitiful excuses for masculinity are an affront to heroes of yore. After all the whining, I’m surprised they didn’t hug it out and vow to grow the best man-buns in Mexico City.

    Funky editing: Ang leaves the kids with Carmelo at the marketplace. All of a sudden (next scene), they are walking (unattended) towards Lucas & Co. My understanding is that the henchies (LOL) are under strict orders from Brayan to abduct Lucas when he is alone. Nobody is to see them.

    I love me some true crime, but I’d never heard the gunpowder residue test’s formal name (Harrison Test). I’m filing this under Learn Something New Every Day!

    Pinky’s mention of es-Spanglish may have made me little homesick.

  82. VIVIR

    "Hola, Patio. My name is…O.S." HA! Just great.

    Thank you for your very kind words O.S.

    "JE’s man-to-man talk with Renato was false advertising - more like a man-child-to-overeager-beaver chat. What the hell has happened to our galanes? These two pitiful excuses for masculinity are an affront to heroes of yore" had me smiling and nodding in vigorous agreement. We need more of the one true galan, Don Emilio.

    It was strange that Mati and Javi just wandered off and more so that Carmelo let them. At least the youngest set showing up prevented Lucas' abduction. For the time being.

    "Armando showed off some style (silk pjs) and comedy chops. Until now he’s been a loathsome and smarmy bit player. Today he entertained" - he certainly did! The crazy tale he told was almost as tall as he! I am looking forward to seeing how this (likely) father/daughter reunion will play out.


  83. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you for your very nice words.

    I always savor your wit and wisdom, especially this: "Another thing is that I keep reminding myself that this is a Mejia production. Time ebbs and flows in decidedly different rates with him...He seems like a whodunit author who drops tiny hints here and there for only the serious reader to find and understand" - so insightful.

    "Or he could just be weird. Have we seen the moon lately?" No, actually it's been a bit.

    With so much strife from the outset, I've only enjoyed JE and Angel the few times that JE has managed not to scream, yell and believe the worst about Angel. Which is minutes only actually :)

    Thankfully there are characters here who deserve (and have) our affection. Hopefully, most if not all will have the HEAs they deserve.


  84. Pasi贸n

    One of my favorite telenovelas of all times!!!!

    Carla Estrada, "where are you"??

  85. Amor Real

    My second favorite telenovela. I've probably watched it a dozen times.

    Only 'Coraz贸n Salvaje' with Edith Gonzalez and Eduardo Palomo is rated #1, IMHO.!!!

  86. Vivir

    Well, we all have to gird our loins because JE may not be the galan we want, but he is definitely the guy Angel is going to end up with. Maybe he will somehow become a better man ...somehow. Hey, what happened to JE's spunky young protege Pedrito? We need his smiling face on the screen. I'd like to see him in a scene with cranky, nasty Refried.

    O.S. pointed out that Mati had on a sweatshirt with " Palm Springs " on it , and last night , I noticed That Javi's shirt had " the best is coming." okay.
    Let's hope so. I always get a kick out of how much the telenovela kids and teens love shirts with English words . There are lots in " so Amor no tiene receta."

    Can't wait to see what happens tonight . I think the writers are setting us up for an eventual Doris redemption and reeducation via Dad Armando and sweet Sebastian .Maybe Go will take her under her wing when she discovers she is Armando's.
    Let's see if Doris's wardrobe starts to settle down . Is there anything in her Crap from Afar boutique that isn't tight, short, and sequined ? ( That was a catty rhetoric question ) Does Wanda have a tasteful frock that Doris could borrow ?...another rhetorical question.


  87. OT...Victoria ...Carla Estrada and Fernando made three great historical telenovelas together. They were my favorites until I watched " Fatmagul" A Turkish dizi that Dondi recommended . I am enjoying watching Pasion again after so many years . It is much campier than I remember .

